Whitepaper - Loadspreading and Seafastening
Whitepaper - Loadspreading and Seafastening
Whitepaper - Loadspreading and Seafastening
Circa 1760, the rise of the Industrial Age in Great These organizations have developed
Britain was primarily characterized by power driven recommendations unifying procedures and calculation
technology that replaced hand operated tools. These methods to ensure safe ocean transportation and to
technologies included the steam engine which gave rise keep up with the tremendous increase in offshore
to locomotives, steamboats, and by 1815, the golden age projects. There is an obvious need to follow these
of massive ocean transportation vessels. In turn, these guidelines very closely when handling heavier,
advancements enabled the worldwide transportation of over-dimensional cargo.
the proliferation of manufactured goods via global
waterways. Engineering Calculations
As manufactured goods became larger, heavier, Significant planning, analysis and
and more complex, the multipurpose fleets became documentation are all required before executing a
more diversified. Crane capacities and deck strengths project loadout. Advanced heavylift shipping companies
increased and we witnessed the introduction of ro-ro prepare a detailed method statement that will include a
and semisubmersible vessels. As recently as four stowage plan, lifting arrangement, materials list, load
decades ago, a unit of a mere 60mt was considered a spreading arrangement, securing plan, and risk
heavy lift for a marine vessel. At Intermarine, LLC, we assessment. The document will also include all the
are geared for a maximum lift of 1,400mt, however, required supporting documentation and certification for
some vessels in the world’s fleet have a capacity the loadout.
approaching 3,000mt.
In the past, these types of calculations were
In today’s developing world, large infrastructure performed mostly by hand and were based on the
projects are becoming more and more prevalent. Large accepted engineering principles of the time. Today
power stations, oil refineries, and LNG plants were sophisticated engineering software and various
initially “stick built”. This system involved shipping small spreadsheet-based modeling techniques are utilized for
components which were assembled at the site. complex equations and formulas for securing,
accelerations, strength, and other dynamic factors. In
Inevitably, lack of resources, skilled labor and addition, commercially available software has reached
complicated supply chains resulted in significant delays the Marine Industry. A few examples of these are Visual
and cost overruns. Today we see a significant increase in Cargo Care for securing calculations, MACS3 for stability
modularization whereby large components are calculations, and AutoCAD, SolidWorks and ANSYS for
fabricated at an industrial facility, shipped to the final 3D modeling and stress analysis (Figure 1).
destination, and then rolled into position. This process
typically requires vessels with large crane capacities or
ro-ro capabilities. At Intermarine, LLC we have moved
transformers, reactors, and turbine packages weighing
in excess of 800mt. In addition, large wind turbines and
blades are also carried on a regular basis. The carriage
of all these commodities presents specific load
spreading and securing challenges.
Regulatory Agencies
As unit loads have increased, so has the need for The materials used for sea fastening vary
detailed load spreading calculations. The permissible according to the cargo specifics, but generally include
tons/m2 allowance is normally readily available and is welded stoppers and clips, chains, wires and
commonly sufficient for most loads. A comparison to the turnbuckles, and nylon belts.
The Future