Somebody Stop Felix! Episode 1: Don't Try This at Home!
Somebody Stop Felix! Episode 1: Don't Try This at Home!
Somebody Stop Felix! Episode 1: Don't Try This at Home!
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Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Nitoi, Razvan
Somebody Stop Felix!
Bucharest, 2016–2017
Max S.
Huh huh... Felix is getting a DIARY! Wuss... :)
Felix N.
Grrr... Shut up, you and
this is Mom
Maria N.
What kind of language is this?! You wanna get grounded?
this is Dad
George N.
Well... Felix, no tablet for you for 3 weeks!
That’ll teach you!
George N.
Errr... Wait a minute...
Maria N.
Max S.
Wow !! Real Madrid - Barcelona: 3-1 !!!!
June 21
The first night went pretty well. I’m happy to share my
room with Max and Alex; this way I don’t have to be
prepared for all sorts of weird surprises. I only have to
put up with the usual stuff, the same old troubles I’m
already used to. sc
My bed plink
8 9
Alex doesn’t have any of these flaws. He has other ones, I like boiled eggs for breakfast. Not too soft, not too
but there are way too many to list right here, right now. hard. Somewhere in the middle. I noticed there was a
huge bowl full of eggs, with a label on it reading “boiled
eggs”, so I took one and put it on a plate, together with
that‛s some cheddar, a tomato, a loaf of bread and some bacon
my tea-
spoOn! that hadn’t been already devoured by Denis.
my mommy
gave me that
and you can‛t
touch it!
They woke us up around eight. Once we were up and
running (sort of), we went to breakfast. Apparently, we
have an all-you-can-eat buffet kind of thing. There are
a lot of food plates, so we can choose whatever we like.
Denis D. was very excited
about this. He seemed to
be especially interested in I sat down with Max and Alex, who were already eating.
a big plate full of bacon. I grabbed my egg and cracked it on the side of the plate.
Actually, he is always very The next moment, it was full of liquid raw egg white
excited whenever there is and yolk. The cheese, the loaf, and the bacon were all
something to eat. floating in a gooey puddle.
10 11
ChedDar, Loaf and Bacon “Whaaat?! I don’t get it!!” I shouted angrily. “Look, it
reads clearly: BOILED eggs”
12 13
“3 minutes” and I went back to grab some more food,
because my first plate had been, obviously, compromised.
Again, I got some cheddar, a loaf, a tomato... No more
bacon, though, because Denis had taken a final assault
on the cold meats area, and it was all gone. But I found
some hot dogs, so I didn’t mind.
Then he went back to his place, grumbling mostly unclear the machine, so I rushed to get my hot egg—now that I
words, although I’m pretty sure I heard something like think of it, the first one was COLD, and that should have
“airhead”, “moron” and a few more like this. made me suspect something, right?!—and I went back
to the table. Max and Alex had already finished eating
We don’t use an electric egg boiling machine at home. and were now drinking their chocolate milkshake.
14 15
“So...—Max teased me—are you SURE you didn’t get a “I have no idea! This is just... Somebody is messing
raw egg again?” around with me! I’m absolutely, positively SURE I set
the timer for three minutes. That’s exactly how I boil
I gave him the evil eye, but I didn’t reply, to show him I eggs at home!”
couldn’t care less. I calmly took my new egg and gently
cracked it on the side of my plate. Shockingly, the plate “Three minutes, you say...?”
was—AGAIN—filled with RAW egg white and yolk!
“Well, yeah... What do you mean?!”
again... whaAt Then I realized what I got wrong. Three minutes AFTER
it starts boiling!
that‛s not
so easy
how to boil an egG
Raw eGg
16 17
me drown all my food in raw egg for the THIRD TIME.
Since everyone was already gone, I just grabbed a toast
and some cheddar and I took off too. Anyway, I’m
determined not to give up so easily!
June 22
“The TUBA?!—Max jumped. That explains the huge
he‛s very
gentle... bags—he sobbed while dropping the giant case he was
just try carrying. How many tubas do you have in here?”
to avoid
... or The last thing we’d need would be listening to him all
any kind
of day long playing “Yankee Doodle” and other music hits
they might be playing on those parades.
giant spider
20 21
EewWw... Next, Gustav started to organize his stuff. This took
some time because he was determined to classify
everything by category.
i can‛t find
my harmonica,
so i‛m building
a xylophone...
After he finished with the clothes, Gustav finally got to
the last of his bags. He gravely announced us that he
had a big surprise in that bag, and he was planning on
sharing it with us. This gave us shivers down our spines.
We watched horrified as he pulled the zipper.
22 23
But there was nothing to courtesy, and from now on we should share everything
worry about. Actually, we have, just like brothers. The truth is all Max and I
Gus had a really awesome had to share with him was a couple of chewing gum
surprise. He pulled out of packs, a box of slightly moist crackers (already open)
his bag a box containing a and a melted candy bar that needed to be scratched off
huge chocolate cake! Max’s backpack’s bottom first. But that’s not the point.
It’s a matter of principle!
“My mommy baked it herself! Especially for me, as a
prize, because I had a great tuba performance at the PLease,
taste it!
parade yesterday, and also because I’m brave enough to
stay for three weeks in this camp! I was looking forward
to eating it, but I’ll share it with you. I insist. I won’t
take no for an answer!”
cool! so,
the rest
is mine...?
24 25
eyes that looked really suspicious. And we were going
to use a spoon anyway (I think)...
others me
After a minute (which seemed like an eternity to us),
I told Max I remembered reading somewhere that it’s
not a good idea to sit and wait just looking at the food
in front of you, because the stomach starts producing
some sort of digestion substances, and you can get into
deep trouble.
Gustav asked us to wait just a minute because he never The latest research
proves that it‛s very
eats anything before washing his hands.
INTERNATIONAL important to...
“My mommy made me promise to obey all the hygiene HEALTH late:
choco n
rules, even though I’m away from home! And you two
should do the same! I’ll be right back...” he said, and
he disappeared holding his soap and a towel marked
“Monday”. NUSSBAUM
Of course, he was right.
“Really? Wow, we really shouldn’t mess with medical
BUT I decided I can’t take
stuff!—he answered. I have no intention to ruin my
any chances by leaving Max
stomach, especially now, with all this chocolate cake
alone with the cake. He had
waiting for me. Pass the pocketknife, dude! I’ll cut this
a frozen, fixed look in his
26 27
cake right now... It looks like our buddy is taking a little given that after two minutes our slices had completely
longer than expected in that bathroom. What the heck vanished from sight.
is he doing in there anyway?!”
the heck
Max split the cake pretty fairly, better than I expected. is it...?
It’s also true that I was there closely supervising the
whole operation, and I had to correct him with one or
two friendly slaps upside the head.
28 29
savings on desserts. If I’d have saved all that money...” That was kinda true. Gustav really owed us one for that,
so we both decided we deserved one or two extra bites
yes, it‛s mine... it cost me about a milLion pancakes!
of his share of the cake.
is every-
thing ok?
i hope
“We were just coming to get you—Max said quickly. I
you‛re not was just asking Felix: ‘Did you see Alex lately? Let’s go
eating my
cake! find him!’ But since you’re here now, please, have a bite!
But just a little one, OK? It’s not our cake. It’s Gustav’s...
30 31
He just left a few minutes ago, he’s in the bathroom and the tuba and harmonica stress. But it was already too
he’ll be back in a second!” late to say anything, so we served ourselves with just
a little more and we left Gustav a good slice, about an
For some reason, Alex didn’t seem very convinced we inch thick. Alex is a terrific guy, but he has one big flaw:
were just about to go looking for him. But he didn’t make he always picks the worst moment to show up!
any comments. He quickly cut about half of Gustav’s
cake, he looked at us with his hungry wolf face, and he We went on and finished our extra cake (way smaller
started chomping. than expected!), and then we got back to our business.
