The Wall Street Journal - 03 08 2018 PDF
The Wall Street Journal - 03 08 2018 PDF
The Wall Street Journal - 03 08 2018 PDF
Apple’s Road to $1 Trillion
The market-value milestone was fueled by runaway success of products like the iPhone. Along the way,
$1 trillion
Sets Up
the company bought back billions of dollars of its own shares, accelerating the stock's rise. B1
CBS Bars
World-Wide The Kidney Beans Questions
On CEO’s
The administration took
aim at California’s role as de
facto auto regulator for the
nation, proposing to end the
Pile Up as Tariffs Alleged
state’s ability to set its own
fuel-efficiency standards and
to dial back Obama-era lim-
Bite Farm Country Behavior
CBS Corp. reported
its on tailpipe emissions. A1 quarterly results
Russia is letting thou- Thursday but
sands of new North Korean
Processor’s exports fell after EU struck declared questions
about CEO Leslie
laborers enter the country back at U.S. levy; ‘just sitting on our hands’ Moonves’s alleged
and issuing fresh work
permits, in potential viola- sexual harassment
tion of U.N. sanctions. A1 of several women
BY JESSE NEWMAN from retaliatory tariffs off limits on a
A new letter to Trump
sparked by President Donald conference call
from Kim reinforced the cor-
MENOMONIE, Wis.—After Trump’s global trade offen- with analysts. The
dial relationship between the
the U.S. placed tariffs on Eu- sive—levies imposed on a company’s board is
two leaders and kept the door
ropean steel and aluminum wide range of American conducting an
open for another summit. A6
in June, Europe hit back goods from soybeans and investigation into
Senior intelligence offi- with a tax that, among other pork to ginseng and cranber- the allegations. B1
cials described Russian ef- things, made American kid- ries. The duties from trading
forts to interfere in the 2018 ney beans 25% more expen- partners including China,
midterm elections as deep, sive in Europe. Canada, Mexico and the Eu-
real and continuing. A4 Now, Cindy Brown is run- ropean Union have deepened
Beijing said it was pre- ning out of room to store the a downturn that was already
pared to retaliate after
Trump threatened to double
proposed tariffs on $200
beans. One-ton bags of them
cover the floors in her cav-
ernous warehouses. Smaller
sacks are piled on wood-pal-
sapping incomes in the U.S.
Farm Belt.
Businesses reliant on a
single product are especially
Brazil’s Elite Flee Their Paradise
billion of Chinese goods. A6
let shelves. Kidney beans exposed. Focusing on a spe- BY SAMANTHA PEARSON “I’m totally freaked out by fleeing to the U.S. because of
A GE engineer with ties fill tall steel bins that dot cialty crop—often planted by AND LUCIANA MAGALHAES what’s been happening, espe- gang violence or in search of
to Chinese firms was arrested the grounds. farmers to help insulate cially here in Rio,” Mr. Lac- work, these Brazilians are of-
and accused of stealing files Chippewa Valley Bean Co. them from big-commodity RIO DE JANEIRO—Wealthy erda said. ten members of the country’s
related to proprietary power- had been on track to ship to boom and bust cycles—paid Brazilians are leaving the For months, the 40-year- elite—“precisely the people
turbine technology. A3 Europe 60% of its beans off for Chippewa Valley for country, terrified by spiraling old actor has been agonizing who are in a better position to
Zimbabwe’s electoral traded internationally this years, offering higher profit gun violence and pessimistic over whether to move his help change Brazil,” said
commission said Mnangagwa year, worth $25 million. margins. Now, specialization about the nation’s political family to Europe for the Naercio Menezes Filho, direc-
won the presidential vote, a Now, “we’re just sitting on is magnifying the tariff pain, and economic future. safety of his three young chil- tor of the center for public
result that extends the rul- our hands,” said Ms. Brown, even though the Wisconsin Thiago Lacerda, a top soap dren. “In several years, policy at Insper, a São Paulo
ing party’s hold on power. A9 president of the family com- business has grown into one opera star, is one of scores of they’re going to want to go business school.
pany. of the world’s largest proces- celebrities, bankers and other out, to start dating, without About 52% of the richest
A Trump donor agreed to Agricultural businesses sors of dark red kidney wealthy Brazilians considering worrying about getting shot.” Brazilians—those with a
pay $10 million to Cohen if across the U.S. are reeling Please turn to page A11 emigration as a last resort. Unlike Central Americans Please turn to page A10
he successfully helped obtain
funding for a nuclear-power
project, according to people
familiar with the matter. A4 INSIDE A Nation That Loves Slang Worries About Losing It
The government is moving i i i
to require colleges to publish
more detailed data on the fi- Australia, land of diminutives, is divided ‘parmy’ vs. ‘parma’
New Push to Disclose Grads’ Income, Debt
WASHINGTON—The Trump director of student-aid policy at
administration is moving to Major Difference the National Association of In-
require colleges and universi- Average debt-payments-to- dependent Colleges and Univer-
ties to publish more detailed income ratio three years after sities, which represents liberal-
data on the finances of their graduation for Virginia public and arts schools in Washington.
graduates, part of a broader private schools by major Lawmakers from both par-
effort to make higher educa- ties say families need more in-
tion more market driven and formation to navigate the
focused on consumer choice. Psychology 9.9% higher-education marketplace
in an age marked by angst
Criminal justice 8.3
By Michelle Hackman, about college costs. Tuition
Josh Mitchell Business 7.6 has grown an average of 5.9%
and Douglas Belkin a year since 1990, nearly triple
Economics 5.6 the rate of overall inflation.
Mr. Miller’s attorney, Paul Ka- to their lowest level since 1969,
menar, said he was exploring av- when the workforce was much
enues of appeal. smaller than now, and remain
—Sadie Gurman low by historical standards.
and Rebecca Ballhaus —Paul Kiernan
and Sharon Nunn
MAKESHIFT CAMP: Jim Daniel, accompanied by his dog, slept Thursday after fires forced them to evacuate in Clearlake Oaks, Calif. TRADE
More than 13,000 firefighters were battling blazes statewide, and tens of thousands of people were under evacuation orders. PHILADELPHIA
Tariffs Reduced on
Canadian Newsprint City, U.S. Settle Over
Treatment of Deaf
Lawmakers May Curb Tariff Powers
The Trump administration re-
duced tariffs it imposed this year The U.S. Department of Jus-
on newsprint from Canada, offer- tice entered into a three-year
ing at least a partial reprieve to settlement agreement with the
BY SIOBHAN HUGHES what Trump is talking about, the U.S. newspaper industry. Philadelphia Police Department
AND WILLIAM MAULDIN which is hold countries ac- In January, the Commerce De- over complaints that police
countable and increase our en- partment set temporary tariffs hadn’t provided effective com-
WASHINGTON—GOP Sen. forcement, but at the same of as much as 32% on paper munication to deaf detainees
Rob Portman of Ohio is pro- time we need to be careful that from Canada, responding to a and victims of crime.
posing legislation that would we’re doing it on a basis that complaint from a single U.S. pa- Under the settlement an-
make it harder for the White doesn’t allow other countries per-mill operator in Washington nounced Thursday, the police de-
House to impose the sort of to retaliate against us,” said state about alleged dumping and partment will pay eight individuals
duties that have hit metals im- Mr. Portman, whose state has a Canadian government subsidies. a total of $97,500 and adopt
ports, aiming to move beyond big foreign-car-maker presence. Now, the department has re- Americans with Disabilities Act
stalled congressional efforts to Regarding the use of national vised its duties to just over 20% compliant policies including provid-
respond to the Trump admin- security tariffs, he said “our for one Canadian producer, Cata- ing hearing aids, accessible phone
istration’s national security answer is not to get rid of it, lyst Paper Corp., just under 10% equipment and sign-language in-
tariffs. but to take it back to its origi- for two other producers, and as terpreters when necessary.
The measure, which faces nal intent.” little as roughly 1% for others. The The Justice Department
longer odds in the House than Mr. Portman is a closely U.S. International Trade Commis- started an investigation into the
in the Senate, could be most watched figure in trade de- sion is scheduled to vote on the concerns about ADA compliance
meaningful to foreign auto bates. He is a former U.S. trade duties at the end of August, and for hearing-impaired or deaf
makers, who have been in Pres- representative and House law- tariffs could be further reduced. people after receiving a com-
ident Trump’s crosshairs de- Sen. Portman and other senators want the Defense Department maker, and one of his first The News Media Alliance plaint from a deaf detainee say-
spite a recent moderation in to decide if tariffs are justified by national-security reasons. votes in Congress was in favor trade group welcomed the move ing proper communication de-
tensions between the U.S. and of the 1994 North American but said it wasn’t enough. vices hadn’t been provided.
European car companies. Mr. heading off tariffs on automo- posing national security tariffs. Free Trade Agreement. As his North Pacific Paper Co., Investigators reached out to
Trump has threatened to im- bile imports, which Mr. Trump It also has the advantage of be- career progressed, he built a which has pushed for the tariffs, deaf individuals who had inter-
pose tariffs on imported autos, threatened before agreeing not ing advanced from within the reputation as a free-trader who said it is “pleased that our alle- acted with the police department
citing national security con- to impose tariffs on European Senate Finance Committee, also pushed for tougher en- gations of dumping and subsidi- and found complaints from crime
cerns. Union cars during new trade which sets trade policy. forcement of existing trade zation have been confirmed.” victims and other detainees.
Mr. Portman teamed with negotiations with the bloc. “It’s appropriate for us to do laws. —Lukas I. Alpert —Associated Press
Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of It would also expand beyond
Iowa and Democratic Sen. Doug oil imports Congress’s ability
Jones of Alabama to unveil a
bill Wednesday that would give
to decide whether to block na-
tional security tariffs, by giving
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Friday, August 3, 2018 | A3
Wins GOP
Schools Buy Shooter Insurance
Demand is growing
Primary in for ‘active-assailant’
coverage as districts
Tennessee confront a new reality
AND KRISTINA PETERSON School administrators con-
sider the likelihood of a shoot-
Construction executive Bill ing real enough that some dis-
Lee won the Republican pri- tricts are buying active-
mary for Tennessee governor, shooter insurance.
the Associated Press pro- The coverage, also called
jected, in a race featuring four “active-assailant” insurance,
major candidates. gained traction in the past
Agents searched Mr. Zheng’s Franklin County Ohio district, phoned Mr.
house Wednesday and seized 100% Balderson last month to urge
his passport, electronic devices him to spend less time on his
and a handbook that explains 50 Ohio state Senate duties and
“the type of resources the gov- more time fundraising, accord-
ernment of China will give to ing to people familiar with the
individuals or entities who can 2016 general 2018 special conversation.
provide certain technologies,” election election Mr. O’Connor raised
according to the affidavit. Delaware County $607,000 during the latest
To conceal the documents, 100% Federal Election Commission
the FBI said, Mr. Zheng on July reporting period, which ended
5 embedded encrypted files into 50 July 18. Mr. Balderson raised
the code of a seemingly innocu- $139,000.
ous image of a sunset to send 0 Mr. Balderson said he isn’t Republican Troy Balderson, seen above at a rally with Vice President Mike Pence, is facing
them to a personal email ad- 2016 general 2018 special aware of Washington worries Democrat Danny O’Connor, top, on Tuesday in a special election in Ohio for a House seat.
dress. He said he used similar election election about his fundraising.
techniques to take GE materials Licking County “There’s never been a added $1.3 million. The Demo- crat for president for 100 who now operates the website
on five to 10 previous occa- phone call that said, ‘You’re cratic Congressional Campaign years before the 2016 elec- But
sions, according to the affidavit. not raising enough money,’” he Committee has spent $750,000 tion—to endorse Mr. O’Connor. for next week’s contest, Demo-
Mr. Zheng’s attorney Kevin 50 said in an interview this week. to back Mr. O’Connor. Mr. Trump’s visit is in- crats have cast 71% of the
Luibrand disputed the allega- Mr. O’Connor’s campaign Mr. Balderson has been an tended to energize local Re- early votes, Mr. Dawson found.
tions, saying his client had not 0 has spent $1.9 million on TV unsteady campaigner. He told publicans. In the 2016 general Mr. O’Connor, the 31-year-
given the GE files to anyone 2016 general 2018 special ads, compared with $500,000 the Columbus Dispatch he election, Republicans in the old Franklin County recorder,
else. Mr. Zheng appeared in election election by Mr. Balderson. The Con- couldn’t name an issue on district’s three biggest coun- doesn’t mention Mr. Trump to
court Thursday and was or- Note: 2018 data through July 31
gressional Leadership Fund, which he disagreed with Mr. ties accounted for 65% of the voters and focuses on health
dered to post $100,000 bail, Source: Mike Dawson’s the House GOP’s super PAC, Trump, prompting the paper’s early vote, said Mike Dawson, care and economic issues,
which he agreed to do by us- has spent $2.6 million backing conservative editorial page— a former aide to the late Ohio pledging to protect Medicare
ing equity in his house. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Mr. Balderson, while the NRCC which hadn’t backed a Demo- GOP Gov. George Voinovich and Social Security.
A4 | Friday, August 3, 2018 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K B F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
President Trump or promoting June 2018 protest at the U.S. line are legitimate, said Sam
left-leaning causes, according Immigration and Customs En- Woolley, director of digital intel-
to a Wall Street Journal review forcement headquarters in ligence at the think tank Insti-
of 40 now-deleted listings pro- Washington. tute for the Future. “What’s real
moted by three groups in par- Fake accounts can push un- grass-roots activity versus fake
ticular: “Resisters,” “Black Ele- witting groups toward the grass-roots activity?” he asked.
vation” and “Aztlan Warriors.” fringes, Mr. Brookie said. Facebook didn’t say who
The archived events provide a “It just piggybacks onto was behind the newly deleted
deeper understanding of the Facebook deleted pages from fake groups such as ‘Aztlan Warriors’ and ‘Black Elevation.’ very real sentiment,” he said. groups. Several lawmakers
activity beyond what Facebook By appearing to be peers, fake pointed the finger at Russia.
Inc. disclosed on Tuesday. Forensic Research Lab, which makers said last year. showed a desire to push online pages can push others to in- Efforts to reach the groups
Collaborating with grass- analyzes misinformation online The new accounts identified activity into the real world. In- creasingly polarized positions weren’t successful.
roots organizations on existing and works with Facebook. The by Facebook, like the IRA, pub- filtrating grass-roots organiza- and make the extreme seem Russia has denied it at-
events goes beyond the tactics Kremlin-backed IRA group cre- lished posts and planned tions could undercut trust in normal, he said. tempted to interfere in the
employed by the Internet Re- ated hundreds of fake accounts events related to hot-button legitimate political activists, Victor Perez found himself 2016 election. A spokesman
search Agency, according to and pages on social media dur- causes such as race, immigra- according to researchers study- drawn to the Aztlan War- for the Russian Embassy in
Graham Brookie, director of ing and after the 2016 U.S. tion and women’s rights. Both ing online misinformation. riors, a page that used divi- Washington didn’t respond to
the Atlantic Council’s Digital election, Facebook and law- the IRA and the new accounts Facebook said it had re- sive memes to promote Na- requests to comment.
Officials Pledge to
Fight Interference
In 2018 Midterms
BY REBECCA BALLHAUS terfere in the 2016 election,
AND DUSTIN VOLZ directed at the highest levels
of its government. Tactics in-
WASHINGTON—Senior in- cluded hacking state election
telligence officials described systems; infiltrating and leak-
Russian efforts to interfere in ing information from party
the 2018 midterm elections as committees and political strat-
deep, real and ongoing, show- egists; and disseminating
casing their efforts to combat through social media and
a threat President Trump has other outlets negative stories
repeatedly dismissed and about Democratic nominee
played down. Hillary Clinton and positive
“We continue to see a per- ones about Mr. Trump.
vasive messaging campaign by Russia has denied interfer-
Russia to try to weaken and ing in the 2016 election, and
lion to the president’s then- Haney’s company is still pend-
personal attorney if he suc- ing at the Energy Department.
cessfully helped obtain Mr. Cohen hasn’t communi-
funding for a nuclear-power cated with Energy Secretary
loan from the U.S. govern- project, according to the En-
ment, according to people fa- ergy Department. Mr. Cohen
miliar with the matter. made several calls to officials
at the Energy Department in
By Michael Rothfeld, the spring to inquire about the
Rebecca Ballhaus loan guarantee process, includ-
and Joe Palazzolo ing what could be done to
speed it up, according to a per-
The donor, Franklin L. son familiar with the matter.
Haney, gave the contract to Franklin Haney agreed to pay Michael Cohen $10 million if he The Wall Street Journal
Trump attorney Michael Co- successfully helped obtain funding for his nuclear-power project. couldn’t determine how much
hen in early April to assist his Mr. Haney may have paid Mr.
efforts to complete a pair of after Mr. Trump went to the using for the project. He de- Cohen, if anything, in monthly
unfinished nuclear reactors in White House, according to clined further comment about retainer fees.
Alabama, known as the Belle- people familiar with the probe. the project or Mr. Cohen. The agreement was made
fonte Nuclear Power Plant, Investigators are also exam- Mr. Cohen has never regis- shortly before Mr. Cohen’s
these people said. ining potential campaign-fi- tered as a federal lobbyist, home, office and hotel room
Had he been paid the suc- nance violations and bank public records show. were raided by federal agents
cess fee, Mr. Cohen’s deal with fraud surrounding, among A representative for Mr. Co- on April 9, according to the
Mr. Haney could have been other deals, Mr. Cohen’s Octo- hen declined to comment. The people familiar with the con-
among the most lucrative of ber 2016 payment to Stepha- White House didn’t respond to tract. It is no longer in effect,
the known consulting agree- nie Clifford, the former adult- a request to comment. one of them said.
ments he secured after Mr. film star called Stormy Under the contract, Mr. James Thurber, a professor
The Un-Sneaker™ goes to work. Trump’s election by emphasiz- Daniels, to keep her from dis- Haney agreed to pay Mr. Co- of government at American
With leather-lined interior, padded ing his personal relationship cussing an alleged sexual en- hen a monthly retainer in ad- University, said success fees are
with the president, according to counter with Mr. Trump, ac- dition to the $10 million suc- “outside the ethical norms”
collar and custom soles — the world’s people familiar with his pitches. cording to people familiar cess fee if he could help obtain among Washington lobbyists.
The president has since with the probe. Mr. Trump de- the funding, including ap- Century-old court rulings
most comfortable shoe is now severed ties with Mr. Cohen, nies any encounter took place. proval of the full amount of deemed fees contingent on lob-
dressed for the office. who is under federal investiga- “Neither Mr. Haney nor Nu- the project’s application under byists obtaining public funds or
tion in New York in connection clear Development LLC ever a U.S. Department of Energy killing legislation unenforceable
with his work for Mr. Trump entered into a contract with loan program, the people fa- and counter to public policy,
and private business dealings. Michael Cohen or his affiliate miliar with the deal said. saying they encouraged corrup-
Authorities are investigat- for lobbying services related Mr. Cohen’s fee would be tion, he said. Several lobbyists
ing whether Mr. Cohen en- to the Bellefonte project,” said reduced proportionally if he contacted by the Journal said
gaged in unregistered lobbying Larry Blust, a lawyer for Mr. helped obtain less funding $10 million was an unheard-of
Free shipping and returns. Order online or call 844.482.4800.
in connection with his consult- Haney, referring to the name than the contract stipulated, sum to pay a consultant for
ing work for corporate clients of the company Mr. Haney is according to a person familiar government-related work.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, August 3, 2018 | A5
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A6 | Friday, August 3, 2018 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Letter Spells Out Close Trump-Kim Ties
North Korean leader’s “mercurial nature,” Mr.
Brazinsky said it was “very,
latest note reflects very difficult for North Korea
cordial relations even to trust the rapprochement
process completely.”
as diplomacy sputters Skeptics say North Korea
may be doing what it did in
BY MICHAEL C. BENDER 2008, when it tore down a
cooling tower at its pluto-
A new letter to President nium- producing Yongbyon
Trump from North Korea’s Kim site to international acclaim,
Jong Un has reinforced the but later built an experimental
cordial relationship between light water reactor at the
the two leaders and kept the same location—that is, making
door open for another summit some gestures to buy time and
meeting, which Mr. Trump weaken international support
suggested might happen soon. for sanctions while not funda-
“Thank you to Chairman mentally altering the character
Kim Jong Un for keeping your of its program.
word & starting the process of Since the Singapore sum-
sending home the remains of mit, North Korea has con-
our great and beloved missing structed two new buildings at
fallen!” Mr. Trump wrote on a missile facility and appears
Twitter, referring to what are to be actively continuing pro-
believed to be the remains of duction there, according to
U.S. soldiers killed in the Ko- satellite imagery captured by
rean War. “Also, thank you for San Francisco-based imagery
your nice letter—l look for- provider Planet Labs Inc. and
ward to seeing you soon!” analyzed by the Middlebury
But the warm feelings ha- Institute of International Stud-
ven’t led to major progress in ies at Monterey, Calif.
working-level diplomacy over Gary Samore, who was the
eliminating North Korea’s nu- senior National Security Coun-
clear and missile programs, President Trump on Thursday thanked North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for sending back remains of U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War. cil official on weapons of mass
according to accounts by the destruction programs in the
two sides. some former officials believe, ator with Pyongyang on its “The North wants to proceed relations and a peace regime Obama administration and is
And while Mr. Kim has been is the possibility the two sides missile programs who is now toward denuclearization incre- lower priorities.” now at Harvard University’s
effusive in praising Mr. Trump, came away from the June 12 at the Brookings Institution. mentally, without committing On possible North Korean Belfer Center, said that the
the North Korean leader spent Singapore summit between The declaration signed by unambiguously to complete moves, “if people are expect- North may have two aims.
his time visiting a potato farm Messrs. Trump and Kim with the two leaders in Singapore elimination and only if there is ing them to entirely disarm in “The first is to construct a
instead of meeting with Secre- fundamentally different expec- laid out a broad blueprint to progress toward improved bi- two months, that’s unreason- process that allows them to
tary of State Mike Pompeo tations about the sequence of establish new relations and lateral relations, including re- able,” said Gregg Brazinsky, a defer giving up their nuclear
during his July visit to Pyong- diplomatic moves to unwind build a lasting “peace regime” moval of sanctions and a peace North Korea expert at George weapons for the foreseeable
yang. The North Korean For- more than 60 years of hostility. alongside a commitment to treaty,” Mr. Einhorn said. “The Washington University in future,” Mr. Samore said. “The
eign Ministry dismissed those “There remains a funda- “work toward” complete denu- Trump administration wants Washington, who favors the second is to extract as many
talks as “regretful.” mental divide,” said Robert clearization. But it didn’t spell rapid and complete denuclear- dialogue process. Also given economic benefits as they can
At the heart of the problem, Einhorn, a former U.S. negoti- out the steps beyond that. ization, with normalization of what he called Mr. Trump’s from South Korea and Japan.”
rious violations.”
