Cerebral Palsy Review

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International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24


Department Of Pharmacy, Banasthali University, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan- 304022
Department of Pharmacy, Banasthali University, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan. 304022

coordination. It is caused by damage to one or more

specific areas of the brain that control muscle tone
Cerebral palsy is non-progressive motor and motor activity. The resulting impairments first
disability which is caused by abnormal appear early in life, usually occurring during fetal
development or damage in one or more parts of development or infancy. It also can occur before,
the brain that control muscle tone and motor during or shortly following birth. Children with
activity (movement). This lesion is static, the cerebral palsy may not be able to walk, talk, eat or
manifestation of the disorder and the needs of play in the same ways as most other children. The
the individual changes with age. It may involve incidence of CP is usually 0.15 to 0.3% of the general
muscle stiffness (spasticity), poor muscle tone, population (compared to a 3% incidence of mental
uncontrolled movements, and problems with retardation). The worldwide incidence of CP is
posture, balance, coordination, walking, speech, approximately 2 to 2.5/1000 live births. The
swallowing, and many other functions. Motor incidence is strongly associated with gestational age,
performance is normally coordinated via occurring in 1 of 20 surviving preterm infants.
communication between the cerebral cortex, Cerebral palsy is neither progressive nor
thalamus, basal ganglia, brain stem, cerebellum, communicable. It is also not "curable" in the
spinal cord and communicating sensory motor accepted sense, although education, therapy and
pathways. Mental retardation, seizures, applied technology can help persons with cerebral
breathing problems, bladder and bowel control palsy lead productive lives. It is important to know
problems, learning disabilities, skeletal that cerebral palsy is not a disease or illness. It isn't
deformities, dental problems, eating difficulties, contagious and it doesn't get worse. Children who
digestive problems, and hearing and vision have cerebral palsy will have it all their lives.
problems are also linked with this disorder.
Cerebral palsy is non- curable in the accepted
sense although several measures such as proper In the industrialized world, the prevalence of
education, therapy and applied technology are cerebral palsy is about 2 per 1000 live births. The
being used to help persons who are suffering incidence is higher in males than in females; the
from this disorder and provide them productive Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE)
lives. In order to approach cerebral palsy reports a M: F ratio of 1.33:1. In the United States,
systematically, the medical practioners and approximately 10,000 infants and babies are
physical therapists need to recognize diagnosed with CP each year, and 1200–1500 are
neuromotor deficits, diagnose and classify the diagnosed at preschool age. Prevalence of cerebral
type of disorder, and implement a methodical palsy is best calculated around the school entry age
treatment plan. The purpose of this article is to of about six years, the prevalence in the U.S. is
review the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic estimated to be 2.4 out of 1000 children.
classification, clinical manifestations, and
The SCPE reported the following incidence of
therapeutic management of cerebral palsy.
comorbidities in children with CP (over 4,500
Keywords: cerebral palsy, brain damage, spastic, children over age 4 whose CP was acquired during
Baclofen. the prenatal or neonatal period were included):
Mental disadvantage (IQ < 50): 31%, active
INTRODUCTION: seizures: 21%
"Cerebral" refers to the brain and "Palsy" to a
disorder of movement or posture. Cerebral palsy is *Corresponding author:
the term used to describe a group of chronic Email: amritakumari2289@gmail.com
conditions affecting body movements and muscle

