BACtalk Systems
Chapter 4: Programming VLC DDC for the BACtalk Microset and Microtouch 73
About the Microset 73
About the Microtouch 73
Analog and binary values assigned to Microset and
Microtouch operation 73
Setpoint calculation 76
Microtouch offsets 77
Occupied and unoccupied modes 77
After-hours operation 78
Typical DDC for a Microset 78
Field Service mode (MS-10xx) 79
Balance mode (MS-10xx) 80
Writable 102
DDC 103
ROC versions 4.10b4 and later 103
Benefits 103
Flash memory and text strings in the VLC 104
Object names 104
Object descriptions 105
Freeing up text strings 105
Upgrading Gen4 ROC files 106
Reverting to earlier versions of Gen4 ROC files 106
Updating existing applications 107
Writing VLC-444 object names and descriptions 108
Upgrading ROC files 108
Setting DDC to make points writable 108
Writing object names and descriptions from displays 109
Where VLC-444 object name values come from 109
Where VLC-444 descriptions come from 109
About BACnet
BACnet identifies all information in terms of properties and objects. An object can
represent a physical input or output, or something more abstract, such as a setpoint.
For example, in a VAV–SD (a VAV box controller), AI-0 is a physical input. Its
most important property is the room temperature, which is conveyed by its present-
value property. Other properties of the object convey more information: the units
property tells the system that the value is in degrees F, while the description
property indicates that it is a space temperature. (Description properties are
sometimes called descriptors. Unless otherwise used in the user interface, this
guide uses the term description.)
You can examine the device’s protocol information conformance statement (PICS)
to determine which objects a device supports. See the BACnet specification for
more information about BACnet and PICS.
About BACtalk
BACtalk is Alerton’s BACnet-compliant system. Operator workstations, global
controllers (also sometimes called host controllers), expandable controllers, and
VLCs together make up a BACtalk system. All BACtalk components make their
operational data available to other BACnet-compliant devices according to the
BACnet standard.
BACtalk controllers
Each class of controllers has different capabilities with respect to DDC and
building automation features.
Global controllers Execute .bd3 DDC and host building automation features
such as schedules, trendlogs, and alarms. They orchestrate the operations of
other controllers and have no direct input/output (I/O) capability associated with
them. BACtalk Control Modules—such as BCM-ETH, BCM-HOTEL, BCM-
FPCS, and BCM-MODBUS—are examples of global controllers.
VisualLogic is a graphical DDC programming environment that you can use to
manage and author DDC files for all BACtalk controllers that execute DDC. It
requires Microsoft Visio.
Use VisualLogic if you are new to DDC programming, if you need to create
drawings concurrently with your DDC, or if you are familiar with Windows-
based applications.
Files authored for VLCs in VisualLogic are compatible with the VLC DDC
programming environment.
Likewise, DDC files authored for global controllers, expandable controllers, and
BACtalk control modules are compatible with the global or building controller
DDC programming environment. A DDC sequence saved or loaded in one
environment can be opened and viewed in the other.
DDC editors
There are three DDC editors, each a different screen color to help distinguish one
from the others:
For more information on using the DDC editor, see “DDC header file setups in
VLC DDC” on page 221.
Every VLC is fully programmable, although many VLCs are designed for
specific applications and have downloadable, standard operating sequences
created by Alerton (Alerton Standard applications). Values are stored differently
in C3-series and Gen4 VLCs.
The present values of AVs 50-89 are stored directly in EEPROM and are
intended to be used for setpoints or other user input data that will not change
frequently. With the exception of the Run-time Accumulator, these values cannot
be referenced in the output of a DDC function. The Run-time Accumulator
writes to the output only once for every hour of accumulated run-time to help
enforce the 100,000 write cycle limitation.
Each time you use one of these functions in DDC, the function uses some of this
RAM. If the sum of either bytes or bits used by your DDC exceeds the RAM
capacity, no more functions can execute.
Limit usage of devices in Table 2 through Table 4 accordingly so that your VLC
DDC program does not exceed the byte/bit limit.
Ta bl e 2 C3, Gen4, and VLD-362 VLC DDC functions that use VLC RAM
60: RED 2 0
61: REDS 2 0
62: WED 5 0
63: WEDS 8 0
61: REDS 2 0
62: WED 5 0
63: WEDS 8 0
60: RED 4 0
61: REDS 4 0
62: WED 12 0
63: WEDS 12 0
Conversely, outputs (AOs and BOs) are directly associated with physical electrical
output connections to a field-level controller. Outputs can appear on the input or
output side of a DDC function.
All C3 and Gen4 VLC field controllers have an equal number of logical inputs and
outputs (BOs and AOs), but the configuration of the hardware determines the
actual number of physical inputs and outputs.
However, VLD, VLC-444, and VLCA-1688 field controllers have logical inputs
and outputs (AI, BI, AO, and BO) only for the physical inputs and outputs that are
Therefore, C3 and Gen4 VLCs are interchangeable for DDCs, but VLC-444 and
VLCA-1688 controllers are not.
However, there are a couple of things to consider when working with multistate
Initialize Global controller A flag that is set ON during the first pass of
Building controller DDC, after a power cycle, when sending new
Advanced VLC DDC, or after a processor reset.
Comm Fail Advanced VLC Gen4 and later only. A flag that is set ON
VLC only when the VLC loses communications
VLD with a global controller. The VLC Comm Fail
flag is set when communications have been
lost for five minutes and reset whenever a
valid MS/TP message for the given VLC is
Current Time Global controller Provides the minutes elapsed since midnight.
Building controller Valid range is 0-1440.
Advanced VLC
MAC Address Global controller The decimal value of the MS/TP MAC
Building controller address. Valid range is 0-127.
Advanced VLC
REV The REV operation applies only to analog data values (real numbers).
When an analog value is reversed, the result is a value equal to 100 minus the
initial value. For example, if you reverse a function with a value of 20, the actual
value is 80 (100-20=80). Apply the REV operation only when the analog span is
NOT The NOT operation applies only to binary inputs and outputs. Applying
the NOT operation to an ON value results in an OFF value. Likewise, applying
the NOT operation to an OFF value results in an ON value.
The NOT and REV operations can be applied to the output of any DDC function.
However, neither operation can be applied to the input of a DDC function that
accepts an analog value. For example, you cannot apply the REV or NOT
operation to the input to Function 40: Switch because the inputs for that function
are analog and are not affected by the operation.
See also “Considerations” on page 69 about using the NOT and REV operations.
Priority arrays
BACnet uses a priority array to control the present-value property of certain
objects, as shown in Table 6.
Ta bl e 6 BACtalk objects that have priority arrays
Impo rtant The command with the highest priority drives the present value.
See Figure 1 on page 19 for an example.
Note A relinquish-default determines what status or value will take effect when
all levels of the priority-array are NULL.
Note Setting AI/BI to out-of-service true in the VLX allows writing to the
object’s present-value.
Subroutine DDC
You can use subroutine DDC to make your DDC program more efficient. You
should program a subroutine any time a calculation or control sequence needs to
be implemented repeatedly. For instance, you may need to convert fpm to cfm
for a number of VAV boxes. Or you may need to control equipment in 65 hotel
rooms in exactly the same way, but each must control equipment according to its
own ambient conditions. These are both perfect opportunities for using
subroutine DDC.
represent any
m iscellaneous DDC
Num bers represent 3 2830 67 Sub-Caller (Start 7530)
each tim e a subroutine 4 2840 67 Sub-Caller (Start 7530)
is called from within 4 2850 yy
norm al DDC. The lines
indicate the
progression of the
logic. Bold lines
indicate when the
subroutine is
sum m oned by a sub- 3100 zz
caller function, while 3110 67 Sub-Caller (Start 6500)
regular lines indicate 3120 xx
the return to norm al
DDC when function 2
is encountered.
with different values,
it's called an iteration.
7530 zz
CAUTION If you upgrade from Visio version earlier than 2007, completely
uninstall the earlier version before installing the later version. If earlier versions are
not uninstalled, VisualLogic does not work properly.
Note See Envision for BACtalk Installation and Startup Guide (LTBT-TM-
ADMIN30) for system requirements.
Both Visio 2007 and Visio 2010 offer the same VisualLogic functions. The
difference between the versions is in the method in which you access the functions.
• Visio 2007: Uses menu paths and toolbars for access to functions.
• Visio 2010: Uses a ribbon in which functions are grouped on tabs, as
shown in Figure 4. To access a function, select the appropriate tab and then
click the icon for the desired function. Offers the following advantages:
• Easy to use. More visually-oriented than menu paths.
• Ribbons can be customized to user preference, which can save time
during device configuration.
Note See Visio online Help or other Microsoft user documentation for
instructions for installing Visio, for general information about using Visio and its
toolbars, commands, and ribbon; and for configuring the ribbon.
Using VisualLogic
In VisualLogic, the DDC programming is represented by a Visio file. When you
save the drawing, code for the VLC, global controller, building controller, or
Advanced VLC is saved along with it. This means that you can generate a DDC
program from a Visio drawing.
Likewise, you can use VisualLogic to retrieve a DDC program from a device and
convert it into a Visio drawing.
The VisualLogic menu has custom commands for VisualLogic Drawing with sample code.
To start VisualLogic
Do one of the following:
• From an open instance of Envision for BACtalk, from the menu bar,
select Tools > DDC > VisualLogic.
Visio starts with a VisualLogic menu in the menu bar (in Visio 2007, as
shown in Figure 5 on page 25) or as a tab in the ribbon (in Visio 2010,
as shown in Figure 4 on page 23).
Note Alerton recommends that you have only one instance of VisualLogic
open at a time. Because VisualLogic requires substantial memory, having
multiple instances open slows performance.
The VisualLogic Toolkit offers the following features that save time when
developing and testing DDC files:
• Dockable: Drag the toolkit by its banner (the top edge) and attach it to
any edge of a DDC drawing.
• Autohide: Collapse the toolkit so that it appears as only a bar at the
edge of the drawing. To turn the autohide feature on or off, click the
pushpin icon on the side of the toolkit.
• Multiple instances: You can have a toolkit open for each open drawing
page. Focus switches as each drawing is selected.
• Stays open: You can keep the VisualLogic Toolkit open, even when
other dialog boxes are open, meaning that you can quickly toggle
between the toolkit and other tools.
• Sortable table columns: Click on a column header to sort data in
ascending or descending order. (Not all tabs present tables.)
• Sizable table columns: Drag columns to desired width. (Not all tabs
present tables.)
Best practices
Alerton recommends the following best practices when using the VisualLogic
• Use a dual monitor so that you can drag the open toolkit to the
secondary monitor, leaving the primary monitor available for
• If a dual monitor is not available, use a wide-format screen.
• When the VisualLogic toolkit is docked, use the pushpin feature to turn
autohide on and off as desired.
Note In Visio 2010, if the ribbon is truncated on the screen (for example when
the Visio workspace is reduced to a narrow window), shortcut key combinations
change. However, when you press ALT, a letter appears on the ribbon to identify
current shortcut key combinations. To use shortcut key combinations when the
Visio 2010 ribbon is truncated, press ALT and follow shortcut key combinations
as designated by letters on the ribbon. The shortcut key combinations shown in
Table 7 work for a fully-expanded ribbon.
Note Additionally, the Visio shortcut keys shown in Table 8 are useful when
working with DDC drawings:
By default, when you work on files in VisualLogic, files are saved to the
following path: C:\Alerton\BACtalk\<version>\<rep>\<job>\DDC,
where <version> represents the currently-installed version, <rep> represents the
representative, and <job> represents the specific job.
The three file extensions are not interchangeable; generally a file that you create
in one device format cannot be converted to another. The exception to this rule is
that you can save a .bd4 DDC as a .bd6 DDC. (See instructions on page 34.)
You can open these files from within VisualLogic or from within the appropriate
DDC development environment in Envision for BACtalk.
2. Select the type of device you are programming and then click OK.
A new drawing opens for the type of device you selected on a blank
2. In the Files of type field, select the format of file that you want to open.
4. In the list of files, select the file name that you want, and then click
VisualLogic generates a new drawing based on information in the DDC
file. Conditions under which the file was created and saved dictate the
rendering in VisualLogic.
2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder and file you want, and
then click Open.
3. In the Read DDC dialog box that appears, type the device instance.
4. Click OK.
VisualLogic constructs a drawing based on the DDC in the controller.
Connectors and other geometry information may not be retrievable.
N o t e It may take up to 15 minutes to construct a complex DDC
Figure 6 Drawing Title Block (left) and Program Information dialog box
• Opening the title block editor (on the right in Figure 6) by double-
clicking the title block.
• Using the Program Info tab of the VisualLogic toolkit (Figure 7).
The Program Info tab allows you to make changes to the DDC title block from
any page of the DDC instead of having to navigate to the first page of the
drawing, where the title block is located.
Item Explanation
Alerton The DDC file keeps a pointer to the rep\job folder in
Representative and the BACtalk root directory, which establishes where
Job Name this DDC file is saved. The default is the rep/job you
are logged in to. Maximum of 8 characters.
Program Name The file name used when you save a DDC file or Visio
drawing file through the VisualLogic menu. Maximum
of 8 characters. Maximum of 8 characters.
Setting options
The Options tab (Figure 8) allows you to select options for managing files or
controlling which actions occur automatically when you develop and edit DDC.
Saved options are saved to the open DDC drawing and remain selected when the
file is closed and later reopened.
To control file size, the Options tab offers the following features:
• Send DDC options: Allows you to select specific details to send from
the DDC drawing. Typically, controllers have limited memory, and do
not require all the information that is contained in a DDC drawing to
function properly. (See also “Sending DDC to a device” on page 35.)
• Save DDC options: Allows you to select which specific details in the
Visio file (.vsd) are saved to the compiled DDC (.bd3, .bd4, or .bd6).
(See also “Saving your work” on page 33.)
Details such as descriptions, geometric information, and comments are useful to
the programmer, but are not required for the DDC to execute in a device.
To control automated actions, the Options tab offers the following features when
you place a function on a drawing:
• Auto edit: Opens the function parameter dialog box when you place a
function on a DDC drawing.
• Auto propagate: Populates values from the source function to the target
function. Always propagates to a “none” value. When values in both the
source and the target are populated, the default is to propagate from left
to right on the drawing.
Note Always check the results of an automated feature.
For information about changing the defaults that appear on the Options tab, see
“Setting VisualLogic Toolkit defaults” on page 70.
When you edit DDC in VisualLogic, the DDC program you work on is stored in
the memory of the computer running VisualLogic. No changes are made to the
DDC programming in the controller until you send the new DDC program to the
You can adjust the DDC program at the computer without affecting the
controller’s operation. The controller continues to execute the most recently
downloaded DDC program until a new program replaces the old one. (For
information about downloading new DDC program, see “Sending DDC to a
device” on page 35.)
Selecting a format
When you save a file in VisualLogic, the system allows you to select whether
you save it as a Visio (.vsd) or DDC (.bd3, .bd4, or .bd6) file. (For a list of DDC
file formats for various devices, see Table 9 on page 29.)
Typically, unfinished files are saved as Visio files, while files that are ready to be
sent to a device—or are ready for testing on a device—are saved as DDC files.
Alerton recommends that you always save your work as a Visio file. Visio files
contain all programming information as well as comments, descriptions, and
geometric information. While this information is not required for a DDC file to
execute, that information is useful to programmers when troubleshooting or
otherwise working on files.
Note Saving a file as a DDC file does not automatically save it as a Visio file.
To select elements to save from the Visio file to the DDC file, use the
VisualLogic Toolkit Options tab (Figure 8 on page 32).
2. Select the folder you want and type a file name in the File Name box.
N o t e If you do not use the same filename and rep/job that are
displayed in the title bar, the file may appear not to save.
4. Click Save.
4. Click Save.
4. At the Save DDC File dialog box, select the following and click Save.
• From the drop-down list near the top of the dialog box, select a rep
and job in which to save the file.
• In the File name field, enter the desired file name.
Note If you attempt to use the Save as Advanced DDC feature to save a DDC
file that is already saved in that format, VisualLogic presents an error message.
VisualLogic prompts you for information about the device and the DDC file
such as the rep, job, file name, and version. You can save the file to the rep and
job directory in conjunction with the Send command, or you can send files
without saving them (not recommended). VisualLogic requires DDC file
information even if you do not choose to save. This is because the VLC retains
the rep/job information along with the DDC.
When you send a DDC file to a device on the network, consider which elements
of the file to send. If the DDC is too large to fit on the controller, send it without
descriptions, comments, and/or geometric information. These elements are
useful to the programmer, but are not required for the DDC to execute properly
on the device.
Note A DDC file that is uploaded from a device on the network contains only
the information that was saved to it.
4. In the Send DDC dialog box (Figure 9), complete fields as desired and
as described in Table 11.
This information is duplicated in the Program Information dialog box
(Figure 6 on page 30).