That’s when Gustav finally got out of the bathroom.
just a
little i can‛t
bite wait to
eat some
you know
i‛m not
32 33
We guaranteed the cake Gustav didn’t answer. He was just standing there,
was excellent, and we MmM... staring at that table, looking all confused. It was kinda
quickly excused ourselves GoOd! awkward, but Alex quickly managed the situation:
for saving him a rather
small portion, but when we “Hey, glad to meet you, amigo! What’s up? By the way,
looked at the plate we were FABULOUS cake! Who made it? Anyway, I gotta go,
perplexed. Alex had just see you in fifteen minutes, at dinner! Hmm, I hope they
eaten THE LAST BITE! have dessert, ‘cause this cake just got me started!”
“Errrr... Sorry, he mumbled with his mouth full of cake. “Hey, wait for me—Max jumped—I’m getting out too, I
I thought everyone gets an extra piece! You had yours, gotta take care of something! I got a call from... errr...
didn’t you? I know my rights!” sure, yeah, just a second! Bye!”
“Hey, Gus, this is our friend Alex...” Max said, with an It was already too painful for me to see Gus looking so
embarrassed voice. devastated, so I followed them at warp speed.
glad to
you... sniFf
34 35
June 24 Today, around noon, Max and I were headed to the
bring me
all your celL camp office, where we have this mail storage shelf thing
One of this camp’s rules is that we use for sending and receiving letters. We were
that we’re not allowed to use halfway there when we bumped into Diana F... Diana
our mobile devices unless is one or two years older than us. She was headed the
there’s some emergency. same way, because she also was carrying a big pile of
For news and regular daily paper envelopes.
communication, we’re
supposed to use the ancient way: snail mail. They “Hey—she said—I suppose you guys are going to the
explained to us that it’s an interesting and unique ‘post office’, right? Can you please take my letters too?”
opportunity to discover that feeling of eagerly waiting
for a few lines to drop in, every two or three days. It that would
be all for
is kinda amusing indeed, but some of us are yearning now... thanks!
so badly for their devices that they started asking their
friends at home to mail them printed Facebook pages,
game screenshots and stuff like that.
dear dad,
please search
the internet for
some do-it-
yourself video
36 37
She explained those weren’t all hers, but also her Remus looked at me with a confused face, and then he
roommates Olivia and Angela’s. Since we have such suddenly snatched Diana’s envelopes from me, hurled
good manners, we offered to take her pile of letters off them all around the yard and quickly took off.
her hands, and we carried on.
1/2 MILE
Ten steps further, we bumped into Remus C., an While Max was busy chasing Remus and screaming all
obnoxious boy, who started to pick on us, as he usually kinds of threats and curses, I painstakingly picked up all
does whenever we meet: those pink envelopes. For some reason, maybe because
of the ‘accident’, a few of them were a little unglued.
“Look at those cuuute pink
envelopes! Are you sending Being a curious kind of guy, I
letters to mommy?” couldn’t help peering into one see...
of the envelopes. It was one of
“Those aren’t our letters, I Diana’s letters, addressed to
answered. Come on now, go her boyfriend, Daniel L.
fly a kite!”
38 39
Meanwhile, Max had given up chasing Remus, and he “Dear Daniel, it would be a REALLY GOOD IDEA to
was back with me. I showed him what I discovered, and send me at least one letter! I sent you three by now.
we started reading the letter together. Olivia and Angela already got A TON of letters from
their boyfriends... I’m already feeling embarrassed.”
“I don’t like this Daniel L guy! I said. I’m sure he’s one of
those irresponsible dudes. Why isn’t he replying?”
hoOray! still
three letters nothing for
in three days! you?!
40 41
“Hmm, it’s possible, I admit. But still, just to be sure, I Max had a good point. I always declared he’s a really
think we should write ourselves a letter to Diana, signed wise guy. So we took all the letters back to our room,
as Daniel. We can’t let her feel uncomfortable in front and we got down to business.
of her two best friends. Now that I’m involved in this, I
already feel like I have a responsibility!” The first letter we took care of was the one that started
everything. We tried to compose an answer from Daniel
“You could be right, Max answered. You know what? to Diana.
Let’s take our letters and put them in the outbox, and take
the girls’ letters back to the cabin, to carefully analyze
all the options. Who knows what other nonsense could
be hiding there? We can’t just send them like this!”
42 43
and he was making her feel uncomfortable in front of
her friends. So we both reached the same conclusion:
Diana and Daniel should break up. Things can’t go on
and i‛m DA
like this, and it’s our job to make it happen cleverly.
is L E O ,
They were so INCREDIBLY LUCKY that Diana’s letter My name riting yo
u this
m w L‛s
frie n d . i‛
h o c k e d by DANIE
i‛m s ts a
ended up in our hands. because r y t ime he ge
: e v e it out
m y o u , h e reads d
letter f
f h is b u dDies, an l,
ront o beautifu
loud in f a l l t h e
e fun of
they mak g s y ou write
HA ha, t h in
this is a cool touching a n‛t just s
f u l ! i c
lly aw gs
idea! let‛s it‛s tota t c h y o ur feelin nks,
see... w a se pu
back and u l ed by the
r id ic ou
getting i s h o uld let y
g h t
so i thou t h is, so you
b o u t
know a
make the
44 45
a fake house number from Daniel’s neighborhood, and
then we’ll hand it to Diana in two or three days.”
„Dear Olivia,
46 47
beloved Homer is dead! You know he was pretty old, Sincerely, your daddy
and his eyesight wasn’t so good lately.
P.S. Before you’ll get back from the camp, we’ll find a
Well, yesterday he went out for a stroll as usual, but new kitty for you, even cuter than Homer!”
in ten minutes or so, the doorbell ringed. It was our
neighbor, who told us he was just driving his car out oops! this
was your
of the garage when he felt the wheel bumping over last life!
something, and he heard a horrible meow sound. He
jumped out of the car and saw he had run over a cat, me
who was now completely flat, like a poster, so he couldn’t
really describe it. But knowing that we have a cat, he
thought he should ask us if it’s ours. We went there
to see if it’s Homer. It really was him. We recognized
him by his bell collar. I’m sure he died instantly and he
didn’t feel any pain.
saint petEr
We managed to scrape Homer off the driveway (it
wasn’t easy, but luckily our neighbor had a good snow At first, I thought Max’s idea was a little extreme, and
shovel), and we buried him in our backyard, in a shoe Olivia will be heartbroken, but then I realized what a
box. You know that spot where he used to play with the feeling of complete HAPPINESS she will have when she
leaves. will find out Homer is actually alive! Not to mention
that one day Homer will REALLY die, and then she will
May he rest in peace! be psychologically prepared for that.
48 49
June 26 Virgil!
help! a
Here, at Forest Lake Camp, we have a few mice. Nothing
impressive, I guess it’s just natural. It’s exactly the kind wheRe?!
“By the time I leave this camp, you won’t be able to find
as much as a mouse hair!” he declared and started to
plan his battle strategy.
strike “D” day
at dawn!
But every now and then somebody has to spoil the n1
natural balance of things. It all started with Laura T, enemy
cabin door.
50 51
Virgil got to work at full speed. He abandoned any other Virgil placed his trap strategically, in his own words—
activity and spent an entire day building a mouse trap. ‘right on those disgusting creeps’ route’, i.e. somewhere
A very clever one, he claimed. Personally, I thought it around the spot where Laura first saw that poor mouse.
was rather pathetic, or even downright stupid, but I After one hour, he self-assuredly announced us all:
didn’t want to hurt Virgil’s feelings... He looked really
proud of his accomplishment, so I kept my mouth shut. “Guys, I’m gonna go check the first capture now! If you
wanna take a look...”
free cheese
Mouse trap ?!
©virgil g.
Anyway, if I were a mouse, I’m not sure I would be very We went along with him. Strangely, the trap was empty.
attracted by that bit of cheese in Virgil’s trap, especially Virgil carefully inspected the mechanism, the cheese,
since there’s a ton of cheese and other delicacies in the he scratched his head, and he decided:
food storage room, and you can get it without having to
crawl through a bunch of steel wires and mechanisms. “It’s probably very late, and they’re already sleeping
Laura didn’t seem very excited either, but she was by now. No problem! Tomorrow morning one of those
supportive and she encouraged him anyway. despicable beasts will surely bite the dust!”