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

Mental disadvantage (IQ < 50) and not walking: are hypertonic and have what is essentially
20% a neuromuscular mobility (rather
than hypotonia or paralysis) stemming from
Blindness: 11%.
an upper motor neuron lesion in the brain as well as
The SCPE noted that the incidence of co the corticospinal tract or the motor cortex. This
morbidities is difficult to measure accurately, damage impairs the ability of some nerve receptors
particularly across centers. in the spine to properly receive gamma amino
butyric acid, leading to hypertonia in the muscles
signaled by those damaged nerves.
Cerebral palsy is not a new disorder. But the
Spastic cerebral palsy is further classified as:
medical profession did not begin to study cerebral
palsy as a distinct medical condition until 1861. In  Spastic hemiplegia: in this one side is affected.
that year, an English orthopedic surgeon, Dr. William Generally, injury to muscle-nerves controlled by
John Little, published the first paper describing the the brain's left side will cause a right body
neurological problems of children with spastic deficit, and vice versa.
diplegia. Spastic diplegia is still sometimes called
 Spastic diplegia: in this the lower extremities are
Little's Disease. This was a disorder that struck
affected, with little to no upper-body spasticity.
children in the first years of life, characterized by
The most common form of the spastic forms
stiff, spastic muscles in their arms and legs. These
(70-80% of known cases), most people with
children had difficulty in grasping objects, crawling
spastic diplegia are fully ambulatory, but are
and walking. The term cerebral palsy came into use
"tight" and have a scissors gait. Flexed knees
in the late 1800's. Sir William Osler, a British medical
and hips to varying degrees, and moderate to
doctor, is believed to have coined the term. Dr.
severe adduction (stemming from
Sigmund Freud, the Austrian neurologist better
tight adductor muscles and comparatively
known for his work in psychiatry, published some of
weak abductor muscles), are present. Over time,
the earliest medical papers on cerebral palsy. In the
the effects of the spasticity sometimes produce
early years, Dr. Little believed most cases of cerebral
hip problems and dislocations (see the main
palsy were caused by obstetrical complications at
article and spasticity for more on spasticity
birth. He suggested that children born with cerebral
effects). In three-quarters of spastic diplegics,
palsy were born following complicated deliveries,
also strabismus (crossed eyes) can be present as
and that their condition was a result of lack of
oxygen to the brain. He said this oxygen shortage
damaged sensitive brain tissues controlling  Spastic monoplegia: in this one single limb being
movement. But in the late 1800's, Freud is affected.
disagreed. Noting that children with cerebral palsy
 Spastic triplegia: In these three limbs being is
often had other problems such as mental
retardation, visual disturbances, and seizures, Freud
suggested that the disorder might be caused earlier  Spastic quadriplegia: in this all four limbs more
in life, during the brain’s development in the womb. or less equally are affected. People with spastic
In the 1980's, scientists analyzed extensive data from quadriplegia are the least likely to be able to
a government study of more than 35,000 births. walk, or if they can, to desire to walk, because
While they found that birth trauma was the cause of their muscles are too tight and it is too much of
thousands of cerebral palsy cases, no cause could be an effort to do so. Some children with spastic
found in the majority of cases. This has influenced quadriplegia also have hemiparetic tremors, an
researchers to explore other causes, and look at uncontrollable shaking that affects the limbs on
medical theories about cerebral palsy more closely. one side of the body and impairs normal

1) Spastic cerebral palsy: 2) Ataxic cerebral palsy:

Spastic cerebral palsy is by far the most common This rare type of cerebral palsy affects balance
type of overall cerebral palsy, occurring in 80% of all and depth perception. Children will often have poor
cases. People with this type of CP coordination and walk unsteadily with a wide-based

