Applied Drilling Circulation

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Real Options, Financial Constraints, and Drilling Rig Rental




a First Version November 2013; Current Version November 2016

We present a simple real options model that illustrates how changes in uncertainty can result

in changes in equilibrium investment costs rather than in changes in investment levels. To

empirically test the model, we examine a panel of oil rig rental rates. Our empirical analysis

conrms that after we control for several relevant economic variables, price uncertainty

negatively aects rig rates.

Keywords: Real Options, Commodity Market

Real options are generally dened as assets that provide their owners with economic

opportunities, but not obligations. For example, a vacant lot provides its owner the op-

portunity to construct a building (Titman (1985)), and mineral rights provide the owner

with the opportunity to extract natural resources (Brennan and Schwartz (1985)). The key

insight from this analysis is that, ceteris paribus, increased uncertainty increases the value

of the real option and decreases the tendency that it will get exercised (see also McDonald

and Siegel (1986)).

In general, it is dicult to imagine situations where shocks to uncertainty do not aect

other aspects of the real option exercise decision. For instance, consider the option to drill

Khokher and Venkatesan are at the A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, 7 McAlister
Drive, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA. Morovati is at Stanford University. Titman is with the McCombs School
of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, 2110 Speedway, Stop B6000 Austin, TX 78712 USA. We
thank workshop participants at the 2015 Financial Research Association meeting for comments. Remaining
errors are ours alone.
an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, which is the focus of this paper. Because the supply of

drilling rigs is at least temporarily xed, a shock to uncertainty about oil prices, or even

a shock to the level of oil prices, will not necessarily aect the amount of drilling. As our

simple model illustrates, such a shock may, instead, cause the rental rates on the oil rigs

to adjust. In the language of real options, shocks to option payos (the oil revenues) will

aect the option exercise prices (the cost of drilling), but may not aect the exercise choices

(whether or not to drill). If this situation is indeed the case, a more appropriate test of the

real options model will examine the cost of drilling rather than the level of drilling.

In our simple model, the supply of drilling rigs is xed and producers can extract their

oil reserves immediately, or they can delay extraction untill the next period. As uncertainty

increases, this timing exibility becomes more valuable and producers are less likely to extract

reserves immediately. In this case, the producers' demand curve for oil rigs shifts downward

and the equilibrium rig rental rate declines.

To test the model, we analyze the rental rates of drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Our

dataset, which covers virtually all oshore drilling projects from 2000 to 2014 in the Gulf of

Mexico, contains over 2,000 detailed rental contracts for drilling equipment. Our database

contains 256 active oil companies, a large majority of which are not publicly listed. We have

data on the rental rates of 250 separate drilling rigs: we control for rig-type specic xed

eects and identify the eect of macro variables on the rental rates.

As expected, rig rental rates are low when oil prices are low. In addition, as the water

depth increases, the forward looking eect (reected in the rental rates' responses to futures

prices) becomes dominant, while the eect of nancial constraints decreases. Furthermore,

our empirical results show that rig rental rates are low during periods of increased uncertainty.

We perform a host of econometric tests to establish that rig operators respond to changing

market conditions by adjusting rig rental rates, and also to show that volatility has a causal

impact on these investment costs. In our tests, we control for a variety of market variables

and the technical features of the rigs.

This paper adds to the literature on exhaustible resource investments. Litzenberger and

Rabinowitz (LR 1995) use Tourinho's (1979) characterization of reserves as call options to

determine oil prices. Both Tourinho and LR take extraction costs as given. In contrast, our

focus is on the determinants of these investment costs in equilibrium. This paper is also

related to studies that examine granular capital expenditure data. For example, Paddock et

al. (1988) apply option valuation techniques to data on oshore lease auctions in the Gulf

of Mexico. Kellogg (2015) reports that in, onshore Texas oil elds, the response of drilling

activity to price uncertainty is quantitatively consistent with his reduced-form model. Gilje

and Taillard (2016) use natural gas drilling activity to compare the investment decisions of

public and private rms. However, these studies do not focus on the drivers of investment

costs per se; they rely on nancial statement or intensity-of-drilling based measures to

proxy for investment. Compared to these approaches, our rig rate data gives us a more

precise measure of investment costs.

Section 1 presents a simple real options model of the market for oil rigs. Section 2

reviews the institutional setting of the oshore oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico

and describes the rental rate data. Section 3 presents the empirical results. Section 4


1. The Model

In this section, we present a simple model to show that in some cases, a shock to the

volatility of oil prices has no eect on the number of oil rigs in service or on the quantity of

oil produced. Instead, a volatility shock causes the market to react by adjusting rig rental


1.1. The Economy
We consider a two period economy (t = 0, 1) with a reserve of crude oil and N drilling

1 The oil is located underground at depths that lie within (0, ∆]. At each depth δ  (0, ∆],
an unlimited quantity of oil is available. All of the N rigs can be used in both periods. Even

if a rig is used in period 0, it becomes available to be reused by period 1. The rigs are of

dierent types; each type of rig is appropriate to extract reserves located at a particular

depth. For example, rig type N can only be used to extract oil located at depth ∆.
The economy contains two types or categories of agents: oil producers (or drillers), and

rig operators. Agents in each of these categories exist in a continuum. We identify a producer

in the continuum by the depth (δ) at which her reserve is located. Each producer in the

continuum owns equal quantities of reserves. Each rig operator in the continuum owns equal

numbers of oil rigs.

Because the supply of rigs in the economy is limited (N ), producers can only extract Q of
the total reserve in any period. Producers rent rigs to extract reserves; to extract a quantity

q of the reserve, producers need n rigs, where n(q) = N ∗ q/Q.

We are modelling oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico and these reserves constitute a

small part of the total supply, so we take oil prices as exogenous in our model. All market

participants observe the spot price of oil(P0 ) at the initial period (t = 0) and the distribution
of the oil price at the terminal period (t = 1). In particular, the time 1 price of oil P ˜1 is
lognormally distributed with E lnP ˜1 = µ, and V ar lnP˜1 = σ 2 . We denote the rate of

interest between period 0 and 1 as r.

The producers have dierent extraction costs. The dierences in extraction costs occur

because each producer's reserve is located at a dierent depth and the costs of extracting

reserves increase with the depths at which the reserves are located. The time t extraction

1 Figure 1 highlights the key model assumptions.


cost xδt for producer δ lies within (0, Xt ]. Producers extract low cost reserves rst, and so

q(δ) = Q ∗ δ/∆, where q is aggregate production.

The producers' extraction costs consist of the costs of renting rigs and additional costs,

for example labor. A producer δ pays xδt = (Rt + C) δ to extract her reserve at time t. The

labor cost parameter C is a given scalar. We determine the specic values (Ret ) of the rig

rental rate variable Rt in equilibrium.

1.2. The Producers' Problem

At period 0, producers demand oil rigs to extract their oil. The producers' demand for

rigs depends on the time 0 value of the rig rate variable (R0 ). The relation between the

number of oil rigs that producers demand and R0 constitutes the demand curve for oil rigs

at period 0. The optimal number of rigs for a particular level of R0 is given by,

ˆm ˆ∆
δ 

maxδm  (P0 − x0 ) dδ + e−r E0Q (P1 − x1 )+ dδ  . (1)

0 ∆−δm

Here, δm is the marginal producer for the specied level of R0 , and E0Q (.) denotes expected

value computed at time 0 using risk neutral probabilities.

