IsGenesisHistory Ebook

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Preparing Audiences For This Extordinary Documentary

Recommended Age: Middle School and Up
Well Planned Films

is genesis history?
3 Raising Teenagers & Worldviews

4 Dr. Del Tackett: Your Guide

6 The Passion Behind the Film

7 The Design of the Film

9 Overview: Scientists, Locations & Topics

10 What Do the Rocks Tell Us?
11 A Question of Paradigms
13 What Does Genesis Say?
15 How Do You Measure Time?
16 A Brief History of the World
17 A Brief History of Death
19 When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
20 Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones
21 The Genius of Design
23 The Potential of Created Kinds
24 What Do the Stars Tell Us?

purchase tickets 25

Where Was Babel?
The Importance of Genesis

27 Preparing for the Film

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Is Genesis History?

raising teenageers
How a Documentary Gave Me Insight,
audience e-book
In the pages that follow, I have creat-
ed resources to aid the audience as
they prepare to view this extraordinary
Understanding and a Fresh Perspective Is Genesis History?

Gathered around the dinner table with kids in their teens and This e-book pairs each location
young adult years, I’m never quite sure where the conversation covered in the film with an overview
will lead. Gone are the days of innocence where the main topics section containing frequently used
were tea parties and Tonka trucks. vocabulary words and key information
Raising teenagers is vastly different than when I was their age. I about the ideas being presented.
chuckle thinking about how my father expressed these same
I’ve also included reading and discus-
Rebecca Farris thoughts.
sion pages to use with your middle
The Well Planned Gal
The world has changed and technologies have advanced. Yet as and high school childen.
we all know, nothing is new under the sun. I’ve expected to debate and even
argue with my kids as their frontal lobe develops and they discover their own Following the film, be sure to utilize
thoughts on issues. this e-book again to continue the con-
versation and make a lasting impact.
It took me by suprise, however, when the conversation took a turn down the
avenue of worldviews. I quickly understood, to my dismay, that culture had a
bigger foothold than I had realized.
I’ve taken the kids to Sunday school, church, and youth group, and I’ve been
involved in their education since they were little tykes. My children believe in
God, Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jesus!
Yet, the issues at hand that evening and the ideas that were being debated made
me realized a disconnect. Although they knew the stories of the Bible and
believed them, there was another set of standards they were grappling with and,
on some issues, holding onto.
When I was asked to preview the film Is Genesis History? I soon realized the
foundational elements of truth I would need to continually reference back to in
order to influence my children in the right direction.
Unlike any generation before them, our teens and young adults are barraged with
evolutionary cultural influences from literally every direction.
The underlying message that is being tweeted, posted, snapped, and broadcast
is one void of historical biblical truth. It’s not just in the science textbooks, it’s in
every element of modern society.
Published by Well Planned Gal,
Is Genesis History? is a film Christian parents need to see with their middle Family Magazine is committed to engag-
school and high school children. Like me, you will walk away with insight, ing today’s Christian family in thoughtful
understanding, and a fresh perspective on engaging your teens on worldview discussions on parenting, education, the
issues. gospel, and more. Request a free sample.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Del Tackett discusses the post-flood dispersion with Doug Petrovich at Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago.

Your Guide
A Cultural Engager
dr. Del Tackett
Del hosted and taught the Cross Examine television se-
ries. He also created several video series, including Who
Is Jesus? and Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project,
a worldview curriculum estimated to have been seen by
over 12 million people worldwide.