U.N. officials are probing po- BEIJING—China fired back In its statement, however,
tential violations of the sanc- after the Trump administration the Chinese Commerce Minis-
tions, which contain narrow ex- threatened to double proposed try said China can achieve
ceptions, people familiar with tariffs on $200 billion in Chi- “high-quality” economic
the matter said. nese goods, saying it won’t growth despite the toll exacted
Russia’s Interior and Foreign yield to White House pressure. by tariffs: “China always holds
ministries didn’t respond to re- “China has been fully pre- on to the belief that bad things
quests for comment. In the pared and will have to retaliate can be turned into good
past, the Foreign Ministry has to defend national dignity and things.”
said it accepted the U.N. sanc- the people’s interests,” the The issue of China’s re-
tions. Commerce Ministry said in a sponse to U.S. threats of
Efforts to reach North Ko- statement Thursday. higher tariffs also came up
rea’s embassy in Moscow were North Korean construction workers, like these in St. Petersburg, can spend 17 hours a day at sites. Officials didn’t specify how during the daily news briefing
unsuccessful. A man who an- it would retaliate if the U.S. by the Chinese Foreign Minis-
swered the phone at North Ko- Authorities on Sakhalin Is- levies a 25% tariff on Chinese try.
rea’s mission to the U.N. in Ge- land this year awarded Sakore- goods. Because China imports Commerce Minister Zhong
neva said he had no knowledge In Demand nma two contracts valued at a far less from the U.S. than the Shan at a meeting called on
of the matter. Top occupations for North Korean workers in Russia, total of $180,000, according to U.S. imports from China, it ministry officials to stabilize
China and Russia have drawn based on 2017 permits public records. Sakorenma and can’t keep up tit-for-tat tariffs. foreign trade “by all means,”
U.S. ire in recent months, ac- Genco didn’t respond to re- But it can delay licenses and according to a separate state-
cused by Washington of allow- Plasterer quests for comment. hold up mergers and acquisi- ment posted on the ministry’s
ing North Korean illicit activity Genco appears to operate tion approvals for U.S. busi- website later Thursday.
and sanctions evasion. Chinese elsewhere in Russia through nesses and increase inspec- “First, I suggest the U.S.
and Russian firms continue to Concrete worker firms with similar names, tions of U.S. products at ports. take the right attitude and not
help the nation import oil prod- Tiler C4ADS said. Some of those The Commerce Ministry to try to blackmail China as it
ucts in excess of U.N.-mandated firms are seeking new permits said the purpose of the U.S. doesn’t work,” spokesman
caps, including through previ- Painter for North Korean laborers, ac- tariffs is to restrict China’s Geng Shuang said in response
ously sanctioned tankers, ac- Seamstress cording to records reviewed by “peaceful development”—not, to a question. “Second, we
cording to U.S. and U.N. officials the Journal. as the U.S. says, to retaliate for suggest the U.S. return to ra-
and a declassified intelligence In St. Petersburg, the Jour- China’s unfair trade practices tionality and not act impul-
briefing prepared for the U.N.’s Carpenter nal reviewed copies of new with the goal of narrowing the sively, as it will eventually
committee on North Korea Joiner work permits issued by local wide trade gap between the hurt itself.”
sanctions and reviewed by The authorities to North Korean two countries. Mr. Geng said China is also
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
Wall Street Journal. workers as recently as June. The ministry also took note open to resuming trade talks
North Korean laborers have Source: Russian Labor Ministry THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. of what it said were conflicting
Those hires aren’t reflected in but only based on mutual re-
helped feed the construction Labor Ministry data, which in- White House messages: threats spect and equality. “The U.S.
boom in St. Petersburg, local plying for new work permits cow’s enforcement. dicate there were no applica- of higher tariffs but also sig- unilaterally exerting pressure
businessmen said. and negotiating new projects. Kuwait, Poland and other tions for North Korean work nals it wants to resume settle- on China will get the opposite
“They work till they drop,” “The Kim regime continues countries have said they have permits in the city or surround- ment talks. of what it wants,” he said.
said a contractor who hires to dispatch citizens abroad,” stopped renewing North Korean ing region this year. That strategy, it said, Preliminary talks by Trea-
North Koreans. Workers arrive said C4ADS, a nonprofit that worker visas. U.S. officials Three of the firms that re- “doesn’t work for China at all.” sury Secretary Steven
at construction sites at 7 a.m. advises the U.S. government on credit the clampdown, along ceived local permits—Mokran Trump administration offi- Mnuchin and Chinese Vice
and work until 10 p.m. or even security risks, in a report re- with other sanctions, with help- Ltd., Bu Khyn Ltd. and Kanson cials say the U.S.’s robust econ- Premier Liu He haven’t pro-
midnight, taking just two half- leased on Thursday. “In doing ing compel Mr. Kim to start de- Ltd.—list addresses in a ware- omy gives it the high ground in duced even a plan for addi-
hour breaks for meals of rice so, it continues to flout interna- nuclearization talks. house inside a dilapidated in- the trade battle against China, tional trade negotiations.
and dried fish, he said. tional sanctions to generate for- C4ADS has mapped out net- dustrial estate south of the city which is showing signs of an —Liyan Qi and Grace Zhu
Local developers say they eign currency.” works of firms and individuals center. economic slowdown. China also
pay companies that hire out About 100,000 or more using North Korean workers, Neighboring businesses said depends on trade more than Heard on the Street: U.S. edge
North Korean workers—firms North Korean laborers have mainly in Russia and China. the firms have been upgrading the U.S. on China won’t last.............. B12
they say often represent North Cross-referencing corporate the facility. Several sought Ko-
Korean institutions such as the registry documents, official la- rean-speaking translators in job
military or state conglomer- bor statistics, tax filings and postings in February and July.
ates—about 100,000 rubles
North Korean trade records, C4ADS said When contacted about the posi-
($1,600) a month per worker. In laborers have helped many firms contracting North tions, representatives said they
government filings and job ad- Korean laborers from St. Pe- were filled.
vertisements, such companies
feed St. Petersburg’s tersburg to Siberia appear to Some real-estate companies
list monthly worker salaries of construction boom. violate sanctions. say they are aware of sanctions
16,000 to 20,000 rubles. One such company identified and are gradually winding
That 80% difference is in line by C4ADS and examined by the down use of North Korean la-
with U.S. assessments that Journal is Sakorenma Ltd., bor. But they said they were
North Korea’s government been working overseas in re- which has employed North Ko- given no guidance by the gov-
takes the bulk of earnings. cent years, the U.S. State De- rean workers since at least 2015 ernment. Some plan to keep us-
U.N. sanctions mean these partment said. Pyongyang’s la- and whose ownership structure ing the workers until the next
laborers should be gone by Sep- bor exports earned as much as appears to put it in breach of decade, hoping Mr. Kim’s prom-
tember, a year after the curbs $2 billion a year for the Kim re- U.N. sanctions. ise to end weapons programs
took effect, because the work- gime, some analysts said. According to Russian docu- will lead to relaxed sanctions.
ers are required to leave once According to Russian gov- ments, one of its owners is “They are like soldiers.
their permits expire, usually ernment data, around 24,000 North Korea’s General Corpora- They’ve got the discipline,” said
within a year. Even workers North Koreans were officially tion for External Construction, an executive at a large real-es-
with multiyear permits must be working in the country at the or Genco. The U.S. imposed tate firm in St. Petersburg. “We
out by the end of 2019. end of 2017. sanctions on the firm in 2016 want to keep working with
Yet many firms contracting Secretary of State Mike for employing North Korean la- them.”
out laborers—Russian compa- Pompeo and the U.S. envoy to bor overseas, alleging some —Natalia Kovtun
nies owned and run by North the U.N., Nikki Haley, said re- Genco revenue is funneled into in St. Petersburg and
Koreans, according to corporate cently that while Russia has Pyongyang’s Munitions Industry Andrew Jeong and
documents and researchers— helped pass North Korean sanc- Department, which supports Yunhwan Chae in Seoul A man pushing a trolley past bags of soybean in a Beijing wholesale
are investing in new offices, ap- tions, they questioned Mos- Mr. Kim’s weapons programs. contributed to this article. market. China has imposed tariffs on imports of U.S. soybeans.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Friday, August 3, 2018 | A7
small step by a major central the most aggressive of Europe’s the three months through
bank to dial back the mone- central banks in following the March, the Czech economy was
tary stimulus that has been Federal Reserve’s efforts to 4.2% larger than in the 2017
supporting the global economy “normalize” its monetary policy. period, while the annual rate of
since the financial crisis The central bank increased inflation was 2.4% in May.
tipped the world into reces- its two-week repo rate to 1.25% The Federal Reserve first in-
sion in 2009. BOE officials on from 1.0% and its Lombard rate creased its key interest rate at
Thursday voted unanimously to 2.25% from 2.0%, citing a the end of 2015 and has fol-
to raise the central bank’s pol- weakening of the koruna’s ex- lowed that with six further
icy rate to 0.75% from 0.5%, change rate that risks pushing moves, most recently in June.
the second rate increase in inflation higher as prices of im- Most European central banks
less than a year. ported goods and services climb. have been wary of following the
The change in policy also Bank of England Gov. Mark Carney said trade fights haven’t had a major effect on economic data. “The main uncertainty is the Fed’s lead, since the continent’s
underscores that—for now— duration of the global factors economic recovery started later
the widening trade dispute be- “We can understand how it which recently caused the ko- than that of the U.S.
tween the U.S. and its biggest could get worse,” BOE Gov. Moving Up runa to depreciate,” the central The Czech central bank has
trading partners isn’t causing Mark Carney said at a news The Bank of England raised its benchmark interest rate bank said in a statement. been one of the few exceptions.
the kind of economic disrup- conference Thursday, referring for the second time in a decade, the latest step by a “Growth in protectionist mea- It was the first in Europe to be-
tion that could throw the to the impact of escalating tit- major central bank to gently tighten policy. sures in global trade and an es- gin to move its monetary policy
global economy out of kilter. for-tat protectionism. calation of the U.S.’s trade dis- back toward settings that were
The U.S. Federal Reserve held But he added central-bank Central-bank policy rates putes with the euro area and considered normal before the
short-term interest rates steady officials aren’t yet picking up 6% other trading partner countries financial crisis. In April 2017, it
Wednesday but signaled it is on any major deterioration in the are an additional source of ex- dropped a peg on the koruna’s
track to raise them again next economic data. Mr. Carney said ternal uncertainty.” value against the euro that it
month. Officials didn’t even policy makers are particularly 4 Among other European had installed in November 2013.
mention trade policy in their watchful for any signs that central banks, only those of It raised its key interest rate for
regular policy statement. trade tensions are sapping 3 Romania and the U.K. have the first time in almost a de-
Central banks in India and business confidence and hitting moved their key rates higher in cade in August 2017.
the Czech Republic nudged up investment, echoing remarks 2 the past 12 months. Economists said the central
their main interest rates this last month by his counterpart However, there are signs of bank’s focus on the exchange
week, while the European Cen- at the ECB, Mario Draghi. 1 movement elsewhere, with the rate means it is likely to raise
tral Bank is poised to phase “Clearly, a trade war where U.K. European Central Bank confirm- its key interest rate again be-
out its bond-buying program you have rounds of retaliation Eurozone ing in July that it intends to end fore the end of the year.
later this year. and rounds of responses would –1 bond purchases under a stimu- “In our view, one additional
Driving these decisions are create an entirely different cli- lus program known as quantita- hike in the rest of this year is
signs that inflationary pres- mate,” Mr. Draghi said. 2007 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 tive easing in December. likely,” said Jiri Polansky, an
sures that have mostly lain dor- The U.S. on Wednesday Note: Changes in the European Central Bank’s interest-rate target Other central banks in Eu- economist at Erste Bank.
are shown on the effective dates, not the dates of announcement.
mant for years are strengthen- threatened to double proposed Sources: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; rope are wary of moving too far —Paul Hannon
ing as the global economy tariffs on Chinese imports, the Bank of England; European Central Bank THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
enjoys a robust, if uneven, spell latest escalation in a dispute
of growth, led by a booming between Washington and Bei- reckons the new tariffs will the aim of ensuring higher in- the U.K. economy is Britain’s faster growth in prices.
U.S. Figures released Thursday jing over trade policy. Presi- lead to slightly weaker global terest rates don’t derail the looming withdrawal from the Thursday’s increase takes
by the Organization for Eco- dent Trump, unhappy at trade growth in 2018 than it pre- global expansion. EU. The U.K. is scheduled to the benchmark rate to its high-
nomic Cooperation and Devel- practices he perceives as un- dicted in May but it kept its The BOE predicted steady if leave the bloc in March but key est level since 2009. The pound
opment showed global inflation fair on the U.S., has also taken forecast for 2019 unchanged. unspectacular growth for the aspects of its future economic fell despite the rate rise, re-
hit a four-year high in June. aim at imports from allies in- Officials expect global growth U.K. in the coming years and ties to the EU remain unre- flecting Brexit-related concerns
While the threat of a full- cluding Canada, Mexico and this year of 2.75% and 2.5% in signaled it anticipates that it solved. BOE officials fear that among investors.
blown trade war is clouding the European Union. Those af- 2019. can keep a lid on inflation uncertainty is restraining busi- BOE officials have warned
the outlook for the global fected by the U.S. tariffs have Central banks including the with only one or two more ness investment and productiv- that a messy divorce, in which
economy, there are few signs retaliated with levies of their Fed and the BOE have stressed quarter-point rate increases ity growth, limiting the speed the U.K. crashes out of the EU
that the skirmishes are signifi- own on American imports. they plan to raise borrowing through mid-2021. at which the British economy without a deal, could cause se-
cantly weighing on growth. Mr. Carney said the BOE costs slowly and gently with Another uncertainty dogging can expand without spurring vere damage to the economy.
A production line at an Audi plant in Mexico. The U.S. is seeking to boost its auto exports.
cials sought to hammer out new ing to get some sort of agree- López Obrador takes office—as
rules for the auto trade at the ment by late August, which long as the U.S. is willing to
center of negotiations to over- would allow a deal to be signed show flexibility on key issues. ONE P E N F E D A PY
haul the North American Free formally before Mr. López Obra- Getting a deal done on Nafta YEAR NAT’L OVER 5X THE NATIONAL AVG*
Trade Agreement on Thursday,
while Canadian officials sat out
dor takes office in December.
U.S. Trade Representative
has become crucial to European
auto makers such as BMW and
AVG .42%
the latest talks amid persistent Robert Lighthizer wants to Volkswagen, which have major
tension between Ottawa and tighten the rules for auto trade manufacturing operations in
Washington. to ensure cars traded duty free Mexico and the U.S. These car
The talks with Mexico are in North America have less con- makers increasingly see North FIVE P E N F E D A PY
part of the Trump administra- tent from outside the continent. America as a “safe haven” re- YEAR NAT’L NEARLY 3X THE
tion’s effort to not only boost
exports and narrow the trade
He is also working with Mexico
on rules that would require a
gion in the event that Mr.
Trump’s threatened tariffs hurt
deficit, but to also chalk up vic- their business in Europe, Mr.
tories that might justify the Kalach said.
president’s confrontational ap-
Auto sector pact could Mr. Kalach also played down APY 1.00% 2.00% 3.00%
proach to trade. The adminis- tensions between the U.S. and
tration wants to enlist at least lead to broader deal to Canada. Canadian Foreign Min- *Source as of 7/26/18:
the tacit support of traditional ister Chrystia Freeland last
allies—including Nafta members
revamp Nafta accord week traveled to Mexico City to
Mexico and Canada—in an in- for all three members. renew contact with the Mexican
creasingly tense standoff with negotiating team, which now in- We have a proud history of serving those in the
China over trade issues. cludes a representative of Mr.
Should Mexico and the U.S. López Obrador, the president- Armed Forces, Department of Defense, Department
reach an accord on autos, an im- certain proportion of a car—up elect. of Homeland Security, Military Associations, eligible
portant sector covered by Nafta, to two-fifths—to be produced by “We’ll be back to the table
it could lead to a broader deal workers earning up to $16 an reasonably shortly, like within veterans and retirees, and their families. You may also
to revamp the pact for all three hour, according to people famil- the next two weeks,” said Can-
members, officials say. President iar with the proposal, which ada’s ambassador to the U.S., qualify through membership in select organizations
Trump is seeking to remake the hasn’t been released publicly. David MacNaughton, in an inter- within our field of membership.
24-year-old agreement in ways Speaking to reporters outside view. “If it is the case that the
that favor American manufac- Mr. Lighthizer’s office Thursday, Mexicans and the Americans are
turing workers but has hit resis-
tance from the other countries,
Mexican officials said they are
working on numerous other ar-
really close, and that they man-
age to get those issues resolved
business groups and lawmakers eas in addition to autos. in the next few days, then I To receive any advertised product, you must become a member of PenFed Credit Union.
that back free trade. Moisés Kalach, a director of think we’ll be back to the table PenFed Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is current as of August 1, 2018, and is subject to change. Minimum opening deposit is $1,000. A penalty will be
The election last month of the private-sector board that sooner rather than later.” imposed for early withdrawal. This will reduce earnings on the account. For all certificates funded by ACH, funds cannot be withdrawn within the first
Andrés Manuel López Obrador advises Mexico’s government on —Paul Vieira in Ottawa 60 days of the account opening. © 2018 Pentagon Federal Credit Union
as Mexico’s next president has Nafta, said Wednesday that a contributed to this article.
A8 | Friday, August 3, 2018 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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A10 | Friday, August 3, 2018 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Spanish Rescue Boat
Saves 87 Migrants
A member of the military police patrols a beach in Rio de Janeiro in June. Violence is a top concern for Brazilians—and a key reason many are leaving the country.
A Spanish rescue boat saved
than other native English speak- ments, “we have yet to have any people became concerned about
ers, which linguists say reflects lected “selfie”—a picture taken actual punches thrown over it in saturated fat in red meat and
traditional Australian values of oneself—as the word of the this venue.” were looking for leaner alterna-
such as equality and informality. year in 2013, it traced the ori- Lucy Everden, who stopped tives, she said. She is pro-
So what’s with the kerfuffle gins to 2002, when it appeared in the pub with co-workers for parma.
over breaded chicken slathered on an Australian internet forum. Lee Hinkley, an IT manager in Melbourne, enjoys eating a ‘parma.’ food and drink, had a terse re- Ms. Taylor, who is studying
with tomato sauce and melted Figuring out what to call a sponse when one of her col- beauty therapy, said neither she
cheese? Australians fear their chicken parmesan at a pub, Australian words end in a “-y” The vast distances in Austra- leagues suggested “parma” was nor her boyfriend ordered a
slang could be disappearing in however, is a much more com- sound, said Roly Sussex, a pro- lia, which is about the size of the correct abbreviation. chicken parmesan that recent
an increasingly connected plicated affair. The issue is the fessor emeritus at the Univer- the continental U.S. with about “Wrong,” she said. “I can hon- day. There was a problem in the
world. Last year, a popular “most likely to start a civil war sity of Queensland, who over 8% of the population, account estly say I’ve never heard any- kitchen and no fries were avail-
meat-pie company ran a “Save in this country,” said Lee Hin- the last 20 years has compiled a for some of the differences. In one call it a ‘parma,’” said Ms. able, so they both decided to or-
Our Slang” advertising cam- kley, a 35-year-old IT manager list of more than 6,000 such ab- Victoria, which includes Mel- Everden, 31. Using the “-y” der something else.
paign, printing local slang words in Melbourne, who writes re- breviations. But when saying bourne, Australia’s second-larg- sound is “how we abbreviate “I don’t want to start another
on the packaging of its products. views on his website called Par- chicken parmesan’s formal est city, people typically say things. It’s Aussie.” argument in the middle of a res-
“There’s no doubt that the maDaze. When ordering the name, chicken parmigiana, lo- “parma.” In South Australia, The recipe itself is possibly taurant or pub over this,” she
range of Australian slang has re- dish last year in Sydney, where cals tend to pronounce the first which includes Adelaide, Aus- based off eggplant parmigiana, said, adding that aside from the
stricted in the last few years,” “parmy” is frequently used, “I “i” with an “a” sound, giving tralia’s fifth-largest, it is a southern Italian dish, said Fa- chicken controversy the rela-
said John Hajek, a linguist and would have said ‘parma,’ ” Mr. rise to “parma” as another ab- “parmy.” bio Parasecoli, a food-studies tionship seems to be going
professor at the University of Hinkley said. “I don’t think I breviated form. Still, ‘‘ ‘parmy’ At the Harlequin Inn in Syd- professor at New York Univer- great. “We’re going out for
Melbourne. “That’s got to do could bring myself to say fits with the majority, and I ney on a recent Tuesday night, a sity. Chicken parmesan was dinner tomorrow night, so
with the spread of a universal ‘parmy.’” think I’ve heard it more often handwritten sign on the bar ad- likely developed in the U.S. by maybe we’ll give it another
education, particularly a univer- The majority of modified than ‘parma,’ ” Mr. Sussex said. vertised a “parma” special for Italian immigrants, who usually shot.”
Chelsie Larson works bagging line at Chippewa Valley Bean; right, company president Cindy Brown
any, benefit processors such as Since the EU levied the tar- Chippewa Valley’s Ms.
Chippewa Valley and other iff on U.S. kidney beans in late Brown said farmers in coun-
businesses along the supply tries such as Canada and Ar-
chain will see from the aid. gentina will move quickly to
Besides promising aid, Mr. fill the gap by planting more
Trump last week agreed with
European customers of their land to kidney beans.
European Commission Presi- are canceling orders “We’ll see acreage cut back
dent Jean-Claude Juncker to dramatically [in the U.S.] and
begin talks aimed at resolving
and looking elsewhere see it picked up in other coun-
trans-Atlantic trade disputes. for bean supplies. tries,” she said.
European and Trump adminis- Mr. Fairman, the consul-
tration officials disagree on tant, said Americans’ hard-
whether the talks will include won European business will
agricultural products beyond June, in response to steel and begin to evaporate if the EU’s to kidney beans, and they typi- ging system, an additional have dwindled to less than
soybeans and beef. aluminum tariffs imposed by tariffs remain in place. He said cally account for as much as processing line, a warehouse half what they were before Eu-
Despite the disruption tar- Mr. Trump in the spring, some Chippewa Valley will be the 70% of its revenue. and an office building. ropean tariffs took effect. If
iffs have wreaked in agricul- Polish buyers have canceled first to suffer because, in a Low crop prices and the im- Much of that is on hold there are few export orders to
ture, some farmers still sup- orders for Chippewa Valley’s common marketing practice, it position of tariffs on other now. The business has can- fill when U.S. farmers harvest
port the administration’s trade products. Italian customers has guaranteed farmers a set commodities mean there are celed $3.5 million in purchases their kidney-bean crops this
goals, saying they are willing have tried to negotiate lower price for much of their 2018 few crops he could switch to for 2018 and has scrapped fall, she expects she will have
to suffer in the near term if prices. crop. and turn a profit if the price he plans to spend up to $15 mil- to lay off some of the firm’s 33
new trade policies ultimately An English buyer threat- Cordell Huebsch, who raises gets for kidney beans drops as lion on expansion projects employees.
benefit the nation’s economy ened to abandon a shipment corn, soybeans and kidney a result of EU tariffs, Mr. Hueb- next year. “We hope that the need will
or the agricultural sector as a that had arrived in a British beans near Perham, Minn., sch noted. “I need Chippewa For Stark’s Metal Works, a be such this stuff will begin to
whole. Farmers could play a port. Ms. Brown persuaded the says the beans saved his fam- Valley to be around,” he said. metal fabrication company ship,” said her father, Mr. Do-
key role in coming elections in buyer to take the $23,000 ily’s farm from ruin during the Chippewa Valley was in the about 10 miles away, that has ane, who at age 87 still comes
certain farm states, such as shipment and pay the nearly 1980s farm crisis, when prices midst of a growth spurt before meant canceled orders for six to work at Chippewa Valley’s
Wisconsin, despite their de- $6,000 tax, but the buyer then for major commodities this year’s trade disputes be- of eight loading ramps it office every day. Wearing a
cline in numbers over many canceled $92,000 worth of or- plunged. Today, about half of gan. It made plans to erect planned to build for Chippewa green corduroy baseball cap,
years. Ms. Brown didn’t sup- ders. his farm’s acreage is devoted new bins, an automated bag- Valley. he sits near a glass display
port Mr. Trump in the 2016 Each ramp had been priced case lined with 100 cans of
election and said the presi- at $2,400. Then steel and alu- food containing the company’s
dent’s trade tactics haven’t Bean Counting minum tariffs imposed by the beans, labeled “chili” or “three
changed her view. U.S. exports of dark red kidney beans have soared, and European countries are the U.S.’s biggest buyers. U.S. drove up the firm’s metal bean salad” or “haricots
Chippewa Valley Bean Co. shipments of dark red kidney beans suffered in July, a month after the costs more than 50%, said rouges.”
European Union imposed a 25% tariff. owner Greg Stark, and he For now, Chippewa Valley
Pioneer days raised the price of the ramps has stopped processing kidney
Ms. Brown’s ancestors ar- U.S. exports of Top destinations by value, Monthly volume shipped by by $300. Chippewa Valley beans to avoid running out of
rived in northwest Wisconsin dark red kidney beans, first nine months of Chippewa Valley Bean Co., scaled back its purchases. room in its warehouses. The
by covered wagon 160 years by marketing year 2018 marketing year change from a year earlier “It’s very hard to go to a mills where it cleans beans are
ago, building a house and $40 million 150% customer and say my hands quiet, and few trucks rumble
Italy $17.35 million
planting crops on 80 acres are tied, but I can’t lose across the company’s yard. If
Germany 3.22
north of the Chippewa River. First nine money,” Mr. Stark said. the harvest is plentiful, kidney
In 1969 her father, Russell Do- 30 months Canada 3.16 100 beans will have to be piled on
ane, planted his first crop of Netherlands 2.88 EU a machine-shed floor for lack
Last three
dark red kidney beans. Though 20 months France 2.85 Non-EU 50 Plans on hold of storage space.
he also raised beef and dairy Spain 2.44 Before the U.S. metal tar- Ms. Brown said she is flying
cattle and grew corn, the kid- 10 Belgium* 2.40 0 iffs, Mr. Stark signed a con- to Brazil in August to try to
ney beans proved well-suited Poland 2.15 tract to double the size of his gin up new buyers. Until then,
to the area’s sandy soils. He U.K.† 1.13 business’s building. Now, fear- Chippewa Valley will continue
0 –50 t37%
found ready buyers, and four Hungary 0.97 ing more orders will dry up, to sock away beans in the
years later launched Chippewa 2010 ’15 ’18 D J F M A M J J he is holding off on plans to hopes tariffs are lifted. “But
Valley Bean Co. to clean and *Includes Luxembourg †Has voted to leave the EU
purchase a new laser cutter. how long can you do that and
market his beans and others Note: Marketing years end Aug. 31 Ms. Brown says Chippewa still keep your doors open?”
grown by neighbors. Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture (exports); the company (shipments) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Valley’s accounts receivable she said.
