Stock Intransit Logic

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Stock in transit calculation logic

As per my understanding, stock in transit = actual issued quantity -actual GR


Go to check MB5T


stock in transit shown after 351 movement typE

Stock in transit: Now refering to above , if material is discharged from plant B

and it is still
to received at plant C then that stock is called stock-in -transit.( material in
351 is the GI movement if you have a stock transfer PO.
This movement can also be booked in the MB1B with reference to the PO.
When you book the GI with 351, the stock will be booked into the "stock in transit"
of the receiving plant (MARC-TRAME),
and you can book the GR in MIGO or MB01 with reference to the PO with movement 101.

If you are doing any value addition to the inventory (i.e. paying freight, loading,
unloading), and
if you want to load the cost to inventory of the receiving plant, you can use 351.
Also, liabilities can be created against vendors to pay for the different types of
services hired for transferring the material.

You can use, the tables EKET, EKKO and EKPO, the report MB5T use the next criteria
for extract the information.


Get PO's within the selection criteria, with delivering plant

and more goods issues than goods receipts.

SELECT matnr ekpoebeln ekpoebelp pstyp sobkz umren umrez meins werks

ekkobukrs eketmenge netwr waers wamng wemng wkurs kufix reswk

ekpo~menge AS bstmg ccomp bsakz retpo


FROM ( ekko INNER JOIN ekpo

ON ekkomandt = ekpomandt

AND ekkoebeln = ekpoebeln


ON ekpomandt = eketmandt

AND ekpoebeln = eketebeln

AND ekpoebelp = eketebelp

WHERE matnr IN xmatnr

AND werks IN xwerks

AND sobkz IN xsobkz

AND pstyp IN xpstyp

AND elikz IN xelikz

AND reswk IN xreswk

AND ekpo~loekz IN xloekz

AND ekpo~bstyp IN ('F', 'L')

AND reswk <> space

AND eketwamng <> eketwemng.

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