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The New School Psychology Bulletin Copyright 2014 by The New School for Social Research

2014, Vol. 11, No. 1 Print 2014 ISSN: 1931-793X; Online ISSN: 1931-7948

A Review of the Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Cortisol on the

Regulation of the HPA Axis: Implications for the Development and
Maintenance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Christopher C. Cranston
University of Tulsa

The present review examines the extant literature in both human and animal experiments of
the stress response. Specifically, this paper aims to demonstrate that the prolonged release, and
subsequent higher basal levels of cortisol results in altered functioning of the regulatory systems
that modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Furthermore, the intent is to
show that these alterations in neural circuitry and neuroendocrines play a substantial role in the
development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A review of the literature
was conducted and summarized according to the three major regulatory systems that interact to
facilitate the functioning of the HPA axis (i.e., hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex).
Finally, the author integrates the findings and provides a theoretical rationale for the development
and maintenance of PTSD. Discussions of limitations and future directions are offered throughout.

Keywords: trauma, hormone exposure, stress, neurobiology, neuroplasticity, hypothalamic-

pituitary-adrenal axis, translational research, glucocorticoid

Cortisol, also called hydrocortisone, is an endogenous in various processes such as inflammatory reactions,
steroid hormone classified as a glucocorticoid and is immune function, and metabolic regulation by inter-
one of the endocrines produced by the adrenal glands acting with mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid
(i.e., endocrine organs located superior to the kidneys). receptors. While in the brain, glucocorticoids increase
When mammals experience stress, the hypothalamic- these stress responses and serve to contain or regulate
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis mediates the release of the responses, thus facilitating recovery and behav-
cortisol (De Kloet & Rinne, 2007). The areas of the ioral adaptation (Franklin et al., 2012). Containment
brain that comprise the HPA axis include the hypothal- and regulation are important as a number of sites in
amus, pituitary gland, and projections to the adrenal the brain can be negatively affected by increased and
cortex. Excitatory inputs converge on neurons located prolonged exposure to cortisol (e.g., hippocampal
in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, where dysfunction results in deficits in declarative memory
corticotropin-releasing hormone (a peptide hormone function, reduced neural survival and plasticity, and
often referred to as the stress hormone) is synthesized. promotion of inflammatory cascades; Bremner, 1999;
Under stressful conditions the amygdala stimulates the Franklin et al., 2012). Although moderate levels of
paraventricular nucleus. This results in the release of these hormones are responsible for mediation of nor-
corticotropin-releasing hormone into the portal cir- mal cell functioning, glucocorticoids must be main-
culation, which signals the anterior pituitary gland tained at appropriate levels to preserve homeostatic
to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, also function of systems (Franklin et al., 2012).
known as corticotropin; Cullinan, Herman, Helmreich, Through negative feedback inhibition, cortisol
& Watson, 1995; Franklin, Saab, & Mansuy, 2012). attenuates the stress response by acting on the hypo-
Release of ACTH then stimulates the adrenal cortex, thalamus, pituitary gland, hippocampus, and medial
which results in cortisol release into the bloodstream prefrontal cortex, which suppresses the HPA axis
(Jovanovic et al., 2011). (DeBellis, 2010; van der Kolk, 1996). The negative
Once released, cortisol, like other glucocorti- feedback regulation of the HPA axis is facilitated
coids, acts throughout the body and mediates changes by the rapid inhibition of corticotropin-releasing
2 Cranston

