Chiba 2018
Chiba 2018
Chiba 2018
Mitsuro Chiba, MD, PhD, is the Chief of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Section at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail:
Kunio Nakane, MD, PhD, is the Chief of the Gastroenterology Division at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Tsuyotoshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, is
the Chief of the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Section at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Satoko Tsuda, MD, is a Gastroenterologist at Akita
City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Hajime Ishii, MD, PhD, is a Gastroenterologist at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail:
Hideo Ohno, MD, is a Gastroenterologist at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Kenta Watanabe, MD, is a Gastroenterologist at Akita City
Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Mai Ito, MD, is a Gastroenterologist at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail:
Masafumi Komatsu, MD, PhD, is a Gastroenterologist and the Director of Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Koko Yamada, RD, is a
Registered Nutritionist at Akita City Hospital in Japan. E-mail: Takeshi Sugawara, MD, is a Gastroenterologist at Nakadori
General Hospital in Japan. E-mail:
Table 1a. Examples of a lifestyle habits summary provided to a 22-year-old patient at initial episode of ulcerative colitisa
Habits Frequency, amount, or type
Smoking (no. of cigarettes/d) (more than 20) (6-19) (1-5) Rare None
Regular exerciseb Every day 3-5 d/wk 1-2 d/wk Rare None
Alcoholb Every day 3-5 d/wk 1-2 d/wk Rare None
Eating between mealsb Every day 3-5 d/wk 1-2 d/wk Rare None
Sugar in tea or coffeeb Large amount Average amount Small amount Rare None
Type of dietb Semivegetarian Japanese Pro-Japanese Standard/mixed Pro-Western
a Gray shading represents your present habit (style). Black shading indicates habits that need to change and represents the recommended habit (style); lack of a black-shaded box in a
row indicates that no change is needed.
b Item in boldface represents recommendation for drastic alteration in habit.
Table 1b. Examples of a dietary habits summary provided to a 22-year-old patient at initial episode of ulcerative colitisa
Food Daily 3-5 servings/wkb 1-2 servings/wkb Rarely None
Miso soup
Pulses (beans, soybeans, peas, etc)
Udon/soba (Japanese noodles)
Ramen (Chinese noodles)
Tea, coffee
Beef c
Minced or processed meatc
Ice cream/milk shake
Yogurt (plain)c
Green tea
a Gray shading represents your present habit (style). Black shading indicates habits that need to change and represents the recommended habit (style); lack of a black-shaded box in a
row indicates that no change is needed.
b Servings are spread over a week.
Item in boldface represents recommendation for drastic alteration in habit.
and talked to them about the PBD and helped them get used a 22-year-old patient experiencing an initial episode of UC is
to it. At the end of the hospitalization, a qualified dietitian gave shown in Tables 1a and 1b. The recommended dietary habits in
dietary guidance to the patients and the person who prepared Tables 1a and 1b are consistent with the PBD. These tables were
the patient’s meals.9 Laboratory tests, including any with previ- given to the patient during hospitalization and was used by the
ously abnormal results, were repeated. Patients were advised to dietitian when giving dietary guidance.
continue consuming the PBD after discharge. A PBDS was calculated from the questionnaire responses. The
method for how the PBDS was calculated has been described
Medication before and during Educational Hospitalization previously.10 In brief summary, 8 items considered to be preventive
Medication already prescribed by a physician was maintained factors for IBD had a positive score, and 8 items considered to be
before and during hospitalization irrespective of whether it was IBD risk factors had a negative score. The PBDS was calculated
an initial case or a relapse case. When a patient was referred as the sum of the positive scores (PBDS+) and negative scores
without a prescription of medication, no medication was ad- (PBDS-). A higher PBDS indicated greater adherence to the
ministered before and during hospitalization. However, when PBD.10 The PBDS for the same 22-year-old patient in Tables 1a
there was no improvement observed during the first seven to and 1b is presented in Table 2.
