Wireless Sensors Networks For Internet of Things: Nacer Khalil, Mohamed Riduan Abid, Driss Benhaddou, Michael Gerndt

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2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP)

Symposium on Public Internet of Things

Singapore, 21–24 April 2014

Wireless Sensors Networks for Internet of Things

Nacer Khalil #1, Mohamed Riduan Abid #2, Driss Benhaddou †3, Michael Gerndt *4
School of Science and Engineering, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco

School of Engineering and Technology, University of Houston, USA
Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Germany
{1 n.khalil, 2 r.abid}@aui.ma, 3 dbenhaddou@uh.edu, 4 gerndt@in.tum.de

Abstract—The Internet is smoothly migrating from an Internet e.g., automation, weather sensing, and Smart Grids (SGs). The
of people towards an Internet of Things (IoT). By 2020, it is latter is one of the most promising IoT applications. In SGs,
expected to have 50 billion things connected to the Internet. Wireless Sensors are used to measure and keep track of energy
However, such a migration induces a strong level of complexity
when handling interoperability between the heterogeneous Inter- consumption and production in order to optimize energy usage.
net things, e.g., RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification), mobile In general, Internet things communicate by producing and
handheld devices, and wireless sensors. In this context, a couple consuming information and execute smart algorithms to in-
of standards have been already set, e.g., IPv6, 6LoWPAN (IPv6 teract intelligently with other things in the Internet. Besides,
over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks), and M2M Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is used to uniquely iden-
(Machine to Machine communications). In this paper, we focus
on the integration of wireless sensor networks into IoT, and shed tify the things in the Internet. To enable the integration of
further light on the subtleties of such integration. We present a WNS in the IoT, there are two key points that should be
real-world test bed deployment where wireless sensors are used added to the relevant protocols: First, the IPv6 over Low
to control electrical appliances in a smart building. Encountered power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) protocol
problems are highlighted and suitable solutions are presented. should be implemented and deployed in Wireless Sensor Net-
Index Terms—WSN, 6LoWPAN, TinyOS, IoT, Cyber Physical
System works (WSNs); Second, Machine to Machine communications
(M2M) protocols [3] need to be standardized.
In this paper, we deploy a wireless sensor network (WSN) test
bed and use 6LoWPAN to leverage wireless sensors as Internet
The Internet of Things (IoT) is smoothly migrating from an end-with a two- way communication capability. The deployed
Internet of people towards an Internet of Things. According tested is composed of a WSN, a middleware, and a mobile
to Cisco [1], 50 billion things will be connected to the client for smart home energy monitoring and control. Data is
Internet in 2020, thus overshadowing the data generated by collected from the motes within the WSN and communicated
humans. This is limited by the birth rate: in 2020, it is to the middle-ware. The mobile client is able to monitor and
expected to have 8 billion people worldwide [2]. The things visualize the sensed data and control appliances remotely. The
to be connected to the Internet largely vary in terms of main two contributions of this paper are:
characteristics. This ranges from very small and static devices
(e.g., RFIDs) to large and mobile devices (e.g., vehicles). Such
1) Identifying the challenges of deploying IPv6 over
heterogeneity induces complexity and stipulates the presence
6LoWPAN, and ways to interface with IPv4 networks.
of an advanced middleware that can mask this heterogeneity
The paper presents the performance of the deployed
and promote transparency. In particular, Wireless Sensor Net-
network in terms of delay in different segments of the
works (WSNs) are connecting things to the Internet through a
gateway that interfaces the WSN to the Internet. Unlike other
2) Identifying the challenges of deploying a two-way com-
networks, WSNs have the particular characteristic of collecting
munication between the wireless sensors and the Internet
sensed data (temperature, motion, pressure, fire detection,
users, and implementing in the WSN.
Voltage/current, etc) and forwarding it to the gateway through
a one-way communication protocol. Even though most WSN
protocols were not designed for two-way communications, The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
they should also be able to receive information and send it presents related work and background. Section III describes
to the sensors (as a form of a command for instance), and the system architecture. In section IV, the deployment of
react on behalf of the commander/user, e.g., automating home the system is highlighted and section V presents relevant
appliances. experiments evaluating the system. The paper is concluded
IoT will integrate rich set of applications into the Internet, by section VI.

