Antenna AH-4 AH-2B PDF

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Thank you for purchasing the AH-4 HF + 50 MHz AU-
AH-2b AH-2b + long wire
transceiver to an antenna more than 7 m/23 ft long (3.5–
antenna element kit (op- HF + 50 MHz AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER 54 MHz), or the optional AH-2b (7–54 MHz).
AH-4 Please read these instructions thoroughly before installing
and operating the AH-4.

Long wire

RNEVER operate this tuner without a solid ground. Always
Long wire connect the ground wire to the ground terminal. DO NOT use
the mounting plate as a ground terminal.

NEVER transmit or tune without an antenna connected. Fail-

Ground terminal ure to use an antenna will damage the tuner.

OPERATION RHIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER touch the antenna while trans-

mitting or tuning. Place the antenna in a position where you
Tuning is required for each frequency. Be sure to retune
Mounting plate are sure it will not be touched.
the antenna before transmitting when you change the fre-
quency— even slightly.

(eg. IC-7000) ee“ ” indicator stays ON when tuning is complete.

qqSet the desired frequency in an amateur band. • When the antenna cannot be tuned, “ ” indicator blinks, FEATURES
• T he AH-4 will not operate on frequencies outside of ham and the AH-4 is bypassed and the antenna is directly connected
bands. to the antenna connector on the transceiver. ❍❍WIDE TUNING RANGE ❍❍WEATHERPROOF DESIGN
wwHold down [TUNER/CALL] for 1 seconds. rrTo manually bypass the AH-4, push [TUNER/CALL]. T
 he AH-4 provides reliable matching from 3.5 MHz to 54 MHz The AH-4’s tightly sealed plastic case allows convenient mount-
•“ ” indicator appears while tuning. when using at least a 7 m (23 ft) antenna; or 7 MHz to 54 MHz ing virtually anywhere. The AH-4 can be mounted outdoors under
when using the AH-2b antenna element. your antenna.


 he built-in 8-bit microprocessor chooses the lowest SWR using R
 adiated power during tuning is less than 0.3 W, minimizing inter-
more than 1,040,000 different LC (coil/capacitor) combinations. ference to other stations.


Hold down [TUNER/CALL] for 1 second.
The LC combinations of 45 previously-used frequencies are auto- The AH-4 can be used with most of Icom HF transceiver,
matically memorized. Once a frequency is memorized, the AH-4 which covers HF through 50 MHz bands.
CALCULATION OF UNDESIRABLE ANTENNA LENGTHS tunes on that frequency in less than 1 second. Note that the AH-4 However, the IC-706 and IC-736 can only be tuned in the
Length of 300 1 [EXAMPLE] Antenna lengths to avoid when operating at 29.00 does not memorize a frequency which is normally tuned within 2.5
(½ λ) = Operating frequency (MHz) × 2 MHz
3.5–30 MHz range.
half wave seconds. Memories are retained only when the power is on.
Multiple 300 1
= × 2 × (1, 2, 3…) = 5.2, 10.3, 15.5 m
of ½ λ 29
qqU-bolts… ………………………………………………………2
SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS u wwU-bolt brackets… ……………………………………………2
eeFlat washers (M6 large)………………………………………8
DD Specifications DD Options q rrFlat washers (M6 small)………………………………………4
• Frequency range : 3.5–54 MHz (with an antenna longer • OPC-420 shielded control cable
ttSpring washers (M6)… ………………………………………8
than 7 m; 23 ft) Shielded control cable helps protect the transceiver from RF feed- w
7–54 MHz (with the AH-2b) back and extends separation between tuner and transceiver up to i yyNuts (M6)………………………………………………………8
• Maximum input power : 120 W 10 m. (cable length 10 m; 32.8 ft) uuHex head bolts (M6 × 50)… …………………………………4
• Input impedance : 50 Ω • AH-2b antenna element e iiSelf-tapping screws (A0 6 × 30)… …………………………4
• Tuning power required : 5 to15 watts A 2.5 m long antenna element for mobile operation with AH-4. Fre- ooPL-259 connectors……………………………………………2
• Rated voltage : 13.8 V DC ±15% quency coverage: 7–54 MHz with the AH-4. !0 Weatherproof cap… …………………………………………1
(current less than 1 A) !1 Rubber vulcanizing tape… …………………………………1
• Usable temperature range : –10°C to +60°C (+14°F to +140°F) t o !0 Control cable* (5 m; 16.4 ft)… …………………………………1
• VSWR : 2.0 : 1 or less (except antennas a Coaxial cable* (5D-2V: 5 m; 16.4 ft)……………………………1
y !1
one half wave or multiple of a one  *Not shown in the illustration to the left.
half wave in length)
• Weight (approximately) : 1.2 kg (2.65 lb)
• Dimensions : 172(W) × 69.5(H) × 230(D) mm
(projections not included) ; 6.8(W) × 2.7(H) × 9.1(D) inches

