Basic Accounting - Midterm 2009
Basic Accounting - Midterm 2009
Basic Accounting - Midterm 2009
22 Proceeds from lssuancf.\f bonds and note;; fiayahici, proctseds from other short- or long-term
borrowing transactions, payments of dividemils and other aiT(Ounv.s distributed to owners are
included in th'.> cash flov/ii. f mi /^lat activity
a. operating b.itw«sting c. financing d. lending
23 The income summary accoi it of the company has a credit 'jiiiance jfter posting the closing
entries on revenues and expenses. The company has - ,
a. Net Income b. Net Loss c. both A and B d. none of the above
24 All the accounts in the ledger have a debit side and a credic side. Cash has a normal debit
balance while expenses has a normal . balance
a. credit b. debit c. debit & credit d. neither a nor b
25 To be qualiflsd as having passed the CPA licensure examination, a candidate must obtain a
general average of %, v/ith no grade lower than % in any given subject.
a. 75%, 65% b. 65%, 75ro c. 75%, 70% d. 75%, 60%
26 A field of accounting which is involved in presenting a plan of fin.sncial operations for a period,
and providing comparison of actual operation with the predetermined plan.
a. Managemt r»t Advisory Service b. Auditing c. Cost Accounting d. Budgeting
27 Users must be able to draw a parallel regarding the Financial Statements of an entity through
time ill order to id mtify trends in its financial position and perfor.mance. This cfiaracterizes a
Financial Sta tement that is
a. understandable b. relevant. c. reliable d. comparable
28 The Information system that measures business activities, processes said information Into
reports, and communicates the results to decision makers.
a. Database fiyianagement b. Accounting c. Accoun'ency d. Bookkeeping
29 The mathematician fro.m Venice who first published a description of the method of keeping
accounts which Is comparable or similar to double entry bookkeeping.
a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Luca Pacioli c. Eugenio Pjcelli d. Lucca Paclolo
31 A. Worksheet is prepared
B. Transactions are analyzed examining source documents
C. The adjlisting entries and cl'osing enti'ies are journalized and posted to the ledger
D. Financial statements are prepared
E. Transactions are journalized and poi'.ed
32 I. Failure to recognize the consumption of prepaid expense wil) ijnderstate net Income and
overstate assets
II. Failure to recognize earnings of prwlously unearned revenue will understate net income
and overstate I iabllitie.';
a. Oiily I is true b. Only II is true c. I and II are trae d. I and II are false
35 The following are adjusting en'^^ries lo be reversed if the company opt! fof »uch procedure
a. Dr. Cash; Cr. Accounts Receivablt! c. Dr. Supplies Exponw; Di. Supplies
Dr. Accounts receivable; Cr. Revenut Dr. Unearned Rent; Cr. Rent Revenue
b. Or. Salaries Expense; Cr. Salaries Payable d. Dr. Utilities Expense; Cr. Utillllcs Payable
Dr. Dep Exppense; Cr, Accum Depreciation Dr. Interest Receivable Cr, Interest Revenue
36 tnrlque K. Mario Builders rendered services totalling P1,320,00G for the year with the following
expenses: Salaries, P223,C00; Advertisin:{, l>62,500; Utilities, P252,000; Interest, P20,000;
Miscellaneous, P19,500; Depreciation Expense, (>136,000; Reprcsonlallon allowance, P154,000.
Compute for the net income (loss) for the year,
a. P867,000 . b. P4r.3,0Q0 c. (P453,000) d, zero
37 Using the data In number 36, assuming withdrawals for the year amountod to PISO.OOO while
the net increase In capital was P303,000, how much wjs the owner'i lnvritn\ont?
a. P153,000 b. P453,000 c, P303,C0O d. lero
38 The purchase of Supplies wortti P9,D00 and equiprniint P30,00U on Account wa» erroneouily
credited to Notes Payable. The correcting entry would be
a. Notes r^ayable 39,000 ' c. Accounts Payablo 39,000
Accounts Payable 39,000 Notes Paynbin 39,000
b. Notes Payable 39,000 d. Supplies 9,000
Supplies 9,000 Equipment 30,000
Equipment 30,000 ^ Accounts Pd/«bl«> 39,000
39 Ramon Leccumbeni Resto paid for the tollowinfj insurance policy |)rornlunn:
The restaurant uses the expense method. Thi iuijusilng entry on Uotumtir 31, 2008 vouUl
show a debit of -
a. Prepaid Insuriince 62,500 (. Prepaid liiiuiancif 20,S(XJ
b. Prepaid insurance 15,500 il. liuuraPLo lixpunw) 62,5()(^
40. Sanlino Enterprise show the following bal.mici «ib o( the bei{l()nlf\4i ol the yoar: A>i !ts,
P550,000; Lldbilltif^s, P175,000. During Uw yi',jr, llie compiiiiy («i\duri!d u-rvlces for cash
amounting to P50,000 and on .iccount (or f'n'.,(H)0. Addillonal Inveitmentj totalled P6p,000
while wilhdfawals were at P2,000 at the L'nc' ol every month. Nut l.on lor the year wat P3,000,
How much Is the ending Capital of Santiiio tnteipilse?