2 The optimal number of rigs that

δm N
producers demand for the specied level of R0 is then immediate as, ND (R0 ; P0 , σ) = ∆

At this initial period, each producer can extract her reserve for sale in the spot market

or leave the reserve underground. Producers do not extract oil for above ground storage. If

the producer leaves her reserve underground, she retains the option to extract her reserve

in period 1. The producer's decision involves comparing the value of the extracted oil to

the value of the underground oil reserve. If the payo from immediate extraction is greater

2 Agents at time 0 observe the distribution of oil prices and rig rates at time 1. They observe the
distribution of rig rates at time 1, because we solve the model recursively starting at time 1. In this case,
agents can make their time 0 decisions conditional upon the distribution of oil prices and rig rates at time 1.

than the value of the underground reserve, the producer extracts the oil. In this case, we

will have a marginal producer, δm , such that all producers with lower extraction costs will

extract their reserves at t = 0, and those with higher costs will not. This value of δm enters

into the calculation of the optimal number of rigs demanded in period 0, N D (R0 ; P0 , σ).
This marginal producer, δm , will vary with the particular choice of R0 . The demand for rigs

in period 0, N D (R0 ; P0 , σ), will, therefore, also vary with R0 .

1.3. The Rig Operators' Problem

At period 0, rig operators supply their rigs to producers. The producers use these rigs

to extract their oil. Rig operators decide upon the number of rigs, NS (R0 ; P0 , σ), they will

supply. This number will, in general, depend upon the level of R0 . The relation between

NS (R0 ; P0 , σ) and R0 constitutes the supply curve for oil rigs at period 0.
At this initial period, each rig operator compares the revenue she can earn if she rents her

rig immediately against her revenue if she chooses not to rent her rig. If she rents her rig, she

earns δR0 ; she earns nothing otherwise. The aggregate of each rig operator's optimal decision

to rent or not will yield the optimal number of rigs supplied in period 0, NS (R0 ; P0 , σ).

1.4. Equilibrium
At period 0, producers and rig operators bid on and supply rigs to determine the specic
value R0e of the rig rental rate variable R0 .3 The quantity of rigs demanded [ND (R0 ; P0 , σ)]
and supplied [ND (R0 ; P0 , σ)] is a function of the rig rental rate variable, R0 . In equilibrium,

the quantity of rigs demanded will equal the quantity supplied, (ND (R; P0 , σ) = NS (P ; P0 , σ)).
This equilbrium is characterized by the value of the rental rate variable, R0e (P0 , σ), that

equates demand and supply. Proposition 1, which follows later, documents key characteris-

tics of this equillibrium.

3 We consider the current price of oil (P0 ) is suciently high, so that it does not constrain this optimal

At period 1, agents observe the realized price of oil (P1 ). Producers and rig operators

again bid on and supply rigs. This process determines the specic value R1e of the rig rental

rate variable R1 that equates demand and supply at this terminal period. The specic value

R1e of the rig rental rate variable R1 will depend on the realized price of oil, P1 . At this time,

producers will rent all rigs that are economically viable. Specically, producers will rent rigs

to extract reserves as long as extraction costs are below the realized price of oil, P1 . Figure

2 explicitly relates producer δ 's payo at time 1 to the price of oil at that time (P1 ).

Proposition 1. In this equilibrium, the economy fully utilizes the available supply of rigs
(N ) and aggregate production (q) is at capacity (Q) . In particular, ND (R0e ; P0 , σ) =
NS (R0e ; P0 , σ) = N , reserve ∆ is extracted and q(∆) = Q. Furthermore,
i. The equilibrium rig rental rate decreases in the riskiness of the spot price and increases
in the spot price level. Specically, given σ0 > σ and P00 > P0 , then R0e (P0 , σ0 ) < R0e (P0 , σ),
and R0e P00 , σ > R0e (P0 , σ) .

ii. The equilibrium rental rate adjusts to a shock to the riskiness of the spot price so that
the economy fully utilizes the available supply of rigs, NDe (R0e ; P0 , σ0 ) = NSe (R0e ; P0 , σ0 ) = N
, and continues to produce at capacity (Q).

Proof. See Appendix.

The intuition for these results is as follows. First, the available supply of rigs will be fully

utilized at the initial period because each rig operator will optimally choose to rent her rig.

The full utilization of the rigs follows because, each rig operator can and will rent her rig in

both periods. Because all rigs are used, the economy produces at capacity.

Furthermore, producers can extract their oil reserves immediately, or they can delay ex-

traction untill the following period. These reserves grant producers the option to delay their

investment decisions. An increase in the riskiness of oil prices makes this timing exibil-

ity more valuable and, thus, producers are less likely to extract reserves immediately. In

this case, the producers' demand curve for oil rigs shifts downward, and the equilibrium rig

rental rate will decline. This result implies that, ceteris paribus, equilibrium rig rental rates

should decrease with oil price volatility. Figure 3 illustrates this intuition. Analogously, an

increase in the spot price of oil makes extracting producers' oil immediately attractive, thus

raising the demand for rigs. Hence, equilibrium rental rates will rise. Whether the level

or the volatility of the spot price changes, rig rental rates will adjust endogenously, but oil

production will remain unchanged.

2. The Oshore Drilling Rig Data

2.1. Institutional Setting

Large reservoirs of hydrocarbons, such as crude oil and natural gas, are currently avail-

able beneath the surface of the earth. Extracting resources out of these reservoirs requires

sophisticated techniques that depend on several factors, including the geology of the area

and the type of resource. In conventional reservoirs, which are still by far the dominant

source of energy in the world economy, extraction requires drilling one or several wells into

the reservoirs.
4 The wells often pass through several thousand feet of rocks to reach the

reservoirs, and once the wells are completed, crude oil usually starts owing out.
5 Oil and

gas professionals refer to a tract of sea or land that contains oil reservoirs as an oil eld,

these elds can extend several miles in length.

6 Developing a eld entails bringing it into

production by drilling the appropriate wells.

4 These stocks are often trapped within porous rocks under immense pressure. A majority of conventional
oil and gas production projects involve drilling oil wells into these high-pressure reservoirs and the resources
simply start owing, at least during the early stages of production, due to their high pressure.
5 Recent advances in drilling techniques has been a major enabling component of shale gas revolution.
Horizontal drilling, once beyond imagination, requires directing the drilling bit thousands of feet under the
surface to make a vertical turn and penetrate the hydrocarbon layers, often parallel to the earth's surface.
6 Most of the hydrocarbon reservoirs contain both oil and gas. If a hydrocarbon reservoir mainly contains
natural gas, the eld is called a gas eld. In the rest of this paper, we will simply refer to crude oil for much
of our study, but our results are easily extended to natural gas, as well.

Oshore drilling targets the hydrocarbon resources that exist under the seabed. The

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for managing and administer-

ing petroleum production in the Federal regions of the Gulf of Mexico. BOEM has divided

the Gulf of Mexico into block grids; each grid contains several square miles, usually in the

form of rectangular tracts.

7 BOEM oers a set of tracts for sale, and energy companies can

compete in the bidding process to win the leases. Energy companies can perform seismic

analyses in advance to evaluate the potential for hydrocarbon discovery in each tract. The

winning bidder pays the sale price and obtains the right, but not the obligation, to start

developing the petroleum eld for a certain period of time, usually ve or eight years. If a

company starts developing a eld, it keeps the right to production from that eld for as long

as it wishes to pay the associated fees and royalties. If a lease owner decides to abandon a

tract and not to develop it, the tract will return to the stock of BOEM tracts after the lease

expires and becomes available for potential future auctions. The tract lease is analogous to

a call option. To own the lease, the winning bidder has to pay certain fees, similar to the

price of a call option. Owning the lease gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to

start drilling to make the tract productive and create future streams of income. The owner

will only start developing if she nds the development worthwhile or, in other words, nds

the expected future cash ows more valuable than the development costs. The development

costs are similar to the strike price of a call option, and the discounted expected future cash

ows are analogous to the value of the underlying asset in a call option.

Oshore projects require large upfront investments, but yield uncertain production rates

and cash ows to the investors. The major cost of developing an oshore oil eld is the

rental cost of drilling rigs; this may account for 60-70 percent of the total development cost.

