Permas Contact
Permas Contact
Permas Contact
A guide for
Table of Contents
PERMAS contact analysis with ANSA................................................................................................2
1. Problem description...................................................................................................................2
2. Data files................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Definition of Boundary Conditions.............................................................................................2
3.1. Definition of uniform pressure............................................................................................2
3.2. Definition of a Load Variant...............................................................................................6
4. Definition of Constraints.............................................................................................................7
4.1 Definition of Suppressed Degrees of Freedom...................................................................7
4.2 Definition of Interpolation surfaces, Contacts and Pretensions...........................................8
5. Definition of a Results Variant..................................................................................................13
6. Definition of a SITUATION.......................................................................................................13
7. Definition of a COMPONENT...................................................................................................14
8. Output the model in PERMAS format.......................................................................................14
First, the boundary conditions of the model (loads and constraints) required for building the LOAD
3.1. Definition of uniform pressure.
A uniform pressure of magnitude 10 will be applied over a user-defined area of the master part. For
this purpose the DISLOAD PRESS [Dstr] function will be used.
Functions within ANSA can be accessed in two ways; either from the “Modules Buttons” menu that
lie at the right part of the screen, or from the search engine that makes the procedure easier
and quicker (hence being the recommended practice). All functions of any menu (TOPO, MESH,
DECKS etc) are available there.
In the search engine, type the name of the function or keyword,
navigate in the drop-down list of suggestions and press “Enter” to
activate the function DISLOAD PRESS [Distribute].
Notice that the order in which the functions appear in the list is
according to their frequency of use. So, most of the times the
required function is among the first two or three entries of the list.
Alternatively, the same function may be activated from the
The “DISLOAD PRESS Distribution” window opens (see picture
on the left), where the user can define the Magnitude and Degree
to be distributed, the Load Set to which the forces will be
assigned, the distribution method (based on the area of each
element etc.). Fill the fields as shown in the image on the left.
By typing a question mark (?) in the Set field, the SET HELP list
opens where the user can specify the set to be used.
the card of the Load Pattern that references
the pressure entities.
4. Definition of Constraints.
The procedure for creating constraints, as well as contacts and pretensions is demonstrated.
4.1 Definition of Suppressed Degrees of Freedom.
Suppressed Degrees of Freedom will be defined at the lower part of the base to restrain all
Bring the whole model back to visible and
press the “F4” button to in order to get a
convenient view angle of the model to apply
the constraints.
Activate the
] function to constrain the translational
Degrees of Freedom of the Base.
6. Definition of a SITUATION.
A situation that will reference the sole Component of the model as well as the Load, Constraint and
Results variant with ID1 will be created.
new Situation. In the “Situation” card that opens
assign to the relative fields the Component,
Constraint variant, Load variant and Results
variant with ID 1.
7. Definition of a COMPONENT.
As soon as an entry that need to be referenced by component is created, for example, a Load
variant, a Component that references it is created. The same applies to the rest of the Variants.
Hence, the component that exists in the database already references those entries.