A11A | Friday, August 3, 2018 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
judge the initiative. They said sive stance on environmental have a lot more to do.”
they would strengthen the issues than former Gov. Chris A spokesman for Mr. Chris-
program while boosting an- Christie, a Republican. Environ- tie defended the former gover-
nual funding to $89 million, mentalists criticized many of nor’s environmental record.
from $75 million. Mr. Christie’s policies during “The ocean water was
The initiative has been a his two terms, including his de- cleaner in 2017 than at any-
key part of the education cision to pull the state out of time in the last 20 years, and
agenda of Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Regional Greenhouse Gas we rebuilt our environmental
who early in his tenure set a Initiative, and his administra- infrastructure even stronger
target of having all students tion’s pollution settlement with after [superstorm] Sandy,” the
read on level by the end of Exxon Mobil Corp., which they spokesman said in an email.
second grade, by 2026. felt let the company off easy. One of the lawsuits filed
Research shows that if chil- A literacy coach at P.S. 114 in the Bronx in 2016. About 500 coaches will be dispatched this fall. Three of the claims lodged
dren lag behind in reading in Wednesday were filed under a
third grade, it is very hard for
them to catch up. About 43%
that both groups of students
were behind in skills in Octo-
said the department deployed
coaches of varying quality,
Skeptics of the initiative
have long argued it would be
New Jersey law that allows the
state to seek damages from
‘If you pollute our
of the city’s third-graders ber 2016 and fell further be- gave them insufficient training better to reduce class size, add polluters for the restoration of natural resources,
passed 2017 state exams in
English language arts, with
hind expectations by May
and, in some schools, princi-
pals shifted them to drilling
services for the disabled and
require a stronger focus on
natural resources, such as
groundwater and wetlands. The
we are going to make
some high-poverty schools Each group gained an aver- for state exams. phonics, which teaches chil- state hasn’t brought a case un- you pay.’
showing much lower pass age of four months of skills, “The coaching is all over dren to sound out letters as a der its natural resource damage
rates. when they should have gained the place,” Ms. Neuman said. primary way to identify words. law since 2008, even though
The literacy program em- seven months. At the end of “You get some people who The department has ex- prior suits have brought in mil-
bedded 103 coaches in 107 second grade, students in don’t have a clue about read- panded the literacy initiative lions of dollars, officials said. Wednesday seeks compensa-
high-need schools in fall 2016. schools with coaches on aver- ing.” yearly, and will dispatch about “These cases are important tion from companies that New
Each coach was assigned to age performed at the level ex- Department of Education 500 coaches this fall, with ev- because they are a primary legal Jersey alleges are responsible
spend the academic year hon- pected in the second month of Deputy Chancellor Josh Wal- ery elementary school getting mechanism for restoring the for groundwater contamination
ing teachers’ instructional second grade, on a measure lack said he had confidence in a coach or additional attention. natural environment when it has in several Pohatcong Valley
skills in kindergarten through known as the Gates-MacGinitie the coaches, their training and Officials said more funding become polluted or damaged,” towns in northwestern New
second grade. Reading Test. It covered de- principal buy-in. He noted that would go to train coaches to said Catherine McCabe, commis- Jersey. Over several decades in
This evaluation tested sec- coding skills, word knowledge some schools showed real im- help students who don’t speak sioner of the state Department the mid-20th century, contami-
ond-graders in schools that and comprehension. provements. English at home, after-school of Environmental Protection. nants allegedly leaked into the
had literacy coaches, and com- The disappointing results “We think we are on the reading programs in homeless The other three lawsuits water supply from a manufac-
pared their results with peers didn’t surprise Susan Neuman, right track,” he said. “We shelters, work with principals are “cost-recovery cases,” un- turing plant operated by Amer-
in similar city schools that had a New York University profes- know we have a lot of work to in literacy education and other der which the state is trying to ican National Can Co., which
no coaches. The report found sor of literacy education. She do.” steps. recoup money that was spent has since been sold and
cleaning up contaminated changed its name, officials said.
properties, Ms. McCabe said. Citigroup Inc. is the succes-
union for two decades, was an Thursday, Assistant U.S. Attor- pathological liar, is the only
outspoken political figure ney Lara Pomerantz said Mr. one who can testify to presence
known for his brash manner Seabrook’s union post made businessman Jona Rechnitz. of the cash in the bag, she said.
and vast control over the jail him powerful but not rich. The exchange could have A lawyer representing Mr.
complex at Rikers Island. “Norman Seabrook wanted to been a scene out of a movie, she Rechnitz, who is cooperating
In 2016, Mr. Seabrook and get paid,” she said. said in the opening statement. with the government, declined
Murray Huberfeld, co-founder Mr. Seabrook arranged to “The bag. The bills. The hand- to comment.
of now-defunct hedge fund Plat- invest $20 million in union off,” she said. “It was all real.” Mr. Seabrook faces up to 20
inum Partners, were arrested funds with Platinum in ex- Platinum Partners went years in prison if convicted. Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced pollution lawsuits.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Friday, August 3, 2018 | A11B
Group Has Little
Success in Court
BY JOSH BARBANEL peals, the state’s highest court.
Aaron Carr, a 29-year-old for-
During the past two years, mer legislative aide who founded
the Housing Rights Initiative the Housing Rights Initiative in
swept in on behalf of New York 2016 and who serves as its exec-
City’s tenants and organized utive director, said “all the cases
more than 45 lawsuits challeng- are still in active litigation.”
ing what it often calls unbridled He said his group had
fraud by predatory landlords. prompted half a dozen build-
So far, it hasn’t had much ings to re-register apartments
success in the courts. that had been improperly re-
The small nonprofit, with moved from the rent-regulation
only three employees, orga- rolls. Human Rights Initiative is
nizes groups of rent-regulated funded by the Robin Hood
tenants and links them with Foundation charity and individ-
lawyers who typically file class- ual donors, and doesn’t accept
action lawsuits in exchange for contributions from law firms.
a share of the proceeds if they If the broadest class actions
win. The approach has gar- are allowed to go forward, law-
making ourselves available to This property is listed for sale by Donnie Bowen (BRE#01317912) of the Bowen Team (BRE#00935116) with RE/MAX Real Estate
Group (BRE#01855405) and Andre White (BRE#01873658) with White Associates of Compass (BRE#01991628). DeCaro Real
him for guidance in this area.” Estate Auctions, Inc. is a licensed California Auction Firm (CA Bond #71842016) performing auction and auction marketing
services as part of this transaction, and is not performing any real estate brokerage services. Neither RE/MAX, The Bowen
The organization has Team, Compass nor any of their affiliated companies is providing any product or service in connection with this event other
than as required by applicable law. Brokers and agents are fully encouraged to participate. Review the Terms and Conditions
worked closely with lawmak- for further details at
did, which is find humor on
the perimeter of woeful cir-
cumstance. There’s nothing
funny about a father having
been MIA for 25 years, or a
woman’s devotion to work
sabotaging her happiness.
Or, for that matter, a genetic
predisposition for alcohol-
ism, which Harry and Rachel
display during an epic, post-
nonnuptial drunk. (“I’m go-
ing to need three more like
this right away, please,”
Harry tells their bartender
upon learning Rachel is
three Manhattans ahead of
him.) In their ensuing stu-
por, from which the viewer
is mercifully protected, they
agree to go to sea together
Eugenio Suarez MLB | By Jared Diamond
third baseman for
the Cincinnati Reds
That makes me relax a lot crevice, they tend to stop blowing the Atlanta Braves, said that Su-
and keep my mind free and unreasonably large bubbles. arez is correct that sugar hurts
not think about anything “I’ve blown a bubble to where it bubble-blowing.
else.” popped around my whole head and “The sugar is the enemy of the
Science tends to back up got stuck in my hair,” Gennett said. gum,” Fell said.
Suarez’s feelings about the “After that I was kind of retired.” But, he said, sugar free “is not
value of chewing gum. Andrew Suarez chose another path. In- structured to blow large bubbles”
Smith, a professor of psychol- stead of stopping, he simply de- and has less elasticity because of
ogy at Cardiff University in the cided to master the ever-important the artificial sweeteners used in
U.K., has authored several studies skill of removing gum from his place of the sugar.
Failure to Communicate BOOKSHELF | By Peter Hellman
If a tree falls in
a noisy circus,
does it make a
thousands of landowners. The
National Labor Relations Board
is revisiting a 2014 decision
Yes, the mainstream media
relentlessly drives anti-Trump
stories. But what’s new? Re-
same issues—those and Mr.
Mueller—and are often defen-
sive or whiny.
sound? If the
Trump admin-
istration an-
that allowed unions to poach
employer email systems, part
of the board’s plan to review
publicans have long known
they don’t get a fair hearing
from the press, which is why
This House midterm will
hinge on marginal districts—
suburban or exurban areas
The World
POTOMAC nounces its any case that overruled prece- they shifted to talk radio and where Hillary Clinton out-
WATCH largest deregu-
latory effort to
dent in the name of Obama
union backers. The Internal
other alternative media. Mr.
Trump understands that better
polled Mr. Trump or came
close. Those races in turn will
Tasting the Past
By Kimberley
date while the Revenue Service lifted a politi- than most—thus his heavy use hinge on centrist voters. If By Kevin Begos
A. Strassel
president is in cal threat to nonprofits by al- of Twitter, live rallies and Mr. Trump makes those cen- (Algonquin, 277 pages, $26.95)
the throes of a lowing them to shield the press conferences. trists believe this election is
Twitter rampage, will anybody names of their donors. about family separation, Re- t a certain moment, a glass of wine can lead the sipper
pay attention? The Department of Health publicans lose. If he refocuses down an unplanned path. Journalist Kevin Begos’s
No, and thereon may hang and Human Services finalized Trump has a solid it on voters’ newly thriving fateful sip took place in 2008 in a nondescript hotel in
the balance of Republican con- its rule allowing more non- prospects, Republicans have a Amman, Jordan, where he was on a reporting assignment.
gressional control. It’s never ObamaCare insurance options record, but he’s shot. “Finding good wine in a hotel room is a tantalizing concept,
clear where Donald Trump to millions of Americans. The too busy making That aforementioned list of but I had a rule: never buy the stuff,” he writes in “Tasting
gets political advice, if he does Senate sent a $717 billion de- accomplishments is only from the Past,” a lively and instructive recounting of his wander-
at all. What is clear is that this fense authorization bill to the noise to tout it. the past few weeks. One re- ings to the curious corners of the wine world.
White House is doing an able White House, increasing ac- markable aspect of the Trump Bored, tired and unable to understand the Arabic spoken
job of whiffing one of the best tive-duty strength and provid- administration is its produc- on television that evening in Amman, Mr. Begos broke his
political messages in decades, ing troops their largest pay It’s the content that is mys- tivity. The cabinet set a pace of mini-fridge rule. The bottle he opened was labeled
a reality that is demoralizing raise in nine years. The Senate tifying. To hold the House and reform in its openings weeks “Cremisan Cellars, Holy Land—Bethlehem.” He took one sip
administration insiders and also confirmed the 24th Trump increase their Senate majority, that has never lagged. If Mr. and was hooked: “Wow. I perked up immediately,” he
GOP candidates alike. circuit-court judge. Republicans must do two Trump isn’t going to spend ev- writes. “The dry red wine had a spicy flavor,” like wines
The following are just a few The Labor Department re- things: get out their base and ery day embracing, elevating made from the Syrah grape, “but not quite.” Compared
pieces of news out of Washing- leased new numbers showing bring along the center. The and making this product of his with the Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay that
ton, all of which hold enor- worker compensation in- president, with an unrivaled own presidency the dominant increasingly seemed to him like the same old, same old,
mous promise for Americans. creased 2.8% year over year, bully pulpit, has instituted pol- discussion, then no one will. this wine was “pleasingly
The Environmental Protection the fastest pace in a decade. icies that provide him a near- The press isn’t going to do it. different,” and he imagined
Agency and Transportation Average home values are rising perfect message for those Democrats sure aren’t. And no that it might be fun one day
Department released a plan— at twice that pace. Unemploy- tasks. He can rally supporters other Republican has that to visit the winery.
announced on the website of ment hit record lows. Second- by banging home his promises megaphone. Back stateside, Mr. Begos
these pages—to ax the Obama quarter economic growth came kept and warning that only Some will doubt whether found nowhere to buy
administration’s car-emissions in at 4.1%. their vote this fall will allow Mr. Trump’s unconventional Cremisan wines. His email
standards, saving consumers If all this sounds wonder- him to continue his mission. style even allows him to de- queries to the winery went
$500 billion. Dollarwise, it ful, it is, though many Ameri- And he can court the unde- liver such a message. But med- unanswered. From its
may be the biggest deregula- cans have heard little about it. cided with constant reminders itating in his farewell address “rudimentary” website, he
tion ever. The headlines? Mr. Trump of their new prosperity and on his nickname, the Great learned that Cremisan was a
The Treasury has recom- publicly lecturing his attorney freedom, and a vow that this is Communicator, Ronald Reagan Christian monastery and that
mended rescinding the “payday general. Mr. Trump hashing only the beginning. said: “I never thought it was the winemaker, an Italian monk,
lending” rule, which threatened Charles Koch. More about The president is certainly my style or the words I used used local grapes that Mr. Begos
to cut off the poorest Ameri- Russian collusion, provoked focused on his base, though that made a difference: It was had never heard of: “red Baladi,
cans from viable credit. The In- by the president’s call for the with an eye to whipping them the content.” The content—the white Jandali, and Hamdani.” Paging
terior Department proposed firing of special counsel Rob- up with rallies focused primar- results—of this administration through the Oxford Companion to Wine in
the first real reforms to the En- ert Mueller. China tariffs. Bor- ily on the polarizing issues of is right there, waiting for the 2011, he found no mention of Cremisan or those
dangered Species Act in de- der strife. Michael Cohen. Paul trade and immigration. His president to communicate. mysterious grapes. Nor did he have any luck a year later
cades, offering hope to tens of Manafort. tweets revolve around the Write to when “Wine Grapes,” a huge compendium of 1,368 grape
varieties, was published. Surely the trio of Cremisan grapes
would be included. But they were not.
The Concentration Camp Choir Though the memory of his hotel-room wine “lingered
like the refrain of an old pop song,” it would be seven
years since that tasting before Mr. Begos finally made the
HOUSES OF In the sum- The apocalyptic hymn “Dies all 150 members. Schächter It was soul-saving. I survived journey to Cremisan, one of the trips recounted in
WORSHIP mer of 1944 Irae” is repeated throughout. had to start from scratch with the war and I still have a “Tasting the Past.” Amid his travels, Mr. Begos inter-
By Bryony a delegation “Therefore when the Judge new singers. Music was soul.” viewed an eclectic array of winemakers and vinous
Clarke of Nazi offi- takes his seat, whatever is hid- learned by rote from a single They gave 16 performances researchers. He visited wine venues near and far,
cials, includ- den will be revealed: Nothing score sheet, smuggled in by between September 1943 and sampling many an obscure wine, and even a few well-
ing Adolf shall remain unavenged.” Schächter. They had only a pi- June 1944. On Oct. 17, 1944, a known ones, at their source. His double purpose was to
Eichmann, hosted representa- “Rafael said we would sing ano for accompaniment. After transport took almost the en- track down the ancestral grapes of our modern wine and
tives from the International to the Nazis what we couldn’t long days of hard labor, beset tire choir, and its conductor, to to sample all the off-the-radar wines that he could find.
Red Cross at Terezin concen- say to them,” says Marianka with exhaustion and malnutri- Auschwitz. Ms. Fantlova sat A bounty of books relate the history of wine. For erudi-
tration camp. The visit had May, 95, a Terezin survivor tion, singers had to grapple opposite Schächter on the way tion allied to filigreed prose style, I turn to Hugh Johnson’s
been meticulously planned: who sang in Schächter’s choir. with one of Verdi’s most de- to the camp. “There were “Vintage: The Story of Wine” (1989). Geekier, but plump
gardens planted, barracks ren- “The Latin words remind them manding compositions. about 130 of us locked in the with vinous esoterica, is “A Natural History of Wine” (2015)
ovated, streets cleared. Thou- that there is a judge, and one same truck,” she says. “The by Ian Tattersall and Rob DeSalle. For passion, nothing
sands of prisoners were de- day they will answer to that doors were bolted, there was beats Alice Feiring’s “For the Love of Wine” (2016). Mr.
ported eastward to reduce judge.” Its performance no air. The journey took three Begos’s welcome distinction is to come at the subject as a
overcrowding. The elaborately Terezin was a ghetto and days, and no one knew where curious journalist who makes no claim to being a wine
staged tour, held on June 23, transit camp in German-occu- of Giuseppe Verdi’s we were going.” savant. We experience his discoveries on the wine side
culminated with a performance pied Czechoslovakia. It usually ‘Requiem’ left Nazi She recalls Schächter pull- roads as freshly as he does. The end game of his travels is
by Terezin’s inmate choir. Con- housed around 60,000 in- ing a tin of sardines from his to encourage wine drinkers to step beyond their tried and
ductor Rafael Schächter chose mates, most of whom would in officials speechless. sock and asking her to mix it true pours to seek out unheralded but worthy wines to
to perform Giuseppe Verdi’s time be deported to extermi- up. “This will be my last sup- drink on and think on. Wine, after all, ought not always to
“Requiem.” nation camps such as Tre- per,” he told her. “I thought he be a habit but sometimes an adventure.
“When the music stopped, blinka and Auschwitz. Terezin Murry Sidlin, a professor of was being a bit of a pessimist,”
the Nazis sat there in silence,” became a hub for the Jewish conducting at the Catholic Uni- says Ms. Fantlova. “After all,
recalls Zdenka Fantlova, 96, a intellectual elite—titans in pol- versity of America, says he we didn’t know what was go- A journalist searches for the ancestral grapes
survivor of Terezin. “Then itics, music and academia. A was in disbelief when he dis- ing to happen—it might not be of our modern wine—and tries to sample all
Eichmann murmured, ‘Interest- vibrant cultural scene flour- covered what Schächter had so bad.”
ing, very interesting.’ ” Follow- ished amid the desperation, done. “I have conducted the Schächter perished on a the off-the-radar pours he can find.
ing his cue, nervous applause with lectures, concerts and ‘Requiem’ all over the world. death march in the spring of
trickled through the hall. Ms. plays performed within the There are passages that are 1945—only one month before
Fantlova adds, “The Nazis barracks. treacherously difficult. It is the liberation of Czechoslo- One of the far places to which Mr. Begos’s adventures take
thought, why would Jews per- In the spring of 1943, enough of an achievement vakia. Of the more than 150,000 him is the Alaverdi Monastery in Georgia, not too far from
form a Christian prayer for the Schächter, a Czech conductor even in optimum conditions— Jews sent to Terezin, only about Tbilisi, the country’s capital. Georgia is thought to be a core
dead? But Schächter had his who led the camp’s choir, de- where the singers are experi- 17,000 survived the war. breeding ground of our domestic wine grapes. For millennia,
reasons.” cided to teach his singers enced, well-rested and healthy. For the choir of Terezin, Georgian wines have been vinified in large clay jars called
Verdi’s nearly 90-minute Verdi’s “Requiem.” Ms. May The ‘Requiem’ demands all singing the “Requiem” was an qvevri buried in the earth. Mr. Begos ascended the Caucasus
masterpiece features a fear- says, “At one rehearsal, your concentration and energy. act of moral resistance. The Mountains to learn about these qvevri-vinified wines at
some evocation of fire and Schächter made an announce- To come to rehearsals after a condemned sang in defiance of Alaverdi. Its winemaking traditions were once subverted, he
fury, promises of posthumous ment. He said, ‘I have a dream cup of gruel and a day of slave their captors and the fate that writes, by the Soviets, whose goal was to maximize the
punishment, and dire warn- to put on some very special labor—I don’t know how they awaited them. “We rehearsed production of industrial wines. Now the old ways are being
ings of God’s wrath. While music by Verdi, that has never did it.” without sufficient food, cloth- revived. The wines are slowly vinified in qvevri from a
other settings of the Latin text been sung in such a place as Ms. May’s answer: “Being ing or sleep,” says Ms. May. melange of grape varieties unfamiliar to Western viticulture,
omit the unsettling sequences this before.’ ” in the choir gave us the won- “But those in the choir had a even if they are progenitors. “I can compare our winemaking
and emphasize only eternal It was no easy task, and the derful ability to think about reason to stay alive.” to a family with many children,” a brown-bearded monk tells
rest and serenity, Verdi accen- choir faced many challenges. A the next rehearsal, the next Mr. Begos. “The children look like each other, but each of
tuates the themes of judg- transport to Auschwitz in Sep- performance—it reminded us Ms. Clarke is a copy editor them has their own individual character.”
ment, justice and vengeance. tember 1943 wiped out nearly we come from a normal world. at the Guardian. Mr. Begos also prowls Italy, which he writes “has done
more to identify, protect, and promote local grapes than
any other country in the world”—400 varieties compared
The Lost Art of the Apology Letter with 90 in Spain. In Sicily, he visits Arianna Occhipinti, a
darling of the “natural” wine movement, who uses local
grapes and, despite hot and dry summers, refuses to plump
By Paula Marantz Cohen fail to write thank-you notes world, one that seems kinder have, we had to choose the one them up by irrigating her vines. Heading north to Milan,
(or even emails) in response to and gentler—if not more virtu- hundred best accounts, your ac- Mr. Begos shows a knack for ferreting out surprises. Who
ear Mr. and Mrs. Di- gifts. They neglect to RSVP to ous—than our own. count would assuredly be one knew, for example, that Leonardo da Vinci owned a walled
Gioia,” the letter be- invitations to parties (or even Still, for all America’s lax- of the hundred. And yet, it was vineyard across the street from the Santa Maria delle
gins. “We received a weddings). They act nasty on- ness of protocol, certain rules in your account that the error Grazie church, where he painted “The Last Supper.” Mr.
phone call from Sachs Dress line (or even in person) to- have, until recently, been al- had to occur! Isn’t that typical Begos chats up a local grape scientist who tells him that
Shop in New Haven today in- ward people who happen to most universally understood: of our hectic, atomic age?” DNA analysis of plant remnants dug out of the vineyard
quiring about the ‘duns’ we disagree. Write a condolence note after The wording seems old- points to Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, still a widely
mailed to you. We immediately a death. Don’t call people by fashioned not so much because planted Italian white-wine variety.
investigated the matter, and their first names unless you it invokes “our hectic, atomic When Mr. Begos finally wended through the Jerusalem hills
found, to our extreme chagrin, Common courtesy is know them well. Apologize for age” but because it shows a to Cremisan, it was a bit of a let-down. The red wine he tasted
that $2 payment which you no longer common, mistakes. Unfortunately, these genuine interest in the people brought back none of the memories of the hotel-room wine
had made was mis-posted on basic formalities are no longer behind the payment. The that had seduced him seven years before. Monks no longer
our records to some one else’s but old-fashioned. instinctual. The apology, in writer, who happens to be made the wine. Under a young Palestinian winemaker who
account. This explanation is particular, has disappeared. president of the company, has had studied in Italy for three years, the facility’s new wines
not intended as an excuse, for The computerized nature of made the effort to review the had traded up to clean-cut modernity. Gone was the unique
there can be no excuse for America’s approach to eti- modern business has eroded DiGioias’ records and express flavor that Mr. Begos remembered. “The red was a decent dry
such errors, even though they quette has always been more human contact, and in a liti- his respect and gratitude for wine, but unremarkable, with none of the spiciness and depth
do occur due to the tens of freewheeling than Europe’s. gious culture an apology can their business, in the best that had first attracted me,” he writes. Or maybe that
thousands of accounts which We never used the kinds of be construed as an admission words he can muster. Could an character was solely a product of his mind-set in an hour of
we handle.” long-winded signoffs still cus- of guilt. apology be phrased with more boredom. When mood and venue change, so can wine.