Oshore drilling rigs are huge mobile structures that rms use to drill wells in the seabed to

7 For a precise map of the grid blocks, please download the following pdf le:

reach the petroleum reservoirs. Petroleum service companies (e.g. Transocean) usually own

this equipment and rent it out to oil companies (e.g. BP). Often, oil companies contract

rigs for short periods of time, ranging from several weeks to a few months. Included in the

rig rental fees are costs of highly skilled labor provided by the service company, specialized

equipment and material needed for the specic rig, and other overhead items like helicopters,

which are necessary for employees to commute to and from the rigs. Once drilling is complete,

the oil company installs the production facility and the petroleum service company transfers

the rig to its next drilling location. Although companies can transfer drilling rigs virtually

anywhere, the high opportunity cost of the time spent on long routes eectively creates a

relatively competitive regional market. Superior drilling technology, environmental risks,

and risks associated with severe weather are some of the other aspects that are relevant to

oshore drilling.

2.2. Data and Methods

Our investment cost data is from RigLogix, a leading energy industry data vendor. This

unique dataset gives us precise estimates of investment costs in the Gulf of Mexico oshore

drilling market. An important point to note is that we are mainly focusing on private sector

petroleum investments, not on government investments. All of the investments we consider

in this paper, in eect, contribute to capacity building within a competitive fringe that is a

price taker in crude oil markets.

Analysts often use the capital expenditures of publicly listed oil and gas companies as

a measure of investment costs. Government regulations require public rms to make their

balance sheets available. However, using balance sheet data alone imposes serious limitations

on the empirical analysis. First, the frequency of publicly available data on capital expen-

8 The DeepWater Horizon disaster in April 2010 provides an example of the immense potential risks

ditures is very low (annual, for most cases). In addition, the number of public exploration

and production rms (E&P) is small. This small number limits the available data and, as

a result, decreases the power of empirical tests. Second, the published data on capital ex-

penditures is aggregated and does not relate to a specic investment opportunity. The data

aggregates assorted types of investments. These investments may include building reneries,

installing pipelines, expanding current production plants, or developing new elds. Because

of this aggregation, identifying the factors that will impact new investment opportunities is

dicult. Third, many active private companies do not publish their balance sheets.

Our detailed dataset allows us to evaluate investments at the smallest unit of investment

in the oil industry: an oil well. The rental cost of drilling equipment constitutes the majority

of the cost of developing an oil eld. The cost of drilling alone accounts for 60 to 70 percent

of the cost involved in developing an oshore oil eld.

9 The dataset contains details of all

of the oshore drilling contracts between service companies and oil companies from 2000 to

2014. The contracts include the names of the service companies that owned the rigs, the

names of the oil companies that rented the equipment, the contracts' start and end dates,

and the rig rental rates. The dataset also includes the xture date (contract signing date)

of each contract, cost and age of the equipment, and the rated water depth. The technical

specications and rig type allow us to follow each group of rigs with great precision.

The dataset includes almost 2033 contracts for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Our database contains 256 active oil companies, a majority of which are not publicly listed

companies. The publicly listed companies operate mainly in deep water, primarily, because

of the great technological sophistication and investment costs necessary to operate in deep

waters. Both of these factors are prohibitive for small companies. Furthermore, large public

10 A detailed description of the data elds present in our data is available at the data vendor's website:

rms can access the capital markets more easily than small concerns, and they face fewer

nancial frictions. To evaluate the eect of nancial constraints on the rms in our sample,

we divide our sample into three dierent water depths. We run our tests on each bin

separately to identify the eects of nancial frictions.

The drilling data consists of more than 250 drilling rigs that have been repeatedly con-

tracted. Hence, they are unavailable at times and become available again after their rental

periods expire. The unit of observation is at the individual contract level. Accordingly, each

rig appears several times in our data. We match each contract to the OV X , V IX , spot,
f utures, treasury , and AAApremium levels that existed on the rst date of the contract

signing month. We use the CBOE Crude Oil ETF Volatility Index (OV X) as a proxy for

the volatility in the oil prices. OV X is a market estimate of expected 30-day volatility of

crude oil futures prices and is calculated using the CBOE Volatility Index (V IX ) methodol-
ogy applied to options on the United States Oil Fund, LP (USO). Unfortunately, the OV X
series goes back only untill June 2007.

To increase the statistical power of our tests, we also use V IX as a proxy for price

volatility. V IX is a key measure of the market's expectation of near-term volatility as

reected by the S&P 500 stock index option prices and, importantly, it is highly correlated

with the OV X .11 Signicantly, unlike the OV X series, the V IX series spans the entire

duration of our sample.

Spot and f utures are the spot price of Brent Crude and the slope of the 12-month

futures price of Brent Crude, respectively. Although we have the exact contract signing

dates, businesses often make investment decisions using information from several months

prior to and following considerable negotiations with the rig operating companies. To allow

for this dierence in timing, we take the past six-month moving average of volatility, spot

11 The correlation between OVX and VIX is greater than 0.83. More information about OVX, VIX, and
their computational methodology is available at

price, and futures price. We use the yield on the treasury bill (treasury) and the excess yield

of three month-to-maturity investment grade bonds over treasury bills of the same maturity

(AAApremium) to capture dierent aspects of the nancing cost. Bank of America/Merrill

Lynch provide the US Corporate AAA Index (AAAyield). This index is the yield on dollar

denominated investment grade corporate debt publicly issued in the US domestic market.

Table 1 provides a summary of the overall matched data. In Panel A, we provide the

distributional details about the contract-related variables, and also of the other relevant

nancial variables. The median age of the rig is 27 years, and the median days for which it is

rented is 39. Panel B presents summary information by the dierent rig types. Jackup and

Semisub are the two most popular rig types that drillers use in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Because the complexity of drilling increases with the water depth, the rigs are distinguished

primarily by the maximum level of water depth at which they can operate. Commensurate

with the challenges of deep water drilling, companies need superior and expensive technology

to successfully drill at these depths. Therefore, rigs that can drill in the deep waters are

expensive to construct and, hence, also have high daily rental rates. For example, the average

rental rate for a Submersible rig, which operates in relatively shallow water, is $61,646 per

day. Compare this amount to $406,343 for renting a Drillship, a rig that operates at depths

of close to 10,000 feet. Also note the high correlation in operable water depths, construction

cost of the rig, and the average daily rental rates.

We recognize that there exist great dierences in the rental rates across the dierent

types of rigs, and we deal with these dierences in our multivariate regression specications.

In Panel C, we highlight the variation in the daily rental rates, one of the main points of our

paper. The standard deviation in the rental rates, across each of the rig types, is at least

35 percent of the average rental rate. Standard real options models do not account for such

variation in investment costs. In the following section, we identify the dierent factors that

explain the variation in the daily rig rental rates.

3. Empirical Analysis

In this section, we empirically investigate several factors that aect the investment deci-

sions of oil and gas companies, and we document the results of our tests.

3.1. Multiple Regression

To investigate the determinants of rig rental rates, we rst estimate the following regres-

sion specication:

log(rental ratei,j,t ) = β0 + β1 V olatilityt + β2 Cost of capitalt

+ Πi,j,t φ + Zt λ + Xi δ + Γj θ + ei,j,t . (2)

For every contract, i, and rig type, j, the rental rates are denominated in dollars per day.

OV X and V IX are our primary measures of volatility in oil prices. Yield on the Treasury

bill is our proxy for the cost of capital (treasury ).

12 Furthermore, we include the spot price

of Brent Crude oil (spot) and the slope of the futures contract price for Brent Crude to be

delivered in 12 months (f utures) as control variables.


