7971 Chap01 PDF
7971 Chap01 PDF
7971 Chap01 PDF
5in b1139-ch01
Chapter 1
B. C. Meikap, Ph.D.
Chemical Engineering Department,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
School of Chemical Engineering, University of Kwazulu-Natal,
Howard College Campus, Keng George V Avenue, Dunban, Pin-4041, South Africa
J. N. Sahu, Ph.D.
Chemical Engineering Department,
University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-50603, Malaysia
jay sahu@yahoo.co.in
Chemical and allied process industries emit huge air pollutants and causes severe
degradation to the environment. The control option of air pollutants greatly depends
on the nature of pollutants and type of sources. There is a tremendous demand for air
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2 B. C. Meikap et al.
Keywords: Air pollution, particulate matters, bag filters, electro static precipitator,
environmental pollution, clean technology.
1. Introduction
The “air pollutant” means any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance present in the
atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings
or other living creatures or plants, property, or environment. Air pollution means
the presence of air pollutants in the atmosphere of any air. The atmosphere contains
a number of air pollutants generated from either natural or anthropogenic sources.
Pollutants are released into our atmosphere by many methods. Smokestacks from
factories have been increasing due to the rise of industry in the last century. These are
known as stationary sources. Mobile sources, on the other hand, include exhaust from
motor vehicles, trains, airplanes, etc. The pollution from these sources is measured
by the amount emitted as well as by the amount of pollution in the ambient air. Both
of these sources contribute significant amounts of contaminants into the air that we
breathe. All such pollutants are called primary pollutants.
4 B. C. Meikap et al.
6 B. C. Meikap et al.
Table 1. Primary and Secondary Standards for Each of the Criteria Pollutants.
Secondary Standard
Primary Standard (Health-Based) (Welfare-Based)
Standard Level Type of Standard Level
Pollutant Type of Average Concentration Average Concentration
8 B. C. Meikap et al.
The atmosphere, just like a river, do possesses self-cleansing properties, which con-
tinuously dilute/clean/remove the pollutants from the atmosphere under natural pro-
cesses. So long as the pollutants discharged by human into the environment is lower
than the natural cleansing capacity of the environment, we live comfortably without
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any air pollution problem. But as and when the discharged pollutants exceed the
natural cleansing capacity, our environment becomes polluted, giving us diseases,
spoiling our clothes, plants, eatables, buildings, etc.Attempts are then made to reduce
the emission of pollutants from the automobiles or factories by adopting mechanical
means, or by using high-rise chimneys for better dispersion and dilution of pollutants
over a longer range of environment. The natural self-cleansing process of the envi-
ronment, and the engineering measures adopted to artificially clean the industrial
and vehicular gases, before they are emitted into the environment.
• dispersion;
• gravitational settling with or without flocculation of particles;
• absorption includes washout and scavenging;
• rain washout; and
• adsorption.
10 B. C. Meikap et al.
quality of fuels and efficient engines, for reducing pollution loads from emissions.
Say for example, LPG (liquid petroleum gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas) may
be used in industries in place of coal, as they will produce much less pollutants in the
emission. Replacement of old obsolete processes in industries with the new efficient
processes may also lead to reduced pollution emissions. Besides such innovations
and precautions, certain mechanical devices may be installed in the industrial pro-
cesses, which may help in reducing the emission of pollutants. Such mechanical
devices are generally divided into two categories: (i) those devices which help in
reducing PM; and (ii) those devices which help in reducing gaseous pollutants. These
devices are discussed below:
Basically, four ways are available for control of emission of air pollutants dis-
charged by the industries into the atmosphere to control their detrimental effects on
the surrounding environment. These are:
1. Reduction of pollutant discharge at the source by the application of control
2. Reduction at the source through raw material changes, operational changes,
or modification, or replacement of process equipment.
3. Dilution of the source emission using tall stacks.
4. Proper planning and zoning of industrial areas.
But the most effective methods are reduction at the source by the application of
control equipment and process control. Air pollution problems should be properly
considered when an industry is designed and built to get the real benefit. But in
most cases, air pollution control is an afterthought, and ways and means have to be
devised to treat the polluted emissions leading to retrofitting problems.