I was given a copy of this tomary in France: Recevez, The novelty of that old let- sincerity and charm?
letter, dated April 10, 1957, by cher Monsieur/chere Madame, ter to the DiGioias is that it is I keep a copy of this letter Mr. Hellman is the author of “In Vino Duplicitas: The
my friend Rosemary, who l’expression de mes sentiments courteous, responsible and in my wallet to lift my spirits Rise and Fall of a Wine Forger Extraordinaire.”
found it among her late par- distingués. (Receive, dear Sir/ personally contrite, all at the in the face of a rude world—
ents’ belongings. Rosemary Madam, the expression of my same time. It immediately ac- and to remind me how to say
and I often discuss what she best regards.) We never en- knowledges blame for the mis- my own apologies, when the Coming in BOOKS this weekend
calls the “disappearance of ci- gaged in the kind of elaborate take. It then continues: occasion inevitably arises. The quest to create an artificial heart • Joseph Epstein
vility,” the growing tendency social rituals familiar from “Furthermore, upon examin- on honor • Merchants and money in Old London • The
toward thoughtless or rude Jane Austen’s novels. Yet a rea- ing your account and related Ms. Cohen is a dean and literary life of Teddy Roosevelt • Our quantum reality •
behavior. Even seemingly well- son Austen remains popular is records, we realize that if, out English professor at Drexel Sam Sacks on the best new fiction • & much more
brought-up people these days that she portrays a mannerly of the tens of thousands we University.
A16 | Friday, August 3, 2018 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
New York’s Charter Mugging Why Shouldn’t Trump Talk About the Fed?
ess with a politically connected union, can continue its thuggish tactics. President Donald Trump’s criti- tained its independence from poli-
and you’ll be driven out of New York. Local 3-affiliated PACs have given some cism of the Federal Reserve (“Break- tics and has continued to do so no
ing Custom, Trump Raps Fed,” page matter who resides in the White
That’s the message the Cuomo Ad- $200,000 in campaign donations statewide since
one, July 20) includes the state- House.
ministration sent to busi- Jan. 1, 2017, including at least ment, “I’m letting them do what CHRISTIAN B. TEETER
nesses last Friday as the Pub- A union intimidation $23,000 to support Andrew they feel is best,” implying he has Los Angeles
lic Service Commission campaign gets help Cuomo. Last September Mr. the discretion to take stronger
revoked its approval of Char- Cuomo participated in a Local steps. The independence of the Fed is
ter Communications’ merger from Gov. Cuomo. 3 rally, addressing the workers Your article highlights an unfortu- what sets us apart from many na-
agreement with Time Warner on strike. He referred to Char- nate irony: The Fed’s already ear- tions. One may not like what the
Cable. The official narrative is ter’s merger and its require- marked interest-rate hikes for 2018 Fed does, but it keeps the U.S. econ-
that the telecom company is failing to live up ment that Spectrum expand coverage to rural and might now be even more likely, in omy moving forward. The Fed began
to its merger obligations, but in reality this is underserved parts of the state. “If they don’t get order for the Fed to assert its politi- quantitative easing for a reason. The
political retribution. their act together and fulfill that agreement, cal independence. Presidential pres- bond-buying program was enormous
sure reinforces the wisdom and ben- but brought us to where we are to-
The story began after the 2016 merger, as they’re going to be out of the State of New York,"
efit of an independent Fed. Think day. Note: President Trump dropped
Charter negotiated a new collective-bargaining Mr. Cuomo told Local 3 members. “I want Charter about our nation’s monetary policy Janet Yellen and now is going after
agreement with the International Brotherhood to understand that.” being run by the same administra- his chosen pick to lead the Fed. This
of Electrical Workers Local 3, which represents Charter says it met its most recent expansion tion that has imposed billions in needs to stop.
about 1,700 cable technicians. Charter, which quota. But lo, New York’s Public Service Com- trade tariffs and created an esti- FRANK POPELESKI
does business in New York under the trade mission claims that more than 18,000 of the mated $1 trillion budgetary deficit. Seffner, Fla.
name Spectrum, offered union workers an aver- new properties don’t count, in part because Fed Chairman Jerome Powell
age raise of 22%, effective immediately. some addresses are in New York City. And last should take the next opportunity to I agree with President Trump. Je-
The company also wanted to replace its de- Friday the commission called a special session confirm that the Fed will continue rome Powell is making a huge mis-
fined-benefit pension with the same 401(k)- on Charter’s expansion, giving a day’s notice. its work and policy decisions based take by planning to increase interest
style retirement benefits that its other 94,000 Why the rush? Spokesman James Denn said the 100% on the data. rates incrementally. Alan Greenspan
WILLIAM GOLDMAN did the same at the end of his ten-
employees nationwide receive. Local 3 rejected commission “moved forward to promptly pro- Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. ure and helped tank the market.
the offer and went on strike on March 28, 2017, tect the interests of New Yorkers.” But Diane The fact that Mr. Powell is hy-
two days before its contract expired. Charter Burman, the contrarian on a commission full of Presidential criticism of the Fed pothesizing on the net effect of Mr.
has hired non-Local 3 members to replace the Cuomo appointees, was on vacation. isn’t unprecedented in modern Trump’s tariffs is puzzling. The Fed
strikers, who are still picketing. The remaining three commission members times. In 1992 President George should be working with the White
Charter says the union has since engaged in voted to deny Charter’s petition for rehearing H.W. Bush blamed the Federal Re- House on this matter. The proper in-
intimidation and vandalism. Last September a on the expansion. In an unprecedented move, serve for his election loss to Bill terest rate can’t be set without
union picketer “violently shook” a 28-foot lad- they also revoked Charter’s merger approval in Clinton, alleging that interest rates knowing the net impact of President
der where a Charter subcontractor was working New York state. The regulators gave Charter 60 weren’t reduced fast enough in the Trump’s tariffs.
“in an effort to cause the worker on the ladder days to come up with an exit plan that includes aftermath of the 1990-91 recession. STEPHEN BONICK
Despite that criticism, the Fed re- Los Angeles
to fall to his death or serious injury,” the com- a replacement provider.
pany claimed in a lawsuit against Local 3. In an Though the decision effectively evicts Char-
affidavit, Charter technical operations supervi- ter from the state, the commission claims the
sor Anthony Rodriguez described how union company is still obligated to continue its net- Readers Support the Right to Disarm Bears
picketers showed up at a job site last Septem- work expansion. Completing the shakedown, Mike Kerrigan’s “Bear With Me? know that a hiker with a camera is
ber and shouted at nonstriking workers, “I’m the commission imposed $1 million in fines on Get It Away!” (op-ed, July 27) omits likely to wander off, thereby jeopar-
going to kill your family the same way you’re Charter for alleged delays, in addition to the $2 the most suspect of bear safety tips: dizing the entire group? And would
killing mine.” million it levied last month. No bear has ever been known to at- said bear go after the thoughtless
Charter said its coaxial and fiber-optic ca- Charter says Friday’s unexpected decision to tack a group of five or more. When a photographer or the four innocents?
bles have been intentionally damaged more revoke the merger was made without public naturalist advised this rule of thumb Our reliance on ursine counting skills
than 125 times, cutting off TV, internet and comment. Mr. Denn says there have been “ro- would be our primary means of pro- was nearly unbearable.
tection from bear attacks, I wondered M. SHAWN BORT
phone service for tens of thousands of custom- bust public comments accepted,” pointing to a
who had done such a study and where Phoenixville, Pa.
ers. “The saboteurs clearly knew the optimal lo- website where around 450 people have submit- the data was to back up her claim.
cations where they could cut cable lines to mul- ted feedback on the general topic of Charter in Each day I carefully selected which Many years ago I was in Wyoming
tiple customers without being harmed or New York since 2015. hiking group to join after assuring elk hunting with a guide in prime griz-
observed,” Charter said. Dani Lever, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cuomo, myself that its other members were of zly-bear territory. Camped in an area
The Queens district attorney charged one Lo- says Charter’s failure to sufficiently expand “is at least average size lest a bear dis- with a host of bear tracks in the sur-
cal 3 member with criminal mischief for allegedly at the heart of the [commission’s] action.” She count our safe number due to some- rounding snow, I asked one evening
cutting cables that knocked out service for 38,000 says the commission “rightly exercised its au- one’s diminutive stature. As we wan- how to stay safe from grizzly bears.
Spectrum customers. Local 3 did not respond to thority as a regulator,” and “efforts to link a dered around the Alaskan wilderness “First, tie bells to your shoes so
our repeated inquiries, but it said in court it is- crackdown on bad corporate behavior to any- in our group of five, I worried that we they can hear you. Second, learn the
sued a notice instructing members to engage in thing [else] would ignore the very clear facts would encounter a bear suffering from difference between black bear and
dyscalculia, or two bears who would grizzly bear scat [feces].”
“peaceful and lawful picketing.” and undermine the very real complaints from
simply divide and conquer. How close I asked about the scatological dif-
The New York Supreme Court dismissed rural communities.” together did we need to be in order ference.
Charter’s tort claim against the union in Charter plans to challenge the commission’s for a bear to recognize us a group of “Grizz scat has bells in it.”
March. Justice Kathryn Freed wrote that “to actions in court. But labor leaders are betting five? If bears are smart enough to GLEN ESNARD
properly plead this claim, Charter was re- this episode will change how other New York count, are they also smart enough to Jackson, Wyo.
quired to allege that each and every member businesses negotiate. Cave to the union or the
of Local 3 authorized or ratified the allegedly Governor will kill your business. By the way, Mr.
unlawful conduct claimed.” Charter is appeal- Cuomo is running for a third term, and then he
ing, but in practice the ruling means the union plans to run for President—with union support. No Cease Fire in Sight as Culture War Rages
Sen. Orrin Hatch’s call for the com- Martin Luther King Jr. to preach love
A Trillion-Dollar Apple batants on both sides of the culture
war to set standards of social dis-
and tolerance. Too bad.
course is timely and thoughtful, but I Naples, Fla.
pple’s ascent Thursday to become the after a run of mistakes. Exxon was the leader in fear it will fall on deaf ears (“Geneva
first U.S.-listed company to reach $1 tril- stock-market valuation only a few years ago, and Conventions for the Culture War,” op- While I support Sen. Hatch and his
lion in stock-market value is worth cele- it’s still a great company, but its market cap is ed, July 28). genuine desire to deescalate our coun-
brating as a capitalist success whether or not you now surpassed by that of Apple, Amazon, Face- As a right-of-center gay man, I am try’s partisan tension, I couldn’t help
own the stock or an iPhone. Thanks to human in- book, Microsoft, Alibaba and even J.P. Morgan. heartbroken that major gay-rights or- feeling worse about the issue after
genuity, technological breakthroughs and smart A market economy offers great rewards but bru- ganizations have become virtual hate reading his op-ed. Comparing our cul-
management, a single firm has enhanced the tal discipline. groups, practicing the very same intol- tural disputes to actual armed con-
wealth and well-being of millions in a way gov- How long will Apple stay on top? Its execution erance they were originally formed to flicts with references to POWs and
fight. Hundreds of thousands of LGBTs scorched-earth tactics seems like no
ernment never could. For perspective, the entire has been spectacular, and its sales defy predic-
do not self-identify as progressives. way to reduce our political division. If
U.S. economy surpassed $20 trillion for the first tions of slowing down. But Apple’s profit margins They are given little respect by the we want to make rules to rein in our
time in the second quarter. have fallen from their heights, and consumers may greater gay community. Thankfully, at “culture wars,” the first rule should be
Apple’s milestone is all the more notable be- eventually decide they don’t want to replace their least one organization, the Log Cabin to stop calling them wars.
cause success at the top in business can be so iPhones as often as Apple would like. Enjoy the Republicans, represents gay conserva- JOHN GALLOWAY
fleeting. GE was an investment staple for de- time at the pinnacle because a competitive econ- tives and independents. Powell, Ohio
cades but its new managers are breaking it up omy is always looking for the next big thing. I am 64 years old. When I was 30, I
witnessed the hatred centered on gays
Russian War or Peace Saga
Don’t be Naive, Google
and determined not to hate back. Hat-
ing back is pointless. Sen. Hatch
makes no mention of the key role the
Perplexes the Progressives
nation’s clergy can play in his sce- William A. Galston’s suggestion that
ntent on abiding by its founding motto, tagon’s AI program was accompanied by an nario. Sadly, gays have produced no the president is “soft” on Vladimir Pu-
“Don’t Be Evil,” Google announced in June 8,000-word statement of Google’s ethical prin- tin and Russia is typical nonsense
that it would not participate in a U.S. mili- ciples on the use of artificial intelligence. Well, from Democrats who for nearly eight
tary program seeking to apply yes, the intersection between Pope Paul VI Addressed the years accused President Reagan of
artificial intelligence to drone The company may AI and human autonomy is risking World War III by denouncing
technology. This week it has complicated. Objectification of Women the Soviet Union as the “evil empire”
been reported that Google is
re-enter China after But no one paying atten- Ashley McGuire’s “The Controversial and for supporting increased spending
attempting to reintroduce its nixing the Pentagon. tion to China’s ambitions Text That Saved Me” (Houses of Wor- on defense to include missile defense
flagship search engine into doubts that it is developing ship, July 27) concerning Pope Paul (“Trump’s Russia Remarks Were No
China, albeit with censoring artificial intelligence for do- VI’s encyclical “Humanae Vitae” ban- Gaffe,” Politics & Ideas, July 18). Can
ning contraception deserves thoughtful Democrats ever decide whether they
and surveillance filters demanded by the Chinese mestic political control and sophisticated mili-
reflection. My main takeaway from this are more afraid of a war or a diplo-
government. This does not compute. tary applications. Its Communist Party leaders piece is that there are unintended con- matic rapprochement with Russia?
Eight years ago, Google co-founder Sergey are doing so to gain a decisive advantage over sequences from virtually every change ANDREAS FRIEDRICH
Brin pulled the company out of China, telling China’s military competitors, primarily the we make as a society, including the Gettysburg, Pa.
The Wall Street Journal that “in some aspects United States and its citizens. continuing “liberation” of women from
of their policy, particularly with respect to cen- A recent Journal article detailing China’s all forms of “shackles,” procreation in-
sorship, with respect to surveillance of dissi- high-tech military programs quoted former Peo- cluded. The author writes, quoting Pepper ...
dents, I see some earmarks of totalitarianism.” ple’s Liberation Army Maj. Gen. Xu Guangyu: Pope Paul VI: “A man who grows accus-
That was true then and is more so now. China “China will not ignore or let slip by any dual-use tomed to the use of contraceptive
And Salt
is famously using advanced technology to erect technology, or any technology at all, that might methods may forget the reverence due THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
an Orwellian surveillance state. improve the ability of our military to fight, our to a woman.” Ms. McGuire adds: “This
risks reducing a woman to ‘a mere in-
But like other companies, Google has con- awareness, or our ability to attack.” In other
strument for the satisfaction of his
cluded it cannot sacrifice access to China’s mar- words, the U.S. finds itself in an intense military own desires,’” quoting the encyclical.
ket, which is now dominated by the Chinese competition with China. If American tech compa- Our society is increasingly concerned
search-engine company Baidu. That means con- nies deny their own country access to advanced with the “objectification” of women
forming itself to China’s rules on social control knowledge, the U.S. will fall behind. and their mistreatment as “sexual ob-
of the internet. Google hasn’t decided whether The good news is that most U.S. technology jects,” with good reason. It is impor-
to proceed with this search-engine initiative, companies, including in Silicon Valley, under- tant to consider how we got here.
but clearly no license will be granted unless the stand these realities and are contributing to the HENRY SCOTT
company agrees to give Chinese censors access U.S. effort to defend itself. Google and its hyper- Potomac, Md.
to the site’s vast internal information. political employees stand out for seeming to
That Google would seek re-entry to a country spend a remarkable amount of time navel-gaz- Letters intended for publication should
whose efforts at totalitarian control are in- ing and composing codes of conduct. be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
creasing while the company ostentatiously sep- Sergey Brin had it right in 2010: China’s suc- or emailed to Please
arates itself from a U.S. defense program is cess at lifting its people out of poverty is re- include your city and state. All letters
more than a contradiction. It is naive. What markable. Its determination to deploy American are subject to editing, and unpublished “So it costs more than your first
kind of world does Google think we live in? knowledge to control the Chinese people re- letters can be neither acknowledged nor house, but did it have built-in
The June decision to withdraw from the Pen- mains abhorrent. Blu-ray, television, GPS . . .’’
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, August 3, 2018 | A17
months on average and President ated under the principle that the
hen Harry Reid and George W. Bush’s needed about 1½ president is entitled to nominate peo-
the Democratic Senate months—even though the filibuster ple who reflect his philosophies and
abolished the filibus- was in place for all of Mr. Bush’s policies, especially within the execu-
ter for most nomina- eight years and more than five of Mr. tive branch. Cloture, roll-call votes,
tions in 2013, the idea Obama’s. In many instances Democrat and other Senate procedures were
was to overcome obstruction from obstructionism today ensures that not designed to stop confirmations.
the Republican minority and allow Obama administration holdovers oc- The current practice is a misuse.
President Obama to fill positions ex- cupy key executive-branch positions Majority Leader McConnell an-
peditiously. Now that Republicans 20 months after the 2016 presidential nounced that he will shorten, if not
hold the White House and a Senate election. cancel, this year’s August recess.
majority, Democrats wish they hadn’t So how have the Democrats done When he did so last year, the Senate
given up the filibuster. it without the filibuster? By weap- confirmed 77 nominations with no
onizing a pair of Senate rules. Rule unnecessary floor debate. He also
22, which covers “cloture,” allows for should consider having the senators
Obama’s nominees faced eight separate time-consuming steps. Secretary of State Pompeo’s cloture vote was followed by an identical roll call. work full weeks, and some nights and
Rule 6, on “roll-call votes,” can re- weekends.
only 17 cloture votes in his quire each individual senator to ver- But a tiny minority can still de- has been in office a little more than More fundamentally, Mr. McConnell
first term. Trump’s have balize “yea” or “nay,” instead of a mand a cloture vote as a way of slow- 18 months, and there have been 108 and Rules Committee Chairman Roy
simple group voice vote. ing things down. Only 16 signatures cloture votes on his nominees. Blunt should put a stop to these
faced 108 in 18 months. “Cloture” is a venerable Senate pro- on a cloture petition are needed to These delays are usually not about abuses. The Senate should promptly
cedure, dating to the early 20th cen- complete the first step. Then the pro- substantive objections. Often Demo- amend its rules to ensure that its pro-
tury, which was created not as a dila- cess is grindingly slow: The Senate cratic senators eventually vote for cedural rules, in particular Rules 22
Yet they’ve managed to subject tory tactic but the opposite—a way of clerk reads the petition; an “interven- confirmation. Their purpose mani- and 6, may not be used to delay a pres-
many of President Trump’s nomina- ending filibusters and forcing a matter ing day” must occur for the cloture festly is to snarl the Senate calendar ident’s nominations unless the major-
tions to lengthy delays anyhow. It took to a floor vote. The Senate first in- petition to “ripen” or “mature”; a live and severely limit the number of con- ity leader, the minority leader, and
the Senate almost seven months to voked cloture on Nov. 15, 1919, to end quorum call has to take place; the firmation votes. both parties’ top members of the ap-
confirm Ric Grenell as Ambassador to a filibuster of the Treaty of Versailles. majority leader presents the cloture Roll-call votes exacerbate cloture plicable committee all agree to do so.
Germany. Jeff Clark, whom Mr. Trump From 1919 until 1963, the Senate in- petition; the actual cloture vote oc- delays because they take a long time This would ensure fairness to presi-
nominated more than a year ago to voked cloture five times, or about once curs; up to 30 hours of “post-cloture to organize and conduct. By contrast, dents and senators regardless of party.
head the Justice Department’s Envi- every nine years, and never to delay a debate” ensues; then, finally, the ac- a voice vote, once scheduled, takes
ronment and Natural Resources Divi- confirmation vote. tual confirmation vote arrives. virtually no time at all. And it takes Messrs. Rivkin and Shu practice
sion, still awaits his confirmation vote. Mr. Reid’s 2013 move reduced the The numbers tell the story: The only 11 senators to demand a roll- appellate and constitutional law in
Likewise Eric Dreiband, Mr. Trump’s threshold for invoking cloture on nom- Senate held only one cloture vote on call. Again, the numbers illuminate Washington and Newport Beach, Ca-
pick for the Civil Rights Division. The inations from three-fifths of all seated any nominee (executive or judicial) the trend: the Senate held 21 nomi- lif., respectively. Mr. Rivkin served
Senate finished their hearings last senators (60 when the chamber has no during George H.W. Bush’s entire nation roll-call votes during George Presidents Reagan and George H.W.
year, and no member has raised a vacancies) to a simple majority. That presidency, 10 during Bill Clinton’s H.W. Bush’s presidency, 13 during Mr. Bush in the White House Counsel’s Of-
question about their qualifications. means a minority can no longer “win” first term, four during George W. Clinton’s first term, 60 during fice and the Department of Justice;
On average it has taken the Senate a cloture vote and prevent the majority Bush’s first term, and 17 during Ba- George W. Bush’s first term, 46 dur- Mr. Shu served Presidents George
three months to confirm Mr. Trump’s from confirming the appointment. rack Obama’s first term. Mr. Trump ing Mr. Obama’s first term—and 119 H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.
Like many of those who dare to The unveiling protests began late rested once more, this time with women and others like them is a
n Iranian court has ordered speak out in Iran, Ms. Shajarizadeh last year and have gained world- her 9-year-old son, and spent an- moral outrage. Most authoritarians
Shaparak Shajarizadeh, a 43- was charged as a criminal under wide attention. The regime has re- other nine days in prison before be- at least pretend to care about civil
year-old woman from Tehran, the country’s Islamic Penal Code. sponded with violent repression. ing released on bail. liberties, offering excuses as they
to spend the next 20 years atoning She was accused of “violating com- Ms. Shajarizadeh is one of dozens Ms. Shajarizadeh’s final sentence crack down on dissent. But Iran’s
for an act that shouldn’t be a crime. pulsory veil laws” and “inciting of women who have been arrested. was handed down on July 8. She leaders are unabashedly tyrannical.
Last month she was sentenced to corruption and prostitution.” The didn’t learn about the verdict right In a public statement in March,
two years in prison and 18 years’ latter charge was added to allow a away because her attorney, Nasrin Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khame-
probation for removing her hijab, or subservient judge to impose a For removing her hijab in a Sotoudeh, was also battling politi- nei dismissed the protesters for
head scarf, in public. heavy sentence. (The Supreme cal persecution. Ms. Sotoudeh, who women’s rights and pledged that
This sentence was the culmina- Leader of Iran exercises direct in- Tehran protest, a 43-year- represented three Girls of Revolu- the “nation is always prepared to
tion of Ms. Shajarizadeh’s persecu- fluence over the courts.) After nine old woman was convicted tion Street activists, was arrested crush aggressors and critics.”
tion by the Iranian government. In days in detention, including seven on June 13 by Iranian security offi- The Girls of Revolution Street
February, she stood unveiled on a in solitary confinement, she was re- and driven into exile. cers who told her she had been have sent a message to the re-
traffic island on Tehran’s Gheitari- leased on bail. convicted in absentia on unidenti- gime, their countrymen, and the
yeh Street, waving her head scarf Iran has forced women to wear fied charges and sentenced to five international community. Those of
on a stick. Minutes later police offi- the hijab since the Iranian Revolu- Several demonstrators have sus- years in prison at Tehran’s infa- us in the free world have an obli-
cers slammed her to the ground, tion in 1979. The policy was met tained severe injuries due to exces- mous Evin Prison. gation to use our rights to amplify
arrested her, and carted her off to with resistance from the start, but sive force used by the police. Many Ms. Sotoudeh now faces two na- their message—and hold the re-
the Vozara Detention Center. the latest iteration of protests be- have been subjected to physical tional security charges: “propa- gime accountable.
