Esprit Bonsai International August September 2015
Esprit Bonsai International August September 2015
Esprit Bonsai International August September 2015
Esprit Bonsai International #77
to China
p. 34
What to do
after flowering
p. 50
Basics Correcting flaws p.31 Price: € 11.50
Ryan Neil (USA)
David Benavente (SPAIN)
El Tim (SPAIN)
Matteo Martin (ITALY)
David Benavente (SPAIN)
Andrés Álvarez Iglesias (SPAIN)
17-18 OCTOBER 2015/ SAULIEU - - Parc des expositions 21210 Saulieu - FRANCE
#77 Contents
p. 14
p. 34 p. 50 p. 68
In France’s
On the Web Rhône-Alpes
The Rhône-Alpes regional
exhibition of the Fédération
A PASSION FOR YAMADORI Française de Bonsaï (French Bonsai Federation – FFB),
Contrary to what you might expect from organised by the Ain–Jura
its title, this Spanish bonsai hobbyist’s blog bonsai club, will take place
does not exclusively cover collected trees. on 24 and 25 October in
But it is clear that these are at the heart of Oyonnax, near the border
his passion for bonsai; and he has been with Switzerland. The
putting them on show since 2008. You can even follow some of programme includes an
their development, through the blog’s pages. The photos of his exhibition of trees from the
trees in progress are of very good quality, and a small amount region’s club, plus workshops
of text is enough for an understanding of the work he has done. and demonstrations.
This is sufficiently rare in blogs to be worth emphasising. Professionals will be attending. 13 September has François
Also notable are the quotations from famous individuals that ¡ Venue: Salle Polyvalente, Gau as a special guest. The
are scattered across the pages, accompanied by beautiful Bellignat, 01100 Oyonnax, exhibition will bring together
and well-chosen photographs. If there is one criticism France (off the A404 a selection of beautiful trees
of such blogs, it is that their design is a bit monotonous. motorway, exit 10). from all over France. Gau
But the content alone makes this one worth visiting. Opening hours: Saturday 1.30 will give demonstrations.
p.m. – 7 p.m., Sunday 9.30 Professionals will be attending.
NIK ART BONSAI BLOG a.m. – 6 p.m. Admission: €2. ¡ Venue: Parc Oriental, 49360 Maulévrier, France.
Nick Rozman, who is Slovenian, has been Near Opening hours: Saturday 2 p.m.
keeping his blog since 2008. It is not very the Côte d’Azur – 7 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
prolific (an average of 50 articles per year), The very young bonsai club Tel: +33 (0)2 41 55 50 14.
but the subjects he tackles are very varied of Mougins is organising its Email:
and interesting: some are dedicated to his first exhibition on 26 and 27
bonsai and their development, and others September. Several clubs from
to various exhibitions that he has participated in, with engaging the Provence–Alpes–Côte-
little touristic digressions that put these events in context. In central France
The fact that he is closely acquainted with a number of The Literati Bonsaï Club,
well-known bonsai artists gives him the opportunity to based in Tours, is organising
undertake demonstrations and workshops, essentially in the FFB’s exhibition for the
Eastern Europe and Italy, which allows us to see several Centre region of France, on
interesting reports on bonsai in these regions. 26 and 27 September.
¡ Venue: Municipal
greenhouses (serres),
BONSAI IN TORONTO Bois des Hâtes, 37170 Chambray-les-Tours, France.
And now to Canada, with the blog of a Admission free.
Toronto-based hobbyist. A bonsai enthusiast
since 2004, he began publishing online in The EBA
2012. Since then, almost every month he has convention
posted the results of his work on his trees. Like The convention of the
any true enthusiast, he is always looking for promising specimens d’Azur region will display their European Bonsai Association
to collect. For this reason, he has no hesitation in approaching members’ trees and suiseki. and the European Suiseki
landscape and garden designers, to take advantage of the Professionals will be attending. Association, bringing together
opportunities offered when they remove trees that do not fit in with ¡ Venue: Salle Courteline, some twenty European
their plans; and each time this gives rise to a short report. He also Boulevard Courteline, associations, will take place
regularly visits major Canadian and North American exhibitions, 06250 Mougins, France. in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 4 to
and for our benefit posts photos of the best trees on display. 6 September. The member
In Maulévrier, countries will each display
By Philippe Massard, western France several of their members’
The Salon National du Bonsaï best trees. The bonsai artists
(National Bonsai Fair) on 12 and Salvatore Liporace (Italy) and
4 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Find news in real time on our blog
and on the Esprit Bonsai FACEBOOK page.
Exhibitions and
Parc Oriental de Maulévrier
RHS Flower Show Tatton Park
The Parc Oriental de Maulévrier, in the Maine-
CHESHIRE, UK 22-26 July Bonsai exhibition
et-Loire department of western France, claims Tatton Park, near Knutsford, Cheshire
to be the largest Japanese garden in Europe.
Its landscaping in the spirit of the Far East Sussex Bonsai Group, Bonsai
dates back to the late 19th century, and it is World 2015 at K2, Crawley
Exhibition of trees from the UK and Europe
notably the home of a
n CRAWLEY, 8-9
Demonstrations: Kevin Willson,
Khmer temple built by
Paul Finch, German Gomez
Alexandre Marcel for
A Contact: Tony McKenzie,
tthe 1900 World’s Fair. com ;
All the elements of a
Japanese garden can EBA and ESA Convention and
4th Japanese Cultural Festival
be found here, such as LITHUANIA September
borrowed landscapes,
bridges, a lake with
koi carp, lanterns, but 11th International Meeting of Bonsai
also elements ts of spirituality representing 11-20 & Suiseki, Crespi Cup 2015 and
Shintoism, Taois ism, Buddhism and Hinduism. September Milan Expo Crespi Bonsai
This magnificent garden
g is well worthy of a
book to recount its history and take readers
on a tour around it. From
F the garden’s Bonsai Clubs International (BCI), the Asia-
Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention
design to the elements that comprise the & Exhibition (ASPAC) and Guangzhou
estate, this book plungges us into another Municipality are co-hosting the next
world and is also an intteresting source of GUANGZHOU, 17–21
convention in Guangzhou, China. The
CHINA September
inspiration. Much of th his is done through theme of the convention is “The infinity
photography, punctu uated by sections of text. of Bonsai & Viewing Stone: A Culture
Voyage from Canton to the World”
In French and English h.
Code: Maulevri
Soft cover with fla aps, 22 × 22 cm, 124 pages
SINT-TRUIDEN, 19–20 Vlaamse Bonsaivereniging autumn
BELGIUM September meeting, exhibition, demonstrations
Rumiko Style
Modern Flower Design Bonsai Europa: The Castle Armoury,
€39.90 Bury, North Manchester
Editions Stichting Kunstboek Bonsai exhibition in the UK,
Rumiko Manako is a master ikebanist and has BURY, a distinctive approach to classical
managed to find a style that is hers and hers MANCHESTER, bonsai from European artists
alone. Having trained in the Ikenobo School, UK Eight young artists from across Europe are
demonstrating, bringing trees to show etc.
she found her own mode of expression,
working with her husband Yasayuki Manako to
create arrangements that “dance like a ballet”.
The European Bonsai-San Show
She adopts unexpected locations to display
Some special guest demonstrators: Ryan
her arrangements, SAULIEU, 17–18 Neil (USA), David Benavente (Spain),
such as a street or a FRANCE October EL Tim (Spain), Matteo Martin (Italy) and
bridge. The photos others to be invited in the near future
are mostly full-page,
and this book is truly The 4th African Bonsai
a feast for the eyes. Association Convention
In French and English. 22–25 Venue : City Hall, Stellenbosch
Code: Rumiko October François Jeker (France), Ryan
Hard cover Neil (USA), Tony Tickle (UK)
ABC4 Project Manager:
with dust jacket,
25 × 29 cm, 112 pages
6 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The spirit
of Bonsaï
Trees have much to our own, and a few cells containing grains
of starch that shift according to gravity. A
to teach us
sense of hearing has been demonstrat-
Today, new technology such as chro- ed in corn; that of smell appears in some
matography and mass spectrometry plants that have been deceived by artifi-
allows the identification and classifica- cial odours; and a sense of touch far more
tion of the molecules that interact with finely tuned than our own is witnessed in
Trees are not just plants. This has enabled the discovery of cucumbers, which react to as little as 0.25
objects planted in more than seven hundred different sen- grams of pressure, while our fingers require
sors – chemical, mechanical, or reacting to at least 2 grams. Aspen and mimosa show
the ground. Scientific temperature or light. It seems that a large signs of memory. Old pines display soli-
proportion of these devices serve to aid darity with the younger members of their
studies have shown communication, whether this be by vola- family, by sending them sugars through
that plants display tile compounds emitted by the foliage or their mycorrhizas in case of drought: they
chemical signals transmitted by the roots. show a form of self-consciousness, and
intelligent behaviour. Trees spend a lot of time sending mes- of consciousness of those close to them.
sages – from one branch to another, or This concept of plant intelligence rais-
Author: Jean-François Busquet indeed to their peers. They are also able es a number of questions, the main one
to put out summoning calls to predators being the place around which it is centred.
learly a thousand years ago, of organisms that are attacking them. But Research tends towards the root system,
St Bernard of Clairvaux wrote: there still remain hundreds of molecules with its dense and complex networks where
“You will find more in the woods that are emitted and received, for which there is constant chemical and electrical
than in books. Trees and rocks there is no answer for the time being. activity. These networks are comparable
will teach you things that no master will.” in this sense to other known nervous sys-
Beyond the mystical approach that pre- Plant neurobiology tems. Astonishingly, Charles Darwin already
vailed at that time, today’s latest advances On noticing, in parallel to this chemi- suspected this in 1880 when he described
in science relating to the plant world throw cal activity, some electrical activity of these root networks in his book entitled
new light on these ancient words. the same order as the type that can be The Power of Movement in Plants.
