Guia de Estilo
Guia de Estilo
Guia de Estilo
At the Ohioana Book Festival in This reaction to the topic of moth- the one hand, of course men don’t
Columbus, Ohio, I was treated to erhood is nothing new; I’ve come want to read about motherhood,
the rare experience of watching to learn following the publication seeing as it’s a bodily experience
readers interact with my book. I of my first book that motherhood they’ll never have. On the other
sat at a small table in a conference is not seen as sufficiently serious, hand, many are thrilled to read
room at the Sheraton and observed sufficiently heady for literature. about trekking into the Alaskan
the audience of Midwestern book I’ve tried to tackle this myth in var- wild or running ultramarathons
nerds and bored, leisure-seeking ious ways, but I’ve also learned to or engaging in heroic combat mis-
families meander by. I began to shrug it off, and to love the women sions, even though these are bodily
detect patterns: Almost all men, who come up to me after read- experiences they will never have.
and certain women, would glance ings and say with gratitude, “I’ve
The bigger issue, I recognize
down at my book’s vibrant yellow- never read anything like this.” But
now as I work on my second
and-orange cover and then, upon at the Ohioana Festival I also had
book, is not so much motherhood
noticing the word “motherhood,” to reckon for the first time, in the
itself, but the nature and tone
immediately move on, sometimes flesh, with the fact that men see
of the writing. The Great Male
offering a conciliatory smile. my book as utterly irrelevant. On
Literary Work that is accepted and
venerated as serious has much
IT FEELS DICEY TO STATE in common with the lectures
When I first went into business hold. With many of my customers a little inconvenient. After my
for myself as a freelance writer paying me late, my husband and I first year in business, I realized
in the fall of 2007, I didn’t really found ourselves in extended de- my life would be a lot easier with
know what I was getting into. bates about decisions like whether some income that came in steadily
At the time, I had four-year-old we could afford to buy the giant every month and took on my first
twins and a one-year old. My main economy size pack of diapers. It retainer client, then another.
motivation for starting a business was scary at times but eventually
I also realized I should specialize.
was to create more freedom to the economy started healing and
There are a lot of things that inter-
control my schedule than even a my business grew.
est me in life but I focus my writ-
very flexible full-time career as a
In October 2017, I passed the ing business on a few key areas,
magazine editor would allow.
ten-year mark in business. And such as entrepreneurship, careers,
Winning that freedom, however, although I think of myself as a and healthcare. It’s easier to come
meant taking on some new chal- writer first and a business owner up with fresh ideas for clients if
lenges. I needed to replace the second, I learned some valuable you know a subject well.
income and benefits from my lessons about entrepreneurship
Within that focus, I broadened
full-time corporate job at Fortune along the way.
the type of writing I did, branch-
Small Business magazine right
One is about the importance ing out from journalism to ghost-
away. When you have a family and
of cash flow. We live in a soci- writing essays and books, as well.
live near New York City, the cost of
ety where bills tend to be due I really enjoy working with my
living is pretty unforgiving.
monthly. You can’t just pay them ghostwriting clients, who are very
Not long after I went into business, when you have money coming in. smart, successful people who lack
the economy started to tank, and That makes the erratic payment the time to write. Even better,
the global financial meltdown took cycles most freelancers live with the work generally comes from
The U.S. Census Bureau found Writing will always be what truly
that 35,584 “nonemployer firms”— inspires me at work. However,
those with no employees except running my freelance business
the owners — hit $1 million to more efficiently frees time I’d
$2.49 million a year in sales. When rather protect for things that mat-
I first came across these statistics ter to me — like spending an extra
as a reporter, I was very curious hour in the sun on a warm spring
about what the owners were ac- day with my kids.
tually doing. I found there were
people hitting this level of revenue
in businesses as varied as selling Elaine Pofeldt is the author of
organic honey, marketing day- The Million-Dollar, One-Person
books on Amazon, training peo- Business.
ple how to cook healthier food
in video courses, doing business
consulting, and investing in small
residential rental properties, to
name a few.
