Anirudha Samant REG NO.-16BME1044 Slot - C1 Alloy Steels
Anirudha Samant REG NO.-16BME1044 Slot - C1 Alloy Steels
Anirudha Samant REG NO.-16BME1044 Slot - C1 Alloy Steels
Alloy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0%
and 50% by weight to improve its mechanical properties.
Types of steels –
Low carbon steels
Medium carbon steels
High carbon steels
HSLA steels
Dual phase steels
Tool steels
TRIP steels
Stainless steels
Low Carbon Steels –
Plain carbon steels are iron-carbon alloys in which the properties are mainly derived from the
presence of carbon
Eg: Mn, Si, S, and P
Martensitic stainless steel
Ferritic stainless steel
Austenitic stainless steel
Martensitic stainless steel –
Cr : 11.5 to 18%
Can be coldworked without difficulty
Can be machined easily
Good toughness, good corrosion resistance
Can be easily hot worked
Ferritic stainless steel –
Cr : 14 to 27%
Low in carbon content, higher Cr content
Magnetic, cold-worked or hot-worked
Hardened by cold working only – not by heat treatment
Used extensively for deep drawn parts such as vessels.
Austenitic stainless steel –
Cr-Ni and Cr-Ni-Mn type stainless steels
Total content of Cr and Ni is at least 23%
These are austenitic, nonmagnetic in annealed condition
They do not harden by heat treatment
Can be hot worked and cold-worked
Extremely shock resistant
Best high temperature strength and resistance to scaling
Corrosion resistance is better than ferritic and martensitic stainless steels
TRIP steels –
TRIP steel is a high-strength steel typically used in the automotive industry. TRIP
stands for "Transformation induced plasticity." It is known for its outstanding
combination of Strength and Ductility.
TRIP steel has a microstructure consisting of retained Austenite in a ferrite matrix.
Apart from Retained Austenite it also contains hard phases
like Bainite and Martensite. The higher silicon and carbon content of TRIP steels
results in significant volume fractions of retained austenite in the final
TRIP steels use higher quantities of carbon than Dual Phase steels to obtain
sufficient carbon content for stabilizing the retained austenite phase to below
ambient temperature. Higher contents of silicon and/or aluminium accelerate
the ferrite/bainite formation. They are also added to avoid formation of carbide in
the bainite region.
Tool steels –
Tool steels usually contain significantly more alloying elements than alloy steels
The most significant metallurgical difference between tool steels and the other steels
is their microstructure. A fully hardened carbon steel or alloy steel would have only
martensite as the predominant phase. Most tool steels have a hardened structure of
martensite and alloy carbides
Most tool steels are sold as hot-finished shapes such as rounds and bars.
Manganese –
Deoxidizer- Reacts with oxygen in ferrous oxide and joins in slag
Removes harmful FeS
Improves strength by forming solid solution in ferrite
Reduces red-shortness- brittleness at high temperatures
Ranges from 0.5 -0.8%
Silicon –
Forms solid solution with ferrite – increases yeild point
Ranges from 0.35-0.5%
Sulphur –
Comes from raw material and furnace gases
Harmful impurity- forms low melting point FeS at grain boundaries
Phosphorus –
Comes from raw material
Content should be kept low (0.02-0.5%)
Forms Fe3P which is brittle
Increases the tensile strength and yield point but reduces ductility and toughness
Carbon –
The most important constituent of steel
It raises tensile strength, hardness, and resistance to wear and abrasion
It lowers ductility, toughness and machinability
Chromium –
Increases tensile strength, hardness, hardenability, toughness, resistance to wear and
abrasion, resistance to Corrosion, scaling at elevated temperatures
Cobalt –
Increases strength and hardness and permits higher quenching temperatures and increases
the red hardness of high speed steel.
It also intensifies the individual effects of other major elements of steel
Vanadium –
Increases strength, hardness, wear resistance and resistance to shock impact.
It retards grain growth, permitting higher quenching temperatures.
It also enhances the red-hardness of properties of high speed metal cutting tools
Cast iron is group of iron carbon alloy with carbon content greater than 2%
Carbon (C) ranging from 1.8–4 wt%, and silicon (Si) 1–3 wt% are the main alloying
elements of cast iron.
Properties –
It has good hardness and abrasion resistance and relatively low cost.
It has superior tensile strength.
It has high malleability.
Application –
It finds use in such applications as the wear surfaces (impeller and volute) of slurry
It is used as shell liners and lifter bars in ball mills and autogenous grinding mills.
It is used in balls and rings in coal pulverisers.
Malleable Cast Iron –
Malleable iron starts as a white iron casting that is then
heat treated at about 900 °C.
Graphite separates out much more slowly in this case,
so that to form it into spheroidal particles rather than
In general, the properties of malleable cast iron are
more like mild steel. There is a limit to how large a part
can be cast in malleable iron, since it is made from
white cast iron
Properties –
Applications –
It is resistant to deformation.
They are very effective in damping vibrational energy.
It has high low melting point.
It has resistance to deformation.
It haslow melting point.
It has high compressive strength.
It has high tensile strength.
Ductile iron owes its remarkable mechanical properties to the spheroidal shape of its
Properties –
A low percentage of silicon allows carbon to remain in solution forming iron carbide and the
production of white cast iron.
A high percentage of silicon forces carbon out of solution forming graphite and the
production of grey cast iron.
Other alloying agents, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, titanium and vanadium
counteracts silicon, promotes the retention of carbon, and the formation of those carbides.
Nickel and copper increase strength, and machinability, but do not change the amount of
graphite formed.
The carbon in the form of graphite results in a softer iron, reduces shrinkage, lowers strength,
and decreases density.
Sulphur is largely a contaminant when present, forms iron sulphide, which prevents the
formation of graphite and increases hardness.
The problem with sulphur is that it makes molten cast iron viscous, which causes defects. To
counter the effects of sulphur, manganese is added because the two form into manganese
sulphide instead of iron sulphide. The manganese sulphide is lighter than the melt so it tends
to float out of the melt and into the slag. The amount of manganese required to neutralize
sulphur is 1.7 × sulphur content + 0.3%. If more than this amount of manganese is added,
then manganese carbide forms, which increases hardness and chilling, except in grey iron,
where up to 1% of manganese increases strength and density.
Nickel is one of the most common alloying elements because it refines the pearlite and
graphite structure, improves toughness, and evens out hardness differences between section
Chromium is added in small amounts to reduce free graphite, produce chill, and because it is
a powerful carbide stabilizer; nickel is often added in conjunction. A small amount of tin can
be added as a substitute for 0.5% chromium. Copper is added in the ladle or in the furnace, on
the order of 0.5–2.5%, to decrease chill, refine graphite, and increase fluidity.
Molybdenum is added on the order of 0.3–1% to increase chill and refine the graphite and
pearlite structure; it is often added in conjunction with nickel, copper, and chromium to form
high strength irons.
Titanium is added as a degasser and deoxidizer, but it also increases fluidity. 0.15–0.5%
Vanadium is added to cast iron to stabilize cementite, increase hardness, and increase
resistance to wear and heat. 0.1–0.3% zirconium helps to form graphite, deoxidize, and
increase fluidity.
Bismuth is added, on the scale of 0.002–0.01%, to increase how much silicon can be added.
In white iron, boron is added to aid in the production of malleable iron; it also reduces the
coarsening effect of bismuth.