Hella Headlight Adjustment PDF
Hella Headlight Adjustment PDF
Hella Headlight Adjustment PDF
Since asymmetric light distribution appeared on the market These circumstances were also ultimately among the factors
in 1957, there have also been statutory provisions for aiming responsible for the development of beam setters. Such devices
headlights. enable the light distribution to be checked quicker and more
Headlights were first aimed at the so-called "10-metre wall". That
means a vehicle is driven to a distance of 10 m in front of a light- The following pages describe the measuring methods, the legal
coloured wall, which has certain markings on it. The headlights are basis and the most important stages involved in headlamp aiming.
then checked or adjusted on the basis of these markings.
This has remained the statutory test method until today and is still
used particularly for checking agricultural or specialist vehicles.
One of the disadvantages of this method is that you need a
relatively, large, light-coloured and free wall, and a corresponding
amount of space to go with it. Neither of these were, or are,
exactly easy to find in a garage.
General As already mentioned, this method is still mainly used today for vehicles where the upper
edge of the headlights is higher than 140 cm above the ground. The vehicle is driven on
to a level surface, which does not have to be horizontal, to a distance of 10 metres from a
vertical, light-coloured wall.
10 m
Line A Extend the longitudinal axis of the vehicle to the test wall and mark it with a vertical line.
Line B and C Measure the distance X of the vehicle headlight (centre to centre) and mark it on the wall
symmetrically to Line A.
For headlights
„e“ = cm
For fog lights
„e“ = + 7 cm
Line H Measure the height of the centre of the headlights above the ground draw the line on the
test wall parallel to the ground.
Adjusting the headlights Cover the right headlight and align the left headlight so that the horizontal part of the cut-
off line touches Line D. Then align the headlight laterally. The bend between the horizontal
and the sloping (asymmetrical) part of the cut-off line must lie on Line B. Then align the
right headlight in the same way. In this case, the bend of the cut-off line lies on Line C.
Measuring method Beam setters generally simulate the 10 m wall. The lens installed in the beam setter box
shortens the prescribed 10 m distance to 50 cm
(Fig. 2 - lens to test screen).
1 3
Measuring method The disadvantages, such as storage space and a suitable wall, are omitted. A beam setter
can also be flexibly used at different places within the garage, provided the garage floor
adheres to the required tolerances.
Headlight aiming site The composition and condition of the floor are of primary importance to enable exact
headlight aiming. That is why, it also has its own standard (DIN ISO 10604) in which the
"test surface" is specified precisely and the permissible tolerances listed. The graphics
listed in diagram 3 clearly illustrate the requirements.
Sample calculation If these tolerances are not adhered to, even minor deviations have a large impact on light
As already mentioned, a lens is installed in the beam setter which shortens the
prescribed 10 m measuring distance to the wall to only 50 cm. A mere 5 mm error in the
measurment on the test screen of the beam setter thus corresponds to 10 cm difference
over 10 m (ratio 10 m to 50 cm is factor 20). A vehicle with headlights installed at a height
of 60 cm has a dipped headlight with a range of 60 metres (at 1% forward tilt = 10 cm
inclination to 10 m range).
This means the light projected by the headlight would deviate by 60 cm! This example
clearly illustrates the decisive effect that a precise test surface has on light distribution, as
the difference between glare or driving in semi-darkness is measured in millimetres!
Vehicle test Not only the floor conditions are important. The vehicle must also have been prepared for
the test. The following points must be observed.
Basic setting
Exit program
Basic setting Xenon headlights
Setting up the beam setter If the floor conditions are acceptable and the vehicle has been checked, the beam setter
still has to be aligned to enable exact adjustment.
The beam setter is moved in front of the headlight to be checked. The beam setter
box must be aligned to the middle of the headlight or to the light source. Vertical and
horizontal deviations may not exceed 3 cm. The distance between the beam setter box
and the headlight varies depending on the manufacturer. In the case of HELLA devices, the
distance from the front edge of the beam setter box to the headlight should be between 30
and 70 cm, Fig. 5.