Perhaps you hear the word Frenchman Michel de Montaigne on whether the personal essay
“essay” and you flash back (1533-1592) with the invention of has reached its end point. That is,
to your school days. Most the essai, the name he gave to the have people shared every last as-
Americans learned something pieces he wrote. “Essay” is drawn pect of their lives? Jia Tolentino’s
called the “five-paragraph es- from the French verb essayer (to essay drew a number of responses.
say” in school. It comprises an try, to attempt), and referred to the I found an essay written by Vir-
introduction, a conclusion, and short pieces that Montaigne wrote ginia Woolf in 1905 where she
three paragraphs in-between of on various subjects. Rather than complained that too many people
exposition and analysis. Essay- declare himself such an expert were writing essays for the mul-
writing assignments were dry as that he could write treatises or titude of magazines of her day.
dust, with the emphasis seem- books on certain subjects, he wrote This need for content by today’s
ingly on making certain that the these shorter pieces in which he plethora of websites has made
points laid out in the introduction attempted to create meaning. writers feel that they are expected
had been proven by the time of the to reveal secrets to slake the
Since then, essays have become
conclusion, which was a means of demand.
ways for exploring any number of
reminding the reader of what they
subjects. In our current age, many But, just as readers have had
had just read.
people associate the essay with literary book choices ranging
But the essay is one of the most the “personal essay,” which are from “penny dreadfuls” to Nobel
protean of our ways of writing, pieces that expose some aspect of Prize-winning prose, so too are
and, in literature, the essay can self, whether a confessional about there a range of levels of literary
be a container for some of our a fault or a story about a relation- essays out there. And literary es-
greatest writers’ greatest work. ship. In the past year or so, a de- says bear as much resemblance
Most literary scholars credit bate among writers has centered to the five-paragraph essay as
Ever since writing my first book, telling me, and I can stop the tape rhythms — especially its rhythms.
Shadow Divers, I’ve used two at any moment to contemplate This causes me to catch mistakes I
strange tricks to improve my the information. Often, I hear might otherwise drift past.
writing. things for the first time when I’m
For years, these tricks served
hearing them for the second time.
First, I almost never pay others me reliably. But they were never
It’s a wonderful way to learn.
to transcribe the interviews I do better utilized than when I set out
during my research, but rather do The second trick is that I always to write my new nonfiction book,
them myself, painstakingly. It’s read aloud what I’ve written.
not that I’m cheap (I’ll buy you a Doing so makes me sound strange
beer if I meet you), it’s that typing to passersby (including my family, OFTEN, I HEAR
out the interview slows me down
and allows me to hear everything
and don’t get me started on what
this looks like in a coffee shop),
a subject is saying. And that’s but it confers a similar benefit to THE FIRST TIME
important. While conducting
interviews, part of my focus is on
transcribing my own interviews —
it slows me down. This is critical
formulating follow-up questions, to catching bad writing. If I read HEARING
or shifting gears based on the
subject’s answer, or processing
to myself silently, I find that my
brain sometimes skips over words,
new information, any of which likely because I’m already familiar SECOND TIME.
might divert my attention and with what I wrote. By forcing my-
cause me to miss something self to read aloud, I cannot jump
important. At home, transcrib- over words or phrases, and I’m
ing slowly by myself, I can truly compelled to hear how the entirety
hear what my interview subject is of the writing sounds, including its
No one told me I had signed up to a work of graphic nonfiction. even impossible, to express with
compete in a “bake-off.” words alone.
