Church-Turing Thesis

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Church–Turing thesis

In computability theory, the Church–Turing thesis (also known as computability thesis,[1] the Turing–Church thesis,[2] the
Church–Turing conjecture, Church's thesis, Church's conjecture, and Turing's thesis) is a hypothesis about the nature of
computable functions. It states that a function on the natural numbers is computable by a human being following an algorithm,
ignoring resource limitations, if and only if it is computable by a Turing machine. The thesis is named after American mathematician
Alonzo Church and the British mathematician Alan Turing. Before the precise definition of computable function, mathematicians
often used the informal term effectively calculable to describe functions that are computable by paper-and-pencil methods. In the
1930s, several independent attempts were made toformalize the notion of computability:

In 1933, Austrian-American mathematicianKurt Gödel, with Jacques Herbrand, created a formal definition of a class
called general recursive functions. The class of general recursive functions is the smallest class of functions
(possibly with more than one argument) which includes allconstant functions, projections, the successor function,
and which is closed underfunction composition, recursion, and minimization.
In 1936, Alonzo Church created a method for defining functions called theλ-calculus. Within λ-calculus, he defined
an encoding of the natural numbers called theChurch numerals. A function on the natural numbers is calledλ-
computable if the corresponding function on the Church numerals can be represented by a term of the λ-calculus.
Also in 1936, before learning of Church's work,Alan Turing created a theoretical model for machines, now called
Turing machines, that could carry out calculations from inputs by manipulating symbols on a tape. Given a suitable
encoding of the natural numbers as sequences of symbols, a function on the natural numbers is called Turing
computable if some Turing machine computes the corresponding function on encoded natural numbers.
Church[3] and Turing[4] proved that these three formally defined classes of computable functions coincide: a function is λ-computable
if and only if it is Turing computable if and only if it is general recursive. This has led mathematicians and computer scientists to
believe that the concept of computability is accurately characterized by these three equivalent processes. Other formal attempts to
characterize computability have subsequently strengthened this belief (seebelow).

On the other hand, the Church–Turing thesis states that the above three formally-defined classes of computable functions coincide
with the informal notion of an effectively calculable function. Since, as an informal notion, the concept of effective calculability does
not have a formal definition, the thesis, although it has near
-universal acceptance, cannot be formally proven.

Since its inception, variations on the original thesis have arisen, including statements about what can physically be realized by a
computer in our universe (physical Church-Turing thesis) and what can be efficiently computed (Church–Turing thesis (complexity
theory)). These variations are not due to Church or Turing, but arise from later work in complexity theory and digital physics. The
thesis also has implications for thephilosophy of mind (see below).

Statement in Church's and Turing's words
Circa 1930–1952
Later developments
The thesis as a definition
Success of the thesis
Informal usage in proofs
Philosophical implications
Non-computable functions
See also
External links

Statement in Church's and Turing's words

J. B. Rosser (1939) addresses the notion of "effective computability" as follows: "Clearly the existence of CC and RC (Church's and
Rosser's proofs) presupposes a precise definition of 'effective'. 'Effective method' is here used in the rather special sense of a method
each step of which is precisely predetermined and which is certain to produce the answer in a finite number of steps".[5] Thus the
adverb-adjective "effective" is used in a sense of "1a: producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect", and "capable of producing a

In the following, the words "effectively calculable" will mean "produced by any intuitively 'effective' means whatsoever" and
"effectively computable" will mean "produced by a Turing-machine or equivalent mechanical device". Turing's "definitions" given in
a footnote in his 1939 Ph.D. thesisSystems of Logic Based on Ordinals, supervised by Church, are virtually the same:

† We shall use the expression "computable function" to mean a function calculable by a machine, and let "effectively
calculable" refer to the intuitive idea without particular identification with any one of these definitions.

