XRD of Thin Films
XRD of Thin Films
XRD of Thin Films
E. Shobhana
(Dept of Physics ,KTVR- Knowledge Park for Engineeering and Technology,India)
Thin films of Poly(methyl methacrylate) were deposited on glass micro slides using Chemical Bath Deposition
Technique. The bath compositions include double distilled Toluene, double distilled Benzene which served as a complexing
agent. The films were deposited at room temperature. The Structural characterizations of PMMA were carried out by XRD,
which shows an amorphous nature of the material. The absorbance and transmittance of the films was measured using UV-
Visible Spectroscopy which reveals that PMMA has higher transmission with very little absorption in the UV-Visible region.
These films because of their high transmittance in the UV-Visible region are suitable for various optical applications, and also in
non-linear optics.
The interest in polymer material has grown continuously in the last two decades. Various methods for preparation of
thin polymer films have emerged. Polymeric substances make up the most important class of organic materials, technically and
economically. The familiar plastics,fibers , elastomers and biological materials that surround us attest to this importance .Such
substances which are composed of great many identical groups or repeating units are known as (high polymers) .Polymers
composed of more than one kind of repeating units are termed copolymers. PMMA is widely used sometimes with plasticzer and
orsmall amount of other ester as copolymers. The resins are so wide spread under the trade name of plexiglas in United States
and Perspex in Europe that these words have become synonmous to transportplastic panels, windows and wind shields. The
resistance of these resins to shattering and to weather has led to their large scale application in aircraft .PMMA has drawn
tremendous interest due to its optical properties and its possible use in non-linear optics.
New techniques for polymer particles of controlled composition and size have been developed. Polymer thin films play
an increasingly important role in technological application ranging from coatings, adhesives and lithography to organic light
emitting diodes and various organic material based devices, including sensors.PMMA is one of the earliest Polymers.It is
extensively used in glazing applications as a replacement for glass in various applications with good weather resistance.This
polymer unlike ionic and metallic crystals and low molecular weight substances consists of long chain molecules arranged in
aggregates ,which assume complex shapes and structures [1]. The organic films based on poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA)
polymer have been obtained by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on silicon substrates [2].Thehomogeneous thin films have been
obtained by UV-excimer pulsed layer deposition from PMMA bulk material. The structure of films is at variance with the
structure of the bulk polymer.
The microstructure of the film is found to have profound influence on the optical, electrical and mechanical properties
of the film. The physical properties of thin films are known to differ widely from those of bulk materials. The techniques based
on X-ray probe have dominated the field mainly because of their simplicity, more reliability, quantitative and non-destructive
nature. Of these techniques, X-ray diffraction has played a leading role, as a fundamental for material characterization [3]. XRD
is a powerful tool in the field of scientific research. The application of X-rays in material analysis makes it possible to determine
detailed information on the state of order and disorder of the system.
In this paper, we propose a method to prepare PMMA thin films by Chemical Bath Deposition. It is a non vacuum
electroless technique has many advantages such as simplicity, no requirement for sophisticated instruments, minimum material
waste, economical way of large area deposition and no need of handling poisonous gases like H2Se or Se vapour and possibility
of room temperature deposition. The transmittance, absorbance and structural properties of PMMA thin films are also reported.
2.1 Materials:
PMMA obtained from Alfa Aeser with average molecular weight (3, 50,000), Toluene, Benzene supplied by Merck
were used in this study. Benzene and Toluene solutions are distilled before mixing with PMMA to produce thin films.
2.2 Synthesis of PMMA thin film:
The Chemical Bath Deposition procedure to prepare PMMA thin films was followed which involves placing 1to 2g of
PMMA in 50ml distilled Toluene,50 ml distilled Benzene and 100ml distilled Toluene continuous and very slow stirring for
about 60 minutes by means of magnetic stirrer is carried out while adding polymer to the reacting mixture, to yield a
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homogeneous mixture. Initially, Blue star special super deluxe glass micro slides with dimension 75mm x 25mm x1mm were
rinsed using Extran and washed thoroughly with distilled water. Then, the glass slides were soaked in a beaker containing nitric
acid for ½ an hour and washed with de-ionized water and again soaked in hydrochloric acid for the same period. Finally the
substrates are dried in a hot air oven for about an hour at a temperature of 100°C. Thus, the substrate for the film deposition has
been prepared. Care must be taken so that there should not be any traces of water in the slide before deposition. The deposition
time range was optimized as 20 to 35 minutes to obtain films of uniform thickness. After deposition the films were taken out and
dried naturally.
2.3 Instrumentation:
The X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded with the diffractometer( X-PERT-PRO) equipped with a PW 3050/60
channel control goniometer and proportional counter.Radiation was generated from a copper anode tube (Cu Kα 1.54060 A o) using
a X-ray generator operated at 40 kV and 30mA. UV-Visible Spectroscopy was carried out usingJASCO-UV-VIS-NIR
Spectrophotometer with bare glass slide as reference.
3.2UV-Visible studies:
The Transmittance and Absorbance measured for the sample is shown in figures .UV-VIS Spectra exhibited a
transmittance of 50% and higher at or above 300 nm[5]. The Optical property of PMMA exhibits higher transmission through
the visible wavelength range, very little UV absorption until 260 nm[6].
Poly- Methyl Methacrylate(PMMA) thin films with thickness ranging from 0.53-0.58 microns were deposited
successfully by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique. It has been attempted to understand the Structural nature of PMMA thin
film samples. XRD technique indicates that the Chemical Bath Deposited film possesses the amorphous nature (i.e.) disorder in
polymer chains.The behaviour of the films show higher transmission through the visible wavelength range with very little
[1] E F. Kaelble, Hand book of X-rays for diffractions, emission, absorption and microscopy (1967), 21.
[2] R.Cristescu,G. Socol, I.N Mibailescu, M Popescu ,F Sava,E Ion , C.O Morosanu ,I. Stamatin , New results in pulsed laser
deposition of poly- methyl- methacrylate thin films, Applied surface science, Vol 208-209,2003, 645-650.
[3] B. D. Culity,Elements of X-ray Diffraction( Additional- Wasley Reading,USA2001) 284.
[4] Rizwan Hussain and Din Mohammad, X-ray diffraction study of the changes induced during the thermal degradation of
poly (methyl methacrylate) and poly (methacryloyl chloride)2004,Turk J Chem 28,725-729.
[5] La NetraM.Clayton,K Arun.Sikder,Ashok Kumar,Martin Cinke,Meyya Meyyappan, G Timofey .Gerasimov and P Julie
Harmon,(Adv. Funct.Matter ,2005)pp15.
[6] James E.Mark, PMMA,1999, Polymer Data Handbook.