Exdifus PDF
Exdifus PDF
Exdifus PDF
Physical and chemical processes depend on the properties of the materials involved. One of
the most important properties of fluids in such situations is diffusivity. Fluid flow and mass
transfer operations depend partially on this property and such data is always needed in plant
The Armfield Diffusion of a Liquid apparatus allows students to measure this property by a
well established technique.
The rate of diffusion is expressed by the equation:
J = -D (1)
J = the diffusion flux across unit area at right angles to the x-direction.
D = the diffusion constant.
= the concentration gradient in the x-direction.
The negative sign indicates the flow is going from high to low concentrations.
J is in mole/cm2sec.
C is in mole/cm2sec.
x is in cm.
t is in sec.
D is in cm2/sec.
The Diffusion apparatus (See Figure 1) uses vertical capillaries 5 mm long with a diameter
of 1 mm, which restricts the diffusion to one dimension. The concentration at the lower ends is
assumed constant and the concentration at the top ends is effectively zero during the experiment.
V dk π d2 M
• = −D • N• (3)
C M dt 4 x
4Vx dk
D=- • (4)
π d NMC M dt
Harned, H.S., Owen, B.B., "The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions", 3rd Edition,
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1958, pp. 254-255. (QD561.H3274 1958)
Figure 1. Equipment used to determine the diffusion coefficient of a liquid
1. 2 M NaCl solution.
2. Deionized water.
NOTE: Thoroughly clean all equipment and utensils with deionized (or distilled) water
before use!
The Data used in the calculations for this experiment will be collected using the Data
Acquisition system USB-TEMP-A1 from Measurement Computing and TracerDAQ software
which you will have to learn how to operate before conducting the experiment.
There are a number of things that will have to be done in this experiment. These include:
learn the operation of the USB-TEMP-A1 and TracerDAQ software, setup the program
parameters needed to collect data; determine the conversion factor for converting the voltage
values to the conductivity values; determine the values of CM by calibrating the apparatus; and
determine the diffusion coefficient.
Prior to beginning the experiment set up a folder on the desktop with your name or initials
on it to differentiate it from other folders. This folder will be used to save your data acquisition
files to.
The instructions below should be followed to use the data acquisition program for collecting
data during the experiment.
1. Click on the TracerDAQ shortcut on the desktop to start the data acquisition program.
2. In the small window that appears select Strip Chart (it may already be highlighted) and
click on “Run”.
3. A strip chart window appears.
4. Check to see that the TIMEBASE in the upper right corner is set at 200 s. If it is not,
set it at 200 s by clicking on the up and down arrows.
5. Everything should be set except for the sample time/scan rate which will change for
different sections of this experiment.
6. To change the scan rate and acquisition time
a. Click on edit
b. Click on ScanRate/Trigger settings
c. For the determination of CM use 10 minutes acquisition time and 10
seconds/sample [set scan rate at 0.l (Hz)].
d. For the determination of the diffusion coefficient use 30 minutes acquisition time
and 10 seconds/sample [set scan rate at 0.1 (Hz)]
7. To start acquiring data click on the filled Arrow on the upper left corner of the strip
8. At the top of the strip chart in the center you can view the time left for data collection.
9. On the bottom right corner of the strip chart you can view the elapsed time and the
percentage of elapsed time.
10. The data acquisition will automatically stop after the scan time you set has elapsed.
You can also stop the data acquisition early by clicking on the square filled box in the
upper left corner of the strip chart.
11. To save the file.
a. Click on file
b. Click on Save As
c. By default it will save the file to C:/ProgramData/Measurement
d. You will want to save it to the folder you created on the desktop. Select desktop
from the left side of the window and select the folder you created.
e. On the bottom of the window select the Save As Type to be (*.CSV)
f. Name the file with a name that is recognizable. For the CM calculation this could
be the concentration 0.001, 0.0012, etc. (the .CSV will automatically be added).
For the diffusion constant this could be the experiment # or some other name.
12. To shut down the data acquisition program click on the X in the upper right corner.
Then click on “Exit” on the TraceDAQ window that appears.
13. The .CSV file can be opened as a spreadsheet in Excel. The conductivity data will be
found in the column labeled Channel 0.
Determine the Conversion Factor to convert from voltage to conductivity units (Siemens) and
calibrate the apparatus to determine CM.
The output from the conductivity meter is a voltage value which the Measurement
Computing USB-TEMP-A1 system and TracerDAQ software program collects. A conversion
factor will have to be determined so the voltage values can be converted to conductivity values
(Siemens). You will also have to determine the correct range (right hand switch) to use on the
WPA CM35 conductivity meter to measure the conductivity. The setting of this range switch
will affect the conversion factor. You will also have to calibrate the apparatus in order to
determine the value of CM. These two activities can be done at the same time.
1. Fill the test vessel with one (1) liter of deionized water.
2. Connect the conductivity cell leads to the conductivity meter.
3. Turn on the meter.
4. Start the magnetic stirrer. Use the 1" magnetic stir bar and set the magnetic stirrer at
200 RPM.
5. Determine the amount of NaCl that should be weighed out to make up a liter of 0.001 M
NaCl solution. Weigh the NaCl on an analytical balance and transfer it to the test
vessel containing 1 liter of deionized water. Allow the sample to dissolve.
