Social Media As A Channel and Its Implications On Cyber Bullying

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Social Media as a Channel and its Implications on Cyber Bullying

Reginald H. Gonzales
Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite

Abstract: This research aims to provide an explanation on the role of social media as a channel and its
implications in cyber bullying. It focuses on the problems of bullying that happens in the cyberspace. Qualitative
approach was utilized for the study. It involves methods of data collection and analysis that are no quantitative.
The researcher relies on the data provided by the chosen key informants who were experts in their respective
fields. The findings explicated that social media has become a channel (1) to bring its users in the cyber space
where things that are impossible in the real world are made possible; (2) to provide a person in the cyber space
more power through the mask of anonymity; (3) to let unwarranted use of power dominance; and (4) to allow
information to travel fast. It also elucidated the legal and ethical implications for cyber bullying in the social
media. The findings indicated that social media can be used to do massive information dissemination to
encourage people make themselves aware of the possible impact and consequences of using social media. It
was concluded that social media possess distinct characteristics that make it a gratifying tool for cyber bullies.
Social media therefore has real-time updating, has widespread dissemination of information, is a rallying point
for people, is open to anonymity, has instantaneousness, has the ability to reach wide audience, is cheap, has a
connection to power dynamics, can make an information to go viral, is open to making other social network
users to respond or generate feedback, can build up and generate support from others, can assure cyber bullies
of the impact of their actions, and is very empowering.
Key Words: social media; channel; cyber bullying; implications


By Courtney Michele Kneip
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, May 2011

ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different body
characteristics on perceived competence; specifically, height, weight, and physical appearance.
Participants were asked to login to their online school accounts and were then directed to a
specific survey. All surveys consisted of the same questions, but included a different
photograph. Participants then listened to a pre-recorded speech after being told that the
individual in the photograph was the individual giving the speech. All surveys asked participants
to rate judgments of height, weight, and physical appearance, compared to the average
American. The speech provided the basis for the competence and credibility ratings. The data
was analyzed using an ANOVA. The original results produced no significant results, but based
on the post hoc tests, all three hypotheses were generally supported. These findings suggest that
height, weight, and appearance have an effect on judgments of perceived competence.
The Implementation of the 11th Grade Senior High School Program Academic Track in Science Technology
Education Center (STEC): An Action Plan

Dr. Bryant C. Acar


Abstract –
This action research assessed the extent of the implementation of the 11th Grade Senior High School Program
Academic Track in Science Technology Education Center (STEC) in Basak Lapu-Lapu City for school year
2016-2017. The findings of the study were the bases for Proposed Improvements/Action Plan. This study
utilized the descriptive-evaluative type of research in gathering the responses employing the quantitative and
qualitative approaches. The research participants of the study were the SHS teachers and SHS students. The
implementation of the SHS program in STEC had mixed response ratings. Fair on the Infrastructure and
Learning facilities; Very Good on Instruction and Curriculum and Poor on Admission and Retention. The
infrastructure has certain positive degree of association with the academic performance. By supplementing the
lack of infrastructure, facility and learning environment, it would have higher significant impact on the
performance of the students. The Instruction has certain positive degree of association with the academic
performance. Good teaching is equal to good learning. In spite of the lacking facilities and no admission and
retention policy, the teachers were able to provide a resourceful mechanism of delivering the lessons in a
meaningful way. Keywords – Academic Track, Action Plan, Implementation of Senior High School Program,
Senior High School.




