Aog-Competition Law-Reviewer PDF
Aog-Competition Law-Reviewer PDF
Aog-Competition Law-Reviewer PDF
Q. What is the significance of including ‘National Competition Policy’ in the title of the law?
A. It makes explicit the policy recommendatory power of the Philippine Competition Commission.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Q. What weight does foreign jurisprudence have in our interpretation of the PCA?
A. It is a rational rule of statutory construction that a statute adopted from another state or country
will be presumed to be adopted with the construction placed upon it by the courts of that state or
country before its adoption. Such construction is regarded as of great weight, or at least persuasive,
and will generally be followed if found reasonable, and in harmony with justice and public policy,
and with other laws of the adopting jurisdiction on the subject. (59 C. J. 1065-1068.) Hence, for any
question of construction, resort may be had to the decisions of the Federal Courts in their
interpretation of the U.S. anti-trust law. (Department of Justice Opinion No. 19, series of 1962, Feb
26 1962.)
The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the public interest so requires. No
combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.
Section 19, Article XII of our Constitution is anti-trust in history and in spirit. It espouses
competition. The desirability of competition is the reason for the prohibition against restraint of
trade, the reason for the interdiction of unfair competition, and the reason for regulation of
unmitigated monopolies. Competition is thus the underlying principle of section 19, Article XII of
our Constitution which cannot be violated by R.A. No. 8180. We subscribe to the observation of
Prof. Gellhorn that the objective of anti-trust law is "to assure a competitive economy, based upon
the belief that through competition producers will strive to satisfy consumer wants at the lowest
price with the sacrifice of the fewest resources. Competition among producers allows consumers to
bid for goods and services, and thus matches their desires with society's opportunity costs." (Tatad
v. Garcia, G.R. No. 124360, (1997)).
*AOG – Prof. Gellhorn is a noted economist from Duke University. The quoted portion is from Anti
Trust Law and Economics in a Nutshell, 1986 ed. p. 45.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
In 1973, the Constitution included a proscription against private monopolies, which in the 1987
Constitution was modified to include public monopolies. In 2011 The Office for Competition, a unit
within the DOJ, was created through EO 45. On July 21, 2015, The Philippine Competition Act (PCA)
was signed into law and took effect on August 8 of the same year. PCC issued Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) on June of 2016, and the two-year transitory period before full criminal and
administrative enforcement ended on August 8 of 2017.
*AOG – If it is asked what was the first competition law in the country, technically it would be the
provisions of the Spanish Penal Code. (US v. Fulgueras, G.R. No. 2176, April 18, 1905) Alternatively,
the first law governing competition explicitly based on the Sherman Act is Act No. 3247. However, if
this question is asked, the provision usually contemplated is article 186 of the RPC.
Q. What are the conditions laid by the Supreme Court for monopolies to be regulated?
A. This constitutional provision does not declare an outright prohibition of monopolies. It simply
allows the State to act "when public interest so requires"; even then, no outright prohibition is
mandated, as the State may choose to regulate rather than to prohibit. Two elements must concur
before a monopoly may be regulated or prohibited:
Whether a monopoly exists is a question of fact. On the other hand, the questions of (1) what public
interest requires and (2) what the State reaction shall be essentially require the exercise of
discretion on the part of the State (Garcia vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 157584, April 2, 2009).
*AOG – The enactment of the PCA fulfills the exercise of discretion requirement provided by this
case. The declaration of policy satisfies the first requirement (determination of what public interest
Q. What are the other basic market structures (aside from monopoly) wherein degree of competition
affects prices, outputs, and profits?
A: Perfect Competition - an ideal or extreme form of competition. It occurs when a market consists
of many firms selling an identical product to many buyers. Any firm that wishes to do so can enter
or leave the market.
Monopoly - a market with a sole supplier of a good, service or resource for which there is no close
substitute. In addition, there are barriers to entry of new firms. Natural Monopoly - arises from
natural barriers to entry (such as a unique source of supply) or situation in which one firm can supply
the entire market at a lower price than two or more firms could offer.
Monopolistic Competition - similar to perfect competition, but rather than firms producing identical
products, these are many firms competing against each other by producing similar but slightly
different products.
Oligopoly - is characterized by a small number of firms where quantity sold by any one firm is
influenced by its choice in respect of strategic variables (such as prices, product design, research
and development, advertising, and sales locations) and these choices are strongly influenced by
other firms in the industry
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
*AOG – Note that this underlined portion refers to previous laws which deregulated the airline,
telecommunications, downstream oil, and electric power industries, among others.
Productive efficiency – firms use the least cost production techniques to produce maximum possible
goods and services from given inputs.
Allocative efficiency – resources are channeled to those sectors where they are best utilized in order
to produce goods and services that are valued most highly by consumers.
Dynamic efficiency – firms strive to maintain their competitiveness by investing in research and
development, innovation, marketing and management to keep abreast of the changes in
technology, preferences and products.
Pursuant to the constitutional goals for the national economy to attain a more equitable
distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; a sustained increase in the amount of goods and
services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; and an expanding productivity as the
key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the underprivileged and the constitutional
mandate that the State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the public interest so requires
and that no combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition shall be allowed
*AOG – Note that this portion actually summarizes and restates the various sections of the
Constitution under National Economy and Patrimony, in particular, it is a word for word
reproduction of Section 1 of Article XII.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Q. What is an Entity?
A. “Entity” refers to any person, natural or juridical, sole proprietorship, partnership, combination or
association in any form, whether incorporated or not, domestic or foreign, including those owned or
controlled by the government, engaged directly or indirectly in any economic activity.
*AOG – Note that even if it applies to overseas commerce, remedies under the Philippine
Competition Act can coexist with trade remedies imposed by the Department of Trade and Industry
and Tariff Commission under the Anti-Dumping Act of 1999 (e.g. Predatory Pricing and Anti-
Dumping duties can co-exist, despite sharing the element of selling below cost).