The thesis can be stated as:Every effectively calculable function is a computable function

Turing stated it this way:

It was stated ... that "a function is effectively calculable if its values can be found by some purely mechanical
process". We may take this literally, understanding that by a purely mechanical process one which could be carried
out by a machine. The development ... leads to ... an identification of computability† with effective calculability. [† is
the footnote quoted above.][8]

One of the important problems for logicians in the 1930s was David Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem, which asked whether there was
a mechanical procedure for separating mathematical truths from mathematical falsehoods. This quest required that the notion of
"algorithm" or "effective calculability" be pinned down, at least well enough for the quest to begin.[10] But from the very outset
Alonzo Church's attempts began with a debate that continues to this day.[11] Was the notion of "effective calculability" to be (i) an
"axiom or axioms" in an axiomatic system, or (ii) merely a definition that "identified" two or more propositions, or (iii) an empirical
hypothesis to be verified by observation of natural events, or (iv) or justa proposal for the sake of argument (i.e. a "thesis").

Circa 1930–1952
In the course of studying the problem, Church and his student Stephen Kleene introduced the notion of λ-definable functions, and
they were able to prove that several large classes of functions frequently encountered in number theory were λ-definable.[12] The
debate began when Church proposed to Gödel that one should define the "effectively computable" functions as the λ-definable
functions. Gödel, however, was not convinced and called the proposal "thoroughly unsatisfactory".[13] Rather, in correspondence
with Church (c. 1934–35), Gödel proposed axiomatizing the notion of "effective calculability"; indeed, in a 1935 letter to Kleene,
Church reported that:

His [Gödel's] only idea at the time was that it might be possible, in terms of effective calculability as an undefined
notion, to state a set of axioms which would embody the generally accepted properties of this notion, and to do
something on that basis.[14]
But Gödel offered no further guidance. Eventually, he would suggest his recursion, modified by Herbrand's suggestion, that Gödel
had detailed in his 1934 lectures in Princeton NJ (Kleene and Rosser transcribed the notes). But he did not think that the two ideas
could be satisfactorily identified "except heuristically".

Next, it was necessary to identify and prove the equivalence of two notions of effective calculability. Equipped with the λ-calculus
and "general" recursion, Stephen Kleene with help of Church and J. Barkley Rosser produced proofs (1933, 1935) to show that the
two calculi are equivalent. Church subsequently modified his methods to include use of Herbrand–Gödel recursion and then proved
(1936) that the Entscheidungsproblem is unsolvable: there is no generalized algorithm that can determine whether a well formed
formula has a "normal form".[16]

Many years later in a letter to Davis (c. 1965), Gödel said that "he was, at the time of these [1934] lectures, not at all convinced that
[17] By 1963–64 Gödel would disavow Herbrand–Gödel recursion and the
his concept of recursion comprised all possible recursions".
λ-calculus in favor of the Turing machine as the definition of "algorithm" or "mechanical procedure" or "formal system".

A hypothesis leading to a natural law?: In late 1936 Alan Turing's paper (also proving that the Entscheidungsproblem is
unsolvable) was delivered orally, but had not yet appeared in print.[19] On the other hand, Emil Post's 1936 paper had appeared and
was certified independent of Turing's work.[20] Post strongly disagreed with Church's "identification" of effective computability with
the λ-calculus and recursion, stating:

Actually the work already done by Church and others carries this identification considerably beyond the working
hypothesis stage. But to mask this identification under a definition… blinds us to the need of its continual

Rather, he regarded the notion of "effective calculability" as merely a "working hypothesis" that might lead by inductive reasoning to
a "natural law" rather than by "a definition or an axiom".[22] This idea was "sharply" criticized by Church.[23]

Thus Post in his 1936 paper was also discounting Kurt Gödel's suggestion to Church in 1934–35 that the thesis might be expressed as
an axiom or set of axioms.[14]

Turing adds another definition, Rosser equates all three: Within just a short time, Turing's 1936–37 paper "On Computable
Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem"[19] appeared. In it he stated another notion of "effective computability"
with the introduction of his a-machines (now known as the Turing machine abstract computational model). And in a proof-sketch
added as an "Appendix" to his 1936–37 paper,Turing showed that the classes of functions definedby λ-calculus and Turing machines
coincided.[24] Church was quick to recognise how compelling Turing's analysis was. In his review of Turing's paper he made clear
that Turing's notion made "the identification with effectiveness in the ordinary (not explicitly defined) sense evident

In a few years (1939) Turing would propose, like Church and Kleene before him, that his formal definition of mechanical computing
agent was the correct one.[26] Thus, by 1939, both Church (1934) and Turing (1939) had individually proposed that their "formal
systems" should be definitions of "effective calculability";[27] neither framed their statements astheses.