Equation (2) also uses some rig-specic characteristics as control variables. We include

age of the rig (Age), and construction cost of the rig (Construct) as independent variables

to explain the variation in daily rental rates. We expect the rental rates to decrease with

the age of the rig and to increase with the construction cost of the rig. In addition, we

also add contract-specic variable(s). A potentially important predictor of the daily rental

rate should be the water depth at the location of the well (LocDepth). Based on our earlier

12 We dene the variable treasury as log(1+treasury bill yield).

13 We compute the slope of the futures contracts as log(f utures
12m /f utures1m ). Here, f utures12m is the
futures price of the Brent Crude to be delivered in 12 months and, f utures1m is the futures prices of Brent
Crude to be delivered in one month.

discussion, we expect the rental rates to increase with the water depth and hence, predict

the coecient of LocDepth to be positive.

To capture the dierences across rig types, all regression specications have a rig-type

specic xed eect. We cluster the standard errors by every calender month, rig manager,

and by rig owner to correct for any correlation in error terms. Further, we take the natural

log of all of the explanatory variables. Taking the natural log helps us to interpret the

marginal eects of the coecients as a percent change in the dependent variable to a percent

change in the explanatory variable.

14 We also deal with any possible time trends in dollar

denominated variables like rental rate and spot by removing the eect of general ination.

We use the monthly consumer price index (CPI) to adjust prices for ination.

Table 2 presents the results from a pooled OLS regression. Consistent with standard

economic intuition, age of the rig is negatively related to rental rates and construction cost

of the rig is positively related to rental rates. Further, we also nd that the the rental costs

increase with the water depth at the drilling location. We observe this eect because the

technical sophistication and risks of drilling increase as the water depth increases. Note, this

eect captures the variation in rental rates after controlling for the rig-type.

The cost of capital and price volatility are the two key variables in Table 2. High cost of

capital, as reected by the eective yield on a treasury bill, is positively correlated with rig

rental rates. As the cost of capital in the aggregate economy increases, the rig owners' costs

of running the business will go up. In a perfectly competitive economy, we would expect the

rig owners to pass these additional costs on to their eventual customers, the lessees. Our

results are consistent with this expectation. Importantly, in column (I) of Table 2, which

uses the whole sample, we also observe a negative relationship between future price volatility

and rig rental rates.

14 We use lowercase to denote the natural log of the variables.

The nancial risks associated with drilling, and the nature of companies that engage in

drilling, vary substantially with water depths and well locations. To further illustrate the

dierent reasons for the variations in rig rental rates, we split the data into sub-samples,

based on water depths. In columns (III), (IV), and (V) of Table 2, we report our results

for rigs that operate in depths lower than 100 feet, between 100 and 1000 feet, and depths

greater than 1000 feet, respectively. The results for low and medium water depths are not

very dierent from our main results. However, for deep water, the results are in sharp


Firms that operate in deep water are large public rms that face little or no nancial

frictions. As a result, such rms are mostly indierent to marginal changes in price volatil-

ities. Further, rigs that operate in deep water, Semisubs and Drillships, are signicantly

more expensive equipment to rent than shallow water rigs. Therefore, the lessor rms that

lease deep water rigs are also, on average, large public rms.
15 These large lessor rms do

not exhibit much sensitivity to changes in cost of capital because the daily rig rental rates

do not change in response to changes in treasury bill rates. However, given the large amount

of initial investment necessary to operate in deep water areas, future expectations about oil

prices matter a great deal for rental rates. Among the three depth categories, the slope of

futures prices is positive and most signicant for the rigs that operate in deep water. post1
is an indicator variable for contracts signed between January 1, 2004 and April 20, 2010,

and post2 is an indicator variable for contracts signed after April 20, 2010. Having these

two variables in the regression controls for time trends in rig rental rates. The negative

coecients for both of these variables indicate that rig rental rates declined in these periods

compared to the base group, which consists of contracts signed prior to 2004.

To further substantiate our results, we recreate the results presented in Table 2 by using

15 Well over 63% of the rig owners in the deep water category were publicly listed rms. Compare this
percent with only 30% for leased rigs in the below 100 feet category.

ovx, an alternate measure of the market's expected volatility. By using ovx, we lose nearly

half of our sample and therefore, also lose considerable statistical power. Nevertheless,

despite using ovx, we nd that the results remain qualitatively similar to those we presented

We also perform a falsication test to provide robustness to our results. To each rental

contract, we randomly assign a volatility number. We pick this volatility number from the

empirical distribution of ovx and vix. After randomizing the associated volatility, we should

not expect to nd any relationship between such volatility and rig rental rates. We run the

same specication as in equation (2). Consistent with our expectations, we do not nd any

relationship between rig rental rates and these volatilities.

3.2. Endogenous rental rates

One of the central goals of this article is to establish unequivocally that rig rental rates

are an endogenous variable. To further illustrate this point, we use the exogenous event of

the British Petroleum (BP Deepwater Horizon) oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010 to

examine how rig rental rates changed around this event.

On April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon, a Semisub rig, exploded while drilling a well in

the Gulf of Mexico region. Although the company nally capped the well, by the time it

completed the process, the explosion had resulted in the largest oshore oil spill in U.S.

history. This catastrophic accident led to substantial loss of human life and threatened the

ecological balance in all of the southern states that surround the Gulf of Mexico. In response

to the incident, the U.S. Department of the Interior issued a moratorium on new deepwater

oil drilling permits in 500 feet of water or more. Soon after, Hornbeck Oshore Services

and several other companies that were engaged in oshore drilling challenged this order. A

16 Because no OVX data was available prior to 2007, our regression specication cannot have both post1
and post2. Therefore, we included only post2 in the specication. The coecient on post2 now shows the
marginal change in the rental rates after April 20, 2010, compared to earlier dates.

Federal judge, Judge Martin Feldman, overturned the moratorium, and an appelate court

subsequently upheld his ruling. The Interior Secretary then issued a second ban in June,

2010 that was scheduled to expire in November, 2010.


The Deepwater Horizon explosion and the subsequent litigation activity created a great

deal of uncertainty about future drilling activities and their associated cash ows. We predict

that as a response to these events, companies would lower rig rental rates for deep water rigs

to induce manufacturers to drill. Because the moratorium did not apply to depths lower than

500 feet, we should not expect to see any eect on the rental rates for such rigs. However,

in an eort to use the available capacity, we might nd that some rms move to drilling in

shallower water (less that 500 feet) and therefore, demand shallow water rigs. In these cases,

this substitution could raise the rental rates of the shallow water rigs.

We use the following regression specication to test our prediction:

log(rental ratei,j,t ) = β0 + post + β2 deepwater + β3 post ∗ deepwater + XΓ + ei,j,t , (3)

where post is an indicator variable that takes the value one if the contract signing date is

in the post-event period, and zero otherwise. deepwater is also an indicator variable that

takes the value one if the water depth at the well location is greater than 500 feet, and

zero otherwise. P ost ∗ deepwater is the interaction of the two indicator variables mentioned

above. The above specication includes all of the covariates we used earlier in Table 2.

The dierence-in-dierence estimator of the treatment eect, (β3 ), is more ecient in the

presence of these exogenous controls.

18 The coecient of interest here is β3 because it

17 Additional details about Hornbeck Oshore Services LLC v. Salazar are available at
18 See Roberts and Whited (2013) for a discussion of dierence-in-dierence estimators and their eciency
with additional exogenous controls.

captures the marginal eect of the event on the rig rental rates after we control for any

inherent dierences between the regions (shallow or deep), and for any systematic changes

in the economic conditions over time. A negative β3 would be consistent with our previous


Table 3 presents the values for the dierence-in-dierence estimator from the estimating

equation (3). For column (I), April 20, 2010 to April 19, 2011 represents the post-event

period. The coecient on deepwater is positive, conrming that rigs that work in deeper

water have higher rental rates than shallower water rigs. Most importantly, the coecient

on the interaction term, as predicted, is negative and highly statistically signicant. This

nding suggests that the rig rental rates endogenously adjusted to accommodate for the

economic environment that resulted from the Deepwater oil spill.