52 53
June 27
Zz Z
At the break of day, Virgil G. jumped out of bed and
rushed to check his trap. He still seemed confident,
although much less than last night. After two minutes
he returned holding the trap. We hurried to congratulate
him, ‘cause we were sure he was bringing it to show us
the capture. But he just told us, in a worried voice, that
he wants to make some improvements. He tinkered
with it for a few hours, then he triumphantly announced
Then he headed for his bed, with a distracted air, after
‘they’re doomed now!’, and he rushed to put it back.
changing the cheese with a piece of bacon. Denis D.
tried to steal and eat the bacon after Virgil left, but
we stopped him because we were already extremely hey, look...
curious about the course of events. it actually
put it
back right
54 55
He checked the trap at 3 P.M., then again at six. After June 29
that, he checked every hour, until bed time. After the
bacon’s failure, he tried, one after another, with some We’re already worried about our friend Virgil. For
hot dog, feta cheese, a tomato, a slice of pizza (Denis the last two days, all he’s been doing was to ‘improve’
tried to steal this one too), an apple and a Mars bar. the trap, mumbling strange sentences, of which we
sometimes catch words like ‘damn creatures’, ‘now it’s
personal’, and stuff like that. Today around noon we
put it
back right found him in the hallway, on the floor, with his ear
pressed against the wall.
i can hear
56 57
Laura tried to convince Virgil to give up this unequal
say hello
to my friend...
the chainsaw!
58 59
July 1st We found a dead mouse outside really quickly (it
probably died of old age, as I mentioned before). We hid
This morning, right after breakfast, the three of us it in a cardboard box, to have it ready for later, when
analyzed Virgil’s situation from a psychological angle, we would have the chance to ‘plant’ it in the trap. Then
and the conclusion was that he won’t be able to overcome Max found Virgil and kept him busy, to cover me.
this obsession unless he actually gets the satisfaction of
then, in the 80th
catching a mouse. Since he was incapable to accomplish minute, the coach
replaced the
striker... ?!
this goal by himself (without setting the building on
fire), we decided we should contribute. More precisely,
the plan was to catch a mouse OURSELVES, and to
place it inside the trap (which had already reached HUh
version 5.0, improved and camouflage painted).
MwA ha HA...
my superior
will prevail!
dead mouse
60 61
A SUICIDE NOTE!!! I closed the trap’s door and took off.
Briefly, I wrote this miniature suicide note and I After a while, I heard Virgil screaming like a maniac:
attached it to the mouse’s paw with a piece of string:
“Yessss! Haaa ha haaa! Gotcha, you son of a... Who’s a
buffoon now, huh? Who’s the moron?!”
ha HA haAa,
i defeated
the bastard!
62 63
Then, with a strange grin, he victoriously pulled the
mouse out of the trap, for everyone to see. As soon
as the mouse was out, the suicide note also popped
out, hanging on the mouse’s leg. Virgil froze. His jaw
dropped. He grabbed the little note with a shaking
hand, and he started reading:
July 3
HEy, this
waterfall is
pretty cool!
As soon as we got there, I started taking photos with my Max told me everything was under control, and he
phone (we’re allowed to use them for photographing), started setting up his high-tech gizmo.
but Max stopped me:
“Just a minute... I’m gonna set the shutter speed to one-
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, I’ll take care of the photos! I by-four-thousand... I wanna catch those water drops
brought that cool mirrorless camera I got, you know...?” floating in the air!”
you know
i am the
master of
66 67
“Do you have any idea what kind of sensor is on that gift shop UuUh,
magnEts! and
piece of junk you’re using? My camera has a twenty- keychains!
ridiculous fridge magnets. MA CHiN
68 69
“I can’t go back empty-handed!—he always explains.
Those people are expecting from me a souvenir, a small
gift, something! True?”
land lous nat
“NO, not true!” I answer all the time, but it’s like talking scap hiki re
e ng
We asked at the shop, and the answer was yes! The clerk
handed us a brochure with all the information. We took
Judging by the brochure photos, Alex and I thought it
it and looked for Max, so we could read it together.
looked pretty dynamic, but Max wasn’t giving up:
70 71
“Trust me, those photos are for marketing. They’re all The skipper handed us
the same! If you really insist, we’re going. But I’m only some life vests, he gave us doesn‛t sound
too good
doing this because I could use some close-up pics.” the safety instructions,
and then he provided a
So we got our tickets and we went to the boarding dock. waterproof plastic bag, and
To get there, we had to take a really steep and very he asked us to put in there
primitive metal staircase, that really didn’t look like a all our money, papers,
‘fluffy ride for old ladies’, but we tried to ignore it and cameras, phones, watches
we managed to get to the docks. and anything that needed protection from getting wet.
Everyone in the boat did it, but Max just laughed:
i don‛t
you boys like how
are brave! that
“You’re a bunch of pathetic chicken! Just relax, dudes! I
told you what it’s all about. A walk in the park.”
let‛s just
72 73
He took the side seat, next to the tube, and started Ahoy there, skipper, will you please take it eas...”
setting up his camera. We sat down next to him, and we
looked around to make sure we have some rails to hang He didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence because the
on to, in case things get serious. next second the boat was UNDER THE WATERFALL!
74 75
When I recovered from the chaos, I tried to evaluate the
did you zZ bzZ
situation. Alex, who was complaining just moments ago get your
about that ridiculous water stain on his pants, was now
COMPLETELY SOAKED, just like all of us. The water
inside the boat was up to our knees.
walk in
the park?
76 77
Max claimed he didn’t need any gift shop pants, because “They could at least have given us some plastic raincoats.
the whole thing was only a walk in the park, and he They do that at Niagara Falls!” he grumbled, and fled to
didn’t even get seriously wet. the cabin like a bat out of hell.
78 79
July 6 Alex would never miss the opportunity to tease people,
so he started ‘comforting’ Denis:
We had hardly started recovering from the big waterfall
misadventure when they gave us the news: tomorrow “Is this your first hiking expedition? Well then, let me
morning we’ll be going for a hike! This would be the last clue you in. You never carry food supplies on a hiking
‘sporty’ activity of the summer camp—in just a few days expedition. We’ll have to make it on our own!”
we’ll be heading back home! Right when things were
starting to fall into place for me...
80 81
“D’oh... Really, can’t you figure out why? Alex continued “We’ll be providing our own food, Alex answered. We
rambling. First off, we can’t go carrying heavy loads. eat what we kill! This expedition is about SURVIVING.
That would slow us down. Second, it’s really hot outside, Only the fittest will survive. That’s it, enough talking!
so the food might start to stink. But more important— I’m starting to build a bow and some arrows”—he
he creatively improvised—the food smell could lure the added with an evil grin on his face, and he rushed out.
bears and other dangerous beasts!” I’m sure he went looking for more gullible kids he could
freak out with his newly invented theory.
smells like survival lessons
pizza! with with captain alex this is
pepperoni realLy impor-
tant: watch out
for poison
82 83
foods I got a lot of useful stuff from there—among others, a
he HE dynamo flashlight (charged by winding a small crank), a
little thermos, a safety whistle (for emergency situations,
like getting lost in the woods), a Swiss Army knife…
Well, this kind of ‘toys’. What I needed now for carrying
all that gear was a small backpack or something, but
then I remembered I always wanted a fanny pack, so I
started looking for one. The only one I found was in the
fishing tackle department. It was huge. And it had three
We left Denis there and we went to our cabin, to pack
pouches, not just one!
our own stuff. We were supposed to leave early in the
morning, so we needed to get ready.
fishing apparel acCessories
I had been aware we’ll have this kind of expedition (dad
had gotten all the information about the camp activities),
so I had prepared by shopping for some useful items.