978-1-4799-2843-9/14/$31.00 © 2014 IEEE
II. BACKGROUND AND L ITERATURE R EVIEW . In [5], authors present the requirements for deploying an
IoT gateway, and propose architecture for the corresponding
IoT is a new Internet paradigm based on the fact that system to be deployed in the gateway. A similar architecture to
there will be much more things than humans connected to what is presented in this paper uses Global System for Mobile
the Internet. This means that machines/things will be able Communications (GSM) to communicate information [9].
to communicate autonomously without the need to interact From the architectural point of view, integrating SGs into
with human beings, thus rendering them into becoming the IoT imposes the stringent need of addressing heterogeneity.
major entity generating data in the Internet. Currently, there An IoT gateway system based on Zigbee and GPRS proto-
are already over 12.5 billion things connected to the Internet cols helps partly in dealing with the heterogeneity problem
[1] and they will surpass humans in terms of the data they and therefore enables the WSNs to communicate with the
generate. In IoT, M2M will be the main communication mobile telecommunication network [10]. Another solution to
standard between the Internet things [3]. the heterogeneity problem is proposed with a new light-
Besides, ubiquitous and pervasive computing are key tech- weight web service transport protocol called Lean Transport
nologies significantly contributing to the advent of IoT. They Protocol (LTP) [11] that allows transparent exchange of web
bring computing all the way to physical objects which can service messages between all kinds of devices. This protocol
communicate in the Internet by producing, consuming, and is platform-independent and uses low-energy communication.
computing information, through RFID, mobile computing, and Other researchers claim that the major source of heterogeneity
WSNs among other technologies [4], [5]. RFID tags bear arises from the fact that there are different types of WSN
electronic identification data of different physical objects (e.g., devices (e.g. Micaz, Mica2, and Telosb) that do not use the
goods, cars, and even wearable sensors), and can even used to same standards [9]. A proposition has been made to migrate
identify people. RFIDs consume very little energy by reflecting WSN communication towards an all-IP mode. This would
signals received from RFID readers. On the other hand, eliminate most of the heterogeneity. A relevant architecture
mobile and handheld devices (e.g., smartphone and PDAs) is sketched, and is capable of converting all the WSNs, new
are changing the way we access and interact with things in the and legacy, to support IPv6 [12].
Internet, and is rendering the Internet into a ubiquitous service. In order to make the smallest devices connected to the Internet,
Along with cloud computing, the capabilities of these devices 6LoWPAN has been used for this purpose. 6LoWPAN is based
will be further boosted by providing storage and computing on the idea that all things should support the TCP/IP protocol
power in the cloud. stack and thus join the IoT. In order to build the TCP/IP
WSNs are a prevalent instance of ubiquitous computing that protocol stack in these devices, multiple aspects of IP need to
enables small things to connect to the Internet. The sensory be addressed, basically IP Maximum Transmission unit (MTU)
data will make a significant portion of the information flowing should be fixed at 1280 Bytes whereas in the Zigbee MTU
in the Internet. In particular, Smart Grids are one of the is only 127 Bytes. This means that IPv6 packets cannot be
applications where different parts (things) of the grid (e.g., encapsulated within Zigbee frames. Another issue is related
smart meters) communicate in order to optimize energy con- to the addressing with the 128 bits address; in 6LoWPAN,
sumption as well as energy management in the Grid. SGs IPv6 addressing is performed hierarchically. The main purpose
are heterogeneous by nature as it feeds power to different behind is to identify the packets destination network ID before
consumers (Homes, commercial buildings, factories, etc.) and forwarding it to the network. These were just two instances
therefore use heterogeneous technologies such as WiMax, of a large set of issues that 6LoWPAN solves in order to
WiFi, Zigbee, WSN, 6LoWPAN, M2M and IP Multimedia enable the low- power devices to join IoT. TinyOS [13],
Subsystem (IMS) [6]. which is a common operating system for WSNs, comes with
Zigbee is one of the technologies used in WSNs and is being a lightweight implementation of 6LoWPAN called BLIP.
adopted as a standard in SG for home area networks to connect This project makes use of BLIP to provide the TCP/IP protocol
appliances, equipment, and producers of energy such as solar stack to the WSN. 6LoWPAN is used at different parts of the
panels to communicate information. IPv6, as being part of the system and more details about these parts will be provided in
wireless sensor network, bring numerous advantages. How- the system architecture section.
ever, there are challenges that had to be addressed for IPv6
to be implemented on top of Zigbee, namely fragmentation,
frame size, addressing, security [7], and IPv4/IPv6 translation. The proposed system for integrating WSNs into IoT is
This paper introduces a real test bed that includes the whole composed of four essential blocks:
TCP/IP protocol implemented by Berkeley Low-power IP • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
stack (BLIP) [7] and that takes into consideration most of those • Gateway Server
issues. The test bed implements the two-way communication • Middle-ware
as needed by smart grids and measures the performance of • Mobile client
such a system. El Kouche et. al [8] investigates the widely The WSN uses Zigbee as the communication medium and
used WSNs architectures and technologies and highlights the uses IPv6 in the network layer. However, the communication
most suitable architectures for WSN deployment into IoT between the gateway server, the middle-ware, and the mobile