Jacobson, like me, can’t draw his
It was the early 2000s. Sid way out of a wet paper bag. But So in adapting The 9/11
Jacobson, a gentleman who way he had long collaborated with Commission Report, Jacobson
back when had co-created “Richie illustrator Ernie Colón. Together, and Colón adhered closely to
Rich” and “Casper the Friendly they made sure their innovative these two peculiar advantages the
Ghost” for Harvey Comics (a work would silence any umbrage- form offers.
kiddie imprint at Marvel) was, taking stokers of outrage who
The opening sequence of their re-
like many longtime New York- would inevitably pop up to cry
sulting The 9/11 Report, published
ers, still processing what his city foul about their adaptation. For
in 2006 by Farrar, Straus, and
had been made to live through on nothing could be more predictable
Giroux imprint Hill and Wang, is
September 11th, 2001. than that sanctimonious droves
an arrestingly elegant, side-by-
would raise hell about anyone
Jacobson’s impulse was to respond side timeline of the four hijacked
daring to apply the juvenile form
to the atrocity professionally. That planes. The timeline depicts how
of comics to one of America’s
is, he felt driven to employ his long after takeoff each of the flight
darkest days.
creativity — specifically his gift for crews was violently overpowered;
creating comics — to help make how and to where the aircraft
But Jacobson knew what knee-
sense of the attack. changed course; and where each
jerk critics of the comics medium
was harrowingly made to crash.
He came around to the idea he did not. That is, comics have the
should adapt the findings of the ability to elevate reading to a This finely achieved use of words
National Commission on Terror- manifold, multi-layered experi- and pictures in combination is a
ist Attacks in the United States, ence; and to communicate with perfect example of what I mean
The 9/11 Commission Report, into visuals that which is ungainly, or when I call the comics reading ex-
Like many authors whose books years of my life researching and husband, returned home from
have been published this year, writing a story about racism that Tampa, where he’d been having a
I’d been doing my best to meet is anything but simple, I found tryst with a young Congressional
my deadline in the midst of the reassurance in Coates’s words. aide from Washington, DC, on the
jaw-dropping 2016 presiden- They stayed with me, and ulti- night his wife was raped. Joe hast-
tial contest that put Donald J. mately became an epigraph of my ily met with five of the most pow-
Trump in the White House. In book, Beneath a Ruthless Sun. erful men in the county, and within
the immediate aftermath of the hours, McCall released the black
In December 1957, Blanche
election, television pundits and suspects. Arrested in their place
Bosanquet Knowles, a thirty-
newspaper correspondents strug- was a nineteen-year-old mentally
one-year-old mother of three
gled to make sense of things. disabled youth named Jesse
and wife of one of the most
Some, like Nate Cohn of the New Daniels, who bore one striking
powerful citrus growers in Lake
York Times, mined the polling difference from the other two
County Florida, was raped in her
data for answers and took to Twit- dozen men picked up by deputies
Okahumpka home by a man she
ter to proclaim, “[Hillary] Clin- days earlier.
described to law enforcement as
ton suffered her biggest losses in
a Negro “with bushy hair.” Within Jesse Daniels was white.
places where Obama was stron-
hours, the racist sheriff Willis Mc-
gest among white voters. It’s not a
Call had his deputies round up two With a flourish from a judge’s pen,
simple racism story.”
dozen young black men as sus- Jesse Daniels was railroaded to
In response to Cohn, author Ta- pects. Chattahoochee — Florida’s most
Nehisi Coates tweeted, “Racism notorious mental asylum — with-
But days later, something strange out a trial. There, he would spend
has never been a ‘simple’ story.
happened in Lake County — some- the next fourteen years of his life.
