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Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp.

Srećko R. Stopića, Bernd G. Friedrichb
RWTH Aachen University, Faculty of Georesources
and Materials Engineering,
IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling, Aachen, Germany
e-mail: sstopic@ime-aachen.de,
ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1752-5378
e-mail: bfriedrich@ime-aachen.de,
ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2934-2034,

DOI: 10.5937/vojtehg64-10592

FIELD: Chemical Technology

ARTICLE TYPE: Review Paper

Nickel production is a very important activity for the European
Union because nickel is a unique constituent of stainless steel. Europe
has lateritic (oxidic) ore deposits along a very well-known belt starting
from the Alps and ending to the Himalayas. The lateritic belt passes
through western Balkans and Greece and continues through Turkey to
Asia. The known lateritic deposits in Serbia are located in three
different areas called: Zapadna Morava (Rudjinci, Veluce, Ba),
Sumadija (Lipovac, Kolarevici, Bucje) and Mokra Gora, which have
many natural resources such as forests, rivers, etc. Therefore, it is very
important to understand and show hydrometallurgical treatments of
lateritic ores via mining and metallurgy in different parts of the world. In
this paper, several exploitation scenarios for hydrometallurgical
treatment and benefication of lateritic ores will be shown: Direct Nickel
Process, Ravensthorpe and Murrin Murrin in Australia and Meta Cobalt
Nickel in Turkey.
Key words: nickel, cobalt, lateritic ore, hydrometallurgy, autoclave.


Nickel is a naturally occurring, silvery-white metallic element widely
used in over 300,000 products for catalysis, consumer, industrial, military,
transport, aerospace, marine and architectural applications. Nickel has been
used since ancient times. Because of its resistance to corrosion, nickel has
been occasionally used historically as a substitute for decorative silver.
Pure nickel was extracted by Axel Cronstedt from the ore niccolite (nickel
arsenide, NiAs) in 1751. Because of its presence in copper ores, this
element got its name from the German word 'kupfernickel' meaning Devil's
copper. It is the fifth most common element on earth and occurs extensively
in the earth's crust. In this work, different hydrometallurgical processes for
the treatment of nickel laterite ores will be presented. Nickel is not a
cumulative toxicant. Some people may show an allergy sensibility to nickel,
affecting their skin (about 5 to 10 % in Europe).
As a result of high nickel production costs associated with traditional
pyrometallurgical techniques and the depletion of high-grade sulfide ores,
a renewed interest has developed concerning the production of nickel and
cobalt by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of nickel laterites. More than
one third of the world’s nickel is nowadays produced from laterite ores
(Bergmann, 2003, pp.127-138). Laterites account for two thirds of the
world’s nickel resources. It is therefore likely that increasing amounts of
nickel will be produced from laterites. Since laterite type ores naturally
occur close to the surface, economical open pit mining techniques are
employed to recover the ore after the removal of the overburden
(Whittington & Muir, 2000, pp.527-600). The laterite ore consists of fresh
saprolite, limonite and nontronite. These ores represent various layers in
the laterite bedrock. Limonite consists mainly of goethite, a hydrated iron
oxide such as FeO(OH), HFeO2, or Fe2O3·H2O. This continues to a
nontronite rich zone. Saprolite is the next layer, which is distinguished
from its rich magnesium silicate content. The chemical analyses of a few
chosen ores are shown in Table 1 (Stopić, 2004, pp.257-266)
Table 1 – ICP Analyses of the Average Content of Laterite Ore from “Rudjinci”,
Serbia and from “Silcrete”, Australia
Таблица 1 – ICP Анализ среднего объема латеритных руд в «Руджинцы»,
Сербия и в “Silcrete”, Австралия
Tabela 1 – ICP analize prosečnog sadržaja lateritnih ruda nikla u „Ruđinci“ (Srbija)
i „SIlcrete“ (Australija)
Element “Rudjinci”, Serbia (wt %) “Silcrete”, Australia (wt %)
Si 25.33 17.40
Fe 14.90 26.42
Al 2.12 4.16
Cr 1.30 0.67
Ni 1.13 0.78
Co 0.05 0.05
Mg 3.22 1.70
Mn 0.37 0.25
Na 0.04 0.04
K 0.04 0.05

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
As shown in Table 1, the nickel content in oxidic ores amounts to
between 0.78 and 1.13 wt. %. The main accompanying elements are
silicium, iron, magnesium and aluminium. The above mentioned ores
were investigated under high pressure conditions in an autoclave. The
comparative analysis of different minerals shows a different content of
important elements, what is very important for the choice of leaching.

