IsGenesisHistory Ebook
IsGenesisHistory Ebook
IsGenesisHistory Ebook
Preparing Audiences For This Extordinary Documentary
Well Planned Films
is genesis history?
3 Raising Teenagers & Worldviews
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Where Was Babel?
The Importance of Genesis
Is Genesis History?
raising teenageers
How a Documentary Gave Me Insight,
audience e-book
In the pages that follow, I have creat-
ed resources to aid the audience as
they prepare to view this extraordinary
Understanding and a Fresh Perspective Is Genesis History?
Gathered around the dinner table with kids in their teens and This e-book pairs each location
young adult years, I’m never quite sure where the conversation covered in the film with an overview
will lead. Gone are the days of innocence where the main topics section containing frequently used
were tea parties and Tonka trucks. vocabulary words and key information
Raising teenagers is vastly different than when I was their age. I about the ideas being presented.
chuckle thinking about how my father expressed these same
I’ve also included reading and discus-
Rebecca Farris thoughts.
sion pages to use with your middle
The Well Planned Gal
The world has changed and technologies have advanced. Yet as and high school childen.
we all know, nothing is new under the sun. I’ve expected to debate and even
argue with my kids as their frontal lobe develops and they discover their own Following the film, be sure to utilize
thoughts on issues. this e-book again to continue the con-
versation and make a lasting impact.
It took me by suprise, however, when the conversation took a turn down the
avenue of worldviews. I quickly understood, to my dismay, that culture had a
bigger foothold than I had realized.
I’ve taken the kids to Sunday school, church, and youth group, and I’ve been
involved in their education since they were little tykes. My children believe in
God, Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jesus!
Yet, the issues at hand that evening and the ideas that were being debated made
me realized a disconnect. Although they knew the stories of the Bible and
believed them, there was another set of standards they were grappling with and,
on some issues, holding onto.
When I was asked to preview the film Is Genesis History? I soon realized the
foundational elements of truth I would need to continually reference back to in
order to influence my children in the right direction.
Unlike any generation before them, our teens and young adults are barraged with
evolutionary cultural influences from literally every direction.
The underlying message that is being tweeted, posted, snapped, and broadcast
is one void of historical biblical truth. It’s not just in the science textbooks, it’s in
every element of modern society.
Published by Well Planned Gal,
Is Genesis History? is a film Christian parents need to see with their middle Family Magazine is committed to engag-
school and high school children. Like me, you will walk away with insight, ing today’s Christian family in thoughtful
understanding, and a fresh perspective on engaging your teens on worldview discussions on parenting, education, the
issues. gospel, and more. Request a free sample.
Del Tackett discusses the post-flood dispersion with Doug Petrovich at Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago.
Your Guide
A Cultural Engager
dr. Del Tackett
Del hosted and taught the Cross Examine television se-
ries. He also created several video series, including Who
Is Jesus? and Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project,
a worldview curriculum estimated to have been seen by
over 12 million people worldwide.
An Engineer
Del worked for years in the software engineering dis-
cipline and led the tiger team that developed a critical
command and control system for NORAD in Cheyenne
Mountain, Colorado.
truth project
In 2006, Del Tackett launched a rev-
a public servant olutionary series that changed the
Del served more than 20 years as an officer in the
way people learned about world-
United States Air Force. During the George H. W. Bush
view and culture. Comprised of 13
administration, he served at the White House as director
one-hour lessons, Del explores
of technical planning for the National Security Council.
everything from philosophy to sci-
ence to economics to government.
It is hard to imagine anything more an educator
important for the Christian, espe- Del is one of the founders of New Geneva Theological
cially in the times in which we live, Seminary and was a professor of numerous worldview Soli Deo Gloria
courses. He led and taught for years at the collegiate Del Tackett continues to write com-
than to stand firmly upon a solid
Focus Leadership Institute. He currently teaches as an mentary on a variety of cultural and
biblical worldview foundation… one
adjunct professor for the Alliance Defending Freedom, worldview issues that are facing our
that provides a comprehensive and
Summit Ministries, and Impact 360. Del has his doctor- world today. Learn more at
systematic understanding of every
ate in Management and Computer Science.
area of life and reality.
two competing views ... one compelling truth
the passion
of the comments made by the evolutionist students answer these important ques-
were starting to trouble her. tions.
In one sense, this was her first He realized that to tackle this complex
interaction with someone who topic, one must first evaluate the paradigm,
didn’t hold the Bible to be true the worldview, through which all data is
What exactly happened, “In the beginning …” and in the time that followed?
