2.1.1 Antibody Titres and Antibody Concentrations: 14 2 Humoral and Cellular Immunity

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14 2 Humoral and Cellular Immunity

2.1.1 Antibody Titres and Antibody Concentrations

Antibody levels in serum samples are measured either as antibody titres or as anti-
body concentrations. An antibody titre is a measure of the antibody amount in a
serum sample, expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution of the sample that
still gives (or still does not give) a certain assay read-out. To determine the antibody
titre, a serum sample is serially (stepwise) diluted. The dilution factor is the final
volume divided by the initial volume of the solution being diluted. Usually, the dilu-
tion factor at each step is constant. Often used dilution factors are 2, 5 and 10. In this
book, the starting dilution will be denoted by 1:D. A starting dilution of 1:8 and a
dilution factor of 2 will result in the following two-fold serial dilutions: 1:8, 1:16,
1:32, 1:64, 1:128 and so on. To each dilution, a standard amount of antigen is added.
An assay (test) is performed which gives a specified read-out either when antibodies
against the antigen are detected or, depending on the test, when no antibodies are
detected. The higher the amount of antibody in the serum sample, the higher the
dilutions at which the assay read-out occurs (or no longer occurs). Suppose that the
assay read-out occurs for the dilutions 1:8, 1:16 and 1:32, but not for the dilutions
1:64, 1:128, etc. The antibody titre is the reciprocal of the highest dilution at which
the read-out did occur, 32 in the example. If the assay read-out does not occur at the
starting dilution – indicating a very low amount of antibodies, below the detection
limit of the assay – then often the antibody titre for the sample is set to D/2, half of
the starting dilution. By definition, antibody titres are dimensionless.
Antibody concentrations measure the amount of antibody-specific protein per
millilitre serum, expressed either as micrograms of protein per millilitre (g/ml) or
as units per millilitre (U/ml). (A unit is an arbitrary amount of a substance agreed
upon by scientists.) The measurement of antibody concentrations can usually done
on a single serum sample rather than on a range of serum dilutions.

2.1.2 Two Assays for Humoral Immunity

To give the reader an idea of how antibody levels in serum samples are determined,
below two standard assays for humoral immunity are discussed, the haemaggluti-
nation inhibition test involving serum dilutions, and the enzyme-linked immunosor-
bent assay involving a single serum.
Some viruses – influenza, measles and rubella, amongst others – carry on their
surface a protein called haemagglutinin (HA). When mixed with erythrocytes (red
blood cells) in an appropriate ratio, it causes the blood cells clump together (agglu-
tinate). This is called haemagglutination. Anti-HA antibodies can inhibit (prevent)
this reaction. This effect is the basis for the haemagglutination inhibition (HI, also
HAI) test, an assay to determine antibody titres against viral haemagglutinin. First,
serial dilutions of the antibody-containing serum are allowed to react with a constant
amount of antigen (virus). In the starting dilution and the lower dilutions, the amount
of antibody is larger than the amount of antigen, which means that all virus particles
2.2 Cellular Immunity 15

are bound by antibody. At a certain dilution, the antibody amount becomes smaller
than the antigen amount, which means that free, unbound virus remains. This free
antigen is then detected by the second part of the test: to all dilutions, a defined
amount of erythrocytes is added. In the lower dilutions, where all antigen is bound
by antibody, the erythrocytes freely sink to the lowest point of the test tube or well
and form a red spot there (no haemagglutination). In higher dilutions, where there is
so less antibody that free virus remains, this virus binds to erythrocytes, which then
form a wide layer in the test tube (haemagglutination). The reciprocal of the last
dilution where haemagglutination is still inhibited (i.e., where haemagglutination
does not occur) is the antibody titre.
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), also called enzyme immun-
oassay (EIA), is another assay to detect the presence of antibodies in a serum
sample. Many variants of the test exist, and here only the basic principle will be
explained. In simple terms, a defined amount of antigen is bound to a solid-phase
surface, usually the plastic of the wells of a microtitre plate. Then a serum sample
with an unknown amount of antigen-specific antibody is added and allowed to react.
If antibody is present, it will bind to the fixed antigen. Consequently, the serum (with
unbound antibody, if any) is washed away, while the fixed antigen–antibody com-
plexes remain on the solid-phase surface. They are detected by adding a solution of
antibodies against human immunoglobulin, which have previously been prepared in
animals and chemically linked to an enzyme. The fixed complexes consist of three
components: the test antigen, the antibody of unknown amount from the serum spec-
imen, and the enzyme-labelled secondary test antibody against the serum antibody.
A substrate to the enzyme is added, which is split by the enzyme, if present. One
of the released splitting products can give a detectable signal, a certain colour, for
example. Only if the three-component complex is present (i.e., if there has been
antibody in the serum specimen), this signal will occur. The strength of the signal is
a measure of the amount of serum antibody.
The first-generation ELISA use chromogenic substrates, which release colour
molecules after enzymatic reaction. By a spectrophotometer, the intensity of the
colour in the solution (or the amount of light absorbed by the solution) can be deter-
mined (optical density). The antibody concentration is determined by comparing the
optical density of the serum sample with an optical density curve constructed with
the help of a standard sample.
In a fluorescence ELISA, which has a higher sensitivity than a colour-releasing
ELISA, the signal is given by fluorescent molecules, whose amount can be measured
by a spectrofluorometer.