To remove the PM from flue gas, various types of control equipment are available.
But to select the required equipment, certain basic data must be available:
• Quantity of gas to be treated and its variation with time.
• Nature and concentration of the PM to be removed.
• Temperature and pressure of the gas stream.
• Nature of the gas phase (for solubility and corrosive effects).
• Desired quality of the treated emission, i.e., removal efficiency of particulates
required. Advantages
• Low initial cost.
• Simple construction.
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12 B. C. Meikap et al.
Air inlet
Mid casing
Collection hopper
Dust discharge devise
Baffles or Louvers
Air outlet Disadvantages
• Large space requirements.
• Only comparatively large particles (definitely not less than 10 µ, if very dense
and 40 µ, if of low density) can be collected. Applications
Industrial application of this equipment is limited. Settling chambers are used gen-
erally to remove particulates above 40 µ in diameter. However, fine materials such as
carbon black and various metallurgical fumes form agglomerates which have enough
mass to permit collection in settling chambers. Settling chambers are used widely for
the removal of large solid particulates from natural draft furnaces, kilns, etc. They
are also sometimes used in the process industries, particularly the food and metallur-
gical industries, as a first step in dust control. Because of simplicity of construction
and low maintenance costs, gravity settling chambers have found quite widespread
application as pre-cleaners for high-efficiency collectors. This reduces the inlet dust
loadings to the second-stage cleaner and can remove large highly abrasive materials,
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2.4.2. Cyclones
The cyclonic separator is an important and popular type of dust-removal equipment.
This class of separators is the most common of a general group of separators that
are classified as centrifugal or inertial separators. It depends upon centrifugal force
for its action. They produce a continuous centrifugal force as a means of exerting
the greater inertial effects of the dispersoid.
A cyclone collector can be defined as a structure without moving parts in which
the velocity of an inlet gas stream is transformed into a confined vortex from which
centrifugal forces tend to drive the suspended particles to the wall of the cyclone
body. It consists of vertically placed cylinders which has an inverted cone attached
to its base. The particulate-laden gas stream enters tangentially at the inlet point into
the cylinder. The outlet pipe for the purified gas is a central cylindrical opening at the
top. The dust particulates are collected at the bottom in a storage hopper (Fig. 2).
The gas path generally follows a double vortex. First, the gas spirals downward at
the outer periphery of the cylindrical portion, continues through the conical portion,
14 B. C. Meikap et al.
and reaches the bottom. The gas stream then moves upward in a narrower inner
spiral, concentric with the first, and leaves through the outlet pipe. Due to the rapid
spiraling movement of the gas, the dispersoids are projected toward the wall by the
centrifugal force and then they drop by gravity to the bottom of the body, where they
are collected in the storage hopper. During cyclonic separation, carrier gas rotational
velocity may exceed several times the average inlet gas velocity. Cyclones are not
sized from theory but are normally designed by set procedures. One set of sizes of
various parts is as follows:
The design factor having the greatest effect on the collection efficiency is the
cyclone diameter. For a given pressure drop, smaller the diameter, higher is the
efficiency, because centrifugal action increases with decreasing radius of rotation.
Centrifugal forces employed in modern designs vary from 5 to 2500 times the gravity
depending on the diameter of the cyclone. Cyclone efficiencies are greater than 90%
for particles with diameter of the order of 10 µ. For particles with diameter higher
than 20 µ, efficiency is about 95%.
In practice, cyclonic separators may be designed for the satisfactory collection
of particles over wide ranges of size and concentration, and over wide ranges of
pressure and temperature. They can be operated at temperatures as high as 1000◦ C
and pressures 500 atmospheres. They can handle gas volumes ranging from about
0.85 to 700 cubic meters per minute. Particles of diameter 50–10 µ can be easily
separated. If particles are large (5–200 µ), a properly designed cyclone will perform
adequately with moderate power requirement. For particles larger than 200 µ, a set-
tling chamber is desirable, as it is more resistant to abrasion. An important precaution
to be taken in operating a cyclone is to prevent gas leakage. A 15% gas leakage can
bring down the efficiency to virtually zero. Efficiency
Cyclones are generally divided into two classes, “conventional” and “high effi-
ciency.” High-efficiency cyclones merely have a smaller body diameter to create
greater separating forces, and there is no sharp dividing line between the two groups.