April 2011

ABSTRACT Alanzalon, S.M. (2011). Kpopped! Understanding the Filipino Teens’ Consumption of Korean
Popular Music and Videos, Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines College of Mass
Communication. This thesis looked into the popularity of Korean popular (Kpop) music among the Filipino
teens aged 15-19 years. The study used the combined assumptions of Straubhaar’s Cultural Proximity Theory,
Ball-Rokeach and De Fleur’s Media Dependency Theory, and Blumler and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications
Theory. The researcher conducted both traditional and online surveys among 270 Filipino teenage Kpop fans,
and focus interviews to six (6) Filipino fans of the Korean groups Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, Shinee,
SS501 and U-Kiss. The researcher determined the variables of consumption of Kpop content, cultural offerings
present in Kpop content, and needs of the fans satisfied by Kpop content. The study found out that Filipino
teens are highly exposed to Korean popular music, and consumed these media texts everyday by utilizing
various media, most specifically the Internet. The Filipino fans are also attracted to the cultural offerings of
Kpop content, especially the visual elements including the physical appearance of the artists (face, fashion,
hairstyle) and visual aspects of the music videos (choreography, sets). It was found that consuming Kpop
content gratified the entertainment need of the fans through its appealing visual elements and high-quality
content (songs, choreography, and talented artists).

Dawn Julie Ann J. Contreras, Honey Grace N. Gonzaga, Biance Marielle C. Trovela and Ma.
Anna Corina G. Kagaoan

Abstract: This research study was done to understand how and why people engage themselves
in reading on Wattpad. The study also sought to identify the reasons why Wattpad readers tend
to be addicted in a story. Moreover, it looked into the factors that triggered the readers to start
reading as well as the factors that motivated them to continue reading on the site. Basically, this
study was made to know the constructs of Wattpad readers on Wattpad‘s role in their lives.
Based from the findings gathered, a conceptual framework was created which represents the
Wattpad engagement process of readers. The researchers used the qualitative approach in this
study. They conducted open-ended, in-depth interviews with their participants to gather data
that will suffice their research. The researchers identified themes of experiences that answered
the research questions of the study. The researchers first found out the factors that triggered the
participants to read on Wattpad. These include ―surrounding people‖, ―interest in literature‖,
―social media‖, ―boredom‖, ―free cost‖ and ―convenience‖. They also found out the
motivational factors that made the participants continue reading on Wattpad which include
―Learning Satisfaction‖ and ―Emotional Satisfaction‖. Based on the gathered data, the
researchers have come up with a realization that the participants tend to be addicted on Wattpad
given the aforementioned factors. The researchers also found out that reading on Wattpad has
already become part of the participants‘ lives. It appears that once they got engaged, losing grip
will be hard. To fu¬rther improve the study, the researchers recommend a follow-up qualitative
study that will focus on the Wattpad writers since this study focused on the Wattpad readers. It
is further suggested that a quantitative study that will test a large number of participants in terms
of the effects of Wattpad in their lives be conducted. Keywords: communication, wattpad,
wattyfever, constructs, role, readers.
Impact of students' use of technology on their learning achievements in
physiology courses at the University of Dammam
Mohammed T.Al-HaririPhDaAbdulghani A.Al-HattamiPhD


This study was conducted to investigate the possible relationship between students' use of
technology and their achievements in physiology courses at five health colleges of the
University of Dammam.

This study was conducted on 231 students studying physiology during their 2nd year at
one of five health colleges (Medicine, Dental, Clinical Pharmacy, Applied Medical
Sciences, and Nursing). An online survey was sent to the students regarding their use of
technology and the devices they use. The Pearson correlation coefficient and descriptive
statistics were implemented to study the frequency of, and relationship between,
technology and learning achievement in physiology courses.

This study observed a significant relationship between students' use of technology and their
achievements in health colleges. The study also demonstrated that the most-used devices
are laptops (50%) and phones (42%) followed by tablets (7%) and desktop computers
(0.5%). This paper reports on the results of the survey, documenting what was revealed
regarding how technology is used among students at the health colleges, as well as the
important benefits on their achievements during physiology courses.

Technology usage might produce comparatively more significant increases in academic
achievement than would non-usage. Further research is warranted to examine its effects.
A study of the Korean wave in order to be a lesson to Thailand for establishing a Thai

Pavinee Potipan and Nantaphorn Worrawutteerakul

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