hormone release, as well as a more prolonged down- who are able to recover following a traumatic event
regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone and (with little or no impairment from subjective psycho-
vasopressin expression in the neurons of the para- logical symptoms) compared to those who develop
ventricular nucleus (Di, Malcher-Lopes, Halmos, & PTSD (Franklin et al., 2012; Southwick et al., 2005).
Tasker, 2003; Franklin et al., 2012). By suppressing Although results from studies examining basal
the HPA axis, basal cortisol levels are restored and the urinary cortisol levels among individuals with PTSD
brain returns to homeostasis (DeBellis, 2010). have been mixed though often finding lower base-
However, these reactions can be altered follow- line cortisol levels (Yehuda, Resnick, Schmeidler,
ing intensely distressing, psychologically traumatic Yang, & Pitman, 1998), studies examining cerebro-
events. Under chronic, persistent stressors the effec- spinal fluid (CSF) have shown that basal cortisol lev-
tiveness of the stress response is inhibited. Over els are higher among PTSD-diagnosed individuals
sustained periods of stress, the negative feedback than compared healthy controls (Baker et al., 1999;
loop ultimately reduces resting glucocorticoid levels Baker et al., 2005). Furthermore, the CSF levels
and their secretion in response to subsequent stress- were shown to be higher compared to within-subject
ors (van der Kolk, 1996). These functional altera- urinary levels. This suggests that urinary measure-
tions have been observed in individuals diagnosed ments may not reflect the actual level of cortisol
with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) follow- within the central nervous system (Southwick et al.,
ing a psychologically traumatic event (Southwick, 2005). Moreover, studies that examined cortisol lev-
Rasmusson, Barron, & Arnsten, 2005). els in individuals within the acute aftermath of trauma
found that cortisol levels are increased and prolonged
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder just after a traumatic event and in the face of acute
PTSD is a mental health diagnosis that results stress (Bremner et al., 2003; Lemieux & Coe, 1995;
from one or more traumatic events in a person’s Pitman & Orr, 1990). Thus, it has been suggested
life whereby the person experiences intense fear, that immediate and prolonged exposure to cortisol
helplessness, and/or horror (American Psychiatric results in HPA adaptation over time, which may in
Association, 2013). The disorder is characterized by turn explain later reductions in cortisol levels and the
symptoms of re-experiencing the event (e.g., intru- resultant inefficiency in the normal HPA suppression
sive recollection of disturbing memories, distressing and behavioral adaptation processes (Bremner, 2001;
dreams or nightmares), behavioral avoidance and Handwerger, 2009).
emotional numbing (e.g., avoidance of people, places, Another reason for mixed findings may lie in the
and events that serve as reminders of the event, loss comorbidity between PTSD and depression (Morris,
or blunting of primary emotions), and hypervigi- Compas, & Garber, 2012). Indeed, this has been
lance (e.g., increased startle response, diminished suggested by studies that have found reduced activ-
concentration; APA, 2013; Roth & Fonagy, 2005). ity of intracellular cortisol-deactivating enzymes
Epidemiological studies suggest that over half of all 5alpha-reductase and 11beta-HSD2, resulting in high
adults in the United States will experience traumatic amounts of circulating cortisol (hypercortisolemia)
stress at some point in their lives (Friedman, Resick, among clinically depressed individuals in compari-
& Keane, 2007). son to healthy controls (Romer et al., 2009). Similar
Although the behavioral manifestations and findings have emerged in individuals with PTSD,
impact of psychological trauma are subject to indi- demonstrating a three-fold less hepatic 5alpha-reduc-
vidual differences, and the construct of PTSD is broad tase presence and a deficiency of 11beta-HSD2 in the
(particularly in light of recent updates to the criteria kidneys. These deficiencies slow the body’s ability to
set forth in the DSM-5; Galatzer-Levy & Bryant, clear cortisol, thus increasing the amount of bioavail-
2013), about one-third of the individuals who experi- able cortisol (Yehuda & Seckl, 2011). Ultimately,
ence a trauma will go on to receive a PTSD diagnosis. research in this area of PTSD is relatively young and,
Indeed, these individual differences may result from as a result, will likely be subject to debate until more
differential functioning of the HPA axis among those methodologically sound studies are available.