Amidst all of the legal controversy, on October 13, 2010, the Interior Secretary nally

lifted the moratorium on deep water oil drilling. Strict new rules, including one-on-one

worker training, accompanied this relaxation. On account of the new compliance require-

ments and because of increased scrutiny in the permit review process, companies encountered

substantial delays in obtaining permits. The delays were such that even two months after

the Interior Secretary lifted the ban, no new permits were awarded.
19 Overall, in the after-

math of the oil spill, a great deal of uncertainty surrounded deep water drilling and experts

expected this uncertainty to continue well into early 2012. In column (II) of Table 3, we

redene our post-period to be two years, ranging from April 20, 2010 to April 19, 2012. We

dene the pre-period, in both columns (I) and (II), as the two years from April 20, 2008 to

April 19, 2010. The results of column (II) are consistent with our earlier results from the

one-year horizon.

In column III of Table 3, we provide the results from a falsication/placebo test. Instead

19 See the following report:

of the actual date of the BP oil spill, we assign April 20, 2009 as the exogenous event date.

The result in column III does not show the same negative coecient for interact as in

columns I and II. Further, we also provide bootstrap results we obtain from applying the

dierence-in-dierence estimator on randomly picked dates. We perform 500 iterations and

in each iteration, we pick a random date between January 1, 2004 and April 19, 2009. We

avoid the period before January 2004 because the number of contracts was pretty sparse.

Then, for each selected date, we dene the post-event period as the one year period after

such a date. We run the same specication as in Table 3 and collect the coecient on

interact. Because we used these randomly picked dates, our prediction is that we should

not nd any signicance on the interact variable. The mean of the point estimates over

the 500 iterations is 0.220. The 5th and the 95th percentiles of the distribution are -0.009

and 0.509, respectively, and the inverse quantile function of zero is 0.072. Collectively, these

gures imply that close to 93 percent of the estimates were positive, which validates that

pre-existing dierences in the rig rental rates did not drive our results. Overall, these results

reinforce our ndings regarding the endogeneity of rig rental rates.

3.3. Predicting rig utilization rates

The real options literature argues that in the presence of irreversibility and uncertainty,

rms should consider the value of continuing to hold options and, perhaps, delay investments.

In this context, we should naturally test the response of drilling activity to changes in price

volatility. However, an important assumption underlies the expected relation between these

two variables. In particular, this relation assumes investment costs are constant and inelastic.

Above, we have demonstrated that considerable variation exists in rig rental rates and that

they dynamically adjust to the macro-economic environment. Therefore, our thesis is that

in such an environment, drilling activity and price volatility might not be negatively related.

We now design an empirical scheme to test our prediction.

In addition to having contract level details, our dataset also provides month-level informa-

tion on the utilization rates of the dierent rig types. In other words, it gives us information

about the percent of available rigs for GOM exploration that producers are actually using.

The utilization rates tell us a great deal about the drilling activity in each month. Figure 5

plots the time series of the utilization rates for the two most-used rig types in the GOM.

The average utilization rates are extremely high, in excess of 80 percent, and show limited

21 Table 4 provides results from an OLS regression, where the (log) rig utilization

rate is the dependent variable. Utilization rates are very sticky; therefore, we also include a

lagged utilization rate in the specication. Additionally, we include the average rental rate

of the specic rig type in the previous month as one of the explanatory variables. We lag

other regressors by three months to account for the delay between the decision to drill and

the actual commencement of drilling. Columns (I) and (II) of Table 4 use dierent measures

of price volatility. However, in neither of these cases can we reject the null hypothesis that

the coecient on the volatility term is equal to zero.

These results are in sharp contrast to the ndings of Kellogg (2014). The dataset in

Kellogg (2014) is for onshore drilling activity and, importantly, it lacks information on the

amount of investment needed for the projects he studies. In other words, it does not have

data on the cost of drilling. In fact, the inherent dierences between the onshore and oshore

drilling industries could also be an important reason for the dierences in the results. First,

20 We have made no adjustments for seasonality or any kind of smoothening to the raw utilization rates.
21 We chose to keep our model simple and focus on full utilization at date 0. Because most of the literature
stresses the waiting to drill eect, we wanted to provide a simple model where all of the volatility eect goes
through the rig rate channel and drilling activity is unaected. Of course, in reality, increases in volatility
are likely to result in a lower utilization rate as well as lower rig rates in some markets. To match the
utilization data, we will need rigs that have dierent qualities  the low quality rigs require high labor costs
and are thus taken out of service when oil prices are low. Including this feature in the model would add
further complications that would make it less tractable. In reality, rigs may not be utilized for a short period
because they are being transported from one location to another. Another plausible consideration is that
80% utilization may be close to full utilization, in the same sense as 5% unemployment is considered full

because the oshore rig rental costs are extremely high, both in absolute dollar terms and

also in terms of their proportions of total costs, negotiating these rates is a binding constraint

on companies' investment decisions. Second, in the short run, the supply of oshore rigs is

xed. Commissioning a new rig happens rarely; besides, building new rigs is a long process.

Additionally, oshore rigs are massive, making moving them from one place to another very

expensive. Therefore, their geographical mobility is restricted to a very small area. Given

these constraints on the supply of rigs, companies sign contracts to rent them several months

before the actual start day of drilling. Typically, these contracts also have severe penalties

for cancellation. As a result, the rate of drilling cannot easily adjust to changes in volatility.

Third, the barriers to entering the onshore rig rental market are substantially lower than

those of the oshore market, resulting in an excess supply of onshore rigs. Because of

this situation, the rental market for onshore rigs is extremely competitive, leaving very low

margins for any further price drops. Finally, the opportunity costs of keeping expensive

oshore rigs idle are prohibitive and encourage the rig owners to enter the bargaining game.

Overall, the above results are consistent with our view that supply side dynamics matter a

great deal to rms' drilling decisions.

3.4. Causal Eect of Volatility

To provide additional support to our primary hypothesis, we ask whether volatility has a

causal eect on the rental rates of rigs. Ideally, we would like to compare the contracts that

companies make in times of high volatility to those they make during other times. However, a

potential selection bias confounds our eorts to identify the causal eect by simply comparing

sample means. Furthermore, the fundamental characteristics of the contracts that companies

make during times of high volatility and normal volatility might be dierent, making the

assignment to treatment and control groups nonrandom.

We overcome this problem by comparing the rental rates of contracts that companies

make during a high volatility regime (the treatment group) with those of matched samples

of contracts made in a normal volatility regime (the control group). For the purposes of

these tests, we label the contracts as treated if companies entered into them while volatility

was in the highest quintile (above 80%) of the distribution. All other contracts are the control

22 We use the contract characteristics and other exogenous macro variables to match

the treated and control groups. We use the nearest-neighbor, as well as the optimal match


We match the contracts on age of the rig (age), construction cost of the rig (construct),

depth at the location of the well (locdepth), six month moving average of Brent Crude price

(brentavg ), spot price of Brent (spot), yield of the treasury bill (treasury ), and rig type.

We include an indicator variable for contracts signed between January 1, 2004 and April 20,

2010 (post1), and also an indicator variable for contracts signed after April 20, 2010 (post2).

We can reasonably assume that conditional on these observable characteristics, assignments

to treatment and control groups are random (unconfoundedness). Further, in the matching

process, we enforce an exact match regarding the rig type and for the period in which the

company signs the contract (post1 and post2). Figure 4 is a love plot that provides the

extent of balance between the two groups. Readers can see that after we complete the

matching process, the two groups are very similar in the observed dimensions. Following the

matching process, we proceed to compute the overall average treatment eect (AT E ). This

estimate points to the causal eect of price volatility on rig rental rates. We compute AT E
1 1
N i (Yi (1) − Ŷi (0))+ M j (Ŷj (1) − Yj (0)), where N and M are the number of treated and

22 A simple t-test for the dierences in mean of the two sample shows that the mean for the treated group
is 0.164 lower than for the control group. Because we are using log rental rates, this ndign implies that the
rental rates in a high volatility regime are, on an average, 16.4% lower than than in regular times.
23 The nearest-neighbor matching method is a greedy matching algorithm, this algorithm chooses the
closest control match for each treated unit individually, without trying to minimize a global distance measure.
In contrast, optimal matching nds the matched samples with the smallest average absolute distance across
all of the matched pairs.

controls in the matched sample, and Ŷj (0) and Ŷj (1) are the imputed potential outcomes for
each observation j under the counterfactual condition.