High-efficiency cyclones are generally considered to be those with body diameters
up to about 0.25 m.
One particular cyclone efficiency problem is the formation of eddies at the top
of the unit where the dirty gas is introduced. The turbulence in the eddies causes
some of the incoming dirty gas to be mixed with the outgoing clean gas stream. The
effect of this problem can be minimized by removing the exit gas stream at a point
below the zone of maximum turbulence. This is done by adding a central tube called
a vortex finder which projects into the cyclone body below the turbulent entry region
to confine the rising inner gas spiral.
In general, increase in collection efficiency will result if there is an increase in
any of the following: dust particle size, dust particle density, gas inlet velocity, inlet
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dust loading, cyclone body length (number of gas revolutions), and ratio of body
diameter to gas outlet tube diameter. On contrary, collector efficiency will decrease if
there is an increase in gas viscosity or density, cyclone diameter, gas outlet diameter,
inlet width, and inlet area. To get increased efficiency, especially for the collection
of smaller sized particles, a small-diameter, long taper cyclone should be used.
In case the dust builds up on the wall of the cyclone cone, a simple solution is to
pound on the cone with a sledge hammer. Another solution is to hang chains inside;
this works, but reduces efficiency. A better solution is to flange a section between
the dust-collecting hopper and the cyclone body. It can be removed periodically and
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16 B. C. Meikap et al. Applications
Cyclones are widely used for the control of gas-borne particulates in such indus-
trial operations as cement manufacture, feed and grain processing, food and bev-
erage processing, mineral processing, paper and textile industries, and wood working
Cyclones are also used to separate dust in disintegration operations, such as rock
crushing, ore handling, and sand conditioning in industries. They are also used in
the recovery of catalyst dust in the petroleum industry, and in the reduction of fly
ash emissions.
Clean Gas
Raw Gas
Axial Inlet
Dust Discharge
cyclone because the rate of dust collection will be generally much larger (because
of greater centrifugal action due to smaller diameter of the cyclones). The velocities
are much higher in the smaller cyclones which can cause re-entrainment problems
to be more severe than in larger units. Continuous dust bin emptying and very
often a deeper hopper are required to reduce the potential for dust re-entrainment.
Multiple cyclones have good abrasion resistance, are compact, and have convenient
inlet and outlet arrangements. They have low pressure drops and are highly efficient
in collecting heavy particles. But their main disadvantage is they kplug (materials
build-up). Multiple cyclones are used as collectors for cement clinkers, steel mill
sinter, and stone dust in quarry and asphalt operations.
18 B. C. Meikap et al.
Cyclone collectors are often installed in series with other type of dust-collecting
equipment. For example, to install high-efficiency cyclones ahead of ESPs. In an
installation of this type, the cyclone exhibits an increased efficiency with an increase
of gas load or dust load. On the other hand, the precipitator shows an increase in effi-
ciency with a reduced gas load or dust load. Thus the characteristics of the two types
of equipment compensate for each other, and this results in maintaining efficiency
over a wide range of gas flow and dust loading. In general, if the particle-size distri-
bution is such that most of the particulates can be removed in cyclones, then in such
a case, very high overall efficiencies can be obtained by operating cyclones in series. Advantages
• They can be made to remove gaseous pollutants also, along with the remaining
particulate matter.
• Hot gases can be cooled down.
• Corrosive gases can be removed and neutralized.
• The separated gases through contact with aqueous chemicals may produce useful
byproducts, as chemicals and fertilizers. Disadvantages
• A lot of wastewater, needing disposal, may be produced.
• Maintenance cost is high, when corrosive materials are collected.