Dr. Del Tackett, creator of “The Truth Project,” serves as your guide—hiking
through canyons, climbing up mountains, and diving below the sea—in an
exploration of two competing views … one compelling truth.
is genesis history?
Overview Visiting the Film Locations
Grand Canyon
continents sedimentary geology. He has
earthquake performed geologic research
on six of the seven continents
eroded of the world.
What Do the Rocks Tell Us? Great Unconformity
His research adventures have
taken him by helicopter into
According to Dr. Austin, the Grand Canyon is the best place the crater of Mount St. Helens
in the world to “see the inside story to the ground beneath our volcano, by bush plane onto
marine glaciers in the high mountains
megasequences of Alaska, by raft through the
Dr. Austin explains how the thousands of feet of sedimentary entire Grand Canyon, and
rock layers around the world are best interpreted as the result sedimentation
on horseback into the high
of a massive, global flood. strata Sierra.
He also looks at the formation of the Grand Canyon and the tectonics He has also explored the
huge sequence of layers lying across the entire North American upheaval world’s deepest coal mines,
continent. the Great Barrier Reef of
Australia, the backcountry of
Korea, the barren plateaus of
Books by southern Argentina, and the
It’s not a little water and a lot of time, but a
lot of water and a little time. Steve Austin, PhD Steven Austin remote desert areas of Israel,
Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
Chicago, where he received his
we have a body of data, but depending on the Books by PhD (1998) in the philosophy of
paradigm one adopts, that data will be inter- Paul Nelson biology and evolutionary theory.
preted in a variety of ways. Paul Nelson, PhD
Steven Boyd completed a
Steve Boyd explains the original Hebrew text to Del Tackett. biblical text Masters of Science in Physics
Christianity at Drexel University and a
Masters of Theology in Old
hebrew union college
genealogy Testament and Semitics at
Dallas Theological Seminary.
What Does Genesis Say? historical event He earned his PhD in Hebraic
Dr. Boyd explains that Genesis records specific events judgment and Cognate Studies at
that cannot be interpreted any other way than as pur- Hebrew Union College-Jewish
poseful, literal history. Institute of Religion.
Although some modern interpreters argue that parts pedigree He was a visiting professor
of Genesis should be considered as poetry or non-his- at Capital Bible Seminary,
torical, an examination of the text itself in comparison Multnomah Biblical Seminary,
with other ancient near-eastern documents reveals that and Northwest Baptist Semi-
prophecy nary, and was a professor at
Genesis is unique both in what it records and how it
structure The Master’s College sixteen
records it.
subsequent years.
His books include Grappling
the first thing is that it’s an accurate with the Chronology of the
historical account. Steve Boyd, PhD Books by Genesis Flood (editor, 2014).
steven boyd
Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore
the world around us in light of Genesis.
Kevin Anderson, PhD Steve Austin, PhD Steve Boyd, PhD Robert Carter, PhD
Arthur Chadwick, PhD Danny Faulkner, PhD George Grant, PhD Paul Nelson, PhD Douglas Petrovich, PhD
Marcus Ross, PhD Andrew Snelling, PhD Kurt Wise, PhD Todd Wood, PhD
is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY
two competing views ... one compelling truth
the Bible would say that the past is the volcanic ash
key to the present. Andrew Snelling, PhD yellowstone caldera Books by
andrew snelling
Connell College (now Truett
significantly McConnell University) for the
The Bible lays out epochs of uniform last 7 years.
earth history. Kurt Wise, PhD His field work has included
research in early flood rocks
Books by in the Death Valley region, late
flood rocks in Wyoming, and
Kurt wise post-flood caves in Tennessee.
creationism at both the tech-
The fossil record is life’s attempt to nical and popular levels. He
survive an event that ultimately serves as Associate Professor
vertically of Geology and Assistant Direc-
consumed all of them. Marcus Ross, PhD tor of the Center for Creation
Studies at Liberty University,
articles by where he teaches courses on
creation, geology, paleontology,
marcus ross and other topics.
is genesis history?
© Genesis History Movie, LLC. All rights reserved.
two competing views ... one compelling truth
Hanson Ranch, Wy
nomy. His interests include
cervical vertebrae basinal and suprabasinal sedi-
fossilization mentologic trends, including the
When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth instantaneously
analysis of paleocurrents and
other directional structures.