Over the last thirty years, teams of observed in other biological kingdoms With science making faster progress
university-based researchers who are that are described as superior, the most than scientists, a new upheaval is already
at the forefront of their field have been advanced researchers have dared to use underway.
turning received wisdom about these the term “plant neurobiology”. Despite
organisms on its head. It has been dis- the thoroughness of their studies, which Trees help us to grow
covered that they often have a superior have been carried out in universities such Maja Kooistra – a researcher from the
genetic heritage to that of other biolog- as those of Bonn and Florence, these Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature
ical kingdoms. The fact of being fixed in advanced theories have again sparked off Management and Fisheries – has pub-
one spot has caused them to develop an outcry among the scientific community. lished a book whose title is revolutionary
very sophisticated metabolic responses In 2005, a letter was published in a plant in itself: it translates as Communicating
in the face of the situations and dangers science journal, signed by 36 academics with Trees. In it, she relates her stud-
that confront them. Photosynthesis, for from prestigious institutions including ies, observations and deductions and a
example, has allowed them to be liber- Yale, Oxford and France’s INRA, aiming to range of easy exercises to carry out so
ated from the need to feed on other bring down the heretics who were guilty of as to set our prejudices aside. Her work
organisms. superficial analogies and debatable extrap- clearly shows that it is possible to estab-
olations. Ten years later, although there is lish communication with our planet’s oldest
Sensors still some uncertainty, the balance seems organisms, on which we are, furthermore,
The first publication on the reality of to be tipping towards the researchers. A completely dependent. Her ventures are
intelligent plant behaviour dates from phrase penned by the French philosopher supported and promoted by the very seri-
July 1983. It was revolutionary at the time, Nicolas de Condorcet in the 18th century ous Bomenstichting foundation, which has
because it demonstrated the existence of remains fully valid: “The truth belongs to been dedicated to the study and preserva-
a form of communication between trees, those who seek it, and not to those who tion of trees since 1970.
which had been considered up to then as claim to own it.” From St Bernard to Maja Kooistra, things
automata at best. The study focused on appear to have come full circle, giving a
poplars. It would take twenty years and Senses of touch and smell particular resonance to the words of the
numerous additional findings for the sci- Most of the research findings are old bonsai masters who explain that it is
entific community to stop sniggering and astounding: trees possess a sense of bal- trees that help us to grow, rather than the
making fun of these “talking trees”. ance that is governed by an inner ear similar reverse.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 7
The FFB chose Albi, with
Exhibitions its beautiful episcopal
city, to host its 2015
convention. Everyone
who participated was
delighted with this
edition of the event.
8 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Didier Weiss has been working on
his spruce for about ten years.
Spruce, Didier Weiss
Azalea, Didier Weiss
Hornbeam, Philippe Massard
Box, Roger Liovat, Bonsaï Club du Cantal
Scots pine, Jean-Pierre Cardinal, Bonsaï Club de Mougins
Scots pine, Frédéric Dragonneau, Bonsaï Club de Mougins
Mountain pine, Marie-Hélène Brenn, Club Palois du Bonsaï
Mugo pine, Gabriel Chapuis, ASCAP Bonsaï Club
Shohin composition, Jean-Marc Ladagnous and Florence
This “outstanding tree”, a spruce by Didier Weiss, was Bardot, Club Palois du Bonsaï
unanimously voted best in show by the judging panel.
which make the difference between a mere ex- My visit naturally began with the exhibition,
hibition and a true convention. Tree displays, a which featured around a hundred trees and
“New Talent” competition, talks and demonstra- shohin compositions. It is worth mentioning here
tions, traders’ stalls and the FFB’s annual general that the FFB’s annual convention brings together
meeting: it was a very full event. the trees that were selected the previous year in
The only downside to the weekend was the low the nine regional exhibitions by the federation’s
attendance levels, which would have been more regional delegates. It therefore represents the best
appropriate for a major regional conference than of its amateur members’ trees at a given time.
for a national convention. It’s true that the big “The quality of the trees is great, better than the
events in the bonsai world struggle to attract the ones at last year’s convention, and there’s qua-
crowds in the South of France. lity in their diversity. There are lots of different
species, which is a real boon compared to other
Quality in diversity countries,” remarked Jean-Marc Pouillon, the
The venue itself certainly had its fair share of FFB’s president.
charm, being situated a few hundred metres from
the wonderful episcopal city of Albi, which has The undisputed winner: a spruce
been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site The quality of the displays and the diversity of
since 2010. Here, the festivities unfolded in magni- the trees certainly deserve to be highlighted. This
ficent sunshine. The Pratgraussals function room, edition had plenty of nice surprises in store, es-
overlooked by the bell tower of the Cathedral of pecially in including species that are rarely seen
St Cécile, was set up to accommodate the exhi- in European exhibitions. While conifers usually
bition, demonstration and market stalls. A very dominate, here we were able to admire a Phillyrea
handsome old farm building housed workshops, angustifolia, winged spindle trees, ash trees, a
talks and a restaurant area. sagebrush, a honeysuckle, a crape-myrtle,
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 9
Outstanding tree:
Scots pine by
Jean-Pierre Cardinal.
Outstanding tree:
mugo pine by
Gabriel Chapuis.
10 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
An old farm
building provided
a venue for
the talks and
Initial work
Outstanding tree:
The convention is also an occasion to see the rising
Scots pine by
stars of bonsai competing against each other in the Frédéric Dragonneau.
“New Talent” contest. Each of the FFB’s regions
presents the candidate selected during the regional
competition. This year there were seven contes-
tants in the line-up, as two regions did not put
anyone forward due to a lack of candidates.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 11
Outstanding shohin
pine, hornbeam,
maple and elm,
by Jean-Marc
Ladagnous and
Florence Bardot.
Outstanding tree:
mountain pine by
Marie-Hélène Brenn.
and numerous workshops. Francisco Ferreira led
the weekend’s only demonstration, using a very
attractive pine: “The aim of this demonstration
is to show that initial work can be carried out
The principle of the competition was simple: even though you know that you’ll change it in
style a small juniper within three or four hours, the coming years, because too many demonstra-
under the watchful eyes of the judges. Guilhem tions have been done that focus on the tree’s ulti-
Maillot, a member of the AFAB (French Bonsai mate appearance.” An easygoing and very well-
Hobbyists Association), near Paris, managed to attended demonstration.
win the judges over with his effort. Claude Dominici gave a talk on pruning pines: he
As for the events programme, convention parti- explained that he models his work on the activity
cipants and visitors could treat themselves and of processionary caterpillars, which eat pine need-
satisfy their curiosity at the demonstration, talks les twice a year, moving up and down the tree.
12 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Jean-Bernard Gallais (right) led an
open workshop in which Marie-
Hélène Brenn, whose mountain pine
was one of the outstanding trees
selected by the judges, took part.
gave a talk on
pruning pines.
Ruud Halink
(left) led a
An interactive talk with Gilles workshop that
Vuillaume on tree aesthetics. focused on
dealing with
A tribute to Thierry
Bruno Simon chose as the subject of his talk participants. The club’s members managed to ge-
“Plant roots and their application in bonsai”, nerate a warm and convivial atmosphere, which
while Fredy Filiot presented bonsai work on ash contributed to the event’s success. So, congratula-
trees. Gilles Vuillaume, meanwhile, gave a very tions to all the volunteers who worked away for
interactive talk on the theme “Do you have the months to make the FFB’s convention such a won-
same vision as the tree’s owner?”. Using photos of derful celebration of bonsai.
prize-winning trees in international exhibitions, A date for the diary: the 2016 convention will take
he presented three images of each, two of which place on 25 and 26 June in Villeneuve d’Ascq, near
he had doctored: which was the prize-winning Lille.
version? A good exercise to hone your artistic eye.