At this time, there is sufficient evidence to sug- The down-regulation of glucocorticoid receptors dis-
gest that cortisol levels are increased and prolonged in rupts the hippocampus’ ability to provide inhibitory
individuals who experience a traumatic event and that feedback under chronic stress conditions (Herman et
such exposure to higher levels of cortisol can result al., 1989; Mizoguchi et al., 2003; Schloesser, Manji,
in changes to the neural circuits that mediate the fear & Martinowich, 2009).
and stress response, as well as emotional and memory Indeed, the hippocampus is one of the sites where
processing. For the purposes of the present review, a large number of Corticotropin-releasing hormone
the focus will be on alterations in neurobiological receptor 1 are found (Franklin et al., 2012). As a
functioning in the presence of PTSD. Specifically, result, the structure is a primary target for gluco-
the intent is to demonstrate that the prolonged release corticoids and exhibits a notable sensitivity to their
and subsequent higher basal levels of cortisol can binding, such that both marked neurochemical and
result in altered functioning of the regulatory systems electrophysiological changes are observed in their
that modulate the HPA axis and play a substantial role presence (Sapolsky, Uno, Rebert, & Finch, 1990).
in the development and maintenance of PTSD. To do Furthermore, studies involving rodents have demon-
so, brief reviews and integration of the literature will strated that prolonged hippocampal exposure to cor-
be provided for the three major regulatory systems tisol can damage the structure and accelerate aging,
that interact to facilitate functioning of the HPA axis: create changes in electrical activity, and result in neu-
the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the prefrontal ronal loss (Sapolsky et al., 1990). Sapolsky and col-
cortex. Furthermore, an overview of the impact of leagues (1990) sought to expand upon these findings
higher basal levels of, and prolonged exposure to, by examining the impact of prolonged glucocorticoid
cortisol will be provided for each area. exposure in four male vervet monkeys. The research-
ers surgically implanted pellets secreting either cor-
Effects of Cortisol on the Hippocampus tisol or cholesterol (control) into the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is a brain region that is After a year of exposure to these conditions, overall
largely responsible for the formation, consolidation, hippocampal size did not observably differ by group
and storage of memories—specifically declarative and the cholesterol group was essentially normal;
memory—and is indirectly implicated in emotion. however, in the cortisol group, damage was observed
Recent studies examining the effects of N-methyl- in the pyramidal neurons, which exhibited abnormal
D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit deletion (from shrinkage or elongation of somas and abnormalities
the granule cells of the dentate gyrus) in genetically in dendritic stems and branches. The researchers
modified mice, suggest that the hippocampus may concluded that the results were in agreement with lit-
serve a functionally distinct role in anxiety. With erature suggesting that increased and prolonged expo-
NMDA receptor deletion in the ventral portion of the sure to cortisol accelerates hippocampal neuron loss.
hippocampus, anxiety was reduced in addition to spa- A more recent review by Sapolsky (2000) offers some
tial memory impairment (Barkus et al., 2010). These insight as to why overall hippocampal size decreases
dual roles make the hippocampus a prime structure were not observed, despite finding significant dam-
in which to consider the implications of prolonged age and neuron loss. Although overall hippocampal
stress. Furthermore, the hippocampus has also size did not differ, it is unclear to what extent this was
been shown to negatively regulate the HPA axis by examined in the study or whether examination was
decreasing glucocorticoid secretion in rat and human bilateral. Indeed, many studies that show decreased
brains following stimulation (Herman, Ostrander, hippocampal size following stressors (usually trau-
Mueller, & Figueiredo, 2005). Following chronic matic events) do not demonstrate decreased size
stress conditions, glucocorticoid receptors in the hip- bilaterally (i.e., significantly smaller size in either
pocampus, which aid in dexamethasone-mediated right or left with a non-significant contralateral find-
negative feedback of the HPA, are down-regulated ing). Furthermore, Sapolsky et al. (1990) may not
(Herman et al., 1989; Mizoguchi, Ishige, Aburada, have found significant volume changes as a function
& Tabira, 2003; Sapolsky, Krey, & McEwen, 1984). of the magnitude of cortisol exposure (i.e., the amount
4 Cranston