Table 2 – Chemical composition of nontronite and limonite

Таблица 2 – Химический состав нонтронита и лимонита
Tabela 2 – Hemijski sastav nontronita i limonita
[%] Fe Al MgO Ni Co
Nontronite 10-30 8-10 5-15 0.6-2 0.02-0.1
Limonite 40-50 7-9 0.5-5 0.8-1.5 0.1-0.2

Leaching Methods
In hydrometalurgical processes, three different methods are usually
used: tank leaching, heap leaching and high pressure acidic leaching
HPAL. Tank leaching uses a stirrer and reagents to get the reaction
started. An overflow leads the suspension to another tank, where the
pregnant solution and the slurry are separated by a solid/liquid
separation process.

Figure 1 – Leaching under atmospheric pressure: tank (left) and heap (right)
Рис. 1 – Промывка при атмосферном давлении: в баке (слева) и в куче (справа)
Slika 1 – Luženje pri atmosferskom pritisku: u tanku (levo) i na gomilama (desno)

Heap leaching is a very slow process, where the acid is spread

dropwise on a heap, slowly pouring to the bottom. Superiadi had some
remarks about the following heap leaching processes (Superiadi, 2008,
pp.25). During this reaction time, the used acid reacts with the minerals.


Table 3 – The most known heap leaching processes

Таблица 3 – Самые распространенные методы промывки руд в куче
Tabela 3 – Najpoznatiji procesi luženja na gomilama

Leaching under high pressure was performed in special devices

(autoclaves). Slurred, crushed ore from the mine is conveyed to the
processing plant to be pressure leached with sulphuric acid. The High
Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL area receives the slurred feed, heats it up
to 225-270°C and mixes it with hot concentrated sulphuric acid inside
four titanium-lined autoclaves. Nickel and cobalt are dissolved into the

NiO + H2SO4 Æ NiSO4 + H2O (1)

CoO + H2SO4 Æ CoSO4 + H2O (2)

Figure 2 – High Pressure Leaching of nickel lateritic ores HPAL

Рис. 2 – Промывка латеритных руд под высоким давлением в автоклаве
Slika 2 – Luženje pri visokom pritisku u autoklavu

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
The hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores begins with
an acidic solution (Dry &Haris, 2012, pp.20-35). The dominant acid so far
has been sulphuric acid, but research work has been published on the
process using hydrochloric acid or nitric acid. Sulphuric acid, hydrochloric
acid, and nitric acid are the three major mineral acids for the leaching of
laterites. The comparative analysis has shown that both the chloride and
the nitrate circuits examined have appreciably lower operating costs than
the sulphate circuits. The dissolution kinetics of nickel lateritic ore in an
aqueous acid solution of three metabolic acids, i. e. citric acid, oxalic acid
and acetic acid was investigated in a batch reactor individually (Sahu et
al., 2011, pp.251-258). The percentage of nickel leaching for different
acids at the time intervals of 40, 80 and 120 hours at a concentration of
1M was studied. Oxalic acid was the most efficient leaching agent
compared to the other two used acids. The maximum leaching efficiency
was about 30% under the above mentioned conditions. Superiadi has
performed a comparative analysis of different leaching processes for
lateritic ores.

Table 4 – Comparative analysis of different leaching processes for lateritic ores

Таблица 4 – Сопоставительный анализ различных методов промывки латеритных руд
Tabela 4 – Uporedna analiza raznih procesa luženja za lateritne rude

The Caron process contains a thermal pretreatment and the final

ammoniacal leaching. Therefore, this process needs more capital
costs. This process is not a subject of this paper. HPAL, Heap Leach
and Chloride leach have low electricity request and operating costs.
The high pressure leaching process is considered in our previous
publication (Stopić, 2011, pp.29-44). One detailed analysis of different


deposits confirms an advantage of the used HPAL-processes

regarding the maximum leaching efficiency of nickel and cobalt
(approx. above 90 %).