Table 5 reports the AT E for the dierent matching methods that we used. The rst row

of Table 5 refers to the results we obtained by using the nearest-neighbor matching method.

We use the inverse of the variance matrix as the weighting scheme for the covariates.

Companies made 374 contracts during the times of high volatility. In our sample, this

number refers to contracts companies made in the months where the VIX was 23.6 percent

or higher. Before undergoing any matching procedure, the control sample had 1431 contracts.

In the second specication, we impose stricter matching requirements than those imposed

previously. We stipulate that all matches are equal to or within 0.25 standard deviations

of each covariate. This restriction obviously reduces the matched number of contracts. The

rst two rows report the AT E after adjusting for bias (see Abadie and Imbens (2012))

and report the correct Abadie-Imbens standard error. Both of the specications lead to a

negative coecient that is also highly statistically signicant. The point estimates for AT E
are -0.047 and -0.042, respectively. This negative sign on the coecient is consistent with

our prediction regarding volatility and conrms that it has a negative causal eect on the

rig rental rates.

4. Final remarks

The exhaustibility of natural resources, like crude oil, brings the inter-temporal decision

to extract the resource to the core of a rm's investment decision. McDonald and Siegel

(1986) show that because the developer of an unexploited oil eld has discretion over the

timing of her opportunity to invest, this waiting option creates value that is central to the

cost-benet decision. In addition, the capital expenditure for developing an oshore oil eld

24 In unreported results, we also use Mahalanobis distance as the covariate weighting scheme. The results
are not qualitatively dierent than those reported here.

is almost entirely irreversible because the scrap value of these projects is close to zero. This

irreversibility feature and the timing option inherent in exhaustible resource investments has

made the real options approach standard in the literature (for example Dixit and Pindyck,

1994) and ubiquitous in practice.

Our evidence suggests an important change in the way that oil and gas rms should ap-

proach their investment decisions. The rental costs of oshore drilling equipment constitute

a major share of the costs of developing new wells. Consequently, rental rates may aect the

decisions of oil and gas companies to either act on particular investment opportunities or to

wait for better market conditions. We nd signicant variation in rig rental rates. An impor-

tant conclusion to draw from this evidence is that standard real options techniques, which

do not consider variations in investment costs, are likely to produce sub-optimal investment

decisions. To address this issue, researchers should build and test real option models that

can accommodate variations in investment costs.

Table 1: Summary of the Data

This table provides the summary of our data. Panel A provides details about the contract parameters and about the
other economic variables we used in this article. Geographical region represents the dierent parts of the world where the
drilling activity occurred. Contract length is the amount of time for which the rig is leased. Location water depth is the
actual depth of water where the oshore drilling activity is going to take place. Age is the time, in years, since the rig was
contructed. AAAyield is the yield on AAA rated US corporate bonds provided by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Panel
B reports the dierent types of rigs that are leased out, the number of contracts for each of these rig types, and a mean for
dierent variables relating to the rigs. Daily rental rate is the rent that is charged by the rig owner for every day that the
rig is rented out. Max WD is the techincally specied maximum water depth in which each of the rigs can operate. The
dollar denominated construction cost of the rig is provided in the nal column. Panel C provides the summary statistics
of the daily rental rate distribution for each of the dierent rig types.

Panel A: Summary Statistics

Mean Median Standard Deviation

Number of contracts 2033

Contract length (days) 50.75 39.00 45.76
Location water depth (feet) 892.70 114.00 1770.77
Age(years) 24.35 27.08 10.58
OV X (%) 37.78 34.82 13.34
V IX (%) 18.87 16.27 8.44
AAAyield(%) 4.24 4.57 1.24

Panel B: Types of Rigs

Rig Type # of contracts Daily rental rate ($) Max WD (feet) Construction cost ($ million)
Submersible 66 61,646.21 77.42 29.61
Jackup 1491 80,184.18 260.66 36.38
Semisub 368 284,738.17 6330.30 172.38
Drillship 108 406,342.60 10,675.92 486.71

Panel C: Variations in Rental Rates

Rig Type Mean ($) Std Dev ($) Min Rate ($) Max Rate ($)
Submersible 61,646 21,377 26,500 115,000
Jackup 80,184 35,943 6,500 222,000
Semisub 284,738 157,958 40,000 607,000
Drillship 406,342 155,967 103,000 681,000

Table 2: Explaining the Variation in the Daily Rental Rates.

This table shows the results from the pooled OLS regression. The dependent variable, in all of the columns, is the natural
log of the daily rental rate. The variable volatility is the log of the six month moving average of CBOE Volatility Index
computed from the S&P 500 stock index option prices (VIX); spot is the log of the six-month moving average of the spot
price of Brent Crude; f utures is the log of the six-month moving average of the slope of the futures contract on Brent
Crude expiring in 12 months; treasury is log(1+yield), where the yield is that of the treasury bill; age is the log of the
time, in years, since the rig was contructed; construct is the log of the dollar denominated contruction cost of the rig;
aaapremium is the log of the dierence between yield on AAA rated US corporate bonds and yield on a treasury bill;
locdepth is the log of water depth at the location of the well; post1 is an indicator variable for contracts signed between
January 1, 2004 and April 20, 2010; post2 is an indicator variable for contracts signed after April 20, 2010. All of the
specications include rig-type xed eect. The standard errors are clustered by rig managers, by rig owners, and by each
calendar month. The signicance levels are denoted by *, **, and *** and indicate whether the results are statistically
dierent from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% signicance levels, respectively.

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

All Rigs Depth < 100 ft 100 ft < Depth < 1000 ft Depth > 1000 ft

volatility -0.475*** -0.613*** -0.46*** -0.153*

(0.084) (0.134) (0.109) (0.085)

spot 1.13*** 0.894*** 1.134*** 1.55***

(0.114) (0.129) (0.082) (0.115)

f utures 0.945* 0.501 0.99** 1.548***

(0.545) (0.832) (0.501) (0.361)

treasury 0.141** 0.136* 0.164*** -0.054

(0.064) (0.079) (0.061) (0.092)

age -0.078** -0.187*** -0.055 0.024

(0.037) (0.036) (0.042) (0.022)

construct 0.125** 0.058 0.158*** 0.173***

(0.059) (0.052) (0.052) (0.050)

aaa premium -0.014 0.007 -0.011 -0.044

(0.054) (0.084) (0.052) (0.108)

locdepth 0.096*** 0.031 0.296*** 0.117

(0.018) (0.025) (0.077) (0.080)

post1 -0.269* -0.069 -0.692***

(0.141) (0.193) (0.081)

post2 -0.365** -0.14 -0.058 -1.115***

(0.173) (0.267) (0.049) (0.199)
Observations 1819 844 632 343
Adj R2 0.78 0.49 0.70 0.70

Table 3: Endogenous Rental Rates.