 All specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003 Japan A-8295H-1EX-w Printed in Japan

© 1997–2012 Icom Inc.
INSTALLATION Fig. 2-2 Waterproofing the antenna connection
✍ NOTE: After inserting the coaxial cable through the water- q w e
proof cap and into the AH-4 top cover, solder the PL-259 Pull the tape to slightly
Carefully bend this stretch it as you wrap
connector to the coaxial cable. part up, AFTER firmly around the
Insulator you tighten the weatherproof cap.
qqRemove the top cover (Fig. 1). yyReplace the top cover. wing nut.
wwInstall the control cable and coaxial cable (Fig. 1). uuMount the AH-4 in the desired location; on an antenna
eeConnect and solder the PL-259 connector to the coaxial pole, in your vehicle’s trunk, and so on. (Fig. 5). Rubber vulcanizing tape
cable (Fig. 3). iiConnect an antenna to the AH-4 (Fig. 6).
rrConnect the control cable to the AH-4 (Fig. 2-1). ooConnect the control cable and the coaxial cable to the
ttConnect the GND cable to the AH-4 (Fig. 4). transceiver. Fig. 3 PL-259 CONNECTOR SOLDERING
30 mm solder solder qqSlide the coupling ring over the coaxial cable. Carefully
cut only the cable jacket, and pull it out to reveal 10 mm
(0.4 in) of braid.
qqRemove the 8 screws from the top cover and remove the cover. Coupling ring 10 mm (Tin) • Tin the exposed braid and then pull the jacket out.
wwLoosen the screws on both cable clamps. If desired, install a strain relief 10 mm wwStrip the cable, as shown to the left. Tin the entire length
insert (supplied) corresponding to the diameter of the cable. of the exposed center conductor.
w r
eeInstall the coaxial cable through the top cover cable clamp. eeSlide the connector body over the cable and solder, as
rrInsert the control cable through the bottom cover cable clamp. 1–2 mm shown to the left.
ttAfter connecting the coaxial cable and control cables, tighten the cable (10 mm ≈ 3⁄8 in) rrScrew the coupling ring onto the connector body.
Strain relief
insert clamp screws.

Coaxial NOTE:
• Make sure the cable clamps are well tightened with the screws, oth- The transceiver and antenna tuner must have an adequate To the AH-4 GND terminal
erwise the waterproof protection may not be guaranteed. ground connection. Otherwise, the overall efficiency of the
• We recommend that you also wrap rubber vulcanizing tape or electri- transceiver and antenna tuner installation will be reduced.
cable cal tape over the cable clamps for better waterproofing. Interference, RF feedback and electrical shocks from other
clamp Rubber seal equipment could also occur.
About the rubber seal NOTE:
For best results, use the heaviest gauge wire or strap avail- Copper pipe Metal object Copper screen
Correct position Incorrect position When attaching the tuner cover, make sure dust or other material does
able, and make the connection as short as possible. (see
not adhere to the rubber seal. If dust or other material is on the seal
the illustration to the right)
Rubber seal when attaching, waterproof protection may not be guaranteed. • A long wire connected to the GND terminal as a counterpoise is
Make sure the rubber seal is properly seated into the groove. also acceptable.
Bottom cover Bottom cover


Fig. 2-1 CABLE CONNECTIONS (eg. IC-7000) • Mounting on an antenna pole • Mounting on a flat location
Using self-tapping screws Using nuts and bolts
✍ NOTE: Connect the coaxial cable to the appropriate antenna
connector if the transceiver has more than one. Antenna element
AH-2b (optional) Using the supplied U-bolts
See your transceiver’s instruction manual for details.

Wing nut
Coaxial cable
Star washer
Black (GND) Crimp-on wire
IC-7000 rear panel Red (DC13V) terminal
PL-259 White (START)
connector Green (KEY) Flat washer
Base nut

Spring AH-4
Top cover washer

GND Bottom Flat

cover washer
Control cable
Weatherproof cap
Hex head
bolt Drill a hole here
+ See the Fig. 2-2 as shown to the right above. (diameter: 6.6–7 mm; 1⁄4–9⁄32 inches)
wwPlace the weatherproof cap over as much of the insulator
qqPut the flat washer, crimp-on wire terminal, star washer as possible.
and then wing nut on the base bolt. Then, tighten the eeWrap the insulator with the rubber vulcanizing tape, start-
wing nut. ing at its bottom, then the cap, and finally the antenna
• Before you tighten the wing nut, make sure the base nut is
firmly tightened.
• After you tighten the wing nut, carefully bend the wire terminal This will help prevent water seepage.
up so the wire lines up with the insulator. • Also, you may wrap electrical tape over the wrapped rubber
vulcanizing tape for better waterproofing.

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