CAUTION Settings that you change in the Send DDC dialog box are
reflected in the drawing properties in the DDC header and the Custom
Properties dialog box.
Tab le 11 Send DDC to device settings
Item Explanation
Device The device instance of the controller you want to receive the
Representative Alerton representative and job name. The DDC file keeps a
and Job pointer to the rep\job folders in the BACtalk root directory. If
you choose to save files, this is the rep\job in which they are
File The file name of the DDC, which is stored as a pointer within
the program and used if you save the file.
Version A version number you that can use to track revisions to the
Send and save Recommended. Saves a DDC file and Visio drawing file
files saved to disk at the same time you send the DDC to a
Saving the file to the local drive preserves all the information
associated with the file, including information that is useful to
the programmer but is not required for the execution of
Files are saved to <bactalk root>\<rep>\<job> with the name
<file>.bd3|bd4 and <file>.vsd.
5. Click Send.
2. Select the folder and file you want to send, and then click Open.
3. In the Device Instance dialog box, type the device instance of the VLC
or global controller you want to receive the DDC, and then click OK.
To upload a DDC from a device, see the instructions for opening a file from a
device on page 30.
The Writable/DDC
Descriptions field
appears only on
VLC files.
Figure 11 Device Settings icon (in lower right corner of each DDC
The Device Settings dialog box offers the following features that save time when
developing and testing DDC files:
• Dockable: Drag the dialog box by its banner (the top edge) and attach it
to any edge of a DDC drawing.
• Autohide: Collapse the dialog box so that it appears as only a bar at the
edge of the drawing. To turn the autohide feature on or off, click the
pushpin icon on the right side of the dialog box.
• Stays open: The Device Settings dialog box can remain open and
accessible as you navigate through all pages of the drawing.
For VAV controllers, if program units are set to metric, enter box size in cm; the
device then reports flow in liters per second (lps).
The selection of English versus metric units here can be read in DDC from
BV-71, which is read-only. Most Alerton Standard applications use BV-71 to
modify measurement related calculations according to the program units
Ta ble 12 BV-71 settings for English/metric
Metric ON
2. On the General tab, in the Program Units field, select either English
or Metric, and then click OK.
However, C3-series VLCs allow only the DDC programmer to enter descriptions
as part of the DDC file and not edit them from a standard operator workstation.
3. Click OK.
3. On the General tab, in the DDC Read Inhibit, select Reads Inhibited,
and then click OK.
Set the execution speed according to the capabilities of the devices on the
network. Using the faster execution speed requires more memory in the
2. Click the General tab, in the DDC Execution Speed, select one of the
• 10 Hz: Default. Select this speed unless the job specification calls for
20 Hz.
• 20 Hz: Common examples of use include fume hood and lighting
3. Click OK.
You already know what points are required and how they are distributed across
each controller, so now you can use the power of Excel to get point data
descriptions, object names, and settings into the DDC header. The worksheet
tabs summarize all of the controller inputs and outputs and the drop-down menus
contain only viable choices.
VisualLogic’s import feature allows you to automatically populate data such as
point descriptions, analog inputs, scaling, and filtering.
This method is useful when you have multiple points to set up in a drawing, such
as when you have defined device settings objects descriptions in BACtalk
Builder and saved the information in an Excel file. For information on using
BACtalk Builder, see BACtalk Builder User’s Manual (LTBT-BBOPMAN),
found on the Alerton Support Network.
5. Click Apply.
Exporting data from a DDC is useful when replicating information from one job
or controller to another.
2. Verify the file name and then click Export again to open the standard
.xls file.
Note In Advanced VLC DDCs (.bd6 files) and with Gen4 VLC (.bd4 files)
with version ROC 4.10b4 and later, you can also edit object names.
The Device Settings Point Setup tab (Figure 13 for .bd6 files, and Figure 14 on
page 44 for .bd4 files) allows you to manually make changes to individual
points. This tab is most often used for minor changes rather than major changes
to a drawing.
For Gen4
VLCs, these
appear under
the Collect
Points button.
Double-click an
item to open the
editing dialog box.
Figure 13 Device Settings (Point Setup tab for an Advanced VLC file)
Figure 13 shows the Point Setup tab as it appears for an Advanced VLC file. It
includes a button for populating Microset points.
Double-click an item to
open the editing dialog
Figure 14 Device Settings dialog box (Point Setup tab for .bd4 files)
For VLC DDC files, if the Writable/DDC Descriptions option (found on the
Device Settings dialog box General tab) is set to DDC, you can edit descriptions
directly on the drawing.
When you have multiple points to set up in a drawing— such as when you have
defined device settings objects descriptions in BACtalk Builder and saved the
information in an Excel file—you can use VisualLogic’s import feature to
automatically populate point descriptions (described under “Importing or
exporting DDC data to an Excel worksheet” on page 41).
Note For information on using BACtalk Builder, see BACtalk Builder User’s
Manual (LTBT-BBOPMAN), found on the Alerton Support Network.
Under the Collect Points (for Gen4 VLCs) and the Synchronize Points (for
Advanced VLC files) buttons, the Point Setup tab lets you perform the following
• Collect new points from DDC and add to Point Setup list: Copies
new points and their associated values and descriptions from the
drawing to the Point Setup tab. Does not show updates to previously-
listed points.
• Copy I/O tab descriptions to Point Setup descriptions: Copies new
and updated points from the drawing to the Point Setup tab. Previously-
listed points are updated to show their new descriptions.
• Copy Point Setup descriptions to I/O tab descriptions: Pushes
changes made on the Point Setup tab to the drawing. (See instructions
for editing point descriptions from the Point Setup tab on page 45.)
3. In the Point Setup dialog box (lower images in Figure 13 and in Figure
14), make the following settings as desired.
• Locked check box (for Advanced VLC file only, optional):
• Selected: Prevents the descriptions and point names from being
changed at an operator workstation.
• Deselected: The description and point name is not downloaded
into the controller when sending DDC.
• Point: Enter the Object ID (object type and object instance).
• Point description: Enter a brief description of the purpose of the
point. Note the following character limits:
• For VLC: 30.
• For Advanced VLC: 60.
• Make name the same as description (for Advanced VLC files
only, optional):
• Selecting this check box disables the Point name field and forces
the point name to be the same as the point description.
• Deselecting this check box enables the Point name field, allowing
the point description and the point name to be different from one
If you select this check box, enter text in the Point description field
as desired.
4. Click OK.
The Point Setup editing box closes.
6. Push the changes from the Point Setup tab to the drawing: Click
Synchronize Points (for a .bd6 file) or Collect Points (for a .bd4 file)
and select Copy Point Setup descriptions to I/O tab descriptions.
The Analog Input Setup tab (Figure 15) on the Device Settings dialog box allows
you to manually set individual analog inputs. This method is recommended
when you have only a few inputs to set.
These fields
appear only on
Advanced VLC
Figure 15 Device Settings dialog box (Analog Input Setup tab for Advanced DDC)
2. For each AI that you want to work with, under Type, select the input
type according to the following guidelines.
Type Explanation
Counts Input is read in raw counts from 0-4095.
Scaled When you select a Scaled input type, the Zero (time
base) and Range (pulse value) fields appear. AI =
Zero + (Input * Range/ 4096) where “Input” is the
prescaled input count. See the “Scaled (two point)”
below for a simpler method.
Scaled (two point) In the Two Point Scale Setup dialog box, select the
VLC model and input type. VisualLogic automatically
calculates and enters Zero (time base) and Range
(pulse value) values. a
Pulse Width
Pulse Frequency
3. Under Units, select the type of engineering units you want to assign to
this input.
This option is not available when 10K Thermistor or 3K Thermistor is
selected as Type.
4. Type zero and range values according to the guidelines for Scaled in
step 3 and the information in the VLC Installation and Operations
N o t e You need to select only the VLC and input type for the Scaled
(two point) option and the time base and pulse values are populated
5. If you want to apply filtering to the input, select Filter. The filter
calculation is performed every 0.1 seconds and is expressed as:
NewCount 31
FilteredCount = --------------------------- + ------ PreviousCount
32 32
CAUTION Do not filter any Microset/Microtouch inputs (IN-0).
6. For Advanced VLC files only: In the Hardware mode field, set the BV
as appropriate for your job according to Table 14.
Tab le 14 Setting the hardware field
Resistance Off On
N o t e The DDC sets the BVs above when the DDC is initialized.
These settings can be overwritten by the BACnet write command.
However, at each power cycle the DDC resets these values.
7. For Advanced VLC files only: Select Present. If this check box remains
unchecked, the AI is not used.
8. Click Apply.
1. On the Device Settings dialog box, select the Analog Output Setup tab
(Figure 16).
Item Explanation
Units Select a BACnet engineering unit ID in this box. The
unit of measure indicates the unit of measure for the
AO. This doesn't affect calculations; it is for display
and reference purposes only.
Relinquish Default Type a default value for the AO. The valid range is 0
to 100. The relinquish default determines the value
of the AO when all elements in the AO's priority
array are NULL–essentially the default value of the
Out of Service Select this check box to set the AO's out-of-service
property to TRUE. The out-of-service property
controls the relationship of the physical AO to its
present value. When out-of-service = TRUE, the AO
is decoupled from its present value, and the
physical AO value is the result only of DDC
execution in the VLC, while the present value still
reflects the priority array.
3. Click Apply.
These settings affect the BO present-value and physical output. The relinquish-
default is the status of the BO when all priority-array indexes are NULL. The
out-of-service flag controls the relationship of the physical BO to its present
value. When out-of-service = TRUE, the physical BO is decoupled from its
present value. The physical value is the result only of DDC execution in the VLC
while the present value continues to respond to the entire priority array.
To set up BOs
1. On the Device Settings dialog box, select the Binary Output Setup tab
(Figure 17).
Item Explanation
Relinquish Default BO defaults to Active (ON) if all priority-array
indexes are NULL
Minimum on and off Sets the minimum time in seconds that the BO is on
time (for Advanced or off.
VLC files only)
Present (for Indicates that the value is used. If you intend to use
Advanced VLC files this value, select this check box. Otherwise, the
only) value does not appear on the function.
3. Click Apply.
You can set up AVs on the Device Settings Analog Value Setup tab (Figure 18),
or you can import AVs from an Excel spreadsheet (described on page 41).
To set up AVs
1. On the Device Settings dialog box, select the Analog Value Setup tab
(Figure 18).
3. For Advanced VLCs only: Select Present. If this check box remains
unchecked, the value does not appear on the function.
4. Click Apply.
Figure 19 Device Settings dialog box (Multi State Setup, Advanced VLCs only)
To set up MVs
1. On the Device Settings dialog box, select the Multi State Setup tab
(Figure 19).
2. For each MV, select an object instance (0-9), edit state, and view state.
You can also select whether a technician can change—or only view—the value
at the Microset, whether the value appears with a decimal, and whether negative
values are acceptable.
As a technician scrolls through the list of Microset field service codes, the codes
at the top of the list appear first. You can arrange codes in VisualLogic so that the
more frequently queried values appear first. For a list of the standard Microsoft
codes, see “Microset Field Service mode custom codes” on page 225.
Note When a Microset II is in balance mode, only the first five items in this list
are available. Therefore, when you program DDC for a VAV controller, put the
items most useful to your air balancer first.
You can set up Microset field codes manually by using the Device Settings
Microset Field Service Setup tab (Figure 20) or by importing the data from an
Excel spreadsheet. (See “Importing or exporting DDC data to an Excel
worksheet” on page 41.)
To set up Microset field service codes using the Device Settings dialog
1. On the Device Settings dialog box, select the Microset Field Service
Setup tab (Figure 20).
The tab is populated with a list of the Microset codes set up for the
current DDC program.
Select these
options for all
binary values.
3. In the Display Digits fields, type or select the first and second digits
that you want displayed at the Microset.
Tab le 1 7 Acceptable Microset Field Service mode characters
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9a A b
c C d
E F ga
h H i
J L n
o p r
u U y
- _
a. The characters 9 and g are virtually indistinguishable on the
Microset display.
4. In the Object fields, type the object type and instance for the present
value that you want to associate with the Display Digits.
6. Click Apply.
VisualLogic does not require that the DDC functions appear in any order (they
always execute in order of sequence number) or that they be linked with
connectors. However, arranging functions in logical order makes the DDC much
easier to read, and using connectors enables you to use the Check Drawing and
Propagate Parameter features.
• VisualLogic Tools menu (for Visio 2007) or tab on the ribbon (for Visio
• VisualLogic Toolkit. For details, see “About the VisualLogic Toolkit”
on page 26.
• Visio 2007: From VisualLogic View menu, select Shapes Window, and
then select the stencil, vislogic.vss, in the <bactalk root>\vislogic folder.
• Visio 2010: On the left side of the screen, click More Shapes and then
select a VisualLogic template. (Expand and collapse the stencil area as
The fields available on the Edit dialog box are unique for each type of function.
For more information about the function and its parameters, click the Help
button in the dialog box.
Type the sequence number of Click here for Click here to assign an object and
the function here. Each function-specific property or data value to the parameter
function's sequence number online help. listed or type the data directly in the box.
must be unique. The number of inputs, outputs, and
parameters vary by function.
Functions do not require connectors to link; the sequence numbers and input/
output assignments in the functions’ setup dialog boxes are sufficient for
VisualLogic to determine the order of execution and processing of values.
When you link functions with a connector, the output of one function is not
necessarily linked to the input of another. You still assign inputs and outputs in
the functions’ setup dialog box. The exception is when you use the Propagate
Parameters command or when the Auto Propagate option on the VisualLogic
Toolkit General tab is enabled.
3. Click the connection point, and drag the pointer to the connection
point on the target function.
A red rectangle appears over the connection points as the mouse pointer
is moved close to them.
N o t e To drag a window and zoom in on an area of the drawing, use
CTRL+SHIFT. To zoom out, right-click while holding CTRL+SHIFT.
Alerton offers the following tips for working with connectors:
• Use the Insert Junction connector icon on the VisualLogic tab to place a
junction in the middle of a line: Select a line, and then click the icon.
• Use the Junction shape to create branching connections. Place the
Junction shape, and then use the connector tool to connect to one of the
four connection points on the shape. Zoom in so you do not accidentally
use the wrong connection point on the Junction shape.
• Use the Straighten Connector tools to straighten connectors left, right,
up, or down. Select the connectors you want to straighten, and then click
one of the Straighten tools in the toolbar or point to Connector on the
VisualLogic menu and then choose a Straighten command. Straighten
connectors as a last step.
For example, if you assign BV-3 as the output of a function at Sequence 100 and
then use a Visio connector to link it to an input of a function at Sequence 110, the
Propagate Parameters command automatically assigns BV-3 as the input at
Sequence 110.
If you have assigned an input that doesn't match its corresponding output, the
command overwrites the input with the output assignment.
CAUTION If you have multiple I/O assignments using the Junction shape, the
Propagate Parameters feature automatically propagates the assignment of the
output with the lowest sequence number to all the outputs, overwriting previous
You can set VisualLogic to propagate function parameters automatically when
you place functions on a drawing.
If the automatic propagation option is not selected, you can propagate
parameters manually, either for all or selected functions.
Repeating functions
The VisualLogic Repeat tab (Figure 22) provides a quick method of building
multiple similar functions by copying an existing function. This tab is typically
used for building subroutines.
The Repeat feature provides a way to create several DDC functions of any kind
at one time. For example, this feature allows you to create multiple subcallers in
global or building controller DDC. You can increment DDC function parameters
with input specific to each DDC function.
• Branch numbers.
• Device instances.
• Object instances.
• Array indexes.
• Substitution numbers.
• Real data values.
Only some of these parameters are applied to particular DDC functions. If the
increment value is zero, the correspondent parameter does not increment.
3. Click Repeat.
Resequencing functions
Often, a programmer needs to change the sequence of a range of functions while
programming, usually because functions were added or omitted. VisualLogic
allows you to select a range of functions and renumber them as a whole.
Rather than changing sequence numbers one-by-one, you can assign a starting
sequence number and specify the increment of sequential function numbers,
such as 10, 20, 30, or 5, 10, 15.
The Resequence tab on the VisualLogic Toolkit (Figure 23) allows you to
resequence selected or all functions on a DDC.
4. Click Resequence.
VisualLogic renumbers the function with the lowest sequence number
with the Start sequence number. Other functions are numbered in
increasing increments of the Sequence step value.
Cross-referencing functions
The Cross-Reference tab (Figure 24) presents a list of all functions in the current
DDC, along with relevant information about each function.
Set parameters and filters here. The Object Name column appears Click here to refresh the table after you
only for Advanced VLC (.bd6) files. make changes to the DDC.
Comparing drawings
The Compare tab (Figure 25) allows you to compare two similar DDC files. This
feature is helpful for identifying changes of the current DDC from the as-built
DDC, thereby allowing you to identify changes that may have been
3. Click Browse, navigate to the second file that you want to compare, and
click Open.