Table 5 – Comparative analysis of the leaching efficiency of Ni and Co

Таблица 5 – Сопоставительный анализ эффективности промывки никеля и кобальта
Tabela 5 – Uporedna analiza stepena luženja za nikal i kobalt

The study aims to compare three different hydrometallurgical

processes for the treatment of nickel lateritic ores: Direct Nickel, Meta
and Minara HPAL processes, as well as to point out a significance of the
beneficiation processes in order to increase the leaching efficiency of
nickel and cobalt.

Direct Nickel Process, Australia

The Direct Nickel Process was developed in Australia representing a
revolution in nickel production and a frontier advance in the processing of
lateritic oxidic nickel ores (McCarthy & Brock, 2011, pp. 2-11). The Direct
Nickel Group from Australia has created a new, simple and efficient
process for extracting nickel from oxidic ored from Indonesia, which will
bridge the global nickel supply gap. Most steps in the verstaile flowsheet
have been tested at a pilot scale. In 2007, a pre-feasibility study
conducted independently by Kvaerner and studies by several
independent experts confirmed its economic potential. The full process
was demonstrated at a five tonnes a day scale.

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
Figure 3 – Flowchart of the Direct Nickel Process
Рис. 3 – Схема операций Direct Nickel Proces
Slika 3 – Pregled operacija u „Direct Nickel Procesu”

The DNi Process leach is operated at atmospheric pressure at

110°C in 304 stainless steel tanks at temperatures below the boiling
point. Leaching takes between 2 and 4 hours.
2. Insoluble residue is separated from the pregnant leach solution
(PLS), which now contains most of elements such as Ni, Co, Fe, Al and
Mg. The residue goes to a tailings disposal facility.
3. Iron Hydrolysis takes the pregnant leach solution and removes
iron and chromium, making a hematite (Fe2O3) product at temperatures
about 170°C. This is separated from the PLS by filtration at 50°C.
4. Aluminium is precipitated in two steps by MgO addition and
filtered from the solution in a form of white product- aluminium hydroxide.
5. A Mixed Hydroxide Product (MHP) is precipitated using MgO and
filtered out of the solution. This MHP (40-45 wt.% Ni, ~2% Co) is the final
product from the DNI.
6. The barren solution is passed through a series of evaporation
vessels and then through thermal decomposition where magnesium nitrate
converts to MgO and NOx gases. These gases are recycled back to nitric
acid and reused in the leach circuit. Some of the produced MgO is recycled
back to aluminium precipitation and mixed hydroxide precipitation, the
remainder is available for sale as a high quality magnesia product.
The process is environmentally friendly because almost all the
reagent is captured and recycled. The mass of waste residues is less than
half that of HPAL processes due to minimal disposal of reagent and


neutralization agents – and the production of saleable co-products.

Valuable co-products are produced such as magnesium oxide.
Maintenance costs are reduced by the low intensity of the process, and the
simple materials of construction in comparison to titanium in an autoclave.

