Brouchure - 25th Ysc

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COUNCIL OF SCIENCE AND As is customary, the Congress begins each

TECHNOLOGY year on the National Science Day i.e. February 28.
The Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & CONGRESS will be organized during February 28-
Technology, nodal agency of the Department of the March 01, 2010 as SILVER JUBILEE YOUNG
Science & Technology, Govt. of India in Madhya th
SCIENTIST CONGRESS to commemorate its 25
Pradesh, was instituted in 1981 with a view to year. The Research Scholars, Faculty Members,
optimize sustainable development of the State Scientists etc. working in Madhya Pradesh in any
through science and technology. Some of the major University, College, Government/Semi-
objectives of the Council are to identify areas where Government/Autonomous Institutions are
science and technology input is required for encouraged to submit research papers in the
M.P. Council Of progress of the state in development sectors, to following disciplines:-
contribute towards development of scientific and (1) Agricultural Sciences
Science and Technology technological capabilities in the State, to ensure (2) Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry
better Utilization of the resources of the State and to (3) Behavioral Science/Social Science
Bhopal (M.P.) 462003 promote modernization of the State. (4) Bio-Science
Some of the activities of the Council are (i) (5) Botany
Research & Development (ii) Remote Sensing (6) Zoology
Applications Centre (iii) Biotechnology Application (7) Physics
Centre (iv) Technology Management Centre (v) S&T (8) Chemistry
Popularization & Promotion (vi) Quality Assurance (9) Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Laboratory (vii) Programs for Young Scientists (viii) (10) Environmental Science and Forestry
Mission Excellence Program etc. (11) Medical Science including Pharmaceutical
M.P. YOUNG SCIENTIST CONGRESS (12) Earth Sciences including Geology, Geography,
The M. P. Council of Science & Technology has Oceanography, Metrology and Geophysics
launched a programme of promoting the young (13) Engineering Science and Technology
talent of the State by organization of Young Scientist (14) Home Science including Textile, Food,
Congress every year. The Congress aims at Nutrition & Child development
identifying budding scientists and providing (15) Science Communication and Popularization.
encouragement to their research plans and
The first experiment of its kind attracted
considerable attention and achieved appreciable a. Age on February 28, 2010 not be more than 32
success. Earlier such Congress were held at Devi years for men and 35 years for women.
Ahilya University, Indore (1986, 1992 & 2001), b. 2 years research experience after PG Degree
Barkatullah University, Bhopal (1987, 1999), Jiwaji in the aforesaid disciplines or after Bachelors
Silver Jubilee
Jubilee University, Gwalior (1988, 1998), Awadhesh Pratap Degree in the case of Medical & Engineering
Young Scientist Congress Singh University, Rewa (1989, 2006), Vikram as on February 28, 2010.
University, Ujjain (1990, 2005), Pt. Ravi Shankar c. The paper must bear single authorship. The
University, Raipur (1991), JNKVV, Jabalpur (1993), work should be carried out in the State of M.P.
February 28-March 01, 2010 Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar (1994, 2004), d. Maximum duration for oral presentation will be
Guru Ghansidas University, Bilaspur (1995, 1997), 20 minutes and to followed by discussion.
Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur (1996), Rajiv e. Certificate from Head of
Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (2000), Department/Supervisor may be obtained in
Mahatma Gandhi Gramoday Vishwavidyala, prescribed pattern given in the Brochure.
Chitrakoot (2002), M.P. Bhoj (Open) University,
Bhopal (2003), Samrat Ashok Technological
Institute, Vidisha (2007), M.P. Council of Science
and Technology, Bhopal (2007, 2009).
i. A certificate to recognize his/her research work. The full paper submitted for evaluation must be I declare that
ii. Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- to Young Scientist prepared in the following sequence.
Awardees. 1. Abstract 1. This research work is original and carried out
iii. Fellowship for training in any National Institution 2. Introduction by me at………...
under Council’s Scheme “Fellowship for 3. Experimental details, methods, materials, etc. 2. This paper be considered in the subject/
Training of Young Scientist” within 2 years after 4. Observations and results discipline of……….
receiving the award in pursuance of his/her 5. Discussion 3. I will be under 32/35 years in age on Feb. 28,
research work on which award has been given. 6. Acknowledgement 2010.
7. References as per internationally accepted style 4. I have not received M.P. Young Scientist
GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING ABSTRACTS & 8. Tables and diagrams to be submitted Award earlier.
PAPER separately, each to be signed on the back for 5. Present work has not been awarded earlier by
identification along with the title of the paper any agency and it is also not under
ABSTRACT (05 Copies) 9. The paper should be typed in double space on consideration for any award.
(1) Minimum 250 words and maximum 300 A-4 size paper. The paper must indicate the 6. All the information given by me is correct
words. discipline under which it is to be considered
(2) The abstract must be written in English and accompanied by required Date:
its extent is limited to one A4 page in the certificate/undertaking. Signature of Participant
following pattern. 10 Each candidate should submit his/her research
(a) Subject discipline under which it is to be paper in separate envelope mentioning the
included should be written on top corner. discipline and “Silver Jubilee Young Scientist
(b) The title of the abstract should be typed Congress” on top of the envelope.
using the 14 pt Times New Roman bold It is certified that the information furnished above
font. has been verified and is correct to the best of my
(c) The name of the author and their affiliation, knowledge. The work has been carried out in M.P.
1. Biodata information sheet signed by the
Email address should be then typed with He/she has been eligible for submitting the paper in
the 12 pt Times New Roman font using the the Young Scientist Congress.
2. Proof of age, recent passport size photograph
regular and italic font style, respectively. dully attached in right hand side.
(d) Text to be distributed in three paragraphs Supervisor Head of the Department
3. Copy of the mark-sheet of PG Degree in the
using the single space 12 pt Times New Name:
aforesaid disciplines or of Bachelors Degree in
Roman font: Designation:
the case of Medical & Engineering.
(i) First paragraph indicating objectives and Signature:
4. Certificate from Head and Supervisor.
background details (about 50 words). Address:
5. Undertaking.
(ii) Second paragraph materials, methods or Date:
experiment (about 50 words). BIODATA SHEET
(iii) Third paragraph highlighting the 1. Name: Important Date: Last date for submission of the
observations, finding, discussion and 2. Postal Address: abstract and paper, biodata sheet and
importance. 3. Institutional Address: necessary certificate is January 02, 2010.
(3) Abstract sheet should not be folded. 4. Contact No. and Email ID:
(4) The abstract must be free from mistakes since 4. Age (with proof)/ Date of Birth: Correspondence: All correspondence should be
they will be reproduced as such. 5. Current status JRF/SRF/PDF/RA/Faculty addressed to :
6. Year of award/registration (Ph.D):…………. Director General
7. Source of funds/fellowship:…………………. M.P. Council of Science and Technology.
8. Research experience after post graduate Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal -462 003
degree for Science subject or Bachelor degree Phone – 2671800 Fax – 2671600,
in the case of Medical and Engineering…….. Mob. 9425093823
9. Name of University/Institution where present E-mail:
work is carried out ……….
10. Signature of Candidate. For further details:

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