5. To view details about the differences between DDCs, select the desired
line in the table and click Compare Functions. (Alternatively, double-
click the desired line.)
VisualLogic Toolkit presents a pop-up dialog box that compares
specific details and values, as shown in Figure 26.
To straighten a connector
Do one of the following:
• Change shape on the drawing: Select the connector on the
drawing, click a center point, and drag it to the desired position.
• Use menu or tabs:
• Visio 2007: From the VisualLogic menu, select Straighten
Connector, and then select Up, Down, Left, or Right.
• Visio 2010: On the VisualLogic tab, select one of the Straighten
connector icons (up, down, left, or right).
Wrap Descriptor
The Wrap Descriptor feature of VisualLogic allows descriptions on drawings to
wrap rather than running on in a long single line after a function. This feature is
useful for long descriptions and keeps drawings tidier.
The comments are saved to disk—and to the controller when sufficient memory
is available—along with the DDC file and the Visio drawing. A user or
developer can select a function and view comments about its operation.
You can save all comments for a drawing to a rich text file (*.rtf) and use it as a
source for creating a sequence of operations for your job. Topics are saved to file
in the order that they appear in the Program Comments dialog box. You can
adjust the order of topics.
To view comments
1. On the drawing, select the function for which you want to view
2. Click Add.
A new topic with the title "New Comment" appears and is added to the
bottom of the list of topics.
3. In the lower field, replace the "New Comment" title with your own text
(the title automatically appears in the list of topic titles), and then type
comment text.
4. In the Range box, type the sequence number of the function or the
range of functions (separated by a dash, for example 10-100) you want
with which you want to associate this comment.
5. Optional: Click Font to select font styles, and then click OK.
6. Repeat steps 2-6 for each comment topic, and then click OK.
2. In the Program Comments dialog box, select the topic title you want to
rearrange, and then click Up to move it toward the top of the list or click
Down to move it toward the bottom of the list.
N o t e Topics are saved to the *.rtf file in the order of appearance in the
list of topics. This order is independent of their assignment to function
sequence numbers.
3. Select a folder and file name to save to, and then click Save.
2. In the Program Comments dialog box, select the comment topic you
want to work with from the list.
4. Click Font, and then choose font details in the box provided.
You can use this information to help you modify your DDC if you go over your
byte/bit count for a VLC. (See Table 2 through Table 4 starting on page 13 for
byte/bit counts for VLCs.)
Note The bits and bytes used in a given function may differ depending on the
type of the global controller.
• Selectable controller type: Select the global controller from the VLC
type drop-down list.
• Printable: To print the table contents, click Print. VisualLogic
automatically prints the current contents of the table on the default
printer for the computer you are using.
• Errors and warnings: To view a list of errors and warnings for the
current DDC, click Refresh.
2. Click Refresh.
The Check Drawing feature on the VisualLogic Toolkit Errors tab searches your
drawing for common DDC programming errors, such as faulty I/O assignments,
duplicate sequence numbers, and the lack of the proper termination functions
(End of Normal, End of Subroutine).
The VisualLogic Toolkit Errors tab (Figure 29) presents a list of errors and
warnings associated with the current DDC.
• Error: Indicates that the DDC does not work. You cannot save the file
as a DDC, nor can you send it to a device. However, you can save the
file as a drawing. (See instructions under “Saving your work as a Visio
drawing” on page 34.)
• Warning: There is a nonstandard configuration or inefficiency in the
DDC. You can save the file as a DDC and send it to a device.
• Goto Error: To go to the function with the error or warning, select the
desired error or warning and click Goto Error. (Alternatively, double-
click the desired item warning.) The toolkit opens the page on which the
problematic function appears, with the function automatically selected.
• Scrollable: Click Next Error or Previous Error to scroll through the
list of errors and address each one.
• Check Drawing: Regenerates the list of errors and warnings that occur
on all pages of the DDC. Click this button after you have made changes
to the current DDC.
• Provides descriptions: If tabs have different descriptions in the DDC,
the Errors tab presents as a warning.
3. After you have made changes to the function, return to the Errors tab
and click Check Drawing again to confirm that the problem is
When you load the drawing file, you can either read DDC from the device or
from a file on disk. You can view real-time data for a single function or any
number of functions. The speed of data updates depends on many factors:
network traffic and the number of functions you choose to view, for example. As
a general rule, choosing to view data for fewer functions results in quicker data
2. In Visio, browse to and open the file that you want to work with.
• In Visio 2007: From the VisualLogic menu, select File > Open
• In Visio 2010: On the VisualLogic tab, click Open Drawing.
CAUTION Make sure that it is the same file loaded in your controller;
otherwise, erroneous data appears.
3. Select the functions for which you want to view live data values.
5. In the Device Instance dialog box, type the device instance of the
device that you want to monitor, and click OK.
Data from the controller appears in red beside its associated I/O
connector, as shown in Figure 30.
sec Init-N
AV-62 on BR-1
BR-0 on
BV-26 BR-0
on DOB on
on 3170
When viewing live data, keep the following considerations in mind:
• Values with the NOT or REV operation applied: When you view live
data (F2 View Data) in global or building controller DDC, values that
have had a NOT or REV operation applied may not display correct
values. VLCs show input and outputs values after the NOT or REV
operation is applied. Take care when interpreting these values.
• Building controller (.bd3 DDC) data within a subroutine: To view
live data in a global controller or building controller (.bd3 DDC) from
inside a subroutine, from the list under Live Data option, select the
desired subcaller sequence number.
• Difference between read and write present value for objects with a
priority array: When you write to a present value of an object with a
priority array, you write to Priority 9 or 14. However, the present value
may be overwritten higher in the priority array, resulting in a read
present value that is different from the write present value.
• Run-time Accumulator shows inaccurate output: The output of the
Run-time Accumulator does not reflect the true value of the assigned
AV. Instead, to read the true value, view the value of the assigned AV on
the input of a function.
CAUTION Do not make changes other than those described in this section, and
do not make changes to other .ini files. Doing so can have unintended
consequences and can severely and adversely affect software performance.
1 4
2 5
3 6
Line in file Purpose
splashbitmap=splash.bmp n/a Reserved. Do not change. Controls the
image that appears when VisualLogic
In addition, a reserved range of AVs and BVs for the Microset and Microtouch
enable customized control of the unit. These features greatly simplify DDC
programming for zone temperature control.
Function Remarks
AV-90 Setpoint (SP) Displayed at the Microset and
adjusted up or down when the
WARMER or COOLER button is
AV-103 Outside Air Temp to Microset The value displayed at the Microset
when the OUTSIDE button is
pressed. Typically, this is the outside
air temperature value, which is
transferred from elsewhere in the
system to AV-103 in the VLC.
NOTE: The Microset II displays as
“OUTSIDE” temperature.
Ta ble 19 VLC data points reserved for Microset and Microtouch (Continued)
Function Remarks
AV-104 MicroTouch Lever Offset Automatically calculated from
current lever position and the value
of AV-105.
IMPORTANT! AI-1 must be set to
Counts to get the correct readings
from the Microtouch lever settings.
Ta ble 19 VLC data points reserved for Microset and Microtouch (Continued)
Function Remarks
BV-72 Fan Low Speed When BV-72 is set to ON, the fan
icon on the Microset II moves at slow
BV-73 Fan Medium Speed When BV-73 is set to ON, the fan
icon on the Microset II moves at
medium speed.
BV-74 Fan High Speed When BV-74 is set to ON, the fan
icon on the Microset II moves at high
BV-75 Door Open ICON Reserved for future door open icon
on the Microset II.
BV-83 24Hr Time Format Select 12- or 24- hour time format on
the Microset II.
Setpoint calculation
Throughout your DDC, use AV-99 and AV-100 for the actual current cooling and
heating setpoints, respectively. The VLC automatically includes offsets and
switches between occupied and unoccupied setpoints as appropriate. The
Microtouch lever offset is also automatically considered if a Microset is not
When the VLC is in unoccupied mode, it sets the current cooling (AV-99) and
heating (AV-100) setpoints to the unoccupied cooling (AV-95) and unoccupied
heating (AV-96) setpoints, respectively. When the VLC is in occupied mode, the
current cooling setpoint is set to the occupied setpoint (AV-90) plus the
Microtouch lever offset (AV-104, only included if Microset is not detected), plus
the cooling offset (AV-93), plus the demand offset (AV-106).
The current heating setpoint is set to the occupied setpoint (AV-90), plus the
Microtouch lever offset (AV-104, only included if Microset is not detected),
minus the heating offset (AV-94), minus the demand offset (AV-106).
Microtouch offsets
If a Microset is not detected, the VLC assumes a Microtouch is connected, and
input 1 is read as a Microtouch bias. The VLC calculates the Microtouch offset
(AV-104) based on the position of the lever and the Microtouch lever value
As the lever is moved between the two stops, the Microtouch offset varies
between these two values. There are five possible values:
• Full up (+ AV-105).
• Partially up, midway between full up and the center position
(+ AV-105/2).
• Center position (with a value of zero).
• Partially down, midway between the center position and full down
(- AV-105/2).
• Full down (- AV-105).
I MP O R TA N T If neither a Microset nor a Microtouch is connected to the VLC,
set the Microtouch lever value (AV-105) to zero. If any other value is used, a
Microtouch offset is applied to the Occupied setpoint, depending on what, if
anything, is connected to input 1 on the VLC.
After-hours operation
When BV-64 is OFF, the VLC remains in unoccupied mode unless the after-
hours timer (BV-66) is activated.
The value of the after-hours timer (AV-98) automatically counts down at a rate of
0.5 every 30 minutes until it reaches zero, at which time the after-hours timer
status (BV-66) turns OFF. The after-hours timer automatically resets to zero
when BV-64 turns ON. As long as BV-64 is OFF, the after-hours timer (AV-98)
can be manually adjusted in increments of 0.5 hours from a BACtalk data
When a Microset is connected, the user can activate the after-hours timer by
pressing the ON button. For each press of the ON button, the after-hours timer
(AV-98) increments 0.5 hours, up to the after-hours limit (AV-97). Similarly, the
occupant can press the OFF button to decrement the after-hours timer in 0.5 hour
When a Microtouch is used, pressing the Microtouch center sets the after-hours
timer to the value of the after-hours duration (AV-97). The after-hours timer
status is ON whenever the after-hours timer is above zero.
Heating and cooling control sequences can use AV-99 and AV-100 as the current
cooling and heating setpoints. These setpoints are automatically calculated as
described above depending on occupied mode status, offsets, and other factors.
BV-67 can be used as an indication of when the VLC transitions between
occupied and unoccupied mode. This can be useful for resetting Proportional
Integral (PI) functions when the setpoint changes.
VLC DDC must be used to transfer the space temperature to AV-101. Typically,
the space temperature is AI-0, but in some applications you may wish to average
two or more sensors or use a different sensor. We recommend that you use
AV-101 as the space temperature throughout your programming; then if you
want to change the sensor configuration you have to modify the DDC in only
one place.
The demand offset is included in the setpoint calculation to allow for the future
implementation of a demand limiting program. The demand offset is sent from a
global controller to AV-106.
The Microset present flag (BV-70) allows you to create display items that change
depending on whether or not a Microset is installed. The English/metric flag
(BV-71) allows you to write DDC programming that automatically adjusts
tuning parameters and limits depending upon the mode to which the VLC is set.
Custom codes can be entered in the DDC device settings header. You can assign
a custom code for up to 26 BI, BV, AV, BO, or AO objects.
For each entry, you can specify whether the number appear with or without one
decimal place, and whether the item is read-only. Items can also be restricted to
positive numbers. For instructions, see “Setting up Microset field service codes”
on page 52.
CF and HF (if applicable) show the current cfm, which can be adjusted by
modifying the calibration factor (k) during balancing. While in VAV Box Field
Service Mode, the WARMER and COOLER buttons change the k factor in
increments of ± 0.01, while the ROOM and OUTSIDE buttons change the k
factor in increments of ± 0.1. Using the VAV Box Field Service Mode, you can
adjust the k factor until the CF and HF readings match those from a balancing
Use VLC DDC to view the value of the k factor (see “Setting parameters for a
VAV airflow sensor” on page 227).
The following data points are available in VLC DDC, Alerton/Standard Device
Templates 82330000.DVT and 82340000.DVT and can be used to view and edit
balancing data.
Description Remarks
AV-250 Cold Duct Box Size Range 0~63 inches
Useful tips
Programming DDC is a challenging undertaking and should not be attempted
without a thorough knowledge of Alerton systems and the equipment being
controlled. This chapter describes some common programming techniques and
strategies. Carefully plan and test your DDC program before implementing it.
Document meticulously
As you develop the program, document the point assignments, starting with all
the physical control points at the VLC level. The control point list should include
all logical and physical points for VLC DDC. The control point list for global or
building controller DDC should include all points. Be sure to note the point type
(AI, BI, AO, BO, AV, BV) and whether any additional automated control
features are required (alarms, schedules, optimum start, for example).
Leave a written history of the assignment of inputs and outputs to equipment and
how control sequences were implemented. Document in such a way that another
engineer or programmer can decipher your work.
CAUTION When using either the REDS and WEDS DDC function, assign
network number 0 if the MS/TP device is on the local MS/TP network.
Note VLCs that support peer-to-peer DDC functions are limited to a maximum
of 15 RED/WED and REDs/WEDs functions.
For unused multiple input connections—such as for the Six-Input And Gate
function—it is acceptable to use multiple connections for the same input.
The BACtalk Automation Object essentially exposes BACtalk data so that it can
be used by scripts, programs, and applications that support Automation. This
enables you to read property values, write property values, and send a time sync
from another application.
Note EBT v1.3 and later includes a Comm Failure Object (found through
Device Manager) that can be used instead of DDC.
Method 1
The Delay on Make (DOM) and Delay on Break (DOB) functions in VLC DDC
combine to produce a pulse (BV-63) every 240 seconds. The Exclusive OR
(XOR) function in the global controller DDC reacts to the pulse generated by the
VLC. As BV-63 switches from ON to OFF and back to ON, the XOR resets the
DOB, turning the VLC Comm Fail (BV-201) OFF. As long as the global
controller can read the pulse (BV-63) from the VLC, the XOR continually resets
the DOB. If communications between the global controller and the VLC fails, a
Comm Failure condition is reported through BV-201 after 900 seconds (15
minutes) have elapsed. This elapsed time is set using the delay input to the DOB.
The sequence numbering of the DDC functions in the global controller is very
important. Note that the XOR, at sequence 4500, executes before the Transfer
(XFR), at sequence 4510. This is the trick in getting the XOR to pulse ON to
OFF and repeat. Also, the branch point between the XFR and the XOR (BR-401)
must be a reserved branch point. This means that BR-401 cannot be referenced
anywhere else in global controller DDC.
Set up the VLC Comm Fail Alarm (BV-201) as you would any other binary point
alarm using the Alarm Wizard in BACtalk. The delay setting in the alarm point
setup should be set to zero so as not to conflict with the DOB in global controller
Figure 32 Method 1: VLC and global controller DDC sequences for detecting VLC communications failure at the
global controller
Advantages and disadvantages The advantage of using this method over
Method 2 is that only one data point is being transferred between the VLC and
the global controller. The disadvantage is that the two timing functions in VLC
DDC consume RAM space, which may be needed elsewhere in the program
depending on the application.
Method 2
The Two-Input AND Function (&) in VLC DDC generates a pulse (BV-63) to
the global controller. BV-63 pulses between ON and OFF every time the global
controller transfers BV-63 to BV-62. As long as communication is established
between the VLC and the global controller, BV-63 continually pulses between
ON and OFF. The Change of State Detector (COS) Function in global controller
DDC reacts to the pulse generated by the VLC. As BV-63 switches from OFF to
ON, the COS resets the Delay on Break (DOB), turning the VLC Comm Fail
(BV-201) OFF. As long as the global controller can read the pulse (BV-63) from
the VLC, the COS continually resets the DOB. If communications between the
global controller and the VLC fail, a Comm Failure condition is reported through
BV-201 after 300 seconds (5 minutes) have elapsed. This elapsed time is set
through the delay input to the DOB.
Set up the VLC Comm Fail Alarm (BV-201) as you would any other binary point
alarm using the Alarm Wizard in BACtalk. The delay setting in the alarm point
setup should be set to zero so as not to conflict with the DOB in global controller
Figure 33 Method 2: VLC and global controller DDC sequences for detecting VLC communications failure at the
global controller
Advantages and disadvantages The advantage in using this method over
Method 1 is the Two Input AND function in VLC DDC does not consume RAM
space, which may be needed elsewhere in the program depending on the
application. The disadvantage is that two data points are being transferred
between the VLC and its global controller.