According to the Human Rights gan in 2014 when exiled Iranian abuse while in detention and de- ganda against the State” for giving
Foundation, Ms. Shajarizadeh was journalist and author Masih Aline- nied contact with relatives and le- interviews to the international Mr. González is an international
forcibly injected with an unidenti- jad created the Facebook page “My gal counsel. Iran has gone so far as press, and “assembly and collu- legal associate and Ms. Vidwans a
fied substance and subjected to ex- Stealthy Freedom” and urged Ira- to alter Tehran’s utility boxes in an sion” for having “colluded” with research associate at the Human
tensive interrogation. She was se- nian women to post pictures and effort to prevent protesters from Ms. Shajarizadeh, her client, in a Rights Foundation. HRF submitted a
verely beaten and dragged by the videos of themselves wearing white standing on them. courthouse in Kashan. Ms. petition to the U.N. Working Group
hair for refusing to confirm the in- headscarves on Wednesdays. The Ms. Shajarizadeh, unfazed by her Shajarizadeh fled Iran with her son on Arbitrary Detention on Ms.
terrogator’s allegations that she hashtags #GirlsOfRevolutionStreet first arrest, appeared unveiled again after the verdict was announced Shajarizadeh’s case.
requires most working-age, nondis- penalty is three years. als done during the 1990s in a half it was thanks less to work require-
ith the unemployment rate abled beneficiaries to register for work Medicaid work requirements have dozen cities across the country. These ments than to the roaring economy
around 4% and people flood- with a state agency and accept any similar problems. Kentucky’s plan, trials found modest increases in work and the expanded earned-income tax
ing back into the workforce, reasonable job offer. currently being stayed by the courts, over the short run, but the effect faded credit. This insight should be the basis
the question facing economic policy In fact, 74% of working-age SNAP would require beneficiaries to work out by the end of five years, generally of an alternative approach: Govern-
makers has changed: Once the cyclical recipients are employed within the 80 hours each month or lose their leaving the treatment group no more ment can do more to ensure that work
recovery has fully run its course, what year before or after they received health coverage. Again, the narrow likely to be employed than the control pays, that people who want employ-
can be done to help into employment benefits, and most of the rest have measurement is a problem. One-quar- ment have the support they need, and
Americans still left behind? health issues or are caring for family ter of beneficiaries who work at least that jobs will be available for them to
The answer offered by many Re- members. Some of the SNAP statis- 1,000 hours annually—averaging to What beneficiaries find.
publicans is to increase work require- tics tossed around miss this because 80 hours a month—could be denied The most promising ideas put the
ments on low-income benefits. The they focus on whether people were coverage for part of the year, accord- lack is not motivation, private sector first. Numerous pro-
House farm bill would tighten eligi- working in the month they received ing to the Center on Budget and Pol- but stable, consistent, posals have been made to expand the
bility for the Supplemental Nutrition benefits. icy Priorities. What these people lack earned-income tax credit, including
Assistance Program, also known as Grading SNAP recipients based on is not motivation, but stable, consis- decently paid jobs. for workers without dependent chil-
food stamps. States are doing the whether they worked in a single tent, decently paid jobs. dren who get essentially nothing to-
same for Medicaid under federal month is particularly problematic be- Partly as a result, Kentucky itself day. Rep. Ro Khanna, a Democrat who
waivers. But such steps would jeopar- cause, as economic research by Kris- estimates that more than 95,000 peo- group. A notable exception was Port- represents Silicon Valley, has sug-
dize the health and nutrition of mil- tin Butcher and Diane Schanzenbach ple would lose health coverage under land, Ore., which, along with the work gested temporary subsidies for em-
lions of Americans, while doing little has shown, the jobs available to this its policy. Taking medical care away requirement, provided intensive sup- ployers who hire unemployed and
to increase work. population are often temporary and from low-wage workers in unstable port to train and place people into disadvantaged workers. Others are
Of the people who would be tar- unstable. “Working” often means in- jobs is not only ineffective in promot- jobs. Still, on average in all the cities, proposing additional support for job
geted by work requirements for voluntarily cycling into and out of ing employment, it may be counter- households ended up with low-paid training and placement, child care,
means-tested benefits, a large majority employment. productive, since losing access to work that did not make up for the paid leave—all of which can be effec-
already are working. SNAP is like Mil- Policies that fail to appreciate regular treatment can make it harder money they lost on their benefits, leav- tive in enabling people who want to
ton Friedman’s negative income tax: a this can be more punitive than pro- for people with serious health needs ing more people in deep poverty. work to do so.
near-cash benefit that is provided work. Under the House plan, an to look for and keep a job. Employment rates did increase a lot As a last resort, providing federal
broadly to people with low incomes able-bodied adult who spends a sin- The best direct evidence on work after President Clinton and Congress jobs may have to be part of the policy
and then phased out as their finances gle month without working 20 hours requirements comes from the Na- reformed welfare in 1996. But research mix. This is an idea advanced not only
improve. Unlike Friedman’s proposed a week would lose SNAP benefits for tional Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work by Jeffrey Grogger, an economist at by progressives but also by Kevin Has-
sett, chairman of President Trump’s
Council of Economic Advisers. In 2013
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The probes from the Secu- S&P 500
FANGs grouping makes little et, the moves in the
rities and Exchange Commis- sense and at the same time FANG complex mat-
sion and Commodity Futures 0 how important it is to the tered, for two reasons.
Trading Commission in- bigger debate about whether They have become synony-
clude concerns that Options –40 to buy cheaper “value” stocks mous with growth, so inves-
Clearing Corp. failed to accu- 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 or pay up for expensive com- tors to some extent are happy
rately forecast how much panies with better growth to substitute one company
cash would be needed to Three-day percentage change in Russell 1000 Value prospects. for another, meaning moves
cover trading losses triggered Index minus change in Growth Index Putting together a selec- in the price of one affect the
by a spike in volatility last 4 pct. pts. tion of big disruptive compa- price of the others. The
Biggest three-day
February, some of the people 3 swing away from nies is a reasonable idea; it is FANGs-etc. are also huge: the
said. 2 growth stocks and growth investing in its purest FAAMGs are now the five big-
The turbulence wiped out
exchange-traded funds that 1 into cheaper ‘value’ form. But the original
thought has been broadened
gest companies in the U.S.
As a result, the bad news
offered a way for investors to 0
stocks since 2009
to include anything big and from Facebook and Twitter, IT’S GONNA HAVE
bet on volatility and left
many traders with losses. The
–1 vaguely techy: the widely ref-
erenced NYSE FANG+ index
showing that social-media
companies face higher costs
role of Options Clearing as a includes Tesla, Apple, Nvidia to police their users’ posts,
clearinghouse is to keep 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 and Twitter, as well as two rippled through the wider FOOD, B6
Please turn to page B11 Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. large Chinese companies, Please turn to page B2
B2 | Friday, August 3, 2018 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Abraaj Group.............B10
Fiat Chrysler Stalls Out in China
E National Amusements New Fiat Chrysler Automo- Mr. Marchionne said during
Alphabet.........B1,B4,B12,B12 Express Scripts Holding .....................................B1 biles NV chief executive Mike Jeep Jam Passenger-vehicle sales in China* an April conference call that
...................................B12 Netflix...........B1,B11,B12 Manley once promised that Volkswagen Group Jeep had done a poor job estab-
American International Fiat Chrysler is lagging behind
Exxon Mobil................B5 News Corp...................B6 China would be the company’s 2.07 million units lishing an identity that reso-
North Pacific Paper....A2
the competition in China as its
Apollo Global F global engine of growth. reliance on Jeep grows. General Motors nates with Chinese buyers. The
Nuclear Development.A4 1.67
Management...........B10 Facebook first Jeep specifically designed
Nvidia..........................B1 Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi
Apple.......B1,B5,B11,B12 ........... A4,B1,B6,B11,B12 By Trefor Moss in Fiat Chrysler's total vehicle for China, the seven-seat Grand
Athene Holding.........B10 O-P 0.77
Fiat Chrysler Shanghai and Mike sales in China Commander SUV, hit the mar-
B Automobiles ............. B2 Options Clearing.........B1 Toyota
Colias in Detroit 0.72
ket in May. Around 3,000 had
Fitbit............................B4 Peloton Interactive.....B3 Jeep Other brands
Baidu ........................... B4 been sold by the end of June.
Barclays.....................B10 G Post Holdings ............. B3 250 thousand units Honda
Now he has to deliver. 0.67 But new models won’t be
Berkshire Hathaway...B5 GAM Holding.............B10 S The U.S.-Italian car maker enough, said Mr. Hu, the dealer.
BlackRock....................B5 Hyundai
General Electric..........A3 Sakorenma..................A6 sold fewer than 85,000 vehicles 200 A price war among Fiat Chrys-
Blue Apron Holdings 0.55
General Mills...............B6 Sears Holdings............B6
............................. B6,B12
in China in the first half of the Daimler ler dealers—Mr. Hu’s outlet is
Global Payments.......B11 Sherborne Investors
BMW ........................... B2 GoPro...........................B4
year, one of the weakest perfor- 150 0.36 offering 20% discounts—has
Boeing ....................... B12 Great Wall Motor.......B2 Sonos...........................B4 mances by any international BMW forced many to sell at a loss
Brookstone..................B3 auto group. Sales of Jeep, the 100 0.30 and created customer doubt
H Stark's Metal WorksA11
Bu Khyn ...................... A6 star of the Fiat Chrysler stable, Ford about the Jeep brand’s quality,
Hanesbrands.............B12 State Street................B5
C Harley-Davidson ....... B12 T were down 35% from a year 50 he said.
Casibeans..................A11 Hershey.......................B6 earlier. 0.16
The company didn’t respond
Catalyst Paper............A2 HNA Group..................B3 Tesla.....................B1,B11 “Jeep is in a downward spi- 0 Mazda to questions about its China
Caterpillar ................. B12 Honeywell International Teva Pharmaceutical ral,” said Hu Ping, sales man- 0.16 business.
CBS..............................B1 ...................................B12 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18*
Industries..................B3 ager at a Jeep dealership in Fiat Chrysler Mr. Manley said during last
Chieftain Capital J Thomas H. Lee Partners Zhenjiang in eastern China. week’s analyst call that one lo-
Management...........B12 *January-June 2018 0.08
Jeep.............................B2 .....................................B3 Barring a quick turnaround. Source: LMC Automotive Jaguar-Land Rover calized model wouldn’t be
Church & Dwight ...... B11
K-M Twitter ........................ B1 “It’s just a matter of time be- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. 0.08 enough to turn things around,
Cisco Systems.............B3 Kanson ........................ A6 U-V fore my boss decides to quit and that Fiat Chrysler needs to
Clorox ........................ B11 Kellogg.........................B6 United Technologies.B12 selling Jeeps.” sions after leaving his Asia role, flooding the SUV segment and beef up its dealer network and
Cushman & WakefieldB2 Meituan Dianping.......A2 Vanguard Group..........B5 Four years ago, when Mr. was named chief executive July Chinese auto makers were improve existing vehicles.
Manley was running Fiat Chrys- 21. He succeeded Sergio Mar- emerging as credible rivals. Chinese car buyers typically
ler’s Asia-Pacific arm, he told chionne, who died last week at Last year China’s Great Wall have less brand loyalty than
INDEX TO PEOPLE investors the company was on
the brink of explosive growth in
age 66.
“The biggest challenges we
Motor Co. publicly expressed
an interest in acquiring Jeep,
U.S. consumers, and they expect
regular product updates and
China. He forecast that com- face…are all focused in China,” underscoring the brand’s en- new technology.
A Friedlich, Jim .............. B6 Musk, Elon.............B1,B2 bined sales there of Alfa Ro- Mr. Manley told analysts on a during strength. “There are certainly a com-
Amico, Alissa............B10 G N-R meo, Chrysler, Fiat and Jeep ve- conference call last week, as But to be competitive in bination of things that we need
B Goeckeler, David.........B3 Natkin, Mark...............B4 hicles would more than triple the company cut its profit fore- China’s cutthroat marketplace, to fix,” Mr. Manley said. “That
Brin, Sergey................B4 H Redstone, Shari..........B6 to 850,000 in 2018. Now it is cast largely because of its unex- Jeep needs to offer more local- process has started.”
Brown, Campbell.........B6 Hersch, Greg...............B1 Rockwell, John............B6 most likely the tally will be pected China slump. ized models and more frequent Fixing Jeep is critical, given
Brown, Cindy .............. A1 Hoag, Jay .................... B3 S down sharply from last year’s Jeep, the storied American updates, said Jeff Cai, general the brand’s outsize importance
C I Schultz, Kåre .............. B3 242,000. sport-utility vehicle brand, manager at JD Power China. for the company in China. It ac-
Cahillane, Steve..........B6 Icahn, Carl.................B12 Spence, Patrick...........B4 The world’s largest auto was the first foreign auto Another challenge, he said, are counted for 91% of Fiat Chrys-
Cavender, Ben.............B4 Irving, Chad.................B6 Staley, Jes.................B10 market and a core market for maker to set up a joint ven- electric-car quotas taking effect ler’s sales in the country last
Szabo, Viktor ............ B11 other car companies, China ac- ture in China, back in 1983. in 2019 that may force Fiat year, up from 42% in 2014, in
Cook, Tim...............B1,B5 L
Cordani, David...........B12 Lynch, John...............B12
T-U counted for just 5% of Fiat But the project never thrived Chrysler to buy credits from ri- part because the Fiat brand was
Coughlin, Mark............B5 Lynch, William............B3 Tan, Adam...................B3 Chrysler’s global sales in 2017, and was closed in 2006. vals. dropped from the local lineup.
D-F M Trentham, Travis ........ B6 compared with 42% for General By the time Jeep restarted In May Mr. Marchionne said Fiat’s once-popular small city
Upadhyay, Nishant ... B11 Motors Co. and 18% for Ford local production in 2015, the company would invest cars fell out of favor as China’s
Dickerson, Brad.........B12 Manley, Mike .............. B2
Duperreault, Brian....B10 Miller, Keith................B6 W-Y Motor Co. China’s auto market was near- $52.7 billion in new vehicles tastes shifted to large SUVs.
Fadlallah, Tarek.........B10 Miller, Trip...................B5 Whittaker, Meredith...B4 Mr. Manley, who headed the ing the end of a long period of over the next five years, a fifth —Lin Zhu in Beijing
Foley, John..................B3 Moonves, Leslie..........B1 Yang, Shawn...............B4 company’s Jeep and Ram divi- breakneck growth, rivals were of it in electric cars. contributed to this article.
dred million dollars this year cover the added cost. work toward resolving their
unless it takes countermea- BMW on Thursday stuck to differences over trade and hold
sures. its full-year guidance of slight off on new tariffs.
After the Trump administra- growth in sales and earnings, Car makers also have been
tion placed import duties on with pretax profit unchanged hit by higher raw material
Chinese-made goods this year, from 2017 as it reported sec- costs after the U.S. imposed
Beijing retaliated with an addi- ond-quarter earnings. The import tariffs on foreign-made
tional 25% tariff on a number company’s net profit dropped steel and aluminum. Detroit’s
of products made in the U.S., 6.4% from last year’s second Big Three auto makers—Gen-
including cars. Washington on The German auto maker said it will take a hit from higher Chinese tariffs despite the price increases. quarter to €2.06 billion ($2.40 eral Motors Co., Ford Motor
Wednesday threatened to more billion), with sales 2.9% lower Co. and Fiat Chrysler Automo-
than double its proposed tar- The company makes those cars Chief Executive Harald adding that such shipments at €25 billion. BMW shares fell biles NV—last month lowered
iffs on Chinese imports. in Spartanburg, S.C. The Krüger said the company had aren’t a response to Chinese slightly on Thursday. their profit outlooks, blaming
BMW this week said it had higher-end X7 SUV that BMW other ideas on how to contend trade action. Global trade disputes are the fallout from those lev-
raised the suggested retail plans to build in the U.S. will with the trade situation, but BMW has already been roiling the auto industry. Car ies. Daimler also said it was
price for its X5 and X6 sport- be immediately priced in China didn’t offer details. BMW al- boosting car production in makers both in the U.S. and feeling the impact from higher
utility vehicles in China by to reflect the tariffs, Mr. Peter ready ships some X5 SUVs to China to satisfy local demand Europe rely on far-flung sup- raw-material costs, while BMW
about 4% and 7%, respectively. said. China from Thailand, he said, in what is the world’s largest pliers and manufacturing facil- called the effect manageable.
Chapter 11 Shelter
BY LILLIAN RIZZO The chain got its start as a
AND PATRICK THOMAS catalog retailer in 1965 selling
“hard-to-find tools,” and was
Brookstone Inc., the spe- taken private in 2005. Weighed
cialty retailer known for sell- down by debt and weak sales,
ing massage chairs, travel gad- the company filed for bank-
gets and other novelties at ruptcy in 2014 and was sold to
malls and airports, filed for a consortium of Chinese inves-
bankruptcy protection Thurs- tors. The catalog remained un-
day and said it would close its til earlier this year, when
102 mall-based stores. Brookstone decided to cease
The shops were popular sending the booklets as it
places to hang out when Amer- faced a cash crunch.
icans spent more of their idle The business outlasted sev-
happens to only cost the same as two well- 14101 Southcross Drive W., Ste 155, Dept. UBW358-02
to head off security breaches by which makes food that grocery That fell to less than 20% in the made cocktails at your favorite bar. So, while Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
verifying someone’s identity and stores sell under their own second quarter of this year. Teva
scanning that person’s devices brand names, includes the gra- forecasts not only fewer Copax- Precision movement • Stainless steel caseback and crown • Cotswold™ mineral crystal
for out-of-date software and nola, dried fruit and nut snacks one sales but also that competi- • Date window • Water resistant to 3 ATM • Genuine leather band fits wrists 6 ¾"–8 ¾"
other troubles before letting as well as the nut butter and tion from generic rivals will force
Smar t Luxuries—Surprising Prices™
them connect in the cloud to a pasta businesses and had sales it to cut the price of its drug.
company’s applications. of more than $600 million for —Donato Paolo Mancini
B4 | Friday, August 3, 2018 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
moved, Google researcher Mer- Thursday in its market debut.
and Shan Li in Beijing edith Whittaker said the proj- The shares closed at $19.91
ect was “a violation of Google’s after being priced Wednesday
engine, but analysts cautioned pledge” against technology that night at $15, as investors
the U.S. company faces hurdles infringes on human rights. Ms. scrambled for a piece of the
in regaining entry to a country Whittaker also co-directs a maker of popular, high-end
it split with eight years ago New York University research home-audio gear while IPO
over the issue of censorship. unit on artificial intelligence stocks are performing well.
Shares of Beijing-based tech and society. Still, the first-day pop for
giant Baidu Inc. fell 7.7% on In a tweet, Sen. Marco Rubio Sonos, which trades on the
Wednesday following news that (R., Fla.) said the news was Nasdaq under the ticker sym-
Google is testing a mobile ver- “very disturbing,” but added he bol SONO, came after the com-
sion of its search engine that The U.S. search giant retreated from China in 2010 over the issue of government censorship. was willing to give Google the pany priced the shares below
would adhere to China’s strict benefit of the doubt until more the $17-to-$19 range that it
controls over content. The Cyberspace Administra- forgotten, said Ben Cavender, a vestments in China, including information is presented. had initially targeted. Sonos
Trade friction with the U.S. tion of China, which would senior analyst at China Market opening an artificial-intelli- During Google’s long ab- executives and investors attri-
is one broad obstacle to need to approve a Google Research Group. “China has a gence lab in Beijing in Decem- sence, China’s own search en- buted the lowered pricing in
Google’s re-entry into China’s search engine, didn’t respond very long memory,” he said. “I ber. The company also hopes to gines and other web services part to a recent selloff in tech-
search market. to requests for comment. would expect a lot of push back bring its official Google Play have advanced, erecting yet an- nology stocks.
“At this moment, it’s not a There is also Google’s trou- from regulators.” app store back into the Chinese other obstacle to re-entry, said Sonos Chief Executive Pat-
particularly hospitable environ- bled history in China. Even as its search engine is market, according to people fa- Shawn Yang, executive director rick Spence said in an interview
ment,” said Mark Natkin, man- When the business, now a locked out of China, Google miliar with the matter. at Blue Lotus Capital Advisors. Thursday that he had to spend
aging director of industry re- unit of Alphabet Inc., left maintains a sizable presence in Mr. Cavender noted other “They are facing a different en- much of the past week educat-
search firm Marbridge China in 2010, company co- the country. It runs three of- American tech companies such vironment,” he said. “The com- ing investors about the busi-
Consulting. “I’d imagine getting founder Sergey Brin attacked fices of about 700 employees in as Facebook have been court- petition is fierce.” ness model and how the com-
such a search permit would be Beijing’s policies on censorship Beijing, Shanghai and Shen- ing China with little to show —Christopher Cameron pany could be valued. “Because
difficult, if not impossible for and human rights—and the zhen, and continues to test new for it so far. At the same time, in Hong Kong we’re so unique, I don’t have
the company.” government isn’t likely to have programs and expand its in- Google’s Android smartphone contributed to this article. anything to compare it to,” he
said, adding that some inves-
tors were skittish after losing
Elon Musk According to Twitter
The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
The founder of Tesla and SpaceX is one of the active tech CEOs on the social media network, using it for sharing his
views, rebutting critics—and causing controversy.
Musk’s recent tweets*
2017 ’18
! " # ""
# $ %#& #' #( ) *+, 150
" : + +: * *3 : * 7;7
Tesla CEO market, with about 34 million
shares—or about 20% of its to-
tal shares outstanding—sold
with short sellers they lose.”
Mr. Musk’s use of Twitter
surged in May when Tesla
based quantitative asset man-
agement firm, analyzed the
sentiment of Mr. Musk’s tweets
Shorts As of mid-July, Mr. Musk
has tweeted 1,256 times this
year, or about six times a day,
exchanges with his critics in
the media and stock market.
Mr. Musk’s taunts of short
Quantopian found in general
that investors could make
money—albeit not much—by
Continued from page B1 on an array of topics, accord- sellers go back several years. buying shares when its com-
EARN 11% up to
Wednesday, before Tesla issued
its quarterly report, Mr. Musk
ing to an analysis by The Wall
Street Journal. The analysis
In 2017, Tesla shares were up
30% for the year when, on
puter model detected a shift
toward a positive tone in Mr.
Short Term, High Yield, Low LTV. poked fun at David Einhorn, found the number of his tweets April 3 of that year, Mr. Musk Musk’s tweets based on his
Secure & Great Monthly Income.
the prominent short seller who has increased each year since tweeted “Stormy weather in language, and selling shares
Call 800-359-1111 this week told investors his 2014, making him the second- Shortville.” Tesla shares rose when the tone turned negative.
# hedge fund’s performance had most active technology-indus- $5 that day. Other companies have run
Minney’s Yacht Surplus is FOR SALE
A recession proof marine hardware, surplus sail & been hurt by, among other try CEO on Twitter, after Sales- Barclays PLC research ana- into trouble after jousting pub-
nautical decor business! Hugely popular. Valuable things, a bearish Tesla posi-’s Marc Benioff. lyst Brian Johnson has written licly with investor critics. Bos-
liquidation resource for national boat builders.
! Strong internet sales with five star reviews. Huge tion. Mr. Einhorn also wrote he Unlike other CEOs, the bulk of about Mr. Musk’s tweets in his ton Chicken filed for bank-
( )
*+,+ inventory of surplus sails, hardware, and boating had let his lease end on his Mr. Musk’s tweets are re- reports, saying in April 2017 ruptcy in 1998 after battling
-. +/01 2 3 4
5 6" 4
# gear. Selling price includes the Minney’s name
and over 50 years of goodwill. $2 million. Model S and switched to a sponses to other users. that Tesla stock “seems to be criticisms from short sellers.
9 :
# competing Jaguar. Some CEOs over the years more driven by ‘cult’ psychol- Last month, MiMedx Group
; § 949-394-5198
In response to an article who have publicly battled ogy and the flow of tweets.” Inc. Chief Executive Parker
about Mr. Einhorn’s comments, short sellers haven’t fared well. In September 2017, Mr. “Pete” Petit departed amid in-
# Mr. Musk tweeted he would Gene Munster, managing part- Johnson made a tongue-in- vestigations into the skin-graft
THEMARKETPLACE send the hedge fund billionaire ner of investment and research cheek note of the idea of company’s financial practices,
ADVERTISE TODAY a box of “short shorts to com- firm Loup Ventures, suggested Tesla’s “return on tweet,” say- following his public criticism of
fort him through this difficult last month in an open letter to ing he was refining that analy- those who bet against the com-
" (800) 366-3975
"" #
$1 Trillion a few times a year. seen bigger gains in their market caps.
When Market Cap slightly different share counts
Apple isn’t the world’s first
Crossed the Line depending on whether shares
company to claim the $1 tril- are measured on an average
In Value
lion title. In 2007, PetroChina basis for a fiscal quarter or
Co.’s market cap surpassed 100 Apple Inc.’s market value year, or as of the end of that
that level by some measures, hit $1 trillion. But when pre- period. Apple’s share count as
Continued from page B1 though the Chinese oil and gas 80 cisely did that happen? of June 30 was 4.842 billion,
factors that could undermine producer’s corporate structure That depends on how you lower than the 4.882 billion av-
the boom. This year, Apple kept most of its shares locked 60 Microsoft calculate market capitalization. erage for the quarter.
confronted investor pressure to up in government hands, mak- The number of shares is multi- In its most recent 10-Q
address the public health risks ing it difficult to determine the 40 Alphabet plied by share price to get mar- quarterly report to the Securi-
of youth smartphone addiction. firm’s actual value. Apple ket capitalization, or value. And ties and Exchange Commission,
Some money managers Outside of the public mar- Facebook when determining when a com- filed late Wednesday, Apple
worry that a few highflying kets, there is Saudi Arabian pany’s market value surpasses said it had 4.83 billion shares as
firms are powering the broader Oil Co., the state-owned oil a level like $1 trillion, it matters of July 20, nearly three weeks
market, leaving stocks suscep- company. It weighed an initial 0 which measure of shares out- after the end of its latest fiscal
tible to a painful downturn if public offering that could value standing you use. quarter. That is the count The
the business at as much as $2 –20 Companies have “basic” and Wall Street Journal used to de-
trillion. The plan has stalled 2017 ’18 “diluted” share counts. Basic termine Apple hit $1 trillion
however, and the actual value shares are those shares that a around midday Thursday.
