20171106-MST - Prelim BP V1-14 (R1)

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4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.


Chew Fung Tio <tiocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>

RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

1 message

Kirra Nguyen <kirranguyen@ateliervn.com> Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 4:53 PM

To: tiocf.vtaqs@gmail.com
Cc: jeff <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>, Scott Haagsma <scott.h@buv.edu.vn>, Dai VO <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>, AMD Michelle
<michellele@ateliermgt.vn>, Francis Kua <franciskua@ateliermgt.vn>, Javier Nguyen Van Tung <javiernguyen@ateliermgt.vn>

Dear Tio,

Kindly find the link below for our assessment Vo.29 sheet for your review & comment please



Best Regards,

Kirra Nguyen Thi Be Thuy

QS Engineer

QS Dept.

M: +84 984 159 455 (Vietnam)


The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the person
responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail (including any
attachment) or any part of it. Please immediately delete or destroy it and notify us by sending a return e-mail. Thank you

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

From: Quang lam [mailto:lequanglam@ecoba.com.vn]

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:36 AM
To: 'Michelle Le'
Cc: 'Norhezrina Zainuddin'; 'Kirra Nguyen'; 'tiocf vtaqs'; 'jeff vtaqs'; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn; 'Ruhaidah'; 'Keith Nguyen Hong
Phong'; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; 'scott.h'; ''Hoang Anh Duc''; 'Dai VO'; 'Evan Victor Horsnell';
anthonychang@ateliermgt.vn; 'Hai Luu Duc'; 'Michelle Le'
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site meeting 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Ms Michelle !

We agree with this amount.

From: Michelle Le [mailto:michellele@ateliervn.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:44 PM
To: 'Quang lam'; 'Duc Hoang Anh'
Cc: 'Norhezrina Zainuddin'; 'Kirra Nguyen'; ' ocf vtaqs'; 'jeff vtaqs'; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn; 'Ruhaidah'; 'Keith Nguyen Hong
Phong'; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; 'sco .h'; 'Dai VO'; 'Evan Victor Horsnell';
anthonychang@ateliermgt.vn; 'Hai Luu Duc'; 'Michelle Le'
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Lam

1. Note with thanks

2. Please find below for updated status of pending Vos from Ecoba side for you promptly proceed :


Regard to Vo.29,Ecoba proposed the me of rental Scaffolding from the date issuance VQR to comple on date (16/7/17 to
21/11/2017 = 128 days x 50%= 64 days ) is not correct , please note that it shall be calculated follow the actual works done on site
for this works ( commence from 25 Sep 17 & finish on 21 Nov 17 = 56 days X 50% = 28 days ) so please review

No Varia on No Package Pending Items AMD comments Agreement on site mee ng o

proposed to claim 12 Apr 2018
from Ecoba

1 VO.29 Addi on Brick Scaffolding system 1/ AMD : Allowance 20% the 1. Due to high posi on &
Wall level 2, 3- cost for Scaffolding system difficult condi ons so Agreed
Block B follow AMD assessment to suppor ng the cost of rental
support for performance Scaffolding system is a ha of
under difficult condi ons,& me claiming form Ecoba 50%
high level of ming

2/Ecoba don’t agree with AMD 2. Please find a ached for

assessment email 14 Mar 18 our assessment for you

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029


3AMD : please note follow

contract condi on the price
for Scaffolding system were
included in unit rate of
contract already , and the
above allowance 20% cost cost
for Scaffolding system was
consider & suppor ng to
Ecoba only .

2 VO..84 Omit Doors 1. Ecoba agreed 3. Please submit this Vo Ecoba promises to submit on
done by HTC with AMD follow content of RVO .84 14 Apr 2018 , but to now we
TD 13 & TD 27 assessment have not received ?
4. Please submit separate
2. Ecoba want to VO for change doors for
combine some consider & assessment
doors changing but
not included in this

3 VO..43 Remove of Wai ng Ecoba Ecoba submi ed on 18 Apr 18

excessive Sand confirm –AMD are review ..
and backfill to
phase 2 and
Phase 3 Areas

Best Regards,

Michelle Le Thi Xuan Mai

Contract Manager

QS Dept.

M: +84 903 312 544 (Vietnam)


The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the person
responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail (including any
attachment) or any part of it. Please immediately delete or destroy it and notify us by sending a return e-mail. Thank you

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

From: Quang lam [mailto:lequanglam@ecoba.com.vn]

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:00 PM
To: 'Michelle Le' <michellele@ateliervn.com>; 'Duc Hoang Anh' <hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn>
Cc: 'Norhezrina Zainuddin' <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>; 'Kirra Nguyen' <kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; ' ocf vtaqs'
<tiocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>; 'jeff vtaqs' <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn; 'Ruhaidah'
<ruhaidah@3face.com.my>; 'Keith Nguyen Hong Phong' <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-
amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; 'sco .h' <scott.h@buv.edu.vn>; 'Dai VO' <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>; 'Evan Victor Horsnell'
<evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>; anthonychang@ateliermgt.vn; 'Hai Luu Duc' <luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn>; 'Michelle Le'
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Ms Michelle !