An Engineer
Del worked for years in the software engineering dis-
cipline and led the tiger team that developed a critical
command and control system for NORAD in Cheyenne
Mountain, Colorado.
truth project
In 2006, Del Tackett launched a rev-
a public servant olutionary series that changed the
Del served more than 20 years as an officer in the
way people learned about world-
United States Air Force. During the George H. W. Bush

view and culture. Comprised of 13
administration, he served at the White House as director
one-hour lessons, Del explores
of technical planning for the National Security Council.
everything from philosophy to sci-
ence to economics to government.
It is hard to imagine anything more an educator
important for the Christian, espe- Del is one of the founders of New Geneva Theological
cially in the times in which we live, Seminary and was a professor of numerous worldview Soli Deo Gloria
courses. He led and taught for years at the collegiate Del Tackett continues to write com-
than to stand firmly upon a solid
Focus Leadership Institute. He currently teaches as an mentary on a variety of cultural and
biblical worldview foundation… one
adjunct professor for the Alliance Defending Freedom, worldview issues that are facing our
that provides a comprehensive and
Summit Ministries, and Impact 360. Del has his doctor- world today. Learn more at
systematic understanding of every
ate in Management and Computer Science.
area of life and reality.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY


Get ready for a fascinating new look at the

biblical, historical, and scientific evidence
for Creation and the Flood.

Learn from more than a dozen scientists

and scholars as they explore the world
around us in light of Genesis.




two competing views ... one compelling truth

THE INCITING INCIDENT Thomas knew that much of the evidence

“I originally had the idea for doing this film he’d gathered as a teenager was now dat-
as the result of a conversation with my ed. He began to wonder if there was a way
then ten-year-old daughter. She had been to talk to the scientists he knew were out
watching an online debate with a creation- there, look into the data he knew existed,
THOMAS PURIFOY, JR. and create a resource to help parents and
ist and an evolutionist, and I realized some

the passion
of the comments made by the evolutionist students answer these important ques-
were starting to trouble her. tions.

In one sense, this was her first He realized that to tackle this complex
interaction with someone who topic, one must first evaluate the paradigm,
didn’t hold the Bible to be true the worldview, through which all data is

behind the film history.

As I spoke with her, I was
reminded of that sense of cog-
processed. That is where Is Genesis
History? begins. Thomas explains, “On
a simple level, Genesis is recording real
events. We know this because Jesus and
Interview with Thomas Purifoy, Jr. nitive dissonance – that sense of tension
Peter and Paul and Isaiah all refer to these
In a world where evolution has become – that comes when you’re realizing that,
events, not just as names, but as things
a foundational way of thinking, students if what this person is saying is accurate, it
that really happened. They talk about the
– even students from solid Christian means the Bible is not accurate.”
extent of them. They talk about the impor-
homes – struggle to reconcile the Genesis As Thomas interacted with his daughter, tance of them.
account of this world’s origins with the he realized these were the same questions
information bombarding them everywhere Paul talks about the importance of Adam.
he’d had as a 15-year-old – questions he
else. Peter talks about the importance of the
had wrestled through and researched on
flood and creation. Jesus talks about Noah
Were Adam and Eve real? Did a world- his own some twenty years before.
and Adam in the context of marriage. What
wide flood actually occur? Did God really Another thought struck him. “I realized it I realized is that the historical veracity of
create the earth in six days? How can the wasn’t just my daughter. There were a lot these people and events was basically the
Genesis record stand against “evidence” of kids – and there continue to be kids – foundation of the entire Bible.”
showing the world to be millions upon who are in exactly the same spot.
millions of years old? This passion, spurred by the questions of
They hear these comments and are taught a ten-year-old child, has resulted in the
In an effort to help students and their certain things in school, and they intrinsi- creation of a resource that will help parents
parents understand these questions, cally know these ideas are presenting a and students alike process through this
filmmaker and homeschool dad Thomas natural history that is not compatible with important topic themselves.
Purifoy, Jr. has created the film Is Genesis the natural history recorded in the Bible.
History? In anticipation of the film’s Is Genesis History? dives into the data
They immediately get the conflict.”
release in select theaters nationwide for a and interacts with scientists who have the
BUILDING A FILM perspective needed to resolve the tension
one night event, I recently caught up with
Because it had been so long since he’d between what is read in Genesis and what
Thomas to ask him about the driving force
processed through his own questions, is seen in the world around us.
behind this new film.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Filming at Grand Canyon