The beam setter box is then aligned to the vehicle. Devices with a wheel-mounted base
must be individually aligned for each headlight to be checked. Beam setter devices on rails
only need to be aligned once. Using the broad-band, laser or mirror sight, align the beam
setter box in such a way that the sight line touches two points situated at the same height,
symmetrically to the vehicle’s longitudinal axis, Fig. 5, dashed lines.
Set the forward inclination of the Finally, set the "forward inclination" on the device. This corresponds to the angle of
cut-off line inclination of the headlight cut-off line. The forward inclination is given in % and can
normally be found on the headlight, Fig. 6.
Adjustment table
Below you will find two tables containing the main setting dimensions for different vehicle types, Fig. 8.
Vehicle type:
Multi-lane vehicles with the exception of agricultural or forestry tractors and working machines
Headlights for low beam Fog light
a) Headlights with symmetrically dipped b) Headlights with asymmetrically c) Fog light d) Special headlights for high beam
headlight dipped headlight (e.g. auxiliary driving lamps)
Align the device according to point 4.0. Align the device according to point 4.0.
Set the scaled wheel according to the Set the scaled wheel according to the
adjustment table (observe point 4). adjustment table.
Align SEG according to point 4.0. Set the Align device according to point 4.0. Set the
scaled wheel according to the adjustment scaled wheel according to the adjustment
table. table (observe point 4).
Turn on the dipped headlight: Turn on the dipped headlight: Turn on the fog lamp: Turn on the main beam:
The cut-off line must run as horizontally In the case of headlights with The cut-off line must run as horizontally The light beam centre of the main beam
as possible along the dividing line over asymmetrically dipped headlights, the as possible along the dividing line over must be on the central marking, correct if
the whole width of the screen. Correct cut-off line must touch the dividing line on the whole width of the screen. Correct the necessary using the adjustment option.
the headlamp aiming if necessary using the test surface. The bend point between headlight aiming if necessary using the
adjustment screws. the left and right sloping part of the cut-off adjustment options. In the case of separate main beam
line must run vertically through the central modules (e.g. in combination with
Turn on the main beam: marking (upper cross). The bright core of Bi-Xenon headlights), the main
The light beam centre of the main beam the light beam must be situated to the right beam should be aimed according to
must lie on the central marking, correct if of the vertical line running through the manufacturers' instructions, since
necessary with the adjustment screws. central marking. For easier determination different settings are possible in this
of the left headlight half of the bend point case.
If the same adjustability is used for both (viewed from a driving direction), cover and
the main beam and dipped headlights, then uncover again several times. Then
recheck the dipped headlight. recheck the dipped headlight.
Adjusting the "glare-free high beam cut- Some manufacturers have also been offering so-called "main beam assistants" for some
off line" time now as an optional feature. A camera installed in the windscreen recognises when a
vehicle is approaching or driving in front of your car and automatically switches the main
beam to low. In addition, there is also the so-called "glare-free high beam cut-off line".
This high beam system produces a very special light distribution on the road. Detailed
information about this system can be found in the HELLA Online Portal "TECH WORLD".
In contrast to a normal high beam that is displayed on the test screen as an oval spot of
light, the shape of the glare-free high beam cut-off line tends to be square, Fig. 9.
8 9
In order to adjust the main beam function, a menu needs to be called up using a diagnosis
tester. The headlights are moved into a certain position and the glare-free high beam
cut-off line is activated. Now the vertical line of the light distribution (red circle) must be
adjusted exactly to the central marking of the test screen. In the case of the glare-free
high beam cut-off line, correct adjustment is absolutely essential as otherwise other road
users may be exposed to extreme glare.
Photoelectric light measuring device After adjusting the headlights, the incident light meter can be used to check whether the
(Incident Light Meter) highest permissible glare value of the dipped headlight has been exceeded. Today's beam
setters are generally equipped with a digital incident light meter, Fig. 10.
If the glare has been clearly exceeded, the headlight must be replaced so as not to blind
other road users.