of cortisol may not have been sufficient to result in examine both chronic stress conditions (e.g, trauma-
overall volume loss). Sapolsky’s (2000) review found exposure) and situational stress conditions (e.g.,
the common thread of trauma severity to be related non-traumatic stress exposure) to explore differential
to hippocampal volume loss. The more intense the effects of habituation.
trauma, the more likely we are to find a significant In addition to changes in the structure and plas-
loss of volume in the hippocampus (Sapolsky, 2000). ticity of cells in the hippocampus, inhibition of neu-
Perhaps the amount of cortisol exposure varies in a rogenesis results in potentiated response from the
significant way as to result in differential hippocam- HPA axis following stress. Schloesser et al. (2009)
pal volume changes, or, more likely, it is the combined examined the impact of loss of neurogenesis in the
neurobiological and psychological effects following hippocampus on the efficiency of the hippocampus
severe trauma that lead to these changes. to inhibit the HPA axis. Transgenic mice, genetically
Such changes in the hippocampus, including vol- altered for complete suppression of the doublecortin-
ume loss and atrophy, create significant deficits in positive neuroblasts in the dentate gyrus, were used
the hippocampus’ ability to participate in the regu- so that conditional suppression of adult neurogen-
lation of the HPA axis. Furthermore, the hippocam- esis was possible through viral kinase and promoter
pus’ ability to regenerate these cells (neurogenesis) is genes. Plasma concentrations of corticosterone (cor-
impaired by exposure to stressors (Gould & Tanapat, tisol equivalent in mice) were measured in normal
1999). Gould, McEwen, Tanapat, Galea, and Fuchs conditions (being in the home-cage environment) and
(1997) examined adult neurogenesis in the dentate under mild stress (being placed in a novel cage envi-
gyrus of the hippocampus in tree shrews under stress- ronment). A significant increase in corticosterone lev-
ful conditions. To examine whether granule cell pro- els was observed in non-neurogenesis mice exposed
duction occurs under stress, the researchers injected to a mild stressor compared to non-neurogenesis mice
bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; a marker of DNA synthe- that were not exposed to stress and controls. Their
sis) into label cells in the dentate gyrus. Psychosocial findings suggest that suppression of neurogenesis in
stress was induced by removing an opaque partition the hippocampus results in an increased HPA axis
that separated two adjacent cages, which resulted in response and that new neurons formed in the dentate
competition and establishment of dominance between gyrus are critical to the inhibitory regulation of the
the shrews. The shrew that took the subordinate role HPA axis by the hippocampus.
was virtually immobile and showed characteristic Given that prolonged and increased levels of cor-
signs of distress. After one hour, the partition was tisol are observed in the aftermath of psychologically
replaced and BrdU injections were given. Elevations traumatic events, and that the bioavailability of corti-
in urinary cortisol levels were observed in the sub- sol appears to be maintained over a longer term among
ordinate shrew compared to the dominant shrew and those with PTSD, it is not difficult to begin to under-
controls. Two hours after injection, the subordinate stand the vicious cycle that takes hold. The increased
shrews were anesthetized, examined, and then com- and chronic exposure to cortisol results in impairment
pared to control shrews, which were not exposed to of the hippocampus, which results in poorer anxiety
stress. The results indicated that a single exposure coping and reduced inhibitory modulation of the HPA
to psychosocial stress for one hour resulted in a sig- axis; this, in turn, leads to increased HPA activity
nificant decrease in BrdU-labeled cells in the den- under stress while leaving the individual with contin-
tate gyrus in comparison to controls and reflected a uously increased anxiety response, as well as memory
reliable change in the number of proliferating cells. deficits resulting from hippocampal volume reduction
Although these results may provide insight into the (Bremner, 1999). Furthermore, the extinction of con-
effects of stress on neurogenesis in the short-term, the ditioned fear responses—the reduction and ultimate
long-term implications remain an empirical question. extinction of a conditioned fear response following
It would stand to reason that prolonged life stressors repeated presentations of conditioned stimuli with-
may exacerbate and perpetuate this effect, at least out the unconditioned, originally feared, stimuli—
for some period of time; future studies are needed to is contingent on the ability to efficiently form new