The Design of the Film

by Thomas Purifoy, Jr.
This film was designed for you. It’s a little longer than most
documentaries (100 minutes); it doesn’t go too fast; and it carries
If I had to compare our film to a car, it would be a Suburban. a dozen and one really smart scientists who explain all sorts of
important and interesting things along the way.
It’s long; it doesn’t go very fast; and it carries a whole lot of people
and stuff in it. Sure, it can be annoying in a parking lot. But when As the film progresses, these men clarify the basic issues that
you need one, a Suburban does exactly what it was designed to make up the current evolutionary synthesis. They examine a lot of
do: transports everything together in a nice, convenient, comfort- evidence and give a lot of interpretations. They then explain what
able way. they see around them in light of the history recorded in Genesis.
It’s a lot of material, but then there are a lot of heads out there.
When I was in the planning stage, I spent a lot of time thinking
through how I should address an enormously complex subject When I showed it to my 13-year-old daughter (the one it was
that included many other topics. I realized evolutionary theory is made for), she gave her teenage seal-of-approval for each sec-
like the nine-headed hydra; you can cut off a head, but it grows tion (recommending small edits here and there, of course). This
back as you’re struggling with the others. means that if you and your kids want to understand creation and
the flood in response to evolutionary thinking, this is the film for
Dr. Kurt Wise explained it to me this way: he said the power of you.
evolutionary thinking is that it is presented as a convergence
of evidence. It’s not just one thing pointing in one direction, it’s My goal is pretty straightforward. I wanted to take much of the
many things pointing in the same direction. Evolutionists will hold evidence used for evolutionary thinking, break it apart, turn it over,
up rocks, fossils, radioactive decay, natural selection, genetics, then re-assemble it in a more complete and effective way within
starlight, and many more things to argue that everything supports the historical framework of Genesis.
their view. Not surprisingly, the evidence fits better within that framework. In
Of course, when you start digging into any one of these areas, fact, when you look at all the pieces together, you realize there
you realize that not everything in that particular field is so sup- is a much greater convergence of evidence for creation and the
portive. If you’re like most people, though, you don’t have time to flood. My hope is that, by the end of the film, you and your kids
research even one area, much less the dozen or so others that will see the world in a completely new way.
are out there. What do you do?

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

What exactly happened, “In the beginning …” and in the time that followed?

Showing in theaters as a one-night event only on Thursday, February 23,

IS GENESIS HISTORY? shines new light on our origins, providing a positive
argument for Biblical Creation and the Flood.

Dr. Del Tackett, creator of “The Truth Project,” serves as your guide—hiking
through canyons, climbing up mountains, and diving below the sea—in an
exploration of two competing views … one compelling truth.

“Nothing in the world makes sense

except in the light of Genesis.”
Del Tackett

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

is genesis history?
Overview Visiting the Film Locations

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Grand Canyon Geologist

accumulated Dr. Austin is a field research

Del Tackett speaking to Steve Austin geologist with a PhD from
channeling Penn State University in

Grand Canyon
continents sedimentary geology. He has
earthquake performed geologic research
on six of the seven continents
eroded of the world.
What Do the Rocks Tell Us? Great Unconformity
His research adventures have
taken him by helicopter into
According to Dr. Austin, the Grand Canyon is the best place the crater of Mount St. Helens
in the world to “see the inside story to the ground beneath our volcano, by bush plane onto
marine glaciers in the high mountains
megasequences of Alaska, by raft through the
Dr. Austin explains how the thousands of feet of sedimentary entire Grand Canyon, and
rock layers around the world are best interpreted as the result sedimentation
on horseback into the high
of a massive, global flood. strata Sierra.
He also looks at the formation of the Grand Canyon and the tectonics He has also explored the
huge sequence of layers lying across the entire North American upheaval world’s deepest coal mines,
continent. the Great Barrier Reef of
Australia, the backcountry of