Method 3 (alternative)
Use this method to monitor the communication status of a non-Alerton BACnet
See “Function 18: Two-Input Exclusive OR” on page 125 for more information
about Function 18.
As a result, the Comm Fail flag in the VLC is useful in DDC only insofar as it
enables VLC DDC to revert to a stand-alone mode of operation (for example,
causing setpoints to revert to stand-alone, default settings) in the absence of all
other devices, not just the global controller. It is not useful for determining
whether a VLC is online with a global controller, or whether global controller
DDC has halted.
Note The VLC Comm Fail flag is set when communications have been lost for
five minutes and reset whenever a valid MS/TP message for the VLC is
Explanation of DDC
The DDC sequences shown are for an global controller with Device Instance 211
and a VLC with Device Instance 702. It shows only the heartbeat and pickup
Figure 36 Pickup sequence in the VLC, which uses BV-11 (selected arbitrarily)
as the global controller communications failure flag
Actual results depend on how Microset AVs are used in the control sequence. In
certain applications, AV-101 has been used as a space temperature input to the
proportional component of a proportional integral (PI) routine. AV-101 varied by
0.5 when the actual space temperature change was much smaller. This caused a
disproportional response and frequent equipment response, causing over cycling
of the controlled variable and possible premature wear on controlled equipment.
Do not use AVs 90-107 in control sequences where their limited resolution may
be an issue. Instead, use actual input values. For example, use AI-0 for space
PID logic has been used with industrial controls for a long time. The Alerton
BACtalk PI and PID controllers use industry-standard terminology wherever
PI versus PID
For virtually all HVAC applications, it is generally wiser to use PI control rather
than PID control. The Derivative component generally does not add much
responsiveness, and it can be difficult to tune. Erratic response often results from
using Derivative control in HVAC applications. Although PID control is often
included as a specification requirement, the Derivative component should
probably not be used unless you are very confident in your understanding of the
complexities of tuning PID controllers.
Output = 50 + P + I
The primary inputs are the setpoint (SP) and feedback input (FB). The other
inputs are tuning parameters, and they are generally set to fixed values as needed
to achieve responsive yet stable control. Both the P and I components are
calculated from the difference between the setpoint and the feedback input. This
difference is called the error (E), and it represents how far away from setpoint
the feedback input is.
E = FB - SP
The goal of the control function is to get this error value to go to zero (that is,
feedback input = setpoint.)
P = E x Kp
I = Iprevious + (E x Ki /60)
The integral adjustment value is limited by the maximum integral change (Imax),
which is the maximum amount the integral component is allowed to change per
minute. The maximum allowed integral adjustment (which is added once per
second) is then Imax/60.
Finally, the value of the integral component is limited by the integral limit
(Ilimit). I is not allowed to be greater than Ilimit or less than -Ilimit.
For RA applications, use the REV feature of DDC on the output of the function.
When this is done, the Reversed Output = (100 - Output).
A typical value for Kp for room temperature control applications would be 12.0
for English unit applications. This means that if the room temperature (feedback
input) is 76° and the Setpoint is 74°, the proportional component would be 2 x
12.0 = 24. If the integral component was zero, the output would then be 50 + 24
= 74.
When it takes a long time for the feedback input to change once the controlled
item is adjusted (for example, when modulating a VAV cooling damper to
achieve a desired room temperature), it generally reduces the value of Ki relative
to Kp. The proportional constant often helps prevent overshooting in these cases.
When the feedback input responds quickly to changes in the controlled item (for
example, when modulating a damper to achieve a desired airflow), the
proportional constant should generally be set fairly low, perhaps even to zero,
leaving most of the control to be performed by the integral component.
To determine an appropriate initial value for Kp, divide 3 by the smallest amount
you would typically adjust the Setpoint. For example, for controlling a supply
fan speed to maintain duct pressure, the smallest setpoint adjustment would
probably be 0.1. Thus, the starting value might be 3/0.1, or 30. You will of
course have to use your judgment as to whether to adjust this value up or down
depending on the stability and responsiveness of what you are controlling as well
as the consequences of overshooting the value.
A typical value for Ki for room temperature control applications would be 1.0.
This means that if the room temperature (feedback input) is 76° and the setpoint
is 74°, the integral component would increase by 2.0 every minute (provided
Imax is greater than 2.0).
Typically, Imax should be set to match the speed of the actuator being controlled.
It should equal the percentage of full stroke that can be achieved in one minute.
For example, if a VAV damper is being controlled, either to achieve a desired
room temperature or to achieve a desired airflow, and the full stroke damper time
is 5 minutes, then Imax should be set to 20. This is because the damper can only
stroke 20% of its full stroke in one minute. As another example, if a valve can be
actuated in 30 seconds, then Imax should be set to 200, since the valve can stroke
200% in one minute.
If you use a number greater than 50, the output could potentially stay fixed at 0
or 100 for a while, even when the error indicates a need to adjust the output in
the opposite direction. The industry term for this phenomenon is “integral
windup.” It can be useful for certain applications when you want the integral
component to be able to build up. Building up the integral component delays any
change from 0 or 100 (depending on whether the integral component is negative
or positive).
Upon initialization (or when Ki is set to zero), the Integral component equals
STUP. For applications where the Kp is equal to zero or when the Feedback
Input happens to match the setpoint, the output is equal to 50 plus STUP upon
You can calculate a good value for STUP by subtracting 50 from the output that
you want upon startup. For example, if you want the output to start at 20, set the
STUP to -30 (50 + -30 = 20).
For example, consider an application where you are controlling a VAV damper to
achieve a desired room temperature. If the throttling range is set to 5, the damper
is adjusted from fully closed to fully open as the input varies from 2.5 degrees
below the setpoint to 2.5 degrees above the setpoint. To determine the
corresponding value of Kp, you simply look at how much you want the output to
change for every degree of change in the Input. In this case, it is 20.
Primarily, these DDC routines enable integration of a BACtalk system and third-
party devices that write or read multiple bits in a single control point. Some
manufacturers use a single 8-bit or 16-bit number to issue up to 16 different
digital commands. The number of bits used is dependent on the manufacturer.
Each bit in the number represents a different command. For example, you can
use this DDC to integrate your BACtalk system with a Modbus VFD, which may
use a single register/coil address to represent multiple points, each point
represented by a bit in the register/coil address number.
Once you understand the DDC routines, you can scale them to manage only the
number of bits you need to work with.
The DDC assigns the appropriate value to each BV and writes the output value
as AV-0, including DDC to write only on change-of-state. For example, turning
BV-4 ON activates a Function 40: Switch to pass the value of 16 (BV-4
represents the 16's position) to a Function 33: 6-input Addition. The 16 is then
added to any other bit values that have been set to ON. As written, any number in
the range 0 (all BVs OFF) to 255 (all BVs ON) is possible.
The bit-unpacker DDC has a three-function, bit-checker DDC sequence for each
possible bit in the value. Each sequence consists of a Function 39: Within,
Function 30: Subtraction, and Function 40: Switch. Beginning with the largest
possible bit-value, the bit-checker sequence reads the value from the register coil
address and checks to see if it is within a specific bit range. If the bit-encoded
value is detected within the analog value, the bit-checker sequence sets the BV
representing the bit to ON, subtracts the bit value from the total value, and then
passes the reduced value to the next bit-checking sequence. The process repeats
for all bit-encoded values to be checked.
CAUTION Do not host DDC and automation for devices on several TUX
trunks in a single BCM-TUX. The increased communication load between
modules compromises system performance.
For example, if you replace a fully-loaded APEX with four BCM-TUXs, you
must split the DDC program into four separate programs: one for each BCM-
TUX. Similarly, set up alarms and trendlogs in a BCM-TUX only for directly
connected TUXs, where the alarmed or trended data originates.
TUX has a direct connect header, TDS with an AC-2650 cable can be used to
view or edit programming. If the TUX doesn't have a header, an IBEX global
controller or a TID must be used to connect to the device to view or edit
Enable heating, cooling, and Some application specific TUXs require Use BCM-TUX DDC to write to appropriate BOs in
unit operation that ON values be sent to DOs. This is the virtual device. See the installation and operations
done in APEX DDC. guide for the specific TUX at hand for a data point
reference. Typically BO-1, BO-2, and sometimes BO-
8 are used.
Enable expanded mode Use Device 79. Expanded mode is automatically enabled in the
BCM-TUX and no action is required.
Important! The BCM-TUX does not support 1200
baud TUX trunk communications.
Trend a data point Use IBEX trendlogs. Any virtual device points can be trended using
Envision for BACtalk trendlogs.
Alarm a data point Use IBEX alarms. Any virtual device points can be alarmed using
Envision for BACtalk alarms.
Programming with Zone IBEX allows you to use APEX DDC to There are AVs and BVs available in the virtual
Custom points generate values for Zone Custom points, devices that are not mapped to specific TUX points.
which can then be placed on a control These can be used in DDC programming in a similar
panel template. (This is part of the method to Zone Custom DDC. These points can be
control panel concept.) placed on a device template, similar to the way zone
custom points are placed on a control panel template.
Ta ble 23 Functions and features performed by the global controller in an IBEX system (Continued)
Allow use of TUX values in Use Zone TUX points. Global controller DDC allows this through use of the
control panel DDC Set context function.
Data display re-use Use Control Panel templates. Use Device templates.
Convert pulse data APEX DDC allowed use of Device 9 to Pulse count and pulse width can be converted to
convert compound data (AI-1 through AI- consumption and rate using DDC math functions in
6) from a TX-651-Pulse to both the BCM-TUX.
consumption and rate.
Pulse width comes from the TUX in tenths of a
second (AI-11 through AI-16). These values can be
converted to a rate by taking the reciprocal and
multiplying by 10 times the amount per pulse. This
gives a rate in units per second. Multiply this value by
60 to get rate per minute or 3600 to get rate per hour.
Pulse counts (AI-21 through AI-26) may be multiplied
by the pulse value to yield consumption.
The gateway string may also be used to convert data,
but this adds complexity and should be avoided.
Make data available Use global points. No action required. BACnet data can be seen from
throughout the system anywhere on the network.
Control panel subroutines TUX is linked to control panel using Function 67: Subroutine caller allows reference to a
Device 80. changing device in subroutine DDC.
• The Device Manager method does not copy the unique device instances
that are required by newer controllers that support multistate values.
For information about using BACtalk Builder, see the section on copying point
data in BACtalk Builder User’s Guide (LTBT-BBOPMAN), available on the
Alerton Support Network.
For example, you can change these descriptors using a prompted property on an
operator workstation display. This allows you to make changes to descriptors
without having to resend DDC. This can be useful when you do not want to give
DDC privileges to users, but you do want to allow them to customize
descriptors. This also allows you to use the same DDC file for multiple
controllers, even if they have different uses for outputs that are not referenced in
the DDC file.
For example, if you want to use a spare output on a VAV controller to control an
outside light, you could control it directly with a schedule or global controller
DDC and change the descriptor for that BO on that particular controller without
having to create a special DDC file that is otherwise identical.
2. Use Device Manager to save point data from the VLC. Be sure to select
the present values, priority arrays, and the relinquish defaults box.
3. Create folders (unless they already exist) for all VLCs that you wish to
copy descriptors to.
Manually create these folders or have Device Manager automatically do
it for when you save point data from the controllers.
The folders must reside in the same rep/job folder as the job you are
working in and should be named DEVnnnnn (where nnnnn is the device
instance). If the device instance is longer than five numbers, truncate
the DEV portion as needed to allow numbers to be in the name. Folder
names cannot exceed eight characters.
The process is faster if you choose to save only the VAV calibration
factors (even if the VLCs are not VAV controllers).
4. Copy the PointData.mdb file from the folder corresponding to the VLC
in steps 1 and 2 to all the folders created in step 3.
5. Use Device Manager to send point data to all the VLCs to which you
want to send descriptors. Select the present values, priority arrays, and
relinquish defaults box.
Ca ution This changes all point data to match the original controller
from which you saved data. This includes the following:
• All present values for set points (AV, AO, BV, and BO).
• VAV controller cold deck parameters AV-64 Motor Time, AV-66
Reheat Flow, AV-67 Max Flow, AV-68 Min Flow, Hot Deck
parameters AV-65 Motor Time, AV-71 Min Flow, and AV-73 Max
Do not select the VAV calibration factors, box sizes, or zero cutoffs box.
All Gen4 VLCs support ROC file 4.10b4. No other devices support this ROC
Object name:
Editable. The
default format is
the object type, a
space, and the
object instance,
such as AV 90.
(See Microset and
exceptions above.)
Editable. Usually
a descriptive text
string (such as
Lunch room).
identifier: Not
Consists of
object type
(such as AV)
and object
instance (such
as 90).
Beginning with the release of VLC ROC 4.10b4, you can use both the object
description property and the object name to label points.
Writable selected Descriptions that are contained Descriptions that are contained
in Writable/DDC in the DDC file are ignored. in the DDC file are ignored.
option in Device Descriptions are either defined All descriptions can be edited
manually or via BACtalk from Envision for BACtalk
Builder’s Point Builder and then screens.
loaded on the controller by
sending Point data, as
described on page 98.
To label a point you must edit the point’s description property. Editing is
controlled in Device Settings on the General tab (Figure 10 on page 38) in the
Writable/DDC Descriptions field.
Object descriptions can also be assigned in the DDC and stored as part of the
DDC file. A configuration selection in the DDC header determines which of the
descriptions is used.
If Writable is selected in the Writable/DDC Descriptions field, the descriptions
that are stored in flash memory are used. An object description shown on an
Envision for BACtalk screen can be edited and saved at the VLC.
Use Device Manager to save descriptions from the VLC to the devices
pointdata.mdb file, or conversely to download descriptions from the devices’s
pointdatat.mdb file to the VLC.
Note Alerton recommends the Writable setting for devices loaded with a ROC
earlier than the 4.10b4 version. This setting allows users to update descriptions
from a prompted property on a display. (If the option is set to DDC and the
descriptions are not defined in Device Settings, descriptions that you send to
controllers via Device Manager, Send Point Data are not visible. If DDC is
selected and you do not define any descriptors, you cannot load descriptors from
the pointdata.mdb file. Also, only VAV applications in Alerton/Standard have
point descriptions defined.)
If DDC is selected in the Writable/DDC Descriptions field, point descriptions
reside in the VisualLogic DDC file that is loaded on the device. Description
properties cannot be edited from Envision for BACtalk screens.
Instead, edit the point description properties in the DDC by using VisualLogic on
the Point Setup tab. (To populate the Point Setup tab, click Collect Points (for
.bd4 files) or Synchronize Points (for .bd6 files).) See instructions under “Setting
point descriptions” on page 43.
Note You can also edit DDC descriptions by using the DDC editor that is
included with Envision for BACtalk. (For more information, see “DDC editors”
on page 11.)
This section describes the merits of being able to edit the description and object
name properties.
Using Object Scanner Being able to edit a point’s object name enables you to
use Envision for BACtalk’s Object Scanner (found on the Envision toolbar under
Tools > Advanced > Object Scanner) to perform a global interrogation of a
The Object Scanner function enables you to search a BACnet system to discover,
view, or edit one or more objects.
For example, if you scan a BACtalk system for all points with an object name
property of space setpoint, Object Scanner returns all points with that object
name, along with each point’s present value. You can then edit the present value
of one or more of those points with one simple command.
With the installation of ROC 4.10b4, Object Scanner becomes a powerful and
useful tool for starting up and commissioning a system, for troubleshooting, and
for helping in the operation and energy management of a building.
Downloading descriptions with DDC When you load the same DDC into
many devices, all of the object descriptions are also downloaded with the DDC.
If objects descriptions are not included with the DDC, you must do one of the
following to edit them:
These 192 text strings are initially empty and are used on a first-come-first-
served basis. Text strings can be used for either object names or object
For example, if the value of AI-109 is 189, there is room for only three
additional text strings for object names or descriptions (192 - 189 = 3).
Conversely, if the AI-109 value is 50, there is room for 142 additional text
strings for object names and descriptions (192 - 50 = 142).
Note Because there are more object names and object descriptions than there
are available text strings, choose carefully those points for which you want to
customize names and descriptions.
Object names
When you edit a point’s object name on the device, you use one of 192 available
text strings. When you delete the edited version, the object name reverts to the
default object name and the text string becomes available for another object
name or object description.
Microset points Microset points that are not assigned object names in flash
memory use the fixed Microsoft object names as described in Table 65 on
page 208. For example, Setpoint (SP) appears for AV-90. If a new object name is
written to an object that is different from the fixed Microset object name, the
new object name is stored in flash memory and is used as the object name.
Writing an empty object name or an object name that is identical to the fixed
Microset object name erases any object name from flash memory. When this
occurs, the Microset object name reverts to the fixed Microset object name and
the text string becomes available.
Example A Microset is connected to IN-0, and the default object name is AI 00.