ten days after hospitalization, medication was initiated accord-
ing to guidelines.18 Follow-up
Follow-up was continued as long as possible. The interval
Food-Frequency Questionnaire and Plant-based Diet Score between the educational hospitalization and initial follow-up
A questionnaire of dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors before visit to the Outpatient Department after discharge varied de-
onset or relapse of the disease was given to patients when the pending on the stability of the patient’s condition. For a patient
educational hospitalization was scheduled. This food-frequency who started receiving medication at the end of hospitalization,
questionnaire included 45 questions that covered almost all foods the interval to initial follow-up was three to four weeks. For
or food groups in Japan.9 The questionnaire was obtained imme- a patient who was in unstable remission, the interval was four
diately after admission, before the patient received information to six weeks. For a patient who was in stable remission, the
about the PBD. On the basis of the questionnaire, a table was interval was eight weeks. For a patient who was in remission
created that summarized a patient’s current and future recom- for more than a few years without medication, the interval was
mended lifestyle and dietary habits.9 A representative table for three to six months.
Table 2. Plant-based diet score (PBDS) for a 22-year-old Japanese patient with inflammatory bowel disease
Scoring by frequency of consumption Example: 22-year-old at initial episode of ulcerative colitis
Baseline PBD during
Food group 3-5 1-2 (before educational 19 mo after
Daily servings/wka servings/wka Rarely hospitalization) hospitalization discharge
Positive score
Vegetables 5 3 1 0 3 5 3
Fruits 5 3 1 0 0 5 3
Pulses (beans, soybeans, peas, etc) 5 3 1 0 5 5 5
Potatoes/starches 5 3 1 0 0 5 1
Rice 5 3 1 0 5 5 5
Miso soup 5 3 1 0 5 5 5
Green teab 5 3 1 0 5 0a 5
Yogurt (plain) 5 3 1 0 0 5 5
Negative score
Meat -5 -3 -1 0 -3 0 -3
Minced or processed meat -5 -3 -1 0 -3 0 -3
Cheese/butter/margarine -5 -3 -1 0 0 0 0
Sweets/ice cream/milk shake -5 -3 -1 0 0 0 0
Soft drinks (cola/carbonated -5 -3 -1 0 0 0 0
Alcohol -5 -3 -1 0 -5 0 0
Bread -5 -3 -1 0 0 0 0
Fish -2 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1
PBDS 11 35 25
aServings are spread over a week.
bGreen tea is recommended to drink at home but is not provided at the hospital.
PBD = plant-based diet.
Assessment of Efficacy The secondary end point was immediate improvement during
The primary end point was relapse during the follow-up period educational hospitalization. Patients with UC recruited for edu-
after educational hospitalization. Relapse was defined as a change cational admission comprised 3 groups: mild (disease) activity23;
in the clinical status of the patient that required more aggressive remission23 with abnormal laboratory test results, including fe-
medical treatment.15,19-22 Reappearance of streaks of blood, a small cal occult blood tests; and remission with normal laboratory test
volume of blood, or bloody stool was not counted as relapse if results. For the first 2 groups, improvement was defined as the
blood disappeared or was controlled with previous medication disappearance of bloody stool (clinical remission),24 a decrease
and/or with modification of the diet or a lifestyle behavior. in the volume of blood, normalization of the fecal occult blood
test result or a decreased volume of fecal occult blood, and other not achieve clinical remission during educational hospitaliza-
improvements. Otherwise, the immediate outcome was defined tion achieved remission soon after discharge to the Outpatient
as unchanged. Short-term (≤ 2 years) and long-term (> 2 years) Department. During the follow-up period, 17 patients moved
chronologic changes in the PBDS were also studied. out of Akita and were transferred to other physicians. Ten pa-
tients stopped attending follow-up sessions. The remaining 30
Safety Evaluations patients attended follow-up sessions to the end of July 2017.
Safety assessments included vital signs, patient complaints, The mean follow-up period after educational hospitalization
findings during daily practitioner rounds, and physical exami- was 3 years 10 months (median = 3 years; Table 3).