Korea, the barren plateaus of
Books by southern Argentina, and the
It’s not a little water and a lot of time, but a
lot of water and a little time. Steve Austin, PhD Steven Austin remote desert areas of Israel,
Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Computer Museum Philosopher of Science

complexity Dr. Nelson is currently a

Senior Fellow of the Discovery
Del Tackett speaking to Paul Nelson creator
Institute and Adjunct Professor
divine in the Master of Arts Program

computer history museum evidence

in Science & Religion at Biola
A Question of Paradigms intelligence
He has been involved in the
intelligent design debate inter-
“Science” is talked about a lot, but do we understand the ideas origins nationally for over two decades.
influencing it? Dr. Nelson explains that scientists use “par-
adigms” or frameworks to interpret the data they find in the His grandfather, Byron C. Nel-
world. physical processes son (1893-1972), a theologian
primal and author, was an influential
There are two competing paradigms: the Conventional para-
mid-20th century dissenter from
digm, which proposes a progressive, billions of years old histo- solar system
Darwinian evolution.
ry of the world versus the Genesis paradigm, which proposes a
fully-formed, thousands of years old history of the world. After Paul received his BA
universe in philosophy with a minor
Ultimately, the conflict is not about two competing views of
in evolutionary biology from
science, but two competing views of history.
the University of Pittsburgh,
he entered the University of

Chicago, where he received his
we have a body of data, but depending on the Books by PhD (1998) in the philosophy of
paradigm one adopts, that data will be inter- Paul Nelson biology and evolutionary theory.
preted in a variety of ways. Paul Nelson, PhD

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Historical Genesis Paradigm

Dr. Paul Nelson says,
“Everything starts with a divine mind, a creator,
two competing views an intelligence that plans and superintends
and brings into existence reality. Events are

one compelling truth happening on a much more recent timescale.

The universe, the solar system, our planet, life
IS GENESIS HISTORY? is a fascinating new
itself, all of that begins fully formed as a
look at the biblical, historical, and scientific
evidence for creation and the flood.
functioning system.”

The primary focus of this documentary is a

look at two competing views, also known as
paradigms, and the evidences for each.

Your students will be learning from more

Conventional Paradigm
than a dozen scientists and scholars.
Dr. Paul Nelson says,
To prepare them to understand and learn “In the conventional paradigm you’ve got
as much as possible, take some time to pre-
deep time, 13.7 billion years along which
view the terminolgy and ideas presented
this gradual process beginning with primal
throughout the film.
simplicity ending in what we see today. All the
Begin here by asking students about the
complexity in life has to be built bottom up by
two competing views of origins. Progress to
the following pages and review vocabulary strictly physical processes where no mind, no
terms. Finally, dive into each segment of the creator, no design is present.”
film through throught provoking questions to
prompt discussion.
Nothing in the world makes sense except in the light of Genesis.
Del Tackett

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Hebrew Union College Hebraist

Steven Boyd completed a
Steve Boyd explains the original Hebrew text to Del Tackett. biblical text Masters of Science in Physics
Christianity at Drexel University and a
Masters of Theology in Old
hebrew union college
genealogy Testament and Semitics at
Dallas Theological Seminary.
What Does Genesis Say? historical event He earned his PhD in Hebraic
Dr. Boyd explains that Genesis records specific events judgment and Cognate Studies at
that cannot be interpreted any other way than as pur- Hebrew Union College-Jewish
poseful, literal history. Institute of Religion.
Although some modern interpreters argue that parts pedigree He was a visiting professor
of Genesis should be considered as poetry or non-his- at Capital Bible Seminary,
torical, an examination of the text itself in comparison Multnomah Biblical Seminary,
with other ancient near-eastern documents reveals that and Northwest Baptist Semi-
prophecy nary, and was a professor at
Genesis is unique both in what it records and how it
structure The Master’s College sixteen
records it.
subsequent years.

His books include Grappling
the first thing is that it’s an accurate with the Chronology of the

historical account. Steve Boyd, PhD Books by Genesis Flood (editor, 2014).

steven boyd

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore
the world around us in light of Genesis.

