A Sudden Flood Alert System Based On A Mesh Network

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A Sudden Flood Alert System Based on a Mesh Network

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon,(RMUTP)*
Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi (RMUTSB)**
Nattapong100@gmail.com , waruneesri@rmutsb.ac.th**, administrator@therec.co.th*

Abstract: - This paper aimed is the sudden alert flood system development. During its phenomenon that Thailand has
been attacking by the global warming, natural disaster and unseasonal rain. Likewise, those phenomenons will always
increase damages and frequency that human doing bring those causes. This research is purposed the sudden flood alert
system and protect the unexpectedly losses by the water level detecting and velocity level sensing with processes via
computer wireless network (Mesh Topology). In this case, the Xbee pro is a module for receiving and transmitting in
2.4GHz of frequency. The energy for a transmitting and receiving is 3.3 voltages that the photovoltaic cells are
generated at 215mA and 55 mA for transmitting and receiving, respectively. As a result of experiment, the sudden
flood alert system can distantly transfer via wireless network with real-time processing.

Key-Words: - flood alert, disaster, mesh topology, flow rate, xbee pro, current meter

1 Introduction water level in the rivers increases, the computer will

stimulate, forecast floods and immediately alert people
living along the river. A continuity of communication
Natural disaster is the effect of hazard that leads to
can absolutely be transferred among the stations while
financial, environmental and human losses. However,
any failed stations will be disconnected.
human can protect or resist the disaster and its
resilience. The damaged residential and commercial
properties (such as buildings, rice fields,
transportations, etc) must always be fully subsidized by 2 Flood Situation in THAILAND
governments of almost all countries, including
Thailand. It is reasonably located in South East Asia 2.1 Flood report in Thailand: 1989 – 2006
and has constant rainfall during the year. This leads to The flood situation in Thailand between 1989 and 2006,
exact forecasting; therefore, it gets slightly less floods occur every year in 42 to 74 provinces. In 2002
distorted than other parts of the world. Moreover, this the most damage happened in 72 provinces – 18,510
precise forecast becomes one of important tools for a villages were flooded and 16704 million square
suddenly alert flood system. kilometers of agricultural area was a 13385.32-million-
Flood disasters are an occurring due to water cause such baht of damage worth. On the other hand, the least loss
as cataract or other floods. Typically, they cause in 1999 was a 1381.64-million-baht. In the year of
continuous heavy rain. It is caused by tropical cyclone, 2006, flood problems covered 52 provinces; 17,298
turbulence, or tropical depression. It might be the cause villages were covered with water and 10816 million
of landslides. It also leads to earthquake, dam break square kilometers of agricultural area was an 11131.93-
and floods. million-baht of damage worth.
This research involves a suddenly alert flood system
based on the mesh network linked by the Xbee Pro II 2.2 The tropical cyclone report in Thailand
module. This system consists of sensors, transducers According to the statistical records of the Thai
and centralized computer. The system has been installed Meteorological Department in the period of 56 years
in various stations in the north of Thailand and sends (from 1951 to 2006), there were 179 cyclones with 80.4
information via a 1.6-kilometer wireless network. In percent of probability in August, September, October
each station, the sensors and transducers are built in and November (10.6%, 25.1%, 27.9% and 16.8%,
the rivers around the country. This system can be respectively), The remaining is 19.6 percent in April,
installed in a short period of time and warns them May, June, July and December (0.6%, 3.4%, 3.9%,
immediately. It can be categorized into 3 types: 6.7% and 5.0%, respectively).
normal, preparation and critical announcement. As the