The company has of the company, known as
Note: Data through end of July
Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. company has actually issued; Based on Apple’s diluted
rebounded since Saudi Aramco, isn’t clear. fully diluted shares add in the share count, though, the com-
Apple’s ascent is especially the best-selling products in Its smartwatch, which debuted shares that would result if all pany’s market cap topped $1
losing $2 billion over remarkable since its survival as history, with more than 1.4 bil- in 2015, made Apple the of the company’s stock options, trillion earlier Thursday.
two years in the ’90s. a company was in doubt just lion devices sold. world’s largest watch company warrants and convertible secu- Ironically, many sophisti-
over two decades ago. It lost The iPhone also under- by sales but hasn’t delivered rities were converted to com- cated investors don’t even fo-
$2 billion over two years in the pinned Apple’s services sales, the same type of boost that mon shares cus on market cap. They use
mid-1990s, weighed a sale to which Mr. Cook set the goal of other hit products have. At Apple, the weighted-av- enterprise value, a more refined
the rally ends. Sun Microsystems, and doubling in four years to $50 “One of the things that has erage basic share count for the gauge of a company’s worth
Apple, founded as an up- churned through three CEOs in billion by 2020. On Tuesday, he always concerned us is the quarter that ended June that takes its debt and cash
start maker of personal com- four years before bringing back said Apple is on track to hit concentration in the iPhone,” 30 was 4.882 billion. But the into account. Enterprise value
puters in 1976, first took the Mr. Jobs. He revived the busi- that goal thanks to accelerating said Trip Miller, managing weighted-average diluted share is generally viewed as a com-
crown as the largest company ness by thinning Apple’s prod- subscription sales, growing partner at Gullane Capital Part- count was 4.926 billion. At Ap- pany’s market cap plus debt
in August 2011 when it edged uct lineup and spearheading a transactions on Apple Pay and ners, which owns the stock. ple’s current share price, that minus cash.
out Exxon Mobil Corp. trio of hits: the iPod, iPhone other factors. “But I don’t think there is a makes a difference of about $9 By that measure, Apple had
The calculation of Apple’s and iPad. In the longer term, investors risk that there is some gee- billion in market cap—so if you topped $1 trillion as of Wed-
market value is based on the Mr. Cook, who took over in worry about Apple’s ability to whiz product in the next 12 to use diluted shares to compute nesday, according to FactSet.
company’s share count as of 2011, broadened the iPhone’s launch another transforma- 24 months that is going to un- market cap, Apple gets there —Michael Rapoport
July 20. Share counts fluctuate reach, helping it become one of tional product like the iPhone. seat the iPhone as the king.”
Wealth Intelligence
Blue Apron Holdings Inc.
disclosed increasing customer 2 A recently launched Face-
losses, as the meal-kit maker book Inc. program to help lo-
struggles to fix logistical prob- cal publishers gain subscribers
lems dogging its complex op- 1 is proving to be a rare bright
erations. spot in the social-media giant’s
Its shares fell more than often uneasy relationship with
$5,000 to $10,000 each month fall. when he was a production ex- CBS’s handling of the mat-
in 2017. Some customers would CBS had a good story to ecutive. ter raises governance ques-
call him to double-check that he tell about its business. The The report was made in No- tions, including whether mate-
was still in business after hear- Continued from page B1 company reported better-than- vember 2017 and the Los An- rial information was withheld
ing about Sears’s overall strug- own brokerage firms to issue expected revenue of $3.47 bil- geles District Attorney’s Office from investors, according to
gles. positive research as a way to lion for the June quarter, up declined to pursue a case be- Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, professor
“As you saw problems with help secure access to top com- 6% from a year earlier. cause the statute of limita- of management and senior as-
Sears increase, you saw revenue pany executives, The Wall Affiliate and subscription tions for the complaints had sociate dean of leadership
decrease,” he said. Street Journal has reported. fee revenue grew by 17%, expired, according to its studies at the Yale School of
The franchise business isn’t a The allegations against Mr. pushed higher by a rise in car- Charge Evaluation Worksheet. Management.
big revenue generator for Sears, Moonves stem from a New riage fees for its TV stations Mr. Moonves was never in- Mark Spund, chairman of
with just $13.7 million collected Yorker report last week that and growth in digital initia- Shari Redstone, the president terviewed by police on this the employment law practice
from royalties and other fees in detailed claims from six tives like its direct-to-con- of National Amusements matter, an LAPD spokeswoman group at Davidoff Hutcher &
the 2017 fiscal year. But at the women that he sexually ha- sumer streaming services. said. Citron LLP said he didn’t be-
start of 2016, it stretched across rassed or sexually assaulted CBS said those services, million from $58 million a On Thursday, the Los Ange- lieve CBS was under any obli-
the U.S. and had 451 locations. them. The story also portrayed CBS All Access and Showtime year earlier. les Times reported that Mr. gation to disclose any previous
By the end of 2017, there were a broader culture that was OTT, are ahead of schedule in Shares of CBS fell 1.5% in Moonves had told a committee investigations into Mr.
378. hostile to women at CBS adding subscribers and are ex- after-hours trading. For the of the CBS board about the Moonves’s behavior if no evi-
Travis Trentham, 42, runs News. pected to have 16 million sub- year, the stock has fallen more LAPD probe several months dence of wrongdoing was
Sears cleaning services in San CBS’s board has hired two scribers by 2022, as they rap- than 10%, most of those losses ago, and that committee had found.
Diego and Phoenix, and has outside law firms to probe the idly become a meaningful part coming since last week’s re- hired an outside law firm to However, he said the whole
been operating Sears franchises matter and set up a subcom- of the broadcaster’s business. port of the harassment allega- investigate. board should have been made
since he was 22. “As the years mittee to oversee the investi- Content licensing and dis- tions. CBS spokesmen have previ- aware of any investigation like
went on, the stores would close gation. tribution revenue grew by 4% New details are emerging ously indicated that they the one related to the LAPD,
and have had their issues,” he Separately, Mr. Moonves while advertising sales were that could make the situation weren’t aware of any specific rather than certain members,
said. “That means we have to do and CBS are fighting to strip up 2%. even more complicated for probes and declined to com- as the Los Angeles Times re-
a better job and work harder.” National Amusements and its Profit increased to $400 CBS and its board. Earlier this ment on the Los Angeles ported.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, August 3, 2018 | B7
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
25326.16 t 7.66, or 0.03% Trailing P/E ratio 22.93 19.95 2827.22 s 13.86, or 0.49% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.13 23.94 7802.69 s 95.40, or 1.24% Trailing P/E ratio * 26.11 25.75
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 16.59 18.42 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.65 18.94 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.43 21.45
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.13 2.28 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.82 1.97 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 0.96 1.10
All-time high 26616.71, 01/26/18 All-time high 2872.87, 01/26/18 All-time high: 7932.24, 07/25/18
Session low
25000 2750 7550
New lows 91 23
NYSE Arca Pharma 569.99 565.10 567.13 -2.17 -0.38 593.12 514.66 7.4 4.1 -2.1 ...And losers
Closing tick 265 48
KBW Bank 110.13 108.36 109.92 0.50 0.46 116.52 89.71 14.1 3.0 12.0 TESARO TSRO 363.0 31.00 -4.28 -12.13 36.05 30.60 1.10 1.10
Closing Arms†
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 75.90 75.13 75.39 -0.47 -0.63 93.26 75.39 -10.2 -11.6 16.6 SolarEdge Technologies SEDG 97.9 50.30 -6.01 -10.67 56.31 48.20 Block trades* 8,416 1,280
PHLX§ Oil Service 149.54 146.70 148.75 -0.14 -0.09 170.18 117.79 11.3 -0.5 -6.1 Symantec SYMC 604.8 19.00 -1.88 -9.00 21.65 18.17 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 1380.68 1348.13 1378.83 13.72 1.00 1445.90 1060.02 27.8 10.0 28.7 Stericycle SRCL 53.2 66.30 -4.67 -6.58 71.03 58.24 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
14.53 12.17 -0.96 -7.30 37.32 9.14 10.4 issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 12.19 16.8 0.2 American Intl Group AIG 139.1 52.25 -2.91 -5.28 55.34 51.80 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Nasdaq PHLX Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group indicates selling pressure.
World The Global Dow 3061.04 –20.20 –0.66 –0.8 Boingo Wireless WIFI 32.86 9.64 41.52 32.99 14.96 117.6 Cross Country Healthcare CCRN 8.11 -3.75 -31.62 14.65 7.41 -35.6
DJ Global Index 400.07 –1.11 –0.28 0.7 Sonos SONO 19.91 4.91 32.73 ... ... ... ION Geophysical IO 18.10 -7.80 -30.12 32.45 3.60 320.9
DJ Global ex U.S. 254.96 –3.05 –1.18 –4.4 DexCom DXCM 124.69 29.25 30.65 125.65 42.62 76.3 Nortech Systems NSYS 4.56 -1.78 -28.08 8.08 2.77 26.5
0.51 InterNAP INAP 12.62 2.67 26.83 22.36 8.88 -20.7 Triple-S Management Cl B GTS 26.16 -9.64 -26.93 44.01 15.16 71.3
Resolute Forest Products RFP 12.45 1.95 18.57 12.75 4.50 164.9 Veeco Instruments VECO 11.88 -2.88 -19.49 30.10 10.85 -58.8
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 384.69 –3.55 –0.91 –0.2
Belgium Bel-20 3862.26 –32.36 –0.83 –2.9 Gates Industrial GTES 17.99 2.76 18.12 20.00 14.60 ... Red Robin Gourmet Burgers RRGB 37.03 -8.83 -19.25 70.10 36.20 -34.1
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 934.57 –1.52 –0.16 0.8 Rubicon Project RUBI 3.28 0.50 17.99 4.25 1.48 -17.2 Dawson Geophysical DWSN 6.36 -1.47 -18.77 8.40 3.61 59.0
France CAC 40 5460.98 –37.39 –0.68 2.8 Senmiao Technology AIHS 4.53 0.66 17.05 8.91 3.75 ... Avenue Therapeutics ATXI 3.26 -0.68 -17.26 6.98 3.06 -53.3
Germany DAX 12546.33 –190.72 –1.50 –2.9 Tesla TSLA 349.54 48.70 16.19 389.61 244.59 0.7 Floor Decor Cl A FND 39.53 -8.18 -17.15 58.28 32.72 16.6
1578.00 –0.57 4.5 Health Ins Innovations A HIIQ 44.15 6.10 16.03 44.40 12.65 49.2 R.R. Donnelley Sons RRD 4.84 -1.00 -17.12 10.68 4.75 -51.2
Israel Tel Aviv –9.03
Italy FTSE MIB 21414.72 –376.73 –1.73 –2.0
Netherlands AEX 569.95 –2.93 –0.51 4.7
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Russia RTS Index 1140.96 –19.13 –1.65 –1.2 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 56470.72 –928.81 –1.62 –5.1
Spain IBEX 35 9698.20 –101.10 –1.03 –3.4 Helios Matheson Analy HMNY 94,779 4707.3 0.10 -56.14 9714.38 0.10 Jamba JMBA 4,382 9785 12.95 15.83 13.00 7.01
Sweden OMX Stockholm 592.25 –4.37 –0.73 4.1 iShares MSCI Emg Markets EEM 67,577 -1.4 43.87 -1.33 52.08 42.15 Nortech Systems NSYS 2,302 8364 4.56 -28.08 8.08 2.77
Switzerland Swiss Market 9155.57 –18.76 –0.20 –2.4 Apple AAPL 61,767 149.3 207.39 2.92 208.38 149.16 Invsc CNY Dim Sum Bd DSUM 956 2644 21.96 -1.21 24.73 21.39
Turkey BIST 100 94543.27 –2667.30 –2.74 –18.0 Advanced Micro Devices AMD 52,325 -18.8 18.79 1.68 20.18 9.04 Hydrogenics HYGS 558 2122 6.00 -12.41 12.00 4.95
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 51,594 -25.9 282.39 0.54 286.63 241.83 Alerian Engy Infr ENFR 157 1895 23.15 1.76 24.50 19.24
U.K. FTSE 100 7575.93 –76.98 –1.01
U.K. FTSE 250 20548.97 –252.50 –1.21 –0.9 Bank of America BAC 45,389 -29.4 31.28 0.10 33.05 22.75 SPDR Gender Diversity SHE 83 1358 74.72 0.25 75.63 66.74
Invesco QQQ Trust I QQQ 43,630 27.8 179.53 1.36 182.93 140.18 Del Frisco's Restaurant DFRG 4,601 1356 9.30 12.05 18.85 7.90
Energy Transfer Partners ETP 41,473 724.5 24.18 14.00 24.20 15.06 Glbl X China Consumer CHIQ 2,576 1269 16.49 -1.55 19.98 15.14
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6240.90 –34.80 –0.55 2.9
MGM Resorts Intl MGM 41,171 328.2 28.97 1.61 38.41 26.85 Boingo Wireless WIFI 5,345 1115 32.86 41.52 32.99 14.96
China Shanghai Composite 2768.02 –56.51 –2.00 –16.3
Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 37,826 -31.7 27.96 0.04 30.33 23.79 Reality Shares DIVS ETF DIVY 167 1101 26.79 0.03 28.89 25.52
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27714.56 –626.18 –2.21 –7.4
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
India S&P BSE Sensex 37165.16 –356.46 –0.95 9.1 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 22512.53 –234.17 –1.03 –1.1
Singapore Straits Times 3286.32 –42.63 –1.28 –3.4 Track the Markets
South Korea Kospi 2270.20 –36.87 –1.60 –8.0 Compare the performance of selected CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Taiwan TAIEX 10929.77 –168.36 –1.52 2.7 global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Thailand SET 1708.28 –13.73 –0.80 –2.6
currencies and commodities at Currencies
Sources: SIX Financial Information; Dow Jones Market Data
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
Thurs YTDchg Thurs YTDchg
CREDIT MARKETS Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Europe
Argentina peso .0364 27.4428 47.5 Czech Rep. koruna .04513 22.156 4.1
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Brazil real .2667 3.7500 13.2 Denmark krone .1554 6.4330 3.7
Midvale, UT 877-247-2559 Thursday Australian dollar .7361 1.3585 6.1 Switzerland franc 1.0045 .9955 2.2
target rate
t American Express National Bank 1.75% t China yuan .1461 6.8428 5.2 Turkey lira .1973 5.0676 33.5
1.20 2.00 0 Hong Kong dollar .1274 7.8496 0.5 Ukraine hryvnia .0370 27.0430 –3.9
New York, NY 866-215-8754
India rupee .01459 68.555 7.3 UK pound 1.3014 .7684 3.8
Money market 0.80 Capital One 360 1.00 –4 s Indonesia rupiah .0000691 14475 7.3 Middle East/Africa
account yields s
Glen Allen, VA 877-464-0333 One year ago Yen WSJ Dollar index Japan yen .008956 111.65 –0.9
t Bahrain dinar 2.6480 .3776 0.1
0.40 0.00 Kazakhstan tenge .002854 350.37 5.3
Goldman Sachs Bank USA 1.80% –8 Macau pataca .1236 8.0882 0.5
Egypt pound .0559 17.8745 0.6
New York, NY 855-730-7283 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 Israel shekel .2709 3.6913 6.1
0.00 2017 2018 Malaysia ringgit .2457 4.0704 0.2
month(s) years Kuwait dinar 3.2998 .3031 0.5
CIBC Bank USA 1.90% New Zealand dollar .6736 1.4846 5.3
A S O N D J FMA M J J A Pakistan rupee .00814 122.925 11.1
Oman sul rial 2.5977 .3850 ...
Chicago, IL 844-704-7882 maturity Qatar rial .2741 3.649 0.01
2017 2018 Philippines peso .0188 53.191 6.5
Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data
Singapore dollar .7305 1.3689 2.4 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7511 0.02
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Africa rand .0743 13.4526 8.8
South Korea won .0008864 1128.21 5.7
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0062621 159.69 4.0
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 1.75-2.00 1.75-2.00 1.00 l 1.75 1.75 Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03255 30.720 3.5
Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr Thailand baht .03004 33.290 2.1 WSJ Dollar Index 88.82 0.40 0.46 3.30
Prime rate* 5.00 5.00 4.25 l 5.00 1.75
Vietnam dong .00004295 23283 2.5 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Libor, 3-month 2.34 2.34 1.31 l 2.37 2.03 Treasury, Ryan ALM 1432.569 2.887 2.889 2.945 1.818 –2.152 0.568
Money market, annual yield 0.49 0.49 0.25 l 0.53 0.16 10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 1669.954 2.986 2.975 3.109 2.058 –4.210 –0.280
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.80 1.80 1.43 l 1.80 0.31 DJ Corporate 373.015 3.882 3.925 3.995 2.879 –1.492 3.091 Commodities Thursday 52-Week YTD
30-year mortgage, fixed† 4.62 4.57 3.73 l 4.69 0.68 Aggregate, Barclays Capital 1911.550 3.380 3.370 3.430 2.380 –1.107 1.456 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 4.07 4.02 2.99 l 4.14 0.94
High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 2899.383 5.878 5.915 6.319 4.977 2.025 4.654 DJ Commodity 615.06 1.94 0.32 667.35 563.57 8.37 -1.65
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus† 4.82 4.73 4.21 l 4.96 0.43
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 1966.530 3.510 3.490 3.580 2.660 –0.594 1.191 TR/CC CRB Index 192.65 1.01 0.53 206.38 175.36 6.64 -0.63
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 4.56 4.40 3.22 l 4.78 1.29
Muni Master, Merrill 522.035 2.476 2.434 2.653 1.736 0.275 2.264 Crude oil, $ per barrel 68.96 1.30 1.92 74.15 45.96 40.65 14.13
New-car loan, 48-month 3.87 3.89 2.85 l 4.28 0.81 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 777.495 6.580 6.459 6.822 5.279 –2.157 4.721 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.816 0.058 2.10 3.63 2.55 0.57 -4.64
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Gold, $ per troy oz. 1210.60 -7.30 -0.60 1362.40 1210.60 -4.51 -7.33
Sources: SIX Financial Information; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch
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Metal & Petroleum Futures April 2.569 2.615 2.568 2.605 .023 138,088 Nov 401.10 t 400.40
410.20 400.40 –15.00 867
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Currency Futures
Contract Open 14.76 14.94 14.75 14.81 –.05 4,855
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Agriculture Futures Aug
Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Oct 16.38 16.44 16.24 16.24 –.09 3,189
r-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Aug .8967 .8983 .8956 .8959 –.0012
2.7300 2.7350 2.7080 2.7270 –0.0080 2,479 Sept 365.00 372.75 364.75 366.75 1.75 546,379 Sept 2,054 2,107 2,053 2,072 2 67,576 Sept .8977 .9010 .8975 .8979 –.0012 1
2.7475 2.7595 2.7075 2.7375 –0.0100 160,575 Dec 379.75 387.25 379.25 381.25 1.75 808,149 Dec 2,120 2,169 2,114 2,138 9 80,781
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Aug .7686 .7693 .7679 .7680 –.0019
CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept .7696 .7702 .7675 .7684 –.0019 1
1214.70 1219.30 t 1205.80 1210.60 –7.30 3,382 Sept 237.50 244.00 237.00 243.00 4.00 1,386 Sept 108.05 108.05 t 106.00 106.70 –1.35 153,656
1219.40 1224.90 t 1210.30 1214.90 –7.50 55,151 Dec 248.00 251.75 247.25 250.75 2.50 3,539 Dec 111.30 111.35 t 109.40 110.10 –1.20 97,304
British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Aug 1.3106 1.3115 1.3024 1.3029 –.0106
1224.70 1230.00 t 1215.30 1220.10 –7.50 339,616 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
886.75 886.75 875.00 882.50 –4.25 3,541 Sept 1.3146 1.3177 1.3036 1.3046 –.0107 1
1231.70 1234.20 t 1222.30 1225.80 –7.60 31,233 Aug Oct 10.57 10.80 t 10.37 10.59 .11 548,737
1243.10 1243.10 t 1234.20 1237.40 –7.70 6,927 Nov 897.50 903.50 885.50 897.50 –4.25 423,200
Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
March'19 11.38 11.59 t 11.19 11.39 .10 304,716 Sept 1.0118 1.0121 1.0079 1.0082 –.0041
1262.80 1263.40 t 1253.50 1256.50 –7.80 3,717 Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
ium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Aug 335.50 336.30 331.80 332.80 –3.70 3,848 Sept 25.80 26.00 25.66 25.80 .19 1,031 Aug .7393 .7404 .7366 .7364 –.0038
913.40 919.40 902.20 915.50 3.60 18,160 Dec 334.50 335.70 331.00 332.60 –3.40 201,352 Nov 25.67 25.67 25.65 25.65 … 2,107 Sept .7407 .7413 .7356 .7364 –.0038 1
910.90 913.60 901.80 912.80 3.60 4,115 Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Oct .7364 .7406 .7364 .7365 –.0038
um (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Aug 28.39 28.39 27.96 28.12 –.33 2,696 Oct 88.88 89.26 88.66 89.44 .38 188 Nov .7440 .7440 .7413 .7366 –.0039
820.70 828.70 815.00 826.20 10.70 34 Dec 29.00 29.10 28.39 28.61 –.34 250,048 Dec 88.20 88.88 87.70 88.83 .49 177,227 Dec .7415 .7415 .7361 .7368 –.0039
819.40 837.00 813.90 828.20 11.00 77,038 Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'19 .7381 .7381 .7378 .7374 –.0040
(CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sept 1187.00 1193.00 1153.00 1163.00 –24.50 6,698 Sept 169.50 169.50 166.65 167.75 –1.40 10,992 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
15.375 15.375 15.260 15.329 –0.065 283 Nov 1181.00 1182.00 1146.00 1153.50 –41.50 1,708 Nov 170.00 170.00 167.65 168.45 –1.35 3,765 Sept .05340 .05345 .05293 .05324 –.00013 1
15.405 15.490 15.300 15.385 –0.067 155,426 Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec .05232 .05264 .05218 .05247 –.00013
Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Sept 559.50 593.00 s 559.00 560.50 2.25 179,555 Interest Rate Futures Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
67.88 69.36 66.92 68.96 1.30 405,238 Dec 579.75 613.00 s 579.50 582.75 4.00 183,175 Aug 1.1672 1.1673 1.1590 1.1594 –.0079
66.64 68.05 65.82 67.66 1.16 255,517 Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Sept 1.1697 1.1704 1.1618 1.1623 –.0079 4
65.85 67.17 65.16 66.79 1.01 289,412 Sept 564.00 597.25 s 563.50 569.25 5.50 111,423 Sept 142-060 142-250 142-020 142-140 7.0 841,702
65.68 66.79 64.89 66.45 0.99 169,601 Dec 591.50 624.25 s 591.25 596.75 5.50 110,210 Dec 141-150 142-010 141-110 141-210 6.0 1,376 Index Futures
63.80 64.94 63.35 64.64 0.83 162,502 Wheat (MPLS)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
62.27 63.13 61.79 62.78 0.60 212,395 Sept 606.75 635.00 606.75 610.50 2.50 26,003 Sept 119-055 119-120 119-035 119-105 5.0 3,753,015
Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
rbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Dec 625.50 652.50 624.50 627.75 1.75 23,380 Sept 25313 25330 25087 25305 16
Dec 118-300 119-045 118-300 119-030 4.5 13,065
2.0978 2.1387 2.0860 2.1318 .0344 127,431 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 25328 25332 s 25096 25311 15
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index
2.1046 2.1436 2.0924 2.1365 .0325 60,957 Aug 151.825 152.100 149.925 151.200 –.625 8,878 113-005 113-042 112-315 113-040 3.7 3,991,938
Sept Sept 2813.80 2830.50 2791.30 2828.40 17.60
ne-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Sept 152.000 152.325 149.925 151.350 –.600 15,139
Dec 112-237 112-267 112-237 112-265 3.7 18,871 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
2.0448 2.0837 2.0226 2.0681 .0230 163,657 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Aug 109.000 109.075 107.975 108.600 –.025 30,933 Sept 2814.00 2831.00 2791.00 2828.50 17.75 2,6
1.9276 1.9620 1.9067 1.9487 .0204 95,358
Sept 105-212 105-230 105-212 105-227 1.5 1,947,545 Dec 2817.50 2835.00 2795.50 2832.50 17.50
al Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Oct 110.625 110.775 s 109.300 109.950 –.325 127,661
2.744 2.828 2.740 2.816 .058 291,361 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 105-155 105-167 105-155 105-172 1.7 9,376 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Aug 59.875 t 58.675
59.900 58.975 –1.275 19,112 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Sept 1981.30 1999.00 1964.60 1996.50 15.80
2.755 2.833 2.751 2.822 .052 176,050
2.797 2.870 2.793 2.857 .046 142,260 Oct 50.300 t 49.600
50.450 49.650 –1.125 119,365 Aug 98.083 98.088 98.083 98.085 .002 254,864 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
97.855 97.860 97.855 97.860 .005 309,834 Sept 7284.3 7395.3 s 7214.3 7385.8 108.8 2
2.990 3.058 2.987 3.043 .038 162,350 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Oct
10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 7315.0 7418.0 s 7242.0 7410.0 108.8
2.853 2.915 2.851 2.903 .035 138,457 Sept 425.40 432.30 t 425.40 425.40 –15.00 3,786
Sept 94.750 94.813 94.719 94.766 .156 31,560
Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Sept 1670.60 1685.70 1656.80 1684.80 16.70 5
1 Month Libor (CME)-$3,000,000; pts of 100% Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Aug ... ... ... 97.9150 .0025 3,877
h Prices | Thursday, August 2, 2018 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
Sept 1551.20 1569.40
U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
1550.00 1568.00 8.70
Aug 97.6350 97.6475 97.6350 97.6450 .0075 190,804 Sept 94.45 95.02 94.42 94.99 .56
e prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— Dec 97.3150 97.3300 97.3100 97.3250 .0100 1,802,912 Dec 94.04 94.58 93.99 94.57 .55
ate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future March'19 97.1600 97.1800 97.1550 97.1750 .0150 1,294,216
hs. Dec 96.9150 96.9400 96.9100 96.9350 .0200 1,801,659 Source: SIX Financial Info
Thursday Thursday Thursday
(U.S.$ equivalent)
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a
SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u
Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u
Bonds |
e,tet,Mont Belvieu-g 0.9379 Other metals Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 6.8300
normal,Mont Belvieu-g 1.1015 LBMA Platinum Price PM *825.0
Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-bp,u 5.6150 Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Gas,HenryHub-i 2.790 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 5.9925
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 826.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 5.9400 Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-wee
Gas,TranscoZone3-i 2.770 Platinum,Engelhard fabricated 926.0
Gas,TranscoZone6NY-i 2.880 highs and lows for different types of bonds
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 926.0 Food
Gas,PanhandleEast-i 2.450 Palladium,Engelhard fabricated 1026.0 Total Total
Gas,Opal-i 2.560 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2036.0 Beef,carcass equiv. index return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%
Gas,MarcellusNE PA-i 2.480 Copper,Comex spot 2.7270 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 179.73 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low
Gas,HaynesvilleN.LA-i 2.730 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s n.a. select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 172.16
1.0437 Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 70.550 Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Broilers, National comp wghtd-u,w
drRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 13.120 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s n.a. Butter,AA Chicago 2.3200 1966.53 -1.1 Mortgage-Backed 3.510 2.660
Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 145.75 1911.55 -1.7 U.S. Aggregate 3.380 2.380 3.430
Metals Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 157.25 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 1936.46 -0.9 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 3.450 2.630
Fibers and Textiles Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 83.25
per troy oz Cocoa,Ivory Coast-w n.a. 2725.80 -2.6 U.S. Corporate 4.000 3.030 4.070 1152.67 -1.2 Fannie mae (FNMA) 3.530 2.670
Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.5825
ard industrial 1219.72 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0914
ard fabricated 1311.20
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.8794
Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.3270 2589.74 -1.2 Intermediate 3.710 2.530 3.760 1774.14 -1.3 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 3.550 2.680
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *99.50
& Harman base 1215.45 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.9700 522.04 -0.05 Muni Master 2.476 1.736
Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 54.500 3713.84 -5.7 Long term 4.640 3.990 4.750
& Harman fabricated 1349.15 Flour,hard winter KC 16.65
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
Gold Price AM *1222.75 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.61 557.99 -1.8 Double-A-rated 3.450 2.470 3.500 363.71 -0.5 7-12 year 2.548 1.744
Gold Price PM *1219.00 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 65.28
and,wholesale-e 1260.12
Grains and Feeds Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a. 704.06 -2.5 Triple-B-rated 4.290 3.340 4.370 410.03 -0.5 12-22 year 2.876 2.213
eaf-e 1272.23 Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9912 High Yield Bonds Merrill Lynch 397.52 -0.7 22-plus year 3.292 2.716
an Eagle-e 1272.23 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 72 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
n peso-e 1468.89 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.3300 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 162.88 422.93 1.3 High Yield Constrained 6.332 5.373 6.619 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
crown-e 1190.66 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 106.8
phil-e 1272.23 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 441.3
Fats and Oils 439.78 4.7 Triple-C-rated 9.803 9.597 11.091 539.55 -0.8 Global Government 1.690 1.300
troy oz. Cottonseed meal-u,w 255 Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill-u,w 28.0000 2899.38 1.3 High Yield 100 5.878 4.977 6.319 752.40 -0.3 Canada 2.330 1.930
ard industrial 15.4100
Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 98 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2650
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 263 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. 380.20 0.3 Global High Yield Constrained 6.024 4.934 6.298 369.66 -0.2 EMU§ 1.283 0.956
ard fabricated 18.4920
& Harman base 15.4000
Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 2.8475 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.2700
Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 25.75 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.2800 305.99 -0.1 Europe High Yield Constrained 3.282 1.897 3.611 715.44 0.7 France 0.860 0.690
& Harman fabricated 19.2500
pot price *£11.7900
Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 6.9550 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u 0.3200 U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 511.42 0.8 Germany 0.480 0.340
1625.66 -0.7 U.S Agency 2.920 1.690 2.930 288.00 -0.2 Japan 0.450 0.340
ODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; H=Hurley Brokerage; I=Natural Gas Intelligence;
hly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly, Z=not quoted. *Data as of 8/1 1459.31 -0.2 10-20 years 2.810 1.510 2.830 565.41 0.9 Netherlands 0.570 0.450
Source: Dow Jones Market Data 3263.33 -3.6 20-plus years 3.450 2.730 3.550 926.71 -0.4 U.K. 1.630 1.340
2420.20 -1.8 Yankee 3.740 2.610 3.760 777.49 -3.8 Emerging Markets ** 6.580 5.279
hange-Traded Portfolios | *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zon