Ravensthorpe Nickel Project, Australia

Beneficiation is the process where a low-grade component of
mineralization is separated from the rest and rejected, leaving a
component with a higher grade to be treated in the leaching process.
This is analogous to making a concentrate from a sulfide ore, but the
concentration factor is much smaller for nickel laterite ores. A major
difference between laterite (oxide) and nickel sulfide processing is that
the sulfides ores are amenable to beneficiation producing high grade
concentrates (10 to 26 % Ni). This reduces both the size of the
processing facilities (especially the front end processing facilities) and
overall processing costs for sulfides. Only a limited upgrading (by a factor
of <3, but mostly < 2) can be carried out with laterite ores.
The combined Ravensthorpe Nickel Project RNP and Yabulu
Refinery Expansion (BHP BILLITON 100%) was a US$ 1.4 billion project
in regional Australia in 2004 that has produced high quality nickel metal
and cobalt for global export markets. The Ravensthorpe orebody is
distinctive in that it has a high silica content which enables the limonite
ore to be upgraded to almost twice the mined grade through a
beneficiation plant-a simple scrubbing and screening process to remove
the barren hard silica (Adams, et al., 2004, pp.193-202).
The saprolite ore also upgrades but to a lesser extent. Limonite and
saprolite are to be treated separately in two purpose-built beneficiation
circuits, thereby increasing the nickel grade of the ore prior to leaching. The
average grade of ore shipped from Berong has been greater than 1.5% Ni.
The Ravensthorpe Nickel Project consists of 152 million tonne-resource of
nickel laterite of the south coast of Western Australia. The project involves
the mining and beneficiation of the nickel laterite ore, hydrometallurgical
processing using Pressure Acid Leaching (PAL) technology and marketing
of nickel and cobalt products. The project gives a PAL plant feed grade of
2.0 % Ni, produces 25,000 tonnes per annum of LME grade nickel metal
cathodes and 1,900 tonnes per annum of cobalt sulphide by–products.
Screening and classification processes are used to separate out the finer
higher grade fraction from the coarse grade fraction from the Run of Mine
ROM. The aim of the beneficiation circuit is to maximise Ni and Co recovery
in the minimum weight fraction obtainable, while rejecting minerals
containing quartz. The unit operations are: primary crushing, scrubbing,
screening, cycloning, attritioning, classification, and thickening.

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047

Figure 4 – Process Flow Chart for Ore Beneficiation (Ravensthorpe Nickel Project)
Рис. 4 – Схема “Ravensthorpe Nickel Project” обогащения руды
Slika 4 – Šema „Ravensthorpe Nickel Project” radi obogaćivanja rude


Meta Nickel Cobalt Process, Turkey

Meta Madencilik Ltd. Şti. was founded in 2000 by a group of
professional engineers and it developed the Turkey’s first nickel project.
Meta has been carrying out the activities under the name of Meta Nikel
Kobalt Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. since 2007. The Turkish “Meta”
company is part of the “ZORLU Group”, which is active in many different
“Meta” has 3 project sites at which nickel and cobalt are extracted:
• Gordes nickel cobalt investment project
• Eskisehir nickel ore production & exploration project
• Usak nickel exploration project
All plants extract metals from the lateritic ore. The previous
investigation of nickel extraction from lateric ores was performed under
atmospheric pressure (Büyükakıncı & Topkaya, 2009, pp.33-38). The
project area is located in Western Turkey, within the boundaries of
Manisa Province, between Akhisar and Gördes Towns and around
Fundacık - Çiçekli – Kabakoz and Kalemoğlu Villages. The mine site is
20 km away from the town of Gördes by an asphalt road and it is nearly
45 km from the town of Akhisar, 115 km from Manisa and 160 km from
İzmir. The nearest state railway is about 40 km away.
A total of 230,000 tons of nickel ore has been produced from two
open pits and 150,000 tons of ore have been exported to Greece,
Macedonia and China since 2003. Approximately 80,000 tons of the
remained nickel ore were stocked at the mine site, to be used during a
trial production of the process plant, which is under construction. A world
class laboratory was set up on the mine site in 2007, to conduct chemical
analyses on the samples obtained from the exploration and drilling
program. The following operations are used:
1) Ore Preparation Æ classification of ore particles
2) High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL)Æ leaching method to
extract nickel and cobalt
3) Primary Iron Removal & Re-Leach Area Solid Liquid Separation
(CCD or SX)
4) Secondary Iron Removal (Secondary Neutralization)
5) MHP (Mixed Hydroxide Product) Precipitation-1
6) MHP (Mixed Hydroxide Product) Precipitation-2
7) Manganese Removal
8) Final Neutralization

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
Figure 5 – Flowchart of the META Cobalt Nickel Process
Рис. 5 – Схема META Cobalt Nickel Process
Slika 5 – Šema za „META Kobalt Nikal Process”

For the following neutralization, calcium carbonate is used. After

that, nickel and cobalt are recovered from the solution in 98 – 99 % yield
by precipitation at 120 °C with hydrogen sulfide at a pressure of 1.1 MPa
in a three-compartment, brick-lined autoclave in accordance with the
following reaction:
NiSO4 + H2S Æ NiS + H2SO4 (3)
The final product has the following chemical composition of the
mixed precipitate

