HR Policy
HR Policy
HR Policy
Dear Colleague,
We are sure that this booklet will make it easy for you to refer
to these policies instead of relying on memory.
Happy reading!!
Aniruddha Ganguly
Group President - HR
Note: Policy & Processes are subject to change, for detailed & regular policy
update please refer to the policy portal.
Band Description
1. Jobs at this level would require in-depth understanding of the
technical discipline and will tend to be heads of specialist functions
within a sector
2. Jobs at this level are responsible for leading specialist team in a
Integration PB
technical discipline which must deliver specific, measurable objectives
through the management and coordination of internal resources or
the development of relationships and coordination with external
Note: The policy benefit equivalence of grades does not indicate role equivalence
(Ex. LD is not equal to PD)
Every job is a
self-portrait of the
person who does it.
Autograph your work
with excellence.
GMR Group believes that for an organization to succeed, grow and excel, it
needs to be anchored to its Values and Beliefs and motivate all its employees
to consistently display these values in the course of their interactions.
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, articulated below, embodies
the Group’s Values and Beliefs and endeavors to lay down guidelines for
employees of the Group to follow to in their day to day work life.
All employees on regular rolls of the Company including Full Time Directors,
Principal Associates, Advisors, In-House Consultants, Expatriates and
employee on contract are governed by this Policy.
COBCE covers guidelines of Conduct for the below:
• National Interest
• Stakeholders
• Use of the GMR Brand
• Group Social Responsibility
• Competition
• Quality of Products and services
• Equal Opportunities
• Accurate and Complete Accounting
• Settlement of Expenses
• Protection of Intellectual Property
• Collaboration within GMR Companies
• Confidentiality and Non-disclosure
• Policy and Process Integrity
• Infrastructure
• Protecting Company’s Assets
• Unethical Transaction
• Gifts and Entertainment
• Stakeholder Relations
• Relationship with Government and Public Officials
• Compliance of Applicable Law by Expatriate Employee
• Public Representation
• Charitable Contributions
• Political Activity
• Regulatory Compliance
• Third Party Representation
• Sexual Harassment and Other Harassment Policy
• Other Harassment
• Whistle Blower Policy
• Ethical Conduct
• Dress Code
• Environment, Health and Safety
Think, decide, do
what you KNOW is
• GMR Group recognizes that sexual harassment violates fundamental
rights of gender equality, right to life and liberty and right to work with
human dignity as guaranteed by the Constitution of India.
• Sexual Harassment is a criminal offence and punishable under relevant
laws of the Country.
• Policy on Sexual Harassment applies to men and women.
• The Committee against sexual harassment is represented by minimum
50% of members being women and the Committee Head is also a woman.
• Any person who wants to complain on sexual harassment is required
to promptly inform the Committee against sexual harassment of such
complaint, in writing which is duly signed & and same to be mailed at or by way of a written complaint addressed to
the Head of the Committee. The details of the committee members is
available on gNet - HR Policy Portal.
• In case the employee who has made the complaint feels that the
Committee against sexual harassment has not provided her/him due
justice, the complaint can be escalated to GCM.
• The time frame for investigating and closing the case is 3 months from the
time it is brought to the notice of the Committee.
Grooming & Dress Code guidelines articulated below have been developed in
order to foster a professional environment in GMR Group and to present an
image of the Group consistent with its values and culture.
• It shall be applicable to all regular employees and employees on contract.
• All employees shall practice good personal hygiene, select attire that is
clean and in good condition and must present a professional image at all
• When in office, or in business engagements outside office, the following
attire is expected:
»» Monday to Friday: Smart business casuals, except for formal
occasions or meetings where formal western attire is expected to be
worn. Formal meeting invitations shall include dress code guidance.
»» Saturday & Friday preceding 2nd Saturday: In addition to above, one
can also choose to wear smart casuals with matching footwear and on
festive weekends, one can choose ethnic wear as well.