associative relationships. Fear responses to stimuli extinction (National Institute of Health [NIH], 2010;
present during a traumatic event are often generalized Ressler, 2010). The central nuclei of the amygdala
to similar, innocuous stimuli. For example, the sound is responsible for the regulation of cortisol release
of gun fire is generalized to cars backfiring or a loud via projections to the paraventricular nucleus of the
sound from a heavy falling object, thus resulting in an hypothalamus (activating the HPA axis), as well as
exaggerated startle or cover response. To this end, the modulation of behavioral responses to fearful stim-
hippocampus has been shown to be involved primar- uli. Lesions in the central nuclei have been shown
ily in the acquisition of the fear response to stimuli to result in elimination of conditioned fear responses
(conditioned response) and may mediate the aware- in rodents (Ressler, 2010), as well as reduced ACTH
ness of the conditioned stimulus to unconditioned and glucocorticoid release following stress (Herman
stimulus relationship (Knight, Smith, Cheng, Stein, & et al., 2005).
Helmstetter, 2004). However, it is the amygdala that Knight et al. (2004) utilized functional magnetic
serves to aid in the processing of emotional content resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine brain activity
(Herbert et al., 2009), changes in environmental rela- during the acquisition and extinction of fear condi-
tionships among stimuli (Knight et al., 2004), and the tioning. During acquisition, human subjects were
principle site of convergence between the conditioned either exposed to a light paired with an electrical
stimulus and unconditioned stimulus (Hashikawa shock or a light without an electrical shock. During
et al., 2013; Knight et al., 2004). Not surprisingly, extinction, half of the subjects in the active group
amygdalar functioning is also altered by increased continued to receive the pairing while the remain-
exposure to cortisol (Ardayfio & Kim, 2006). der, as well as the control subjects, received the light
without the shock. Results showed increased hippo-
Effects of Cortisol on the Amygdala campal activity during acquisition, whereas increased
Kluver and Bucy’s (1939) lesion studies first amygdalar activity was observed when experimental
implicated the amygdala as the structure mediating conditions changed, specifically in the absence of the
the emotional significance of stimuli. Specifically, the shock following acquisition.
amygdala is primarily responsible for the automatic, In addition to the amygdala’s role in acquisition
non-conscious processing of threatening stimuli. The under uncertain stressful conditions or conditions that
amygdala receives signals from sympathetically acti- run counter to the learned expectation, the amygdala
vated regions (e.g., brainstem, thalamus, and sensory) acts to moderate the consolidation of emotionally
responsible for orienting attention toward a threat, charged information (for a review see Paré, 2003).
which facilitates an individual’s ability to target, iden- Buchanan and Lovallo (2001) examined the effects
tify, and assign emotional information to a stimuli in of cortisol versus placebo on human memory perfor-
the interest of self-preservation. Thus, under stressful mance. Their findings demonstrated that exposure
conditions, the amygdala aids in the ability to quickly to cortisol during acquisition and encoding resulted
discriminate between threatening and neutral stimuli, in better long-term recall performance for emotion-
encode the emotionally salient information via pro- ally charged stimuli compared to neutral stimuli.
jections to the hippocampus, and help prepare the Therefore, under stressful conditions, memories are
body for action (Kensinger & Corkin, 2004). more efficiently consolidated when the stimuli are
As previously discussed, one of the amygdala’s perceived as threatening or fear-congruent.
duties is to promote the stress response following Another neuroimaging study conducted by van
stimulation from the locus coeruleus. However, with Stegeren et al. (2007) found that individuals with
13 distinct subnuclei, the amygdala is implicated in higher levels of cortisol showed significantly greater
a number of emotional processing and stress modu- amygdalar activation when viewing emotional con-
lating processes (Ressler, 2010). Among these is the tent compared to individuals with lower levels of cor-
process of fear extinction. Fear extinction appears to tisol. However, cortisol did not exert this effect in
be dependent on intercalated amygdala cells within isolation. An interaction between the basal level of
the central nuclei and, when disrupted, impairs cortisol and levels of arousal-induced noradrenergic
6 Cranston

activation in the basolateral complex of the amygdala the central nucleus do not modulate the acute stress
appeared to highlight a synergistic relationship that response; rather, they seem to be implicated in the
may result in enhanced consolidation of emotional alteration of neural output from the central nucleus
memories. This interactive relationship between to preganglionic sympathetic neurons while under
increased cortisol and norepinephrine has been found chronic stress. Thus, in individuals with higher basal
in other studies, as well, and has been shown to result cortisol levels, the amygdala will likely continue to
in an exaggerated amygdalar response equivalent to respond in the usual feed-forward fashion to potenti-
that found in individuals with PTSD (Gueze et al., ate the HPA axis while exerting, to some extent, an
2012; Kukolja et al., 2008). influence over the sympathetic branch of the auto-
Kukolja and colleagues (2008) examined the nomic nervous system. Though not explicitly stated
role of the glucocorticoid-noradrenergic interaction in in the literature reviewed, increased influence of the
amygdalar activation using pharmacological interven- amygdala on autonomic function, as a result of exag-
tions to artificially increase the levels of cortisol and gerated activity, may explain some of the pervasive
norepinephrine. Sixty-two healthy human participants hyper-arousal symptoms experienced by individuals
were assigned to one of four conditions: (a) placebo, with PTSD.
(b) a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, (c)
hydrocortisone, or (d) a combination of both drugs. Effects of Cortisol on the Prefrontal Cortex
Subjects were then placed in an fMRI scanner where In addition to exaggerated amygdalar response,
amygdalar activation was measured during the presen- individuals with PTSD have been shown to exhibit
tation of emotional faces. Results indicated that a neg- inefficient functioning of the prefrontal cortex (Gueze
ative response bias was created under the combination et al., 2012). Indeed, a number of studies show sup-
condition, such that amygdalar activity was decreased port for prefrontal cortex influence on amygdalar
in response to positive emotional content and increased function. For example, the ventro-medial prefrontal
in response to negative emotional content. This find- cortex is thought to play a role in the inhibition of the
ing may provide insight into the restricted range of amygdala and may facilitate fear extinction (Delgado,
emotions (particularly positive) exhibited by individu- Nearing, LeDoux, & Phelps, 2008).
als with PTSD. The prefrontal cortex plays a role in higher order
These studies show that the amygdala is both functions such as cognition, affect regulation, and
responsible for the release of cortisol through its role in social reasoning. Moreover, regions of the prefron-
the HPA axis and, in the interaction with norepineph- tal cortex (particularly the anterior cingulate, medial,
rine, affected by increased levels of cortisol. Studies and ventromedial regions) have also been implicated
examining the amygdala as a target for glucocorti- in the stress response (Herman et al., 2005). Like the
coids have shown that the central and medial nuclei hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex plays a role in the
express both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid inhibition of the HPA axis and takes on the added duty
receptors, which make it reactive to basal levels of of inhibiting the amygdala. Furthermore, just as in
cortisol in addition to stress-related release (Herman, both the hippocampus and the amygdala, the prefron-
Ostrander, Mueller, & Figueiredo, 2005). Akana, tal cortex is home to a high density of glucocorticoid
Chu, Soriano, and Dallman (2001) examined the site- receptors, primarily in the medial region (Sanchez,
specific and state-dependent effects of glucocorticoids Young, Plotsky, & Insel, 2000). Because of the role
on the amygdala and the regulation of ACTH, insulin, of the medial prefrontal cortex in higher order func-
and fat depots in rats. The adrenal glands were sur- tions and its diverse ascending and descending pro-
gically removed from the rats and corticosterone was jections, it is thought that this region is crucial to the
administered in low doses by the researchers. Half of overall function and regulation of the HPA axis (Kern
the rats were kept in room-temperature environments, et al., 2008). In rodent models, lesions to this area
while the other half were subjected to cold (5° C) over result in significant increases in adrenocorticotropic
five days before being restrained (as the stressor). hormone and cortisol release under stress. It has
Results indicated that implants of glucocorticoids in been suggested that the ventral region of the medial