Fig. 1. General Architecture of the System

client is based on IPv4 over Wi-Fi. This architecture enables A. Wireless Sensor Network
any device within the system to communicate with any other The WSNs test-bed is composed of seven motes of type
device independently of the communication medium used Crossbow MPR2600 [14]. From the network topology per-
(e.g., Zigbee or Wi-Fi) or the network protocol used (e.g., IPv4 spective, the WSN is a multi-hop mesh network that uses the
or IPv6). In Figure 1, the system architecture is presented. Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol
It depicts the four main components of the system along [15]. It is an ad-hoc network, whereby motes can be placed
with the relevant subcomponent. This figure also shows the anywhere, without a preset topology, as long as there is at least
communication flow between the different components of the one wireless link for communication. These communication
system. links are created and refreshed dynamically between different
Figure 2 presents the deployed network diagram, and depicts motes of the WSN provided that their frames can reach the
the different components of the system as well as the inter- destination. In addition to the seven motes in the test-bed,
connections that exist between these different components. there is an additional mote that plays the role of a sink
connecting the WSN motes to the gateway server machine.
The connection between the sink and the gateway is based on
Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection.
B. Gateway Server
The gateway server is a key component in the system. It
extracts and sniffs Wi-Fi frames, transforms them into Zigbee
frames by replacing the appropriate frames headers, and for-
wards them to the sink. In the other direction, the gateway
server receives Zigbee frames containing IP packets. These
latter get encapsulated in a USB frame and then extracted at
the level of the Gateway server to fit in a Wi-Fi frame.
The gateway server is also responsible for receiving IPv4
packets and transforming them into IPv6 and vice versa.
Besides, it has other functionalities such as receiving sensor
data from the WSN and forwarding them to the middle-ware.
In case the link between the gateway server and the middle-
ware is lost, the gateway server stores the received data in a
temporary data store and communicates this data once the link
is up again.
Fig. 2. Network Diagram C. Middle-ware
The middle-ware is a software component that is used to
mask the heterogeneity in the system, and thus rendering it

transparent to external users. The middle-ware also provides
automation mechanisms in order to control and reduce the en-
ergy consumption. The main features are the ability to receive
data, filter it, transform and store it in a coherent fashion in
order to use it smartly in order to reduce consumption. In
addition, the middle-ware provides an interface to end users
via a set of web services that enable them to access all needed
information (e.g., real-time and periodic consumption levels),
and issue commands to control the appliances through the
WSN. The middle-ware also stores a mapping between the
appliances and their respective virtual IPv4 addresses which
is used by the Mobile Client to communicate with the motes.