Sec. 6. Non-Preferential Treatment. — The Government shall observe the following policy
measures and limitations, with respect to government corporations:
(a) The Government shall see to it that government corporations observe judicious restraint
in the exercise of their quasi-judicial, adjudicatory authority or regulatory functions,
especially in areas where they compete with the private sector, to allow the latter to
operate under a regime of less restrictions and to encourage fair competition; except when
the performance of regulatory functions is absolutely necessary in the pursuit of the
national interest and security.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
*AOG – Labor and collective bargaining is excluded by reason of public policy. However, such
exemption does not apply if the agreements are not solely for purposes of collective bargaining.
*AOG - Exception: Provided, That, these associations shall not in any way be used to justify any
violation of this Act: Provided, however, That it shall not be illegal to use the association as a forum
to discuss or promote quality standards, efficiency, safety, security, productivity, competitiveness
and other matters of common interest involving the industry: Provided, further, That such is done
without any anti-competitive intent or effect.
Key Points:
- Quasi-Judicial Body.
- Independent Agency.
- Attached Agency to the Office of the President
- Office for Competition under the Department of Justice created under EO 45 still exists
with power modified. (*AAG – This refers to Section 13. Office for Competition (OFC),
Powers and Functions. The OFC under the Department of Justice (DOJ-OFC) shall only
conduct preliminary investigation and undertake prosecution of all criminal offenses arising
under this Act and other competition-related laws in accordance with Section 31 of Chapter
VI of this Act. The OFC shall be reorganized and allocated resources as may be required
therefor to effectively pursue such mandate.)
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
of the Philippines, of good moral character, of recognized probity and independence and must have
distinguished themselves professionally in public, civic or academic service in any of the following
fields: economics, law, finance, commerce or engineering. They must have been in the active
practice of their professions for at least ten (10) years, and must not have been candidates for any
elective national or local office in the immediately preceding elections, whether regular or special:
Provided, That at least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years of
experience in the active practice of law, and at least one (1) shall be an economist. The Chairperson
and the Commissioners who shall have the rank equivalent of cabinet secretary and undersecretary,
respectively, shall be appointed by the President.
Section 7. Term of Office. – The term of office of the Chairperson and the Commissioners shall be
seven (7) years without reappointment. Of the first set of appointees, the Chairperson shall hold
office for seven (7) years and of the first four (4) Commissioners, two (2) shall hold office for a term
of seven (7) years and two (2) for a term of five (5) years. In case a vacancy occurs before the
expiration of the term of office, the appointment to such vacancy shall only be for the unexpired
term of the predecessor.
The Chairperson and the Commissioners shall enjoy security of tenure and shall not be suspended
or removed from office except for just cause as provided by law.
Key Points
- Chairperson and four (4) Commissioners.
- Fields: economics, law, finance, commerce or engineering.
- At least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years of
experience in the active practice of law
- At least one (1) shall be an economist
- Term: seven (7) years, fixed term
- Quorum: three (3); required votes: three (3)
(a) Conduct inquiry, investigate, and hear and decide on cases involving any violation of this Act and
other existing competition laws motu proprio or upon receipt of a verified complaint from an
interested party or upon referral by the concerned regulatory agency, and institute the appropriate
civil or criminal proceedings;
(b) Review proposed mergers and acquisitions, determine thresholds for notification, determine the
requirements and procedures for notification, and upon exercise of its powers to review, prohibit
mergers and acquisitions that will substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen competition in the
relevant market;
(c) Monitor and undertake consultation with stakeholders and affected agencies for the purpose of
understanding market behavior;
(d) Upon finding, based on substantial evidence, that an entity has entered into an anti-competitive
agreement or has abused its dominant position after due notice and hearing, stop or redress the
same, by applying remedies, such as, but not limited to, issuance of injunctions, requirement of
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
divestment, and disgorgement of excess profits under such reasonable parameters that shall be
prescribed by the rules and regulations implementing this Act;
(e) Conduct administrative proceedings, impose sanctions, fines or penalties for any noncompliance
with or breach of this Act and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) and punish for contempt;
(f) Issue subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testificandum to require the production of books,
records, or other documents or data which relate to any matter relevant to the investigation and
personal appearance before the Commission, summon witnesses, administer oaths, and issue
interim orders such as show cause orders and cease and desist orders after due notice and hearing
in accordance with the rules and regulations implementing this Act;
(g) Upon order of the court, undertake inspections of business premises and other offices, land and
vehicles, as used by the entity, where it reasonably suspects that relevant books, tax records, or
other documents which relate to any matter relevant to the investigation are kept, in order to
prevent the removal, concealment, tampering with, or destruction of the books, records, or other
(h) Issue adjustment or divestiture orders including orders for corporate reorganization or
divestment in the manner and under such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the rules
and regulations implementing this Act. Adjustment or divestiture orders, which are structural
remedies, should only be imposed:
(2) Where any equally effective behavioral remedy would be more burdensome for the
enterprise concerned than the structural remedy. Changes to the structure of an enterprise
as it existed before the infringement was committed would only be proportionate to the
substantial risk of a lasting or repeated infringement that derives from the very structure of
the enterprise;
(i) Deputize any and all enforcement agencies of the government or enlist the aid and support of
any private institution, corporation, entity or association, in the implementation of its powers and
(j) Monitor compliance by the person or entities concerned with the cease and desist order or
consent judgment;
(k) Issue advisory opinions and guidelines on competition matters for the effective enforcement of
this Act and submit annual and special reports to Congress, including proposed legislation for the
regulation of commerce, trade, or industry;
(l) Monitor and analyze the practice of competition in markets that affect the Philippine economy;
implement and oversee measures to promote transparency and accountability; and ensure that
prohibitions and requirements of competition laws are adhered to;
(m) Conduct, publish, and disseminate studies and reports on anti-competitive conduct and
agreements to inform and guide the industry and consumers;
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Exchange Commission, the Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Telecommunications
(o) Assist the National Economic and Development Authority, in consultation with relevant
agencies and sectors, in the preparation and formulation of a national competition policy;
(p) Act as the official representative of the Philippine government in international competition
(q) Promote capacity building and the sharing of best practices with other competition-related
(1) Reviewing economic and administrative regulations, motu proprio or upon request, as to
whether or not they adversely affect relevant market competition, and advising the concerned
agencies against such regulations; and
(2) Advising the Executive Branch on the competitive implications of government actions, policies
and programs; and
(s) Charging reasonable fees to defray the administrative cost of the services rendered.