We agree with this amount.

From: Michelle Le [mailto:michellele@ateliervn.com]

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 4:18 PM
To: 'Duc Hoang Anh'; 'Quang lam'
Cc: 'Norhezrina Zainuddin'; 'Kirra Nguyen'; ' ocf vtaqs'; 'jeff vtaqs'; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn; 'Ruhaidah'; 'Keith Nguyen Hong
Phong'; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; 'sco .h'; 'Dai VO'; 'Evan Victor Horsnell';
anthonychang@ateliermgt.vn; 'Hai Luu Duc'; 'Michelle Le'
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Duc, Mr Lam

Regard to site mee ng between AHP,AMD & Ecoba , please find below for our agreement the pending VOs for you proceed as detail
follow :

Best Regards,

Michelle Le Thi Xuan Mai

Contract Manager

QS Dept.

M: +84 903 312 544 (Vietnam)

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029


The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the person
responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail (including any
attachment) or any part of it. Please immediately delete or destroy it and notify us by sending a return e-mail. Thank you

From: Duc Hoang Anh [mailto:hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn]

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 9:10 AM
To: Michelle Le <michellele@ateliermgt.vn>
Cc: Norhezrina Zainuddin <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>; Kirra Nguyen <kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; ocf vtaqs
< ocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>; jeff vtaqs <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn; Ruhaidah <ruhaidah@3face.com.my>;
Keith Nguyen Hong Phong <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; sco .h
<sco .h@buv.edu.vn>; Dai VO <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>; Evan Victor Horsnell <evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>;
anthonychang@ateliermgt.vn; Hai Luu Duc <luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn>; Quang lam <lequanglam@ecoba.com.vn>
Subject: Re: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Mrs Michelle,

Welcome to site meeting for pending VOs. Sorry for late to answers VO because we are concentrate our attention for UoL visisting,
Moet and DOC to come the site for inspection.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Best Regards,

Hoang Anh Duc

Project Director
Email: hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn

5th floor, UDIC COMPLEX Building, Hoang Dao Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi
Tel: 84 4 222 140 25 /26 Fax: 84 4 222 140 24 Web: www.ecobavietnam.com.vn

From: "Michelle Le" <michellele@ateliermgt.vn>

To: "Hai Luu Duc" <luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn>, "Duc Hoang Anh" <hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn>, "Quang lam"
Cc: "Norhezrina Zainuddin" <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>, "Kirra Nguyen" <kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>, "tiocf vtaqs"
<tiocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>, "jeff vtaqs" <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>, franciskua@ateliermgt.vn, "Ruhaidah" <ruhaidah@3face.com.my>,
"Keith Nguyen Hong Phong" <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>, philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn, buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn, "scott.h"

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029
<scott.h@buv.edu.vn>, "Dai VO" <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>, "Evan Victor Horsnell" <evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>,
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:42:40 PM
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site meeting 12 Apr 18 -discussion Pending VOs

Dear Duc ,

Please be reminded that you have not replied for below pending Vos , so I wish to arrange the site mee ng with AHP on Tomorrow
12 Apr 2018 to close these below pending VOs as follow :

No Varia on No Package Pending Items AMD comments Agreement on site mee ng o

proposed to claim 12 Apr 2018
from Ecoba

1 VO.16 Change the cost for Sika 1/Regard to RFI 2114 , please 1. Ecoba agreed the cost for
Dreamtek coloured Epoxy note that the epoxy grout Sika coloured was included in
Crystal les to Grout to le joint shall not be an VO as it is contract cost
Taicera le specified in the construc on
drawing already 2. The Varia on cost was
based on the difference cost of
2/Wai ng Ecoba confirm Dreamtek & Taicera le only

3. Please find a ached for

updated assessment of this Vo
for you confirm

2 VO.29 Addi on Brick Scaffolding system 1/ AMD : Allowance 20% the 1. Due to high posi on &
Wall level 2, 3- cost for Scaffolding system difficult condi ons so Agreed
Block B follow AMD assessment to suppor ng the cost of rental
support for performance Scaffolding system is a ha of
under difficult condi ons,& me claiming form Ecoba (135
high level days /2= 68days )

2/Ecoba don’t agree with AMD 2. So kindly update & re

assessment email 14 Mar 18 submit for close this VO

3AMD : please note follow

contract condi on the price
for Scaffolding system were
included in unit rate of
contract already , and the
above allowance 20% cost cost
for Scaffolding system was
consider & suppor ng to
Ecoba only .