• When in office, or in business engagements outside office, the employees
are expected NOT to wear clothing with printed message, slogan, or
political message, picture or art depicting drugs, alcohol, smoking,
weapons, violence, or that is obscene or disrespectful or having sexual
connotations, tops & blouses that are sleeveless, backless, strapless, or
have spaghetti straps, sleeveless shirts & kurtas, excessive visible body
piercing or tattoos, short-skirts ending above the knees, shorts, Bermuda
pants, capris, flip-flops, round neck T-shirts, body hugging clothes,
neon coloured or faded or frayed clothes etc. or any other sartorial
inappropriateness as decided by the management.
HR4U is an Employee Self Service portal. Employees can access the portal by
following the link for the purpose of
viewing details on Benefits & Payments, Working Time, Personal Information,
COBCE, IJP, PMP, Grievance, HR Helpdesk, Learning Portal, Reimbursements
One of the key aspects under the Business Excellence initiative is to strive
for continuous improvements, which can be achieved through various
Improvement Projects
• In order to ensure that Continuous Improvement is not a one - time
activity, a structure is being put in place to ensure long term sustainability
of the Process Improvement Culture.
The key elements of the structure are:
• Criteria for Selection of Projects in order to achieve improvements in
Business Performance
• Allocation of resources for the project
• A robust Project Review mechanism at each location supported by
measurement systems
• Enhancing people involvement in Improvement orientation through
Project R & R processes
Project Reward & Recognition Process:
• The main objective of team recognition is to spur the teams to go the
extra mile in order to achieve improvements.
• To celebrate Achievements and spread the Quality Culture
• To make the journey more exciting and motivating for the employees
• To bring out real improvements impacting the bottom line
• To accelerate business excellence movement
• Group (Apex Council) Level - Top Three completed projects. Each project
team to be recognized based on schemes announced by the Apex
• Business level - For best few completed projects in a business. Green
Belt Certificate to all members (awarded in the business steering
committee) + opportunity to present to the Group Apex Council
• Other Completed Projects- Certificate for each team member
One of the key aspects under the Business Excellence initiative is to strive
for continuous improvements, which can be achieved through various
Improvement Projects. In order to promote this across the group, ANUSHiSTA
initiative is introduced aiming at Employee involvement through Small Group
Activity (SGA) for cost rationalisation.
To imbibe “Frugality” in the DNA of the organization - Not only about costs,
but all kinds of resources.
All the employees in the grades below LD/PD are eligible for the rewards
prescribed under the scheme
Under this scheme, the employees are encouraged to identify any project by a
group of employees sharing common process/ workspace/ working on same
projects, identify improvement opportunities also opportunities from various
reviews aimed to promote cost consciousness and frugality.
All completed projects in a business will be rewarded with a certificate
of honour by the CEO. A team can have a maximum of Six Members. Best
projects (3 in a quarter) will be rewarded with Cash Prize as mentioned below:
»» 1st Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 2000/ per team member
»» 2nd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 1000/ per team
»» 3rd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 500/ per team member
Top 3 certified Projects during each financial year would be rewarded at Group
Level as mentioned below. A team can have a maximum of Six Members.
»» 1st Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 5000/ per team member
»» 2nd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 3000/ per team
»» 3rd Prize: Certificate of Honour and Cash Prize of ` 2000/ per team
Do's Don'ts
Build rapport and trust amongst the
employees before starting the skip
Discuss broad themes/ concerns/
opportunities with the direct Make Commitments
Skip Level supervisor of the employees to the employees
Manager without stakeholder
Cover topics specified in the agenda check
& encourage employees to ask
questions & give feedback
Limit the discussion to constructive
criticism to bring out positive climate
Be aware of the agenda before Raise Questions
attending the meeting related to
Employee Be open and raise question related salary disparity,
to the agenda. Give suggestion and performance reward
feedback & increments etc
together is progress;
working together is
• Employees on regular rolls of the Company including probationers.
• Option to contribute 8% or 15% of the Basic.
• The fund is invested in LIC through GMR Group Employees Superannuation
Fund Trust.
• LIC declares interest every year. It ranges from 8% to 9% PA.
• Employee to continue his membership as long as he is on rolls of the
• The accumulations are transferable, provided if the prospective employer
has the similar scheme.
• Payment of accumulated amount will be done as per following procedure
and occasion:
»» On cessation of employment at the request of the employee.