If you edit the object name on the device to Space Temp, the edited object name
is stored in flash memory and used as the object name for AI 00. If you later
delete the edited object name, the object name reverts to its default, AI 00, and
the text string that previously stored Space Temp becomes available.
Object descriptions
Object descriptions behave according to the setting of the Writable/DDC
Descriptions on the General tab of Device Settings. (See Figure 10 on page 38.)
The object description as defined in the DDC is its default. If both locations are
empty, the description is blank.
When you edit an object description on the device, one of the 192 text strings in
flash memory is used. Later, if you delete an edited object description—or if you
change a description back to its default value—the text string in flash memory
becomes available.
Example If the VLC DDC description for AI-0 is Space Temp, Space Temp is
the default description. If you change the description on from an Envision for
BACtalk screen to Training Classroom Temp, one of the 192 available text
strings is used. The description Space Temp continues to reside in the VLC DDC.
If you later delete the description Training Classroom Temp, the description
reverts to the default Space Temp, and the flash memory text string becomes
The relationship between a device’s point data file and the point descriptions in
the device is critical. If the point data file is sent to the device and the point
descriptions in the data file do not match the object descriptions on the device,
the text strings in the flash memory are quickly consumed. You can avoid this
potential problem by using Device Manager to save point data file after you have
edited the descriptions in the VLC.
This behavior can present problems because the available text strings can be
quickly used up with descriptions, leaving not enough text strings available for
object names.
3. When the field is empty, click OK to send the value to the device.
After downloading the new ROC file, send point data to the device. This places
up to 192 of the previous descriptions back into the VLC. Check the User
Request Monitor for any errors in sending point data.
Note A common error is a text string that is too long. Flash memory text
strings have a limit of 30 characters; in ROC versions earlier than 4.10b4, the
maximum limit is 38 characters.
For more information about upgrading ROC files, see any of the following
• For using the Auto Download option for ROC files, see the section
entitled “Automatically downloading a ROC file to controllers” in
Envision for BACtalk Operator’s Manual (LTBT-OP-EBT30).
• For step-by-step instructions for downloading ROC files, see Gen4 VLC
Installation and Operations Guide (LTBT-TM-GEN4VLC) or
VLCA-1688 Installation and Operations Guide
If you revert to an earlier ROC file after running 4.10b4 with the description and
object name capability and don't save point data, some or all of the descriptions
will appear garbled.
implement the new naming functionality, you must write a valid description
string to AV-0 while running the old ROC file. Doing so ensures that the new
scheme properly clears the flash memory locations allocated for descriptions and
object names.
Note For the following process to work. the DDC application drawing must
use the I/O tabs with defined descriptions.
2. If your drawing has I/O tabs that have a description but no point
defined, make certain that nothing is selected on the drawing, and then
propagate parameters:
• Visio 2007: From the VisualLogic menu, select Tools > Propagate
Parameters (or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ALT + P).
• Visio 2010: From the VisualLogic ribbon, select Propagate (or use
the keyboard shortcut ALT + V + P).
3. If your drawing has I/O tabs with a description and point defined, open
the Device Settings and select the Point Setup tab.
4. Under Collect Points, select Collect new points from DDC and add
to Point Setup list and then click Apply at the bottom of the Device
Settings window.
10. Optional: To have the point have the same description throughout the
drawing, under Collect Points select Copy Point Setup descriptions
to I/O tab descriptions.
To synchronize DDC file descriptions with device point data (.mdb) file
1. Save the drawing:
• Visio2007: From the VisualLogic menu select File > Save as
Drawing (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + S).
• Visio 2010: From the VisualLogic ribbon select Save as Drawing
(or use the keyboard shortcut ALT + V + S + A).
4. When the DDC download is complete, save point data from devices to
update devices' point data file.
Note The values of the object name and description are written to the same
memory location on the device. If you change one of them, the other will display
the new value.
5. Click Apply.
6. Send the file to the device using Envision for BACtalk Device Manager.
4. Click OK.
N o t e You cannot save user-defined object names and descriptions
from a display to a DDC file. To change object names and descriptions
in a DDC file, edit the DDC file using a DDC editor or VisualLogic.
3. Pre-defined value (hard coded value such as those used for Microset
3. Pre-defined value (hard coded value such as those used for Microset
4. Blank value
Figure 38 End of Normal Sequence icon
Figure 39 End of Subroutine icon
Remarks When you enter a data point in global or building controller DDC,
you have three options: you can specify the device where the data point
originates, you can specify the local device (the global controller in which the
DDC executes), or you can choose a set context device. If you choose the set
context device, the function references the data point in the device instance of
the last Set Context Function to execute.
Instance SET
Remarks The inputs are input, zero, and k factor. Input should be a signal
representing the velocity pressure (vp) of the measured airflow. The Input must
be a positive number. The k factor is used as a multiplier. The zero is used to
compensate for variations in transducer readings at zero airflow; set the zero
input equal to the value of the vp input when there is no airflow. The output of
Function 6 can be expressed as:
Output = k vp – z
k = k factor
z = zero
The k factor can be used to correct for the pickup multiplier and any other factors
necessary to convert the input signal value to actual velocity pressure. Most vp
pickups (except true pitot tubes) produce a pressure differential that is greater
than the actual vp. The conversion factor is typically referred to as a pickup
multiplier. Use the following equation to calculate the k factor using the pickup
multiplier (PM).
Note This assumes the input has been scaled to equal the sensed pressure in
inches of water column.
kfactor = 4005 --------
K factor K
Figure 41 Velocity pressure
Note To use this function to calculate the square root of a variable, enter Data 0
in (zero), Data 1 in (K factor), and assign your variable as the input. The output
is the square root of your input variable.
°F Output
%RH 100
Note Controllers that support BD6 have an enhanced Enthalpy Calculator for
both BD4 and BD6. The enhanced Enthalpy Calculator is based on equations
from the 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. The enthalpy calculation is
based on an atmospheric pressure of 14.696 psia and dry-bulb temperature is
limited to -148 to 392 degrees F.
Remarks The output is set to ON only if both inputs are ON. If either input is
OFF, the output is OFF.
Input 1
Input 2
The function uses all six inputs to set the output ON or OFF. If any of the six
inputs is OFF, the output is set to OFF. The output is set to ON only if all of the
six inputs are ON.
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4
Input 5
Input 6
Remarks The output is ON if either or both inputs is ON. The output is OFF
only if both inputs are OFF.
Input 1
Input 2
The function uses all six inputs to set the output as ON or OFF. If any of the six
inputs is ON, the output is ON. The output is OFF only if all six inputs are OFF.
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4
Input 5
Input 6
Remarks The output remains ON only for a single pass of DDC, even if the
input stays ON for a longer or period.
Input Output
Remarks When the input transitions from OFF to ON, the function or output
transitions ON only after the specified delay time (t). If the input value
transitions OFF at any time during the delay period, the timer is reset. The delay
time (t) resolution is one tenth of a second. The output transitions OFF
immediately when the input transitions OFF.
In global controller DDC, changes to the delay time have no affect on the
operation of the function when the input is ON. In VLC DDC, changes to the
delay time affect output status unless the output is already ON.
Note The time delay function contains logic to adjust for DDC cycles that take
longer than 0.1 second to complete, therefore keeping accurate time regardless
of the DDC cycle time. The stored delay timer associated with each time delay
function is limited by timing range. For delays less than 1638.3 seconds (27.3
minutes), resolution is in 0.1 second increments. For delays between 1638.3 and
16383 seconds (0.45 hour to 4.5 hours) resolution is in 1 second increments. For
delays between 16383 seconds and 163830 seconds (4.5 hours to 45.5 hours)
resolution is in 10 second increments. The delay is limited internally to a
maximum of 45.5 hours.
Input Output
Remarks When the input changes from ON to OFF, the output changes to OFF
after a delay time (t). If the input value changes to ON at any time during delay
time (t), the timer is reset. The output transitions ON immediately when the input
transitions ON.
In global controller DDC, changes to the delay time have no affect on the
operation of the function when the input is OFF. In VLC DDC, changes to the
delay time affect output status unless the output is already OFF.
Note The time delay function contains logic to adjust for DDC cycles that take
longer than 0.1 second to complete, therefore keeping accurate time regardless
of the DDC cycle time. The stored delay timer associated with each time delay
function is limited by timing range. For delays less than 1638.3 seconds (27.3
minutes), resolution is in 0.1 second increments. For delays between 1638.3 and
16383 seconds (0.45 hour to 4.5 hours) resolution is in 1 second increments. For
delays between 16383 seconds and 163830 seconds (4.5 hours to 45.5 hours)
resolution is in 10 second increments. The delay is limited internally to a
maximum of 45.5 hours.
Input Output
Figure 51 Function 17: Delay on Break
Input 1
Input 2
Figure 52 Function 18: Two-Input Exclusive OR
Remarks Function 20 has two binary inputs, set (S) and reset (R), which
determine how the output is set. A momentary ON of the set (S) input turns the
output ON if the reset (R) input is OFF. The output stays ON once it is set, even
if the set (S) input transitions OFF. If the reset (R) input turns ON, the output
transitions OFF. The reset (R) input has priority over the set (S) input, so the
output is OFF if both inputs are ON.
Set Output
Figure 54 Function 20: Flip Flop Gate
Ta ble 28 Logic table
Remarks When the output turns ON, it stays ON for the minimum ON time,
even if the input goes OFF.
When the output goes OFF, it stays OFF for the minimum OFF time, even if the
input goes ON.
For VLCs, the time resolution is 0.1 second. For global controllers, the time
resolution is 1 second and must be entered in whole seconds; the decimal value
is ignored. For example, 308.7 = 308.
M inim um O n
Inp ut O utp ut
M inim um O ff 100
Remarks The output is ON when the plus input is greater than or equal to the
minus input plus the trigger deadband (TDB). The output goes OFF when the
plus input is less than or equal to the minus input, minus the restore deadband
Condition Output
Plus Input > (Minus Input + TDB) ON
Plus Input < (Minus Input - RDB) OFF
(Minus Input - RDB) < Plus Input < (Minus Input + TDB) No change
Note For direct acting control assign the Process Feedback to the Plus Input,
and the Process Setpoint to the Minus Input.
Note For reverse acting control assign the Process Feedback to the Minus Input
and the Process Setpoint to the Plus Input.
Remarks Function 23 compares the input value to a stored value. The stored
value is set to the input value each time the output is ON and does not change
while the output is OFF.
The output is ON when the input is greater than the stored value plus the DB, or
the input is less than the stored value minus the DB. Otherwise, the output is
Example If DB is set to 1.0, and the input when the DDC is first initiated is
13.2 (which then becomes the stored value), then the output turns ON for one
pass of the DDC the first time the input reaches 14.3 or greater or 12.1 or less. If
the input varies between 12.2 and 14.2, the stored value remains the same.
If the input were to suddenly change to 14.6, for example, the output would turn
ON and 14.6 would become the new stored value.
Input Output
Figure 57 Function 23: Change of State (COS) Detector
Remarks The inputs to Function 24 are made up of an analog data input (IN),
binary reset input (RST), maximum up count (MUP), and maximum down count
(MDN). Inputs must be positive numbers. As long as the binary reset input is
ON, the output attempts to match the analog data input; however, the rate of
change of the output is limited by the maximum up and maximum down inputs.
The maximum up input regulates the maximum increase allowed in the output
per second, while the maximum down input regulates the maximum decrease
allowed in the output per second. The maximum up count and maximum down
count are independently adjustable.
The output is set immediately to zero when the reset input turns OFF.
Maximum Up
Maximum Down
Note This device is processed every tenth of a second (.10) second in VLC
DDC. Therefore, the Maximum up and Maximum Down values are divided by
10 and applied for each pass of DDC.
Example Regulate the actuator position indication (AV) on the data display to
match the actual speed of the actuator.
Remarks The BACnet object (OBJ) and priority-array index (PR) are inputs to
this function. The data output equals the current value of the specified element of
the priority array, except when the element is NULL, in which case the data
output is 0 (or OFF when used as a binary value).
Object Output
PR Output
Figure 60 Function 26: Priority Array Read (VLC)
Remarks For each pass of the DDC, the value of the Up/Pass input value is
added to In/Out whenever the Up Input is ON.
Similarly, the value of the Down/Pass input is subtracted from the In/Out
whenever the Down Input is ON. The In/Out value is limited to the range defined
by the Upper Limit and Lower Limit inputs.
Note that this function only adds to In/Out point or subtracts from it when either
the UP input or the Down Input is ON.
Upper Limit
+ Amount
+ In
- In
- Amount
Remarks This function does not write to the output if the Gate input is OFF.
Note that, unlike Function 47: Sample and Hold, this function does not store the
value of the output, meaning the output does not necessarily remain constant
when the Gate input is OFF. Inputs must be positive numbers.
Input Output
Figure 64 Function 28: Gated Transfer
Remarks When the binary gate control is ON, the value of the input is written
to the output (which should be a BACnet object), with the priority specified by
the priority input. The output must be a BACnet object that has a priority array.
Inputs must be positive numbers.
Figure 65 Function 29: Gated Priority Transfer (Priority Write)
Remarks Function 30 subtracts the value of analog input 2 (-) from the value of
analog input 1 (+). The output is then set to the result.
Input 1
Input 2
Figure 66 Function 30: Subtraction
Remarks Function 31 adds analog input 1 and analog input 2. The output is
then set to the result.
Input 1
Input 2
Figure 67 Function 31: Addition
Input Output
Figure 68 Function 32: Transfer Data
Input Output
Figure 69 Function 35: Multiplication
Input Output
Figure 70 Function 36: Division
Remarks Function 39 has three analog inputs and one binary output. Inputs
must be positive numbers. Although the limits are labeled High Limit and Low
Limit, The High Limit does not have to be greater than the Low Limit. The
output is ON whenever the input value is greater than or equal to the Low Limit
value and the input value is less than or equal to the High Limit value.
Otherwise, the output is OFF.
Note that the output is ON if the input value is equal to either of the limits, and
one does not necessarily have to be less than the other.
High Limit
Input Output
Low Limit
LO 100
Figure 71 Function 39: Within a Range
Remarks Function 40 has two analog inputs, one binary input, and an analog
output. The output equals the ON analog input if the binary control input is ON,
and the output equals the OFF analog input if the binary control input is OFF.
Inputs must be positive numbers.
Figure 72 Function 40: Switch
Remarks Function 41 has three analog inputs and one analog output. The
output equals the analog input as long as it is within the range defined by the
high limit and low limit. Inputs must be positive numbers.
If the analog input exceeds the high limit, the output is set to the value of the
high limit. If the analog input is less than the low limit, the output is set to the
low limit.
If the high limit value is less than the low limit value, the high limit has priority
(that is, the output is set to the high limit, regardless of the analog input value).
High Limit
Input Output
Low Limit
Figure 73 Function 41: High/Low Limiter
Remarks The output (run time) equals the total accumulated time, in hours,
that the binary input has been ON. Run time increases by 1 for each hour that the
input has been ON. The AV is written to only when an additional hour of run
time has accumulated.
Note This is the only VLC DDC function that can write to an EEPROM-stored
AV in C3-series VLCs.
Input Output
Figure 74 Function 44: Run-time Accumulator
The output equals the value of OUT1 when the input equals the value of IN1.
Likewise, the output equals the value of OUT2 when the input equals the value
of IN2. The output is not limited to the defined points.
IN 1
IN 2
Figure 77 shows how to use Function 51: Proportional Integral (PI) Controller to
rescale the output of Function 45:Two-Point Linear Converter so that 0~100%
results in a 4~20mA signal.
Function 51:
Proportional Integral
Note VisualLogic refers to inputs differently from DDC editors. When using a
DDC editor, use the following to translate: X1 = IN 1, X2 = IN 2, Y1 = OUT 1,
Y2 = OUT 2.
Y = MX + B
S Output
Input 100
Figure 78 Function 46: Linear Converter
Remarks Function 47 has one analog input, one binary sample control (CTRL)
input, and an analog output. When the CTRL input is ON, the output and the
stored value are set equal to the input. When the CTRL input is OFF, the output
is set to the last stored value. The inputs must be positive numbers.
Input Output
Figure 79 Function 47: Sample and Hold
Input O utput
Input of
Delay O n M ake
is Negated
Input O utput
Remarks The output turns ON only if the calculated ON time is greater than the
MON. If the output is ON, it remains ON until it has been ON for the calculated
ON time and the MON has expired. The output remains ON continuously if the
calculated OFF time is less than the MOF.
Time resolution is 1 second for VLC DDC and global or building controller
Note One second is spent transitioning from ON to OFF. You may want to
compensate for this by reducing the cycle time by one second.