Two workshops were led by FFB members: an
open workshop with Jean-Bernard Gallais, and
another on deadwood with Ruud Halink.
The convention paid particular tribute to one of
its most talented members, who passed away in
April 2014: Thierry Font. A bonsai professional,
he had an unparalleled artistic sensibility. Some
of his superb drawings were put on show: an
emotional moment in memory of Thierry, who
was so dear to us.
“It’s bliss”: these brief words from Jean-Marie An exhibition of Thierry
Font’s drawings paid
Couderc, president of the Bonsaï Club de l’Albi-
homage to this bonsai
geois who was in charge of organising this 2015 professional who
convention, sum up the feelings of the weekend’s passed away in 2014.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 13
The entrance of China Zun is spectacular,
as are the collectors’ trees that were
displayed in October 2014 at Yuyao
city, south of Shanghai, in China.
Penjing on a racetrack
14 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The penjing were exhibited all around the sports
ground of the Gaofeng Middle School, in Yuyao city.
enough to invite me to visit the event, along with The exhibition is held in the sports ground of the
international personalities from the bonsai world. Gaofeng Middle School, the set-up of which was
This second exhibition in China was an asto- a real surprise to me and the people I was with:
nishing sight, the size of both the trees and the the garden was decked out with magnificent pines
venue being far beyond what we are used to imported from Japan, and superb koi carp were
seeing in the West. swimming in ponds.
The 120 or so penjing were displayed outside, all
Around the sports ground around the school’s sports ground. Small rostrums
My visit began with the opening ceremony on 30 each held two trees, one on either side of a white
October, the day I arrived in China, after dining panel with decorated edges.
at the hotel. An enormous hall, full to bursting, There were no shohin here; the vast majority of
welcomed all the invited guests: demonstrators, penjing are over a metre tall, with the largest one
exhibitors and various personalities from the pen- more than 1.5 metres. The trees were well structu-
jing and bonsai worlds. Traditional music, songs red, and pines and junipers were present in force.
and dances with special lighting offered a lead-in However, there was not much in the way of land-
to the prize-giving ceremony. I only got to see the scapes, unlike at the exhibition I had the oppor-
award-winning trees the following morning, in a tunity to visit in Guangzhou, southern China, in
mixture of sunshine and rain. 2013.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 15
Ficus microcarpa,
collection of Li Zhengyin.
Height: 110 cm.
Diospyros armata,
collection of
Yang Guisheng.
Height: 125 cm.
16 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The“Black Scissors”
The “Black Scissors” is a movement that brings toge-
ther artists from all around the world, its aim being to
seek new paths of creativity and innovation for the
display of bonsai and penjing. Founded by Su Fang,
the movement has already attracted a large number
of key figures in the international penjing and bonsai
Juniperus formosana,
collection of Bao Shiqi.
Height: 115 cm.
Points on display
While the junipers, mostly Juniperus chinensis,
displayed handsome and very twisted deadwood,
the same could not be said of the pines, which
sometimes contented themselves with a few very
discreet little jin. Most of the pines were Pinus
thunbergii, P. parviflora or P. densiflora. As for
the broadleaves, Ficus microcarpa and Podocarpus
macrophyllus led the field.
Ten judges were responsible for attributing the
prizes: eight Chinese, one North American (Wil-
liam N. Valavanis) and one Brit (Tony Tickle). Ficus microcarpa, collection of Xiao Gengwu.
Each of them awarded points to each of the trees Height: 130 cm.
on display: a mammoth task which extended well
into the night, by torchlight, as Tony Tickle repor-
ted. The Western judges were very surprised to and Kunio Kobayashi with the assistance of Isao
see listed on a large panel, two days later, all the Fukita (Japan).
marks attributed by each judge to each tree … It In China, there can be no penjing without a scho-
was explained that this precaution avoids com- lar’s rock. A large hall accommodated dozens of
plaints about the results; the organisers have cer- stones, each one more beautiful than the one
tainly embraced transparency. before. Again, the sight of this was astounding!
After lunch in the school’s canteen, we – figures The wooden stands (daiza in Japan) made for
from the worlds of penjing and bonsai who had the rocks were very finely worked, forming
come from Japan, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Italy,
the UK, Korea, the USA and (in my case) France –
were invited to participate in a discussion on the
evolution of penjing in China, and the differences
between penjing and bonsai. We each took our
turn giving our thoughts on the subject. Then it
was Su Fang’s turn to present the “Black Scissors”
movement, which he has founded.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 17
Ficus microcarpa,
collection of Bao Shiqi.
Height: 100 cm.
18 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 19
and People
Known for his
YouTube videos, Bjorn
Bjorholm, a talented
29-year-old from the
USA, already has a
solid training and a
promising future.
“You have to learn the basics”
Esprit Bonsai International – Why did you
chose Fujikawa as a master?
Bjorn Bjorholm – When I was 16, in my home-
town, there was a cultural exchange programme.
Every year they’d offer high-school students a
In 2008, Bjorn two-week trip to Japan. I got chosen and my host
began his family liked bonsai, so they took me to his nursery
apprenticeship because we were in Osaka. It was the first time
to the
Japanese I’d met him and he said jokingly: “When you get
master older, if you want to come back to Japan and be
Fujikawa, apprenticed here, you can.” But I took it to heart.
near Osaka. Another reason was his trees. His styled trees are
He was 22. really nice, they spoke to me more than anybody
else’s. They’re quiet trees, it’s not like a lot of
Interview by Michèle Corbihan deadwood, a lot of curving. Another reason is
Photos: Bjorn Bjorholm, unless stated otherwise Osaka, which is a nice part of Japan, a nice place
20 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
He worked as
an apprentice
where I really want to live, so it was a combination E.B.I. – What are your future career plans? in his master’s
of all those things. Stay in Japan, go back to the USA? workshop for six
years, until 2015.
B.B. – It’s booming right now in the US. Probably
E.B.I. – You’ve finished your six-year appren- in two years from now, I’ll move back to the US
ticeship; are you a professional right now? and set up a shop there, doing some importing
B.B. – In April [2015], I officially graduate from the from Japan. I’ll go back to Japan at least probably
nursery and get certified by the Japanese bonsai twice a year, maybe for one or two months each
association as a bonsai professional. I’m on the time, but I want to be based in the US eventually.
road six or seven months a year to different areas The reason I say two more years is because I’ll
– Europe, Australia … and I go to the United States get my PhD (in businessBusiness) finished – my
two or three times a year. It’s my main career now. side project.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 21
and People
An award-
E.B.I. – Which species do you prefer?
Japanese B.B. – When I start with a tree, the number one
white pine thing is the tree has to survive whatever I do to it.
styled by I’m working with living plant material, and I’ve got
Bjorn for the respect for that, so that is the base line. Most of
the time in Japan, I’m working on junipers, white
in Kyoto. pines … In terms of my favourite species to work
with, actually I like the deciduous trees quite a little
bit more, but you have to work ten, fifteen, twenty
years on it before the tree is good. I understand
how many years and how much dedication it takes
to make a deciduous bonsai versus yamadori you
get in the mountains. I also have respect for those,
but in terms of techniques and the amount of train-
ing for a bonsai, it’s a very minimal amount of time
compared to deciduous trees. With the deciduous
trees you really have to take care, right from the
beginning, and make sure to choose the right tech-
niques, decade after decade, to get it just right. To
me, that’s the height of bonsai.
22 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Bjorn with a white
pine he styled on
display at Nobuyuki
Yanai’s Daitoku-ji
exhibition, Kyoto.
white pine
on display
at Nobuyuki
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 23
and People
24 - EspritBonsaiïInter
national #77
American is
very rigorous
in his work.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 25
Task of
the Month
Pruning pines
Pines should be pinched back in the
spring and pruned in the summer,
but this task is not without its risks,
and must be carried out properly, on
vigorous trees, to give good results.
Author: Gilbert Labrid
he best time to embark on one of the most-used
techniques in pine shaping is right in the heart of
summer. It is better to prune pines in the summer 1 Once the candle has been pinched back in
than in the winter. After pinching them back in the spring, the spring, the needles develop freely.
use scissors or shears for structural pruning, to increase
light penetration and to reduce the size of the needles.
This technique is particularly applicable to black pines avoid weakening the tree by repeating the operation
with long needles and vigorous regrowth, but if carried out too frequently. For others, at least three consecutive
at the wrong time it can damage the tree’s development. years are needed to significantly reduce the size of
Pruning for needle reduction consists of the needles. If you didn’t remove the old needles last
removing all or some of the pine’s new candles. autumn, there is still time to do it now. Avoid tearing them
To successfully perform this task: off by hand, as you then risk simultaneously detaching
1 – the tree needs to be vigorous and not the buds that are located at the bases of the sheaths,
to have been repotted in the spring; which are needed to form the new branches. The most
2 – the needles need to be fully formed and mature. important thing is to determine your intended outcome,
Depending on the climate, the period ranges from early depending on the tree you are working on. To do so, you
July to early August. Beyond this, there is a risk of new need to understand the species, evaluate the stage of
growth getting off to a poor start or being too weak. shaping that has been reached and consider the tree’s
Alongside this operation, a plan for applying fertiliser overall form, because, depending on the style, some
needs to be developed for the autumn months (and areas have a tendency to take precedence over others.
not at the same time), to restore the tree’s strength.