Kevin Anderson, PhD Steve Austin, PhD Steve Boyd, PhD Robert Carter, PhD

Arthur Chadwick, PhD Danny Faulkner, PhD George Grant, PhD Paul Nelson, PhD Douglas Petrovich, PhD

Marcus Ross, PhD Andrew Snelling, PhD Kurt Wise, PhD Todd Wood, PhD

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY
two competing views ... one compelling truth


SP Crater & Sedona, AZ Geologist

accumulation Andrew Snelling completed a

atoms Bachelor of Science degree
Andrew Snelling talks about past catastrophes with Del Tackett
in applied geology at the Uni-
versity of New South Wales in

SP Crater & Sedona, AZ

Charles Darwin Sydney, Australia, graduating
Charles Lyell with first class honors in 1975.
cinder cone volcano His PhD in geology was award-
How Do You Measure Time? crystallize ed in 1982 by The University
Dr. Snelling explains that when we study the geologic events of the dating methods of Sydney, Australia for his
past, they show evidence of major catastrophes. Currently, radio- research thesis titled “A Geo-
daughter atoms
isotopes are the primary means of dating the earth, but are they a chemical Study of the Koongar-
reliable measure? ra Uranium Deposit, Northern
explosive Territory, Australia.”
When you look at the extent of the rock layers and the unusual ways
lava His books include Grappling
they were deposited, they provide evidence for an earth recently
formed. lava flow with the Chronology of the
marginalized Genesis Flood (editor, 2014)
parent atoms and Earth’s Catastrophic Past

the Bible would say that the past is the volcanic ash
key to the present. Andrew Snelling, PhD yellowstone caldera Books by
andrew snelling

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Dayton, TN Paleontologist

abandoned Dr. Wise earned his BA in

astonishing geology from the University of
Kurt Wise explains the rapid formation of coal to Del Tackett.
atmosphere Chicago, and his MA and PhD
conclusion degrees in paleontology from

Pocket Wilderness consequence

Harvard University. He founded
and directed the Center for Ori-
gins Research at Bryan College
A Brief History of the World fossil forest
and taught biology there for 17
Dr. Wise provides an overview of the five periods frequency
of history, from creation to the present. He ex- glaciers He then led the Center for
plains how Genesis gives scientists the historical Theology and Science at the
outline to interpret what they find in the world. Southern Baptist Theological
natural laws
Seminary for 3 years before
If they ignore that history, it is difficult to under- necessary
founding and directing the Cen-
stand what happened in the world. The history in rapidly ter for Creation Research and
Genesis provides us with the starting point. reconstruct teaching biology at Truett-Mc-

Connell College (now Truett
significantly McConnell University) for the
The Bible lays out epochs of uniform last 7 years.
earth history. Kurt Wise, PhD His field work has included
research in early flood rocks
Books by in the Death Valley region, late
flood rocks in Wyoming, and
Kurt wise post-flood caves in Tennessee.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Discovery Park Paleontologist

amphibians Dr. Marcus Ross has loved pa-

complex leontology since he was a kid
Marcus Ross explains the formation of fossil layers to Del Tackett.
deposited growing up in Rhode Island.
dinosaurs After earning a BS in Earth

Discovery Park of America diversify

Science from Pennsylvania
State University, he continued
enviroment his studies with a MS in Ver-
A Brief History of Death evolve tebrate Paleontology from the
Dr. Ross explores the fossils found inside the sedimentary rock fossil record South Dakota School of Mines
layers. He talks about their enormous numbers, their worldwide Great Unconformity and Technology and earned a
extent, and their sudden appearance. PhD in Environmental Science
(Geoscience) from the Univer-
They paint a picture of a very violent world that was suddenly palentologist
sity of Rhode Island.
and completely destroyed by a global flood. reptiles
sedimentary Dr. Ross is an active research-
er and publisher in young-earth

creationism at both the tech-
The fossil record is life’s attempt to nical and popular levels. He
survive an event that ultimately serves as Associate Professor
vertically of Geology and Assistant Direc-
consumed all of them. Marcus Ross, PhD tor of the Center for Creation
Studies at Liberty University,
articles by where he teaches courses on
creation, geology, paleontology,
marcus ross and other topics.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes,