• Wet outlet gases cannot rise high from the stack.
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20 B. C. Meikap et al.
• Excessive filter ratios — “Filter ratio” is defined as the ratio of the carrier gas
volume to gross filter area, per minute flow of the gas. Excessive filter ratios
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lower particulate removal efficiency and result in increased bag wear. Therefore,
low filter ratios are recommended for high concentration of particulates.
• Improper selection of filter media — While selecting filter media, properties
like temperature resistance, resistance to chemical attack, and abrasion resistance
should be taken into consideration.
22 B. C. Meikap et al.
But the main disadvantages of blow rings are the mechanical linkages and the indi-
vidual air hose attachments required for each bag. The degree of maintenance
required is also high. The bag house specifications for a reverse jet filter must include
linear ring travel rate, number of rings per bag, and the flow rate and pressure of
the cleaning air.
50 cm square and several centimeters deep. The fibers will be generally packed with
increasing density from front to back so most of the large particles are removed before
the more efficient part is reached. This helps in prolonging the life of the filter. When
resistance to air flow becomes excessive, glass wool media are usually discarded
while the wire mesh is washed with hot water and then recoiled. In fact, as a general
rule, used filters are discarded rather then cleaned and reused. Automatic viscous
filters are also available. They can be used for handling large quantities of atmo-
spheric air containing high concentration of dust (about two grains per 1000 cu ft).
The fiber is formed into an endless belt, which continuously moves through an oil
bath at the bottom of the housing. They can be operated at high air velocities of the
order of 90–150 m/min. Dry filters for air conditioning are supplied in units similar
in size to the viscous type except that the depth of the dry cell is usually greater.
The filter materials may be paper, glass fibers, or cotton batting. Dry filters which
are automatically vibrated at intervals to dislodge the dust are also available. They
handle higher concentrations than the usual dry-cell filters but not the heavy loadings
of the cloth filters. High-efficiency dry fibrous filters have been developed for special
applications, such as the removal of radioactive or toxic particles or the cleaning of
air in industrial plants manufacturing photographic film or fine instruments. Loosely
packed pads of glass fibers have been found particularly suitable for such cases.
Another important advantage of deep-bed filters is that they are generally very good
for service in a corrosive atmosphere because of their “throwaway” nature.
24 B. C. Meikap et al.
Raw Gas
Distribution Gas
Plate Outlet
Collecting Electrodes
Gas Inlet
Rapping Hoppers
Figure 6. Cutaway View of a Large Modern ESP Showing the Various Parts.
Source: Panda and Sharma, 2006.5
The gases entering an ESP may or may not have pretreatment before entering the unit.
Pretreatment could consist of removing part of the dust loading by use of certain
mechanical collectors, or by adding chemicals to the gas to change the physical
properties of the gas to enhance precipitator action. The entire ESP is enclosed, in a
casing. The actual geometric configuration may be either rectangular or cylindrical.
In all cases, there is an inlet and outlet connection for gases, hoppers to collect the
precipitated matter, and the necessary discharge electrode and collector surfaces.
Usually, there will be a penthouse on the precipitator. This is a weatherproof gastight
enclosure over the precipitator that houses the high-voltage insulators.
Precipitators are usually built with a number of auxiliary components, which
include access doors, dampers, safety devices, and gas distribution systems. The
access provisions can be either a door or a plate which are closed and bolted under
normal operating conditions but which can be opened when necessary for inspection
and maintenance. Dampers are the means by which the quantity of gas is controlled.
They may be either a guillotine, a louver, or some similar device which opens and
closes to adjust gas flow. In addition, the safety grounding system is extremely
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important and must always be in place during operation and especially during periods
of inspection. The most common grounding system consists of a conductor, one
end of which is grounded to the casing, and the other end is attached to the high-
voltage system by an insulated operating lever. The collecting system consists of
the collecting surfaces where the particulate matter is deposited. Also, a device for
rapping or vibrating the collecting surfaces is included so that the deposited particles
can be dislodged. The high-voltage system includes the discharge electrode and the
insulators. Electrical insulation must be done for safety purposes. The precipitator
hopper is integral with the precipitator shell and is made from the same materials.