Weaker trees and those that already have short After pruning
needles should be pruned in July, while black pines In any case, summer pruning is an operation that forces
with large new shoots should be pruned in August. the tree to make a sustained effort to produce new
Summer pruning allows a second growth period to needles, without which it cannot survive. For some
be sparked off (after the one in the spring), which trees, it is not advisable to prune every year. Weak or
will benefit from the autumnal increase in vigour. sick trees, or those whose ramification is already well
formed and mature, should not be systematically
Using fine scissors pruned. There are other, gentler techniques for
The technical aspect is simple: use fine scissors to cut balancing out growth on these trees, such as pinching.
the part without needles that is situated between the Pruning for needle reduction is not the only
new and old needles. The task can extend to cutting method to create fine ramification, but it does
back over-long new branches by severing them above allow the process to be speeded up and for several
a new shoot. The second growth period will use up the stages to be negotiated in a single season.
tree’s reserves, which are already well underway after the Once the pruning has been carried out, avoid
spring, but only if no fertiliser is applied until the autumn. excessive watering and do not apply fertiliser before
This is very useful with long needles (Pinus thunbergii, the autumn. Since the new growth will occur at the
black pines) and medium-sized needles (Scots pine, end of the summer, place the tree in a sunny spot to
red pine, mugo pine). However, for small-needled trees encourage it to produce buds on the pruned areas
(Japanese five-needle pine), care needs to be taken to and especially in the inner zones of the branches.
26 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
2 In June, the extension of the new growth leaves an empty 5 The tidying exercise can be finished off by cutting back
space between the old needles and the new ones. the twigs and swiftly plucking the needles.
4 Trim back the points that are too long as well as any new shoots
that are overly thick or poorly placed. Radically cut back the points of 7 In areas that are very exposed to sunlight, especially the apex,
branches and the apex, the busiest and most dynamic area of the tree. it needs to be cut back and thinned out.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 27
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Inte rnation al nº76
The maga
Es pr it Bo
Repottin g
L’azalée and grafting
et greffez
Mugo pines
in detail
p. 48
Le mugo
en détail Gagnez
p. 48 WIN
un weekend en Italie a wee ke n
for the Cr in It aly
pour la Crespi Cup Grafts on espi Cup
(voir page 5) (page 5)
p. 42
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technique for adding roots.
laws are fundamentally they develop live veins on impres-
linked to the aesthetics sive sections of deadwood on
of bonsai, which was the their trunks.
subject of our last issue’s Bon- To obtain broad, flat nebari,
sai Basics section (Esprit Bonsai plants need to be cultivated in
International 76). They involve shallow containers, as far as their
aspects of ugliness or lack of characteristics and essential 2 Wire the plants and bend
them to about 90° to be able
beauty in bonsai, which need to be needs allow it. At each repotting,
to graft them properly.
improved or eliminated to make take care to trim the roots that
the bonsai more attractive and have sprouted from the under-
valuable. side of the stump: this way, the
When faced with a flaw, a root system will gradually become
beginner might well think that it is naturally broad and flat.
enough just to camouflage it – to
cover it with a stone if it occurs • Grafting
at root level, or with a branch and In cases where some roots are
foliage if the imperfection is higher missing in the nebari’s fan-shaped
up the tree. But this is not the case! structure, it is possible to make 3 Prepare the nebari
at the place where you
More often than not, attempts at approach grafts or to insert a plant
are intending to graft.
camouflage serve only to attract in a hole drilled into the bonsai’s
attention to the thing that you are trunk. These two techniques can
trying to conceal, giving the oppo- be used successfully for grafting
site effect: instead of being hidden both roots and branches.
from view, the flaw is highlighted. Where junipers are concer-
In general, you should start exa- ned, in view of their ample root
mining the plant by looking at the production, it is possible to use
root structure, then at the trunk approach grafts to improve the
and lastly at the ramification and tree’s aesthetic quality, reduce its
foliage. We will approach the pro- height, or create several plants by
cess in the same order here. subdividing large specimens.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 29
Basics Insert the plant
so that the roots
can improve
the nebari.
Since the maple’s base is particularly ugly, Waiting for the results to be revealed.
air-layering is used to improve the nebari.
30 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 31
32 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Sous le patronage
World Bonsai
Friendship Federation
Nippon Bonsai
Sakka Kyookai Europe
Bonsai Club
Consulat général
du Japon
Centre de culture
Getting Off
to a Goo
od Start
a technique that
can make all the
difference Air-layering is quite a simple procedure. It allows a
tree to be reproduced or an attractive part of it to be
extracted, and good root structure to be obtained.
easy to air-layer
Acer palmatum, Acer buergerianum,
2 Stripping a ring of bark
Here, we will make a small bonsai in the hokidachi
Carpinus spp., Ilex serrata, Juniperus (broom) style out of the slender trunk of this Zelkova
chinensis, Malus spp., Spirea spp., serrata, starting at the bottom – with the roots.
Ulmus spp., Zelkova spp. To begin, make a horizontal incision all the way around
the branch or trunk at the point where you want the
roots to grow. Next make a second incision, lower down,
34 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Sap flow
There are two types of sap: xylem sap and phloem sap. Xylem sap (water and minerals) flows upwards
through the xylem, and phloem sap (transformed in the leaves through photosynthesis) flows down through
the phloem, beneath the bark. The parts above the air-layer continue to be fed by the rising sap. The des-
cending sap accumulates at the point where the bark has been removed. This build-up of sap forces cells to
differentiate and then to produce roots if the conditions of moisture and shade are right.
bark Phloem Cambium
1 Upwards and downwards flow of sap. 2 The descending sap is blocked at the point of the air-layer.
Before starting the layering process, cut down one After marking the desired Peel the bark away. Scrape off the cambium and scratch
side and through the base of a plastic pot, to place position for the layer, cut into away some of the sapwood. Take
it around the trunk; prepare some wire to fasten the the Zelkova serrata’s bark. care not to dig too deep, as this
pot, plus some substrate – in this case, sphagnum. may prevent the sap from rising.
at a distance of at least 1.5 times the trunk’s diame- 4 Filling it with substrate
ter (or less for thicker diameters). Then make a third The air-layer’s substrate needs to retain moisture, wit-
incision, this time vertically through the ring of bark hout being saturated. Sphagnum and vermiculite are
to peel it away. It is important to scrape off all of the ideal for this purpose.
cambium, to prevent healing which might compromise Use a saw to cut the air-layer off, between a few weeks
the layering process. and a few months later, after checking that roots have
It is possible to apply rooting hormones to the upper appeared. To do this, press lightly on the container to
edge of the cut, or to wind a wire tightly around the feel if it is full of roots, or open it up gently to have a look.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 35
On a
Bonsai are trees … on a plateau.
The French word plateau
signifies many things: plate,
plateau, platter, tray, shelf, stage
… and the author takes hold
of this notion to explore the
meanings of bonsai stands and
of the plants they present.
Author: Gilbert Labrid
For offerings
Plateaux are used in all sorts of situations, from
the most sacred to the most mundane. When a
plate is given edges of whatever height, forming a
slight hollow, it appears as a dish or cup that allows
more unsettled liquid contents to be collected.
Today, just as in antiquity, victors celebrate their
supremacy by lifting up a trophy or cup – a synonym Whatever
of sporting or intellectual triumph. Precious offerings the size of an
are placed on a platter, as gifts or as an act of sha- overhanging
ring that seals an agreement between two people. the whole
An item placed on a platter possesses a particu- universe can
lar value, because the object that is isolated must be unfold from it.
36 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Several landscapes mingle together in an orderly fashion
on this bridge across to the invisible shore of dreams.
superior to the whole. When John the Baptist’s head our appetites on tiny spaces and content ourselves
was offered to Salome on a platter, it represented with the contours of a tray, dish or other sort of small-
an appropriation of his spirit. scale plateau. The emotion we feel in so doing is no
This sort of stylised conch form holds a whole less abundant; and, in a curious inversion of scale,
other cosmos within it – a universe that is ordered we do not feel larger – quite the contrary!
and governed by laws and principles that are intelli- Wehavesoughttofindinspirationinthesevisions
gible to humankind. It is not very surprising to see this of microcosms, to try to attain the perfection that
small space being appropriated to pass on the very fascinates us. Placing trees on a plateau – a dish, tray
bestofthingsinasimplemanner.TheFrenchexpres- or shelf – whether or not accompanied by stones
sion “sur un plateau”, equivalent to the English “on a and grasses, is a temptation to which our forebears
plate”, refers to the ease with which we can access succumbed. For this, they needed to understand
the best things, sometimes with no effort at all, such the laws that govern the survival of these miniature
as a gift bestowed by an unapproachable authority. universes. Neither too much, nor too little; finding a
balanced medium; never forcing; acting at the right The last diehards
Trees on a plateau … moment … such is the way. It’s difficult. But at the bring beauty to
This sort of situation can be found in the various same time, it’s perfectly natural … this sloping ledge
which is dwindling
landscapes and undulations that the Universe has
away into nothing.
allowed to emerge on the surface of our planet: a
microcosm reflecting a higher order.