Rosser (1939) formally identified the three notions-as-definitions:

All three definitions are equivalent, so it does not matter which one is used.

Kleene proposes Church's Thesis: This left the overt expression of a "thesis" to Kleene. In his 1943 paper Recursive Predicates and
Quantifiers Kleene proposed his "THESIS I":

This heuristic fact [general recursive functions are effectively calculable] ... led Church to state the following
thesis(22). The same thesis is implicit in Turing's description of computing machines(23).
THESIS I. Every effectively calculable function (effectively decidable predicate) is general[29]
recursive [Kleene's italics]

Since a precise mathematical definition of the term effectively calculable (effectively decidable) has been wanting,
we can take this thesis ... as a definition of it ...[30]

(22) references Church 1936;(23) references Turing 1936–7 Kleene goes on to note that:

the thesis has the character of an hypothesis—a point emphasized by Post and by Church(24). If we consider the
thesis and its converse as definition, then the hypothesis is an hypothesis about the application of the mathematical
theory developed from the definition. For the acceptance of the hypothesis, there are, as we have suggested, quite
compelling grounds.[30]

(24) references Post 1936 of Post and Church's Formal definitions in the theory of ordinal numbers, Fund. Math. vol 28 (1936)
pp.11–21 (see ref. #2, Davis 1965:286).

Kleene's Church–Turing Thesis: A few years later (1952) Kleene, who switched from presenting his work in the mathematical
terminology of the lambda calculus of his phd advisor Alonzo Church to the theory of general recursive functions of his other teacher
Kurt Gödel, would overtly name the Church–Turing thesis in his correction of Turing's paper "The Word Problem in Semi-Groups
with Cancellation",[31] defend, and express the two "theses" and then "identify" them (show equivalence) by use of his Theorem

Heuristic evidence and other considerations led Church 1936 to propose the following thesis.

Thesis I. Every effectively calculable function (effectively decidable predicate) is general


Theorem XXX: The following classes of partial functions are coextensive, i.e. have the same members: (a) the partial
recursive functions, (b) the computable functions ...

Turing's thesis: Turing's thesis that every function which would naturally be regarded as computable is computable
under his definition, i.e. by one of his machines, is equivalent to Church's thesis by Theorem XXX.

Later developments
An attempt to understand the notion of "effective computability" better led Robin Gandy (Turing's student and friend) in 1980 to
analyze machine computation (as opposed to human-computation acted out by a Turing machine). Gandy's curiosity about, and
analysis of, cellular automata (including Conway's game of life), parallelism, and crystalline automata, led him to propose four
"principles (or constraints) ... which it is argued, any machine must satisfy".[34] His most-important fourth, "the principle of
causality" is based on the "finite velocity of propagation of effects and signals; contemporary physics rejects the possibility of
instantaneous action at a distance".[35] From these principles and some additional constraints—(1a) a lower bound on the linear
dimensions of any of the parts, (1b) an upper bound on speed of propagation (the velocity of light), (2) discrete progress of the
machine, and (3) deterministic behavior—he produces a theorem that "What can be calculated by a device satisfying principles I–IV
is computable."[36]

In the late 1990s Wilfried Sieg analyzed Turing's and Gandy's notions of "effective calculability" with the intent of "sharpening the
informal notion, formulating its general features axiomatically, and investigating the axiomatic framework".[37] In his 1997 and 2002
work Sieg presents a series of constraints on the behavior of a computor—"a human computing agent who proceeds mechanically".
These constraints reduce to:

"(B.1) (Boundedness) There is a fixed bound on the number of symbolic configurations a computor can immediately
"(B.2) (Boundedness) There is a fixed bound on the number of internal states a computor can be in.
"(L.1) (Locality) A computor can change only elements of an observed symbolic configuration.
"(L.2) (Locality) A computor can shift attention from one symbolic configuration to another one, but the new observed
configurations must be within a bounded distance of the immediately previously observed configuration.
"(D) (Determinacy) The immediately recognizable (sub-)configuration determines uniquely the next computation step
(and id [instantaneous description])"; stated another way: "A computor's internal state together with the observed
configuration fixes uniquely the next computation step and the next internal state."
The matter remains in active discussion within the academic community

The thesis as a definition

The thesis can be viewed as nothing but an ordinary mathematical definition. Comments by Gödel on the subject suggest this view,
e.g. "the correct definition of mechanical computability was established beyond any doubt by Turing".[41] The case for viewing the
thesis as nothing more than a definition is made explicitly by Robert I. Soare,[42] where it is also argued that Turing's definition of
computability is no less likely to be correct than the epsilon-delta definition of continuous
a function.