Statistical Analysis Primary End Point: Relapse Rate
Demographic parameters are expressed as mean and stan- Of 57 cases, 8 (4 of 28 initial episode cases and 4 of 29 relapse
dard deviation (SD) and/or median (interquartile range), as cases; 4 cases each on and without a medication regimen) relapsed
appropriate. The frequency of categorical variables between during the follow-up period (Table 4). Cumulative relapse rates
initial episode cases and relapse cases was assessed using the χ2 at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years were 2%, 4%, 7%, 19%, and 19%, respec-
test. Chronologic changes in PBDS+, PBDS-, and total scores tively (Figure 1). There were no differences in cumulative relapse
in identical patients were compared using the paired t-test or rates between initial episode cases and relapse cases (p = 0.9651;
Wilcoxon test. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to cal- Figure 1). Mean time to relapse was 7 years 3 months (6 years 7
culate the cumulative proportion of patients who had a relapse. months for initial episode cases and 7 years 6 months for relapse
Comparison of cumulative relapse rates between patients with cases). Similarly, there were no differences in cumulative relapse
an initial episode and those with a relapse, or between patients rates between cases on (n = 34) and without (n = 23) a medica-
on and without a medication regimen, was tested using the log- tion regimen (p = 0.9644). In 2 of 8 relapse cases, a colectomy
rank test. All directional tests were 2-tailed. A p value ≤ 0.05 was eventually performed because of corticosteroid dependency
was considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were (Table 4). Biologic agents were not administered for these 2 cases
performed using JMP 8 software (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). because of unavailability at the time.
Patient Characteristics
By extent of disease, E1 (proctitis)23 was most frequent (31
cases, 52%), followed by E3 (extensive colitis; 22 cases, 37%),
and E2 (left-sided colitis; 7 cases, 12%). Of 60 cases, 48 (80%)
were mild,23 11 (18%) were moderate, and 1 (2%) was severe
by maximum severity (Table 3). The difference between mean
disease duration (7 months) for initial episode cases compared
with mean disease duration (53 months) for relapse cases was
statistically significant (p < 0.0001; Table 3). Medication was
not provided during the hospitalization in 23 cases (38%). There
were 2 cases in which immunomodulators (systemic predniso-
lone or azathioprine, or both) were used for initial episode cases
Figure 1. Cumulative relapse rates during follow-up after discharge from
and 5 for relapse cases. There were 2 relapse cases with steroid
educational hospitalization for patients with ulcerative colitis.
dependence. None of the 60 cases had previous surgical resec- Log-rank test between initial episode cases and relapse cases (p = 0.9001).
tion of the large bowel (Table 3). All patients ingested the PBD
during the hospitalization.
Twenty-two of 60 cases were admitted during their school Secondary End Points
or company’s seasonal holidays. Although a 2-week period was Twenty of 60 patients had no symptoms, and their fecal occult
recommended for educational hospitalization, the period dif- blood tests were negative. However, the remaining 40 patients had
fered among patients. Most ranged between 11 and 16 days, either mild activity23 with symptoms or were in remission23 with
with a peak at 14 days. One patient had a psychiatric illness some abnormality in fecal occult blood tests or serum C-reactive
and was discharged earlier than planned, on Day 5, because protein concentration (Table 3). In these 40 cases, the immediate
of anxiety. In this case, dietary guidance was provided at the effects of hospitalization were assessed. Disappearance of bloody
Outpatient Department. stool (clinical remission) occurred in 11 cases (27%); 4 of these
Three of 60 patients were transferred to physicians immedi- patients were not receiving medication. A decrease in the volume
ately after discharge from the educational hospitalization for of blood was observed in 10 cases (25%). Normalization of fecal
unavoidable reasons. Of the remaining 57 patients, 34 were occult blood or a decrease in the volume of fecal occult blood
followed-up while they received medication, whereas 23 cases was observed in 4 cases (10%). Other improvements, such as in
received no medication during follow-up. All patients who did serum C-reactive protein concentration, bowel movements, or
All patients ate the PBD, and none experienced an adverse
effect. There was no serious adverse event because of 5-amino-
salicylic acid or local use of corticosteroid hormone.