D. Mobile Client
The mobile client application is an application deployed
on Android phones that enables users to access the real-time
energy consumption at their homes. Besides, it remotely con-
trols the appliances by turning them On and Off. The mobile
client, when wanting to turn On or Off an appliance, sends
Fig. 3. Data flow diagram for the mobile client sending On/Off commands
a command directly to the mote responsible for controlling
the appliance and addresses the mote using its virtual IPv4
address. The latter is a virtual one since only IPv6 addresses
are supported. A virtual IPv4 address is reserved and assigned periodically reads sensory data from the sensor, transforms the
for each mote and the translation is made at the gateway level. data and communicates it. To send it, the mote client connects
Now that all components have been introduced, the data flow to a TCP server hosted at the gateway server. An IPv6 packet
of the information is to be explained. As it was stated, any is encapsulated in a Zigbee frame that is forwarded to the
component in the system can communicate with any other mote sink that extracts the IPV6 packet and encapsulates it
independently of the data link layer technology or network into a USB frame and then forwards it to the gateway where
layer technology. the TCP datagram is extracted. Once the sensory data is at the
gateway, it is communicated to the middle-ware. If the link
E. Data Flows is down, the sensory data is temporarily stored in a database
One of the main goals of this paper is to build a two-way hosted in the gateway. Once the link is up, all the stored data
communication between the client and sensor nodes. is sent to the middle- ware and cleared from the database.
Figure 3 depicts the data flow diagram corresponding to a
mobile user sending a command to the WSN. The mobile
client is connected to a Wi-Fi network that uses IPv4 whereas
the WSN uses IPv6. Therefore, there should be a process that
controls, tracks and transforms the incoming and outgoing
packets. The client starts by sending an IPv4 packet to the
virtual IPv4 address of the mote. Afterwards, the gateway
receives it, translates the virtual IPv4 address into the real IPv6
address of the mote by setting as source address the virtual
IPv6 address of the mobile client. The new IPv6 packet is Fig. 4. Data flow diagram depicting the sending of sensory data
created, carrying the payload coming from the original packet.
This new IPv6 packet is forwarded to the wireless sensor
network using an IPv6-over- USB tunnel that encapsulates the
packet into a USB frame and communicates it to the mote sink.
The latter extracts the IPv6 packet from the USB frame and To meet the constraints of a system capable of providing
encapsulates it into a Zigbee frame. Once the Zigbee frame two-way communication between any host and any mote in
arrives to the destination mote, the TCP datagram is extracted the WSN, the following components have been deployed:
and passed to the TCP server port in the mote that reads the
message and executes it by turning On/Off the appliance using • Mote Programming
I2C (Inter- Integrated Circuit) [16]. • Mote sink Packet Forwarding
In the other direction, the mote sends periodically sensory • IPv4/IPv6 Gateway
data to the middle-ware. The relevant communication passes • Network Gateway Sensor Data Server
through several steps, which are depicted in figure 4:The mote Next sections highlight these components.