Success of the thesis

Other formalisms (besides recursion, the λ-calculus, and the Turing machine) have been proposed for describing effective
calculability/computability. Stephen Kleene (1952) adds to the list the functions "reckonable in the system S1" of Kurt Gödel 1936,
and Emil Post's (1943, 1946) "canonical [also called normal] systems".[43] In the 1950s Hao Wang and Martin Davis greatly
simplified the one-tape Turing-machine model (see Post–Turing machine). Marvin Minsky expanded the model to two or more tapes
and greatly simplified the tapes into "up-down counters", which Melzak and Lambek further evolved into what is now known as the
counter machine model. In the late 1960s and early 1970s researchers expanded the counter machine model into the register machine,
a close cousin to the modern notion of the computer. Other models includecombinatory logic and Markov algorithms. Gurevich adds
the pointer machine model of Kolmogorov and Uspensky (1953, 1958): "... they just wanted to ... convince themselves that there is
no way to extend the notion of computable function."

All these contributions involve proofs that the models are computationally equivalent to the Turing machine; such models are said to
be Turing complete. Because all these different attempts at formalizing the concept of "effective calculability/computability" have
yielded equivalent results, it is now generally assumed that the Church–Turing thesis is correct. In fact, Gödel (1936) proposed
something stronger than this; he observed that there was something "absolute" about the concept of "reckonable in1":

It may also be shown that a function which is computable ['reckonable'] in one of the systems Si, or even in a system
of transfinite type, is already computable [reckonable] in S1. Thus the concept 'computable' ['reckonable'] is in a
certain definite sense 'absolute', while practically all other familiar metamathematical concepts (e.g. provable,
definable, etc.) depend quite essentially on the system to which they are defined [45]

Informal usage in proofs

Proofs in computability theory often invoke the Church–Turing thesis in an informal way to establish the computability of functions
while avoiding the (often very long) details which would be involved in a rigorous, formal proof.[46] To establish that a function is
computable by Turing machine, it is usually considered sufficient to give an informal English description of how the function can be
effectively computed, and then conclude "by the Church–Turing thesis" that the function is Turing computable (equivalently, partial

uring thesis:[47]
Dirk van Dalen gives the following example for the sake of illustrating this informal use of the Church–T
EXAMPLE: Each infiniteRE set contains an infiniterecursive set.

Proof: Let A be infinite RE. We list the elements of A effectively, n0, n1, n2, n3, ...

From this list we extract an increasing sublist: put m0=n0, after finitely many steps we find an nk such that nk > m0,
put m1=nk. We repeat this procedure to find m2 > m1, etc. this yields an effective listing of the subset B=
{m0,m1,m2,...} of A, with the property mi < mi+1 .

Claim. B is decidable. For, in order to test k in B we must check if k=mi for some i. Since the sequence of mi's is
increasing we have to produce at most k+1 elements of the list and compare them with k. If none of them is equal to
k, then k not in B. Since this test is effective, B is decidable and, by Church's thesis, recursive.

In order to make the above example completely rigorous, one would have to carefully construct a Turing machine, or λ-function, or
carefully invoke recursion axioms, or at best, cleverly invoke various theorems of computability theory. But because the
computability theorist believes that Turing computability correctly captures what can be computed effectively, and because an
effective procedure is spelled out in English for deciding the set B, the computability theorist accepts this as proof that the set is
indeed recursive.