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

gait, placing their feet unusually far apart. They 6) Mental retardation: Some, although not all,
have difficulty with quick or precise movements, children with cerebral palsy are affected by
such as writing or buttoning a shirt. They may also mental retardation. Generally, the more severe
have intention tremor, in which a voluntary the retardation, the more severe the disability
movement, such as reaching for a book, is overall.
accompanied by trembling that gets worse the closer
7) Seizures: About one third of people with
their hand gets to the object.
cerebral palsy have seizures. Seizures may
3) Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: appear early in life or years after the brain
damage that causes cerebral palsy. The
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy is mixed tone both
physical signs of a seizure may be partly
hypertonia and hypotonia mixed with involuntary masked by the abnormal movements of a
motions. People with Dyskinetic CP have trouble
person with cerebral palsy.
holding themselves in an upright, steady position for
sitting or walking, and often show involuntary 8) Speech problems: Speech is partly controlled
motions. The damage occurs to the extra pyramidal by movements of muscles of the tongue,
motor system and/or pyramidal tract and to the mouth, and throat. Some individuals with
basal ganglia. cerebral palsy are unable to control these
muscles and thus cannot speak normally.
9) Swallowing problems: Swallowing is a very
The signs of cerebral palsy are usually not complex function that requires precise
noticeable in early infancy but become more obvious interaction of many groups of muscles. People
as the child’s nervous system matures. Problems and with cerebral palsy who are unable to control
disabilities related to CP range from very mild to very these muscles will have problems sucking,
severe. Their severity is related to the severity of the eating, drinking, and controlling their saliva.
brain damage. They may be very subtle, noticeable They may drool. An even greater risk is
only to medical professionals, or may be obvious to aspiration, the inhalation into the lungs of food
the parents and other caregivers. The signs include or fluids from the mouth or nose. This can
the following: cause infection or even suffocation.
1) Delayed milestones such as controlling head, 10) Hearing loss: Partial hearing loss is not unusual
rolling over, reaching with one hand, sitting in people with cerebral palsy. The child may not
without support, crawling, or walking. respond to sounds or may have delayed
2) Abnormal muscle tone: Muscles may be very speech.
stiff (spastic) or unusually relaxed and “floppy.” 11) Vision problems: Three quarters of people with
Limbs may be held in unusual or awkward cerebral palsy have strabismus, which is the
positions turning in or out of one eye. This is due to
3) Abnormal movements: Movements may be weakness of the muscles that control eye
unusually jerky or abrupt, or slow and writhing. movement. These people are often
They may appear uncontrolled or without nearsighted. If not corrected, strabismus can
purpose. lead to more severe vision problems over time.

4) Skeletal deformities: People who have cerebral 12) Dental problems: People with cerebral palsy
palsy on only one side may have shortened tend to have more cavities than usual. This
limbs on the affected side. If not corrected by results from both defects in tooth enamel and
surgery or a device, this can lead to tilting of difficulties brushing the teeth.
the pelvic bones and scoliosis (curvature of 13) Bowel and/or bladder control problems: These
the spine). are caused by lack of muscle control.

5) Joint contractures: People with spastic cerebral

palsy may develop severe stiffening of the joints
because of unequal pressures on the joints The majority of children with cerebral palsy are
exerted by muscles of differing tone or strength. born with it, although it may not be detected until
months or years later. This is called congenital

