Research Proposal: Mara College Kuala Nerang

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The proposal outlines a study that aims to investigate the potential of Moringa oleifera leaves in treating diabetes by testing its effects on blood glucose levels in mice.

The research proposal is about investigating the potential of Moringa oleifera leaves in treating diabetes by testing its effects on blood glucose levels in mice using an animal model.

Moringa oleifera leaves are being tested because they contain nutrients like vitamin C and D that are believed to help with insulin secretion. Previous studies also suggest Moringa oleifera may help with blood sugar control.

Biological Research Proposal




The Potential Of Moringa oleifera In Curing Diabetes.




Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor.

Biological Research Proposal

No. Topic Page
1. Field Of Research 2
2. Introduction 2
3. Problem Statement 4
4. Objectives 4
5. Hypothesis 4
6. Materials and Apparatus 4
7. Methods 5-6
8. Research Schedule 7
9. Limitations 8
10. Bibliography 9

Biological Research Proposal

Phytochemistry research

Diabetic mellitus is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and
abnormally high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) resulting from insufficient levels of the
hormone insulin. The characteristic symptoms polyuria, polydipsia, glucoseuria, unexplained
weight loss, and lethargy. (

There are two types of diabetes, diabetes I and diabetics II. Diabetes I may also
known as Insulin dependent diabetes where insulin therapy is needed as the beta cells cant
synthesis insulin. Diabetes II may refer to as Insulin non dependent diabetics as insulin is
produced by the body but in lower amount or it becomes insensitive to act on glucose. It is
possible for us to treat diabetes II through proper dieting, medication and regular exercise.

The food which is ingested is converted to glucose for the cell function (Campbell,
2008). Glucose cannot enter the cells alone. It needs assistance from insulin in order to
penetrate the cell walls. Insulin therefore acts as a regulator of glucose metabolism in the
body. If insulin is lacking or it becomes insensitive it will lead to diabetes (Gan Wan Yeat,
2008). Untreated diabetes will lead to complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy,
nephropathy, cardiovascular problems etc. Most of the people suffering from diabetes were
unaware of the disease, when they recognized the disorder it becomes more complicated. A
great way to get all of the important nutrients you need is to eat a diet high in raw fruits and
vegetables, or to supplement the gaps in your diet with products that contain all of the
necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly.

Biological Research Proposal

Herb used to be tested to induce secretion of insulin is The Drumstick Tree or the
Horseradish Tree or locally known as Pokok Kelor. Pokok Kelor, which is known scientifically
as Moringa oleifera is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri
Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. The nutrients in this miracle
from nature have been reported to treat over 300 different diseases and disorders of the
body. M. oleifera leaves have 4 times more Beta-Carotene than that of carrots, 17 times
more calcium than that of milk and 25 times more iron than that of Spinach. M. oleifera
leaves and pods contain 90+ nutrients and 46 antioxidants. M. oleifera leaves have more
antioxidants than the green leaves. M. oleifera contains all the essential nutrients needed
for the biochemical reaction to perform regularly. It is believe that vitamin D is essential for
the islet cells in the pancreas to be able to secrete insulin properly. Studies have shown that
individuals with the lowest vitamin D levels experienced the worst blood sugar-handling
problems and had a greater risk of developing diabetes. M. oleifera as a rich source of
ascorbic acid helps in insulin secretion. It is interesting to note that certain nutrients like
vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, protein and potassium - along with small
frequent meals containing some carbohydrate - can actually stimulate production of insulin
within the body. (

Vitamin A as an antioxidant helps convert beta-carotene efficiently, which reduces

the risk of blindness in diabetics. Vitamin B 12 supplementation has been used successfully
to treat diabetic neuropathy. High dose supplements of vitamin C have been shown to
prevent sorbitol accumulation and glycosylation of proteins, both of which are important
factors in the development of diabetic complications such as cataracts. Studies have shown
that a low vitamin-E concentration was associated with a 3.9 times greater risk of
developing diabetes. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress, thus improving membrane physical
characteristics and related activities in glucose transport. This antioxidant promotes healing
of diabetes-related lesions. Magnesium helps in the metabolism of glycogen, Magnesium
works closely with vitamin B 6 to help the metabolic process with in the cell.

Biological Research Proposal

What are the constituents of M. oleifera which have the potential to cure Diabetes?


 To find better alternatives in curing diabetes by increasing the insulin level.

 To study how M. oleifera could promote increasing level of insulin.
 To study the constituents of M.oleifera that could enhance the level of insulin
 To study the effect of M. olifeira extracts on diabetes mellitus.