The success of the Church–Turing thesis prompted variations of the thesis to be proposed. For example, the physical Church–
Turing thesis states: "All physically computable functions are T

The Church–Turing thesis says nothing about the efficiency with which one model of computation can simulate another. It has been
proved for instance that a (multi-tape) universal Turing machine only suffers a logarithmic slowdown factor in simulating any Turing

A variation of the Church–Turing thesis addresses whether an arbitrary but "reasonable" model of computation can be efficiently
simulated. This is called the feasibility thesis,[50] also known as the (classical) complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis or the
extended Church–Turing thesis, which is not due to Church or Turing, but rather was realized gradually in the development of
complexity theory. It states:[51] "A probabilistic Turing machine can efficiently simulate any realistic model of computation." The
word 'efficiently' here means up to polynomial-time reductions. This thesis was originally called computational complexity-
theoretic Church–Turing thesis by Ethan Bernstein and Umesh Vazirani (1997). The complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis,
then, posits that all 'reasonable' models of computation yield the same class of problems that can be computed in polynomial time.
Assuming the conjecture that probabilistic polynomial timeBPP)
( equals deterministic polynomial time P( ), the word 'probabilistic' is
optional in the complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis. A similar thesis, called the invariance thesis, was introduced by Cees F.
Slot and Peter van Emde Boas. It states: " 'Reasonable' machines can simulate each other within a polynomially bounded overhead in
time and a constant-factor overhead in space."[52] The thesis originally appeared in a paper at STOC'84, which was the first paper to
show that polynomial-time overhead and constant-space overhead could be simultaneously achieved for a simulation of a Random
Access Machine on a Turing machine.[53]

If BQP is shown to be a strict superset of BPP, it would invalidate the complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis. In other words,
there would be efficient quantum algorithms that perform tasks that do not have efficient probabilistic algorithms. This would not
however invalidate the original Church–Turing thesis, since a quantum computer can always be simulated by a Turing machine, but it
would invalidate the classical complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis for efficiency reasons. Consequently, the quantum
complexity-theoretic Church–Turing thesis states:[51] "A quantum Turing machine can efficiently simulate any realistic model of

Eugene Eberbach and Peter Wegner claim that the Church–Turing thesis is sometimes interpreted too broadly, stating "the broader
assertion that algorithms precisely capture what can be computed is invalid".[54] They claim that forms of computation not captured
by the thesis are relevant today, terms which they callsuper-Turing computation.
Philosophical implications
Philosophers have interpreted the Church–Turing thesis as having implications for the philosophy of mind.[55][56] B. Jack Copeland
states that it is an open empirical question whether there are actual deterministic physical processes that, in the long run, elude
simulation by a Turing machine; furthermore, he states that it is an open empirical question whether any such processes are involved
in the working of the human brain.[57] There are also some important open questions which cover the relationship between the
Church–Turing thesis and physics, and the possibility of hypercomputation. When applied to physics, the thesis has several possible

1. The universe is equivalent to a Turing machine; thus, computing non-recursive functionsis physically impossible.
This has been termed the strong Church–T uring thesis, or Church–Turing–Deutsch principle, and is a foundation of
digital physics.
2. The universe is not equivalent to a Turing machine (i.e., the laws of physics are not Turing-computable), but
incomputable physical events are not "harnessable" for the construction of hypercomputer.
a For example, a
universe in which physics involves randomreal numbers, as opposed to computable reals, would fall into this
3. The universe is a hypercomputer, and it is possible to build physical devices to harness this property and calculate
non-recursive functions. For example, it is an open question whether all quantum mechanical events are Turing-
computable, although it is known that rigorous models such as quantum uring T machines are equivalent to
deterministic Turing machines. (They are notnecessarily efficiently equivalent; see above.)John Lucas and Roger
Penrose have suggested that the human mind might be the result of some kind of quantum-mechanically enhanced,
"non-algorithmic" computation.[58][59]
There are many other technical possibilities which fall outside or between these three categories, but these serve to illustrate the range
of the concept.

Non-computable functions
One can formally define functions that are not computable. A well-known example of such a function is the Busy Beaver function.
This function takes an input n and returns the largest number of symbols that a Turing machine with n states can print before halting,
when run with no input. Finding an upper bound on the busy beaver function is equivalent to solving the halting problem, a problem
known to be unsolvable by Turing machines. Since the busy beaver function cannot be computed by Turing machines, the Church–
Turing thesis states that this function cannot be effectively computed by any method.