Key Points
(a) Conduct inquiry, investigate, and hear and decide on cases involving any violation of this Act and
other existing competition laws (Sec. 33)
*AOG – This is the investigatory power of the PCC. Note that other existing competition laws
include laws such as EPIRA.
(b) Review proposed M&As, determine notification thresholds, requirements and procedures, and
prohibit M&As that will substantially lessen competition in the relevant market
(c) Monitor and undertake consultation with stakeholders and affected agencies
(e) Conduct administrative proceedings, impose sanctions, fines or penalties for noncompliance
with the PCA and its IRR (Sec. 33)
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(f) Issue subpoena to require the production of documents relating to any matter relevant to
investigation and personal appearance before the Commission (Sec. 33)
(g) Undertake inspections of business premises and other offices, land, vehicles
(i) Deputize enforcement agencies of the government or enlist the aid of private agencies
(j) Monitor compliance of person or entities concerned with the cease and desist order or consent
(l) Monitor and analyze the practice of competition in markets affecting the Philippine economy and
implement measures to promote accountability and ensure the PCA is adhered to
(o) Assist the NEDA in the preparation and formulation of a national competition policy
(p) Act as the official representative of the Philippine government in international competition
(q) Promote capacity building and the sharing of best practices with other competition-related
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(s) Charging reasonable fees to defray the administrative cost of services rendered
Where appropriate, the Commission and the sector regulators shall work together to issue rules and
regulations to promote competition, protect consumers, and prevent abuse of market power by
dominant players within their respective sectors.
Q. Describe the rule with respect to injunctions and TROs against the acts of the PCC?
A. Section 47. Prohibition on the Issuance of Temporary Restraining Orders, Preliminary Injunctions
and Preliminary Mandatory Injunctions. — Except for the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court,
no other court shall issue any temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or preliminary
mandatory injunction against the Commission in the exercise of its duties or functions: Provided,
That, this prohibition shall apply in all cases, disputes or controversies instituted by a private party,
including, but not limited to, cases filed by entities or those claiming to have rights through such
entities: Provided, however, That, this prohibition shall not apply when the matter is of extreme
urgency involving a constitutional issue, such that the non-issuance of a temporary restraining order
will result in grave injustice and irreparable injury to the public: Provided, further, That, the
applicant shall file a bond, in an amount to be fixed by the Court, but in no case shall it exceed
twenty percent (20%) of the imposable fines provided for under Chapter VI, Section 29 of this Act:
Provided, finally, That in the event that the court finally decides that the applicant was not entitled
to the relief applied for, the bond shall accrue in favor of the Commission.
Any temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or preliminary mandatory injunction issued
in violation of this section is void and of no force and effect. Any judge who violates this section
shall be penalized by suspension of at least one (1) year without pay in addition to other criminal,
civil or administrative penalties.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Horizontal Agreements – exist between firms (suppliers or consumers) at the same level of
production chain. This is often referred to as collusion. Collusion usually takes the form of an
agreement on price, such a combination of firms provides them with a degree of pricing power, or in
other words, the ability to at least influence the price of a good.
Vertical Agreements – may vary where firms at different stages of the production chain collude. In
most cases, vertical collusion occurs between suppliers and users of business inputs. This may relate
to price or other matters (i.e. quotas, exclusive dealings, etc.).
(a) The following agreements, between or among competitors, are per se prohibited:
(2) Fixing price at an auction or in any form of bidding including cover bidding, bid
suppression, bid rotation and market allocation and other analogous practices of bid
(b) The following agreements, between or among competitors which have the object or
effect of substantially preventing, restricting or lessening competition shall be prohibited:
(2) Dividing or sharing the market, whether by volume of sales or purchases, territory, type
of goods or services, buyers or sellers or any other means;
(c) Agreements other than those specified in (a) and (b) of this section which have the
object or effect of substantially preventing, restricting or lessening competition shall also be
prohibited: Provided, Those which contribute to improving the production or distribution of
goods and services or to promoting technical or economic progress, while allowing
consumers a fair share of the resulting benefits, may not necessarily be deemed a violation
of this Act.
An entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another entity or entities,
have common economic interests, and are not otherwise able to decide or act independently of
each other, shall not be considered competitors for purposes of this section.
*AOG – Per se violations are also known as ‘Hardcore’ Violations or ‘Hardcore Cartels’. The word
cartel can refer to either the association, or the anti-competitive agreement. (Department of Justice
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Circular 005 Series of 2015) Note that some cartels are immune to the effects of competition law. A
cartel made of States, such as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), is
immune to the PCA, despite its extraterritorial effect.
When the entities involved are juridical persons, the penalty of imprisonment shall be imposed on
its officers, directors, or employees holding managerial positions, who are knowingly and willfully
responsible for such violation.
*AOG – This means that if two entities are covered by this doctrine, they cannot commit any of the
violations under Section 14, which requires the entities to be ‘Competitors’.
Q. What steps are followed/factors are looked at in order to determine violations of the PCA?
A. Section 26. Determination of Anti-Competitive Agreement or Conduct. – In determining
whether anti-competitive agreement or conduct has been committed, the Commission shall:
(a) Define the relevant market allegedly affected by the anti-competitive agreement or
conduct, following the principles laid out in Section 24 of this Chapter;
(b) Determine if there is actual or potential adverse impact on competition in the relevant
market caused by the alleged agreement or conduct, and if such impact is substantial and
outweighs the actual or potential efficiency gains that result from the agreement or
(d) Balance the need to ensure that competition is not prevented or substantially restricted
and the risk that competition efficiency, productivity, innovation, or development of priority
areas or industries in the general interest of the country may be deterred by overzealous or
undue intervention; and
(e) Assess the totality of evidence on whether it is more likely than not that the entity has
engaged in anti-competitive agreement or conduct including whether the entity’s conduct
was done with a reasonable commercial purpose such as but not limited to phasing out of a
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(1) A relevant product market comprises all those goods and/or services which are regarded
as interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer or the customer, by reason of the
goods and/or services’ characteristics, their prices and their intended use; and
(2) The relevant geographic market comprises the area in which the entity concerned is
involved in the supply and demand of goods and services, in which the conditions of
competition are sufficiently homogenous and which can be distinguished from neighboring
areas because the conditions of competition are different in those areas.