The day before the departure, mom and dad took me to
a big sporting goods store,
where one can find anything
equipment BURGERs
needed for camping, nature
hiking tours, and any kind 2 for the
price o
f 1
of outdoor recreational
84 85
It looked kinda strange, but I really wanted to get one, The comments started pouring in immediately… I don’t
because I was convinced it was way more functional know why everybody was having a rather disapproving
than the usual backpack. For one thing, to reach into opinion about my photo.
the backpack you have to take it off first. Dad said I
looked ridiculous, but I thought he doesn’t know what Felix N.
June 20
he’s talking about. You know parents—they always have
those crazy, grown-up opinions. Hey... Check out my new fanny pack! Pretty cool, right?
K. Jerome
K. Jerome
jules verne
famous cars
one hour
J.K. Chesterton
of minecraft
conan doyle
than enough!
3 comments 32
Max S.
Is this a joke? Or have you completely lost your mind?
Maria N.
Hey, what a cute little boy! It looks great on you!
Felix N.
Mom, PLEASE!!! You promised!!!
So eventually I bought the fisherman’s waist pack. As Later that day, when I texted Max, he told me that my
soon as I got home, I put it on, I asked dad to photograph fanny pack is a piece of junk, and I will definitely make
me, and I posted the pic on Facebook. a fool of myself.
86 87
“I think it’s really useful, I replied. Oh, and you should fill up half of the darn thing. I added a photo camera, a
go get one too right now, because later on you’ll realize nasal spray, a Rubik’s cube, and everything else I could
how awesome it is, and you won’t be able to find one think of, but it was useless. The fanny pack was still
there! And then you’ll run to me begging to put your pretty much empty.
stuff in my waist pack. You have been warned!”
88 89
Max and Alex insisted on laughing at me, but I ignored
come on, them with a starchy face.
get in
July 7
e At seven o’clock they gave the wake-up signal. We got
a quick snack, we got in line and marched on for the
expedition. Most of the kids were carrying a backpack,
except for me and Denis. Denis was hauling a ginormous
Fast-forward to present time, in the camp. As I
travel bag, obviously loaded with ‘survival supplies’. He
mentioned before, we were busy preparing our bags
stubbornly refused to give it up, although the counselors
for the expedition. Finally, my big opportunity to prove
tried to persuade him. He claimed to the end that his
how useful the fanny pack was! I was feeling sorry for
bag contains ‘life-and-death indispensable stuff’, so in
my buddies, who had to manage with their regular
the end, they gave up.
backpacks. I squeezed all this stuff in the pouches:
90 91
After two or three miles, we had a halt to get some rest. I was doing pretty well, although my fisherman’s fanny
Denis was the most grateful for the short break. He was pack was dangling and it was kinda hindering my
looking as if he had just run the marathon, and he took walking. I opened the middle pouch, the largest one,
the opportunity to clear out his travel bag a little. where I was keeping the water bottle, the phone, the
external battery pack, some tissues and more like this.
excuse I stuck my hand in, rummaging for the bottle, but there
me, denis, can
you give me... was a nasty surprise waiting there: the water bottle’s
cap wasn’t perfectly tightened, and all the water had
i don‛t
have any! spilled inside the pouch.
Alex had loaded his stuff inside Max’s backpack, so he morOn!
had been walking very casually all the way. They had
an agreement: Max was alex, did
you clean up
your roOm?
going to carry the luggage
no time
today, sorry,
the first half of the trip, a lot of home-
and Alex on the way back. I pl
don’t think this was a good
deal for Max, since Alex Now, my waist pack is a high-quality product, one of
always finds a way to avoid the features being that it’s waterproof, so all the water
all the chores. was held inside. The phone, the external battery, the
92 93
tissues and a TP roll were all wallowing in half a liter of stuff is completely dry. But hey, you have cool instant
water, together with a dozen crackers, a scrambled eggs access to all your items! You knucklehead...”
sandwich (leftover from breakfast) and some spare
T-shirts I had prepared for the next day. When we set off, Max asked Alex if he could carry their
shared backpack for a while, by any chance.
I spent the remaining ten minutes of the short break
squeezing the water out of the clothes and the phone. “Hmm, lemme think for a second... NO! Alex replied.
The TP, the crackers, and the sandwich were obviously We had a simple deal: I’m carrying it on the way back.”
gone. Max, Alex, Gustav and a few more friends around
me spent the same ten minutes mocking and teasing
... or maybe
you will carRy
me. it on the way
back too!
he he...
Max mumbled something, he morosely stuck out his
“Look—Max pointed out—my simple, modest backpack lower lip and went on his way. I could swear he was
features this side pocket for the water bottle. All my hatching an evil revenge plan inside his mind.
94 95
After resting for about half an hour, the counselors
oOoh, you
taught us how to set up the tents, then they built a nice
will carry the campfire, they got some grills, frying pans and other
heLl out of it!
mwa-HA-HA... cookware from a nearby hut, and then they unpacked
a bunch of delicacies: sausages, burgers, chicken
drumsticks, potatoes, tomatoes and others.
96 97
there was no one around the camping area, and the
survival trip,
huh? alex,
you‛re so
river nearby was jam–packed with thousands of nice
SIZz dead!
big boulders. So we spent the next half hour carrying
loads of rocks from the river and arranging them under
our colleagues’ tents. And of course we put some under
our tent too, so they wouldn’t suspect us.
seven or
eight more
should do the
98 99
I found it in my jacket’s hood later on, when I got inside space with Max and Alex. We spent the first thirty
the tent to get some sleep. Max was all giggly, but he minutes fighting for the middle spot. We were all trying
still refused to admit he was the jackass who did it. to avoid the outer spots because we were afraid we’ll be
attacked by bears. Obviously, any normal bear would
A little after midnight, everybody went to sleep, after go for the one on each side, since it’s easier to reach, so
they took some time to extract all those boulders from only the middle spot was safe!
under the tents, while cursing silently or out loud, each
in his own way. I couldn’t see Denis involved in this
activity. He was probably way too tired to realize he’s the one
on this side, you
sleeping on a bunch of rocks. are coming with
me! the others --
sleep tight!
100 101
(after the water incident, I was carrying it attached to middle spot, and we were unable to persuade him to get
the waist pack’s belt, to let the water drip out). Max out of there: he threatened he’ll wait until we’re sound
opted for a thermos he had in his bag, and Alex just asleep and he’ll drag us out of the tent in the middle of
picked a random Swiss Army knife. the night. We decided to give up and go with the outer
spots and be happy we’re INSIDE the tent.
Following the plan, we went to the nearest tent and we
asked our neighbors (Diana F. and her two best friends)
to pick one of the three objects. Diana grabbed Max’s
you don‛t
thermos and angrily smashed it in my head, cursing us mess with
for waking them up in the middle of the night for this
kind of nonsense. So, Max was declared the winner.
i‛m sleeping
in the
102 103
Around noon we set off back to the camp. Max passed as hell) trying not to let him notice. But the attached
the backpack to Alex, as it was his turn to carry it. Alex weights kept dangling and hitting his legs, so the trick
tried to complain, claiming he has a terrible back pain didn’t really work out.
from sleeping in the tent, but it didn’t work out.
could hmM...
you please let me
keep it... think...
104 105
who put
this thing
— Max, you idiot! I’ll REALLY make you pay for this!
Felix N.
July 11
Maria N.
Oooh sweetie... You could have caught a cold! I won’t allow
you to go to any other camps, if you are so irresponsible!
Felix N.
Mom! Really...? This is the last warning, I will unfriend you!
Alex T.
You better take this pic off, if you don’t want me to post
some really embarrassing stuff about you!
Max S.
Unbelievable!! Arsenal - Juventus: 0 - 2 ???!!! Whoaaaa...
July 16 how I look, then she licks her finger and smudges the
rouge spots... But I guess that’s something that every
I just got home and I already wish I was still in summer
aunt in the world does.
camp. Not because I grew very fond of everything
related to camp, but, compared to what’s going on Third, she has a habit to extend her visits beyond all
around here, the camp really looked like the better deal! acceptable limits. Sometimes I feel like she’ll never
For instance, yesterday we had a visit from aunt Nina, go away. In fact, now I realize I’ve never actually seen
my grandma’s sister. Aunt Nina could be considered a her leave the house. I think that, at some point, late at
nice lady if it weren’t for some very annoying habits. night, she notices everybody went to bed or fell asleep
on a sofa, and she’s just talking to the walls... And then
oh my, she decides to leave. I guess we’ll never know for sure.
you‛re such a
big boy! let
auntie give
you a kiss!
these earth
inhabitants are
such sleepy-
108 109
This morning, after I woke up and made sure aunt complete moron, as you did that time when I took you
Nina is really gone and she won’t suddenly pop up and to Linda M’s and you did that thing with the yogurt
splash lipstick all over my face, I was struck by an idea. bottle...”