Several computational models allow for the computation of (Church-Turing) non-computable functions. These are known as
hypercomputers. Mark Burgin argues that super-recursive algorithms such as inductive Turing machines disprove the Church–Turing
thesis.[60] His argument relies on a definition of algorithm broader than the ordinary one, so that non-computable functions obtained
from some inductive Turing machines are called computable. This interpretation of the Church–Turing thesis differs from the
interpretation commonly accepted in computability theory, discussed above. The argument that super-recursive algorithms are indeed
algorithms in the sense of the Church–Turing thesis has not found broad acceptance within the computability research community

See also
Abstract machine
Church's thesis in constructive mathematics
Church–Turing–Deutsch principle, which states that everyphysical process can be simulated by a universal
computing device
Computability logic
Computability theory
Model of computation
Oracle (computer science)
Super-recursive algorithm
Turing completeness
1. Robert Soare, "Turing Oracle Machines, Online Computing,and Three Displacements in Computability Theory"(htt
2. Rabin, Michael O. (June 2012). Turing, Church, Gödel, Computability, Complexity and Randomization: A Personal
View (
3. Church 1934:90 footnote in Davis 1952
4. Turing 1936–7 in Davis 1952:149
5. Rosser 1939 in Davis 1965:225.
6. "effective". Merriam Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary(9th ed.).
7. See also "effective". Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary(
(11th ed.). Retrieved July 26, 2014, which also gives these definitions for "effective" – the first ["producing a decided,
decisive, or desired effect"] as the definition for sense "1a" of the word "effective", and the second ["capable of
producing a result"] as part of the "Synonym Discussion of EFFECTIVE" there, (in the introductory part, where it
summarizes the similarities between the meanings of the words "ef fective", "effectual", "efficient", and "efficacious").
8. Turing, A.M. (1939). Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals(
0Centennial%202012/Mudd%20Archive%20files/12285_AC100_T uring_1938.pdf) (PDF) (PhD). Princeton
University. p. 8.
9. Gandy (1980:123) states it this way:What is effectively calculable is computable.He calls this "Church's Thesis".
10. Davis's commentary before Church 1936An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theoryin Davis 1965:88.
Church uses the words "effective calculability" on page 100ff.
11. In his review of Church's Thesis after 70 Years edited by Adam Olszewski et al. 2006, Peter Smith's criticism of a
paper by Muraswski and Wolenski suggests 4 "lines" re the status of the Church–Turing Thesis: (1) empirical
hypothesis (2) axiom or theorem, (3) definition, (4) explication. But Smith opines that (4) is indistinguishable from (3),
cf Smith (July 11, 2007)Church's Thesis after 70 Years at
12. cf footnote 3 in Church 1936a An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theoryin Davis 1965:89.
13. Dawson 1997:99.
14. Sieg 1997:160.
15. Sieg 1997:160 quoting from the 1935 letter written by Church to Kleene, cf Footnote 3 in Gödel 1934 Davis
16. cf. Church 1936 in Davis 1965:105ff.
17. Davis's commentary before Gödel 1934 inDavis 1965:40.
18. For a detailed discussion of Gödel's adoption of T
uring's machines as models of computation, seeShagrir. "Goedel
on Turing on Computability"(
ers/Goedel_on_Turing_on_Computability.pdf) (PDF). Archived from the original (
r/papers/Goedel_on_Turing_on_Computability.pdf) (PDF) on 2015-12-17. Retrieved 2016-02-08.
19. Turing 1937.
20. cf. Editor's footnote to Post 1936Finite Combinatory Process. Formulation Davis 1965:289.
21. Post 1936 in Davis 1965:291, footnote 8.
22. Post 1936 in Davis 1952:291.
23. Sieg 1997:171 and 176–177.
24. Turing 1936–37 in Davis 1965:263ff.
25. Church 1937.
26. Turing 1939 in Davis:160.
27. cf. Church 1934 in Davis 1965:100, also Turing 1939 in Davis 1965:160.
28. italics added, Rosser 1939 in Davis 1965:226.
29. An archaic usage of Kleene et al. to distinguish Gödel's (1931) "rekursiv" (a few years later named
recursion by Rózsa Péter (cf Gandy 1994:68)) from Herbrand–Gödel's recursion of 1934 i.e. primitive recursion