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

cerebral palsy. In the past, if doctors couldn’t in the brain caused by an interruption in breathing or
identify another cause, they attributed most cases of poor oxygen supply, is common in babies due to the
congenital cerebral palsy to problems or stress of labor and delivery. But even though a
complications during labor that caused asphyxia (a newborn’s blood is equipped to compensate for
lack of oxygen) during birth. However, extensive short-term low levels of oxygen, if the supply of
research has shown that few babies who experience oxygen is cut off or reduced for lengthy periods, an
asphyxia during birth grow up to have cerebral palsy infant can develop a type of brain damage called
or any other neurological disorder. Birth hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, which destroys
complications, including asphyxia, are now tissue in the cerebral motor cortex and other areas
estimated to account for only 5 to 10 percent of the of the brain. This kind of damage can also be
9, 10
babies born with congenital cerebral palsy. caused by severe maternal low blood pressure,
rupture of the uterus, detachment of the placenta,
Damage to the white matter of the brain 12
or problems involving the umbilical cord.
(periventricular leukomalacia [PVL]). The white
matter of the brain is responsible for transmitting DIAGNOSIS:
signals inside the brain and to the rest of the body.
PVL describes a type of damage that looks like tiny There is no medical test that confirms
holes in the white matter of an infant’s brain. These the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. The diagnosis is
gaps in brain tissue interfere with the normal made on the basis of various types of information
transmission of signals. There are a number of gathered by the child’s health care provider and, in
events that can cause PVL, including maternal or some cases, other consultants. This
fetal infection. information includes a detailed medical interview
concerning medical histories of both mother’s and
Abnormal development of the brain (cerebral father’s families, the mother’s medical problems
dysgenesis). Any interruption of the normal process before and during pregnancy, and a detailed account
of brain growth during fetal development can cause of the pregnancy, labor, delivery, and neonatal
brain malformations that interfere with the (newborn) period.
transmission of brain signals. The fetal brain is
particularly vulnerable during the first 20 weeks of Some of the major laboratory diagnosis tests include
development. Mutations in the genes that control the following:
brain development during this early period can keep 1) Ultrasound of the brain: Ultrasound uses
the brain from developing normally. Infections, harmless sound waves to detect certain types
fevers, trauma, or other conditions that cause of structural and anatomic abnormalities. For
unhealthy conditions in the womb also put an instance, it can show hemorrhage (bleeding) in
unborn baby’s nervous system at risk. the brain or damage caused by lack of oxygen
Bleeding in the brain (intracranial to the brain.
hemorrhage). Intracranial hemorrhage describes 2) CT scan of the brain: This scan is similar to an x-
bleeding inside the brain caused by blocked or ray but shows greater detail and gives a more
broken blood vessels. A common cause of this kind 3-dimensional image. It identifies
of damage is fetal stroke. Some babies suffer a malformations, hemorrhage, and certain other
stroke while still in the womb because of blood clots abnormalities in infants more clearly than
in the placenta that block blood flow. Other types of ultrasound.
fetal stroke are caused by malformed or weak blood
vessels in the brain or by blood-clotting 3) MRI of the brain: This is the preferred test,
abnormalities. Maternal high blood pressure since it defines brain structures and
(hypertension) is a common medical disorder during abnormalities more clearly than any other
pregnancy that has been known to cause fetal method.
stroke. Maternal infection, especially pelvic
4) MRI of the spinal cord: This may be necessary
inflammatory disease, has also been shown to
11 in children with spasticity of the legs and
increase the risk of fetal stroke.
worsening of bowel and bladder function,
Brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen in the which suggest an abnormality of the spinal
brain (hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or cord.
intrapartum asphyxia). Asphyxia, a lack of oxygen

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

5) Electroencephalography (EEG) is important in (called orthotic devices) helps prevent contracture by

the diagnosis of seizure disorders. A high index stretching spastic muscles.
of suspicion is needed in order to detect non-
Occupational therapy. This kind of therapy focuses
convulsive or minimally convulsive seizures.
on optimizing upper body function, improving
This is a potentially treatable cause of a CP-
posture, and making the most of a child’s mobility.
look-alike, which is easier to treat when treated
14 An occupational therapist helps a child master the
basic activities of daily living, such as eating,
6) Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction dressing, and using the bathroom alone. Fostering
studies (NCS) may be helpful in distinguishing this kind of independence boosts self-reliance and
15 self-esteem, and also helps reduce demands on
CP from other muscle or nerve disorders.
parents and caregivers.
Recreational therapies. Recreational therapies,
There is no standard therapy that works for such as therapeutic horseback riding (also called
every individual with cerebral palsy. Once the hippotherapy), are sometimes used with mildly
diagnosis is made, and the type of cerebral palsy is impaired children to improve gross motor skills.
determined, a team of health care professionals will Parents of children who participate in recreational
work with a child and his or her parents to identify therapies usually notice an improvement in their
specific impairments and needs, and then develop child’s speech, self-esteem, and emotional well-
an appropriate plan to tackle the core disabilities being.
that affect the child’s quality of life.
Speech therapies. About 20 percent of children with
A comprehensive management plan will pull in a cerebral palsy are unable to produce intelligible
combination of health professionals with expertise in speech. They also experience challenges in other
the following: areas of communication, such as hand gestures and
Physical therapy, usually begun in the first few years facial expressions, and they have difficulty
of life or soon after the diagnosis is made, is a participating in the basic give and take of a normal
cornerstone of cerebral palsy treatment. Physical conversation. These challenges will last throughout
therapy programs use specific sets of exercises and their lives. Speech and language therapists (also
activities to work toward two important goals: known as speech therapists or speech-language
preventing weakening or deterioration in the pathologists) observe, diagnose, and treat the
muscles that aren’t being used (disuse atrophy), and communication disorders associated with cerebral
keeping muscles from becoming fixed in a rigid, palsy. They use a program of exercises to teach
abnormal position (contracture). Resistive exercise children how to overcome specific communication
programs (also called strength training) and other difficulties. Speech interventions often use a child’s
types of exercise are often used to increase muscle family members and friends to reinforce the lessons
performance, especially in children and adolescents learned in a therapeutic setting. This kind of indirect
with mild cerebral palsy. Daily bouts of exercise therapy encourages people who are in close daily
keep muscles that aren’t normally used moving and contact with a child to create opportunities for him
active and less prone to wasting away. Exercise also or her to use their new skills in conversation.
reduces the risk of contracture, one of the most Treatments for problems with eating and
common and serious complications of cerebral palsy. drooling are often necessary when children with
Normally growing children stretch their muscles and cerebral palsy have difficulty eating and drinking
tendons as they run, walk, and move through their because they have little control over the muscles
daily activities. This insures that their muscles grow that move their mouth, jaw, and tongue. They are
at the same rate as their bones. But in children with also at risk for breathing food or fluid into the lungs.
cerebral palsy, spasticity prevents muscles from Some children develop gastro esophageal reflux
stretching. As a result, their muscles don’t grow fast disease (GERD, commonly called heartburn) in which
enough to keep up with their lengthening bones. a weak diaphragm can’t keep stomach acids from
The muscle contracture that results can set back the spilling into the esophagus. The irritation of the acid
gains in function they’ve made. Physical therapy can cause bleeding and pain. Individuals with
alone or in combination with special braces cerebral palsy are also at risk for malnutrition,
recurrent lung infections, and progressive lung