Table 6 – Chemical composition of the final product

Таблица 6 – Химический состав конечной продукции
Tabela 6 – Hemijski sastav konačnog produkta
[%] Ni Co Fe Al Mg Mn
MHP-2 30-40 1.5-2 <0.5 1-2 1.3 0.8

The advantages of the META-process:

1) Capital expenditure and operational expenditure are relatively low
2) Sulphuric acid consumption is low
3) Reagent types and consumption is low
4) Metal extractions (Ni and Co) with respect to time are above 90 %
The disadvantages of this process are related to the precipitation
1) Low Mg concentration necessary (<4%)
2) Low Al concentration necessary (because Al is high acid consumer)


Murrin Murrin Project, Australia

Minara is the fully integrated nickel laterite producer in the world. The
Murrin Murrin nickel-cobalt project, 60km east of Leonora, was
commissioned by Anaconda Nickel Ltd. The project is now a joint venture
between Murrin Murrin Holdings Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Minara Resources Ltd (60%), and Glenmurrin Pty Ltd, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Glencore International AG (40%). It is based on the mining and
processing of lateritic ore for the production of up to 40,000t/y of nickel and
2,500t/y of cobalt briquettes. After mining from the nearby open pits, the ore
is delivered to the run of mine (ROM) pad, where it is sorted depending on
its grade and blended to ensure consistent feed to the feed preparation
circuit. The ore is then mixed with water to form slurry for processing in the
High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) circuit. (four titanium autoclaves in a line).
The most important operations in the Murrin Murrin process contain:
1. mining and rehabilitation
2. ore preparation
3. High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL)
4. solid/liquid separation-counter current decantation
5. solution neutralization
6. mixed sulfide precipitation
7. tailling neutralization
8. oxygen pre-leach of nickel and cobalt values
9. nickel and cobalt separation
10. nickel and cobalt refining
11. metal package
Mr. Johnston from Minara Resources reported he had finally laid the
ghosts of the company’s troubled past to bed, nearly 14 years after the
first nickel was produced at its Murrin Murrin mine (Evans, 2013, pp.63).
Murrin Murrin produces nickel and cobalt briquettes that easily meet the
highest grade standards of the London Metals Exchange and are highly
regarded and in strong demand from consumers around the world

Hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acids were successfully used for
the leaching of laterite ores. The dissolution kinetics of lateritic ores in an
acidic solution of three metabolic acids confirmed low leaching efficiency
of nickel and cobalt. Tank leaching, heap leaching and high pressure
acidic leaching are mostly used for the hydrometallurgical treatment of
lateritic ores. The Direct Nickel Proces, the Meta Cobalt Nickel Process

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
and the Murrin Murrin Process show a high potential for the production of
nickel and cobalt. The application of HPAL for laterites is expected to
continue - especially for large projects and high grade deposits.
Regarding lower grade deposits, further development of the heap
leaching process for small projects is expected. The beneficiation
process of laterite ores was successfully performed in the Ravensthorpe
plant in Australia in order to produce a nickel concentrate. Finally, nickel
and cobalt have become essential materials in modern life.

Adams, M., & et al., 2004. Piloting of the Beneficiation and EPAL Circuits for
Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations. In: W. Imrie& et al. Eds., International Laterite Nickel
Symposium, pp.193-202
Bergman, R. 2003. Nickel Production from low-iron Laterite Ores: Process
description. CIM Bulletin, 96, pp.127-138.
Büyükakıncı, E., & Topkaya, Y.A. 2009. Extraction of Nickel from Lateritic Ores at
Atmospheric Pressure with Agitation Leaching. Hydrometallurgy, 97, pp.33-38.
Dry, M., & Haris.B., 2012. Nickel laterite and three mineral acids . In: ALTA Nickel
and Cobalt conference, pp.20-35
Evans, N. 2013. Minara finally puts troubled Murrin Murrin past to bed, The West
Australian, p.63.
McCarthy, F. & Brock, G. 2011. The Direct Nickel Process: Continued Progress on
the Pathway to Commercialisation. In: ALTA Conference, pp.2-11
Sahu, S., Kavuri, N., & Kundu, M. 2011. Dissolution Kinetics of Nickel laterite ore using
different secondary metabolic acids.Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 258, p.251.
Stopic, S., & Friedrich, B. 2011. Pressure Hydrometallurgy: A new chance for non-
polluting processes. Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier, 59(3), pp.29-44.
Stopić, S., Friedrich, B., Fuchs, R., & Anastasijevic, N. 2004. Kinetics of high pressure
leaching of nickel lateritic ores "Silcrete". Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2, pp.257-266.
Superiadi, A. 2008. Processing Technology vs Nickel Laterite Ore Characteristic.
Retrieved from
Whittington, B. & Muir, D. 2000. Pressure Acid Leaching of Nickel Laterites:
A Review. Min. Pro. Ext. Mat. Rev., 21, pp.527-600.
Retrieved from http://www.minara.com.au/about/operations-overview/technology.