thing strange, that is, for Lake
Having spent the previous five County. Joe Knowles, Blanche’s Jesse’s claims of innocence fell
The novelist William Dean Fanshaw’s Funeral,” “The Story of So, are the events chronicled
Howells once famously remarked the Old Ram”—turn up in this vol- in Roughing It — which details
that his friend Mark Twain was ume as well. Classifying Twain’s Twain’s journey by stagecoach
not a writer who performed work into fiction or nonfiction to the Nevada territory, his stint
so much as a performer who there as a silver miner, and his
wrote. Perhaps surprisingly, this
astute observation also holds
ONCE ASKED apprenticeship to the newspa-
per trade — true? Once asked
true in Twain’s nonfiction, a THAT SAME that same question about one of
form that would seem to put less
of a premium on both invention
QUESTION his own stories, David Sedaris
replied, “They’re true enough,”
and performance. To read the ABOUT ONE and it’s easy to imagine Twain
passages from The Innocents
Abroad, Roughing It, A Tramp
OF HIS OWN saying the same thing about
his youthful adventures in the
Abroad, and Life on the Missis- STORIES, American West. We know he
sippi collected in this volume is
to understand that Twain didn’t
DAVID SEDARIS traveled to Europe and the Holy
Land as a correspondent, so it’s
lose much sleep over the idiosyn- REPLIED, not unreasonable to suppose that
cratic demands of fiction versus
nonfiction. Both offered numer-
“THEY’RE TRUE at least some of what he reports
in The Innocents Abroad actually
ous and varied opportunities to ENOUGH.” happened. I suspect, however, that
an inspired, indeed unparalleled, the literally true parts are those he
bullshitter. To be sure, many of the wasn’t able to improve on through
set pieces that are included in the is something we do for our own embellishment or outright
Everyman’s Library volume of The convenience; his convenience was invention. For Twain, “truth”
Complete Short Stories — “Buck to ignore ours. was not just elastic but indeed
In setting out to write a book Bowie biographer; see: Nile Rod- midway through the Noughties,
about David Bowie, I faced one gers, Mick Rock, Terry O’Neill, the books started to come out
predominant issue: coming up Rick Wakeman, etc. The next fifty on an almost six-monthly basis;
with different reasons for the are the people who think they just since his death there has been a
reader to read the book. If one is a have as much right as anyone else tsunami of Bowie books. Many of
Bowie aficionado, then one knows to bestow on the reader the pearls the books written about Bowie are
how high the bar is, one knows of wisdom they learnt at Bowie’s biographies of the metaphor that
where the bodies are buried. So knee. See: Tracey Emin, Blondie, we have come to know as “Bowie”;
why should someone read another Bono, a Streatham mini cab driver. I wanted to write about the man,
Bowie book? In order to involve The final fifty are the other people, the person himself. For this book,
the reader, I had to widen the net. the unknowns. These were the I focused on the many tall poppies
ones called Kevin, or Keith, the who knew and worked with David
Which is exactly what I did.
ones who were almost mentioned over the years. I also spoke to the
There are too many Bowie books in passing. “Have you spoken to raft of people who perhaps previ-
out there written by people who Kevin?” “Kevin? No. Should I?” In ously hadn’t had the opportunity
simply have an opinion about the end I spoke to people all over to tell their stories with as much
him; what was lacking was a book the world, in London, Paris, Milan, encouragement or fanfare, people
that was the result of many, many Miami, Los Angeles, New York, who had been involved with him
voices. Chicago, Arizona, Cardiff, Sussex, before he was a star, in his pomp,
Montreal, Essex, Sydney, Brixton, and during the long stretches of
I figured that a Bowie book of this Bromley, Beckenham, Cambridge, post-imperial fame. I’d like to
size and ambition needed to have Hay-on-Wye, Ipswich, even in thank them all — the musicians
at least 150 voices in it. The first parts of darkest Detroit. who worked with Bowie, the fam-
fifty are those people you include ily friends, professional friends,
in order to be taken seriously as a Since his enforced retirement childhood acquaintances, lovers,
A crabby novelist who’d got- biographer of James Joyce, that Book Review that he had been
ten a bad review once quipped, it occurred to me that this might considered the most promising
“Whoever grew up wanting to be a be the genre for me. His massive poet of his generation, only to burn
literary critic?” The same could be 700-page book had everything: a himself out with amphetamines
said, I suppose, of wanting to be a (nonfictional) protagonist, vivid and alcohol, dying of a heart
biographer. When you’re fourteen, ancillary characters, a moving attack in the corridor of a crummy
if you’ve thought about the future story line, terrific writing, liter- midtown Manhattan hotel at the
at all, the odds are more likely that ary criticism, and more. It also age of fifty-two. What a precau-
you have your heart set on being had facts. I found this reassur- tionary tale about the dangers of
a pole vaulter, a fireman, maybe ing. I loved reading novels, but the creative life.