VO.39 Extend RC Scaffolding Ecoba confirmed to agree with Final & submi ed
Canopy AMD assessment

4 VO.XXX Rental steel Remove sheet pile Regard to RFI .144 we 1. Agreed suppor ng the cost
sheet for & H Beams required Ecoba to coordinate of Removing of sheet pile and H
Sep c tank & work with Fecon to remove beam Support in Water Feature
the Sheet Pile so there shall be is 15,000,000VND

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

not Varia on works to BUV for 2. Please find a ached for

this Issuance . this Vo for you confirm

AMD : please contact to Ms

Huong (Fecon)HP:
0243.5252.555 to close this

5 VO..84 Omit Doors 1. Ecoba agreed 3. Please submit this Vo Ecoba shall combine some
done by HTC with AMD follow content of RVO .84 addi on doors follow actual at
TD 13 & TD 27 assessment site & re submit on 14 Apr 2018
4. Please submit separate , but to now we have not
2. Ecoba want VO for change doors for received , so kindly promtly
to combine some consider & assessment submit on early this week for
doors changing assessment purpose
but not included
in this RVO

6 VO..64 Demolish Ecoba want to Please note that the cost 1. Due to high posi on &
concrete claim Scaffolding Scaffolding was included in difficult condi ons so Agreed
beams at unit cost of Ecoba already so suppor ng the cost of rental
staircase 01 & please review Scaffolding system is
replace by 75.000,000VND
steel beams
2. So kindly find a ached is
update assessment for you
confirm please

7 VO..43 Remove of Wai ng Ecoba Agreed follow the actual

excessive Sand confirm remove at site & deduc on for
and backfill to qty removing follow Contract of
phase 2 and Ecoba ,. Ecoba shall re submit
Phase 3 Areas this Vo on this Thursday 19 Apr
18 ..

Best Regards,

Michelle Le Thi Xuan Mai

Contract Manager

QS Dept.

M: +84 903 312 544 (Vietnam)

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029


The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the person
responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail (including any
attachment) or any part of it. Please immediately delete or destroy it and notify us by sending a return e-mail. Thank you

From: Michelle Le [mailto:michellele@ateliermgt.vn]

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 4:13 PM
To: 'Hai Luu Duc' <luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn>; 'Duc Hoang Anh' <hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn>; 'Quang lam'
Cc: 'Norhezrina Zainuddin' <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>; 'Kirra Nguyen' <kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; ' ocf vtaqs'
< ocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>; 'jeff vtaqs' <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>; 'franciskua@ateliermgt.vn' <franciskua@ateliermgt.vn>; 'Keith
Nguyen Hong Phong' <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; 'philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn' <philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn>; 'buv-
amddesign@ateliermgt.vn' <buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn>; 'sco .h' <sco .h@buv.edu.vn>; 'Dai VO' <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>;
'Evan Victor Horsnell' <evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>
Subject: RE: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 7 Mar 18 -Pending Vo.16.29.39.Rental pile sheet

Dear Duc

Regard to below email Ecoba don’t agree with our assessment for below Vos , Due to the Pending items is site issuance so please
arrange the mee ng with AHP to finally these VOs

No Varia on No Package Pending Items AMD comments

proposed to claim from

1 VO.16 Change Dreamtek the cost for Sika 1/Regard to RFI 2114 , please note that the
Crystal les to coloured Epoxy Grout epoxy grout shall not be an VO as it is
Taicera le to le joint specified in the construc on drawing

2/Wai ng Ecoba confirm

2 VO.29 Addi on Brick Scaffolding system 1/ AMD : Allowance 20% the cost for
Wall level 2, 3- Scaffolding system follow AMD assessment
Block B to support for performance under difficult
condi ons,& high level

2/Ecoba don’t agree with AMD assessment

email 14 Mar 18

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

3AMD : please note follow contract

condi on the price for Scaffolding system
were included in unit rate of contract
already , and the above allowance 20% cost
cost for Scaffolding system was consider &
suppor ng to Ecoba only .

3 VO.39 Extend RC Canopy Scaffolding Ecoba confirmed to agree with AMD


4 VO.XXX Rental steel sheet Remove sheet pile & H Regard to RFI .144 we required Ecoba to
for Sep c tank Beams coordinate & work with Fecon to remove
the Sheet Pile so there shall be not
Varia on works to BUV for this Issuance .

AMD : please contact to Ms Huong

(Fecon)HP: 0243.5252.555 to close this


Best Regards,

Michelle Le Thi Xuan Mai

Contract Manager / Contract & QS Dept.