It’s often by chance, while out on a stroll, that the
observant eye will spot the typical sorts of situations
that we find emotionally moving. Depending on our
particular interests, our eyes will pick out the details
that intrigue us, as if our mind were already selecting
the content of our aesthetic and spiritual sustenance.
Because nature is a cathedral open to the sky that
asks only for an opening, even just a narrow one,
through which to slip an invitation to the feast. We can
embrace vast landscapes and feel minuscule in the
face of such immensity. Equally, we can concentrate
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 37
This Elaeagnus pungens
was grown in open ground
Shohin: and will be styled as a
Small Bonsais bonsai, because there
is almost certainly an
interesting trunk behind
the foliage. Height: 21 cm.
A future bonsai
The Japanese master Tomohiro Masumi
begins the task.
38 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
2 Defoliation is always done from top to 3 After uncovering the top of the tree, 4 He will choose which top
bottom. Masumi immediately notices that the tree has to keep after exposing the
two apexes, which is undesirable. whole of the tree’s form.
5 Tomohiro Masumi continues to 6 The base of the trunk is still not 7 The tree’s form is exposed bit by bit.
defoliate, in search of the tachiagari. sufficiently visible.
Total defoliation
Tomohiro Masumi needs to carry out a The tree’s front depends on the
total restructuring of the tree. To do so, tachiagari. This tree, which is well
known in Japan, serves as an
he needs to examine it underneath the
example. The nebari is indicated in
canopy, and to defoliate so that the lines of red. The tachiagari, in white, extends
the trunk and branches are visible. from the base to the first branch.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 39
Small Bonsais
40 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
It is important to know how to cut properly.
When cutting back a very fragile branch, it is better to leave part of its length Since this bud is fragile, the cut is made half a
so that it does not dry out. Here, the branch is being cut just beyond a bud. centimetre higher up, to avoid drying it out.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 41
Small Bonsais
An example
Let’s apply all these theories to an example.
In Japan, masters often say that a person
who is not afraid of cutting off branches
obtains better results than one who
tries to preserve them at any cost.
1 This main branch is split into three: there is one 2 Two of the branches are crossing: in bonsai, 3 So, the thicker branch
branch too many. We could cut here to leave only two this is to be avoided. Which one should be removed? is cut off.
branches to the fork. But there is another problem here. When in doubt, it is always a good rule to cut off
the thicker branch.
4 It is always the thicker branch that 5 The task is not yet complete: overly thick branches 6 To finish the task correctly, the angle
is removed, because the aim is to need to be trimmed. Note the colour: in broadleaves, of the cuts needs to be worked on, because
achieve a taper: a thick base that new branches often have different colouring to the perpendicular cuts produce ugly scars. Cutting
gradually becomes finer towards the others. In Elaeagnus pungens, they are tan-coloured. at an angle is also an important secret to
outer edges. obtaining a more natural extension to the branch.
looking closely, it is
possible to see that
there are in fact three
branches springing from
this point. The largest one
is therefore removed.
42 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Protecting the cuts
Masumi goes over the cuts a bit. He then
protects them with cut paste, which will prevent
them from drying out and encourage internal
healing, just as a wound dressing does for us.
After ensuring that the angles of the cuts Masumi makes slightly deeper cuts in some places, so as not to cause
are consistent, he applies cut paste. bumps to form in future. Note the angle of the cut, on the far left.
Rear view.
In future
In Japan, a tree like this one is considered as raw
material. Professionals buy these types of trees
from wholesalers and continue to work on them.
Patience is needed. After seven years’ cultivation
in open ground, the tree is placed in a pot for
two years. Then, a procedure such as the one
described above is necessary to restructure it.
In the coming years, the canopy will be
created and the thin branches that are
now visible will be constantly cut back and
replaced when they become too thick. The
number of slender branches will increase, and
thickening of the branches and trunk will be
concentrated around the centre of the tree.
It is a task that requires precision and care.
Find Tomohiro Masumi at
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 43
Small Bonsais
Chestnut trees are rare
among bonsai, because
their large leaves take a long
time to be reduced in size.
Yves Ingels has, however,
successfully managed to
make them into mame.
In 2015. Height: 18 cm.
The same
chestnut tree in
2006, after two
years’ work.
Mame chestnuts:
yes, it is possible!
Chestnut trees are rare as bonsai, and even more
so as mame. The reason? Reducing the size of Buds are appearing.
44 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
2011. This mame is the result of an March 2015: a few years later, the trunk May 2015: after springtime repotting, the leaves
air-layered apex, cut off in 2007. and branches have got much thicker. are coming out. Height (excluding pot): 10 cm.
• Air-layering
The great advantage of chestnut trees is the
ease with which they can be air-layered, which is
particularly interesting for making small trees. It is
perfectly possible to air-layer ends of branches or
apexes that are already well structured, and this
obviously saves a considerable amount of time.
On the other hand, cutting branches off results
in large scars. To avoid this, the cuts need to be
well hollowed out. Chestnuts heal very quickly,
especially on branches with a lot of leaves.
Air-layering is an easy procedure, though of
course only on the condition that you check the
moisture of the substrate around the air-layer
carefully. The new roots develop in a single
season, and the air-layer can be cut off in the Grown from seed in 1999, this six-year- In 2015, after nine years of
following spring. I always work the same way: old mame is only just starting out. repeated pruning, defoliation
cutting and peeling off a ring of bark down to and bud selection, the
the wood, with the cut going no further than the mame is emerging. Height
(excluding pot): 13 cm.
diameter of the training wire, which I pull tight.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 45
Small Bonsais
1 A normal-sized horse
chestnut (Aesculus
hippocastamus) leaf.
2 A leaf of a mame that has his mame
undergone ten years’ work. Yves Ingels’s mame will be
3 A leaf from the same on display at the convention
of the Fédération Française
mame after 11 years’ work.
It has fewer leaflets. de Bonsaï (French Bonsai
Federation) in Villeneuve
d’Ascq, near Lille in
northern France, on 25
and 26 June 2016.
One of them will be featured
on the convention’s poster.
2 3
© José Boignard
A good seven or eight years are needed before The number of leaflets can reduce
a chestnut bonsai’s leaves become visibly smaller. along with the size of the leaves.
46 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Find your inspiration or improve your skills
with the books published by LR PRESSE
30 trees & 10 forests Bonsai international exhibition, Bonsaï d’exception The thirty most beautiful
The most beautiful bonsai in Europe Monaco 2014 Monaco 2008 bonsai from Europe
96 p. - 21 x 28,5 cm Les Jolis Matins de Juin 128 p. - 22 x 28,5 cm 148 p. - 21 x 28,5 cm
Ref. : LES30T2 19,90 € 96 p. - 21 x 28,5 cm Ref. : EXPOMONA 29,90 € Ref. : LES30 35,00 €
Ref. : JMJ14 19,90 € 14,95 € 17,50 €
Vos bonsaï en pleine forme Les jardins japonais traditionels Les bois morts de nos bonsaï Cahiers de l’apprenti
224 p. - 17,4 x 20,7 cm et contemporains 240 p. - 17,4 x 20,7 cm Bonsaï Pratique
Ref. : FORME 25€ 148 p. - 21 x 27,8 cm Ref. : DEADWOOD 29,90 € 128 p. - 17,2 x 20,4 cm
, € Ref. : LESJARDI 29,90€ Ref. : APPRENTI 14,90 €
Small Bonsais
back pines
for increased
Pines are pinched back to
harmonise their energy and
make their foliage denser.
Various approaches are
48 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
This year’s shoots vary in length. This large, protruding candle needs to be cut off.
There are two small candles This large and overly vigorous The two candles that have been retained will
at the base of the large one. candle needs to be cut off. develop, but remaining smaller than the first one.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 49
on Broadleaves
After flowering,
it’s time to start work
Azaleas take a rest from growing
immediately after they have flowered.
This is the ideal moment to prepare them
for the next flowering, but also to tidy up Although there are similarities in
growing cycles between all types of bonsai, azaleas
the branches, and to repot them. take somewhat different routes. June is a busy
month: as soon as they have finished flowering,
it is time to set to work, because they will take a
Author: Jérôme Hay short pause from growing. We therefore have a few
weeks to carry out maintenance and styling tasks.