** EMBI Global Index Sources: Merrill Lynch; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.
Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
Thursday, August 2, 2018 Closing Chg YTD SchwabUS SC SCHA 75.43 0.84 8.2
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 253.10 –0.00 2.3
Closing Chg YTD
SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 362.93 0.84 5.1
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds i
Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 62.96 –0.52 –2.4
iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 43.87 –1.33 –6.9
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 282.39 0.54 5.8 selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
MLPETF AMLP 11.16 2.29 3.4
SPDR S&P Div SDY 96.15 0.51 1.8
scSelSector XLY 111.48 0.69 13.0 iShMSCIEurozone EZU 41.92 –0.93 –3.4 Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis poi
TechSelectSector XLK 72.46 1.26 13.3
eSelSector XLP 53.66 1.02 –5.7 iShMSCIJapan EWJ 58.58 –0.56 –2.3 Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Y
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 52.71 0.50 0.1
iShNasdaqBiotech IBB 118.05 0.75 10.6
SectorSPDR XLE 75.63 –0.55 4.7
VanEckGoldMiner GDX 20.94 –0.81 –9.9 2.625 U.S. 2 2.657 t l 2.682 2.557 1.363
ctorSPDR XLF 27.96 0.04 0.2 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 108.68 0.10 –1.9
ernet FDN 138.36 1.43 25.9 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 149.59 1.05 11.1
VangdInfoTech VGT 191.02 1.44 16.0 2.875 10 2.986 t l 3.006 2.869 2.271
VangdSC Val VBR 139.51 0.61 5.1
areSelSect XLV 89.28 0.37 8.0 iShRussell1000 IWB 157.24 0.56 5.8
VangdSC Grwth VBK 180.26 1.16 12.1
1.750 Australia 2 2.104 s l 2.094 1.966 1.809 -55.3 -58.8
ctorSPDR XLI 75.78 –0.13 0.1 iShRussell1000Val IWD 124.82 0.10 0.4
QI QQQ 179.53 1.36 15.3 iShRussell2000Gwth IWO 209.68 0.93 12.3
VangdDivApp VIG 105.88 0.26 3.8 2.250 10 2.741 s l 2.700 2.607 2.710 -24.6 -30.6
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 43.40 –0.75 –3.3
iShRussell2000 166.97 0.73 9.5
P500EW RSP 104.79 0.40 3.7 IWM
VangdFTSE EM VWO 43.05 –1.15 –6.2 0.000 France 2 -0.381 t l -0.359 -0.573 -0.500 -303.8 -304.1 -1
oan BKLN 23.02 –0.04 –0.1 iShRussell2000Val IWN 134.05 0.42 6.6
TreasuryBd IEI 119.26 0.13 –2.4 iShRussell3000 IWV 167.83 0.58 6.1 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 57.14 –0.87 –3.4 0.750 10 0.782 t l 0.788 0.659 0.747 -220.4 -221.8 -1
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 217.06 0.71 4.3 VangdFinls VFH 70.73 0.10 1.0
MSCIEAFE IEFA 64.21 –0.79 –2.8
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 52.64 –0.88 –3.8 0.000 Germany 2 -0.569 t l -0.554 -0.682 -0.689 -322.7 -323.6 -2
MSCIEmgMk IEMG 53.06 –1.28 –6.7 iShRussellMCValue IWS 90.07 0.36 1.0
MSCITotInt IXUS 60.78 –0.88 –3.6 iShS&PMC400Growth IJK 229.89 1.10 6.5 VangdGrowth VUG 155.34 0.88 10.4 0.250 10 0.462 t l 0.480 0.304 0.487 -252.5 -252.6 -1
S&P500 IVV 284.23 0.48 5.7 iShS&P500Growth IVW 170.11 0.81 11.4 VangdHiDiv VYM 86.01 0.13 0.4
iShS&P500Value 113.97 0.08 –0.2 VangdIntermBd BIV 80.56 0.07 –3.9 0.350 Italy 2 0.960 s l 0.765 0.669 -0.034 -169.8 -191.7 -1
S&P MC IJH 199.17 0.81 4.9 IVE
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 83.62 0.08 –4.3 2.000 10 2.917 s l 2.793 2.650 2.011 -21.3 -
S&P SC IJR 86.89 0.88 13.1 iShUSPfdStk PFF 37.37 0.05 –1.8 -6.9
otlUSStkMkt ITOT 64.93 0.59 6.2 iShShortCpBd IGSB 103.53 0.03 –1.0 VangdLC VV 129.82 0.53 5.9
USAggBd AGG 105.74 0.04 –3.3 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.29 0.02 0.0 VangdMC VO 161.81 0.66 4.5 0.100 Japan 2 -0.101 t l -0.087 -0.128 -0.116 -275.9 -276.9 -1
111.16 0.05 –2.6 VangdMC Val VOE 113.30 0.34 1.6 0.100 10 0.119 t l 0.131 0.027 0.075 -287.5 -2
tDividend DVY 99.41 0.36 0.9 iShTIPSBondETF TIP -286.8
MSCIMinEAFE EFAV 72.49 –0.26 –0.7 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 83.11 0.06 –0.9 VangdRealEst VNQ 82.19 –0.40 –1.0
MSCIMinUSA USMV 54.98 0.38 4.2 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 101.46 0.12 –3.9 VangdS&P500 VOO 259.39 0.51 5.7 1.150 Spain 2 -0.272 s l -0.303 -0.245 -0.357 -292.9 -298.5 -1
VangdST Bond BSV 78.06 0.06 –1.3
MSCIUSAMom MTUM 113.02 1.04 9.6 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 118.63 0.14 –6.5 1.400 10 1.454 s l 1.452 1.290 1.444 -153.2 -155.4 -
ngRateBd FLOT 50.93 ... 0.2 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 130.60 1.25 8.3 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 78.03 0.01 –1.6
Tr IAU 11.59 –0.60 –7.4 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 101.42 0.01 –0.1 VangdSC VB 159.91 0.85 8.2 2.000 U.K. 2 0.790 s l 0.789 0.705 0.290 -186.8 -189.3 -1
$InvGrCpBd LQD 115.15 0.12 –5.3 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 35.82 0.03 –2.5 VangdTotalBd BND 78.79 0.05 –3.4
4.250 10 1.379 t l 1.381 1.257 1.238 -160.8 -162.5 -1
$HYCpBd HYG 85.88 0.06 –1.6 SPDR Gold GLD 114.52 –0.54 –7.4 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 54.48 –0.13 0.2
USDEmgBd EMB 108.07 –0.08 –6.9 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 33.52 –0.80 –1.6 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 54.81 –0.76 –3.5 Source: Tullet
145.78 0.59 6.2
SchwabUS BrdMkt
SchwabUS Div
VT 75.22 0.01 1.3 Corporate Debt
EAFE EFA 68.08 –0.66 –3.2 SchwabUS LC SCHX 67.60 0.52 6.0 VangdValue VTV 108.38 0.22 1.9 Price moves by a company's debt in the credit markets sometimes mirror and sometimes anticipate, mov
that same company’s share price.
rowing Benchmarks | Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points Stock Perform
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($)
ney Rates August 2, 2018 Alleghany Y 5.625 Sept. 15, ’20 65 –24 n.a. 629.66
Energy Transfer Partners ETP 6.000 June 15, ’48 241 –20 256 24.18
nnual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a Xilinx XLNX 2.950 June 1, ’24 90 –19 103 71.72
to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. Viacom VIA 5.875 Feb. 28, ’57 327 –15 379 33.50
Simon Property SPG 3.300 Jan. 15, ’26 78 –11 n.a. 176.26
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low AerCap Ireland Capital Dac* AER 5.000 Oct. 1, ’21 110 –10 125 …
June index Chg From (%) Capital One Financial COF 4.750 July 15, ’21 68 –10 n.a. 95.77
Bid 1.8800 1.8800 1.9200 1.0600 Three month -0.359 -0.356 -0.349 -0.389
level May '18 June '17 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel S.A. BFCM 2.750 Oct. 15, ’20 66 –8 n.a. ...
Offer 1.9100 1.9100 2.1500 1.0700 Six month -0.317 -0.321 -0.298 -0.339
onsumer price index
Treasury bill auction One year -0.231 -0.235 -0.189 -0.263 …And spreads that widened the most
s 251.989 0.16 2.9
4 weeks 1.910 1.880 1.910 0.940 UniCredit SpA UCGIM 5.861 June 19, ’32 450 10 439 ...
257.697 0.09 2.3 Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor)
13 weeks 2.000 1.970 2.000 1.000 Deutsche Bank AG DB 4.875 Dec. 1, ’32 365 9 380 12.54
International rates 26 weeks 2.160 2.140 2.160 1.115 One month -0.369 -0.369 -0.366 -0.374 Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance MSINS 7.000 March 15, ’72 122 8 n.a. ...
Three month -0.319 -0.320 -0.319 -0.331 Toronto–Dominion Bank TD 3.500 July 19, ’23 67 8 72 59.25
Week 52-Week Secondary market
Latest High Low Six month -0.269 -0.269 -0.267 -0.279 Apple AAPL 1.550 Aug. 4, ’21 22 7 22 207.39
ago Fannie Mae One year -0.176 -0.179 -0.151 -0.194 Australia And New Zealand Banking ANZ 2.300 June 1, ’21 64 6 65 ...
rates 30-year mortgage yields
Value 52-Week
Morgan Stanley MS 6.375 July 24, ’42 152 6 n.a. 49.81
5.00 5.00 5.00 4.25 30 days 4.242 4.235 4.344 3.253 Stryker SYK 3.375 Nov. 1, ’25 91 6 94 166.45
Latest Traded High Low
3.70 3.70 3.70 2.95 60 days 4.267 4.260 4.371 3.281
1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
Other short-term rates
DTCC GCF Repo Index High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Treasury 1.967 21.420 2.233 1.022 Bond Price as % of face value Stock Perform
Rates Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($)
Week 52-Week MBS 2.013 79.320 2.321 1.038
ne 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Latest ago high low
land 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Open Implied
Energy Transfer Equity ETE 5.875 Jan. 15, ’24 106.750 2.38 104.000 18.95
0.75 0.50 0.75 0.25 Settle Change Interest Rate West WSTC 8.500 Oct. 15, ’25 90.000 2.25 88.250 ...
Call money
a 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Frontier Communications FTR 11.000 Sept. 15, ’25 81.313 2.16 82.254 5.49
3.75 3.75 3.75 3.00 DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures CNO Financial CNO 5.250 May 30, ’25 100.000 2.00 98.072 22.26
ight repurchase Treasury Aug 98.000 -0.005 1404 2.000
Commercial paper (AA financial) Tesla TSLA 5.300 Aug. 15, ’25 90.500 2.00 89.750 349.54
1.92 1.98 2.18 1.01 Treasury Sep 97.950 0.010 1897 2.050
90 days 2.24 2.20 2.31 1.14
Alliance One International AOI 9.875 July 15, ’21 93.375 1.88 91.500 16.80
U.S. government rates Treasury Oct 97.760 -0.005 88 2.240 Halcon Resources HKUS 6.750 Feb. 15, ’25 93.625 1.38 92.625 ...
Weekly survey Nabors Industries NBR 5.750 Feb. 1, ’25 96.563 1.31 94.375 6.62
unt One month 2.08019 2.07163 2.10288 1.22667
2.50 2.50 2.50 1.75 Three month 2.34050 2.33888 2.36906 1.30911 Latest Week ago Year ago …And with the biggest price decreases
al funds Six month 2.53050 2.52863 2.53363 1.44767 Chobani CHBANI 7.500 April 15, ’25 88.500 –4.00 n.a. ...
One year 2.82775 2.81663 2.83213 1.69511
Freddie Mac
e rate 1.9300 1.9300 1.9500 1.0700 30-year fixed 4.60 4.54 3.93 Diebold Nixdorf DBD 8.500 April 15, ’24 78.750 –2.50 94.750 6.70
2.1500 2.1500 2.1500 1.3125 Euro Libor 15-year fixed 4.08 4.02 3.18 Blackboard BBBB 9.750 Oct. 15, ’21 78.500 –1.50 79.750 ...
1.8700 1.8700 1.9100 0.9800 One month -0.404 -0.401 -0.394 -0.420 Five-year ARM 3.93 3.87 3.15 Altice Luxembourg S.A. ATCNA 7.750 May 15, ’22 99.000 –1.38 99.500 ...
Altice Financing S.A. ALTICE 7.500 May 15, ’26 96.250 –1.25 97.655 ...
n data: Altice France S.A. SFRFP 7.375 May 1, ’26 98.219 –1.03 98.875 ...
me rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks, and is effective June 14, 2018. Other prime rates Frontier Communications FTR 7.875 Jan. 15, ’27 57.500 –1.00 57.250 5.49
rectly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; Discount rate is effective June 14, 2018. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust &
Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon Titan Acquisition HUSKYI 7.750 April 15, ’26 89.000 –1.00 91.250 ...
of 5:30 p.m. ET. Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on NYSE Liffe US.
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-s
: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information;
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
rebon Information, Ltd. Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; Dow Jones Mark
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, August 3, 2018 | B9
currency whose drastic decline Russia 34
makes it ever more expensive Brazil 33
to pay off. India 20
The lira has lost a quarter China 14
of its value this year against
the dollar and took another Yields on Turkish lira bonds
leg down Wednesday and maturing in November 2019
Thursday after the Trump ad-
ministration sanctioned two Jan. Feb. March April May June July
Turkish officials following An- Sources: IMF, World Bank (debt); Thomson Reuters (yields) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Turkey’s lira has lost a quarter of its value against the dollar this year. A currency office in Istanbul.
kara’s refusal to free an Amer-
ican pastor. Even so, the high yield from according to Thomson Reuters. years. Investors have ques- the Group of 20 leading econ- hugely reliant on foreign debt.
Bond yields have exploded owning Turkish bonds means Turkey’s woes come against tioned the central bank’s ability omies. But a good part of that If that debt can’t be rolled
higher amid very high infla- investors are highly compen- a backdrop of wider pressure to tame inflation as President growth was fueled by credit over, central-bank reserves
tion, and stocks have fallen. sated for taking the risk. “The on emerging markets, which Recep Tayyip Erdogan tightens partly guaranteed by the state. aren’t big enough to cover
For those foreign investors bar for us to give up on Tur- have been hit this year amid a his grip over the economy. The That program, known as the that shortfall as well as Tur-
still left in Turkey the ques- key would be fairly high sim- stronger dollar, higher U.S. in- lira slid sharply in July after he Credit Guarantee Fund, ex- key’s current-account deficit,
tion is: Are the heady yields ply because” of that, he said. terest rates and an escalating made his son-in-law finance panded 10-fold in 2017 to said Viktor Szabo, a senior in-
the country’s markets offer Mr. Upadhyay isn’t alone is trade conflict between the U.S. minister and received powers around 7% of GDP, according vestment manager at Aber-
worth the volatile ride? staying in Turkey, but he is in- and China. Argentina asked for letting him appoint central to the IMF. deen Standard Investments.
On Tuesday, Nishant Upad- creasingly in the minority. a $50 billion credit line from bank governors. That debt was channeled Mr. Szabo has an under-
hyay, woke at 3 a.m. in New Many foreign funds have al- the International Monetary Another big concern is the through local banks, and now weight position on Turkey but
York to read Turkey’s latest ready pulled back and Turkish Fund earlier this year. amount of debt Turkey owes problem loans are rising. Tur- still holds three-year local-cur-
sky-high inflation figures. He markets reflect the exodus. But Turkey also has a long in other currencies, which the key’s six largest banks notched rency bonds that yield over
didn’t need an alarm. “It’s not The lira has plunged and the list of domestic troubles. IMF says stood at 53% of gross a “significant” annual rise in 20%. The value of lira-denomi-
like I can sleep easy with Tur- yield on dollar-denominated The IMF forecasts the coun- domestic product at the end of nonperforming loans in the nated assets have taken a sub-
key—I can’t,” said Mr. Upad- government debt maturing in try’s current-account deficit 2017. Over a third of that first quarter, according to S&P stantial hit with the currency’s
hyay, who oversees more than 2028 has moved from 5.2% in will be over 5% of gross domes- comes due within a year, while Global Market Intelligence, slide this year. Investors buy-
$18 billion in assets as head of January to 7.5% now, accord- tic product in 2018, the widest 40% is in floating-rate debt, which warned those lenders ing the bonds now would have
emerging-market debt at ing to Tradeweb. Yields on among emerging economies in making it more expensive to are at risk of a further deteri- to see a 20% decline in the
HSBC Global Asset Manage- Turkish lira bonds that mature the Group of 20 nations. Infla- pay off as interest rates rise. oration in asset quality. currency over coming months
ment, in an interview before in November 2019 have risen tion spiraled to 15.4% in June, In 2017, Turkey’s economy Turkey’s banks, like many for their returns to be wiped
the sanctions announcement. from 13% to more than 20%, its highest annual rate in 15 expanded at the fastest rate in of its companies, are also out entirely, he said.
lators labeled “systemically The new enforcement results. The gains spilled over
important” in 2012, subject- probes by the SEC and CFTC to the broader tech sector,
ing it to stricter standards. began after the jump in mar- while a postearnings bounce
Clearinghouses are supposed ket volatility during the first helped push
quarter of 2018, the people THURSDAY’S Apple’s mar-
said. SEC and CFTC examin- MARKETS ket value
ers became frustrated about above $1 tril-
Clearinghouses aim the clearinghouse’s models lion, the first
to reduce systemwide and referred their findings to U.S. company ever to surpass
their respective enforcement that mark.
risk by guaranteeing divisions, said people familiar The strong earnings helped Netflix and Facebook’s weak earnings had hurt the tech sector. On the set of Netflix’s ‘Mudbound.’
market trades. with the matter. reinvigorate a corner of the
The regulators are now stock market that has been have topped earnings expecta-
looking into the clearing- struggling in recent days. Earnings Effect tions and 59% have seen stock
house’s risk-management Weak earnings from popular Shares of consumer-staples and technology companies gained prices rise, according to Fact-
to help reduce systemwide models and databases to de- stocks such as Facebook and on upbeat earnings, pulling the S&P 500 into positive territory. Set.
risk by guaranteeing trades termine if there are any viola- Netflix caused the S&P 500’s Global Payments rose 7.28,
between buyers and sellers. tions of rules governing how tech sector to contract 2.2% 1.5% or 6.5%, to 119.18 after it re-
Their operations and finan- Options Clearing calculates over the eight trading ses- Technology ported profit and sales ahead
cial health are considered margin levels, stress tests its sions through Wednesday. The of analysts’ expectations, as
critical to smooth market members’ trading positions sector’s 1.4% rise Thursday, 1.0 Consumer- well as the acquisition of soft-
functioning. and maintains its own critical the most of the S&P 500’s 11 sector ware provider AdvancedMD.