This table provides the results from a dierence-in-dierence analysis. The dependent variable is the natural log of the
daily rental rate. The variable volatility is the log of the six-month moving average of the CBOE Volatility Index computed
from the S&P 500 stock index option prices (VIX); spot is the log of the six-month moving average of the spot price of
Brent Crude; f utures is the log of the six-month moving average of the slope of the futures contract on Brent Crude
expiring in 12 months; treasury is log(1+yield), where the yield is that of the treasury bill; age is the log of the time, in
years, since the rig was contructed; construct is the log of the dollar denominated contruction cost of the rig; aaapremium
is the log of the dierence between yield on AAA rated US corporate bonds and yield on a Treasury Bill. post is a dummy
variable that takes the value one when the contract signing date is in the post-event period, and zero if the contract signing
date is in the pre-event period. For column (I), the post-event period is one year from April 20, 2010 and for column (II)
post-event period is two years from April 20, 2010. The pre-event period is the two years prior to April 20, 2010. For the
falsication test in column (III), the post-event period is one year after April 20, 2009. deepwater is a dummy variable
that takes the value one when the water depth at the well is greater than 500 feet, and takes the value zero otherwise.
post ∗ deepwater is the product of two dummy variables, post and deepwater. All of the specications include rig-type
specic xed eects. The standard errors are clustered in two dimensions, by each calendar month, and by rig owner. The
signicance levels are denoted by *, **, and ***, and indicate whether the results are statistically dierent from zero at
the 10%, 5%, and 1% signicance levels, respectively.

(I) (II) (III)

1 yr 2 yr Falsication
post ∗deepwater -0.407*** -0.239*** 0.389***
(0.103) (0.078) (0.144)

post 0.050 -0.007 -0.384***

(0.080) (0.077) (0.130)

deepwater 0.536*** 0.476*** 0.144*

(0.133) (0.098) (0.075)

volatility 0.607*** 0.726*** -0.024

(0.177) (0.096) (0.167)

spot 1.063*** 1.140*** 0.727***

(0.251) (0.224) (0.263)

f utures 0.043 -0.342 1.969***

(1.345) (1.026) (0.607)

treasury 0.328** 0.247*** 0.230*

(0.142) (0.091) (0.127)

age -0.070** -0.074*** -0.134***

(0.029) (0.021) (0.026)

construct 0.135*** 0.131*** 0.111***

(0.025) (0.021) (0.028)

aaa premium 0.207 0.106 0.099

(0.162) (0.150) (0.097)

Observations 504 672 609

Adj R2 0.78 0.82 0.83

Table 4: Rate of Drilling

This table shows the results from the pooled OLS regression where the log monthly utilization rates is the dependent
variable. In column 1, volatility is ovx, which is the log of the six-month moving average of the CBOE Crude Oil ETF
Volatility Index. In column II, volatility is vix, which is the log of the six-month moving average of CBOE Volatility Index
computed from the S&P 500 stock index option prices. The variable laggedU til is the log utilization rate of the previous
month; spot is the log of the six-month moving average of the spot price of Brent Crude; f utures is the log of the six-month
moving average of the slope of the futures contract on Brent Crude expiring in 12 months; treasury is log(1+yield), where
the yield is that of the treasury bill; aaapremium is the log of the dierence between yield on AAA rated US corporate
bonds and yield on a treasury bill; avgrate is the log of the average rig-specic rental rate in the previous month; post1
is an indicator variable for the period between January 1, 2004 and April 30, 2010; post2 is an indicator variable for
months after May 1, 2010. ovx, vix, spot, f utures, treasury, and aaapremium are all lagged by three months. All of the
specications include rig-type xed eects. The standard errors are clustered by rig type and by each calendar quarter.
The signicance levels are denoted by *, **, and ***, and indicate whether the results are statistically dierent from zero
at the 10%, 5%, and 1% signicance levels, respectively.

(I) (II)
volatility 0.060 0.001
(0.048) (0.029)

laggedU til 0.559*** 0.639***

(0.165) (0.085)

spot -0.047 0.049*

(0.080) (0.024)

f utures -1.027*** -0.321*

(0.183) (0.176)

treasury -0.034 -0.039

(0.070) (0.047)

aaa premium 0.021 -0.028

(0.021) (0.023)

avgrate -0.046 -0.015

(0.032) (0.013)

post1 -0.018

post2 -0.049 -0.078

(0.072) (0.064)

Observations 298 190

Adj R2 0.63 0.56

Table 5: Causal Eect of Volatility on Rental Rates

This table provides estimates of the mean dierence between the rental rates on contracts made during "high" volatility
times and rental rates on contracts made at all other times. Contracts made during "high" volatility (treated group) are
the contracts that were made in the months when the volatility was in the top most quintile (above 80%) of the volatility
distribution. We match the two groups, treatment and control, in many dimensions. The observable covariates used are
age, which is the age of the rig in years; construct, which is the dollar value of constructing the rig; locDepth, which is the
water depth at the site of the drill. aaapremium is the log of the dierence between yield on AAA rated US corporate
bonds and yield on a treasury bill; spot is the log of the spot price of Brent Crude; f utures is the log slope of the futures
contract on Brent Crude expiring in 12 months; treasury is log(1+yield), where the yield is that of the treasury bill; post1
is an indicator variable for contracts signed between January 1, 2004 and April 20, 2010; post2 is an indicator variable for
contracts signed after April 20, 2010; and rigtype is the type of rig. We use two dierent matching algorithms, Nearest
Neighbor and Optimal match. Results are provided for both matching schemes. We report the estimate of the overall
average treatment eect (AT E ) along with the estimates of Abadie-Imbens standard error in paranthesis below. Row
2 reports the AT E after the treatment and control group covariates have been constrained to be within 0.25 standard
deviations of one another. The signicance levels are denoted by *, **, and ***, and indicate whether the results are
statistically dierent from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% signicance levels, respectively.

Estimator Average Number Number

Treatment of of
Eect (ATE) Treated Controls

Nearest Neighbor (Inverse Variance) -0.047*** 374 1431


Nearest Neighbor (Stricter) -0.042*** 128 1431


Optimal Match -0.107** 359 1364


Figure 1: Model Assumptions and Timeline

This gure summarizes model assumptions and the agents choices.

Figure 2: The Oil Producers' Payos with Endogenous Rig Rates

This gure illustrates the producers' payos at time 1. The payos at time 1 for producer δ is dened as P ayof f1δ =
P1 − (R1 + C) δ . Here, R1 is the time 1 value of the rig rental rate variable. We use the equilibrium condition equating
the quantity of rigs demanded and supplied to determine R1 ; we can then express R1 as a function of the oil price at time
1, P1 .

Figure 3: Equilibrium in the Market for Oil Rigs and Oil Price Volatility

This gure illustrates equilibrium at t=0 in the market for oil rigs. The gure also shows the eect of changing the
exogenous oil price volatility variable σ on the endogenous rig rate variable R0 .

Figure 4: Covariate Balance

The graph below plots the covariate balance between the control group and the treated group. The treated group contains
the contracts that companies made in the months when the volatility was in the top most quintile of the volatility
distribution (above 80%). The black points are the pre-matching dierences between the covariates. The red points are
the dierences in the covariates in the matched sample.

Figure 5: Utilization Rates

The graph below plots the utilization rates of two main rig types in our data. The utilization rate represents the number
of rigs in use during a given month as a percentage of total available rigs.

Mean (%) Std (%)

Jackup 82 10.6
Semisub 84.04 6.61

AppendixA. Proofs

At t = 1, agents observe the realized price of oil (P1 ). At this time, each one of the

producers δ(0, ∆] can spend xδ1 = (R1 + C)δ and extract her reserve. Or, she can leave her

reserve underground. δ(0, ∆] will rent a rig to extract her reserve

A particular producer


if her reserve is economically viable P1 − x1 > 0 . She will not rent a rig to extract her


reserve if the current price of oil is below her extraction cost, P1 − x1 < 0 . There is then

a marginal producer with extraction cost xδ1m who is indierent between extracting the oil

and leaving it underground. For this marginal producer, P1 − xδ1m = 0. Hence, this marginal

producer can be uniquely identied as, δm = R1 +C

The marginal cost producer at t=1 depends on the value of the rig rental rate variable

R1 . If the rig rental cost variable (R1 ) is suciently high, δm < ∆ and not all producers will
extract their reserve. With a decrease in R1 it will be optimal for more producers to extract

their reserve, this raises the value of δm .