His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made…
Romans 1:20

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© Genesis History Movie, LLC. All rights reserved.
two competing views ... one compelling truth


Hanson Ranch Taphonomist

accumulation Dr. Chadwick received his PhD

carcasses in Molecular Biology from the
Art Chadwick explains to Del Tackett that millions of dinosaur bones are
circumstances University of Miami in 1969.
buried in one meter of mud in Wyoming.
For the past 20 years, he has
duck billed dinosaur
worked in the field of tapho-

Hanson Ranch, Wy
nomy. His interests include
cervical vertebrae basinal and suprabasinal sedi-
fossilization mentologic trends, including the
When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth instantaneously
analysis of paleocurrents and
other directional structures.
Dr. Chadwick explains the process of fossilization of dinosaur lance formation
bones. He is also involved in re-
search on the basal Cambrian
He has worked for over 20 years in the same bone bed in rapid burial depositional systems and deep
Wyoming, where over a million dinosaur bones are buried in a rare water processes in a number
layer of mudstone one meter thick, but 100 acres in extent. of areas, including work on
spinal cord
Examining how the fossils are found reveals evidence of them the Tapeats Sandstone in the
transitional fossils
being deposited in a massive flood. Grand Canyon region.
upper cretaceous
His paleocurrent work takes

him to far-flung areas of the
Fossilization equires special circumstances, globe in search of new sources
of data. Dr. Chadwick is pres-
not the least of which is rapid burial.
Arthur Chadwick, PhD
more from ently engaged in directing the
excavation of one of the largest
arthur chadwick dinosaur sites in the world.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth


Research Center Microbiologist

analysis Kevin Anderson obtained his

PhD in microbiology and sub-
Kevin Anderson shows Del Tackett the extremely detailed features still bacteria
sequently received post-doc-
remaining in soft tissue of triceratops horridus.
biochemist toral training as a National
cells Institutes of Health Post-doctor-
al Fellow.
Van Andel Creation collagen
He then held a professorship

Research Center
at Arkansas State University
fragment where he taught graduate level
molecular biology classes and
served as the major advisor for
Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones magnified several master’s and doctoral
Dr. Anderson documents the amazing discovery of soft tissue students.
in dinosaur bones, including his involvement in finding some of
pliable More recently, he was the di-
that tissue in a triceratops horn.
rector of laboratory research for
This now widespread discovery calls into question the normal proteins a biotech energy company. He
ages assigned to dinosaur bones. tissue is currently the Director of the
Van Andel Creation Research

Center and is the project leader
This is actually triceratops tissue. Its of the Creation Research So-
ciety’s iDINO project (a project
stretchable. It’s pliable.
Kevin Anderson, PhD
more from investigating the preservation
of tissue in dinosaur fossils).
kevin anderson

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

St. Thomas Marine Biologist

adapt Dr. Carter obtained a BS in Ap-

Rob Carter explains aspects of echinoderms to Del Tackett. chromosomes plied Biology from the Georgia
dynamically Institute of Technology in 1992.
echinoderm He then spent four years teach-

coral world, st. thomas embryo

four dimensional
ing high school biology, chem-
istry, physics, and electronics
before going to the University
The Genius of Design genetic of Miami to obtain his PhD in
genome Marine Biology. He successfully
Dr. Carter looks at similarities and differences in marine
hox genes completed this program in 2003
creatures, explaining how they show evidence for being
with a dissertation on “Cnidari-
uniquely created with the ability to change to fit their envi- marine biologist
an Fluorescent Proteins.”
ronments. missing links
mutualism While in Miami, he studied the
This reveals that life is incredibly complex, starting with
organisms genetics of pigmentation in
DNA and moving up to the interrelationships of the entire
phylum corals and other invertebrates,
designed and built an aqua-
sea cucumber
culture facility for Caribbean

sea urchin
corals, performed well over 500
Life is so complex that small changes SCUBA dives, many of them
can’t explain it. Rob Carter, PhD at night, and licensed a spin-
off product of his research (a
more from patented fluorescent protein) to
a biotech company.
rob carter

