Use of Therapeutic Laser For Prevention and Treatment of Oral Mucositis
Use of Therapeutic Laser For Prevention and Treatment of Oral Mucositis
Use of Therapeutic Laser For Prevention and Treatment of Oral Mucositis
ISSN 0103-6440
University Hospital, School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Oral mucositis (OM) affects patients who are submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) due to high doses of che-
motherapy and/or radiotherapy. The purpose of this investigation was to perform a comparative study of the frequency and evolution
of OM among patients subjected to therapeutic laser and to the conventional therapy (use of mouthwash called “Mucositis Formula”).
The patients were subjected to a myeloablative conditioning regimen before the allogeneic HSCT. Twenty-two patients were selected
and divided into 2 groups: group I was irradiated with InGaAlP laser (660 nm) and GaAlAs laser (780 nm), 25 mW potency, 6.3J/
cm2 dose, in 10-s irradiation time, followed to conventional treatment; group II was subjected only to the conventional treatment.
Both World Health Organization (WHO) scale and the Oral Mucositis Assessment Scale (OMAS) were used to evaluate the results.
Data were analyzed by the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, with p<0.05 considered as statistically significant. Group I presented a
lower frequency of OM (p=0.02) and lower mean scores, according to WHO and OMAS scales (p<0.01 and p=0.01, respectively).
In conclusion, laser reduced the frequency and severity of OM, suggesting that therapeutic laser can be used both as a new form of
prevention and treatment of OM.
Key Words: oral mucositis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, therapeutic laser.
Correspondence: Vivian Youssef Khouri, Unidade de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão
Preto, USP, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, 14048-900 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Tel: + 55-16-3602-2609. e-mail:
Transplant Unit (BMTU) of the University Hospital of kg) with fludarabine (D-6 to D-2, 30 mg/m2), 4 patients
the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University received total body irradiation (D-6 to D-4, 990 cGy
of São Paulo (UHSMRP/USP), Brazil, a mouthwash total) and cyclophosphamide (D-3 to D-2, 60 mg/kg/)
known as “Mucositis Formula” has been used for the and 1 patient received fludarabine (30 mg/m2)/citarabine
treatment of clinical manifestations of OM, such as pain, (2000 mg/m2)/mitoxantrone (10 mg/m2) from D-10 to
erythema and ulceration. This oral rinse was developed D-7 and melfalan (D-3 to D-2, 70 mg/m2).
at the UHSMRP/USP, Brazil, and is a combination of All patients were subjected to treatment with
antiinflammatory (benzidamine), antifungal (nistatin) methotrexate in combination with cyclosporine after
and anesthetic agents (neututocain) and distilled water. transplantation for prevention of graft-versus-host
Rubenstein et al. (7) described experimental disease.
therapies using for the prevention or treatment of OM Inclusion criteria were: 12 years of age or older,
such as cryotherapy, benzidamine and palifermin, which both genders, hematologic or onco-hematologic disease,
reduced the severity of mucositis. According to Campos myeloablative conditioning regimen, and allogeneic
et al. (8), laser therapy offers as a new approach for the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Exclusion cri-
prevention and treatment of OM, reducing the pain and teria were: autoimmune disease, non-myeloablative
stimulating the salivary glands. conditioning regimen, and haploidentical or autologous
In view of the small number of studies on the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Groups I and II
use of therapeutic laser for the prevention and treat- were subjected to different protocols for the prevention
ment of OM, this study compared the frequency and and treatment of OM.
course of OM between groups of patients managed with The prevention phase for both groups started on
therapeutic laser and conventional treatment (“Mucositis the first day of conditioning and lasted until the initial
Formula”). clinical manifestation of mucositis in the oral cavity.
The standard protocol for oral hygiene consisted of
MATERIAL AND METHODS using soft-bristle toothbrushes and rinsing with 0.9%
saline 4 times a day after meals, followed by rinsing
The study was conducted at the BMTU of the with a benzidamine solution at the same frequency.