CalculatedOnTime = CycleTime --------------
Cycle Output
Min. ON
Min. OFF
Figure 81 Function 48: Analog to Timed Binary Converter (analog to binary
output time)
Remarks Function 50 has six analog inputs and two analog outputs. The high
output equals the value of the highest input. The low output equals the value of
the lowest input. All inputs must be assigned. Inputs must be positive numbers.
If fewer than six inputs are needed, repeat one or more of the input assignments
to fill the remaining inputs.
Input 1
Input 2 Output
Input 3
Input 4
Input 5 Low
LO Output
Input 6
Output = P + I + 50
P = Kp(E)
Iinc= E ------i , which is calculated once per second. (Iinc is limited to a maximum
of ------------- .)
Iprev is I from the most recent calculation. When DDC initializes, Iprev is set to
STUP for the first DDC loop.
SP Output
Max. Integral
I max
I lim
Integral 100
Figure 84 Function 51: Proportional Integral (PI) Controller
Output = P + I + D + 50
D = Kd(E – Eprev). Eprev represents the value of E from the previous pass of
DDC. D is calculated every 1 second in VLCs, global controllers, and
expandable controllers.
Component Kd
Setpoint SP Output
Feedback FB
Max. Integral
Change I max
Limit I lim
Startup STUP 100
Remarks Function 54 has three analog inputs, two binary outputs, and one
analog output. The input control signal (0.0–100.0) is compared to the current
motor position (as estimated internally by the function). If the desired position is
greater than the current position by more than deadband (DB), the open motor
(OP) output is ON. If the desired position is less than the current position by
more than DB, the close motor (CL) output is ON. If the current position is
within DB of the input, both binary outputs remain OFF.
The motor time (MT) input represents the time required (in seconds) for the
motor to go from fully closed to fully open. The function estimates the current
motor position (%) output based on the motor time and the cumulative ON times
of the open motor and close motor outputs.
As the motor modulates open and closed, the function-estimated motor position
typically deviates farther from the actual position. Also, the VLC assumes on
power up that the motor is fully closed and pulses the motor open to the
currently-desired position.
This means that the motor can also get out of phase with the function-estimated
position if it is driven open and a power interrupt occurs. Use the initialization
flag, which is ON only during the first DDC loop, and additional DDC to
eliminate this out-of-phase condition on power-up. When the control signal
reaches 0.0 or 100.0 and the motor is driven fully closed or open for twice the
duration of the Motor time, the estimated position is automatically recalibrated.
Inputs must be positive numbers. Use only an integer for motor time.
Note For most applications, using a deadband value of three is typically a good
choice. The deadband is internally limited to 50/motorspeed. Therefore, if the
user defines a deadband of 10% and the motorspeed is 60 seconds, the deadband
is limited to a minimum of 50/60 or 0.8333%. When the input signal becomes
greater than deadband, the output activates for a minimum of 0.5 seconds.
Remarks This function is the same as Function 54, with the addition of a time-
out feature. When the input remains at 0.0 for an extended period, the close
command (CL) output turns OFF Motor time (MT) seconds after the estimated
damper position is fully closed. When the input remains at 100.0 for an extended
period, the open command (OP) output turns OFF MT seconds after the
estimated damper position is fully open.
Remarks The INPUT is the device instance, object, and property that is
transferred to the present-value of the OUTPUT object. If the VLC can
successfully read the INPUT, the DATA RELIABILITY is 1 (ON), otherwise it
is 0 (OFF). NULL OUTPUT is normally 0 (OFF). If the device object being read
contains a BACnet value of NULL (empty), the NULL OUTPUT is set to 1
(ON) to indicate the DATA OUTPUT is invalid.
Figure 88 Function 60: Read External Device (RED) (VLC v4.02 or later)
CAUTION Use the RED function to pull data rather than push it using the
WED function because troubleshooting can become complex where WED
functions are used. For example, if a VLC value changes with no apparent
explanation, and there are some WED functions used in some VLCs, the user
must examine the DDC in every VLC in the system to determine which one has
the WED function.
CAUTION When DDC is first started after being loaded or after a power cycle,
data values from RED and REDS functions are 0 (or OFF if a binary value).
They remain at 0 until a successful read is completed. In the event that the RED
or REDS function loses communication with the target device, the data value
remains at the last retrieved value. To prevent problems, use the data integrity
output of the RED and REDS functions in your DDC as appropriate.
Remarks The NETWORK and MS/TP MAC specify the network and MAC
address of the external object. The INPUT is the device instance, object, and
property that is transferred to the present-value of the OUTPUT object. If the
VLC can successfully read the INPUT, the DATA RELIABILITY is 1 (ON),
otherwise it is 0 (OFF). NULL OUTPUT is normally 0 (OFF). If the device
object being read contains a BACnet value of NULL (empty), the NULL
OUTPUT is set to 1 (ON) to indicate the DATA OUTPUT is invalid. Otherwise,
NULL OUTPUT is set to 0 (OFF).
Figure 89 Function 61: Read External Slave Device (REDS) (VLC v4.02 or
Note If the slave device that is being read is on the same MSTP network, set
the Network number to 0 (zero).
CAUTION When DDC is first started after being loaded or after a power cycle,
data values from RED and REDS functions are 0 (or OFF if a binary value).
They remain at 0 until a successful read is completed. In the event that the RED
or REDS function loses communication with the target device, the data value
remains at the last retrieved value. To prevent problems, use the data integrity
output of the RED and REDS functions in your DDC as appropriate.
Figure 90 Function 62: Write External Device (WED) (VLC v4.02 or later)
CAUTION Use the RED function to pull data rather than push it using the
WED function because troubleshooting can become complex where WED
functions are used. For example, if a VLC value changes with no apparent
explanation, and there are some WED functions used in some VLCs, the user
must examine the DDC in every VLC in the system to determine which one has
the WED function.
Remarks The NETWORK and MS/TP MAC specify the BACnet network and
MAC where the slave device resides. The DESTINATION specifies the object,
property, and index to be written to. A write is attempted whenever the DATA
TO WRITE changes by the amount of DEADBAND from the last written value.
DATA/NULL is set to 0 (DATA) to send the value in DATA TO WRITE, and 1
(NULL) if the special BACnet NULL (empty) value is to be written. The
WRITE RELIABILITY is set to 1 (ON) when the external device acknowledges
the write. It is set to 0 (OFF) whenever the external device does not respond.
Remarks When Function 67: Subroutine Caller executes, the next function
executed is the sequence number specified as the Subroutine's Starting Sequence
in the Subroutine Caller setup. The Subroutine Starting Sequence must be
programmed at a sequence number higher than Function 1: End of Normal and
lower than Function 2: End of Subroutine (that is, it must be outside normal
DDC space and within subroutine DDC space). Functions execute in order until
End of Subroutine is encountered, at which point program execution returns to
the normal DDC space, beginning with the function immediately after the
Subroutine Caller.
Each Subroutine Caller can have different data points assigned. In this way, a
single DDC subroutine can execute using different data points and values, as
long as the subroutine is called with different Subroutine Callers.
TO: 5000 NULL
100 NULL
Figure 92 Function 67: Subroutine Caller (global controller only)
Note You can configure the subcaller function to display or hide the
substitution points on the VisualLogic drawing.
Remarks The output is the value of the polynomial A + Bx + Cx2 + Dx3 + Ex4.
Remarks The output is the mathematical result of input x raised to the power of
input y.
Remarks The output is the value y where ey = x. The input x must be greater
than 0.
Remarks The output is the value y where 10y = x. The input x must be greater
than 0.
Remarks Use an integer for n. The output is the value y where yn = x. The
input x must be greater than or equal to 0.
Remarks The function returns correct values only if the current date is set
correctly. All times are specified in minutes since midnight.
Note Coordinated universal time (UTC) offset must be set correctly in the
Device Profile in Device Manager.
Latitude should be in the range -90 to +90 degrees, where + indicates North
latitude, - indicates South latitude. Longitude should be in the range -360 to
+360 degrees, where + indicates East longitude, - indicates West longitude.
The outputs Always Up and Always Down are always FALSE unless the latitude
is above the Arctic circle or below the Antarctic circle, in which case they
indicate TRUE if the sun either does not set or not rise, respectively.
Example Where is zero? Longitude 0 degrees passes through the original site of
the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. Seattle’s latitude is entered in
decimal degrees as 47.617,-122.333 (47° 37’ N, 122° 20’ W). Using the
specified latitude and longitude, the current local date/time/UTC offset, and
Daylight Saving Status are taken into consideration. This function generally runs
only at midnight, but it also runs on change of latitude, longitude, system date/
time, UTC offset, to Daylight Saving Status.
This function compares the current minutes before or after midnight against
desired ON and OFF times. The purpose of this function is to determine when to
turn a load ON or OFF at a given time on a daily basis.
Remarks Inputs are handled modulo 1440 (60 minutes x 24 hours, the number
of minutes in a day). All times are expressed in digits that represent the number
of minutes either before midnight (using a negative digit) or after midnight
(using a positive digit). Midnight (12:00 A.M.) can be represented either by 0 or
by 1440.
Therefore, for programming purposes, each minute of the day can be expressed
as either a positive or negative digit, as shown in the examples below:
Example The figure below shows a DDC with a typical lighting application for
parking lot lights. The lights turn on half an hour before sunset and turn off half
and hour after sunrise.
You can also use Function 78: Convert to HHMM to display sunrise and sunset
times by using Envision for BACtalk. (See Figure 105 on page 170.)
The input is considered modulo 1440 (60 minutes x 24 hours, the number of
minutes in a day).
Use Function 78 to indicate the sunrise and sunset times on an Envision for
BACtalk display or template. To display time in 24-hour format, use only HH24
and MM. To display time in 12-hour format, use only HH12, MM, and PM.
Figure 105 shows how to use Function 76: Sunrise/Sunset Calculator and
Function 78: Convert to HHMM to display the sunrise and sunset times in either
12- or 24-hour format.
Data Writer
Description The Data Writer is not a function but a tool. Use it with
VisualLogic DDC drawings only (not the DDC Editors) for presetting values to
be written to a controller during a DDC download or update values while
troubleshooting in Live Data View mode.
Remarks For the Data Writer, you must specify the controller I/O point (data
point) to write to. Additionally, you can set values for points to be inserted into
the device during a DDC view live data troubleshooting session.
Downloading DDC
To configure, right-click the data writer function and enter the following data.
Data Value:
• Value - this is the value that you want to write to the controller I/O
point. What you enter here depends on your Type selection. For Real
numbers, enter any value with up to six significant digits of resolution.
For Boolean values, enter ON or OFF.
• Type - this is the type of value you want to write. Select Real to write a
real number (usually for analog values). Select Boolean to write an ON
or OFF value (usually for binary values). Select Null to write a Null
value (with Null selected, Value is unavailable).
Troubleshooting DDC
After the data writer function is configured, you must right-click on the function
again and select Write Data to write the data to the device.
I/O Data Point
Figure 106 Writing data to a device
Note the following conventions that are used in the tables below:
AO (0-7999) Analog output objects associated with physical output terminals on EXPs. AOs are identified as
AO-e0nn, where e is the EXP address (0-7) and nn is the output terminal number.
AV (0–7999) RESERVED AVs for EXP configuration, status, and backup values. Do not use these AVs for
general programming or automation. These AVs do not support the priority-array property.
AV (8000–8499) General use AVs. These AVs support the priority-array property.
BI (0-7999) Binary input objects associated with physical, universal input terminals on EXPs. BIs are
identified as BI-e0nn, where e is the EXP address (0-7) and nn is the input terminal number.
BO (0-7999) Binary output objects associated with physical output terminals on EXPs. BOs are identified as
BO-e0nn, where e is the EXP address (0-7) and nn is the output terminal number.
BV (8000-8499) General use BVs. These BVs support the priority-array property.
Calendar Describes a list of calendar dates, special event dates, holiday dates, and date ranges.
Device Provides general information about a device.
Event Enrollment Defines an event and connects the occurrence of the event to the transmission of an event
notification. Used in BACtalk primarily for alarms.
File (0) Provides information about the real-time operating code (ROC) file.
Notification Class Stores a list of available recipients for the distribution of event notifications (alarms, trendlog
gathering, and so on).
Program 1024 Stores program status information about the current DDC program.
Schedule Controls designated properties by periodic schedule that may recur during a range of dates.
description Character string Return Air An editable description of the object’s location or
Temp function.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ AI 5 This property consists of the object-type property and the
Identifier object instance, which is a numeric code that identifies
the object of interest.
present-value Real 72.3 Writable only when out-of-service = TRUE (see herein).
Range of present value depends on input setup. See
“Setting inputs, outputs, and other function parameters”
on page 55.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
units Enumerated Deg F Indicates the unit of measure for the AI, in BACnet
engineering units.
object-type Enumerated AO
out-of-service Boolean FALSE TRUE decouples the present-value property from the
physical output. While TRUE, the present value can be
changed to any value to simulate conditions for testing
without affecting the actual physical output.
present-value REAL 75 Valid values are real numbers in the range 0–100.
Values greater than 100 are interpreted as 100. When
commanded, values are written to the present value with
a priority for writing, which corresponds to a priority-
array index (see “priority-array” herein).
priority-array BACnet Priority <Array of An array of prioritized values (indexes 1-16) controlling
Array BACnet the present value, index 1 having the highest priority.
Priority The value with the highest priority for writing controls the
Value> present value. Possible values for priority-array indexes
are real values or NULL. A NULL value indicates no
command is issued at that priority level.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
present-value Real 76.4 Range is3 x 1038 (six significant digits of resolution).
status-flags Bit string <Bit string> A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
AV. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
units Enumerated Deg F Indicates the unit of measure, in BACnet engineering
units, for the AV present value.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BI 10 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
out-of-service Boolean FALSE TRUE decouples the present-value property from the
physical input, and the present value does not track
further physical input changes. While TRUE, the present
value can be changed to any value to simulate
conditions for testing. FALSE indicates that the present
value is tracking changes to the physical input.
polarity NORMAL
present-value Logical state ACTIVE ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Writable only when out-of-service
= TRUE (see herein).
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
event-state Enumerated Normal If the object does not support intrinsic reporting, the
value is NORMAL.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BO 1 This property consists of the object-type property and the
Identifier object instance, which is a numeric code that identifies
the object of interest.
object-type Enumerated BO
out-of-service Boolean FALSE TRUE decouples the present-value property from the
physical output. While TRUE, the present value can be
changed to any value to simulate conditions for testing
without affecting the actual physical output.
present-value Enumerated INACTIVE Either ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Note that a NULL value
can be written to the present value on data displays, but
the value is actually written to a priority-array property.
The present value is the result of the priority array.
priority-array BACnet Priority <Array of A read-only array of prioritized values (1-16) controlling
Array BACnet the present value, priority 1 having the highest priority.
Priority The value with the highest priority controls the present
Value> value. Possible values for priority-array indexes are
ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or NULL. A NULL value indicates
no command is issued at that priority level.
relinquish-default Enumerated INACTIVE Default value used for present-value property when all
priority-array values are NULL.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
description Character string Occupied A description assigned for the object’s function.
inactive-text OFF
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BV 8413 This property consists of the object-type property and the
Identifier object instance, which is a numeric code that identifies
the object of interest.
object-name Character string BV 8413
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
apdu-timeout Unsigned 6000 The time after transmission of an APDU until the lack of
a reply means it was assumed to be lost. The APDU
time-out value for this device in milliseconds (1000 = 1
sec). Default = 6000.
application-software- Character string VLX V1.0 Indicates the ROC file version.
description Character string Second floor Assigned by the user to describe the device’s function.
firmware-revision Character string BACtalk VLX Indicates the VLX boot code version.
v1.1 02/02/
local-date Date Sunday, 02/ Indicates date: day of the week, month/day/year.
24/2002 Writable through Time Sync.
local-time Time 10:15:56.00 Indicates the time stored in the device. Writable through
am Time Sync.
location Character string East Wing Indicates the physical location of the device.
max-apdu-length- Unsigned 1476 The maximum message packet size that the device can
accepted handle.
max-info-frames Unsigned 60 Number of MS/TP messages the device sends per token
hold. Default = 60. Max. = 200.
max-master Unsigned 127 Highest MAC address (above this unit's) that another
MS/TP master should be set to.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Device 200 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the device instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the device of interest.
object-name Character string Controller No two devices are permitted to have the same object
200 name.
protocol- Unsigned 3 Integer from 1–6 indicating the conformance class of the
conformance-class device. A device must support a standardized set of
services and object types to claim a particular class
protocol-object-types- Bit string <Bit string> An internally used bit string. Indicates which BACnet
supported object types reside in the device.
protocol-services- Bit string <Bit string> An internally used bit string. Indicates which BACnet
supported services the device can process.
description Character string Event A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
enrollment 0
event-enable bit string To-offnormal Indicates whether notifications are enabled for these
=1 , To-fault event transition types. A 1 indicates that the transition is
= 1, To- reported. Set in the Event Enrollment Editor at the
normal = 1 operator workstation.
event-type Enumerated CHANGE_OF Indicates the type of event algorithm to be used to detect
_BITSTRING events.
notify-type Unsigned alarm Indicates whether the object is set up for alarms or
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Event- Consists of the object-type property and the object
Identifier enrollment instance, which is a numeric code that identifies the
0 object of interest.
object-type Event-
description Character string VLX ROC A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ file 0 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
read-only Boolean TRUE Indicates whether the file can be written to by BACnet
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Notification This property consists of the object-type property and the
Identifier -class 1 object instance, which is a numeric code that identifies
the object of interest.
recipient-list List <List of Lists the devices that receive notification when the
BACnet notification class transitions. Set up at the operator
Destination> workstation.
priority Array of Unsigned Indicates the priority to be used for event notifications for
events, respectively.
instance-of Character string alerton hq Header information for the file. Program 0 does not
alerVLX support this property.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ program This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier 1024 the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
program-change Enumerated READY Used to command the program state. A program can be
stopped using the HALT command, for example, and
started again with RESTART.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
list-of-object-property- List <List of The list of objects that this schedule commands.
references BACnet
object-name Character string schedule Assigned in schedule setup at the operator workstation.