It would be interesting to make a social experiment:
HOW LONG can someone extend a visit?
it‛s me, hMm?!
ding felix... I just
wanna hang
around for
an hour... GULP
I called Max:
I asked mom and dad if I could have a sleepover at
“Listen, I just remembered you were saying you’re
Max’s, and they said it sounds like a good idea. Actually,
invited to a friend’s birthday party... Carmen, right?
they seemed VERY happy about that...
What do you think, would it be too weird if I came too?
I have a new idea and I wanna test something...”
110 111
friendly and enjoyable; my first impulse was to cancel sugars
don‛t make me
the whole experiment, but in the end, the passion for hyperactive at
all! Beep-BOp-
science prevailed. BadAbooM!
why not ?
i‛d rather
play a game
cake plates (empty)
awesome nice a little very My Math
people people annoying annoying teacher
112 113
up; her mother (a VERY kind lady, although right up on the sofa. We went to get some sleep upstairs,
now she had a rather preoccupied look) made some where Max knew they had a guest room.
observations about the tasks they had planned for the
are you
next day, which was supposed to start really early. sleepy al-
ready?! let‛s
so, if you
are feeling 9 3
tired, we don‛t
mind if you
wanNa go..
114 115
do you happen to have some pancakes? i like pancakes! couldn’t measure up to!
erR... no... but if you realLy
want, I could make some...
i dedicate this prize to my
oh, that‛s so nice, thanks! dear friends, the V. family!
grand finale!
first prize
“I feel like we’re going too far — I said. They look a little
bit nervous...” We had soup and turkey sandwiches for lunch. We were
already part of the family, and Mr. V said he thinks
“Oh, come on! I know them for some time. They’re very
we’re really fun and creative boys.
nice and friendly! I’m sure they are happy we’re having
such a good time with them.” “WAY more creative than all of Carmen’s friends who
ever came here. In fact, a little TOO creative, maybe!”
“Hmm, if you say so... Well, then... Since it’s almost
lunch time, maybe we should eat together with them. We thanked him for the compliment, and we ensured
At least this will make our visit really MEMORABLE! him it was a really outstanding party, and they’ll get
Plus, the whole point of this study is testing the limits rid of us immediately after we’ll finish our siesta. Then
of hospitality...” we took some time to watch a TV show and relax a
This was already a performance even aunt Nina
116 117
we‛ll stick
Around eight, right after dinner, I regretfully
around for a
while... “Top Gear”
is up in a few
announced Carmen and her folks that I really have
to get going, because my parents should come back
soon and I’d like to be home when they get there. They
looked extremely happy, and they guaranteed Max and
I are welcome anytime. But then Mr. V remembered
they’ll be out for two months or so, ‘cause they have to
Right after five o’clock, Max had to go home, because he redecorate the house, so he suggested Carmen and I
had something planned. Mom and dad were probably should just talk on the phone.
i think we
should get
back. maybe
the dinner
is ready!
118 119
July 26 Since there wasn’t much to do around there, one
of the first things we did was checking out the
Last evening, mom and dad took me to cousin Cezar’s
buffet. Apparently, the caterers were careful enough
engagement party. Obviously, it was that kind of family
to provide separate platters of special foods for
party with dozens of great-uncles and great-aunts who
vegetarians, because at some point I noticed my aunt
didn’t see you in ages and who are always shocked of
Nina standing in front of some dishes and explaining
what a big boy you are now.
to her lady friends – Mrs. B and Mrs. E – that for the
last five years she’s been eating vegan foods exclusively
hey, you a little
are such a big boy
now! how old are
older... and you? and that she wouldn’t touch meat UNDER ANY
a hundred and ten?
you? six? a hundred fif-
seven? teen? CIRCUMSTANCES! She was swearing to God that her
foods based on “meat substitutes” tasted exactly like
regular foods.
if animals
are not for
eating, how come
they‛re made of
HUH huh...
as the saying goes:
“you are what
you eat”... mOo!
ie burg f
vegg rs ers
122 123
caterers, who was refilling the platters, noticed the
labels didn’t match the foods and he proceeded to
rearrange them correctly. I looked at my aunt Nina
observing the scene with confused eyes, but then, by
the time her face started to turn pale yellow, I decided
it’s time to get lost.
August 7
Wake UuUpPp!
we‛ll be late!
Let‛s go, come
on! 1, 2,3 oh
god, not
Obviously, dad exaggerated: we got there around 9 AM, of a large billboard, they were jotting down something
although on the contest’s datasheet it was specified in their notebooks or smartphones, and they were
that it starts at ten. Anyway, it’s not the first time we moving on. That made us curious, so we got closer to
get somewhere too early. Last year, we arrived a day see what’s going on.
earlier at the hotel we had reservations for.
reassessment exams
but... is this
24 you see, June
June 25 is actually cl
tomorrow k
We had almost one hour to wait and there wasn’t much “Let’s go search for a snack machine!” I said, and
to do, so we started exploring the University lobbies. I turned to leave. “I didn’t have a chance to eat my
While we were strolling around, we noticed that the breakfast this morning. Dad was waiting for me in the
few students passing through were stopping in front car with the engine running, since eight o’clock!”
126 127
come on, so they posted the timetable here. The exams are up in
felix, HurRy up!
you must catch three weeks, and this lousy website is DOWN!”
a good spot
in the class-
He finished taking notes and he left. At that point,
we realized the fabulous opportunity knocking at our
door! Apparently, Max had the same idea, because he
was just cracking a smile.
128 129
rummaging through my drawing tools. “Just let me find Let’s do it like pros. You have those large paper sheets,
the right markers... Black, blue and red, like the ones right? I’m thinking about manufacturing the poster
they used to draw the poster. It must look identical, FROM SCRATCH!”
or else someone could notice the fraud, and the whole
prank is ruined!”
this green
there, it
must look
HmM... identical!
this sheet
looks kinda
“Listen”, I said. “We got half an hour until the contest. idiot, you know?!”
130 131
are you some shelves. Then we posted the ‘fixed’ one on the
nuts? here,
look: descrip-
tive geometry board in the main lobby. One minute later, a bunch
Tuesday, sept.1,
9 a.m.!
of students showed up and started jotting down the
WRONG exam schedules. It was working like a charm!
no, YOU
are nuts! mine
says: monday,
august 31,
ee ek
k skre
We hid the original poster in the workroom, behind different year of study. Obviously, they would complain
132 133
and request a reschedule, but the professors would
insist the exam is valid since many of the students Hmm... it
looks pretty
(the ones who managed to get the right schedules) etavirp authentic...
attended the exams right on time. It would be wrong
to cancel a perfectly good exam at the expense of some
daydreaming buffoons!
i‛m soRry,
but at least
seven of your
colleagues took
this exam at the
right time!