*AOG – The relevant market is the one considered for purposes of determining: i) Whether or not
an Entity is dominant, and ii) whether or not there will be a substantial lessening of competition.
The act of determining the relevant market is known as ‘Market Definition’.
*AOG – Note that ‘Price-fixing’ is being used here as an umbrella term for all §14 (a) (1) offenses. In
point of fact, not all such offenses need to pertain to price; it is sufficient if it refers to components
thereof, or other terms of trade.
Q. What is the standard of proof required to prove anti-competitive agreements in the PCA?
A. Standard of proof: Substantial Evidence “that amount of relevant evidence that a reasonable
mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion”
Q. What is Price Fixing?
A. Price Fixing as a violation is punished by Section 14 (a) (1) of the Philippine Competition Act, as
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. To understand Price Fixing, we must first understand how the competition law defines an
‘agreement.’ The Definition of Terms of the Competition Law state that an agreement is:
(b) Agreement refers to any type or form of contract, arrangement, understanding, collective
recommendation, or concerted action, whether formal or informal, explicit or tacit, written or oral.
*AOG – Agreement includes Gentleman’s Agreement, and other agreement which are not legally
binding, including signaling.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. In bid rotation schemes, all conspirators submit bids but take turns being the low bidder. The
terms of the rotation may vary; for example, competitors may take turns on contracts according to
the size of the contract, allocating equal amounts to each conspirator or allocating volumes that
correspond to the size of each conspirator company. A strict bid rotation pattern defies the law of
chance and suggests collusion is taking place.
Example - Instead of selling soda in both Makati and Quezon City, Company A and Company B
agreed to divide territories between themselves and cease production in the other area in order to
charge higher prices.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(a) The share of the entity in the relevant market and whether it is able to fix prices
unilaterally or to restrict supply in the relevant market;
(b) The existence of barriers to entry and the elements which could foreseeably alter both
said barriers and the supply from competitors;
(d) The possibility of access by its competitors or other entities to its sources of inputs;
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
The Commission shall from time to time determine and publish the threshold for dominant position
or minimum level of share in the relevant market that could give rise to a presumption of dominant
position. In such determination, the Commission would consider the structure of the relevant
market, degree of integration, access to end-users, technology and financial resources, and other
factors affecting the control of a market, as provided in subsections (a) to (g) of this section
ii. The facility exhibits natural monopoly characteristics. Ex: electricity grids, rail
infrastructure, roads, port facilities, pipelines and telecom network.
Typically, natural monopolies have the following features: (1) large development and start-up costs;
and (2) economies of scale, i.e., as output is increased, the average cost per unit output declines.
Natural monopoly is an outcome of the size of the market and the type of technology available to
meet demand. It is not a market structure, rather a cost-minimizing method of production.
AOG – Note that both the essential facilities doctrine and natural monopoly principle are not
necessarily ‘defenses’ under the competition law, rather, industries which exhibit these
characteristics are subject to special scrutiny because the nature of their operations may simulate
effects of abuse of dominance.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. SEC. 15. Abuse of Dominant Position. – It shall be prohibited for one or more entities to abuse
their dominant position by engaging in conduct that would substantially prevent, restrict or lessen
AOG – Note, all these violations require the entity to be ‘dominant’. However, not all PCA violations
require dominance. Section 14 violations do not require dominance. A good observation here is that
Section 14 violations require at least two competitors, while Section 15 may be violated by a single
dominant entity or a group of entities exercising collective dominance.
(a) Selling goods or services below cost with the object of driving competition out of the relevant
market: Provided, That in the Commission’s evaluation of this fact, it shall consider whether the
entity or entities have no such object and the price established was in good faith to meet or
compete with the lower price of a competitor in the same market selling the same or comparable
product or service of like quality;
(b) Imposing barriers to entry or committing acts that prevent competitors from growing within the
market in an anti-competitive manner except those that develop in the market as a result of or
arising from a superior product or process, business acumen, or legal rights or laws;
(c) Making a transaction subject to acceptance by the other parties of other obligations which, by
their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the transaction;
(d) Setting prices or other terms or conditions that discriminate unreasonably between customers
or sellers of the same goods or services, where such customers or sellers are contemporaneously
trading on similar terms and conditions, where the effect may be to lessen competition
Provided, that the following shall be considered permissible price differentials:
(1) Socialized pricing for the less fortunate sector of the economy;
(2) Price differential which reasonably or approximately reflect differences in the cost of
manufacture, sale, or delivery resulting from differing methods, technical conditions, or
quantities in which the goods or services are sold or delivered to the buyers or sellers;
(3) Price differential or terms of sale offered in response to the competitive price of
payments, services or changes in the facilities furnished by a competitor; and
(4) Price changes in response to changing market conditions, marketability of goods or
services, or volume;
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(e) Imposing restrictions on the lease or contract for sale or trade of goods or services concerning
where, to whom, or in what forms goods or services may be sold or traded, such as fixing prices,
giving preferential discounts or rebate upon such price, or imposing conditions not to deal with
competing entities, where the object or effect of the restrictions is to prevent, restrict or lessen
competition substantially: Provided, That nothing contained in this Act shall prohibit or render
(f) Making supply of particular goods or services dependent upon the purchase of other goods or
services from the supplier which have no direct connection with the main goods or services to be
(g) Directly or indirectly imposing unfairly low purchase prices for the goods or services of, among
others, marginalized agricultural producers, fisherfolk, micro-, small-, medium-scale enterprises,
and other marginalized service providers and producers;
AOG – Also known as “Predatory purchase pricing”. Note that the enumeration is not exclusive, but
under the principle of ejusdem generis, this form of abuse of dominance must be committed against
a group experiencing some form of disadvantage or marginalization.