The function of the hopper is to collect the precipitated material for final disposal.
ESPs require a high-voltage direct current source of energy for operation. Therefore,
transformers are required to step up the normal service voltages to high voltages.
Rectifiers convert the alternating current to unidirectional current.
26 B. C. Meikap et al. Efficiency
Generally the collection efficiency of the ESP is high, approaching 100%. Many
installations operate at 98 and 99% efficiency. Some materials ionize more readily
than others and are thus more adapted to removal by electrostatic precipitation. Acid
mists and catalyst recovery units often have efficiencies in excess of 99%; carbon
black, because of its agglomerating tendency, has a normal collection efficiency of
less than 35%. However by proper combination of an ESP with a cyclonic collector,
high efficiencies may be obtained in collecting carbon black.
28 B. C. Meikap et al.
• Precautions are necessary to maintain safety during operation. Proper gas flow
distribution, gas resistivity, particulate conductivity, and corona spark over rate
must be maintained carefully.
• The poisonous gas, ozone, is produced by the negatively charged discharge elec-
trodes during gas ionization.
to recover products or to purify gas streams that have high concentrations of organic
compounds. Absorption equipment is designed to get as much mixing between the
gas and liquid as possible.
Absorbers are often referred to as scrubbers, and there are various types of
absorption equipment. The principal types of gas absorption equipment include spray
towers, packed columns, plate towers, spray chambers, and venture scrubbers. The
packed column is by far the most commonly used for the absorption of gaseous pol-
lutants. The packed column absorber has a column filled with an inert (nonreactive)
substance, such as plastic or ceramic, which increases the liquid surface area for the
liquid/gas interface. The inert material helps to maximize the absorption capability
of the column. In addition, the introduction of the gas and liquid at opposite ends
of the column causes mixing to be more efficient because of the counter-current flow
through the column. In general, absorbers can achieve removal efficiencies grater
than 95%. One potential problem with absorption is the generation of waste-water,
which converts an air pollution problem to a water pollution problem.
30 B. C. Meikap et al.
Activated carbon is the universal standard for purification and removal of trace
organic contaminants from liquid and vapor streams. Carbon adsorption uses acti-
vated carbon to control and/or recover gaseous pollutant emissions. In carbon
adsorption, the gas is attracted and adheres to the porous surface of the activated
carbon. Removal efficiencies of 95–99% can be achieved by using this process.
Carbon adsorption is used in cases where the recovered organics are valuable. For
example, carbon adsorption is often used to recover perchloroethylene, a compound
used in the dry cleaning process.
Carbon adsorption systems are either regenerative or nonregenerative as shown
in Figs. 8 and 9. A regenerative system usually contains more than one carbon bed.
As one bed actively removes pollutants, another bed is being regenerated for future
use. Steam is used to purge captured pollutants from the bed to a pollutant recovery
device. By “regenerating” the carbon bed, the same activated carbon particles can be
used again and again. Regenerative systems are used when the concentration of the
pollutant in the gas stream is relatively high. Nonregenerative systems have thinner
beds of activated carbon. In a nonregenerative adsorber, the spent carbon is disposed
of when it becomes saturated with the pollutant. Because of the solid waste problem
generated by this type of system, nonregenerative carbon adsorbers are usually used
when the pollutant concentration is extremely low.
32 B. C. Meikap et al.
condensers typically range from 50% to more than 95%, depending on design and
incinerator has a constant combustible gas concentration and flow rate. These devices
are not well-suited to vapor streams that fluctuate, because the efficiency of the
combustion process depends on the proper mixing of vapors and a specific residence
time in the combustion chamber. Residence time is the amount of time the fuel
mixture remains in the combustion chamber. Often, supplementary fuel is added
to a thermal incinerator to supplement the quantity of pollutant gases being burned
by the incinerator. Energy and heat produced by the incineration process can be
recovered and put to beneficial uses at a facility. Thermal incinerators can destroy
gaseous pollutants at efficiencies greater than 99% when operated correctly.