a, P428,000 b, P408,0U0 t . ['375,000 d.'>459,000
41 Based on vhc previous number, how much i,. rhe total operating expomej (or the year?
a. incomplete data b. P92,000 c P98,000 d, P39,0O0
42 Payment of rent was made in advance iimocnilric to P54,666 for 6 month* loave on a storeroom.
The company made this payment on Novemlier 1, 2008 and It u«oj the cxpenie method. The
adjusting entry on Der.embei 31, 2008 will be
a. Prepaid Rent 18,222 c. Prepaid Rent 36,444
Rent Expense 18,222 Rent ExptMue 36,441
43 The depreciation rate of the furniture and fixtuit' was at 12.5%. What w«j the eitlmated uieful
lifeof the arset?
a.l21/2ycars b.l6years c.25years d. U years
44 Audrey Merchand sing was unable to record the adjusting entries (1) on the accrual of interest
on Notes Payable amounting to P3,000 and (2) on supplies consumed worth ?,500, The effect
on the Net Income by these omissions would be
a. overstated by P5,500 c. no effect
b. understated by P5,500 d. overstated by P500
46 The accounting records of David Garcia & Sons show the foilowiri; ar; of year 200B:
Assets Liabilities
December 31,200A P423,000 -' P215,000
December 31,200B 515,000 280,500
During .he year, owners' investments amounted to P43,000 while withdrawals totalled P18,000.
How much Is the ending capital balance?
3. P208,000 a. P92,000 c. P75,500 ^ d. P234,500
47 Based on the previous number, how much was the net income (lor.s) during the year?
a.(Pl,500) b P26,500 c. Pl,500 d. P25,000
48 Based on the records of David Garcia 8t Sons, how much is the net Increase (decrease) In capital?
a. (PLSOOj b. P26,500 c. Pl,500 d, (P26,500)
49 A store equipment worth PSO.OOO was purdissed on March 1, 2008. It has an estimated scrap
value of P5,f)00 with a useful life of 10 years. Oepreciaticn Expense for the 3-month period
ending December 31, 2008 \d be debited by
a. P4,500 b, Pl,125 c. P3,750 d. P375
50. Strawbern,' & Cupcakes Salon rendered sen/ices totalling P930,000 for the year with the
following expenses: Salaries, P233,000; Advertising, P72,r.W; Utlllt;es, P259,000; Interest,
P24,000; Miscellaneous, "19,900; Depreciation Expense, P146,0C0; Representation allowance,
P155,000. The Income summary Account will show what amount/balance after all the closing
entries are posted?
a. P930,000 b P909,400 c P20,6UC d. not given
51 Salaries Expense of P25,O00 was erroneoi'sly credited whlli;! Prepaid Rent was understated by
P3,3O0. The total debits in the Trial balance was P340,000. After correcting the trial balance, the
total debits In the trial balance wil! be
a. P393,300 b. P368,300 c. P340,000 d. P343,300
52 The following accounts were taken from the books of Jack Bauftr Men's Salon: (l)Service
Revenue, P230,000; (2)Saiahes Expense, P110,000; (3)D('.orGdation Expense, P45,000;
(4)Supplies, P3,000; {5/Repair 8i Maintenance, P4,000; {6)Advertisirig Expenses, 6,000 (7)
Accrued interest, P1,000. Which of the mentioned accounts would .surely NOT be Included
(added or deducted) in any of ths activities in the Statement of Cas>-> Fio^vs?
a. 1,2,3,5,6 c. 3,7 d. all are included
53 A store equipment lias a debit balance of P200,000 as of Dece mber 31, 2008 which Includes
purchases made on October 1, 2C07 amourUing to P30,000 ani on Ma/ 1, 2008 amounting to
P80,000. Annual depreciation rate is 12%. Depreciation for the year ended 2008 would be-
a. P13,600 b. P20,400 c. P20,800, d. P18,800
54 Gonsalvo Poiicarpio Publishing has total assets amounting to P400,000 at the beginning of the
year. During the year capital increased by P23,000 while liabilities decreased by P9,000. How
much would be the total assets at the end of the year?