these days an entrepreneur, even there was something disconcert-
I persuaded the American Poetry
— should you be so unfortunate as ing about them — they were made
Review to let me write an essay
to have literary inclinations — a up. (Of course, that was the whole
about Schwartz, and from that
poet. But how many adolescents point.) I couldn’t trust them to de-
managed to get a contract from the
even know what a biography is? liver the goods on reality. “Why
publishing house Farrar, Straus,
not say what really happened?”
I certainly didn’t, though I knew and Giroux (for three thousand
wrote Robert Lowell. Exactly.
I wanted to be a writer, and — dollars) to write his biography
being a strange boy who read I had been fascinated by the work … whatever that was. I would
Partisan Review for fun — I was — and by what I knew about the life have to read a few to find out. My
already considering literary critic — of the poet Delmore Schwartz apprenticeship was served un-
as a possible vocation. It wasn’t ever since I was in high school. der the strict, lovingly oppres-
until I was in my early twenties I’d read a few of his lyric poems sive critic Dwight Macdonald,
and had the good fortune to study in anthologies, and knew from a who was Delmore’s literary editor
with Richard Ellmann, the great tribute in the New York Times and had taken an interest in my
History that downplays individual ist”), I’ve seen the task from both had no qualms about inventing
experience — that focuses exclu- perspectives, and I can tell you freely — details, dialogue, scenes
sively on movements, economic that the narrative historian has, — whenever the historical record
forces, social developments, and in some ways, the harder job. Yes, was lacking, but the new school of
the like — can be worthwhile and we don’t face the yawning terror of narrative history insists on higher
enlightening, but it’s never going standards of scholarship. In other
to make very compelling reading
for non-specialists. People are in-
PEOPLE ARE words, we can’t just make it up.
Forty-plus years ago, I was a would have no idea who you were a science journalist. That’s why
freshman in college, taking — and the same was true if you Aline Johnson spoke to me about
Intro to Psychology. We did a unit came back a third or a fourth or a her sister, Lonni Sue: She wanted
on memory, and the classic case tenth time. me to write about her. I had
study was that of a patient known written a bit about neuroscience,
His case launched the modern
only as “H. M.” In the early 1950s, and even about H. M., but only in a
science of memory (that’s why he
he had had his hippocampus and dispassionate, factual way.
was in all the textbooks), and it
other tissues in the brain’s medial
haunted me ever afterward. What Suddenly, I was being offered the
temporal lobes surgically removed
could it possibly be like to exist in chance to write about someone
in an attempt to treat his severe,
such a bizarre state of mind? How with the same, awful condition
unrelenting epileptic seizures. It
could a person even function? in a narrative — and I knew very
was in that moment that the seeds
well, thanks largely to the late,
of my book, The Perpetual Now,
H. M.’s tragedy made such a pow- brilliant Oliver Sacks, that this
were planted.
erful impression on me that when was a far more compelling way
an old acquaintance from middle into the dizzyingly complex world
Before the operation, nobody
school stopped me on the street in of neuroscience. (Aline Johnson
really knew what the hippocam-
2012 and told me that her sister’s had approached Sacks himself,
pus was for. Afterward, it was
hippocampus had been destroyed who had already written about
horrifyingly clear: It’s the central
by a viral infection of the brain, amnesia victim Clive Wearing for
organ of memory. From that time
I said to myself, “Just like H. M.” The New Yorker, but he was busy
onward, H. M. could no longer
She didn’t have to tell me what this with other projects.)
form new memories. If you met
him and had a conversation (his The advantage of narrative — as
language was unimpaired), then In the intervening years since Sacks, and Rebecca Skloot, and
left the room and returned, he that freshman class, I had become Mary Roach, and Richard Preston,