134 135
people with the wrong data as possible! The contest
won’t last more than half an hour... Let’s stick around hisS
oh god,
this thing doesn‛t
make any sense! how @$#&*!
could he draw such
nonsense? he‛lL be
136 137
a more important job anyway, and we left the room
Let‛s draw
solemnly. I hope they collected our drawings and some mustache
on his face,
with the
filed them together with the other contestants’ works markers
138 139
August 15 “Hey, you know, this isn’t a bad idea! I think I’ll get a
motorbike too! I always wanted one. It’s not only cool,
Last night, dad suddenly came up with the idea of
it’s also very practical. I could get to the office a lot
getting a bicycle. Well, actually it wasn’t so sudden,
faster, ‘cause it’s easier to sneak through traffic...”
and if I’m not mistaken, it wasn’t entirely his idea. But
he likes to think it was, so I won’t cast a damp over it. He immediately started looking for motorcycles on
the Internet. He showed me his choice—a black Honda
Shadow—and he told me he’s planning to go to the
motorbike shop next weekend, to see and test it. Dad
was basically already a full–fledged biker.
neighbor kid
to be wiiild
SqueEk M
140 141
“Maybe a motor scooter would be better, he meditated. The next Saturday dad decided to go shopping for an
It would make everything easier. The motorcycle is electric bicycle. He got back home in an hour, and he
kinda complicated. Plus it’s so loud!” triumphantly announced us:
He started looking for scooters, but after a while, he “I didn’t like any of the electric bikes they had, but I got
gave up that idea too. something a lot cooler! It’s the most practical vehicle
for commuting! I really wonder how on earth I didn’t
think of it before!”
“The motor scooters look a little ridiculous, he We all got outside to see the miracle. Dad opened the
observed. Also, I don’t think it will solve the license trunk and proudly presented us a KICK SCOOTER!
problem. I guess an even better solution would be an
“Well, what do you think? Isn’t it awesome?! If I’ll feel
electric bicycle or something like that. I’m totally into
tired on the way to work, I can fold it and carry it on
riding to work on two wheels! Driving a car means a
my shoulder, with this strap. I can take the subway two
lot of wasted time in traffic, and a lot of cash spent on
or three stations, then return to the kick scooter. And
gas. Not to mention the ecological issues!”
142 143
when I get to the office, it’s a lot easier to ‘park’!” can bounce up and down on that scooter for ten miles,
but he replied it’s just a walk in the park.
He took the scooter for a spin. It was Saturday, which
means most of our neighbors were out in the yard, so
are you
sure you That‛s
mom and I thought we should quickly get inside. Dad don‛t need all we
A helmet need!
easily weighs over two hundred pounds, so the picture
of him running around on the streets on a kick scooter
isn’t something to be proud of.
Felix‛s dad
is a fruit-
look, one
144 145
No... no... so that’s probably what inspired him.
please! I don‛t
wanna sign up
for the scoo-
ter contest!
Simon M.
August 12
The next day, mom prepared the backpack for him, but
dad said he looked at the weather report and there’s We went for a ride on our bicycles! We’re exercising AND
having fun! Bikes are great!
some heavy rain announced, With Gabriel C., Boby H. and 9 others 2 comments 58
like a big
so he’d rather take the car. storm is Gabriel C.
coming! Hahahaaa, it was awesome! Next week we’re going out with the
He left the scooter in the bikes again, it’s settled!
garage, and ever since that
George N.
I’m the only one riding it Guys, that’s it! Tomorrow i’m getting a bicycle!!!
when I feel like trying some
tricks on the freestyle ramp.
So this morning we all went to the sporting goods
Now, after a year, dad returned to his idea to commute store, to buy a bike for dad and some other gear we
on two wheels. But he concluded the kick scooter all needed. Dad found a nice state-of-the-art model.
wasn’t the best solution, so he ‘analyzed the options’ He rode it all around the store for like an hour ‘to test
and finally decided to get a mountain bike. In fact, it’, then he gave it up and finally decided to get the
lately a bunch of people he knows started to ride bikes, cheapest bike they had. I guess he remembered the
abandoned scooter thing, and he thought it’s a better
146 147
idea to minimize the risks of wasting more money.
twenty miles
doesn‛t even
sound that
erRrm... bad...
i can get a car 25
rack Kg
refund in 30
days, right? Well...
If it‛s in
one piece,
MAINTENANCE We paid for everything and we proceeded to install the
bike rack on the car. Dad thought he should first check
the installing manual.
Dad grabbed the bike and headed for the checkout, but
mom stopped him: “Look—he said, after taking a glance at the diagrams—
it says right here, everything should be ready in five
“Listen, we’re twenty miles from home! Are you
minutes! Awesome system!”
planning to ride the bike all the way? ‘Cause it won’t fit
in the trunk, like that scooter!” Mom asked him if it’s OK if she’ll just take a quick tour of
the stores in the area, but dad said it’s pointless because
Dad stopped to think for a minute, and then he started
we’ll be on our way in five minutes MAXIMUM.
looking for a bike rack for the car. He finally found one
with some straps and hooks system, for mounting on “I know what you mean by ‘five minutes’...” she
the trunk door. It was pretty expensive though... mumbled, but she didn’t insist more.
148 149
take another look at the manual. While he was bent
I said I‛ll
be ready in 5 minu- over to look for the booklet inside the mesh bag, the
tes! No neEd to
remind me every trunk door slammed behind him, because of the rack’s
half an hour...
weight. Dad jumped out of his skin, startled by the
boom, he angrily mumbled for a while, but then he
calmed down and carried on with his work.
“See, it’s easy: I’ll hang this frame on the door, then we
have these six straps to fix it in place—two on the top,
two on the sides, and two down here. Hmm... That’s a
THREE-minute job, not five!”
150 151
But, surprise! The middle straps (and the bottom ones and go home! This is an outrage!!! They’re making a
too) were tied with a different kind of zip ties... Those monkey of me, and I’m paying for it too!”
ones were thicker, and they were extremely tight. He
struggled a lot, but he wasn’t able to loosen those ties. Felix N.
August 15
Uhm... You
know, I kinda
have to go
to the...
Since he didn’t have any tools for cutting the zip ties, Mom observed that a kick scooter is surely much
he figured out the only solution was to remove the rack less of a distress, then she grabbed her purse and
and to take it back to the store and ask someone of the she took off to the fashion shop nearby. Half an hour
staff to help him cut the plastic ties that were blocking had passed, and the temperature outside was almost
the straps. He was already infuriated. a hundred degrees. The car was parked in the sun.
For a moment I thought I should go with mom, but
“Man! These people are complete idiots! HOW could
I changed my mind... First, it was a women’s fashion
they tie the straps with something like this?! Are we
store, and second, the ‘five–minute rack installing
supposed to walk around carrying a toolbox?! You
process’ seemed to become extremely interesting.
know, I should just ask for a refund on all this stuff,
152 153
why did i get
a bicycle?
damn you, evErything was
you asshole fine...
and dumbass
154 155
think there’s still time for me to take a look at the home wheels from moving, and... DONE!
design shop too? I only need like twenty minutes...”
Over an hour had passed. Dad was so tired he couldn’t
Dad gave her a depressed look, and he announced her enjoy his victory. Mom and I had lost all hope we’ll get
that he has reached the final step: mounting the bike home before sunset. We got in the car, waiting for dad
on the rack. to start the engine and drive us home.
This final step was easier. He managed to fix the bike Dad picked up the rack’s package off the ground (it was
in place in just a few minutes, including dropping the an orange mesh bag) and he opened it to put inside the
bike on his foot; accidentally catching and scratching manual and the warranty.
the brake cables; getting his fingers caught between
“Hey, what the heck are these things?!”, I heard him
the bike frame and the rack; rubbing the dirty tires on
say. “There’s something more in here...”
his white shirt; scratching the car paint with the pedal.
can‛t be
156 157
drawn. Mom and I watched
in terror as he opened the
manual once more, to see
what’s the deal.
August 22
just look
at this view...this
panorama... where
else can you find
something like
vrOoOm idio woop
“See, Sky View is number four! Awesome, right?” Carla to her properly, in a “professional” manner, as if it was
kept on blabbering as if she had designed, built and a real column.
decorated the entire building.
Sky View nobody will
ever notice
160 161
“Hey, listen, I said. RATS! The building is heavily i‛m kinda maybe we
worried some should get a
infested with hundreds of rats!” skeletons might pickaxe, and carve
show up... or a cave in those
spiders... rocks there
“Yeah, something like that... It’s not bad, but I think ...
hey, wait a
minute... trolls
are real?! “OK, OK... maybe I got a little carried away”, said Alex.
“Now listen! What’s the thing that girls are most afraid
of? Insects, right?! BUGS!”