Note the following conventions that are used in the tables below:
BV (0–999) Binary values. These BVs support the priority-array property. ACTIVE or INACTIVE
Demand Limiter Proprietary Alerton object for demand limiting function. 0-100 (ramp value)
Event Enrollment Defines an event and connects the occurrence of the event
to the transmission of an event notification. Used in BACtalk
primarily for alarms.
File 1024 Stores file information about the current DDC program.
Notification Class Stores a list of available recipients for the distribution of event
notifications (alarms, trendlog gathering, etc.).
Program 0 Stores information about the ROC/controller program.
Program 1024 Stores program status information about the current DDC
description ü Character string Occupied A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ AV 1 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-type Enumerated AV
present-value ü Real 76.4 Range is3 x 1038 (six significant digits of resolution).
status-flags Bit string <Bit string> A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
AV. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
units Enumerated Deg F Indicates the unit of measure, in BACnet engineering
units, that the AV is expressed in.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0 A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0 object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden = 0,
out of service =
description Character string Holidays A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
object-identifier BACnet_Object_ calendar 1 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-name Character string calendar
object-type BACnet_Object_
aler-instantaneous- Real Reflects the current reading from the meter (after
demand applying conversion factors).
aler-ramp-control BACtalk Device The input that identifies the ramp parameters.
Object Property
Reference or Value
aler-active-ramp Real The current ramp value (0-100%) being used to control
loads. This value is between zero and the
Aler_Ramp_Value. The exact value depends on
whether the demand limiter object is enabled or
aler-binary-load- List of BACtalk The status of each binary and custom binary load.
status Demand Load
aler-total-binary-loads Unsigned The total number of binary and custom binary loads.
aler-binary-loads- Unsigned The total number of binary and custom binary loads that
shed have been shed.
aler-analog-loads- Unsigned The total number of analog loads that have been shed.
aler-recent-history List of BACtalk A list of historical data with the most recent data first.
Demand History
APDU-timeout Unsigned 3000 The time after transmission of an APDU until the lack
of a reply means it was assumed to be lost. The APDU
timeout value for this device in milliseconds (1000 = 1
application-software- Character string BCM-Eth Indicates the ROC version.
version controller 2.5
(build 10)
daylight-savings-status Boolean FALSE Indicates whether daylight savings is in effect (TRUE)
or not (FALSE).
description Character string Second floor Assigned by the user to describe the device’s function.
local-date Octet String Wednesday, Indicates date: day of the week, month/day/year.
max-APDU-length- Unsigned 1476 The maximum message packet size that the device
accepted can handle.
max-info-frames Unsigned 200 Number of MS/TP messages the BCM-Eth sends per
(maximum token hold.
max-master Unsigned 127 The highest MS/TP MAC address the BCM-Eth
attempts to pass the token to.
model-name Character string BCM-Eth Assigned by the vendor to indicate the device model.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Device 200 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the device instance (a numeric code that identifies the
device) of the device of interest.
protocol-services- Bit string <Bit string> An internally used bit string. Indicates which BACnet
supported services the device can process.
event-enable Bitstream To-offnormal Indicates whether notifications are enabled for these
=1 , To-fault event transition types. A 1 indicates that the transition is
= 1, To- reported. Set in the Event Enrollment Editor at the
normal = 1 operator workstation.
event-parameters Time <BACnet Determines the method used to monitor the referenced
Event object.
event-state Boolean TRUE Indicates whether the file can be written to by BACnet
notify-type Unsigned alarm Indicates whether the object is set up for alarms or
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Event- This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier enrollment 0 the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-property- Boolean FALSE Indicates whether the file has been saved for backup.
object-type event-
priority Unsigned 9 Priority for issuing event notifications. Set in the Event
Enrollment Editor at the operator workstation.
description Character string BCM-Eth A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
ROC File
modification-date Time 4/29/1997 The date and time the file was last modified.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ file 0 This property consists of the object-type property and the
Identifier object instance, which is a numeric code that identifies
the object of interest.
read-only Boolean TRUE Indicates whether the file can be written to by BACnet
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Notification- This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier class 1 the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
recipient-list List <List of Lists the devices that receive notification when the
BACnetDesti notification class transitions. Set up at the operator
nation> workstation.
to-fault-priority Unsigned Indicates the priority used for event notifications, 0–255.
Lower numbers indicate a higher priority.
to-normal-priority Unsigned Indicates the priority used for event notifications, 0–255.
Lower numbers indicate a higher priority.
to-offnormal-priority Unsigned Indicates the priority used for event notifications, 0–255.
Lower numbers indicate a higher priority.
instance-of Character string alerton hq Header information for the file. Program 0 does not
alerbti support this property.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ program This property consists of the Object_Type property and
Identifier 1024 the Object Instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
program-change Enumerated READY Used to command the program state. A program can be
stopped using the HALT command, for example, and
started again with RESTART.
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
list-of-object-property- List <List of The list of objects that this schedule commands.
references BACnet
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ schedule 0 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-name Character string schedule Assigned in schedule setup at the operator workstation.
object-name Character string Assigned during zone setup at the operator workstation.
aler-weekly-schedule- Array [n] of This array works exactly like a priority array and allows
inputs BACnetPriorityValue up to [n] schedule objects to write weekly schedule
commands to the zone.
aler-weekly-schedule- Array [n] of An array that points to the schedule objects used for
object BACtalkOptionalDev weekly schedules.
aler-event-schedule Array [n] of This array works exactly like a priority array and allows
-inputs BACnetPriorityValue up to [n] schedule objects to write weekly schedule
commands to the zone.
aler-event-schedule Array [n] of An array that points to the schedule objects used for
-objects BACtalkOptionalDev event schedules.
priority-for-writing Unsigned 13 Contains the priority at which commands are written to
the referenced properties:
Aler_Warmup_Command_Reference, and
The default is 13; acceptable range is 1-16.
present-value BACtalkZoneState Occupied Alerton Enumerated type that reflects the current state of
the zone: Occupied, Unoccupied, Warmup, Cooldown,
or Tenant Override.
units BACnetEngineering A value that indicates the unit of measure for all
Units temperatures in the zone object.
aler-oa-temp-reference BACtalkDevObjProp The reference that indicates the outside air temperature
RefOrValue to use in optimum start calculations.
aler-oa-limit Real 65.0 A real value used in optimum start calculations for
heating operations. The default value is 65.0.
aler-building-mass Real 4.0 A real value that indicates the amount of desired
temperature change. Values are limited between 0-10.
aler-warmup-factor Real 1.0 A real value used in warmup calculations for a zone.
This value is adjusted each time warmup mode is
initiated. Valid range is 0-10. A 0 (zero) disables warmup
aler-cooldown-factor Real 1.0 A real value used in cooldown calculations for a zone.
This value is adjusted each time cooldown mode is
initiated. Valid range is 0-10. A 0 (zero) disables
cooldown calculations.
aler-alt-warmup-factor Real An alternate value used for the warmup factor when the
zone was not occupied during the previous 24 hours. Set
to NULL to disable alternate warmup.
aler-alt-cooldown- Real An alternate value used for the cooldown factor when
factor the zone was not occupied during the previous 24 hours.
Set to NULL to disable alternate cooldown.
aler-tuning-factor Real A real value that determines how aggressive the system
should self-tune the warmup and cooldown factors.
aler-cooling- Real A real value that indicates the rate (in degrees per hour)
temperature-rate that the cooldown mode is expected to change the
temperature of the zone when in manual optimum start
aler-heating- Real A real value that indicates the rate (in degrees per hour)
temperature-rate that the warmup mode is expected to change the
temperature of the zone when in manual optimum start
aler-warmup- BACnetBinaryPV
command-value Active is written to this value when the zone is in warmup
mode. Otherwise, Inactive is written.
aler-warmup- BACtalkDevObjProp
command-reference RefOrValue
aler-cooldown- BACnetBinaryPV
command-value Active is written to this value when the zone is in
cooldown mode. Otherwise, Inactive is written.
aler-cooldown- BACtalkDevObjProp
command-reference RefOrValue
aler-occupied-heating- Real
setpoint-value The heating setpoint to use in optimum start
aler-occupied-heating- BACtalkDevObjProp
setpoint-reference RefOrValue
aler-occupied-cooling- Real
setpoint-value The cooling setpoint to use in optimum start calculations.
aler-occupied-cooling- BACtalkDevObjProp
setpoint-reference RefOrValue
aler-tenant-override- BACtalkDevObjProp
reference RefOrValue Indicates that the zone is in tenant override mode.
aler-tenant-override- BACnetBinaryPV
aler-tenant-act- BACnetRecipient Indicates the device to which tenant override events are
recipient sent. A NULL value prevents tenant override events from
being sent.
zone-main-truth-table Array [3] of Indicates the value to be written to each of the three
BACtalkZoneTruth main output points for each of the four possible modes of
TableEntry operation. The array elements are mapped as follows.
Element 1= Defines the values written to aler-occupied-
Element 2= Defines the values written to aler-warmup-
Element 3= Defines the values written to aler-cooldown-
Even though each entry is the table is a
BACnetPriorityValue type, only Unsigned values may be
written to the table elements. In all cases, the zone
object writes values of the correct data type (unsigned
for multistate mode and BinaryPV in all other cases)
when sending commands.
If a property reference is NONE, then the corresponding
array element is ignored. It is good practice to write a
zero into the array element in this case.
This section lists the objects in BACtalk VLCs, followed by a reference to the
properties of those objects. Use this list to interpret the source and nature of
system data.
Note the following conventions that are used in the tables below:
AI 99 In Gen4 VLCs, AI-99 When the supply voltage connected to the VLC
(All VLCs represents the unregulated DC is 24 VAC, AI-99 has a value of 40.6 VDC. The
except the voltage resulting from value of AI-99 is filtered in software to screen
VLCA-1688.) rectification of the 24 volt AC out electrical noise. AI-99 varies proportionally
supply voltage. with the voltage of the 24 VAC supply power to
the VLC, which in turn is proportional to the
supply voltage to the transformer. AI-99 can be
used in DDC to detect brownouts and limit
operation of compressors or other voltage
sensitive equipment if appropriate. You can
also set up trendlogs for AI-99 to track longer
term variations in power supply voltage.
AI inputs are scanned just prior to every 0.1
second pass of DDC.
AI-109 Gen4 VLC, 4.10b4 and later 0-192 Indicates number of text strings used in RAM.
only Reserved for object name and description
properties of AI, AO, AV, BI, BO and BV
AV (0-107) Real numbers not directly 3 x 1038 Six significant digits of resolution. All AVs are
associated with physical input used in RAM and backed up in Flash memory
or output terminals. Typically on loss of power.
used for setpoints and
IMPORTANT: 90–107 reserved for Microset
intermediate calculations. use. In C3 VLCs, AVs 0–49 stored in VLC
RAM, and 50–89 stored in VLC EEPROM.
AV (108-299) General purpose analog May not be backed up in RAM. See VLC 1688
(VLCA-1688 points. Installation and Operations Guide (LTBT-
only) VLCA1688IOG) for more information about the
Real numbers not directly
associated with physical input VLCA-1688.
or output terminals. Typically NOTE: AV 250-299 have a priority array.
used for setpoints and
intermediate calculations.
AV (250-255) Provide read/write access to 0-102.3 Although non-VAV controllers have these
airflow calibration data in objects, only VAV controllers use them.
VAV-series VLCs.
BI (0-15) Associated with physical input ACTIVE or INACTIVE BIs correspond to the same input terminals as
terminals. Number of inputs AIs. BI-1 corresponds to input terminal IN-1,
varies with VLC model. and so ON. The BI turns ON when the
associated AI drops to a value in counts less
than or equal to 448. It reads OFF when the AI
rises to a value in counts greater than or equal
to 512. The BI does not change state while the
value is in the range 449–512.
BI inputs are scanned just prior to every 0.1
second pass of DDC.
BO (0-15) Physical binary output. ACTIVE or INACTIVE BO present-value property is the result of the
priority array.
BO outputs are refreshed every 0.1 second
following each pass of DDC. The Present
Value is resolved from its priority array at this
time. When a write to the output occurs during
DDC, the Present Value of the object is not
affected until after the pass of DDC is
BV (0–84) Binary value. ACTIVE or INACTIVE BV 0-63 are for general use. BV 64-84 are
reserved for Microset control.
BV 40 is refreshed every 0.1 second following
each pass of DDC. The Present Value is
resolved from its priority array at this time.
When a write to the output occurs during DDC,
the Present Value of the object is not affected
until after the pass of DDC is complete.
BV (200-215) Control AI current/voltage/ ACTIVE or INACTIVE See Table 72 on page 212 for more details.
(VLCA-1688 resistance mode.
and VLD-362
BV (300-307) Control AI current/voltage/ ACTIVE or INACTIVE See Table 72 on page 212 for more details.
(VLCA-1688 resistance mode.
BV (400-403) Enables the resistor on AIs. ACTIVE or INACTIVE Gets set to default value from DDC header at
(VLC-444 beginning of first DDC pass, allowing DDC to
only) override the default.
BV (400-415) Enables the resistor on AIs. ACTIVE or INACTIVE Gets set to default value from DDC header at
(VLCA-1688 beginning of first DDC pass, allowing DDC to
only) override the default.
BV (85-299) General purpose BVs. BV 250 -299 support the priority array. NOTE:
(VLCA-1688 BV 200-215 are reserved for control of analog
only) input modes. See Table 71 on page 212.
BV (88-95) VAViH-SD DIP switch settings. ACTIVE or INACTIVE See VLC Installation and Operations Guide
(VAViH only) (LTBT-TM-GEN4VLC) for details. See
Table 67 on page 210.
Calendar Describes a list of calendar N/A Can reference only objects on the same device
(VLCA-1688 dates, special event dates, (inside the box).
only) holiday dates, and date
Event Defines an event and connects Used in BACtalk primarily for alarms.
enrollment the occurrence of the event to
(VLCA-1688 the transmission of an event
only) notification.
Trendlog Helps troubleshoot problem VLCA trendlogs can only reference internal
(VLCA-1688 areas and identify critical objects and notification classes. The maximum
only) operating trends in the BACnet number of trendlogs is limited by memory -
system. typically 50 trendlogs with 10 days of data
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ AI 5 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
present-value Real 72.3 Range of present value goes from 0–4000 as input
voltage goes from 0–5.12VDC.
reliability BACnet_ Reliability NO FAULT Other possibilities are OVER RANGE, UNDER
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden = 0
out of service
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ AO 1 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
out-of-service Boolean FALSE Options are TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the physical
output is decoupled from the AO and its present value,
and internal DDC execution alone determines the status
of the physical output.
present-value REAL 75 Valid values are real numbers in the range 0–100.
Values greater than 100 are interpreted as 100. When
commanded from a data display, values are actually
written to the priority array (see priority-array entry
herein) and read back from the present value for display.
reliability BACnet_ Reliability NO FAULT Other possibilities are OVER RANGE, UNDER RANGE,
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BI 10 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
polarity NORMAL
description Character string Fan Start/ An editable description of the object’s location or
Stop function.
event-state Enumerated Normal If the object does not support intrinsic reporting, the
value shall be NORMAL.
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BO 1 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-type Enumerated BO
out-of-service Boolean FALSE Options are TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the physical
output is decoupled from the BO and its present value,
and internal DDC execution alone determines the status
of the physical output.
polarity Enumerated NORMAL
(VLCA-1688 only)
present-value Enumerated INACTIVE Either ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Note that a NULL value
can be written to the present value on data displays, but
the value is actually written to a priority-array property.