UHSMRP/USP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, from March In the beginning of 2006, the benzidamine solution
2004 to September 2006, with the participation of 22 was replaced by an alcohol-free 0.12% chlorhexidine
patients subjected to allogeneic HSCT. The study was
approved by the local Research Ethics Committee
(Protocol #1534/2004) and all subjects gave written Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients.
informed consent to participate in the study.
The patients were randomized into 2 groups ac- Group I Group II
cording to the order of hospitalization. Demographic Laser therapy Mucositis Formula
(n=12) (n=10)
characteristics of both groups are shown in Table 1.
The conditioning regimen (high dose chemo-
Mean age (years) 32.7 27.5
therapy) was given to the 2 groups before stem cell infu-
sion. In group I, 2 patients received cyclophosphamide Gender
(D-5 to D-2, 50 mg/kg), 6 patients received busulfan Male 10 7
(D-7 to D-4, 1 mg/kg) with cyclophosphamide (D-3 Female 2 3
to D-2, 60 mg/kg), 3 patients received busulfan (D-6
to D-3, 1 mg/kg) with fludarabine (D-6 to D-2, 30 mg/
m2) and 1 patient received total body irradiation (D-6 Acute myeloid leukemia 5 3
to D-4, 990 cGy total) and cyclophosphamide (D-3 to Acute lymphoid leukemia 1 2
D-2, 60 mg/kg).
Chronic myeloid leukemia 3 2
In group II, 1 patient received busulfan (D-7 to
D-4, 1 mg/kg) with cyclophosphamide (D-3 to D-2, 60 Severe aplastic anemia 2 2
mg/kg), 2 patients received busulfan (D-6 to D-3, 1 mg/ Myelodysplastic syndrome 1 1
WHO scale are presented in Figure 1. Comparison of 75% reported not requiring analgesics for oral pain, 25%
the course of OM between patients of groups I and II, reported use the analgesics to oral pain, 100% pain to
showed that group I presented a lower frequency of OM swallowing, 100% improvement after laser applications.
(Fig. 1) and the difference between groups was statisti-
cally significant (p=0.02). DISCUSSION
The mean grade of mucositis observed in group I
was 1.75 ± 0.45, whereas group II presented a mean of OM is the most common and uncomfortable
2.45 ± 0.93. The difference between groups was statisti- adverse effect in patients subjected to high doses of
cally significant (p<0.01), according to the WHO scale. chemotherapy or radiotherapy and in patients subjected
Regarding the size of ulcerations in the oral cavity as a to HSCT. The clinical consequences are presence of pain
whole, group I presenting fewer sites with ulcerations/ and difficulty in feeding, swallowing and speaking (17).
pseudomembranes and a smaller number of lesions Several therapies for the prevention and treatment
compared to group II (Fig. 2). of OM have been tested, The most recent one was the
Using the OMAS scale, the mean frequencies use of palifermin (human recombinant keratinocyte
of OM observed in groups I and II were 7.0 ± 3.2 and growth factor, KGF), which stimulates epithelial cells.
14.0 ± 8.3, respectively, with statistically significant The results were significant, with reduction of both the
difference (p=0.01) between the groups. Figure 3 illus- incidence and the duration of severe OM, and improve-
trates the maximum OM values (ulceration + erythema) ment of pain (5).
according to the OMAS score. It can be seen that the Some therapeutic agents have shown insufficient
same values were obtained when laser therapy was used evidence in the literature regarding the prevention and/
and the results were statistically significant (p=0.026). or treatment of mucositis, such as chlorhexidine (preven-
There was no clinical difference in the manifestation tion), aminofostine (treatment), and chamomile (preven-
of erythema between groups, according to the OMAS tion and treatment), as reported by Rubenstein et al. (7).
scale. In group I, 10 patients presented mild/moderate Several studies have shown the benefits of thera-
erythema (83.3%) and mild/moderate to severe erythema peutic laser to prevent and treat oral mucositis and has
occurred in 2 patients (16.6%), while in group II, 8 pa- several biological effects such as pain relief, antiinflam-
tients presented mild/moderate erythema (80%), severe matory effects and acceleration of the regeneration of
erythema occurred in 1 patient (10%) and only 1 patient damaged tissues (10). Thus, laser therapy is a noninva-
this group did not present erythema (10%). sive technique that promotes pain relief and reduce the
Regarding the answers to the questionnaire ap- severity of oral mucositis in patients subjected HSCT,
plied to group I, 50% of the patients reported fewer le- as reported by Jaguar et al. (20).