M. oleifera has the potential to cure Diabetes.


 M. oleifera leaves
 Glucose solution
 Distilled water
 Mice’s (male)
 Blood Glucose meter
 Glucometer strips
 4 cages
 Syringe with needles
 Digital balance
 Gloves
 Cotton wool
 Digital timer

Biological Research Proposal


1. Cold Extraction of M. oleifera

 2 kg of M. oleifera plant leaves were obtained from a tree.
 The leaves were cleaned from dust and impurities and then put in an oven (50˚C)
to dry.
 1 kg of clean M. oleifera leaves was grinded into powder form.
 A 300g of M. oleifera and a 500ml of round bottom flask were weighed using
analytical balance.
 A 300g of M. oleifera is soaked in 1L of Erlenmeyer flask containing 500ml of
ethanol for 5 days
 After 5 days, the extract then be filtered by using filter funnel.
 With Rotavapour, dissolve M. oleifera was dried under vacuum to obtain
concentrated viscous paste.
 The paste will then undergo several heating process in a hot boiling water to
ensure the evaporation of methanol.
 All the solution extract were dissolved in the polymer organic solvent (Tween80)
to increase its wetting properties and form a suspension.

2. Glucose Tolerance Test

 40 male mice (30g-40g) were deprived from food for 16-18 hours but they
were allowed to water access for all time.
 The male mice were divided into 5 groups. Group A was given injection of
glucose and 30mg of M. oleifera solution. Group B was given injection of
glucose and 100mg of M. oleifera solution. Group C was given injection of
glucose and water. Group D was given injection of glucose and Tween80.
Group E was given injection of glucose and Glibenclamide.
 All mice were weighed by using digital balance and their masses were
 30mg and 100mg of extract of M. oleifera were dissolved or suspended
separately in 5ml of 5% Tween80.
 The tip of the tail of the mice was slightly cut by the sharp needle. A drop of
blood is withdrawn from the tip of the tail to measure fasting blood glucose
level by using glucometer.
 When withdrawing the blood, the tail of the mice was gently massage to
reduce and anxiety levels of the mice.
 The fasting blood glucose reading was recorded.
 The volume of the 30mg of suspension extract (M.oleifera) taken was
calculated according to the ration of volume/body weight (5ml/1000g).
 The appropriate amount of suspension extract was then administered
intraperitoneally to the mice.
 The volume of glucose taken to be injected was also calculated according to
the ratio of volume/body weight.

Biological Research Proposal

 The glucose solution was immediately injected subcutaneously after 30

minutes of extract administration.
 The blood glucose reading of the mice was taken directly after 30 minutes of
glucose injection.
 This process was continued for 60 minutes and 90 minutes.
 The further blood loss from the incision was ensured to be at minimal by
gently massaging the tail throughout the experiment.
 The experiment was repeated for Group B and for the control experiment
group which is Group C, D and E.
 All the data were recorded.


Group Formation 22nd July 2010

Title Submission 29th July 2010
‘How to Write A Proposal’ Talk 29th July 2010
Proposal Submission 31st August 2010
Writing Letter to Research Center 31st August 2010
Approval Letter From Research Centre 31st October 2010

Biological Research Proposal

Collecting Data Semester Holiday

28th November 2010- 12th December

‘How to Write A Scientific Research Paper’ Talk 15th January 2011
Research Exhibition 12th March 2011
Submission of Research Paper 1st April 2011


 Expertise
In order to conduct this research, we would need guidance from an expert on how to
extract herbs, how to identify important active compound and to analyze the data
that we would obtain.

 Facilities
If we were to conduct the research at the college, we do not have enough means
here; we do not have a proper lab to conduct this experiment in which it is not
equipped with instruments needed. It is hoped that, we can conduct the research at
a proper laboratory with proper instruments so that it would not degrade the quality
of the our research. Thus, we hoped that you can provide us with a good facility to
conduct this research successfully.

 Reference

Biological Research Proposal

We do not have enough materials for the research, in order to assist us thoroughly
throughout the procedures. Therefore, we will be extremely delighted if you can
provide us with the necessary materials for this experiment.

 Budget
For this particular research, the students are not given any financial support to
complete their task. Hence, we kindly ask for your financial support to overcome the
problems with our budget.



1. Gan Wan Yeat, 2008 : Success Biology SPM, Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.
2. Neil A. Campbell, 2008 : Biology, Pearson Education Inc.



Biological Research Proposal


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