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

disease. The individuals most at risk for these are mild and short-lived, consisting of pain upon
problems are those with spastic quadriplegia. injection and occasionally mild flu-like symptoms.
Initially, children should be evaluated for their BT-A injections are most effective when followed by
swallowing ability, which is usually done with a a stretching program including physical therapy and
modified barium swallow study. Recommendations splinting. BT-A injections work best for children who
regarding diet modifications will be derived from the have some control over their motor movements and
results of this study. In severe cases where have a limited number of muscles to treat, none of
swallowing problems are causing malnutrition, a which is fixed or rigid.
doctor may recommend tube feeding, in which a
Because BT-A does not have FDA approval to
tube delivers food and nutrients down the throat
treat spasticity in children, parents and caregivers
and into the stomach, or gastrostomy, in which a
should make sure that the doctor giving the injection
surgical opening allows a tube to be placed directly
is trained in the procedure and has experience using
into the stomach. Although numerous treatments 21
it in children.
for drooling have been tested over the years, there
is no one treatment that helps Intrathecal baclofen therapy uses an implantable
reliably. Anticholinergic drugs–-such as pump to deliver baclofen, a muscle relaxant, into the
glycopyrolate--can reduce the flow of saliva but may fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Baclofen works by
cause unpleasant side effects, such as dry mouth, decreasing the excitability of nerve cells in the spinal
constipation, and urinary retention. Some children cord, which then reduces muscle spasticity
benefit from biofeedback techniques that help them throughout the body. Because it is delivered directly
recognize more quickly when their mouths fall open into the nervous system, the intrathecal dose of
and they begin to drool. baclofen can be as low as one one-hundredth of the
oral dose. Studies have shown it reduces spasticity
Drug treatments and pain and improves sleep.