While flowering is the ultimate aim for satisfac-
tion with a satsuki, as soon as it occurs it is already
50 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
2 The satsuki’s flowers and
fruits have all been removed.
1 The flowers are cut off at the base of the leafstalk as soon as
they start to wither, thus removing fertilised fruit at the same time.
time to start thinking about the next time around. Preparing for growth
This begins with tidying the plant, removing the last During flowering, don’t water over the flowers,
flowers and cutting back seed pods. as they are fragile and will collapse and rot, taking
Looking at the azalea’s life cycle, we see a new all the other flowers with them. Every day during
growth period starting from late February. It puts flowering, remove the withered flowers to allow
out a bit of foliage, turns green again and swells others to open out properly. Flowering lasts for two
out its flowerbuds, which burst into bloom in May– to three weeks, but it is crucial to cut off the blooms
June. before they wither completely, to avoid
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 51
on Broadleaves
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 53
on Broadleaves
5 Tangled roots are trimmed, and the
cutting back continues. If it takes a long
time, spray on some water at regular
intervals to prevent the rootlets from
drying out. The damp cloth will help to
protect the satsuki for the time it takes
to prepare the substrate.
the plant will weaken. The balance between air the water inside the particles makes them split
and soil is broken. Visual flaws in bonsai are often and inexorably reduces them to dust. As for organic
a consequence of what is going on at root level. elements, they are digested by micro-organisms
• The lifespan of the substrate: all elements and become smaller and smaller. Residue from
change, erode, disintegrate and decompose. This organic fertilisers, which are also solid, ages the
applies to all substrates, whether of mineral or substrate, which loses its qualities of retention
organic origin. In an onslaught of cold weather, and drainage.
54 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
11 The pot is filled to the brim with finer kanuma, 12 It is piled up a bit and
2 to 4 mm in diameter. finished off with a 1-cm layer
of shredded sphagnum.
• Last but not least, there is the chemical aspect 13 It is watered immediately
of the substrate. Just as its physical aspect evolves through a rose fitting, in
over time, so do its chemical qualities. For satsuki, spurts to avoid dislodging
it is normal to use an acidic soil. While the pH of the kanuma, which remains
a light substrate.
kanuma is 5.5, it can shift towards neutral if the water
used to water the plant has a higher pH. And then
there is residue from treatments, chemical fertilisers
that saturate the substrate after a few years.
All of these reasons mean that it is more than
reasonable to repot satsuki every two years to help
them to thrive as much as possible.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 55
on Broadleaves
satsuki potensai
After about four decades of cultivation in
open ground, and having recently been
repotted, this satsuki is ready to be styled. The task of turning satsuki –
This is a matter of bringing out the silhouette Japanese azaleas – into bonsai has always
demanded a lot of patience. Here we will focus
and main lines of the future bonsai. on the work that is required when the plant has first
been placed in a pot, which marks the beginning
of its styling into a true bonsai. This azalea, of the
Author: Jérôme Hay Gyoten variety, was cultivated in open ground for
nearly 40 years. It has undergone its first repotting
(see Esprit Bonsai International 76) and the initial
shaping work can now start.
56 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Also possible after flowering
Although the best period for this sort of work is between the
middle of winter and early spring, another window of opportunity
occurs after flowering; but, depending on the temperatures
in late spring, the operation can then be more risky.
Flowering is a problem, because the energy it uses is needed to
structure and shape the plant. Aborting the flowering requires
patience, and cutting off all the extremities to remove flowerbuds
can be a very unrewarding task, but it is useful. Even if it pains
you to do it, because the flowers are one of the satsuki’s greatest
assets, it is only a matter of time: the flowers will return to crown
the completion of your work. All things come to those who wait.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 57
on Broadleaves
A clashing branch has grown back towards the trunk and become fused with it. Halfway up, part of the trunk has few branches.
58 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
How to prune
To prune branches, I use spring-
loaded scissors with large
C This branch, on the left-hand side, will be the blades, which let me cut back
first branch. everything from small branches
to thicker sections. As soon as
A Small branches are cut back. the branches are thicker than
5 millimetres, I use straight or
concave cutters. The straight
ones allow me to cut, and the
concave ones to go over the cut
so that it has less visual impact.
Satsuki wood is very hard and
brittle. Cutters should never
be used for sections above
D Branches that compete with it are removed. 1 centimetre in diameter; instead,
a saw is preferable. I cut these
branches in two stages: the first
is a rough cut, 1 centimetre from
the trunk; then I go over it, either
with a cutter or with a saw.
Azaleas are resilient, regardless
of where you cut. They are quick
to take off again, as long as the
pruning is done in the spring.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 59
on Broadleaves
5 The upper part is very bushy, 6 These two branches are repetitive, 7 Once the branch has been taken off,
and the right choices are more obvious. so the thicker one is removed. the apex looks lighter.
8 The apex is busy. The thick or obsolete 9 The work on the apex
branches are removed, while trying to retain the is complete.
tree’s movement.
60 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
on Conifers
An awkward first
on for the first time
until 2009. Four
more years will
then be needed
before a second
branch – or not
styling exercise.
Shown here in 2009,
before modification.
Height: 65 cm.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 61
on Conifers
A four-year wait
The conditions that this pine In 2009, I embarked on a first shaping years later, in 2011. I planted it in a fairly
lived in were relatively difficult, and exercise in the nursery. It is important small pot, but its roots allowed this.
many of its neighbouring trees had to emphasise that the initial styling I did not work on it again until 2015,
died standing. However, the dryness of Scots pines needs to be done so that it could regain its strength.
of the summer and the harsh cold of quickly, as soon as the roots have
the winter allowed it to have some become re-established. Scots pines A long first branch
interesting characteristics for making it tend to let branches that have trouble The nebari is more noticeable on the
into a handsome bonsai. It was removed accessing light die. They may therefore side opposite the trunk’s lean, which
from the rock with the utmost care, lose branches that would have been gives the tree a character that can be
retaining its original roots and root ball. very important for future styling. If found in nature. The tree is leaning to
It needed four months for its roots to you wait much too long, the tree will one side and is mechanically held in
take. In the initial period, I tried to provide reach the stage where it focuses place by its roots, which counteract
it with as much atmospheric humidity entirely on its top part, and you will this lean. Consequently, it splays out
as possible, to limit the evaporation find yourself with a tree that has far quite a lot on two sides, while on the
of water during the time it took for the less potential than it did originally. other two the nebari is much less
roots to re-establish themselves. Then, Once the first styling exercise had been interesting. This gives an indication
bit by bit, I introduced it to the normal carried out and the main branches of the choices to be made regarding
conditions for a Scots pine: sunshine … had been selected, I repotted it two the eventual front of the tree.
62 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Work begins by wiring the first branch. This branch coming back underneath the trunk is unnecessary.
As well as leaning sharply to one side, When looking at old Japanese trees, it
the trunk has a slightly sinuous form with is noticeable that the first branches are A rightward dynamic
some more pronounced, eye-catching often very low, even if they sometimes I began by selecting the branches and
curves towards the top of the tree. spring from quite a high point on the cutting off the ones that clashed with
The bark has a network of fine trunk. Personally, I’ve always been in or were hidden behind others. When
cracks, which is typical of Scots favour of keeping this kind of branch in doubt, I prefer to keep branches,
pines in mountain environments. when the tree’s aesthetics allow it. apply training wire to them and then
The first branch is very long and springs There were two possible viewpoints see whether I want to keep them or
from a point that is slightly towards to bring the best out of the nebari and not during the styling process.
the front of the trunk. Then there is the trunk’s movements: the ones that I always start with the first branch,
a mass of branches which are quite would become the front and the back. wiring the branches one after another
well positioned. One of this tree’s The rear view would not have allowed the up to the top of the tree. I use copper
strong points is that the foliage is quite long first branch to be kept, because it wire, which allows me to be more
close to the trunk. After ten years’ springs from a point that is completely to precise, especially when there is a
cultivation, there are plenty of buds and the back. This means that it would clash large number of small branches.
the candles and needles are short. with the tree. The other branches are well The apex needed to be brought
placed, but the tree would then have been upwards. This is a light-spirited
Choosing the front rather ordinary. The front view allows the tree, so it should not be made
The main issue of the project was first branch to be used. Even though it too compact. I therefore raised
whether to keep the large, downward- springs from a spot that is slightly forward the end part, after wiring it.
pointing branch or not. This question on the trunk, it is still in harmony with the I styled the tree by emphasising the
of whether or not to keep long first tree. The diameter of the branch is in good rightward thrust of the its dynamic.
branches is always a controversial proportion to that of the trunk. In addition, In this sense, the long first branch
one among bonsai hobbyists. Is other branches can mask the branch’s is backed up by a much smaller
there only one right answer? length and accentuate the cascade effect. branch opposing it on the left.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 63
on Conifers
2 Two branches
are wired with the
same copper wire.