To our knowledge, this is the first published study of
Figure 2. Outcome at discharge from educational hospitalization (n = 40). prevention of relapse of UC by means of a PBD in patients
guided through a short educational hospitalization. Cumula-
body temperature, were observed in 6 cases (15%). No improve- tive relapse rates at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years during follow-up
ment was observed in 9 cases (23%; Figure 2). In 2 of these 9 after educational hospitalization were 2%, 4%, 7%, 19%, and
cases, some medication was added. 19%, respectively. These relapse rates are far better than those
One patient was mistakenly not asked to respond to the food- previously reported.15,19-22,25-27
frequency questionnaire. Therefore, baseline PBDS was deter- The definitions of relapse and remission for UC vary accord-
mined from 59 patients. Mean (SD) baseline PBDS+, PBDS-, ing to the perspective of clinical trials, guidelines, clinical prac-
and PBDS were 23.2 (8.4), 13.2 (5.8), and 9.8 (9.8), respectively tice, and patients.28-30 The symptom, streaks of blood in the stool,
(Table 5). For 23 patients, at a median follow-up period of 1 year is determined as relapse by Mayo scoring28 and Montreal clas-
2 months, respective scores were 28.4 (8.0), 6.8 (5.9), and 21.6 sification,23 but not by a simple clinical colitis activity index.29
(10.6). These 3 values were significantly better than those at base- The definition of these terms influences relapse and remission
line (p < 0.0001 or p = 0.0001; Table 5). In the other 16 patients, rates.31,32 In the current study, we followed the Inflammatory
Table 4. Relapsed and surgically treated cases in the follow-up after educational hospitalization
Educational hospitalization Follow-up
First relapse Surgical therapy
Age, Clinical Disease Duration Duration
No. Sex y Extenta case duration Medication Efficacy Medication after EH Medication after EH Indication Other
1 M 16 E2 IE 1 mo 5-ASA, PS NA 5-ASA 3.5 mo Addition of None
because of PS, AZA
2 F 28 E3 IE 3 mo None NA 5-ASA 2 y 2 mo Addition 3 y 5 mo Steroid Eosinophilia 12%,
because of of PS dependency thrombocytosis
remission (57.9 × 104/mm3)
3 M 59 E3 IE 3 mo None Unchanged None 3 y 11 mo Local None Erythema
nodosum on
4 M 18 E3 IE 1 mo None Improved None 6 y 6 mo PS, IFX, None CRMO of left
AZA tibia preceded
18 mo before
5 M 20 E3 Relapse 6y Local, NA Local, 1 y 5 mo Addition 2 y 12 mo Steroid Bronchial
5-ASA, PS, because of 5-ASA, of PS dependency asthma, atopic
AZA remission AZA dermatitis, BMI
of 27.2 kg/m2
6 F 19 E1 Relapse 9 mo Local Improved None 3 y 4 mo IFX None Extension of
lesion: E1 to E3a
7 M 61 E3 Relapse 10 y Local Improved Local as per 3 y 11 mo PS None Distress
occasional with 5-ASA
8 F 34 E3 Relapse 6y Local, Improved None 8 y 9 mo 5-ASA None
aE1 = proctitis; E2 = left-sided colitis; and E3 = extensive colitis.
5-ASA = 5-aminosalicylic acids (orally); AZA = azathioprine; BMI = body mass index; CRMO = chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis; EH = educational hospitalization; F = female;
IE = initial episode of ulcerative colitis; IFX = infliximab; local = suppository, enema; M = male; mo = months; NA = not applicable; PS = prednisolone (orally); y = years.