Oral medications such as diazepam, baclofen,

dantrolene sodium, and tizanidine are usually used
as the first line of treatment to relax stiff, Orthopedic surgery is often recommended when
contracted, or overactive muscles. These drugs are spasticity and stiffness are severe enough to make
easy to use, except that dosages high enough to be walking and moving about difficult or painful. For
effective often have side effects, among them many people with cerebral palsy, improving the
drowsiness, upset stomach, high blood pressure, and appearance of how they walk--their gait--is also
possible liver damage with long-term use. Oral important. A more upright gait with smoother
medications are most appropriate for children who transitions and foot placements is the primary goal
need only mild reduction in muscle tone or who for many children and young adults.
have widespread spasticity. The availability of new
In the operating room, surgeons can lengthen
and more precise methods to deliver antispasmodic
muscles and tendons that are proportionately too
medications is moving treatment for spasticity
short. But first, they have to determine the specific
toward chemo denervation, in which injected drugs
20 muscles responsible for the gait abnormalities. Gait
are used to target and relax muscles.
analysis uses cameras that record how an individual
Botulinum toxin (BT-A), injected locally, has become walks, force plates that detect when and where feet
a standard treatment for overactive muscles in touch the ground, a special recording technique that
children with spastic movement disorders such as detects muscle activity (known as
cerebral palsy. BT-A relaxes contracted muscles by electromyography), and a computer program that
keeping nerve cells from over-activating muscle. gathers and analyzes the data to identify the
Although BT-A is not approved by the Food and Drug problem muscles. Using gait analysis, doctors can
Administration (FDA) for treating cerebral palsy, precisely locate which muscles would benefit from
since the 1990s doctors have been using it off- surgery and how much improvement in gait can be
label to relax spastic muscles. A number of studies expected.
have shown that it reduces spasticity and increases
Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a surgical
the range of motion of the muscles it targets.
procedure recommended only for cases of severe
The relaxing effect of a BT-A injection lasts spasticity when all of the more conservative
approximately 3 months. Undesirable side effects treatments--physical therapy, oral medications, and

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

intrathecal baclofen--have failed to reduce spasticity palsy. Equipped with a computer and voice
or chronic pain. In the procedure, a surgeon locates synthesizer, a child or adult with cerebral palsy can
and selectively severs over activated nerves at the communicate successfully with others. For example,
base of the spinal column. Because it reduces the a child who is unable to speak or write but can make
amount of stimulation that reaches muscles via the head movements may be able to control a computer
nerves, SDR is most commonly used to relax muscles using a special light pointer that attaches to a
and decrease chronic pain in one or both of the headband.
lower or upper limbs. It is also sometimes used to
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), in which
correct an overactive bladder. Potential side effects
include sensory loss, numbness, or uncomfortable pressurized oxygen is inhaled inside a hyperbaric
sensations in limb areas once supplied by the chamber, has been studied under the theory that
severed nerve. improving oxygen availability to damaged brain cells
Spinal cord stimulation was developed in the 1980s can reactivate some of them to function normally. A
to treat spinal cord injury and other neurological 2007 systematic review concluded that treatment
conditions involving motor neurons. An implanted with HBOT showed no significant difference from
electrode selectively stimulates nerves at the base of that of pressurized room air, and that some children
the spinal cord to inhibit and decrease nerve undergoing HBOT may experience adverse
activity. The effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation events such as seizures and the need for ear
for the treatment of cerebral palsy has yet to be
pressure equalization tubes; due to poor quality of
proven in clinical studies. It is considered a
treatment alternative only when other conservative data assessment the review also concluded that
or surgical treatments have been unsuccessful at estimates of the prevalence of adverse events are
relaxing muscles or relieving pain. uncertain.
Orthotic devices Treatments for other conditions associated
Orthotic devices--such as braces and splints--use with cerebral palsy
external force to correct muscle abnormalities. The
Epilepsy: Twenty to 40 percent of children with
technology of orthotics has advanced over the past
30 years from metal rods that hooked up to bulky mental retardation and cerebral palsy also have
orthopedic shoes, to appliances that are individually epilepsy. Doctors usually prescribe medications to
molded from high-temperature plastics for a precise control seizures. The classic medications for this
fit. Ankle-foot orthoses are frequently prescribed purpose are phenobarbital, phenytoin,
for children with spastic diplegia to prevent muscle carbamazepine, and valproate. Although these
contracture and to improve gait. Splints are also
24 drugs generally are effective in controlling seizures,
used to correct spasticity in the hand muscles.
their use is hampered by harmful or unpleasant side
Assistive technology effects.