162 163
BREAKING NEWS The cockroaches, over 3 returned from a trip to
inches in length, were Madagascar last month.
SKYVIEW RESIDENCE supposedly brought here by They are capable to devour
accident from Africa by one an adult human in a matter
UNDER TERROR! of the tenants, who of minutes!
3 inch
164 165
entered Top 3!” Said Carla grabbing the tablet.
... the standard pesticides
used in bug infestations Then her face started to change. First, her smile
don’t seem to be effective
with this species, but the
vanished. Then she started to turn red. In a few
specialist are hoping to find seconds, she settled to a pale yellow tint, she slowly put
a solution as soon as
the tablet down, she grabbed her phone and burst out
in the yard. I guess she was anxious to call her mom
Stay tuned for more news!
and dad. We jumped to the open window to try to hear
some of the conversation.
We proudly sent the column to Teo and asked him to
publish it online. First, he said we surely are mentally
deranged, but then he built us a web page for our story
and he sent us a link so we could forward it. He even
got carried away and came up with the idea to illustrate
the column with some fake pictures of cockroaches,
rats, and stuff, which he created in Photoshop. The
story page was looking PERFECT! We went to bed full
of the satisfaction of a job well done.
166 167
EITHER?! No quarantine? Are you ABSOLUTELY
“pranks”, huh?
welL, this is what
you get for
September 14
“Hey, Felix”, Max said, “I say we should lock up Mr. V I got at
Who put
a “for sale” least thirty
inside his office... What do you think?” poster on my phone calls! see,
car, for I have a goOD sense
$350 ?! of humor, but this
is NOT funNy!
locked me
up in here?
170 171
I have to admit one of Max’s gifts is his fantastic Max suggested we Chats Mom
practical knowledge. should first get inside
how‛s it going, max?
the pharmacy and work where are you?
172 173
“Why don’t we wait for a while?” Max replied. “I don’t That was a strong assertion, so Max agreed it’s time to
think five ‘prisoners’ will do the trick. I feel like we’re make our move.
wasting a great padlock. Why don’t we just go back and
lock Mr. V...?”
174 175
out there to go search for a mechanic or a plumber in
the area. His idea was really appreciated apparently:
they immediately formed a commando of diligent men
who returned after twenty minutes, dragging a worker
packed with a big tooth saw for cutting metal.
Don‛t you
Oh, Come on,
understand i‛m
not allowed to stop whining!
Leave during You sound
work hours? i‛Ll like a little
get fired! let girl!
me go!
Max, selfless s always, suggested to the nice people stopped screaming as hysterically as they did earlier,
so things already looked kinda boring.
176 177
ugh... max, sure she just flicks through the papers, she scans for
I dunNo, I think cut it out, you
freak me out
I‛d rather go
home and write a when you say how many pages we have written, and – bang! she
literature those things
esSay... ... scores it an A- or even a straight A!”
what?! A- ?
only A- ? that much?!
there must there must
be some be some
mistake! mistake!
October 5
Today we took a test in Social Studies. It’s not a tough I totally agreed with his theory. Some time ago, we
subject, and our teacher—Mrs. Z—is a relaxed and had to write an essay about the Ancient Egyptian
friendly kind of lady... So we didn’t really worry. civilization, a subject I was completely PARALLEL
with! So, as a last-resort solution, I decided to
Usually, most of the kids get really high grades in Mrs. shamelessly improvise. In fact, most of my essay was
Z’s class. It’s one of the very few classes where even Max based on a handful of leading movies of the genre: “The
and I only have A and A-, which is really uncommon. Mummy”, “Asterix & Obelix Meet Cleopatra”, “Indiana
Jones”, “The Mummy Returns”, and a console game—
“You know what I think?” Max observed at some point.
”Pharaoh”. And guess what: I got a straight A!
“I bet Mrs. Z doesn’t even read our tests closely. I’m
178 179
... as the famous historian
Mom disturbingly pointed out recently that I should
and archaeologist known
as indiana jones said, the
consider a career in the social or cultural studies field:
ancient egyptians were
actually aliens who came apparently, it’s the only subject where I get decent
from space. it‛s the only
explanation for how grades (besides Art and Gym classes).
they could build the
Anyway, back to today’s test... Mrs. Z, smiling as always,
handed us the quiz papers and then she returned to
her desk and announced us we have forty-five minutes
to write an essay. There was a single topic to cover:
My first assumption was that—as I lately have a “Cultural activities you attended during the last year”.
hunch—I really am a GENIUS! But I must admit that
After reading the subject, I read it again, to make sure
Max’s theory might also stand... Especially considering
I got it right. I looked at Max with a baffled face; he
the improvisation trick failed pathetically in other
looked back with an even more perplexed look. We
situations—the Geography class for instance.
both glanced at Daria who was already frantically
what writing, with a happy look on her face. Well, actually
currency is
used in
europe? UhMm...
she always has that overjoyed look every time we’re
the euro-
pean dollar having a test, pop quiz, exam or anything like that.
time up!
scien for
180 181
I wonder how she survives vacations, I’m sure it’s the “You know what? Let’s find out once and for all if Mrs.
most depressing time for her. Z actually reads our tests! At least we’ll know what’s
the deal. ‘Cause if she doesn’t, we can go crazy and
“Listen—I whispered to Max—I have no idea what
wing it on any subject from now on!”
‘cultural’ subject I could tackle... I’m thinking maybe
I should improvise, as usual. I’ve seen ‘Night At The
Museum’, the third part, about a week ago... I remember
inventions that changed the world
a lot of the details. What do you think? Any ideas?”
I supPose we should write about clasSic stufF...
like the wheel, the Paper, the electric light
“Well, yeah, that could work. What about me? I can’t bulb, the telephone... but all these are
use the same one... But I could go with ‘Night At The nonsense compraed compared to what i‛m about
to deskribe describe!
Museum 2’ mixed with ‘Mr. Bean’—the one with the
Actually I think the coolest invention is the
painting, you know... the one he stole from Los Angeles game called “Pokemon Go”. before that, I didn‛t
even know what the heck are all those
Art Museum. Sounds pretty ‘cultural’ to me!” huge buildings with a crucifix on the top
of the roof! now I found out that‛s
Truth is I always struggled to get a grasp of these art where you find your pokestops and gyms!
182 183
today’s subject, actually! ‘Cultural’... ‘Culture’... But... Architecture School (it was sort of a cultural event, at
What should we replace it with?!” least for some of the participants), and it looked like
“Check out Robert’s t-shirt... How about that?”
felix n.
However, I didn’t mention anything about replacing
the exams timetable...
“Oh yeah! Perfect! It rhymes too! OK, that’s it. We’ll I can hardly wait to see what gives.
both write ‘SEPULTURE’ instead of ‘culture’ and
‘sepultural’ instead of ‘cultural’, all over the test.”
184 185
October 8
We finally got the results of the Social Studies test. social sciences
is an important
Apparently, Mrs. Z READS the papers after all, since bla, BLAA
my reviewed test looks like this:
felix n.
alternative methods
art and sepulture in the of studying the
summer vacation
my sumMer vacation wasn‛t just fun and games. i didn‛t felix n.
see it only as a chance to waste spend my time social sciences
playing computer games, but also as an opportunity
for interesting sepultural events!
186 187
October 30 pumpkins from inside, and we all got to work.
Tomorrow we’ll celebrate Halloween, so Mom and I Mom warned dad several times to take good care of me
went shopping for costumes and stuff. I got a new and because carving pumpkins sounded like a hazardous
pretty remarkable one. It didn’t come cheap, but mom activity to her, so dad was quite nervous about me
had bought a bunch of clothes for herself paying with getting hurt in some way.
dad’s credit card, so she couldn’t really cast judgments. oh god!
be careful
not to drop
that pumpkin on
you better your fOot!
remove that
price tag!
Nah, it‛s
let dad have
his share of
188 189
EeEwWw... dad, are you
aren‛t you dis- sure you‛re not felix,
gusted to stick forgetting i told you a
your hand in that something thousand times:
important? don‛t disturb me
horrible when i‛m trying
slime? to focus!