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

group tickets
If you have a group of 10 or more
people, the Group Tickets team
can help make sure you are in the
theater on February 23.
And if your city isn’t on the theaters
list, you can work to bring it to
your town with the purchase of
100 tickets.
Click here to fill out the form online
to start the process of bringing your
group to see the movie together.

Questions? Contact

read more
is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY
two competing views ... one compelling truth

Memphis Zoo Biologist

adaptation Dr. Wood has a BS in Biolo-

ancestor gy from Liberty University in
Todd Wood and Del Tackett discuss the hominid fossil record.
authority Virginia (1994) and a PhD in
Biochemistry from the Univer-

Memphis Zoo
sity of Virginia (Charlottesville,
canid 1999).
Immediately following his PhD
The Potential of Created Kinds descended work at Virginia, Dr. Wood
dominion accepted a position as the
Dr. Wood explains God designed “created kinds” to change
environment Director of Bioinformatics at the
in their environments, including the ability to diversify to
equid Clemson University Genomics
form new species. This has been mistaken for evolution.
Institute (Clemson, SC).
The processes of natural selection and mutation are not felid
After working for about two
sufficient to create the diversity of the animals in the world. genetic variation
years at Clemson University,
Instead, all the variety is the result of a small number of image of God
Dr. Wood accepted a faculty
created kinds. Humans have also been given the ability to
interdependent position at Bryan College (Day-
mutation ton, TN) in 2002.

natural selection He is now president of the Core
neanderthal Academy of Science.
God created something that could make
a lion. So it’s more like a multi tool or a
Swiss army knife. Todd Wood, PhD more from
ursid tree
Todd Wood

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Chino Valley, AZ Astronomer

Andromeda galaxy Danny Faulkner received his

Danny Faulkner and Del Tackett in Chino Valley, AZ astronomical bodies PhD in astronomy from Indiana
astronomy University.
atheists Dr. Faulkner is distinguished

Chino Valley, AZ Big Bang

Professor Emeritus at the
University of South Carolina
Lancaster, where he taught
What Do the Stars Say? astronomy and physics for 26
eclipses ½ years.
Dr. Faulkner explains that one of the purposes of the
great square of Since January, 2013, he has
sun, moon, and stars is to track the passage of time. He
Pegasus been the staff astronomer at
explains his view of why we can see light from galaxies
millions of light years away, as well as the problems with lightyears Answers in Genesis in northern
interpreting Genesis in light of the current, but changing, maturing Kentucky.
views of scientists. solar system Dr. Faulkner has authored

spiral galaxies numerous papers in various
stars astronomical journals and the
People have been using the stars for creation literature.
marking passage of time since the His books include Universe
beginning. Danny Faulkner, PhD by Design (2004), The New
Astronomy Book (2014), and
articles by The Created Cosmos: What the
Bible Reveals about Astronomy
danny faulkner (2016).

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

History Museum Archeologist

Abraham Douglas Petrovich (PhD, MA,

archeological ThM, MDiv) teaches Ancient
Del Tackett discusses the post-flood dispersion with Doug Petrovich
artifacts Egypt at Wilfrid Laurier University
critical (Waterloo, Canada).