(h) Directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling price on their competitors, customers,
suppliers or consumers, provided that prices that develop in the market as a result of or due to a
superior product or process, business acumen or legal rights or laws shall not be considered unfair
prices; and
AOG – Also known as “Predatory selling pricing”. Note that the offended party need not be a
marginalized entity or sector.
Example - Company A is a dominant soda producer in Quezon City. Company B is a new player in
the market Company A prices sodas below cost and incurs losses for a significant period to force
B out of the market Unable to compete, Company B stops operations and exits the market.
Company A raises price of sodas afterwards
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(i) Limiting production, markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers, provided
that limitations that develop in the market as a result of or due to a superior product or process,
business acumen or legal rights or laws shall not be a violation of this Act:
This act is not per se illegal, rather what makes the act illegal is the intent behind it, which is the
object of driving competition out of the relevant market.
Secondary boycotts occur when a group of people who may not otherwise deal with the target
organization persuade another uninvolved (supplier) not to deal with the target organization.
Q. What is “Bundling”?
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. Bundling is the practice of including a product or service with the purchase of another product or
services. This can be either in the form of freely including the second product, or making the sale of
the first product dependent on likewise purchasing the second product. Usually this practice occurs
when the primary product is dominant, and the bundled product is not. The aim of this type of act is
to lock-in customers into using the bundled good.
*AOG – The standard test for predatory pricing in this jurisdiction is the Areeda-Turner test.
Predatory pricing means selling or offering to sell any product at a price below the average variable
cost for the purpose of destroying competition, eliminating a competitor or discouraging a
competitor from entering the market. (Tatad v. Garcia, 1997).
Example - Company A and Company B can each produce 100 bottles of soda in their respective
factories and sell all produced output to soda drinkers in Quezon City. The price of each bottle is
PhP 80.00. To create artificial scarcity of soda in QC for April and May, Company A and Company B
agreed to sell only half of their output to the market and keep the other half in their respective
warehouses to increase prices.
Selling below cost The price established was in good faith to
meet or compete with the lower price of a
competitor in the same market selling the
same or comparable product or service of
like quality.1
Imposing barriers to entry or competition growth The barriers to entry developed in the
hindrance market as a result of or arising from a
superior product or process, business
acumen, or legal rights or laws.2
Subjecting commercial transactions to Must substantially prevent, restrict or
conditions unrelated to a commercial purpose lessen competition.3
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Price and/or market discrimination Socialized pricing for the less fortunate
sector of the economy; price differential
which reasonably or approximately reflect
differences in the cost of manufacture,
sale, or delivery resulting from differing
methods, technical conditions, or
quantities in which the goods or services
are sold or delivered to the buyers or
sellers; price differential or terms of sale
offered in response to the competitive
price of payments, services or changes in
the facilities furnished by a competitor; and
price changes in response to changing
market conditions, marketability of goods
or services, or volume.4
Exclusivity arrangements Permissible franchising, licensing, exclusive
merchandising or exclusive distributorship
agreements such as those which give each
party the right to unilaterally terminate the
agreement; or
Agreements protecting intellectual
property rights, confidential information,
or trade secrets. 5
Bundling If the goods have a direct connection with
the main goods or services to be supplied.6
Predatory purchase pricing Prices must be unfairly low.7
Predatory selling pricing Prices that develop in the market as a
result of or due to a superior product or
process, business acumen or legal rights or
laws shall not be considered unfair prices.8
Output restriction Limitations that develop in the market as a
result of or due to a superior product or
process, business acumen or legal rights or
laws shall not be a violation.9
Q. Distinguish between Mergers under the PCA and under the Corporation Code.
A. Distinction between Merger under the Corporation Code and under the Competition Act
A ‘merger’ or ‘acquisition’ as contemplated under the Philippine Competition Act does not strictly
refer to a merger or consolidation as found under the corporation code. Rather, it refers to any
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transaction that to serves to transfer control of an economic entity to another, or the joining of two
such entities into a single business medium.
AOG - Hence, note the definition of merger under Section 4 – J of the Competition Act, as opposed
to the Corporation Code’s Sec.76 definition:
(a) The concentration has brought about or is likely to bring about gains in efficiencies that
are greater than the effects of any limitation on competition that result or likely to result
from the merger or acquisition agreement (‘efficiency gain defense’); or
(b) A party to the merger or acquisition agreement is faced with actual or imminent
financial failure, and the agreement represents the least anti-competitive arrangement
among the known alternative uses for the failing entity’s assets (‘failing firm defense’).
Provided, That an entity shall not be prohibited from continuing to own and hold the stock
or other share capital or assets of another corporation which it acquired prior to the
approval of this Act or acquiring or maintaining its market share in a relevant market
through such means without violating the provisions of this Act (‘prior acquisition defense’):
Provided, further, That the acquisition of the stock or other share capital of one or more
corporations solely for investment and not used for voting or exercising control and not to
otherwise bring about, or attempt to bring about the prevention, restriction, or lessening of
competition in the relevant market shall not be prohibited (‘investment purpose defense’).
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Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. Section 23. Finality of Ridings on Mergers and Acquisitions. – Merger or acquisition agreements
that have received a favorable ruling from the Commission, except when such ruling was obtained
on the basis of fraud or false material information, may not be challenged under this Act.
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the SSNIP test to a candidate market of each product produced or sold by each of the merging
firms, assessing what would happen if a hypothetical monopolist of that product imposed at least a
SSNIP on that product, while the terms of sale of all other products remained constant.