(Employee will not get full amount on cessation but certain percentage
by way of commutation is available (1/3 or 1/2). The commuted portion
is subject to tax.
»» On retirement (commutation & monthly Pension).
»» On death (monthly Pension)
• The commuted value on retirement is tax free.
• While we all undeniably enjoy the liberty of voicing our personal opinion at
various social media platforms, it is pertinent to maintain ethical conduct
on social media. The freedom of expressing one’s views on social media
meets a corresponding duty towards other members of the social media
as well as the professional organization one is associated with.
• COMPLIANCE: At all times, comply with the law, including but not limited
to law concerning intellectual property rights, information technology,
and basic tenets of civil and criminal law.
Plan your
travel in
JRL A Cities Amount (`) B & C Cities Amount (`) Top of Form
LX - LB 2500/- per day 2000/- per day
LC 2000/- per day 1500/- per day
LD - LE 1500/- per day 1200/- per day
LF - LH 1200/- per day 1000/- per day
LI - LJ 600/- per day 500/- per day
Others 400/- per day 300/- per day
PA - PB 2500/- per day 2000/- per day
PC 2000/- per day 1500/- per day
PD - PE 1500/- per day 1200/- per day
Travel, Accommodation and other Eligibility Limits will be as per the table
given below.
Group B
JRL Group A South East Asia; China; Latin American countries;
(North America; Japan; Europe; Hong Kong) South Africa; Australia, Bangladesh &
other countries
CDP Potential
Gain Rewarding Opportunities for Work
• Employee uploads her/ his updated profile with key Competencies &
achievements and creates the repository of profiles enabling the Talent
Acquisition team to tap the Talent for various open positions across GMR
Group for providing growth opportunities for the employees horizontally,
vertically and diagonally. This are designed to facilitate group wide growth
opportunities for potential internal talent. This will help in supporting
talent value chain and develop internal talent ecosystem.
• GROW is accessible through the navigation path:
GNET > GROW > Select Employee Referral Portal > Position > Submit: http://
• Identify and select individuals to ensure the best suitability for the current
job level, experience and expertise for future needs.
• Give preference to bonafide Goans for all the jobs in the Airport.
• Only graduate & above shall be employed on permanent rolls of the
company and undergraduates and below will be employed through
contract/outsourcing rolls based on the business requirement
• Trust and benefit that satisfy the expectation of all the concerned parties.
• The HODs will prepare their department’s Manpower plan and organogram
for the financial year and get them approved by their CEO/GCXO as a part
of their business Annual Operating Plan (AOP). The positions budgeted
based on the JRLs will go through the staffing process as mentioned in
this chapter. The HODs of a business will discuss with their BHR about the
likely vacancies that are to be filled after an approval through the AOP.
The BHR will give the detailed cost of staffing, cost of compensation and
other direct/ indirect expenses for each position, which will be included in
the AOP by the HODs.
• The BHR/CHR department will identify the suitable profiles from the
internal database and shortlist the candidates who meet the requirements
of the vacancy.
• Internal database consists of pool of resumes that are available with the
HR departments, CVs of Employee Referrals, advertisements, CVs of
internal candidates, CVs received by e-mail/post and GMR GGIAL Portal.
• Recruitment & positions will be as per the Manpower Plan and the
Organization Structure signed off and approved by the GHB.
• The Staffing process starts with a clear Head Count approval including
need for replacement for an existing job.
• The CEO/GCXO is the authority for staffing with the prior consent of GHB
for recruitment of GM and above as per the AOP. For other levels, the
business head follows AOP.
• On receipt of the ERF, the existing database of resumes and on job sites
will be checked for suitable profiles.
»» Employee Referrals
»» Advertisements
»» Job Portals
»» Consultants
• The BHR/CHR Department will do the initial screening & short listing of
resumes for the position.
• BHR/CHR Department during the short listing will focus on: Education,
Experience, Current role/responsibilities, Salary level, Technical/
Functional/Domain Knowledge, Culture fit, etc.
• Candidates who qualify will be called for interview as the next step of the
selection process.
• The applicant will give her/his consent for the Psychometric Test in writing
in the format.