prefrontal cortex may exert an excitatory influence on of both neural circuits that modulate the HPA axis and
the HPA axis, perhaps allowing the prefrontal cortex the regulation of subjective affective content while
to play a larger role in the maintenance of HPA axis under stress. However, as previously mentioned, the
equilibrium. prefrontal cortex has a large number of glucocorti-
Kern et al. (2008) sought to examine distinct pat- coid receptors. Just as other areas are vulnerable to
terns of prefrontal cortex involvement in neuroen- alteration as a result of increased basal cortisol levels,
docrine stress control. They hypothesized that both detrimental effects on the functional efficiency of the
positive and negative associations between stress- prefrontal cortex have been observed.
induced glucose metabolic rate and saliva cortisol Carrion, Weems, Richert, Hoffman, and Reiss
concentrations would be present depending on spe- (2010) examined the impact of increased corti-
cific locations within the prefrontal cortex (positive sol on prefrontal cortex volume among adolescent
associations in lateral regions, and negative asso- humans with PTSD. Using magnetic resonance
ciations in medial dorsal regions). The researchers imaging (MRI) and salivary cortisol measurements,
assigned 14 human subjects to either a stress or con- the authors found that higher levels of cortisol were
trol condition. Subjects attended three sessions and related to significantly decreased prefrontal cortex
baseline positron emission tomography (PET) scans tissue volume (particularly in the ventral and infe-
were established approximately 14 days after the first rior regions) among subjects with PTSD symptoms.
session (session one involved only informed consent Although these findings are restricted to adolescents,
and study procedure explanation) and another scan the changes in structural volume found in this study
exactly one week later. Subjects in the stress condi- are consistent with the effects of prolonged exposure
tion were confronted with an established, structured to cortisol observed the amygdala and hippocampus.
psychosocial stress situation (a modified version of Thus, it may be prudent to consider, however cau-
the Trier Social Stress Test; Kirschbaum, Pirke, & tiously, these findings in the context of impairments
Hellhammer, 1993). The control condition followed observed in adult PTSD. If these changes are taking
a structured situation that was determined to be simi- place more generally, reduced volume in prefrontal
lar to the stress condition, without the stress compo- cortical tissue may help to explain the overall restric-
nent. Results implicated Brodmann areas 9 and 10 tion of positive emotions, social withdrawal and
in the medial prefrontal cortex as part of the regu- avoidance, irritability, and concentration difficulties
latory circuitry that modulates responses to stressful experienced by individuals with PTSD. Furthermore,
stimuli. Lateral regions were found to be associated inefficiencies resulting from these changes in the pre-
with increased cortisol levels and appear to lend sup- frontal cortex may also explain the resistance of trau-
port to the relationship between this region and sub- matic memories to the extinction process.
jective discomfort experienced during stressful social Livneh and Paz (2012) sought to examine the
interactions and the resultant withdrawal behavior. neural basis for the resistance to extinction of aver-
The authors conclude that their data lend support for sive memories. As with individuals suffering from
Brodmann area 10 in voluntary regulation of nega- PTSD, impaired fear extinction results in a mal-
tive emotion, particularly during socially threatening adaptive and persistent anxiety response despite the
situations. Another finding with regard to Brodmann absence of actual threat. Whereas the amygdala
area 9 is its implication in voluntary down regulation has been shown to enhance the processing of emo-
of negative affect states, which is inactivated during tional memories, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
perceived negative emotions. The authors conclude is thought to interact with the amygdala (via direct
that Brodmann area 9 may function as an integra- connections) and aid in the regulation of expressing
tion circuit, allowing the regulation of affective states learned fear responses. Furthermore, in terms of con-
while coordinating active coping behaviors under ditioned learning, the dorsal anterior cingulate cor-
stress. Despite potential limitations due to small sam- tex has been shown to play an important role in the
ple size, these results provide promising evidence that processing of uncertainty (Huettel, Stowe, Gordon,
the prefrontal cortex provides substantial regulation Warner, & Platt, 2006; Krain, Wilson, Arbuckle,
8 Cranston