If the hypothetical monopolist would not profitably impose such a price increase because of
substitution by customers to other products, the candidate market is not a relevant product market
by itself. The Commission then adds to the product group the product that is the next-best
substitute for the merging firm’s product and apply the SSNIP test to a candidate market of the
expanded product group. This process continues until a group of products is identified such that a
hypothetical monopolist supplying the product(s) would be able to exercise market power and
profitably impose a SSNIP in the candidate market. The relevant product market generally will be
the smallest group of products that satisfies this test. (PCC Merger Review Guidelines 5.10)
Q. What is Gun-Jumping?
A. Gun Jumping is the consummation of a merger without prior notification to the PCC, or if such
notification is filed, without waiting for the requisite clearance from the Mergers and Acquisitions
State of Play meetings may be conducted in the form of meetings at the Commission’s premises, or
alternatively, if appropriate, by telephone or videoconference. In order for the meetings to operate
properly they should be carefully prepared on the basis of an agenda agreed in advance. Further,
senior DG Competition management will normally chair the meetings. (DG Competition Best
Practices on the conduct of EC merger proceeding)
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. Pursuant to its authority under the Philippine Competition Act, the PCC has promulgated the
guidelines for determination of whether a transaction is covered in the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the PCA.
Section 5 of Rule 4 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Competition
Act lays down the notification process as follows:
(c) The parties may notify, on the basis of a binding preliminary agreement in
any form, such as a memorandum of agreement, term sheet, or letter of intent.
Each of the acquired and acquiring entities must submit an affidavit with their
Forms, attesting to the fact that a binding preliminary agreement has been
executed and that each party has an intention of completing the proposed
transaction in good faith.
(d) Both the certification and the affidavit must be notarized or otherwise
(e) Except as described below, the waiting period begins after all notifying
entities have filed their respective Forms, together with the corresponding
certifications and affidavits, and have been notified by the Commission that the
Forms are complete.
(1) In voting securities acquisitions, such as tender offers, third party and open
market transactions, in which the acquiring entity proposes to buy voting securities
from shareholders of the acquired entity, rather than from the entity itself:
i. the acquiring entity is required to serve notice on the issuer of those shares
to ensure the acquired entity is aware of its reporting obligation;
only the acquiring entity must submit an affidavit. The acquiring entity must state in
the affidavit that it has an intention of completing the proposed transaction in good
faith, and that it has served notice on the acquired entity as to its potential
reporting obligations (and in tender offers, the acquiring entity also must affirm
that the intention to make the tender offer has been publicly announced); and
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iii. the waiting period begins after the acquiring entity files a complete Form.
(f) Upon submission of the Form, the Commission shall determine within
fifteen (15) days whether the Form and other relevant requirements have been
completed in accordance with applicable rules or guidelines, and shall inform the
parties of other information and/or documents it may have failed to supply, or issue
a notice to the parties that the notification is sufficient for purposes of commencing
Phase I review of the merger or acquisition.
(g) The waiting period under this Section shall commence only upon the
Commission’s determination that the notification has been completed in
accordance with applicable rules and guidelines.
(h) Within thirty (30) days from commencing Phase I review, the Commission
shall, if necessary, inform the parties of the need for a more comprehensive and
detailed analysis of the merger or acquisition under a Phase II review, and request
other information and/or documents that are relevant to its review.
(i) The issuance of the request under the immediately preceding paragraph has the
effect of extending the period within which the agreement may not be consummated for an
additional sixty (60) days. The additional sixty (60) day period shall begin on the day
after the request for information is received by the parties; Provided, that, in no case shall
the total period for review by the Commission of the subject agreement exceed ninety (90)
days from the time the initial Provided further, that should the parties fail to provide the
requested information within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the said request, the
notification shall be deemed expired and the parties must refile their notification.
Alternatively, should the parties wish to submit the requested information beyond the
fifteen (15) day period, the parties may request for an extension of time within which to
comply with the request for additional information, in which case, the period for review
shall be correspondingly extended.
(j) Parties to a proposed transaction under review shall inform the Commission of any
substantial modifications to the transaction. On the basis of the information provided, the
Commission shall determine if a new notification is required.
(k) Where notification of a transaction is not required, then the periods provided above
for the Commission to conclude its review shall not apply.
(l) The Commission, in its discretion, may terminate a waiting period prior to its
(m) When either waiting period set out ends on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the
waiting period is extended until the next business day.
(n) When the above periods have expired and no decision has been promulgated for
whatever reason, the merger or acquisition shall be deemed approved and the parties may
proceed to implement or consummate it.
(o) All notices, documents, and information provided to or emanating from the
Commission under Sections 4 and 5 of this Rule shall be subject to the confidentiality rule
under Section 34 of the Act and Section 13 of this Rule, except for the purpose of enforcing
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the Act or these Rules, or when the release of information contained therein is with the
consent of the notifying entity or is mandatorily required to be disclosed by law or by a valid
order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or of a government or regulatory agency,
including an exchange.
AOG – The UPE is the entity that is ultimately looked at for purposes of determining the proper
Notifying Group.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
De Facto control is acquisition of the whole or part of the assets of an entity also includes those
acquisitions which result in an entity being in a position to replace, or substantially replace, the
acquired entity in the business or in part of the relevant business, or allow an acquirer to build up a
market presence or develop market access within a reasonably short period of time
(a) For the acquiring entity, initially provide the specified information only
for the entities within its Notifying Group which operated in the same line
of business with the acquired entity and the entities it controls.
(b) For the acquiring entity, initially provide the specified information only
for the entities within its Notifying Group which were in a vertical
relationship in a market with the acquired entity and entities it controls.
(c) MAO may nevertheless require submission of information on the
entities within the Notifying Group of the acquired entity.
(d) For each overlapping lines of business, description of product(s) and/or
service(s) should be made per type of product or service and per brand (for
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(a) For the acquired entity, initially provide the specified information only
for the acquired entity and entities it controls which operated in the
same line of business with the acquiring entity and entities within its
Notifying Group.
(b) For the acquired entity, initially provide the specified information only
for the acquired entity and entities it controls which were in a vertical
relationship in a market with the acquiring entity and entities within its
Notifying Group.
(c) MAO may nevertheless require submission of information on the entities
within the Notifying Group of the acquired entity.
Q. What are the Thresholds for Compulsory Notification, and how are they Computed?
A. SECTION 3. Thresholds for compulsory notification.
Parties to a merger or acquisition are required to provide notification when:
AOG – Note that this has now been amended by Memorandum Circular No. 18-001. Said circular
has raised the new thresholds to P5 Billion for the Size of Person and P2 Billion for the Size of
Transaction as defined in the Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Note Further that there is now an automatic threshold adjustment proviso, with automatic
adjustment of the threshold every year beginning March 1, 2019 based on the official estimate of
the nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of the previous calendar year rounded up to the
nearest hundred millions.