A spokesman for Options computer systems, the people sectors, was enough to swing Household-product makers
Clearing declined to comment said. tech stocks back into positive 0.5 Clorox and Church & Dwight
S&P 500
on the investigations. territory for the week. reported better-than-expected
The Chicago-based clear- The strong results among results, lifting the broader
inghouse reported that the Sizable Spike tech companies, as well as 0 consumer-staples sector. Clo-
average size of traders’ mar- A jolt of volatility this year some consumer-staples firms, rox rose 8.28, or 6.2%, to
gin breaches in the first quar- exposed problems with how helped offset the latest con- 142.44 to cut its loss for the
ter was $61.4 million, up from Options Clearing manages risk. cerns of a protracted trade year to 4.2%. Church &
$26,355 at the end of 2017, dispute between the two big- Dwight added 1.64, or 3%, to
and a multiyear high. CBOE Volatilty Index gest economies in the world. 56.79.
Options Clearing conducts 40 Feb. 5, 2018 The tech-heavy Nasdaq The Stoxx Europe 600 fell
backtesting to gauge the Composite rose 95.40 points, 9:30 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 0.8%, while the Shanghai
Largest one-day jump
quality of its models. A mar- or 1.2%, to 7802.69, while the Source: SIX THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Composite and Hong Kong’s
gin breach occurs when the 30 broader S&P 500 added 13.86 Hang Seng each shed at least
actual amount posted as mar- points, or 0.5%, to 2827.22. an impressive pace, some weeks, helping investors to 2% after U.S. officials threat-
gin is less than what the vola- The Dow Jones Industrial Av- money managers said. S&P look past any trade issues,” ened to more than double
tility in markets indicates 20 erage declined 7.66 points, or 500 tech stocks are on pace to said Tom Stringfellow, chief proposed tariffs on $200 bil-
was needed. Options Clearing less than 0.1%, to 25326.16. increase earnings 32% from a investment officer at Frost In- lion of Chinese goods. Early
recently won approval to Investors are realizing that year earlier, topping the rosy vestment Advisors. “Those Friday, both indexes were flat,
change its margin model and 10 despite some apparent weak- estimates analysts had pegged that are reporting good re- while Japan’s Nikkei was up
plans to make the shift in Oc- ness in pockets of the tech- to the sector last month, ac- sults are being rewarded.” 0.3% after falling 1% on
tober. nology industry, companies cording to FactSet. With nearly 400 companies Thursday.
Amy McCormick, first vice 0 throughout the sector are in- “Earnings have been ratch- in the S&P 500 having re- —Ben St. Clair
president of financial risk J F M A M J J A creasing profits and sales at eting higher the past few ported results, about 73% contributed to this article.
management at Options Source: SIX
Clearing, said through a THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Upbeat Earnings Give Shares a Boost
BY CHELSEY DULANEY tions. Before the report, the
Average share-price gain for companies
stock had fallen roughly 20%
Investors are rewarding that beat or missed earnings and this year.
companies that beat Wall revenue expectations Meanwhile, strong earnings
Street’s earnings expectations reports from tech giants such
with the largest share-price as Apple, Alphabet Inc. and
gains in years, helping to un- Beat Inc. helped ease
derpin a U.S. stock-market Miss concerns that regulation and
rally rattled by this year’s market saturation will drag
trade tensions and rising in- 2 down the broader sector.
terest rates. Earnings for S&P Apple’s shares surged 5.9%
500 companies are expected to on Wednesday to a record af-
log a rise of 24% for the sec- ter it beat Wall Street expecta-
ond quarter, according to Fact- tions, helping propel the
Set estimates. That would iPhone maker to a $1 trillion
rank as the second-largest in- 0 market valuation Thursday.
crease since 2010 and extend a Earnings for the S&P’s infor-
streak of double-digit profit mation-technology sector are
growth for U.S. companies expected to post a rise of 32%
that had in previous quarters for the quarter, according to
failed to impress investors. FactSet.
In recent weeks, upbeat re- The strength of the tech sec-
sults from tech giants like Ap- –2 tor has been a key driver of the
ple Inc. and manufacturers broader market in recent years.
like Caterpillar Inc. have Analysts say recent earnings
helped to reassure investors suggest its influence over the
that the corporate profit re- broader market isn’t yet under
covery remains on solid threat despite disappointing
ground. Going into this earn- –4 2000 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 results from Facebook Inc. and
ings season, many investors Quarterly Netflix Inc. that sparked steep
had feared trade tensions, ris- declines in their stocks.
ing interest rates and higher Disappointing earnings tend
costs for things like labor and S&P 500 sectors second-quarter earnings growth, change from a year earlier to drive larger market reac-
commodities would drag down tions: Shares of companies
earnings and share prices. Energy 124.9% that have missed second-quar-
“This is a market that is Materials 53.5 ter earnings and revenue ex-
proving the skeptics wrong,” pectations have slid by 3.6%,
said Jack Ablin, chief invest- Technology 31.6 according to Bank of America
ment officer of Cresset Wealth S&P 500 S&P 500 quarterly earnings growth data.
Telecom 31.0 2900 60%
Advisors. “There is a fair Investors remain on alert
amount of resilience in corpo- Financials 20.2 2850 50 Change from a year earlier for signs that the first half of
rate America and that’s a good Consumer 2800 40
this year represented a peak in
18.5 earnings growth, which could
thing for equities.” discretionary
Shares of companies that 2750 30 pose a threat to the rally.
Industrials 16.8
posted better-than-expected 2700 20 Earnings growth is expected
earnings and revenue in the Health care 16.2 to slow in the quarters ahead
2650 10
second quarter have risen by Utilities 10.3 as the effects of last year’s tax
an average of 1.5% after their 2600 0 overhaul begin to fade.
reports, according to Bank of 9.6 John Lynch, chief invest-
staples 2550 –10
America Merrill Lynch. That is ment strategist at LPL Finan-
Real estate 7.8 J F M A M J J A 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18
the largest gain since 2016 and cial, says that the strength of
is far higher than the 0.4% rise Sources: Bank of America (share-price gain); FactSet (S&P 500 earnings growth); Dow Jones Market Data (index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the U.S. economy should help
for the first quarter. offset the impact of an earn-
Strong earnings helped companies such as United particularly exposed to the tit- 7.3% last month, the strongest pillar also raised its profit out- ings slowdown. U.S. gross do-
send the S&P 500 up 3.6% in Technologies Corp., Boeing for-tat tariff spat between the gain for any of the index’s 11 look last month as demand for mestic product rose 4.1% in
July, when companies began Co. and Honeywell Interna- U.S. and trade partners includ- groups. its machinery remains strong. the second quarter, the stron-
to report for the quarter, the tional Inc. as a reason to re- ing China and Europe. Aviation giant Boeing, Shares of Harley-Davidson gest rate of growth since 2014.
best monthly gain since Janu- main optimistic about the path Industrial companies in the whose shares tumbled earlier Inc., which has said it will “Though earnings growth
ary. The index is now less than for U.S. stocks despite intensi- S&P 500 are on track to de- in the year on tariff concerns, move production overseas to may be slowing, we believe
2% from a record. fying trade frictions. Those liver earnings growth of 17% in raised its revenue outlook for avoid tariffs, rallied 7.7% after the economic expansion has a
Investors point to strong firms, which have large over- the second quarter, according the year, citing strong global its earnings report as the com- good amount of runway left,”
results from large industrial seas businesses, were seen as to FactSet. The sector rose demand for its planes. Cater- pany beat analysts’ expecta- said Mr. Lynch.
Carl Icahn Is Correct About Cigna and Express Scripts ening its fulfillment-center
operations, expanding its
product portfolio and en-
Activist investor Carl their plan to lower prescrip- why it even needs a risky only health-care giant pursu- hancing the overall customer
Icahn has an uphill battle to Bumpy Ride tion-drug prices. and pricey acquisition in the ing a vertical integration experience. Yet subscribers
upend Cigna’s planned ac- Express Scripts share price While the deal will face first place. Second-quarter strategy. CVS Health plans still fell 9% just from the pre-
quisition of pharmacy-bene- careful regulatory scrutiny, revenue of $11.5 billion and to acquire Aetna for $69 bil- vious quarter.
fit manager Express Scripts. $80 convincing shareholders to adjusted earnings of $3.89 a lion. But acquiring Aetna Investors have every rea-
The health insurer’s second- join the activist will be a share blew past analyst esti- would help protect CVS from son to be skeptical. Blue
quarter results suggest he 78 tough task. Mr. Icahn’s stake mates. unwelcome regulatory Apron’s run as a public com-
has a point. is less than 5% of total The company’s profit fore- changes and diversify away pany has been rocky from
The hedge-fund billionaire 76 shares outstanding while cast was equally strong. For from flagging retail opera- the very beginning: Its
has accumulated a sizable other top Cigna shareholders the full year, Cigna expects tions. Cigna, by contrast, shares lost two-thirds of
stake in Cigna stock and 74 15-minute intervals are mainly passive investors. sales growth of 8% and ad- would increase its potential their value at the IPO.
plans to vote against the 27 30 31 1 2 And Chief Executive David justed year-over-year per- regulatory risk by buying the It is hard to believe that
deal. July August Cordani reaffirmed his confi- share earnings growth of largest stand-alone PBM. customers are going to fi-
Mr. Icahn reportedly be- Source: SIX dence in the deal on a Thurs- 30% to 33%. More impressive What becomes of the nally start sticking with the
lieves that Cigna is overpay- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. day morning conference call. still, that growth comes Trump administration’s plan kits. Between groceries, res-
ing for Express Scripts, Mr. Cordani said that ac- while Cigna has paused stock to lower drug prices is still taurants, and ordering out,
which helps employers and deal to backfire. Since the quiring Express Scripts will buybacks, which help boost anyone’s guess. Mr. Icahn’s they have plenty of other op-
insurers manage prescrip- deal was agreed to in March, “further accelerate” value earnings per share. That appearance gives Cigna an- tions. The company has said
tion-drug spending, and that the Trump administration creation for Cigna sharehold- backdrop hardly suggests the other opportunity to inocu- it aims to break even this
potential changes to how has signaled repeatedly that ers, but the continued strong need for drastic changes to late itself against any poten- year. Check the sell-by date
drug rebates are regulated it plans to focus on phar- performance of Cigna’s core the corporate strategy. tial negative side effects. carefully on Blue Apron’s
could cause the proposed macy-benefit managers in business calls into question Granted, Cigna isn’t the —Charley Grant pledges. —Elizabeth Winkler
Friday, August 3, 2018 | M1
Luxe Resorts
Truckee, Calif., built these ‘rendezvous cabins’ for temporary stays. fitness center, below left, and an outdoor yoga studio, below.
Tell Buyers:
Try Us Out!
High-end developers are offering
shoppers short stays in fancy
tents and cabins ‘on the house.’
Although the Four Seasons Caye Chapel Re- tents—they have every luxury: air-conditioning,
sort and Residences in Belize doesn’t officially a teak-floor shower with all these beautiful lo-
open for three more years, the island property tions, an espresso maker,” said Sara Cady, a 48-
SOME OF THE world’s most luxurious resorts are has created four tricked-out beach tents to host year-old Austin, Texas, resident whose family
borrowing a pitch from the Costco aisle: They are mini-getaways for potential buyers. has visited the island resort property twice. “We
offering bite-size samples to shoppers. “I love going down there and staying in the Please turn to page M4
Mario Andretti,
right, in his
Nazareth, Pa.,
home with $11 MILLION
Gonzo, his yel- Quirky, curvy home in
low-nape Ama- Washington lists M2
zon parrot, and,
left, in a 1960s
auto race.
Seattle Home Seeks $11 Million TED KENNEDY ASKS $22 MILLION
A sprawling Georgetown estate bringing the home to around
that was once home to Sen. Ted 10,000 square feet. More recently,
Kennedy is coming on the market a previous owner renovated the
for $22 million. home to better blend the older
Mr. Kennedy and his first wife, portion with the addition. The in-
Joan Kennedy, rented the prop- terior of the home was taken
erty some time after his election down to the studs, while new
to the Senate in the 1960s, ac- structural support, plumbing and
cording to the Historical Society electric wiring were installed.
of Washington, D.C., and re- Ms. Brentzel said she has
ports from the time. hosted numerous events
The home was once at the home, including
part of the neigh- the wedding of a
boring Evermay friend that was pre-
Estate, a historic sided over by Su-
Georgetown prop- preme Court Justice
erty that sold for Sonia Sotomayor.
$22 million in 2011 The home has nine
to biotech execu- bedrooms and 10
tives Sachiko Kuno bathrooms. The main
and Ryuji Ueno. entrance opens onto a re-
dal and the 1971 publishing of the agents. Mr. Graham died last year. Mohu, is on a separate parcel and
Pentagon Papers, a period depicted The property is now owned by isn’t included in the sale.
Brookville, NY Mill Neck, NY – Enjoy Summer Here Northport, NY – Waterfront New Construction
Situated on over 6 acres of perfectly manicured property and located on one of the most prestigious SD #3. MLS# 3026854. $1,825,000. SD #4. MLS# 3040557. $2,650,000.
streets on the Gold Coast of Long Island, this 14,000+ sq. ft. custom-built Estate simply embodies Christina F. (Christy) Porter, 516.759.4800 Dee Donovan, 631.754.3400 ext.210
perfection. SD #15. MLS# 2977360. $15,000,000. c.516.835.5512 c.516.527.9070
Jason Friedman, 516.466.4036, c.516.236.6226
Sarah (Rudi) Friedman, 516.466.4036, c.516.643.0630
Smithtown, NY – Custom-Built Post Modern West Islip, NY – Waterfront Cutchogue, NY – Beebe Pointe
SD #1. MLS# 3025768. $2,100,000. SD #9. MLS# 3044068. $2,699,000. In the heart of The North Fork; 10-acre lot at the head of East Creek in Cutchogue, along the route to
Dee Donovan, 631.754.3400 ext.210 Edie Esposito, 516.627.4440, c.516.946.8082 prestigious Nassau Point. SD #9. MLS# 2986139. $925,000.
c.516.527.9070 Matthew Gillies, 631.734.5439, c.516.779.0551
Set on 56 waterfront acres, Garvies Point is the North Shore’s most dynamic new community.
Offering a lifestyle totally unique to Long Island, The Beacon comprises 167 picturesque one,
two and three bedroom condominiums all within one hour of Manhattan. Priced from $650,000.
Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
M2B | Friday, August 3, 2018 NY / NE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Clinical trials bring us closer to the day when
all cancer patients can become survivors.
Clinical trials are an essential path to progress and the
brightest torch researchers have to light their way to better
treatments. That’s because clinical trials allow researchers
to test cutting-edge and potentially life-saving treatments
while giving participants access to the best options available.
Sonequa Martin-Green,
SU2C Ambassador
Amantea Architects,
based in Toronto, de-
signed a modern
Douglas fir-and-steel
pavilion for a family’s
Pavilions—also known as sum- air structures are focal points in concrete, was meant to fool the
merhouses, gazebos or belve- the landscape, a place to enter- eye of partying visitors, with its
deres—are architects’ more free- tain, enjoy outdoor dining or just scaled-down size and 5-foot-4-
spirited counterpoints to a to take in warm nights. inch ceiling.
house. “Pavilions are more about Some of these structures have The pavilions shown here are
pure structure rather than hav- a reputation of their own. perfect places for a picnic, and
ing to focus on the technical de- Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Pavil- can be loaded with amenities.
tails of a house,” says Steve Hoe- ion at Monticello was his favorite Whether simple or more elab-
demaker of Seattle-based place for reading and reflection. orate, the goal is the same: a way
Hoedemaker Pfeiffer. Philip Johnson’s Pavilion in the to shelter while in the outdoors.
For homeowners, these open- Pond, made of pre-fabricated —Karen Bruno
“We wanted to evoke a public park shelter or forest service shelter,” says Steve
Hoedemaker of Hoedemaker Pfeiffer in Seattle, “something with both a sense
of design and permanence.” On Washington’s San Juan Islands, this pavilion is
built from fir trees felled on site during construction of the main house. It has a
zinc standing-seam roof and is made of Montana Ledge stone and Huckleberry
basalt, with a poured concrete floor.
Price: $270,000 for the pavilion, including a shower and sink
Resorts Say
‘Try Me Out’
Continued from page M1
did everything from temple-ruin
tours to scuba diving, to fishing, to
sunset cruises, to jet-skiing.”
The price of admission: a re-
fundable $10,000 deposit, which
Ms. Cady, a Gyrotonic studio
owner, and her husband Steve, a
retired sales executive, paid last
June. The deposit also secured a
spot on Caye Chapel’s Founders
List, giving them dibs on one of its
first-available oceanfront home-
sites. There are 15 homesites cur-
rently for sale, ranging in price
from $2.1 million to $4 million. So
far, the resort has hosted 33 visits,
and taken deposits from 37 buyers.
High-end resorts still in the
build-out stage are offering no-
tour of the community. There is no
charge for the stay, other than a
nominal cleaning fee.
Resorts with extensive amenities
already in place are more likely to
charge prospective home buyers for
a trial visit. Whitetail Club, a 1,300-
acre private club and community in
McCall, Idaho, charges $295 in high
season for a night in one of its five
Discovery Cottages: 750-square-
foot homes with pitched roofs,
white oak floors and fieldstone fire-
places that are reserved for owners
and prospective buyers. The cot-
tages have the same exterior and
interior finishes as larger homes
now being built across the street—
called Shore Lodge Cottages—that
are priced between $739,000 and
Snake River Sporting Club—an
FANCY FREEBIE The Four Seasons Caye Chapel Resort and Residences in Belize has created four beach tents to host mini-getaways for potential buyers. Sara 800-acre resort about 20 miles
Cady, above left with husband Steve and children Jaxon and Sofia, has visited the property twice; the beach, above right. south of Jackson, Wyo., where 62
homes sites cost between $695,000
and $3.2 million—unveiled its “dis-
covery village” of four tiny homes,
kitted out with Restoration Hard-
ware furnishings and homey touches
like vintage Scrabble boards. (The
houses, like the ones at Mountain-
side, were built by Wheelhaus, a
Jackson-based firm, and will eventu-
ally be removed.) Guests are wel-
comed with a handwritten note from
the club’s professional angler and a
set of hand-tied flies. Visitors pay a
cant’s income will continue you’ve made to ensure it
after the move. doesn’t happen again.
Another time a borrower
letter may be required is an What’s not allowed
unusually large deposit that employment can also call for help lenders cover them- tion later turns out to be in- torney James W. Brody, While it’s perfectly OK for
shows up on bank statements. a letter. “It could be as sim- selves if a mortgage applica- accurate. chairman of the mortgage- lenders to ask for explana-
While the explanation may ple as somebody had a child, tion is ever audited, either “It’s all about the bor- banking practice group at tions related to an applica-
simply be that the borrower and they left the workplace by internal bank auditors or rower’s intent at the time of Johnston Thomas in Santa tion, there are certain top-
deposited wedding gifts or for a period of time,” Mr. federal examiners, who peri- underwriting,” says Allen Rosa, Calif. “I don’t see any- ics they can’t broach. “By
sold her car, the underwriter Banfield says. “What the un- odically audit mortgage files White, senior vice president thing enforceable about these law, we cannot ask our bor-
needs to understand the derwriter is trying to get at to ensure that the lender did of mortgage lending at South letters,” he says. “Certainly rowers anything that is pro-
source of the money to en- is the stability and continu- its due diligence during the State Bank in Seneca, S.C. there is a need to provide hibited bias, such as medi-
sure it wasn’t a loan the bor- ity of the income they’re us- application process. But ex- “It’s not something we trace honest and truthful informa- cal privacy, gender, age,
rower received to help pay for ing to qualify the client to perts say the epistles are back.” tion, but you can’t guarantee religious or racial discrimi-
the house that the borrower ensure that they can actually generally not enforceable The letters are just a way you’re going to remain em- nation,” Mr. White says.
couldn’t otherwise afford. afford the payments.” and that the letter-writer for lenders to “tighten up ployed, for example.” Steer clear of those ques-
A gap in the borrower’s Letters of explanation can’t be sued if the explana- their underwriting,” says at- Here are some things to tions if presented.
Ultimate luxury at Seven Bridges – brand new estate homes in a highly Offering views of The Ocean Course and a wide tidal marsh, the Over 50% SOLD – Located in the vibrant Arts District, The Arts Residences
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Island Club Membership is available.
From the $700s to $3M $3,270,000 From the $400s
The Arts Residences at The Thompson San Antonio Hotel
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Old Greenwich, cT | $14,950,000 newpOrT, ri | $14,500,000 wesTerly, ri | $12,500,000 newpOrT, ri | $9,500,000 nOrTh palm Beach, Fl | $8,975,000
Magnificent waterfront “Great Estate.” 6-bed- “Plaisance” Oceanfont with rare beach Oceanwide - Oceanfront w/beach. Rare offer- “Ker Arvor” exceptional estate on 9 acres off Contemporary masterpiece w/endless water
room stone manor; pool; deep water dock. frontage. West facing for glorious sunsets. ing in the exclusive enclave of Weekapaug. Ocean Drive near Newport Country Club. views/dock; 11,071 total sf on one+ acres.
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Custom designed waterfront home with expan- Extraordinary Penzance Point waterfront “Meadowbrook Farm” Timeless & private. 124 Custom 5 BR estate, prestigious gated This six-bedroom Georgian home is located
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Robert Paul Properties Robert Paul Properties Turpin Real Estate, Inc. Lost Tree Realty Houlihan Lawrence
Robert Kinlin — +1 508 648 2739 Robert Kinlin — +1 508 648 2739 Ashley Christus — +1 908 234 9100 x214 Denice Sexton — +1 561 662 8344 Blake Delany — +1 203 869 0700
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guest apartment on 3.5 acres. Dock permit. private, peaceful acres with fabulous deck is an masterpiece w/wide open bay views. ICW views, private beach w/dock & lift. Nantucket Sound with private sandy beach.
Lila Delman Real Estate Houlihan Lawrence Michael Saunders & Company Lost Tree Realty Robert Paul Properties
Cynthia Moretti — +1 401 374 3444 Joanne Mancuso — +1 203 869 0700 Drew Russell — +1 941 993 3739 Denice Sexton — +1 561 662 8344 Robert Kinlin — +1 508 648 2739
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Turnkey living in this luxurious 5,300 square Euro insp. 11,000sf masterpc. w/lavish Beautifully renovated 5-bedroom English Manor Stunning 5BR in prime location, theatre, wine Stunning and unique 2+ bedroom residence in
foot three bedroom condo in-town. appointments set on priv. oasis on East Hill. on two private acres with heated pool. cellar, pool, pool hse, gardens, 5 acs. the D4 condominiums w/two garage spaces.
Houlihan Lawrence Terrie O’Connor Realtors Houlihan Lawrence Turpin Real Estate, Inc. Robert Paul Properties
Amanda Miller — +1 203 869 0700 Marina Rizas — +1 201 906 2256 E.Mosher/J.Church — +1 203 869 0700 Ashley Christus — +1 908 234 9100 x214 R. Kinlin/B. Dougherty — +1 508 648 2739
charlesTOn, sc | $2,495,000 hardinG Twp., nJ | $2,150,000 Bernardsville, nJ | $1,995,000 TequesTa, Fl | $1,900,000 BarrinGTOn, ri | $1,895,000
Grand Neoclassical Revival, South of Broad, Georgian Colonial 5 BRs, 4.2 BAs, open Remodeled Bville Mtn. home, 5ac, 5/6BA, Light bright 3BR estate home in Jupiter Hills Unique waterfront contemporary with stunning
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Carriage Properties Turpin Real Estate, Inc. Turpin Real Estate, Inc. Lost Tree Realty Residential Properties Ltd.
Charles Sullivan — +1 843 367 8807 Gerry-Jo Cranmer — +1 908 234 9100 x220 Gerry-Jo Cranmer — +1 908 234 9100 x220 Denice Sexton — +1 561 662 8344 Ellen Kasle — +1 401 451 7848
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Residential Properties Ltd. Santa Fe Properties Carriage Properties Robert Paul Properties Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
Marlene Manchester — +1 401 465 5317 Julia Gelbart — +1 505 699 2507 Judy Tarleton — +1 843 729 2255 R.Kinlin/W. Salas — +1 508 648 2739 Jane Schiff — +1 610 216 5232
©2018 Luxury Portfolio International.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Offering is subject to errors, omissions, change of price, or withdrawal without notice. All information considered reliable; however, it has been supplied by third parties and should not be relied on as accurate or complete.
Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status or disabled status.
M8 | Friday, August 3, 2018 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Distinctive Properties
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M10 | Friday, August 3, 2018 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
NEW HOME Aldo and Mario Andretti, above, 4th and 5th from left, building a
stock car with friends in Nazareth, Pa., in 1959. Mr. Andretti, right, in one of two
garages at the home he and his late wife, Dee Ann, built in the same area.
Westchester &
Fairfield Homes
Our bracelet sizzles with
10 carats of sparkle