The present value is the result of the priority array.
reliability BACnet_ Reliability NO FAULT Other possibilities are OVER RANGE, UNDER RANGE,
relinquish-default Enumerated INACTIVE Default value used for present-value property when all
priority-array values are NULL. Set up in DDC or
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ BV 20 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
object-type Enumerated BV
status-flags Bit string In alarm = 0, A four-position bit string that indicates the status of the
fault = 0, object. If a status bit =1, that status is TRUE.
overridden =
0, out of
service = 0
description Character string Generic Data from program information in the DDC header.
modification_date Time Wednesday, Date and time that the DDC file was downloaded to the
5/29/1997 VLC.
object_identifier BACnet_ Object_ file 0 This property consists of the object-type property and
Identifier the object instance, which is a numeric code that
identifies the object of interest.
description Character string Mechanical room An editable description that identifies the
controller device’s location or function.
firmware-revision Character string RLZ0e VLC Indicates the firmware version and serial
0120306031130 number of controller. Unique number assigned
to hardware.
local-date Octet String Wednesday, 5/14/ Indicates date: day of the week, month/day/
2002 year.
location Character string East Wing Indicates the physical location of the device.
max-APDU-length- Unsigned 206 The maximum message packet size that the
accepted device can handle.
max-master Unsigned 127 The highest MS/TP MAC address the VLC
attempts to pass the token to.
model-name Character string VLC controller Assigned by the vendor to indicate the device
object-identifier BACnet_ Object_ Device 200 This property consists of the object-type
Identifier property and the device instance of the device
of interest.
object-name Character string Device 200 No two devices are permitted to have the
same object name.
protocol_object_types_ Bit string <Bit string> A bit string that indicates the BACnet object
supported types that reside in the device. A 1 indicates
the device is present.
protocol_revision Unsigned 4
(VLCA-1688 only)
protocol_services_ Bit string <Bit string> A bit string that indicates the BACnet services
supported the device can process. A 1 indicates that
service is supported.
protocol_version Unsigned 1 Indicates the version of the BACnet protocol
supported by the device.
object_identifier BACnet_ Object_ program 0 This property consists of the object-type property
Identifier and the object instance, which is a numeric code
that identifies the object of interest.
reliability BACnet_ Reliability no fault detected Other possibilities are OVER RANGE, UNDER
status_flags Bit string In alarm = 0, fault = A four-position bit string that indicates the status
0, overridden = 0, of the object. If a status bit =1, that status is
out of service = 0 TRUE.
Reserved objects
The tables below describe reserved objects for various controllers.
AV 91 Setpoint High Limit Value of AV-90 cannot exceed this value. Deg F/C Limit
AV 92 Setpoint Low Limit Value of AV-90 cannot be below this value. Deg F/C
Limit 0...AV 91
AV 97 After Hours Timer Limit Override timer limit. After-hours override timer limit is in
hours—3.5 = three hours 30 minutes. Housekeeping
timer limit is in minutes--3.5 = 3 minutes 30 seconds.
Hours Limit 0.0...9.9
AV 100 Current Heating SP Equal to AV-95 while unoccupied (BV-67 OFF).Deg F/C.
AV-90 + AV-104 - AV-94 - AV-106
AV 101 Microset Room Temp. Space Temperature to display. Range is 0-127 F (-18-53
C). Display at Microset/Microset II (written to in DDC).
AV 102 Space Humidity Humidity, read directly from Microset II humidity sensor.
Applies only to units with optional humidity sensor (MS-
2000-BTH). %RH. Microset/Microset II option.
AV 103 Outside Air Temp. to Microset Deg F/C. Outside air temperature (OAT) to display on
Microset II. Temperature range is -99–127°F (-73–
53°C). AV-104. Display at Microset/Microset II (written to
in DDC)
AV 104 MicroTouch Lever Offset Not used in Microset II. Microtouch lever offset. Deg F/C.
SP Offset due to current MT lever position
AV 105 MicroTouch Lever Value Not used in Microset II. Microtouch bias limit. Deg F/C.
SP Offset when MT lever is at full swing. Limit 0...20
Degrees F (0...11.1 Degrees C)
AV 106 Demand Offset Deg F/C Limit 0...15 Degrees (0...8.3 Degrees C)
BV 64 Time Schedule Output Written to in VLC DDC - typically from BV-40. On: Sets
microset II to occupied or rented (vacant) operation. Off:
Sets Microset II to unoccupied.
BV 80 Enable Fan Speed Control Allow Microset II user to control fan speed
BV 81 Select Hotel Mode Select Hotel Mode (Microset II) vs Office Mode
BV 83 24Hr Time Format Select time format, 24-hour or 12-hour, for display on
Microset II
BV 99 Available only for the VLC-444. Disable Disables the 0.5 Degrees F deadband between AV 95
Unoccupied SP Deadband. and AV 96. Allows AV 96 to equal AV 95 if turned ON.
For more complete information about VLD-362 and VLD-362W object data, see
VLD Installation and Operations Guide (LTBT-MT-VLDIOG), available on the
Note For information on reserved objects and other details about the VAViH-SD, see “Configuring the
VAViH-SD” in Gen4 VLCs Installations and Operations Guide (LTBT-TM-GEN4-IOG), available on the Alerton
Support Network (ASN).
Im po rtant The objects listed below only have a present value property. No other properties are available.
*The Present Value of AV-250 and AV-253 are the only properties that can be read by the VLC DDC. Other objects
are not available in DDC.
Ta ble 68 Air balance data points
a.The present value of AV-250 and AV-253 are the only properties that can be read by the VLC DDC. Oth-
er objects are not available in DDC.
Reserved AIs
Ta ble 70 Advanced VLC special AIs
Point Remarks
AI-100 Number of times the unit has been powered up
AI-101 Number of times the controller has been reset externally (e.g. due to power failure)
AI-102 Number of times the controller has been reset due to the hardware watchdog.
AI-103 Number of times the controller has been reset due to executing an illegal opcode
AI-104 Number of times the controller has been reset due to accessing an invalid address
AI-106 Number of times the controller has reset for any reason
AI-107 Number of times the controller has reset due to an internal integrity check or software watchdog.
Reserved BVs
Ta ble 71 Advanced VLC 1688 reserved BV objects
Universal with built-in current Inactive Inactive 0-10V mode or current mode
resistor with external resistor
Universal with built-in current Active Inactive Current mode using factory
resistor calibration for built-in current
Reserved MVs
Ta ble 73 Miscellaneous reserved control BVs
Point Remarks
MV-300-307 Show the current state of HOA switches for analog outputs
MV-350-357 Show the current state of HOA switches for binary outputs
Auto 3
Off 2
number-of-states Unsigned 3 Indicates the number of states or selections to
which the MV can be set. The number-of-states is
defined only in the .bd6 DDC file.
object-identifier BacnetObjectIdentifier MV 1 This property consists of the object-type property
and the object instance, which is a numeric code
that identifies the object of interest.
object-name CharacterString AHU 1 Status
object-type BACnetObjectType
present-value unsigned 3 When EBT reads the present value it also reads
the state-text value associated with the present
value and displays both together to make it easier
to understand (for example, 3: Overridden).
state-text BACnetArray[N] of [1] Running Defines the text associated with each state. This
CharacterString [2] Stopped provides a built-in way for the user to know what
[3] Overridden each state represents.
status-flags BACnetStatusFlags in alarm=0 A four-position bit string that indicates the status of
(bitstring) fault=0 the object. If a status bit =1, the status is TRUE.
out of service=0
object_type Enumerated
present_value Enumerated
object_type Enumerated
description Character string event A description assigned to describe the object’s function.
enrollment 0
event_enable bit string To-offnormal Indicates whether notifications are enabled for these
=1, To-fault event transition types. A 1 indicates that the transition
= 1, To- will be reported. Set in the Event Enrollment Editor at the
normal = 1 operator workstation.
event_type Enumerated change_of_ Indicates the type of event algorithm to be used to detect
bitstring events.
notify_type Unsigned alarm Indicates whether the object is set up for alarms or
object_identifier BACnet_ Object_ Event- This property consists of the object_type property and
Identifier enrollment the object instance, which is a numeric code that
0 identifies the object of interest.
object_name Character string Alarm Assigned at the operator workstation.
object_property_ Boolean FALSE Indicates whether the file has been saved for backup.
status_flags Bit string In alarm = 0, fault = A four-position bit string that indicates the status
0, overridden = 0, of the object. If a status bit =1, that status is
out of service = 0 TRUE.
buffer_size Unsigned32 The maximum number of records the log file can
log_interval Unsigned The interval at which monitored properties are
logged. Set to zero for TRIGGERED
start_time BACnetDateTime The date and time that logging will start.
stop_time BACnetDateTime The date and time that logging will stop.
There are three key elements at work during this conversion: the electrical signal,
the raw counts, and the scaled input value.
Analog input signals to a VLC are fed into an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter in
the VLC. The A/D converts this into a binary number, which is the foundation for
the raw counts. This is necessary so the microprocessor and other components on
the VLC can interpret the signal. Software in the VLC then converts the raw counts
to a usable range, what you see in Envision for BACtalk as the present-value of an
analog input (AI).
When setting up inputs from the Analog Input Setup tab of the Device Settings
dialog box in VisualLogic, choose "Scaled (Two Point)" from the Type drop-down
menu. The Two Point Scale Setup dialog box opens, enabling you to enter two mA
or voltage values along with the desired AI values.
Select "5.12V w/jumper or switch" for all Gen4 VLCs that include an input jumper
or switch and select "5.12V no jumper or switch" for all Gen4 VLCs that do not
have an input jumper or switch. The input scaling utility automatically calculates
the correct values for zero and range.
VLC-1188 VLC-853
VLC-550 VLC-1600
2. From the VLC DDC Main menu, choose F2 DDC, and then choose F2
Edit DDC Header.
The Program Information screen (F1 Program Information from the DDC Header
menu) gives you data about the currently viewed DDC file. This file information
helps you identify the origin of the DDC file for troubleshooting. Use the mouse to
position the cursor in the field you want to change, press Enter, and then type the
settings you want according to the following guidelines.
Representative and Job The representative and job name under which the file
was saved on the operator workstation hard disk. You must have security to
modify, save, or send DDC files with a given representative and job name.
Program The file name (minus the file extension) of the DDC program when it
was saved to disk.
Revision A revision number for the DDC program, which is typically important
only for Alerton Standard DDC files. This revision number can also be used by any
DDC author to manage versions of custom DDC.
AI setup
The Analog Input Setup screen (F2 AI from the DDC Header menu) is where
you perform scaling options for AIs. Use this screen to designate the type of
scaling you want to use for an input or the type of thermistor connected to the
These setup factors affect the software count that results from a given electrical
Setting the AI type and scaling factors In the Type field of the AI Setup
screen, you can select one of the following:
• The zero and range options apply only to scaled input types. No
additional scaling is required for 3K ohm and 10k ohm thermistor AIs.
• For any AI set up as a thermistor, the input is configured automatically
to degrees F or degrees C as appropriate for the selection of English or
Metric units.
• Use F10 to view setup parameters for additional inputs.
• The scaling options you select are saved with the DDC as part of the
DDC header.
Scaling example 1 A 0-10VDC pressure transducer with a range of 0”-4” water
column (WC) is used to measure duct static pressure. The value for range is
calculated as the value of AI with an input of 10VDC (input count = 4095) minus
the value of AI with an input of 0VDC (input count =0). Range = 4”. The value
for zero is the value of AI when the input is 0. Zero = 0”.
In this example, however, the transducer output only goes down to 4mA, not
0mA. The challenge is to figure out what the pressure range would be if the
sensor output went all the way from 0mA to 20mA. Since the 16mA change
from 4mA to 20mA corresponds to pressure range of 0.5" (0.25" to -0.25"
=0.5"), a 20mA would theoretically correspond to a pressure range of 0.625"
(20/16 x 0.5). The value for range in this example is then equal to 0.625”. To
calculate and enter values for range, AI, and input at 20mA, 0.25” = zero + (4000
x 0.625)/4096. Zero is then equal to -.375”.
Using input filters VLCs use a 10-bit A/D converter, which is very responsive
to changes in electrical signals. This makes the inputs of the VLCs extremely
sensitive to minute changes, which may or may not be desirable.
You can turn filtering ON and OFF by placing the cursor in the Filter field for an
AI and pressing Enter to toggle the value.
The filter calculation is performed every 0.1 seconds and is expressed as:
NewCount 31
FilteredCount = --------------------------- + ------ PreviousCount
32 32
English/Metric Mode setup VLCs support English or metric units. Once set up
from the AI Setup screen in the DDC header, the VLC makes all of its
calculations and writes to the Envision for BACtalk displays and Microset
Having the unit of measure specified in the DDC header enables DDC programs
to individually accommodate different measurement systems.
AV setup
In the AV Setup screen (F3 AV from the DDC Header menu), you determine the
units property of all the AV objects present in the VLC. The units property has
no effect on the present-value of the AV. For most applications, it is unnecessary
to set up units unless you use the property on a display.
Note You can also press Enter in the Units field and type the engineering unit
code directly.
4. Position the cursor in the Units field for the AV you want to configure.
7. Position the mouse pointer on the unit code you want to use and click
On the AV Setup screen, the unit type you selected appears in the Units
BO setup
In the BO Setup screen (F4 BO from the DDC Header menu), you configure two
important features for each BO—the relinquish-default and the out-of-service
property. The relinquish-default and out-of-service properties relate to the
Options are ACTIVE (ON) and INACTIVE (OFF). Position the cursor in this
field for the BO you want to configure, and then press Enter to toggle between
AO setup
The AO Setup screen (F5 AO from the DDC Header menu) allows you to
configure the units, out-of-service property, and relinquish-default for AOs. The
relinquish-default and out-of-service properties relate to the priority-array.
Note Set the units property of the AO as you do for AVs. See “AV setup” on
page 223 for details.
Entry Identifies the entry and can’t be edited. In Field Service mode, entry 0
appears first, entry 25 appears last.
Point ID Defines the VLC data point whose value is associated with the display
code. AI, BI, AO, BO, AV, and BV are acceptable point types. Position the
cursor in this field, press Enter, and then type an acceptable point type. Press
Enter again and type the point’s instance (for AI 1, type 1, for example). Make
sure the point you reference actually exists in the VLC.
Writable Determines whether the value is writable from the Microset (YES) or
read only (NO). Position the cursor in the field and press Enter to toggle the
value. AIs and BIs are not writable.
Decimal Determines whether the Microset shows the value with a decimal
(YES) or without one (NO). Position the cursor in this field and press Enter to
toggle the value.
Program Units Determines how the VLC interprets 10K ohm and 3K ohm
thermistor inputs as well as Microset- and Microtouch-related objects. For VAV
controllers, if program units are set to metric, enter box size in centimeters; the
device then reports flow in liters per second (lps).
2. In the English/Metric mode field, press the tab key to toggle between
English and Metric.
For more complete information see See “Writing object names and descriptions
to Gen4 devices” on page 100.
3. Press F8.
DDC Read Inhibit Some users may want to protect the DDC file in the VLC.
You can do this by preventing reads of the DDC file.
CAUTION Be sure to back up your DDC file before setting this option. There
is no workaround to this protection once it has been set. You must download a
new DDC file.
2. In the DDC Read Inhibit field, press the tab key to toggle between
Reads Allowed and Reads Inhibited.
Note You can also adjust the values for the hot duct and cold duct calibration
factors from the BACtalk Microset using the Microset Airflow Calibration
This is a one-time setup you perform for each VAV VLC; the setup is stored in
the VLC independently of DDC or header information. This configuration
affects the values that represent airflow for VAV VLCs.
Note The program units setting (English or metric) in the Analog Input Setup
screen (see “AI setup” on page 222) determines whether AIs report airflow in
cfm or lps, and whether temperatures are reported in degrees F or C.
4. Position the cursor in the field you want to edit, press Enter, and then set
parameters according to the following guidelines.
Box diameter The box diameter of the VAV box to be controlled by this VLC.
Enter this value in inches or centimeters as appropriate for English or metric
setup in the AI Setup screen (see “AI setup” on page 222). Obtain box diameter
data from the VAV box manufacturer. The box diameter represents the round
duct equivalent diameter of the duct where the pressure pickup is located.
Calibration factor Adjusts the VLC airflow readings to match the specific VAV
box, airflow pickup, and conditions of an installation. Increasing the value of the
calibration factor increases the value of the corresponding airflow (AI-8 for hot
duct flow, if applicable; AI-10 for cold duct flow).
The calibration factor for each duct should be adjusted until the corresponding
airflow matches the airflow measured using a balancing hood. The default value
for the calibration factor, 1.00, accounts for no pressure loss in the tubes.
Increase the calibration factor to compensate for tube loss.
Velocity zero cutoff This value is entered in percent of full airflow (0-100).
Airflows lower than the cutoff are reported as zero. This feature eliminates
nonzero airflow readings because of ambient fluctuations when the main fan is