(a) The aggregate annual gross revenues in, into or from the Philippines, or value of the assets
in the Philippines of the ultimate parent entity of at least one of the acquiring or acquired entities,
including that of all entities that the ultimate parent entity controls, directly or indirectly, exceeds
One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00).
Note: This is the annual gross revenue component of determining whether a merger is covered, and
should not be confused with the transaction value itself.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
(b) The value of the transaction exceeds One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00), as
determined in subsections (1), (2), (3) or (4), as the case may be.
AOG: This is the transaction threshold proper. What follows thereafter are the various
methods prescribed by the commission in determining whether the threshold is reached.
(1) With respect to a proposed merger or acquisition of assets in the Philippines if either
i. the aggregate value of the assets in the Philippines being acquired in the proposed
transaction exceeds One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00); or
Note: This is the asset value method, it looks into the value of the assets in question.
However, it will not be possible to circumvent the notification threshold by proposing a
consideration less than P1 billion because of the Philippine gross revenue method.
ii. the gross revenues generated in the Philippines by assets acquired in the Philippines exceed
One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00).
Note: This is the gross revenue within the Philippine method. Thus, even if the proposed
acquisition price of the assets concerned are less than the value threshold, they may still fall
under the revenue threshold.
(2) With respect to a proposed merger or acquisition of assets outside the Philippines, if
i. the aggregate value of the assets in the Philippines of the acquiring entity exceeds One
Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00); and
ii. the gross revenues generated in or into the Philippines by those assets acquired outside the
Philippines exceed One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00).
Note: In the case of mergers or acquisition of assets outside of the Philippines, the
Philippine Competition Commission is only concerned with the potential effects on
competition in the Philippines. Hence, the acquisition of assets outside the country with
aggregate value above the transaction threshold but without gross revenues meeting the
revenue threshold are not subject to compulsory notification. They may, however, be the
subject of voluntary notification.
(3) With respect to a proposed merger or acquisition of assets inside and outside the
Philippines, if
i. the aggregate value of the assets in the Philippines of the acquiring entity exceeds One
Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00); and
ii. the aggregate gross revenues generated in or into the Philippines by assets acquired in the
Philippines and any assets acquired outside the Philippines collectively exceed One Billion Pesos
Note: In this case, the concern is primarily the assets acquired in the Philippines or the acquisition of
assets outside the Philippines which are capable of generating revenue within the Philippines that
will meet the threshold amount.
(4) With respect to a proposed acquisition of (i) voting shares of a corporation or of (ii) an
interest in a non-corporate entity
i. If the aggregate value of the assets in the Philippines that are owned by the corporation or
non-corporate entity or by entities it controls, other than assets that are shares of any of those
corporations, exceed One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00); or
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
Note here that the concern is not the value of the voting shares or interest acquired, but the
value of the assets of the entity whose share are to be acquired, as well as any other entities
that entity may control.
ii. The gross revenues from sales in, into, or from the Philippines of the corporation or non-
corporate entity or by entities it controls, other than assets that are shares of any of those
corporations, exceed One Billion Pesos (PhP1,000,000,000.00);
Note here that the concern is now the acquisition of voting shares or an interest in a
corporation which is capable of generating revenue in the country meeting the threshold
amount, not only on its own but also of entities it controls.
iii. If
A. as a result of the proposed acquisition of the voting shares of a corporation, the entity or
entities acquiring the shares, together with their affiliates, would own voting shares of the
corporation that, in the aggregate, carry more than the following percentages of the votes attached
to all the corporation’s outstanding voting shares:
II. Fifty percent (50%), if the entity or entities acquiring the interest are already entitled to
receive more than the percentage set out in subsection I immediately above before the proposed
AOG: the reasoning for this restriction is that if the acquiring entity is entitled to obtain such
amount of profits, for competition purposes it is effectively obtaining the rewards of controlling the
acquired entity, even if strictly speaking such control is not present.
(c) Where an entity has already exceeded the 35% threshold for an acquisition of voting shares,
or the 35% threshold for an acquisition of an interest in a non-corporate entity, another notification
will be required if the same entity will exceed 50% threshold after making a further acquisition of
either voting shares or an interest in a non-corporate entity.
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Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
AOG: the rationale of this is two-fold. Firstly, it is to protect against an attempt to bypass the
notification requirement by means of a creeping acquisition. Secondly, it is possible that a 35%
acquisition may not substantially lessen competition, but that control of more than 50% will already
produce a substantial lessening of competition, which would be the case in markets which are more
concentrated or have fewer players.
The aggregate value of assets in the Philippines shall be based on the last regularly prepared
balance sheet or the most recent audited financial statements in which those assets are accounted
for. The gross revenues from sales of an entity shall be the amount stated on the last regularly
prepared annual statement of income and expense of that entity.10
For joint ventures, the value of assets that will be transferred into the joint venture shall be (i) that
as stated on the last regularly prepared balance sheet or the most recent audited financial
statements in which those assets are accounted for, or (ii) an independent valuation report,
whichever is higher. The value of assets for which agreements have been secured for the joint
venture to obtain shall be the transaction price as stated in such agreement.11
The value of the credit or obligations of the joint venture extended or guaranteed to such joint
venture shall be that as stated in the transaction document that provides for the extended credit or
guaranteed obligation.12
Q. What are the customary stages of a Merger for purposes of the PCA?
A. The Philippine Competition Commission has recognized the customary stages of a merger or
acquisition to be as follows:
Note: At this stage, notification is mandatory already upon the parties. Failure to notify at this point
will make the parties liable for gun jumping.
REVIEWER on the Philippine Competition Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
ii. Prior to the execution of the definitive agreement or agreements involving the Philippine
aspect of the merger or acquisition, where the merger or acquisition is a global transaction requiring
notification in multiple jurisdictions, i.e. three (3) or more jurisdictions outside the Philippines. The
terms and conditions of the global agreement or the most recent draft of the definitive agreement
or agreements relating to the Philippine aspect of the transaction, or both, where appropriate, shall
be the basis of the notification.
