Animal Stories Fable Tgass
Animal Stories Fable Tgass
Animal Stories Fable Tgass
One day the deer stroll by the lake. He met with a turtle that looks just pacing alone. "Turtle,
what are you doing here?"
The deer suddenly angry to hear the answer tortoise. "Do not pretend to you, hey turtle! You
just pacing alone but pretended seeking livelihood!"
Tortoise tried to explain, but the deer still angry. In fact, the deer threaten to step on the body
of the turtle. The turtles were annoyed eventually challenging to play hardball calf.
The deer are very angry to hear the challenge of the tortoise to complain calf. He also
requested that the tortoise kicking the calf first. "kick bloody murder, as much as what you
can do!"
The turtles are not willing to do so. He said, "If I kick your calves, you will fall down and not
be able to reply to kick me."
The deer increasingly angry to hear what the tortoise. He was getting ready to kick. He was
poised. When she felt right, he kicked with his front legs as strong as possible.
When the deer swung his leg, the turtle immediately insert the legs into its shell. Kick deer
just about empty space. The deer are very angry to find his shot is not effective. He then
stepped on the tortoise shell firmly. As a result, the body of the turtle goes down into the
ground. The deer thought the turtle was dead. He also left the tortoise.
Tortoise struggled out of the ground. After a week of trying, the turtle finally made it out of
the ground. He then looked for the deer. The discovery of the deer after a few days looking
for. "Prepare deer, now my turn to kick."
The deer just underestimated the ability of the tortoise. "Put all your ability to kick my calves.
Come on, do not hesitate!"
Tortoise alert and square off in a high place. He then rolled his body. When almost arrived
near the body of the deer, he raised his body until his body floated. The tortoise is eyeing the
nose of the deer. Once the severity of the tortoise shell hit to the nose of the deer broke.
Immediately the deer arrogant it was dead.
Moral of the Story Animal Fable: Tale Deer and Turtle is not arrogant and underestimate the
abilities of others. arrogance will only incur a loss and regret later.
1. Cerita Hewan Fabel : Dongeng Rusa dan Kura-Kura
Hiduplah seekor rusa pada zaman dahulu. Ia sangat sombong lagi pemarah. Sering ia
meremehkan kemampuan hewan lain.
Pada suatu hari si rusa berjalan-jalan di pinggir danau. Ia bertemu dengan kura-kura yang
terlihat hanya mondar-mandir saja. "Kura-kura, apa yang sedang engkau lakukan di sini?"
Si rusa tiba-tiba marah mendengar jawaban si kura-kura. "Jangan berlagak engkau, hei kura-
kura! Engkau hanya mondar-mandir saja namun berlagak tengah mencari sumber
Si kura-kura berusaha menjelaskan, namun si rusa tetap marah. Bahkan, si rusa mengancam
akan menginjak tubuh si kura-kura. Si kura-kura yang jengkel akhirnya menantang untuk
mengadu kekuatan betis kaki.
Si rusa sangat marah mendengar tantangan si kura-kura untuk mengadu betis. Ia pun meminta
agar si kura-kura menendang betisnya terlebih dahulu. "Tendanglah sekeras-kerasnya,
semampu yang engkau bisa lakukan!"
Si kura-kura tidak bersedia melakukannya. Katanya, "Jika aku menendang betismu, engkau
akan jatuh dan tidak bisa membalas menendangku."
Si rusa kian marah mendengar ucapan si kura- kura. Ia pun bersiap-siap untuk menendang. Ia
berancang-ancang. Ketika dirasanya tepat, ia pun menendang dengan kaki depannya sekuat-
Pesan Moral dari Cerita Hewan Fabel : Dongeng Rusa dan Kura-Kura adalah jangan sombong
dan meremehkan kemampuan orang lain. kesombongan hanya akan mendatangkan kerugian
dan penyesalan di kemudian hari.