ISSN: 1790-5117 113 ISBN: 978-960-474-152-6


3 Type of Flooding 5 Equations

3.1 Riverine floods 5.1 Continuity Equation
Slow riverine floods: Run off from sustained
rainfall or rapid snow melts exceeding the velocity of This section presents the continuity equation. Consider
the rivers. The flood causes include heavy rains from the flow rate
monsoons, hurricanes, tropical depressions, foreign
winds and warm rain affecting snow pack. Unexpected Q = A ×V
drainage obstructions such as landslides, ice, or debris
can cause slow flooding upstream of the obstruction.
Fast riverine floods: Flash floods are brought (
where Q is a flow rate. m 3 / sec )
about by convective precipitation (intense A is a cross section area that is vertically
thunderstorms) or sudden release from an upstream measured between input and output flowing. m 2 ( )
impoundment created at the back of a dam, landslide, or V is a velocity of water. (m / sec )
3.2 Estuarine floods
5.2 Cross Section Area
Estuarine floods are the result of a combination
This section is devoted to determine an average
of sea tidal surges which is the effect of storm-force
cross section area. In case of the cross section area is an
winds. A storm surge, from either a tropical cyclone or
inequality; it must be divided into subsections because
an extra-tropical cyclone, is included to this category.
of the ground under the river with a deep slope in each
3.3 Coastal floods period. It can be determined in following as
Coastal floods are due to severe sea storms, or
as a result of another hazard (e.g. tsunami or hurricane).
A storm surge, from either a tropical cyclone or an
extra-tropical cyclone, falls within this category.

3.4 Catastrophic floods

Catastrophic floods are the consequence of a
significant and unexpected event e.g. dam, breakage, or
other hazard (e.g. earthquake or volcanic eruption).

3.5 Muddy floods

Muddy floods are caused by run off on crop
land. They are produced by an accumulation of runoff
generated on cropland. Sediments are then detached by
Fig. 1 cross section area of the river
run-off and carried as suspended matter or bed load.
Muddy run-off is more likely detected when it reaches
inhabited areas.
- Select course that resembles a straight and not
bent curve the river.
4 Motivations - Measure the river width by perpendicularly
Quantity and velocity of water in rivers are the most stretched rope from one side to another side.
important conditions for the precaution and emergency - Divide into 10 subsections or 10% of the
alert system. At present, the unlimited communication entire width and mark on the rope.
can be achieved via wireless network system. - Fathom from marked point on the rope.
Therefore, this research presents a mesh network for - Calculate the average of cross section that is
flood alert system with programmable engineering express by
techniques. Both receiver and transmitter can 10
excellently connect in less than 1.6-kilometer for A = ∑Wi × Di
outdoors (out of sight) and less than 500-meter for i =1
indoors. The communication system feeds back a main
computer and will be displayed to alert in case of where W is a width of subsection. (m )
emergency, respectively. If the system is needed to D is a depth of the river. (m )
send information rapidly, the stations must be improved
all over the system. A is an average cross section area. m 2 ( )

ISSN: 1790-5117 114 ISBN: 978-960-474-152-6


5 Mesh Topology
Mesh network is a way to route data, voices and
instructions between nodes. It allows continuous
connection and reconfiguration on broken or blocked
path by “hopping” from node to node until the
destination is reached. A mesh network whose nodes
are all connected to each other is a fully connection
network. Mesh networks differ from other networks in
that the component parts can all connect to each other
via multiple hops and they generally are not mobile.
Mesh networks are self-healing: the network can still
operate even when a node breaks down or a connection
does not work. As a result, this network is very
reliable. Its concept is applicable to wireless networks,
wired networks, and software interaction. Fig. 2 flood alert system designation
Wireless mesh networks are the most tropical
application of mesh architectures. It was originally The geographic locations at current observations are
developed for military applications, but has undergone conducted. These include ultrasonic sensors, current
significant evolution in the past decade. As the cost of meters, recorder, and wireless modules. The water
radios plummeted, single radio products evolved to level can be mainly measured by the following
support more radios per mesh node with the additional equipment:
radios providing specific functions -- such as client
access, backhaul service or scanning radios for high 6.1 Current Meter
speed handover in mobility applications. The mesh The cup-type current meter manufactured is a
node design also became more modular -- one box precise measurement of flow that is an essential
could support multiple radio cards -- each operating at a prerequisite for rational assessment and distribution of
different frequency. available flow and for planning its utilization of all the
methods used for measuring water flow. The most
precise meter is the tool where the current meter is used
6 Designs because its important considerable research work has
A sudden flood alert system Design, we always been done during the last five decades to bring about
naturally consider information to apply in great improvement of the current meter. The current
communication system (wireless network). In this meter used in this project can indicate 3.0-mater a
research, the Xbee Pro is used to be a wireless second. It can be properly adjusted based on the
transmission module at a 2.4-GHz of frequency that is velocity of water. There are two ranges of a current
seemed a mesh topology. It can be considered to meter: 1:1-ratio and 1:5-ratio, a revolution per pulse as
prevent errors that might occur in communication well as a 5-revolution per pulse, respectively.
systems between node connections. For computation, if
the water level in the river is changed, the network is
automatically built a modeling and forecasting from
existing data what will be happening next. Likewise, if
the water level in the river rapidly flows and
continuously increases level, the sensor in the mesh
network will be automatically alarmed by sending and
receiving data via the wireless network to controlling
officers who announce through the broadcasting hall or
other precautions.