Castellanous, & Milham, 2006) and functions dif- neuroendocrines play a substantial role in the devel-
ferentially in the face of continuous and partial rein- opment and maintenance of PTSD. A review of the
forcement (Dunsmoor, Bandettini, & Knight, 2007; literature was conducted and summarized according
Hartley, Fischl, & Phelps, 2011; Milad et al., 2007). to the three major regulatory systems that interact to
Livneh and Paz (2012) hypothesized that the amyg- facilitate functioning of the HPA axis: Hippocampus,
dala and this region of the prefrontal cortex would amygdala, and prefrontal cortex.
function differentially under different reinforcement Ultimately, while research regarding normal
schedules (continuous and partial). To test their stress reactions has a long history of publication,
theory, Livneh and Paz put two monkeys through a much less has been done in respect to PTSD. Where
tone-odor conditioning task. A partial reinforcement possible, relevant research specific to PTSD was
schedule was used on randomly intermingled days reviewed and research-informed speculation offered
with a continuous reinforcement schedule. Memory in its absence. Furthermore, where studies in humans
expression was measured by volume of breath intake are available they are often reliant on relatively young
(measured by a pressure-sensitive mask attached to technologies (e.g., functional MRI), which reduce the
the nose) that followed the tone prior to odor release, confidence with which researchers can make defini-
while activity in brain centers was measured by MRI- tive causal statements. Although support may be
based electrodes. Results suggest that under continu- lent from animal studies, methodological differences
ous reinforcement schedules, activity in the amygdala between animal and human studies, as well as the
precedes behavioral responses, whereas prefrontal usual translational problems, exist. However, despite
cortex activity precedes behavioral responses under these limitations, some consistent findings have been
partial reinforcement. Furthermore, the persistence demonstrated across studies that may begin to paint a
of the behavioral response, and ultimately the resis- coherent picture of the interactions between the many
tance to extinction, was observed in the prefrontal- processes involved in the stress response.
mediated partial reinforcement condition but not the Overall, research has demonstrated that basal lev-
amygdalar-mediated continuous reinforcement con- els of cortisol may be increased in individuals who
dition. The authors conclude that this finding sug- experience PTSD. Although some of the earlier lit-
gests that the tone-odor associations were acquired erature appears to be mixed, some finding lower uri-
differentially, depending on reinforcement schedule. nary levels of cortisol while others find higher levels,
Thus, while the amygdala appears to function most more recent studies utilizing more reliable measures
efficiently when rapid, simple sensory associations of bioavailability (e.g., CSF) seem to be tending
must be made, more complex forms of conditional toward a model of higher basal cortisol levels follow-
learning, like the probabilistic learning in the partial ing trauma. In the context of studies finding reduced
reinforcement trials, appear to recruit the dorsal ante- efficiency in the metabolism of cortisol following
rior cingulate cortex, which results in resistance to traumatic stressors, it may help explain why studies
extinction. Damage to the prefrontal cortex impairs find lower levels of cortisol in urinary samples, as it
these processes, thus it stands to reason that reduction is not being processed and flushed by the kidneys due
in cortical volume in areas of the prefrontal cortex to enzymatic deficiencies.
may lead to impaired, or at least inefficient, complex This increase in the bioavailability of cortisol,
conditional learning. which has broad reaching effects on the body and is
free to cross the blood-brain barrier, may continuously
Summary and Conclusion bind to HPA regulatory structures and create a cycle
The aim of the present review was to demonstrate of inefficient stress responses. Whereas normal func-
that the prolonged release, and subsequent higher tion of the stress response utilizes cortisol to aid in the
basal levels of cortisol, results in altered function- containment of stress responses, when cortisol is not
ing of the regulatory systems that modulate the HPA maintained at appropriate levels, detrimental effects
axis. Furthermore, the aim was to show, to the extent are observed in regulatory structures. Furthermore,
possible, that these alterations in neural circuitry and prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol has been