Oriental Institute Museum

He formerly was the academ-
cuneiform script ic dean and a professor at
dispersion Novosibirsk Biblical-Theological
Eridu Seminary (Siberia, Russia), as
Where was Babel? well as at Shepherds Theological
Dr. Petrovich explains his identification of the original tower languages Seminary (Cary, North Carolina),
of Babel, including the artifacts used to track the dispersion having taught over 30 different
in all directions. courses.
He looks at how the technology created at Babel was taken Noah He earned a PhD from the Uni-
around the world with the people as they spread over the pyramid versity of Toronto, with a major
entire earth. in Syro-Palestinian archaeology,
a first minor in ancient Egyptian
Tower of Babel
language, and a second minor in

Ur ancient Near Eastern religions.
All of this fits perfectly with what we His research interests include
would see as the Biblical account of how biblical history and exegesis,
Egyptology, and ancient Near
languages took place. Doug Petrovich, PhD
more from Eastern history (including archae-
ology, epigraphy, chronology, and
doug petrovich iconography).

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

Bountiful Blessings Pastor

context George Grant is the pastor of

culture Parish Presbyterian Church
George Grant and Del Tackett talk as they are filmed.
disruption (PCA), the founder of Franklin
exhorted Classical School, the Chalmers
Genesis Fund, and the King’s Meadow

Bountiful Blessings Farm implications

Study Center, as well as the
author of more than five-dozen
The Importance of Genesis He served as an assistant to D.
Dr. Grant looks at the importance of the events in Genesis moral relativism James Kennedy at the Coral
to our lives, including the creation of a 24-hour day, a real Ridge Presbyterian Church
sleep cycles
Adam and Eve, and a real flood. and taught at Knox Theological
He explains how Jesus and Paul understood these events the Fall
as real history, and how those same events are necessary theologians He makes his home in Middle
for us to make sense of everything in the world today. Tennessee near the historic town
of Franklin with his wife and
co-author Karen. Together they

work cycles have three grown children and
It is history that helps to inform science four grandchildren.

so that science can begin its journey of His books, innumerable podcasts,
a variety curriculum packages,
discovery in the world. George Grant, PhD
more from and a host of other resources
are available through the King’s
george grant Meadow Study Center.

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

is genesis history?
Preparing for the film

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

two competing views ... one compelling truth

preparing for the film

If you are a parent, teacher, or youth group leader wanting to bring middle or highschool age kids to the film, you need to realize that the film
covers a lot of material in a short period of time. Some very smart PhD’s introduce a lot of new, scientific concepts.

In light of that, we recommend that you prepare kids before coming so they can get the most out of the film. Here are some things to do:

1 Flip through the sections of this ebook and read

about each scientist and location. Look up the
different types of scientists and scholars in a
4 Here are some questions you can bring up for discussion:
• When you think about the first chapters of Genesis,
what are some of the most important things that are
dictionary if you are unsure what they are (such
as geologist, taphonomist, Hebraist, etc.)
• Why are the people and events recorded in Genesis
important to the writers of the New Testament?

2 Read through the following sections of the Bible

to review what will be covered in the film:
• Genesis 1-12

How is Genesis important to us today?
What is the difference between history and myth?
• Exodus 20:11 How do the authors of the Bible view the book of
• Luke 3 Genesis? How do you view it and why?
• Luke 17:20-27
• How does God involve Himself in His world in the
• Matthew 19:1-9
book of Genesis?
• Ephesians 5:22-33
• Romans 5:12-21 • The Bible records extraordinary events in the same
• Romans 8:18-25 way it records ordinary events. Why is this?
• 2 Peter 3 • Why are so many genealogies included in the Bible?
Why are they so important?

3 If you would like to follow a seven-week short video study

using clips from the film and short devotionals, download
the YouVersion Bible App on your tablet or phone, then

If you are familiar with the theory of evolution, how
does it compare to what is recorded in Genesis?
When you look at the first chapter of Genesis, do you
search under Plans for “Is Genesis History?” The Movie
see it as history or symbolism? What are the reasons
Reading Plan (available Jan 18, 2017)
you see it that way?

5 The director of the film has published a series of blog posts

about different aspects of the film. You can access them to find
additional topics to discuss and things to consider:

is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

T W O C O M P E T I N G V I E W S … O N E C O M Ptwo
E competing
L L I Nviews
G ...Tone
RU T H truth



IsG ene sisHistor y.c om
is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY

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