190 191
end up as THE ONLY BUFFOON who cut himself
while making Jack-o-lanterns.
November 4
Max S.
July 26
We had a huge blast today! Felix put vegan meal labels on regular
meat foods, and a bunch of vegetarian ladies stuffed themselves
with beef lasagna and pork sausages!!! :) More pics here:
Cezar and Sara (his fiancée) came to our house today, party—I’m not a big fan of family gatherings.
to formally invite mom and dad to the wedding. Sara
Cezar told mom and dad about the honeymoon trip they
seemed a little tense, but she was probably just nervous
were planning in Tuscany, Italy. They also intended
about the forthcoming event.
to drop by some common friends, so dad handed my
At some point, mom asked Cezar and Sara if Aunt tablet to Cezar so he can show him a Facebook photo
Nina is coming to the party. Cezar answered (giving album of the hundred years old Tuscan villa where
me the evil eye) that Aunt Nina hardly accepted, on they were planning to stay.
one condition—she insisted to bring her own food.
Mom frowned at me too and informed them that I
maybe we No!
won’t be able to attend the party: I’ll be out of town should ask I can handle it!
Felix... He‛s do i look like an
for a couple days, visiting my grandparents... So Aunt pretty good idiot?! hMmM...
at this... ughHh...
Nina shouldn’t worry about being there, even without
packed foods.
cezar! sorry
i‛m a litTle late.
I went to the
onion tap
194 195
check this out.
I‛m what a nice sur-
watching prize from
November 5
stuff, the hundreds of selfies and some messages he
A few moments ago I got my tablet to see what’s new had received (mostly from some quite cute girls) Cezar
on Facebook, together with Alex. All I could see on the had a lot of responses to the wedding invites he had
page was a bunch of nonsense—strange images and sent on Facebook to some far away friends.
text. Bodybuilders, clubbing photos, travel planning
and all kinds of gibberish. I opened the friends list— My first impulse was to send some bogus replies to
full of unfamiliar faces! Then I realized: it wasn’t my those cute female friends, but I passed that in order
account! Cousin Cezar had logged into his own account to avoid a possible trouble with Sara right before the
to show dad those photos from Tuscany and he had wedding... That would disturb Cezar even more than
FORGOTTEN to click LOGOUT after that! the vegan food incident, and on the other hand, I kinda
like Sara. There wasn’t much else to do so I thought it’s
We thought it would be interesting to browse his time to switch to my own account. But then Alex came
account while we were there. Besides all the fitness up with a surprisingly awesome idea.
196 197
“Felix, let’s change the time and venue of the ceremony! “Dude, let’s CANCEL THE WEDDING altogether! Alex
What do you think? Wouldn’t it be hilarious?!” suggested. Now that would be smashing!”
That sounded a really good idea, especially considering “Whoaaa, are you insane? I’ll be grounded for TEN
we could easily ‘undo’ it in an hour or so, by mentioning YEARS for that! Not to mention that would be messing
it was only a joke and the time and place are the old with innocent people’s lives!”
ones. So it looked like a harmless trick and we thought
Cezar won’t even notice.
Trust me,
come on, I told you
cezar wiLl be
cut the non- a hundred times: reaLly amused!
sense! we‛re this is a theme i‛m sure he has
missing the park! There‛s a good sense
wedding! no wedding... of humor!
cancel the
and it‛s
“Felix, it’s OK! After five minutes we’ll just write a new
post, and tell everyone it was just a joke and everything
We pitched into writing the announcement, but soon is fine!”
we realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
I took a moment to think it through. Alex wasn’t
and we shouldn’t waste it on such a childish joke. We
completely wrong: it really was a priceless trick! And
could at least pull some world-class prank while we’re
after doing it, we could easily fix it and cover all our
198 199
tracks. Chances are Cezar and Sara won’t even notice.
Not to mention they could NEVER figure out I was Cezar N.
November 5th
I CAN’T DO IT! I’m so sorry, Sara! I hope you’ll understand,
and I hope we’ll be together the way we are now.
Felix did My sincere apologies to everyone I’ve invited for nothing... I
it... i‛m sure!
and I warned know it’s extremely late, but what can I do?! I feel like I can’t
him! arghHh... live without my freedom...
5 comentarii 18
Max S.
D’oh... I really saw that comin’!
Delia B.
Nooo waaay! So saaad!!!! :((
David R.
Way to go, brooooo! You rock!
George N.
Cezar, how could you do that?!
I’m shocked!
200 201
she announced me.
i‛m trying
to find out
where‛s the blue-
tooth slot in my car. In fact, mom’s superpower is to break any device that
I can‛t seem to
connect my has a screen and buttons.
We started the Facebook app and this came up:
Forgot username?
After mom got bored with searching (and complaining
about “this darn Google that doesn’t have a clue”) she SIGN IN
returned my tablet.
“I’m done with the tablet, Felix! Oh, by the way, I Cezar’s account HAD DISCONNECTED! Probably
restarted it... because the tablet had been restarted... Now we were
It froze again. the h*%^? unable to delete that message!
I’m sure
it’s because Our only hope now was that Sara and Cezar will laugh
°F about the prank... and they will never know for sure
you have −459
TOO MANY who was the author. There’s a good chance, I tried to
202 203
Mom, I can‛t
find RiBbit! i
thought i heard a
croak sound
earlier, in
Cezar‛s room. Do
you think...
hey, wake
up! you‛re sta-
ring into space
for half an
p biton
sna RicBommrog
I suddenly recalled aunt Nina telling me stories, years I got back on Facebook some more (into my own
ago, about Cezar—back when he was a teenager— account) to check what’s happening on Cezar’s page.
doing ‘scientific experiments’ on insects. One such Things had gotten a little bit out of control: for instance,
experiment was called “Behavior of the green fly after the PHOTOGRAPHER who was supposed to shoot the
its legs have been cut off”. Another one was “Minimum wedding
I CAN’T album, sort
DO IT! I’m of a friend
so sorry, Sara! I of Cezar’s,
hope had a pretty
you’ll understand,
length you can cut a honeybee’s wings so it can still and I hope
extreme we’ll be together the way we are now.
My sincere apologies to everyone I’ve invited for nothing... I
fly (kind of)”, and there was one more about frogs’ know it’s extremely late, but what can I do?! I feel like I can’t
survival skills in extreme temperature conditions. live without my freedom...
47 comentarii 83
So Cezar was that kind of guy with some sadistic Sebastian C. Photography
WHAAAT?! When were you planning to inform me?! I
tendencies and who wouldn’t hesitate to torment a really wasn’t expecting that of you! What am I supposed
weaker creature. There was nothing about it that to do now? I had planned my work schedule around your
wedding! If you had notified me in good time, maybe I
would put my mind at ease. could have booked another event!
Sebastian C. Photography
204 I managed to find a last
205minute event where they need
another photographer, fortunately. They’re
RESPONSIBLE people, unlike you!
really wasn’t expecting that of you! What am I supposed
to do now? I had planned my work schedule around your
wedding! If you had notified me in good time, maybe I
could have booked another event!
Internet, on her phone, and she stumbled upon Cezar’s
worRy, i‛Ll
take care of message. She showed it to Sara, who immediately
the photos! I
have a great called Cezar and asked him if there’s still any need for
her to order a wedding cake. Cezar asked why, Sara
Ck burst into tears and Eva took the phone and told him he
knows exactly why, and she said he should have talked
it‛s one to Sara first, instead of letting her find out from that,
of the first
phones with a
camera... They uhm... Bookface… Anyway, eventually they figured out
don‛t make ‘em
like they
used to!
it’s some kind of prank involved, and Cezar said he’ll
find out who did it and he is going to...
206 207
day 4... here are the weDd
nobody ing photos... i hope
suspects like them! unfortun you
ately, these four
anything. are all i have... I do pics
n‛t know what haPp
i just can‛t find them ened,
aunt Nina
I was too afraid to wait and find out what Cezar said.
I scrammed to my room. It was almost midnight
anyway, and Aunt Nina was probably planning to hang
around for a while, as always.
208 209
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