Hp: (84) 903 312 544



The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the
person responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy
this e-mail (including any attachment) or any part of it. Please immediately delete or destroy it and notify us by sending a return e-mail. Thank you

From: Hai Luu Duc [mailto:luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn]

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 12:36 PM
To: Michelle Le <michellele@ateliermgt.vn>
Cc: Norhezrina Zainuddin <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>; Vo Ta Hai Dai <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>; Kirra Nguyen
<kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; ocf vtaqs < ocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>; jeff vtaqs <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>; franciskua@ateliermgt.vn;
Keith Nguyen Hong Phong <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>; philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn; buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn; Sco
Haagsma <sco .h@buv.edu.vn>; Evan Victor Horsnell <evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>; Duc Hoang Anh
<hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn>; quanglam <lequanglam@ecoba.com.vn>
Subject: Re: BUV Ecoba - site mee ng 7 Mar 18 -Pending Vo.16.29.39.Rental pile sheet

Dear Ms. Michelle,

4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

Thank you for your reply, Ecoba's reply is bellowed:

1. VO.16: Ecoba to confirm later.

2. VO.29: In order to do the additional wall at roof level, Ecoba has to erection scaffolding from first floor up to roof, it take more
difficult with 3 times quantity increasing of scaffolding than normal brick wall, it's the reason why we claim the scaffolding system
fee. Allowance 100% the cost for scaffolding system is proper claim.

3. VO.39: Ecoba agreed AMD's assessment.

4. VO.XXX (Remove sheet pile & H beams): This item has clarified in RFI 144 and SOI 633, it's not in Ecoba's scope, and there is no
contract between Ecoba and Fecon for this work, so Ecoba need BUV arrange the meeting with 3 parties for solving this issue.


Best regards,

h ps://email.ecoba.com.vn/service/home/~/?auth=co&id=23934&part=2.2


Deputy Project Manager

Mob: 0982 845 397

E-mail: luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn


LOT GD - 01, Van Giang Commercial & Tourism Township (ECOPARK), Van Giang Dist, Hung Yen Province

Notice: The information contained in this message is intended only for use of the individual(s)
named above and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you are not the intended
recipient of this message you are hereby notified that you must not use, disseminate , copy it in
any form or take any action in reliance of it. If you have received this message in error please
delete it and any copies of it and notify the sender immediately.

From: "Michelle Le" <michellele@ateliermgt.vn>

To: "Duc Hoang Anh" <hoanganhduc@ecoba.com.vn>, "Hai Luu Duc" <luuduchai@ecoba.com.vn>, "quanglam"
Cc: "Norhezrina Zainuddin" <nor.hezrina@3face.com.my>, "Vo Ta Hai Dai" <dai.vth@buv.edu.vn>, "Kirra Nguyen"
<kirranguyen@ateliermgt.vn>, "tiocf vtaqs" <tiocf.vtaqs@gmail.com>, "jeff vtaqs" <jeff.vtaqs@gmail.com>, franciskua@ateliermgt.vn,
"Keith Nguyen Hong Phong" <keithnguyen@ateliermgt.vn>, philipdoan@ateliermgt.vn, buv-amddesign@ateliermgt.vn, "Scott
Haagsma" <scott.h@buv.edu.vn>, "Evan Victor Horsnell" <evanvhorsnell@3face.com.my>, "Norhezrina Zainuddin"
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:54:38 AM
Subject: BUV Ecoba - site meeting 7 Mar 18 -Pending Vo.16.29.39.Rental pile sheet


4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

Dear Mr Duc, Mr Hai,

Regard to our site mee ng on 7 Mar 2018 , please find below for our assessment the pending Vos for you review & confirm with
detail as follow :

h ps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14vi52ptkNkdPKYmpWcqlzT88WxlefFxp?usp=sharing

No Varia on No Package Pending Items AMD comments

proposed to claim from

1 VO.16 Change Dreamtek the cost for Sika Regard to RFI 2114 , please note that the
Crystal les to coloured Epoxy Grout epoxy grout shall not be an VO as it is
Taicera le to le joint specified in the construc on drawing

2 VO.29 Addi on Brick Scaffolding system Allowance 20% the cost for Scaffolding
Wall level 2, 3- system follow AMD assessment to support
Block B for performance under difficult
condi ons,& high level

3 VO.39 Extend RC Canopy Scaffolding Allowance the cost for Scaffolding system
follow AMD assessment to support for
performance under difficult condi ons,

4 VO.XXX Rental steel sheet Remove sheet pile & H Regard to RFI .144 we required Ecoba to
for Sep c tank Beams coordinate & work with Fecon to remove
the Sheet Pile so there shall be not
Varia on works to BUV for this Issuance


Best Regards,

Michelle Le Thi Xuan Mai

Contract Manager / Contract & QS Dept.

Hp: (84) 903 312 544



4/27/2018 Gmail - RE: BUV Ecoba - Vo No.029

The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachment) is confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or the
person responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient) or have received it in error, please do not use, disclose, disseminate, distribute or copy
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