A. Mote Programming To do so, it assigns virtual IPv4 addresses to IPv6 address
Each mote within the WSN network is equipped with holders and IPv6 address to IPv4 address holders. With such
an electric current transformer that is attached to the data a program, each player in the network has both an IPv4 and
acquisition board through which data is read and transformed an IPv6; still, it is aware of only the one that is assigned to
to the appropriate format and sent to the network host. Besides, it. The other virtual address is known only at the level of the
the appliance is attached to the mote through the relay pins program installed at the gateway station between the WSN and
existing within the data acquisition board in the mote. In other the outside world.
words, the mote can control the electricity going to each mote The flow of information works as follows: when a station
and can allow or block it. This means that one can control the wants to send requests to a mote, it sends an IPv4 packet
appliance by using some of the functionalities provided by the holding the request to the mote. This packet transformation
mote. From the motes perspective there are two parts that are program that will extract the TCP datagram, create a new IPv6
implemented within its TinyOS program. A TCP server that packet specifying the source address as the virtual address
is used to receive On/Off requests in order to control the mote of the host and the destination as the real address of the
and a TCP client used to send sensor data. Once the program is mote. Afterwards, the TCP datagram is appended to the newly
installed, an IPV6 address is passed to the installation routine created packet and sent to the mote sink packet forwarding
in order to assign a static IPv6 address to the mote in which component that is seen by the gateway as a network interface
the program is cross-compiled and installed. The TCP server card. Still, this leads to a complicated issue that needs to be
and the TCP client work in parallel as each ones traffic is handled separately.
handled separately: The issue consists of the fact that the gateway program should
1) TCP Server: It is an important component in the motes keep track of the request responses in order to forward them
program. To control the appliance, one must connect to the correctly to the destination. To solve such a problem, an
TCP server and send requests. As a mote may control more algorithm has been created whose sole role is to mechanically
than one appliance, we identify the appliance by a unique ID compute the IPv6 address of the host based on its IPv4 and
and send a zero to turn Off or one to turn On. vice versa. This algorithm is based on a mapping function
2) TCP Client: It serves as means to send sensor data to whose primary feature is bijectivity. This means that any
the gateway in a reliable way. Once the mote is turned On, IPv4 address is uniquely mapped to one and only one IPv6
the client connects to the gateway TCP. The consumption data adress and vice versa. Thus, whenever a request is coming, the
is then sensed periodically (once per second) and sent to the source and destination addresses will be converted using this
TCP server who deals processes the sensor data. algorithm, hence avoiding the whole request response tracking
B. Mote Sink Packet Forwarding
The mote sink packet forwarding module is a special V. E VALUATION
program installed within a mote that is equipped with a USB To evaluate the system, we tracked the extent to which the
port that plays the role of a network interface card. The mote system is able to operate reliably, and offering an acceptable
is attached to the gateway station and has the module within level of performance. Two experiments were conducted to
it. In addition, it communicates with the gateway using USB measure the systems performance.
protocol. In the gateway station, the network interface module
is an IPv6 over USB tunnel. This means that IPv6 packet
destined to the sink are encapsulated within a USB frame,
and once it arrives to the sink, the IPv6 packet is extracted and
forwarded to the destination mote holding that IPv6 address.
The other way around is fairly similar, when a mote wants to
send an IPv6 packet to the outside world, the mote creates the
packet, sends it to the sink that forwards it by encapsulating
it into a USB frame.
C. IPv4/IPv6 Gateway
This is the most crucial component in the system. It ad-
dresses the gatewaying issue between IPv4 and IPv6 networks,
i.e., the Internet and the WSN. The WSN network supports
only IPv6 while other components such as the middle-ware
and the mobile client do not necessary have an IPv6 ad-
dress, but we still want all the components to communicate Fig. 5. Delay and Jitter variation with increasing traffic
independently of the IP technology to be used. To do so,
we have created a network packet transformation program. In the first experiment, the behaviour of the system is
This program basically converts IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa. recorded, where each mote reads sensory data every second

and generates traffic in the WSN. We measure the delay and system component to support heterogeneous wireless sensor
observe its variance regarding the traffic intensity. The routing motes, and thus not to limit deployment to specific motes,
protocol in principle gives more priority to routing control e.g., TinyOS ones.
packets rather than data ones. Therefore, this priority might
affect the networks delay. In Figure 5, we clearly notice that
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conclude that the delay is normally distributed. In addition,
this experiment shows that the Gateway Packet Transformation
process does not significantly contribute to the overall delay.

In this paper, we presented the subtleties of integrating wire-
less sensors networks into the Internet in order to control elec-
trical appliances. We delineated the architecture for deploying
a real- world testbed. The presented architecture is simple and
can be easily adopted for similar deployments. We highlighted
relevant problems mainly IPv4 to IPv6 gatewaying.
As a future work, we intend to further research the middleware

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