a. cannot be computed b. P432,000 c. P400,000 d. P414,000
Jillian Housekeeping Services has the following balances from tht^ adjusted trial balance as of
December 31,2008:
Advertising Expense 8,990.00 Jun Pyo, Drawing 15,000.00
Accounts Receivable 76,000.00 Notes payable 211,000.00
Accounts payable 3,3,000.00 Prepaid Rent . 72,500.00
Accumulated Depreciation 7,900.00 Service Revenue 96,230,90)
Ca:.h 90,925.00 Supplies .1,200.00
Depreciation E>pense 2,300.00 Supplies Expense 8,200.00
Equipment ' 75,000.00 Unearned Service Re/enue 2,300.00
Interest Expense 3,000.00 Utilities Expense 7,000.00
Jun Pyo, Capital ???? •Wages Expense 48,700.00
How mucin will be the Total Assets in the Balance sheet as of December 31,2008
a. P307,725 b. P315,625 . c, 240,625 d. P67,100
58 The Statement of Changes in owner's equity o f Jillian Housekenpin/^ Seivices would show an
ending capital of?
a. P46,424 b. P64,265 c. P61,425 d. P104,000
59. The Bud Brothers' Orchard received a 12% SO-day note fron-. Walirig-waling Funeral Parlor
amounting to P250,000 for variou;; ornamental plants sold. The farsactlon was made on
December 2, 2008. Give the adjusting entry to b?, recorded by the ,^;eller on December 31, 2008.
a. Interest Expense 2,500 c. Interest Receivable 2,500
Interest payable 2,500 Intertst Revenue 2,500'
60 The trial balance of Jan Dl Learning Centre prepared on December 3 J, did not equal. Tr^jtal debits
was P159,250 and total cr edits was P153,2.Q0. After verifying the soi/rce of the disparity, the
bookkeeper discovered the follcwirg errors: a credit to cash of P650 vvas not posted; a P2,000
credit to Earned Commission was cn^dited to Accounts Receivable instead; the Utilities Payable
account balance of P9,300 was tistiKl in the trial balance as P3,90'), The correct trial balance
should be -
a.P161,250 b,P:l60,600 c. P159,250 d. P15.3,200
61 The real account was debltei for ['36,000 upon payment of one year fire insurance policy
cotmmencing on November J,, 200S. The adjusting entry at the enc) of che fiscal year ending
February 28, 2009 will have a dabit of -
a. prepaid insurance 12,000 c. prepaid insiiranctf 24,000
b. insurance expense 12,000 d. insurance fj<peni;a 3,000
62 The following information v/as taken from the books of Jcnkee Pakyeo Clothing Line. ^.
Assets and Liabilities for January' 1 amounted to P423,500 and P.97,000 respectively, wftile
assets at the end of the year amounted to P343,100.
Net Loss during the year amounted to ^35,000, while lieilillities remained the same. The
owner of the company would have made an investment {withdrawal) of -
63 The Accounts Payable of George & Cecil Security Agency has a ending balance of P63,550 3S of
December 31, 2008. During the year, the company bought supplie; and equipment on account.
Supplies purchased on account from Junisia's Gun Supply amounted to P33,000. Furthur
information showed that the Agency issued several checks as paymefit for the said payable
account totalling P110,600.. How much was the equipment purchased on account assuming the
payable account hat': a beginning balance of P95,000?
a.P46,lS0 b.P79,150 c. P47,950 d. P41,450
64 Ingrid Photography was commissioned to shoot 20 family pictures aiV a servicing rate of Pl,990
per session. At the end of the year, only half the nu.nber of pictures has been taken. The
adjusting entry on December 31 wouid be
a. Accounts Receivable 19,950 c. Unearned Service Revenue 199
Service Revenue 19,9f»0 Service R«venue 199
65 The following transactions affecting the supplies account was recorded In the books of "Kuya
Kim Karenderya" for the calendar year 2008. Purchases during the year were as follov/s: March
5 - P5,200; September 10 - P6,020; December 25 - P4,200. Return of defective supplies
happened on October 4 - Pl,8':)4, Beginning inventory of supplies was P2,002 while ending was
P4,208. How much supplies were c< nsurried during ?hi.? year?
a.P6,lC2 b. P4,208 c. Pll,320 d- P15,732
66 The Unearned Commission account was credited ujjon receipt of i>;>,388 for the sale of two
dozen vials of ,10 ml cologne. As of December 31, or^ly 5 bottles were .'NCld. The adjusting entry
at the end of the period waulc' be -
a.Accounts receivable 1,122.50 c. Unearnei Commissions 1,122.50
Commissions Revenue 1,122.50 Earned Corr.'missions 1,122.50
/mmd 8/19/09