Catalytic incinerators are very similar to thermal incinerators as shown in Fig. 13.
The main difference is that after passing through the flame area, the gases pass over
a catalyst bed. A catalyst is a substance that enhances a chemical reaction without
being changed or consumed by the reaction. A catalyst promotes oxidation at lower
temperatures, thereby reducing fuel costs. Destruction efficiencies greater than 95%
are possible using a catalytic incinerator. Higher efficiencies are possible if larger
catalyst volumes or higher temperatures are used. Catalytic incinerators are best
suited for emission streams with low VOC content.
34 B. C. Meikap et al.
the air, toxic compounds, VOCs. The principle of biofiltration is relatively simple:
a contaminated air stream is passed through a porous packed bed on which pollutant-
degrading cultures of microorganisms are immobilized, and air biotreatment relies
on microbial reactions for the degradation of waste compounds. As the odorous and
contaminated air passes through the media, the contaminants in the air stream are
absorbed by the biofilm. These contaminants are then oxidized to produce biomass,
CO2 , H2 O, NO3 , and SO4 . Biofiltration is an emerging technology, and in comparison
with traditional methods of air pollution control, it offers a number of advantages
for the treatment of low concentrations of polluted air streams. Besides its high
removal efficiency, low capital and operating costs, safe operating conditions, and
low energy consumption, it does not generate undesirable byproducts and converts
many organic and inorganic compounds into harmless oxidation products.
A biofilter normally consists of a simple bed of material that is conductive to
the support of microbe growth through which the pollutant gaseous passes at a low
velocity as shown in Fig. 14. The bed material filter normally compost, sphagnum
peat, wood chips, polystyrene, fiberglass wool, clay, soil, or granular activated
carbon. The bed material filters are surrounded by a film of aqueous liquor, which
36 B. C. Meikap et al.
only an initial step to limit the vehicular pollution; as in fact, there is no other choice
left now, but to change the basic design of our automobiles, incorporating catalytic
convertors in their exhaust pipes, and to adopt multi-point fuel injection (MPFi)
system with dual intake valves to limit the fuel intake exactly to the needs of the
engine, with no excess fuel usage at any point.
The catalytic convertors are usually made of noble metals, like platinum, pal-
ladium, etc., and help in oxidizing CO and HC into their final product CO2 , and also
in reducing NO into nitrogen. These noble metal catalysts are highly active, and resist
sulfur poisoning. A catalytic convertor is generally placed inside the tail exhaust pipe
of the automobile, so as to pass through it the “partially oxidized emissions” before
they are let out into the atmosphere.
VII. Approach roads and internal roads should be black topped or concreted and
good housekeeping practices should be followed to prevent the generation
of fugitive dust.
VIII. Appropriate devices like pneumatic dust handling system/mechanical dust
handling system/Pug mill shall be provided at the hoppers of ESPs and pulse
jet bag filters for continuous evacuation of dust from the hoppers without
creating fugitive emission near the ESP and bag filter area. The collected
dust from air pollution control equipments should be utilized or disposed
off in a designed land fill area. Until capping of land fill, the dust shall be
kept in wet condition with water sprinklers to avoid re-entrainment into the
surrounding area due to wind.
IX. Raw materials like iron ore and coal fines should be stored under covered
X. Accumulation of dust in the work zone and nondumping area inside the
factory premises shall be avoided. The work zone area shall be properly
cleaned either manually or mechanically every day and the dust so collected
shall be disposed off in the designated dump site.
XI. Accretion material/dust, waste material generated due to cleaning of the
kilns/ furnaces/ boilers/ equipments should not be dumped haphazardly
but it should be temporarily kept in an earmarked area and subsequently
removed and transferred to the designated dump site within two days of their
XII. Dust from approach roads and internal roads should be removed every day
and taken to the dump site. The approach road and internal roads shall be
cleaned by water hose periodically to avoid the accumulation of dust and to
control fugitive dust emission during plying of vehicles.