Dr. Chadwick explains the process of fossilization of dinosaur lance formation
bones. He is also involved in re-
search on the basal Cambrian
He has worked for over 20 years in the same bone bed in rapid burial depositional systems and deep
Wyoming, where over a million dinosaur bones are buried in a rare water processes in a number
layer of mudstone one meter thick, but 100 acres in extent. of areas, including work on
spinal cord
Examining how the fossils are found reveals evidence of them the Tapeats Sandstone in the
transitional fossils
being deposited in a massive flood. Grand Canyon region.
upper cretaceous
His paleocurrent work takes
him to far-flung areas of the
Fossilization equires special circumstances, globe in search of new sources
of data. Dr. Chadwick is pres-
not the least of which is rapid burial.
Arthur Chadwick, PhD
more from ently engaged in directing the
excavation of one of the largest
arthur chadwick dinosaur sites in the world.
Research Center
at Arkansas State University
fragment where he taught graduate level
molecular biology classes and
served as the major advisor for
Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones magnified several master’s and doctoral
Dr. Anderson documents the amazing discovery of soft tissue students.
in dinosaur bones, including his involvement in finding some of
pliable More recently, he was the di-
that tissue in a triceratops horn.
rector of laboratory research for
This now widespread discovery calls into question the normal proteins a biotech energy company. He
ages assigned to dinosaur bones. tissue is currently the Director of the
Van Andel Creation Research
Center and is the project leader
This is actually triceratops tissue. Its of the Creation Research So-
ciety’s iDINO project (a project
stretchable. It’s pliable.
Kevin Anderson, PhD
more from investigating the preservation
of tissue in dinosaur fossils).
kevin anderson
St. Thomas Marine Biologist
sea urchin
corals, performed well over 500
Life is so complex that small changes SCUBA dives, many of them
can’t explain it. Rob Carter, PhD at night, and licensed a spin-
off product of his research (a
more from patented fluorescent protein) to
a biotech company.
rob carter
group tickets
If you have a group of 10 or more
people, the Group Tickets team
can help make sure you are in the
theater on February 23.
And if your city isn’t on the theaters
list, you can work to bring it to
your town with the purchase of
100 tickets.
Click here to fill out the form online
to start the process of bringing your
group to see the movie together.
Questions? Contact
read more
is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY
two competing views ... one compelling truth
Memphis Zoo Biologist
Memphis Zoo
sity of Virginia (Charlottesville,
canid 1999).
Immediately following his PhD
The Potential of Created Kinds descended work at Virginia, Dr. Wood
dominion accepted a position as the
Dr. Wood explains God designed “created kinds” to change
environment Director of Bioinformatics at the
in their environments, including the ability to diversify to
equid Clemson University Genomics
form new species. This has been mistaken for evolution.
Institute (Clemson, SC).
The processes of natural selection and mutation are not felid
After working for about two
sufficient to create the diversity of the animals in the world. genetic variation
years at Clemson University,
Instead, all the variety is the result of a small number of image of God
Dr. Wood accepted a faculty
created kinds. Humans have also been given the ability to
interdependent position at Bryan College (Day-
mutation ton, TN) in 2002.
natural selection He is now president of the Core
neanderthal Academy of Science.
God created something that could make
a lion. So it’s more like a multi tool or a
Swiss army knife. Todd Wood, PhD more from
ursid tree
Todd Wood
Chino Valley, AZ Astronomer
spiral galaxies numerous papers in various
stars astronomical journals and the
People have been using the stars for creation literature.
marking passage of time since the His books include Universe
beginning. Danny Faulkner, PhD by Design (2004), The New
Astronomy Book (2014), and
articles by The Created Cosmos: What the
Bible Reveals about Astronomy
danny faulkner (2016).
History Museum Archeologist
Ur ancient Near Eastern religions.
All of this fits perfectly with what we His research interests include
would see as the Biblical account of how biblical history and exegesis,
Egyptology, and ancient Near
languages took place. Doug Petrovich, PhD
more from Eastern history (including archae-
ology, epigraphy, chronology, and
doug petrovich iconography).
Bountiful Blessings Pastor
work cycles have three grown children and
It is history that helps to inform science four grandchildren.
so that science can begin its journey of His books, innumerable podcasts,
a variety curriculum packages,
discovery in the world. George Grant, PhD
more from and a host of other resources
are available through the King’s
george grant Meadow Study Center.
is genesis history?
Preparing for the film
In light of that, we recommend that you prepare kids before coming so they can get the most out of the film. Here are some things to do:
If you are familiar with the theory of evolution, how
does it compare to what is recorded in Genesis?
When you look at the first chapter of Genesis, do you
search under Plans for “Is Genesis History?” The Movie
see it as history or symbolism? What are the reasons
Reading Plan (available Jan 18, 2017)
you see it that way?
IsG ene sisHistor y.c om
is genesis history? IN THEATERS FEBRUARY 23 ONLY