Two twists are made
on one of the
branches to fix the
wire, and the wiring
continues on the
second …
1 Putting a copper wire in place to train a
secondary branch.
3 … then I go
back to finish
wiring the first
one, holding the
branch between
my thumb and
index finger.
64 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The branches are put in place; they now need
to be fine-tuned right to the tips.
The apex is wired and significantly
raised. This is the time for
carrying out real styling work.
Left side.
Right side.
Rear view.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 65
a Tree
This mugo pine by Paul Putseys appears to be clinging to a cliff. Pot by Dan Barton.
66 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Re-imagining a tree
This section sets out to analyse the choices made by the artist
through trying out other options – to demonstrate the significance
of the choices made, and quite simply to learn how to admire…
Option 1 :
B onsai beginners often find
themselves stuck when it comes
to shaping the foliage of a cascade
without the apex
Without the apex, the tree looks
tree. Paul Putseys, one of the Belgian headless: many beginners make
professional Jean-Paul Polmans’s the error of giving the apex a flat
many talented students, has created shape, as if it were a branch.
a perfect cascade from a yamadori
collected in the French Alps. It serves Option 2 :
as an excellent real-life example for lower foliage in
any hobbyist who is encountering alignment
difficulties with a cascade. As for a classic tree with its
What is more, this tree has the trunk beneath the foliage, if
level of maturity that comes the first branches on the right
from 15 years’ careful work. and left are in alignment, the
pine loses all its dynamism.
Paul’s choices 2 With the lower foliage in alignment, the
Paul Putseys has set out to Option 3 : downward movement has disappeared.
conjure up a pine clinging to a a small first branch
cliff, which carries the scars of its On a classic tree, the first branch is
challenging living conditions. the strongest and thickest, and is
He demonstrates that a cascade’s often composed of several tiered
foliage must be styled just like foliage masses. It sometimes looks
a normal tree’s, with its first like a small tree in its own right.
branch, its balancing branch Paul has produced a powerful first
and its apex. It is simply a case of branch comprising three cloud
trying to forget that the trunk is forms, on the left, as an extension
positioned above the greenery. of the trunk’s movement.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 67
on Broadleaves
Vladislava Kuřátková
Working hand in hand Author: Anne Royer
Photos: Michèle Corbihan,
unless stated otherwise
The Czech artists Milan Klika (61) and Milan Klika and Vla-
dislava Kuřátková have been living and
Vladislava Kuřátková (59) live and work in working together for nearly forty years.
Prague. Specialising in bonsai pots, they At 61 and 59 years old respectively, these
two Czech artists produce pots only for
find particular inspiration in the Japanese bonsai, and dedicate their entire lives to
ceramics and painting – their favourite
art of suiseki. disciplines. “Our professional and private
lives are entirely connected, you can’t
separate them. Artists just keep working,
creating, even if they aren’t touching
clay or canvas. We live in a creative way.”
68 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The surface of these
pots, which are
almost completely
covered in an opaque
grey-blue glaze,
is reminiscent of
This elegant pot, produced using a stones. Dimensions:
mould, will accommodate an accent 51 × 40 × 17 cm and
plant. Diameter: 15 cm. Height: 8 cm. 58 × 45 × 13 cm.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 69
on Broadleaves
“I find great pleasure in creating my own piece of art, In the basement of her Prague home, Vladislava
from the very initial stage, until the very last part, the makes small pots by hand in large numbers.
final stage – a pot with a bonsai planted in it.”
or to trees “with coarse bark and a “Vlady”, as her life partner and friends call reserved for painting, which both artists
heavy trunk”. Smoother clays, on the other her, tends to make smaller or medium- continue to practise. The rooms are over-
hand, are best for “pots for light, elegant- sized pots, often moulding them by hand. flowing with artistic works and objects:
looking bonsai with smooth, light trunks”. “I prefer the creative aspect of the model- bonsai, driftwood, tree bark, shells, stones,
“The same applies for colours: pots’ ling process,” she says. Milan, meanwhile, Japanese woodcuts, all sorts of boxes …
colours correspond to different trunks of occupies himself with larger pieces, and “Our house as a whole is saturated with
spruces, pines, junipers or yews,” they add. with drying and firing the pots. “If two creative power and atmosphere,” they say
The clay is chosen according to its people co-work, it is much more fruitful in unison.
aesthetic qualities and the pot’s design, and effective than working individually. The two collectors’ greatest passion is
but also for its durability or frost-resis- Working together also multiplies the quan- suiseki – “scholar’s rocks” whose shapes
tance. “Czech clay is more lively, creative, tity of good ideas.” can evoke a landscape, an animal, an
artistic,” explains Milan. “However, when object or a plant. As members of the
exposed to heat, some larger pots cannot A whole floor for painting Czech association of suiseki collectors,
keep their precise shape, and you have to The two electric kilns in their pottery Milan and Vladislava travel the globe in
keep a close eye on it when it is drying out. studio, which is set up in the basement search of the best examples, which they
German kinds of clay are more stable.” of their Prague home, were installed by then display in exhibitions organised in
Milan himself. Pots are wrapped up, then the Czech Republic.
left to dry, which takes several weeks for
Milan and
Vladislava call
the largest ones, before being fired in Suiseki colours
these sorts of pots two stages: a first firing at 850°C, then These natural sculptures have a profound
“stones”. This a second at 1240°C with the glaze. “As influence on the potters’ work, most
one would suit painters, we prefer electric kilns. Their notably in the creation of pots intended
an accent plant atmosphere inside enables a larger, for accent plants, with a shell-shaped
with colourful fruit.
richer scale of glaze colours,” says form, or those for cascade or semi-cas-
Flat base: 18 cm.
Height: 6.5 cm. Milan. It is also difficult to use a traditional cade bonsai. The pair also “dramatically
wood-fired kiln in a city such as evoke the atmosphere of mountain cliffs,
Prague, for obvious safety slopes and rocks”. The various textures,
reasons. the crevasses and fissures in the rocks
The top floor in their and the thousand shades of suiseki thus
large family home is become an inexhaustible source of ins-
70 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
© Milan Klika & Vladislava Kuřátková
Lovers of art and history, the two Czech potters
also immerse themselves in painting.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 71
Surrender to
Pleione X Britannia ‘Doreen’ signals the
beginning of spring, with its beautiful
colours and impressive flowers.
Pleione’s charms
Author: Xavier Dreux
Pleione is a genus of
dwarf orchids that
espite being small and in For kusamono, I recommend Pleione
some cases easy to cultivate, X Britannia ‘Doreen’, a hybrid between
bloom from March Pleione orchids never fail to Pleione formosana and P. Tongariro,
impress. These dwarf orchids which is typical of the genus.
onwards. They can are perfectly suited to kusamono pots. On a more general level, all Pleione for-
be cultivated as Originating in Asia, Pleione plants are mosana varieties are suitable for cultiva-
pseudobulbs and therefore belong to ting as kusamono.
kusamono, or to delight the orchid family. There are two types
in their own right. of Pleione: terrestrial and epiphytic. Repotting in February
The vast majority of varieties bloom Pleione orchids start to stir in Februa-
in the spring, although some flower in the ry. They begin by putting out their main
autumn. They bear a single large flow- shoot, which fills out, lengthens, and takes
er which varies from crimson to yell- on an attractive green colour. Springtime
ow to white, depending on the spec- is looming, and it is time to repot this
ies. The size of the flowers and bulbs simple but stunning orchid.
also differs widely from one variety to While the shoot is growing, the roots
another. are not there yet, but kusamono lovers
72 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Varieties of Pleione:
Easy: P. formosana and its hybrids
Temperamental: P. limprichtii
Difficult: P. forrestii (yellow flower),
P. humilis, P. hookeriana.
Pleione orchids can be found in
Roots start to develop at the
garden centres in the spring (in the
base of the main shoot.
bulbs section) or at plant fairs.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 73
Preparing for
an exhibition Author: Marcel Vrignaud
In 2015, our School celebrated the 120th anni- No fewer than four hundred masters from all over
versary of its foundation with a large and prestigious Japan followed one after another at the two sessions,
exhibition that called all the talents and technical from 26 to 28 February and from 1 to 3 March. Tens
methods available throughout Japan into play. of thousands of paying visitors also made the journey
Entitled “Birth and Rebirth”, the exhibition sought to be there.
to convey the things that made the School famous, An event of this kind requires major and well-coordi-
starting with the creation of moribana. This is not nated organisation because, let’s not forget, it involves
to forget the new fashions and inclinations that the exhibiting perishable works in an enclosed space. This
new Iemoto, Hiroki Ohara, who has just turned 26, is is one of the reasons why each session only lasts for
adopting and will adopt in future. three consecutive days, with multiple replacements of
plant components every day.