sions, 10% more lesions, 40% did not show any lesions, The first studies in patients involved the use of
helium-neon (He-Ne) laser with a wavelength of 632.8
Figure 1. Frequency of oral mucositis in groups I and II (p=0.02). Figure 2. Size of the lesions in groups I and II.
nm (9), while current studies use several types of diodes laser (685 nm) was used, 35 mW, 2 J/cm2 per point of
such as the InGaAIP laser of 660 nm (18), the InGaAlP application, and OM was graded according to National
laser of 685 nm (14) and 660 nm (12), the GaAlAs laser Institute’s Common Toxicity Criteria. The use of laser
of 830 nm (16). for prophylaxis showed reduction of mucositis in group
Eduardo et al. (18) reported the use of a InGaAIP 1 [8 patients (73%) presented OM grade 0] when com-
laser (660 nm) with 40 mW and energy density of 4 J/ pared to group 2 [2 patients (27%) had no OM]. The
cm2 (for prevention of ulceration) or 6 J/cm2 (for treat- use of laser for treatment in group III was done when
ment of confirmed ulcerations) in 30 patients undergoing OM was diagnosed and these patients noted pain relief
autologous (63.3%) or allogeneic (36.7%) HSCT. The and without oral mucositis worsening after laser.
results showed improvement of OM after laser therapy. In the present study, the group I was irradiated
According to Lopes et al. (14), laser treatment at several with AlGaInP (660 nm) and GaAlAs (780 nm) lasers
sites in the oral cavity during chemotherapy and radio- with 25 mW power, 6.3 J/cm2 dose, in 10 s time. The 2
therapy reduces the severity and duration of OM, oral lasers were used alternately from the start of the con-
pain and xerostomia. Antunes et al. (12) investigated the ditioning regimen until the D+15 post-transplantation.
use InGAlP laser (660 nm) with 50 mW and 4 J/cm2 for The WHO and OMAS scales were used for evaluating
prevention and reduction of OM in patients subjected to OM, according to Antunes et al. (12).
autologous or allogeneic HSCT. The WHO and OMAS Comparison of the course of OM between the use
scales were used simultaneously for the evaluation of to therapeutic laser (group I) and “Mucositis Formula”
mucositis in the oral cavity. The result was a reduction (group II) showed that group I presented a lower fre-
of the progression of the OM with better pain control quency and severity of OM, according to WHO scale.
with laser therapy. With the application of the OMAS scale, 33.30% patients
The use of laser therapy can be a powerful in- did not show any lesions and 66.60% showed lesions of
strument to reduce of mucostis in patients undergoing <1 cm2, whereas group II developed a major frequency
chemotherapy. In a pilot clinical study (13), the pediatric of OM and more extensive lesions.
patients were randomized to group I (prophylactic laser The use of therapeutic laser in the present study
irradiation), group II (placebo laser irradiation) and showed positive outcomes and the efficacy of laser to
group III (therapeutic laser irradiation). The AsGaAl prevent and treat OM in patients subjected to HSCT,
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in accordance with data
found in the literature (8,11-16,18,20) and the results
were similar to those obtained by Antunes et al. (12).
The outcomes of the present study add to the evidence
that therapeutic laser can be an effective option for the
prevention and treatment of OM in patients subjected to
HSCT with the absence of adverse effects or discomfort,
as suggested by other authors (11,13).
However, few patients have been treated and
most studies are not randomized. Thus, further studies
with therapeutic laser on patients susceptible to OM are
needed, preferably using a larger population. Neverthe-
less, in order to avoid conflicting results, it is necessary
to standardize irradiation protocols for patients subjected
to high doses of chemotherapy, followed or not by BMT.
The availability of specialized professionals qualified
for the use of laser according to safety guidelines is of
paramount importance.
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Accepted August 11, 2009