Bowel Southeastern Norway (IBSEN) Study Group’s defini- confident after a few years of remission using the PBD. This
tion of relapse: A change in clinical status of the patient that may go some way to relieving a patient’s fear about the disease,
requires more aggressive medical treatment.19-22 This definition especially compared with being told that they may need to re-
seems adequate for clinical practice. ceive medication for life.13-15
On the basis of inception cohort studies, it has been deter- In the current study, the majority (77%) of patients experi-
mined that extensive colitis or severe systemic symptoms at enced improvements in symptoms and/or laboratory data during
diagnosis are not associated with increased relapse rates.19-22,33,34 hospitalization (Figure 2). We can attribute this to some extent
This means that relapse occurs irrespective of the extent of the to the patients’ appreciation of the importance of diet. The mean
disease and the severity. Few articles have described relapse rates baseline PBDS (9.8 [SD = 9.8] from 59 patients) in this study
at 1 year for initial episode cases.19,21,27 The rate is reported as was comparable with the score (10.9 [9.5] from 159 patients
50% by the IBSEN Study Group,19 and estimated to be 28% with UC) in a previous study.10 The significantly high PBDS
from a Kaplan-Meier plot provided by the European Collab- at the short-term follow-up (median = 14.0 months) compared
orative Study Group of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.21 It is with the baseline score (p < 0.0001; Table 5) indicated that pa-
68.1% according to a Japanese study in which the definition of tients altered their dietary habits in favor of the PBD. Dietary
relapse was based on a Disease Activity Index28 of 2 or greater.27 adherence to the PBD for more than 1 year might change gut
After the first year, disease activity decreases over time.19,26,34 microbial enterotypes,8 resulting in relapse prevention. In this
Cumulative relapse rates are 57% to 78% at 5 years and 67% study, a high relapse rate in initial episode cases compared with
to 83% at 10 years.20-22,26 The participants in the current study relapse cases19,26,34 was not observed. This indicates that the high
comprised almost half each of initial episode cases and relapse relapse rate in the first year for initial episode cases might be
cases. Although the median disease duration was short for suppressed with dietary intervention.
initial episode cases compared with relapse cases (3 months vs Although sustained dietary change is desired, a decrease in
33 months; Table 3), a higher relapse rate was not observed for PBDS was observed during the long term (median duration = 3
initial episode cases compared with relapse cases (Figure 1). years and 11 months). Most patients tended to lose their deter-
To date, adherence to 5-aminosalicylic acid in the quiescent mination to adhere to the PBD once they had been in remis-
stage has been advocated to prevent a relapse.13-15,18 Kawakami sion for a few years. However, they still consumed more of the
et al15 used the same definition of relapse that we did in a study recommended food and consumed less of the food that was
of Japanese patients who were in remission for more than 6 discouraged compared with baseline (Table 5). Consequently,
months, and they reported a relapse rate at 1 year of 41% for the PBDS was higher compared with baseline (p = 0.0340;
nonmedication-adherent patients and 16% for medication- Table 5). Patients appeared to manage the level of PBD by
adherent patients. Reports of this kind have been the basis for themselves according to their condition, suggesting that edu-
lifelong maintenance medication in UC.13-15 cational hospitalization enhanced their self-management skills.
Our relapse rate of 2% at 1 year is far better than that previ- A PBD was previously shown to be effective in both the
ously reported.15,19,21,26,27,35 Whether a similar low relapse rate is active and quiescent stages of Crohn disease.9,11 The current
found in ordinary patients with UC who have not undergone study has shown that a PBD is effective in both the active and
educational hospitalization needs to be elucidated. Our educa- quiescent stages of UC as well. Of note, four patients with mild
tional protocol resulted in patients voluntarily moderating their activity of UC achieved remission without medication during
meat, processed meat, and alcohol intake, which are reported to the educational hospitalization. Except for our case report,36
be dietary risk factors for relapse in UC.35 We believe that IBD this is the first reported successful induction of remission by
is a lifestyle disease mediated mainly by a westernized diet. It dietary manipulation without medication among published
is suggested that patients can stop medication when they feel dietary trials.37-40 A reduction in the incidence of relapse by
means of educational hospitalization will contribute not only How to Cite this Article
to personal benefits to the patients themselves but also to Chiba M, Nakane K, Tsuji T, et al. Relapse prevention in ulcerative colitis by
health care savings. plant-based diet through educational hospitalization: A single-group trial.
Perm J 2018;22:17-167. DOI:
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Good Advice
We [now] devote more attention to the patient’s diet and habits, and more often
send him away with good advice than with hastily written prescriptions.