Сречко Р. Стопич, Бернд Г. Фридрих

Технический университет города Ахен, Институт металлургических
процессов и рециклирования металлов, Германия

ОБЛАСТЬ: химические технологии

ВИД СТАТЬИ: обзорная статья
ЯЗЫК СТАТЬИ: английский


Производство никеля представляет важную отрасль
промышленности в Евросоюзе, так как никель является
составляющим элементом в производстве нержавеющей стали.
Европа обладает ресурсами оксидных руд, находящихся на
большой территории от Альп до Гималаев, охватывая западную
часть Балкан и Грецию, простилаясь через Турцию до Азии.
Известные резервы латеритных руд находятся в Сербии,
располагаясь в трех зонах: Западная Морава (Руждинцы, Велуце,
Ба), Шумадия (Липовац, Коларевичи, Бучье) и Мокра Гора,
представляющих собой природные ресурсы, такие как: лес, реки и
пр. Очень важно понимать и оценить применение латеритных
руд в области горной промышленности и металлургии в разных
частях мира. В данной статье представлено несколько
эксплуатационных сценариев латеритных руд в области
гидрометаллургии: Direct Nickel Process, Murrin Murrin и
Ravensthorpe в Австралии, и META Process в Турции.
Ключевые слова: никель, кобальт, латеритные руды,
гидрометаллургия, автоклав.


Srećko R. Stopić, Bernd G. Friedrich

Institut za procesnu metalurgiju i recikliranje metala,
Tehnički univerzitet u Ahenu, Nemačka

OBLAST: hemijske tehnologije

VRSTA ČLANKA: pregledni članak
JEZIK ČLANKA: engleski

Proizvodnja nikla je vrlo značajna aktivnost u zemljama Evropske
unije, jer nikal je važan dodatak u nerđajućim čelicima. Evropa ima re-
surse oksidnih ruda duž dobro poznatog prostora koji započinje od Al-
pa i završava se na Himalajima. Ovaj opasač prolazi kroz zapadni Bal-
kan i Grčku i nastavlja se kroz Tursku do Azije. Poznati depoziti laterit-
nih ruda u Srbiji smešteni su u tri zone: Zapadnoj Moravi (Ruđinci, Ve-
luce, Ba), Šumadiji (Lipovac, Kolarevići, Bučje) i Mokroj gori, koje pred-
stavljaju prirodne resurse, kao što su šume i reke. Lateritna ruda tretira
se u rudarstvu i metalurgiji u raznim područjima sveta. U ovom radu bi-
će predstavljeno nekoliko eksploatacionih scenarija preko hidrometa-
lurškog tretiranja: „Direct Nickel Process”, „Murrin Murrin” i „Raven-
sthorpe” u Australiji, i „META Process” u Turskoj.
Ključne reči: nikal, kobalt, lateritne rude, hidrometalurgija, autoklav.

Stopić, S., et al, Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores, pp. 1033–1047
Paper received on / Дата получения работы / Datum prijema članka: 28. 03. 2016.
Manuscript corrections submitted on / Дата получения исправленной версии работы /
Datum dostavljanja ispravki rukopisa: 27. 05. 2016.
Paper accepted for publishing on / Дата окончательного согласования работы / Datum
konačnog prihvatanja članka za objavljivanje: 28. 05. 2016.

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