400 exhibiting masters The organisation starts several months in advance,
Traditionally, for decades, the School chose the to reserve positions for compositions and define the
entire eighth floor of the Takashimaya-Ginza depart- exhibition’s main strategy, such as the categories of
ment store to display its creations, large and small. arrangement that will be displayed: spaces for rimpa,
bunjin, landscapes, hana-mai, hana-isho, etc.
Then, all the structures in which the arrangements
are to be presented need to be constructed from
scratch, according to the staging. This means calling
upon various types of professionals: interior architects,
cabinetmakers, painters, textile and tatami specialists,
lighting engineers, engravers, etc.
74 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
The staging is precise
and is organised well
before the big day. All that
remains to be done now
is to admire the exhibits!
Everything is decided
by the organising
committee: the
positioning of the
arrangements, the flowers
and the containers.
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 75
Author: Marette Renaudin
Photos: Bénédicte de Saint-Martin
in a bronze
vase. Nandina,
rose and
by Sylvie
76 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
Asplenium leaf,
orchid and
Schefflera leaves.
Arrangement by
Aline Joucla.
Shin-ka-tai: Spiraea,
anemone and hypericum in a
porcelain vase. Arrangement
by Cylène Bleyer and
Clémentine Cauet-Bleyer
Prunus triloba,
Maranta leaf and
white rose in an
Etling opalescent
crystal vase.
Arrangement by
Ghislaine Boutot.
Shin-ka-tai: freesia, iris leaves,
Schefflera leaf. Arrangement
by Dominique Bossoutrot..
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 77
Club and
The twenty-or-so members of the Bonsaï Club Gersois are quite pampered: the president
has had a studio set up at his home to accommodate workshops and meetings.
Text: Cinthya Arenas
Photos: Bonsai Club Gersois
78 - EspritBonsaiInternational #77
This pear tree by Pierre Bedes is one of three Jean-Marie Couderc won the 2015 St Lucie cherry by Claude Maupomé.
trees from the club selected to take part in the Southern Region new talent contest.
2016 convention of the Fédération Française
de Bonsaï (French Bonsai Federation – FFB).
#77 EspritBonsaiInternational - 79
Bookshop Discover and enjoy our book selection
136 p. – 16,7 x 24,7 cm
Mini Bonsaï Mini Bonsaï Mini Bonsaï Mini Bonsaï Mini Bonsaï Mini Bonsaï
L’érable japonais Le Genévrier Les Azalées Le Zelkova Ilex, malus et petits fruits Le Pin noir
Code : MINIBONS 24,00 € Code : MINIBONS2 24,00 € Code : MINIBONS3 24,00 € Code : MINIBONS4 24,00 € Code : MINIBONS5 24,00 € Code : MINIBONS6 24,00 €
224 p. – 14,7 x 21 cm
244 p. – 17 x 24 cm
44 p. – 17 x 24,5 cm
44 p. – 17 x 24,5 cm
27 5 cm
41 p. – 17 x 24,5 cm
21 5 x 27,5
120 pp. – 21,5
Erables du Japon, Les pins en bonsaï Sérissa bonsaï
S Ficus bonsaï Zelkova bonsaï Satsuki Bonsaï
300 espèces et variétés Code : PINSRE S
Soins et entretien des azalées
Code : ERABLE 20,20 € Code : PINSREGB 23 € Code : SERISSA
C 5,20 € Code : FICUS 5,00 € Code : ZELKOVA 5,00 € Code : SATSUBONS 36,50 €
128 p. – 17,2 x 20,4 cm
20,77 cm
20,55 cm
352 p. – 20,3 x 24 cm
64 p. – 15 x 18 cm
17,44 x 20
15,55 x 20
240 p. – 17
160 pp. – 15
PROMO 29,90 €
Cahiers de l’apprenti Vos bonsaï en pleine forme Les bois morts de nos bonsaïs
onsaïs Le petit Larousse L bonsaïs
Les Bonsaïs
Bonsaï Pratique 25,00 € Code : BOISMORT
C des bonsaï Choisir et cultiver
Code : APPRENTI 14,90 € Code : FORME 12,50 € Code : DEADWOOD
C Code : PETITBON 22,90 € Code : LESBONSAI 15,90 €
C Code : BONSAIS 7,90 €
96 p. – 21 x 28,5 cm
270 p. – 21 x 28 cm
444 p. – 21 x 28 cm
160 p. – 18 x 24 c
Technique du Bonsaï 1 TTechnique du Bonsaï 2 Keshiki Bonsaï 30 arbres & 10 forêt Les Jolis Matins de Esthétique et bonsaï
Créer simplement des bonsaï paysages Les 30 plus beaux bonsaïs d’Europe Juin, Monaco 2014 Tome 2
Code : NAKATECH1 42,20 € Code : NAKATECH2 60,00 €
C Code : KESHIKI 19,90 € Code : LES30T2 19,90 € Code : JMJ14 19,90 € Code : ESTHETI2 34 €
233 p. – 21,3 x 21,6 cm
326 p. – 15 x 21,5 cm
224 P. – 20,2 X 24 cm
120 p. – 21,3 x 30,1 cm
88 p. – 21,5 x 28 cm
DVDGREF - 57 min
Puis Notter, Les Racines DVDGREF2 - 75 min Bonsaï techniques styles John Naka’s Satsuki Azaleas for Bonsaii
la passion d’une vie Face cachée des arbres display ideas Sketchbook and Azalea Enthusiasts
Code : PASSIONVI 23,00 € Code : RACINES 41,00 € 19,50 € l'unité Code : BONSAITEC 23,50 € Code : NAKA 25,00 € Code : SATSUKI 51 €
193 p. – 19,2 x 24,2 cm
Esprit Bonsaï
19,66 x 24
2 frontal pockets
208 p. – 19
148 p. – 21 x 27,8 cm
144 p. – 19 x 24 cm
20 5 cm
160 p. – 24 x 29 cm
192 p. – 29,5 x 25 cm
14 2 x 20,5
96 pp. – 14,2
Du bon usage
My Ikebana Les jardins japonais Bambous
B Jardins japonais du jardin zen
Traditionnels et contemporains
Code : MYIKEBANA 49,00 € Code : LESJARDI 29,90 € Code : BAMBOUS
C 14,95 € Code : JJAPONAIS 18,00 € Code : BONUSAGE 39,90 €
214 p. – 17,2 x 22 cm
304 p. – 17 x 22 cm
128 p. – 24 x 29 cm
160 p. – 17 x 24 cm
120 p. – 22 x 22 cm
464 p. – 13,8 x 20 cm
112 p. – 24 x 28 cm
L'art floral au fil des Rumilo Style
Guide Delachaux Le Japon des jardins Parc Oriental Guide des arbres et
saisons ddes arbres d’Europe de Maulévrier arbustes de Méditerranée
Code : IKESAISON 29,90 € Code : RUMIKO
C 39,90 € Code : GUIDDELA 39,90 €
C Code :JAPONJAR 28,00 € Code : MAULEVRI 19,90 € Code : GUIDEMED 29,40 €
19,77 x 24 cm
208 p. – 17 x 23 cm
208 p.– 24 x 29 cm
128 p. – 17 x 22 cm
224 p. – 21 x 25 cm
240 pp. – 19
112 p. – 21 x 29,7 cm
120 p. – 22 x 31 cm
80 p. – 21 x 29,7 cm
124 00 €
82,80 € PROMO
37th Gafu ten 31st Taikan ten 882nd Meifu Bonssaï ten T best of bonssaï
The The 11th Asia-Paacific 38th Sakufu ten
176 p. – 26,4 x 18,8 cm , 1, € in Europe 6 59,50 € Bonsaï and Suiseki
eki 86,00 € 3 ,50 €
Code : GAFUTEN37 Code : TAIKANTEN 58,00 € Code : 82MEIFU
C 50,30 € Code : BEST6 49,00 € Code : ASPAC 59,30 € Code : SAKUFUTEN 28,80 €
50 mn
144 p. – 14 x 21 cm
160 p. – 19 x 26 cm
128 p. – 22 x 28,5 cm
148 p. – 21 x 28,5 cm
140 p. – 21 x 29,7 cm
* TEL.
Des et des
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HwG>: SÉRIE Patrice Laurent Thierr Jérome François
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' B DF NÊ SP P J B OF %PN # M ) '4 $ / $"%
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Featured in
the next issue
A shohin exhibition
at Baiju-en
An azalea festival
in Germany
Ecuador: Bonsai in
the land of llamas
Getting Off to a Good
Start: Fertilisers
Bonsai Basics: When to
intervene on bonsai
The Spirit of Bonsai
Treegazing in town
Spotlight on Broadleaves
Spotlight on Conifers: a
pine in Italy
Ficus in all its phases
Tips for bending conifers
Shohin: autumn tasks on a
Japanese maple
Re-imagining a Tree
Task of the Month:
Quick autumn repotting
Bonsai in La Rochelle
Igor Carino:
an inspired potter