Given the choice of the marginal producer, δm , we derive the optimal quantity of rigs

δm N P1
demanded at t = 1 , ND1 (R1 ; P1 , σ). In particular, ND1 (R1 ; P1 , σ) = ∆
= N
∆ R1 +C
. If

δm < ∆, the number of rigs used is N δm /∆ , and this number of rigs is less than the number
of rigs available (N ). In this case, the economy-wide production (δm Q/∆) is below capacity

δm N
(Q). A decrease in R1 raises the value of δm and hence this also raises ND1 (R1 ; P1 , σ) = ∆

Therefore, other things equal, the quantity of rigs demanded, ND1 (R1 ; P1 , σ), is decreasing

in the rental cost parameter R1 .

At t = 1, all rig operators will choose choose to rent their rigs; this follows because if

they do not rent their rig they earn nothing. Therefore, the optimal quantity of rigs supplied

at t = 1 , NS (R1 ; P1 , σ) follows immediately; NS (R1 ; P1 , σ)= N , for all R1 > 0.

The equilibrium condition requires the quantity of rigs demanded and supplied to equate,

so NS1 =ND1 . 1
BecauseNS = N, this equilibrium condition requires that all rigs are rented,

NS1 =ND1 = N . In particular, ND1 = N . P1 = N .

∆ R1 +C
In this case, the highest cost producer,∆,

will extract her reserve and the economy produces at capacity. Furthermore, denoting the

equilibrium rig rental rate variable at t=1 as R1e , we obtain that R1e = ∆
−C . However,

because rig rates are positive, we note that R1e = ∆
−C .

As we show next, producer δ can use the time 1 value of the rig rate variable, R1e , to

compute the value of her underground reserves at period 0.

At t = 0, agents observe the distribution of the terminal period oil price (P1 ). At this

initial period, each producer δε(0, ∆] computes her time 1 extraction costs to be, xδ1 =
(R1e + C)δ = δ ∆
−C + Cδ or:

δ P1

P1 > C∆
xδ1 =

 P1 < C∆

Thus, at t = 0, each producer δ understands that her extraction costs at t=1 will increase

with the price of oil realized at that time (P1 ). Morover, extraction costs (xδ1 ) increase with

the depth of the reserve(δ); xδ1 > xδ1 for δ 0 > δ.
At t = 0, producer δ also understands that because she has the option but not the
obligation to extract her reserve at period 1, her time 1 payo is P1 − xδ1 or:


 (1 − ∆
)P1 P1 > C∆

P1 − xδ1 = P1 − Cδ Cδ < P1 < C∆

 P1 < Cδ

Producer δ 's reserve at t = 0 is equivalent to a long position in a call with an exercise price
of Cδ and a short position in

calls with an exercise priceC∆. Producer δ can compute the

value of her underground reserve (Vδ ) at t = 0 by comparison with a schedule of option prices;
these option prices follow from the model parameters. For example, call options for the pur-

chase of oil at t=1 with exercise price E are traded at a price CE . Therefore,Vδ = CCδ −
C . In addition, with
∆ C∆
P1 ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ) the reserve value Vδ can be computed directly as fol-


(P0 −e−r Cδ) (P0 −e−r Cδ)

P0 (∆−δ) C∆−P
Vδ = + erf √ 0e − erf Cδ−P
√ 0e + k.
2 2∆ 2σ 2 2σ

P 2 e2r −2Cδer P0 +Cδ 2 P 2 e2r −2C∆er P0 +C∆2
2 √ − r+ 0 2 − r+ 0 2
Here, erf (x) =

dt and k= 2π e 2σ
−e 2σ
P0 e2r −2C∆P0 er +C∆2
σ(∆−δ) − r+ P0 (∆−δ)
2σ 2

∆ 2π
e − 2∆

At t = 0, each of the producers δ(0, ∆] can spend xδ0 = (R0 + C)δ and extract their

reserve or leave it underground. A particular producer δ(0, ∆] makes this decision at this

time as follows:

if P0 − xδ0 > V δ extract her reserve

if P0 − xδ0 ≤ V δ leave her reserve underground

There is a marginal producer with extraction cost xδ0m who is indierent between extracting

the oil and leaving it underground. For this marginal producer, P0 − xδ0m = Vδm and hence

P0 −Vδ
this marginal producer can be uniquely identied as, δm = R0 +C

The marginal cost producer at t=0 depends on the value of the rig rental cost variable

R0 . If the rig rental cost variable (R0 ) is suciently high, δm < ∆ and not all producers will
extract their reserve. With a decrease in R0 it will be optimal for more producers to extract

their reserve, this raises the value of δm .

Given the choice of the marginal producer, δm , we derive the optimal quantity of rigs

δm N P0 −Vδ
demanded at t = 0 , ND (R0 ; P0 , σ). In particular, ND (R0 ; P0 , σ) = ∆
= N
∆ R0 +C
. A

portion of the available supply of rigs (N ) can remain unused at time 1. If δm < ∆, the

number of rigs used is N δm /∆ , and this number of rigs is less than the number of rigs

available (N ). In this case, the economy-wide production (δm Q/∆) is below capacity (Q).
δm N
A decrease in R0 raises the value of δm and hence this also raises ND (R0 ; P0 , σ) = ∆

Therefore, other things equal, the quantity of rigs demanded, ND (R0 ; P0 , σ), is decreasing

in the rental cost parameter R0 .

At t = 0, all rig operators will choose choose to rent their rigs; this follows because if

they do not rent their rig they earn nothing. Therefore, the optimal quantity of rigs supplied

at t = 0 , NS (R0 ; P0 , σ) follows immediately; NS (R0 ; P0 , σ)= N , for all R0 > 0.

The equilibrium condition requires the quantity of rigs demanded and supplied to equate,

so NS =ND . BecauseNS = N, this equilibrium condition requires that all rigs are rented,

N P0 −Vδ
NS =ND = N . In particular, .
∆ R0 +C
= N. In this case, the highest cost producer,∆, will

extract her reserve and the economy produces at capacity (Q). Denoting the equilibrium rig

P0− V∆
rental rate parameter at t=0 as R0e , we obtain that R0e = ∆
−C . We abstract from

corner solutions where R0e can be negative, by assuming that the current price of oil (P0 ) is

suciently high (P0 > C∆ + V∆ ).

In equilibrium the market for rigs at t = 0 will clear, that is the quantity of rigs demanded
will equal the quantity supplied (ND0 (R0 ; P0 , σ) = NS0 (R0 ; 0, σ)). This equilbrium is char-

P0 −V∆
acterized by the time 0 rig rental rate of the marginal producer, R0e (P0 , σ) = ∆
− C.
In this equilibrium, the highest cost rig operator will clear the market for rigs, δm = ∆.
The economy in this case fully utilizes the available supply of rigs (N ) and produces at full

capacity (Q).
An increase in the oil price volatility to σ0 raises Vδ . Each reserve increases in value

because the likelihood that it will be economically feasible at the terminal date increases

P0 −Vδ
with volatility. Recall that the marginal producer is determined as, δm = R0 +C
. When

a rise in volatility increases the option value of the reserves, Vδ , then the value of δm will

decline. In this case, it will no longer be optimal for high cost producers to extract their

δm N
reserves. As a result, the optimal quantity of rigs demanded at t = 0 , ND (R0 ; P0 , σ) = ∆

will also decline. This willl be reected in a downward shift in the demand for oil rigs,

ND (R0 ; P0 , σ), and a lower equlibrium rig rental rate, R0e (P0 , σ 0 ). The decline in rental rate

will be sucient so that economy again fully utilizes the available supply of rigs (N ) and

produces at full capacity (Q). Analogously, an increase in the spot price of oil (P0 ) makes it

attractive for producers to extract their oil, this raises the demand for rigs and their rental



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