2.2 Cellular Immunity

Cellular immunity (also: cell-mediated immunity (CMI)) is an adaptive immune

response that is primarily meditated by thymus-derived small lymphocytes, which
are known as T cells. Here, two types of T cells are considered: T helper cells and
16 2 Humoral and Cellular Immunity

T killer cells. T helper cells are particularly important because they maximize the
capabilities of the immune system. They do not destroy infected cells or pathogens,
but they activate and direct other immune cells to do so. Hence their name: T helper
cells. The major roles of T helper cells are to stimulate B cells to secrete antibod-
ies, to activate phagocytes, to activate T killer cells and to enhance the activity of
natural killer (NK) cells. Another term for T helper cells is CD4C T cells (CD4
positive T cells), because they express the surface protein CD4. T helper cells are
subdivided on the basis of the cytokines they secrete after encountering a pathogen.
T Helper 1 cells (TH1 cells) secrete many different types of cytokines, the prin-
cipal being interferon- (IFN- ), interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interleukin-12 (IL-12).
IFN- has many effects including activation of macrophages to deal with intra-
cellular bacteria and parasites. IL-2 stimulates the maturation of killer T cells and
enhances the cytotoxicity of NK cells. IL-12 induces the secretion of INF- . The
principal cytokines secreted by T Helper 2 cells (TH2 cells) are interleukin-4 (IL-4)
and interleukin-5 (IL-5) for helping B cells. An infection with the human immun-
odeficiency virus (HIV) demonstrates the importance of helper T cells. The virus
infects CD4C T cells. During an HIV infection, the number of CD4C T cells drops,
leading to the disease known as the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
The major function of T killer cells is cytotoxicity to recognize and destroy cells
infected by viruses, but they also play a role in the defence against intracellular bac-
teria and certain types of cancers. Intracellular pathogens are usually not detected by
macrophages and antibodies, and clearance of infection depends upon elimination
of infected cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. T killer cells are specific, in the sense
that they recognize specific antigens. Alternative terms for T killer cells are CD8C
T cells (CD8 positive T cells), cytotoxic T cells and CTLs (cytotoxic T lympho-
cytes). CD8C T cells secrete INF- and the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis
factor (TNF).

2.2.1 Assays for Cellular Immunity

Most assays for cellular immunity are based on cytokine secretion, as marker of
T cell response. A wide variety of assays exists, but the most used one is the enzyme-
linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay, which was originally developed as a method
to determine the number of B cells secreting antibodies. Later, the method was
adapted to determine the number of T cells secreting cytokines. ELISPOT assays
are performed in microtitre plates coated with the relevant antigen. Peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are added to it and then incubated. (PBMCs are white
blood cells such as lymphocytes and monocytes). When the cells are secreting the
specific cytokine, discrete coloured spots are formed, which can be counted. One
of the most popular of this type of assays to evaluate cellular immune responses
is the INF- ELISPOT assay, an assay for CTL activity. Results are expressed as
spot-forming cells (SPCs) per million peripheral blood mononuclear cells (SPC/106
PMBC). Other types of the assay are the IL-2 ELISPOT assay, the IL-4 ELISPOT
assay, etc.
2.2 Cellular Immunity 17

The fluorospot assay is a modification of the ELISPOT assay and is based

on using multiple fluoroscent anticytokines, which makes it possible to spot two
cytokines in the same assay.
Other assays that can quantitate the number of antigen-specific T cells are the
intracellular cytokine assay and the tetramer assay.
Flow cytometry uses the principles of light scattering and emission of flu-
orochrome molecules to count cells. Cells are labelled with a fluorochrome, a
fluorescent dye used to stain biological specimens. A solution with cells is injected
into the flow cytometer, and the cells are then forced into a stream of single cells
by means of hydrodynamic focusing. When the cells intercept light from a source,
usually a laser, they scatter light and fluorochromes are realized. Energy is released
as a photon of light with specific spectral properties unique to the fluorochrome.

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