Q. What is the latest a notification may be made before an Entity will be held liable for Gun Jumping?
A. Parties must ensure that they notify within thirty (30) days from the signing of definitive
agreements relating to the transaction but prior to any acts of consummation (see Clarificatory
Note [“CN”] No. 16-001).
*AOG- Filing a notification within 30 days from signing but after the performance of acts of
consummation will not be a defense against charges of gun-jumping.
This has been denominated by the PCC in the Implementing Rules and Regulations as ‘Phase I’
Phase II Review
Should the Commission deem it necessary, it may request further information that are reasonably
necessary and directly relevant to the prohibition under Section 20 hereof from the parties to the
agreement before the expiration of the thirty (30)-day period referred. The issuance of such a
request has the effect of extending the period within which the agreement may not be
consummated for an additional sixty (60) days, beginning on the day after the request for
information is received by the parties: Provided, That, in no case shall the total period for review by
the Commission of the subject agreement exceed ninety (90) days from initial notification by the
This has been denominated by the PCC in the Implementing Rules and Regulations as ‘Phase II’
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Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. Yes. Section 45. Private Action. – Any person who suffers direct injury by reason of any violation
of this Act may institute a separate and independent civil action after the Commission has
completed the preliminary inquiry provided under Section 31.
Q. What is Leniency? Under what circumstances leniency may be granted to a violator of the PCA?
A. This is provided for in Section 35 of the PCA:
Sec. 35. Leniency Program. – The Commission shall develop a Leniency Program to be granted to
any entity in the form of immunity from suit or reduction of any fine which would otherwise be
imposed on a participant in an anti-competitive agreement as provided in Section 14(a) and 14(b) of
this Act in exchange for the voluntary disclosure of information regarding such an agreement which
satisfies specific criteria prior to or during the fact-finding or preliminary inquiry stage of the case.
Immunity from suit will be granted to an entity reporting illegal anti-competitive activity before a
fact-finding or preliminary inquiry has begun if the following conditions are met:
a) At the time the entity comes forward, the Commission has not received information
about the activity from any other source;
b) Upon the entity’s discovery of illegal activity, it took prompt and effective action to
terminate its participation therein;
c) The entity reports the wrongdoing with candor and completeness and provides full,
continuing, and complete cooperation throughout the investigation; and
d) The entity did not coerce another party to participate in the activity and clearly was
not the leader in, or the originator of, the activity.
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Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
A. Even after the Commission has received information about the illegal activity after a fact-finding
or preliminary inquiry has commenced, the reporting entity will be granted leniency, provided
preceding conditions (b) and (c) and the following additional requirements are complied with:
1) The entity is the first to come forward and qualify for leniency;
2) At the time the entity comes forward, the Commission does not have evidence
against the entity that is likely to result in a sustainable conviction; and
3) The Commission determines that granting leniency would not be unfair to others.
Such program shall include the immunity from any suit or charge of affected parties and third
parties, exemption, waiver, or gradation of fines and/or penalties giving precedence to the entity
submitting such evidence. An entity cooperating or furnishing information, document, or data to
the Commission in connection to an investigation being conducted shall not be subjected to any
form of reprisal or discrimination. Such reprisal or discrimination shall be considered a violation of
this Act subject to the sanctions provided in this Act.
Nothing in this section shall preclude prosecution for entities that report to the Commission false,
misleading, or malicious information, data or documents damaging to the business or integrity of
the entities under inquiry as a violation of said section. An entity found to have reported false,
misleading, or malicious information, data, or document may be penalized by a fine not less than
the penalty imposed in the section reported to have been violated by the entity complained of.
The DOJ-OFC may likewise grant leniency or immunity as provided in this section in the event that
there is already a preliminary investigation pending before it.
Q. Where are Criminal and Independent Civil Actions under the PCA filed?
A. Section 44. Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court. – The Regional Trial Court of the city or
province where the entity or any of the entities whose business act or conduct Constitutes the
subject matter of a case, conducts its principal place of business, shall have original and exclusive
jurisdiction, regardless of the penalties and fines herein imposed, of all criminal and civil cases
involving violations of this Act and other competition-related laws. If the defendant or anyone is
charged in the capacity of a director, officer, shareholder, employee, or agent of a corporation or
other juridical entity who knowingly and willfully authorized the commission of the offense
charged, the Regional Trial Court of the city or province where such corporation or juridical entity
conducts its principal place of business, shall have jurisdiction.
Q. What is Authorization?
A. Authorization – a mechanism through which the public benefit from ostensibly anti-competitive
conduct can be assessed as a counter balancing consideration. The process involved here is a direct
intervention or inquiry by a governing commission. Authorization implies that the commission can
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Written by Atty. Abraham Alonzo O. Guiyab
“authorize” certain conduct where there is a perceived net benefit to the community from
anticompetitive conduct. (Primer on Competition Policy)
AOG: In the Philippine Competition Act, our ‘authorization’ provision are the provisions on
The Commission’s order exempting the relevant entity or group of entities under this section shall
be made public. Conditions may be attached to the forbearance if the Commission deems it
appropriate to ensure the long-term interest of consumers.
In the event that the basis for the issuance of the exemption order ceases to be valid, the order may
be withdrawn by the Commission.
Provided, that forbearance will be granted for a maximum period of one year. Any extension to the
period will have to be expressly approved by the Commission. Any extension of the duration of an
exemption shall not be longer than one year.
The majority errs on the following points relating to forbearance. First, nowhere does it state in
Section 28 of the Act that forbearance must be at the instance of the parties. The law is clear.
Second, the Act does not limit application of forbearance to Sections 14 and 15. While the law is
clear. The basis for the majority's reference to the Commission making a position to the contrary is
unclear. Third, the Act does not impose a timing requirement on the initiation of forbearance
*AOG- It appears the minority view is the correct view. Other jurisdictions have allowed
forbearance with respect to violations of notification rules. (Securities Offering Reform, Securities Act
Release No. 33-8591, 70 Fed. Reg. 44722 (Aug.3,2005).)