XIII. Permanent type of high-pressure water spraying system with nozzles should
be installed for regular spraying of water on all roads, work zone, and solid
waste dumping area.
XIV. Proper housekeeping should be maintained by a dedicated team.
XV. The industry must constitute a team of responsible and technically qual-
ified personnel who will ensure continuous operation of all pollution control
devices round the clock (including night hours).
XVI. In no case, leakage of flue gas should be allowed through the emergency
caps of process equipments bypassing the pollution control devices.
XVII. Air pollution control measures installed at crushers, screens, material transfer
points, product handling area, cooler discharge, magnetic separator, and
other potential dust generating points shall be operated continuously and
effectively to control fugitive dust emission.
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38 B. C. Meikap et al.
XVIII. Additional bag filters should be provided at coal injection point, raw material
feeding point, storage bins, intermediate bins, and any other material transfer
points (if not provided yet) to control the emission of fugitive dust. Slip rings
of kilns shall be maintained properly to prevent dust leakages.
XIX. The industry should install separate energy meters for ESP/GCP and other
pollution control devices. A logbook shall be maintained to record the energy
meter readings, and a monthly statement of such energy meter readings of
power consumption along with monthly electricity bill shall be furnished to
the Pollution Control Board.
XX. Maintenance of all the pollution control devices shall be taken up during
normal shutdown of kilns. In case of failure of any air pollution control
devices at any point of time, the fact shall be intimated to the Board imme-
diately by fax, and immediate action shall be taken to resume the proper
functioning of the devices.
XXI. Boundary shall be provided around the existing/proposed solid waste
dumping area, and to prevent the generation of wind-borne dust, the height
of the dump shall not be more than the height of the boundary wall under
any circumstances.
XXII. The ambient air quality shall confirm to the prescribed standard. Areas within
the premises of the plant shall be considered as industrial area and areas
outside the premises shall be treated as residential and rural areas.
XXIII. The D.G. set shall be installed in an acoustically designed enclosure to
control noise level and over anti-vibration pads to avoid vibration.
XXIV. The height of the stack attached to the D.G. sets shall confirm to the fol-
lowing. H = h + 0.2 KVA where h = height of the building where it is
installed in meter, KVA = capacity of the D.G. set in KVA, H = height of
the stack in meter above ground level.
XXV. Green belt shall be developed along the boundary of factory premises during
the forthcoming monsoon. A plan showing the green belt area shall be sub-
mitted to the Board within one month. Number of species and existing
number of surviving trees shall be reported to the Board.
More information on air pollution control can be found from the literature.14−16
1. Garg, S.K. and Garg, R. (1999). Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering,
New Delhi, India: Khanna Publishers.
2. USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2007). Air Pollution Control Ori-
entation Course. SI: 422 Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Self-Instruction
Manual. epa.gov/oar/oaqps/eog/course422/index.html.
November 15, 2011 11:14 9.75in x 6.5in b1139-ch01
3. Biswas, D.K. and Mishra, P.C. (2006). Clean air is a national requirement. In:
Proceedings of International Conference on Impact of Industrialization on environ-
mental pollution — Its Control and Abatement, Orissa, India, pp. 42–48.
4. Kumar, K.S. and Chenchaiah, S. (2006). Controlling industrial air pollution emissions.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Impact of Industrialization on Envi-
ronmental Pollution — Its Control and Abatement, Orissa, India, pp. 86–92.
5. Panda, B. and Sharma, U. (2006). Air pollution. In: Proceedings of International Con-
ference on Impact of Industrialization on Environmental Pollution — Its Control and
Abatement, Orissa, India, pp. 98–104.
6. Rao, C.S. (1992). Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Delhi, India:
Wiley Eastern Limited.
7. Master, G.M. (2007). Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, New
Delhi, India: Pearson Education.
8. Buonicore, A.J. and Davis, W.T. (1992). Air Pollution Control Manual, Air and Waste
Management Association, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
9. Davis, W.T. (2000). Air Pollution Engineering Manual, Second Edition, A Wiley Inter-
science Publication.
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