6. Set the conductivity meter range switch (right hand switch) so the meter reading is on
7. Set up the data acquisition program to collect data for 10 minutes at 10 second intervals
(see instructions for data acquisition program).
8. Several times during the 10 minute run, manually record the conductivity reading in
your notebook. The meter reading should not change much. You only need to manually
record the conductivity data for three of the six standards indicated in step 10 below
unless you want to do it for all six stardards. This will give you sufficient data to
determine the relationship between the voltage readings and the conductivity of the
solution in Siemens so you can convert from voltage to Siemens for your calculations.
For the other three standards you only need to collect the data with the data acquisition
9. Determine the amount of NaCl that should be weighed out to increase the concentration
by 0.0002 M. Weigh the NaCl on an analytical balance and transfer it to the test vessel
containing the NaCl solution in step 5 above. Let the salt dissolve. Using the data
acquisition program, collect 10 minutes of data at 10 second intervals.
10. Continue adding salt and collecting voltage/conductivity data until you have data for
standards in the following range 0.001, 0.0012, 0.0014, 0.0016, 0.0018 and 0.002 M.
11. After you have finished collecting the voltage data for all six standards, you can use the
voltage data and the data you manually collected from the conductivity meter for the
three standards to calculate a conversion factor to convert the voltage data to a
conductivity value in Siemens.
12. Convert your voltage readings for your standards into conductivity values using the
conversion factor calculated in step 11 above.
13. In a spread sheet calculate the average of each column of conductivity data.
14. Plot the concentration of NaCl versus conductivity (Siemens). The slope of this line is
the (CM).
15. After you are done, disconnect the meter from the conductivity cell and empty the test
vessel of liquid and rinse with deionized water to remove all traces of salt.
1. Determine the volume of water needed to fill the test vessel so it just covers the top of
the capillaries in the diffusion cell. This volume should be determined with everything
in the test vessel that will be there during the test. Includes the diffusion cell; the
magnetic stir bar; and any baffles/other items placed into the cell to modify the
2. Determine the number of capillaries in the diffusion cell.
3. Make up a 2.0 M NaCl solution. Using an analytical balance, weigh into a small beaker
the calculated amount (gm) of NaCl to make up 100 mL of a 2 M NaCl solution.
Quantitatively transfer the crystals to a 100 mL volumetric flask. Fill the flask half full
of deionized water and swirl to dissolve the NaCl. After the NaCl has dissolved, dilute
to the mark with deionized water and mix.
4. Fill the test vessel containing a 1.0 inch magnetic stir bar with deionized water to
approximately one centimeter below the black fill line (this leaves room for the addition
of the diffusion cell).
5. Connect the wires from the test vessel conductivity cell to the conductivity meter. Turn
on the meter and set the range scale to the setting determined earlier.
6. Outside the test vessel carefully fill the diffusion cell with the 2 M NaCl solution so the
liquid just reaches the tops of the capillaries. Use an eyedropper to remove air from the
capillaries. Rinse the outside of the diffusion cell with deionized water and wipe off the
excess liquid with a soft tissue. Clamp the diffusion cell into its holder in the test
7. Start the magnetic stirrer and set to run at 100 RPM.
8. Fill the test vessel with deionized water from a squeeze bottle to avoid splashing so the
capillary tops are submerged approximately 5 mm below the surface of the water.
9. At the same time as the capillary tops are submerged, start the data acquisition program
and collect data for a time period of at least 30 minutes.
10. After the data acquisition program has collected 30 minutes of data, save the file as a
.CSV file as explained in the data acquisition instructions.
11. Turn off the conductivity meter and disconnect the wires from the conductivity cell.
12. Remove the diffusion cell from the test vessel. The liquid in the cell can be disposed of
in the sink. Rinse the cell several times with deionized water.
13. The liquid in the test vessel can also be disposed of in the sink. Rinse the test vessel
several time with deionized water to remove all traces of the salt.
14. Prepare the test vessel and diffusion cell for the next test.
15. The test should be run in triplicate at a minimum. You may also want to investigate the
effect of different stirring speeds on the diffusion coefficient.
16. You may want to investigate the diffusion coefficient of another salt such as KCl.
The velocity of the water across the capillary tips affects the rate of diffusion, and
consequently affects the diffusion coefficient. Different stir speeds will give different results.
The purpose of the stirring is to mix the solution in the test vessel so the conductivity cell can
measure the change in concentration of the salt solution. It is not there to affect the rate of
diffusion. Slow is better.
1. At a minimum safety glasses with side shields shall be worn. Safety goggles are the
preferred eye protection, if you have them, since there is a possibility of chemical
Department of Chemical Engineering
Stockroom Checkout slip
Name: Date:
(print name)
Lab No.: Lab 1 Tuesday 12:00 - 4:50 PM Lab 2: Thursday 12:00 - 4:50 PM
Lab No.: Lab 3 Tuesday and Thursday morning (9:30 - 11:50 AM)
(circle one)