Aligning the beam setter to the vehicle's As already mentioned, the condition of the floor is of primary importance to enable exact
longitudinal axis headlight aiming. That is also the reason for the low tolerance values. But what should be
done if the aiming device and the vehicle are standing on surfaces which are not on the
same level? An example to make this clear.
In many garages, the first two metres, measured from the outside wall to the middle
of the interior, form a horizontal surface. After that, there is a second, slightly sloped
area which extends to the water drain channel in the middle of the garage. This area is
where the lifting ramp or work-position is situated. If, therefore, a vehicle is driven on to
the work-position and the headlight aiming device is situated on the afore-mentioned
horizontal surface, the longitudinal axes of the aiming device and the vehicle are not
parallel to each other. That inevitably leads to wrong measurements.
On the following pages, we will show you two ways of solving this problem step by step.
However, this requires an aiming device on which the inclination of the longitudinal axis of
the beam setter box can be adjusted, e.g. by an eccentric axis, Fig. 11.
Levelling with a point laser on 1. A laser pointer and a tripod with adjustable inclination is used for this aiming option,
the rear axle Fig 12. The laser pointer should still be able to generate a small dot at a distance of 5 m.
2. Set up the tripod just behind the back wheel and parallel to the body, Fig 13. The
assembly height of the laser is determined by the position of the beam setter box. It
should be as low as possible.
Levelling with a point laser on 3. Switch on the laser. Hold a folding yardstick vertically, exactly over the middle of the
the rear axle back wheel rim to the wheel contact area so that the laser dot can be seen. In this case,
the value is at 42 cm, Fig 14.
4. Repeat the procedure for the front axle. If the values differ from each other, the height of
the stand must be changed using the adjusting screws until the same value (42 cm) is
attained on both axles. The laser now simulates the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
5. Set up the beam setter so that the laser dot can be seen in the middle of the lens, Fig 15.
Levelling with a point laser on 6. Turn the scaled wheel to "0", Fig. 16.
the rear axle
7. Depending on the inclination of the ground, the laser dot can be seen above or below the
dashed cut-off line. Using the eccentric axis (Fig. 17) change the inclination of the beam
setter box until the laser dot is situated exactly on the cut-off line, Fig. 18.
17 18
Levelling with a point laser on 8. The longitudinal axes of the vehicle and the beam setter are now situated on the
the rear axle same level (Fig 19). When this requirement is met, an exact measurement of the right
headlight can be made. This procedure must also be carried out on the other side of the
vehicle for the left headlight.
Levelling with a line laser on 9. With this aiming method, a line laser is attached to the beam setter, Fig 20. With this
the beam setter laser, the magnetic plate is firmly attached to the beam setter box. The actual laser is
held to the plate by means of a magnet and is therefore movable. The laser must be
equipped with a spirit level to enable adjustment of the inclination
Levelling with a line laser on 10. The longitudinal axes of the line laser must now be aligned parallel to the longitudinal
the beam setter axes of the beam setter box. This occurs using the fitted spirit levels of the laser and
the beam setter box, Fig. 21 and 22.
21 22
11. The laser beam should be on the same level as the middle of the lens (arrow marking
at the front of the beam setter box). As the picture clearly shows, the laser beam runs
through the arrow point, Fig. 23.
Levelling with a line laser on 12. Similar to levelling with the point laser, the aiming device is now set to the vehicle.
the beam setter Using a yardstick, the values are then read at the front and rear axle, Fig. 24.
13. If the values differ, the same value has to be set on both axles by adjusting the
eccentric axis. In Fig. 25, it is 42 cm.
Levelling with a line laser on 14. The longitudinal axes of the vehicle and the beam setter are now situated on the
the beam setter same level. When this requirement is met, an exact measurement can then be made.
This procedure must also be carried out on the other side of the vehicle for the left
The two methods for aligning the aiming device to the vehicle show that with relatively
little effort, different levels on the ground can be balanced out.
Additional turnover: Show your customers the drastic effects the faults can have
on their road safety and how you can eliminate the faults.