Fig. 3 cup-type current meter

ISSN: 1790-5117 115 ISBN: 978-960-474-152-6


6.2 Ultrasonic Sensors

Ultrasonic sensors (also known as transceivers when 1
they both send and receive) work on the similar
principle to radar or sonar which evaluates attributes of
a target by interpreting the echoes from radio or sound
2 3
waves respectively. Ultrasonic sensors generate high-
frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo received
back by a sensor. The sensor calculates the time
interval between sending the signal and receiving the
echo to determine the distance to an object.

Fig. 6 completed equipment

Fig. 4 ultrasonic sensor

6.3 Program development

The centralized management was created by a
64-bit - visual basic 2008 that can support a new
hardware and computer architecture for technology
development. The computers can connect via a
communication port (visual communication port for
new architecture without communication port).

Fig. 7 position of a current meter installation

1 The photovoltaic panels which an electrical

source of a flood alert produces at 40 watts and 635×
1245 mm. of panel size as show in Fig 5.

2 The photovoltaic supporter which is jointed

both a photovoltaic panels and shaft.

3 The control unit which is placed electronic

Fig. 5 Graphic User Interface (GUI)
6.4 Component of Equipment
4 The wiring tube is used to protect signal wires.
The warning system is classified into 5 parts:
5 Current Meter and Ultrasonic

ISSN: 1790-5117 116 ISBN: 978-960-474-152-6


can be also extended to show at a control center

7 Processes and Wireless Communication located 10 kilometers off.
At the centralized computer, the graphic
Data signals were received by sensors. It will user interface (GUI) is displayed for control system
be digitalized and sent by a PIC18F458 microcontroller and inherits from Xbee Pro directly to the system
which has already been programmed. There are three condition of the water level, speed and precision
conditions as follows: correctly by displaying the warning with graphics
and voice, broadcasting through speakers.
The first condition:
0 – 29 percent is a normal state.
These communications between transducers
The second condition: connected to the mesh can be used suddenly and
30 – 69 percent is a risk state. precisely. This research is useful to the lives and
The third condition: properties of the people living near the rivers.
70 – 100 percent is a critical state. Moreover, if the environment is still developed and
forests are not damaged, it is possible to prevent
The resulting condition was automatically the disasters. This will reduce the violence and
displayed and alarmed. make this world more livable.

8 Problem Analysis Acknowledgement

Natural disaster includes drought, flood and
landslide. These disasters cause damage to lives We thank THEREC Corporation Ltd. for
and properties. Encroachment of human in the budgeting we have pursued in this work. We would
forest boundaries is the problem that people have also like to thank Thai Meteorological Department
made. However, if this problem has not been for flooding statistic.And many thank to
solved, a cumulative cycle of violence will occur. Rajamangala University of Technology Phar
Human’s encroachment is the cause of the Nakhon (RMUTP) for some budgeting and
natural disaster in the first era. Flood and drought material.
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