Devices that help individuals move about more Incontinence: Medical treatments for incontinence
easily and communicate successfully at home, at
include special exercises, biofeedback, prescription
school, or in the workplace can help a child or adult
drugs, surgery, or surgically implanted devices to
with cerebral palsy overcome physical and
communication limitations. There are a number of replace or aid muscles. Specially designed absorbent
devices that help individuals stand straight and walk, undergarments can also be used to protect against
such as postural support or seating systems, open- accidental leaks.
front walkers, quadrapedal canes (lightweight metal
canes with four feet), and gait poles. Electric Osteopenia: Children with cerebral palsy, who aren’t
wheelchairs let more severely impaired adults and able to walk risk developing poor bone density
children move about successfully. (osteopenia), which make them more likely to break
The computer is probably the most dramatic bones. In a study of older Americans funded by the
example of a communication device that can make a National Institutes of Health (NIH), a family of drugs
big difference in the lives of people with cerebral called bisphosphonates, which was recently

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 3, 2012, 15 - 24

approved by the FDA to treat mineral loss in elderly to recruit, hire, and manage a staff of Personal Care
patients, also appeared to increase bone mineral Assistants (PCAs). PCAs facilitate the independence
density. Doctors may choose to selectively prescribe of their employers by assisting them with their daily
personal needs in a way that allows them to
the drug off-label to children to prevent
maintain control over their lives. Many states
osteopenia. allow Medicaid beneficiaries to use
Pain: Pain can be a problem for people with their Medicaid funds to hire their own PCAs, instead
cerebral palsy due to spastic muscles and the stress of forcing them to utilize institutional or managed
and strain on parts of the body that are care.
compensating for muscle abnormalities. Some
individuals may also have frequent and irregular
muscle spasms that can’t be predicted or medicated CP is a chronic motor disorder that various
in advance. efforts failed to prevent its occurrence. In most
cases, the cause is unknown and prematurity
Doctors often prescribe diazepam to reduce the
remains the commonest risk factor. Children with CP
pain associated with muscle spasms, but it’s not
suffer from multiple problems and potential
known exactly how the drug works to interfere with
disabilities such as mental retardation, epilepsy,
pain signals. The drug gabapentin has been used
feeding difficulties, vision, and hearing impairments.
successfully to decrease the severity and frequency
Screening for these conditions should be part of the
of painful spasms. BT-A injections have also been
initial assessment. The child with CP is best cared for
shown to decrease spasticity and pain, and are
with an individualized treatment plan that provides a
commonly given under anesthesia to avoid the pain
combination of interventions. This requires the
associated with the injections. Intrathecal baclofen
provision of a number of family centered services.
has shown good results in reducing pain, but its
Management is not curative; however, if provided
delivery is invasive, time intensive, and expensive.
optimally it can improve the quality of life of these
Some children and adults have been able to children and their families. Physicians, in
decrease pain by using noninvasive and drug-free cooperation with the child, family, and members of a
interventions such as distraction, relaxation training, multidisciplinary team, can coordinate a complex
biofeedback, and therapeutic massage. care system to the maximal benefit of each child.
CP is not a progressive disorder (meaning the 1) Beukelman, R David, Mirenda, Pat,
brain damage does not worsen), but the symptoms (1999). Augmentative and Alternative
can become more severe over time due to subdural Communication: Management of severe
damage. A person with the disorder may improve communication disorders in children and
somewhat during childhood if he or she receives adults (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Paul H Brookes
extensive care from specialists, but once bones and Publishing Co. pp. 246–249.
musculature become more established, orthopedic
surgery may be required. People with CP are more 2) "Cerebral Palsy Fact Sheet"(PDF), Retrieved 12
likely to have learning disabilities, although these August 2007. United Cerebral Palsy Research
may be unrelated to IQ, and are more likely to show and Education Foundation (U.S.).
varying degrees of intellectual disability. Intellectual
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