shown to result in significant alterations in the cells learning, which may relate to the frequency of recur-
that comprise the structures. For example, chronic rent, unwanted memories of traumatic events, as well
cortisol exposure was shown to significantly reduce as nightmares and other re-experiencing symptoms
hippocampal volume as a result of cellular atrophy, in PTSD. The prefrontal cortex has been shown to
which ultimately disrupted neurogenesis. As a result work closely with the amygdala and provide higher
of this disruption, the inhibitory regulation of the HPA order functions that influence emotional content and
axis by the hippocampus is prevented, which leads mediate the appraisal of complex conditional learn-
to an increased HPA response. Similarly, the central ing paradigms. Together with the amygdala, reduced
and medial nuclei of the amygdala express both glu- volume in prefrontal cortical tissue may aid in the
cocorticioid and mineralocorticoid receptors, which overall restriction of positive emotions, social with-
make it reactive to basal levels of cortisol in addition drawal and avoidance, irritability, and concentration
to stress-related release. For this reason, the amyg- difficulties experienced in PTSD, as well as difficulty
dala will likely continue to promote and potentiate extinguishing more complex, conditioned fear and
the HPA axis while also exerting influence over the anxiety following trauma.
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. One of the issues experienced during the pres-
Like the hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex exerts an ent literature review was the need to interpret some
inhibitory effect on the HPA axis, as well as on the results cautiously due to methodological flaws or
amygdala, creating a down regulating effect. Thus, limitations, or small sample sizes, which lack suffi-
lesions to the prefrontal cortex not only reduce inhibi- cient statistical power to establish reliable relation-
tory effects on the HPA, but also free the amygdala to ships between variables. Aside from quality issues
promote effects, thus increasing sympathetic activa- and generalizability limitations, although a body of
tion. In all three cases, the ultimate response is some literature does exist, there is a surprisingly limited
form of general failure to inhibit the HPA axis, which amount of translational research between psychol-
may ultimately contribute to the amount and circula- ogy and neuroscience. Although the two fields have
tion of cortisol that remains bioavailable. begun to cross-collaborate over the last decade, a
With regard to the effects of these alterations great deal more work needs to be done with regard
on the development and maintenance of PTSD, to examining the behavioral implications (like those
each structure also appears to have a correspond- expressed in PTSD) in the context of these complex
ing expression that is observable in PTSD. Though neural systems. More collaborative research will not
not always explicitly connected in the literature, only advance the science and bridge the gaps between
fairly clear relationships appear to exist. As shown basic science and clinical practice, but also begin to
above, impairment of the hippocampal functioning provide reliable models of psychological reactions to
results in poorer anxiety coping, leaving the individ- specific alterations in neural systems.
ual with continuously increased anxiety response as While this may not happen in the immediate
well as memory deficits. Meanwhile, the amygdalar
future, the clinical implications of such research
response bias toward negatively-charged emotional
might include more effective medications and better
content following increased cortisol exposure map
informed psychological interventions. Moreover,
on to PTSD symptoms related to restricted range of
emotions, irritability, and dysphoria. Furthermore, understanding the neural reactions to stressful
increased influence of the amygdala on autonomic events, both in the immediate aftermath and the
function, as a result of exaggerated activity related long-term, would provide invaluable information
to cortisol exposure, may also be related to hyper- regarding the development of preventative interven-
arousal symptoms experienced by individuals with tions that may allow us to minimize or eliminate the
PTSD. The amygdala is also related to the extinc- chances of developing a psychological disorder. In
tion of aversive reactions to traumatic and stressful particular, given the findings reviewed herein, it is
memories. When this process is impaired there is clear that an increased bioavailability of cortisol
disruption in the ability to extinguish conditional fear has a number of short and long-term deleterious
10 Cranston

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