equipped with the additionalmu operator; nowadays mu-recursion is called, simply , "recursion".
30. Kleene 1943 in Davis 1965:274.
31. Kleene 1952:382,536.
32. Kleene 1952:300.
33. Kleene 1952:376.
34. Gandy 1980:123ff.
35. Gandy 1980:135.
36. Gandy 1980:126
37. Sieg 1998–9 in Sieg, Somner & Talcott 2002:390ff; also Sieg 1997:154ff.
38. In a footnote Sieg breaks Post's 1936 (B) into (B.1) and (B.2) and (L) into (L.1) and (L.2) and describes (D)
differently. With respect to his proposedGandy machine he later adds LC.1, LC.2, GA.1 and GA.2. These are
complicated; see Sieg 1998–99 inSieg, Somner & Talcott 2002:390ff.
39. A collection of papers can be found inOlszewski, Woleński & Janusz (2006). Also a review of this collection:Smith,
Peter (July 11, 2007). "Church's Thesis after 70 Years" ( (PDF).
40. See also Hodges, Andrew (2005)."Did Church and Turing Have a Thesis aboutMachines?" (
k/publications/ct70.pdf)(PDF). Archived (
ations/ct70.pdf) (PDF) from the original on July 27, 2014. Retrieved July 27, 2014.
41. Gödel, Kurt (1995) [193?]. "Undecidable Diophantine Propositions"(
a5MC&pg=PA164). In Feferman, Solomon. Collected Works ( .
3. New York: Oxford University Press. p.168 ( A168).
ISBN 0-19-507255-3. OCLC 928791907 (– via Google Books.
42. Soare, Robert I. (September 1996). "Computability and Recursion" (
n-of-symbolic-logic/article/computability-and-recursion/21DB3D692FCB1FFD2BE365C0B4A04FD6) . Bulletin of
Symbolic Logic. 2 (3): 284–321. doi:10.2307/420992 (
43. Kleene 1952:320
44. Gurevich 1988:2
45. translation of Gödel (1936) by Davis inThe Undecidable p. 83, differing in the use of the word 'reckonable' in the
translation in Kleene (1952) p. 321
46. Horsten in Olszewski 2006:256.
47. Gabbay 2001:284
48. Piccinini, Gualtiero (January 2007). "Computationalism, the Church–Turing Thesis, and the Church–Turing Fallacy"
( (PDF).
Synthese. 154 (1): 97–120. doi:10.1007/s11229-005-0194-z(
49. Arora, Sanjeev; Barak, Boaz (2009).Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach(
mplexity/). Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0-521-42426-4. Sections 1.4, "Machines as strings and the
universal Turing machine" and 1.7, "Proof oftheorem 1.9".
50. "Official Problem Description"(
vs_NP/Official_Problem_Description.pdf)(PDF). Archived from the original (
s_NP/Official_Problem_Description.pdf)(PDF) on November 24, 2005.
51. Kaye, Phillip; Laflamme, Raymond; Mosca, Michele (2007).An introduction to quantum computing. Oxford University
Press. pp. 5–6. ISBN 0-19-857049-X.
52. van Emde Boas, Peter (1990). "Machine Models and Simulations".Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science A
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54. Eberbach & Wegner 2003.
55. Copeland, B. Jack (November 10, 2017)."The Church-Turing Thesis" (
g/). In Zalta, Edward N. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
56. For a good place to encounter original papers seeChalmers, David J., ed. (2002). Philosophy of Mind: Classical and
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57. Copeland, B. Jack (2004). "Computation".In Floridi, Luciano. The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing
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59. Also the description of "the non-algorithmic nature of mathematical insight",
Penrose, Roger (1990). "Where lies the
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Oxford University Press. pp. 416–418.ISBN 0-19-851973-7. OCLC 456785846 (
60. Burgin, Mark (2005). Super-Recursive Algorithms. Monographs in Computer Science. New Y
ork: Springer. ISBN 0-
387-95569-0. OCLC 990755791 (

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Davis, Martin, ed. (1965). The Undecidable, Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems And
Computable Functions. New York: Raven Press. Includes original papers by Gödel, Church, Turing, Rosser, Kleene,
and Post mentioned in this section.
Eberbach, E.; Wegner, P. (October 2003). "Beyond Turing Machines". Bulletin of the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science(81): 279–304.
Gabbay, D.M. (2001). Handbook of Philosophical Logic. 1 (2nd ed.).
Gandy, Robin (1980). "Church's Thesis and the Principles for Mechanisms".In H.J. Barwise; H.J. Keisler; K. Kunen.
The Kleene Symposium. North-Holland Publishing Company. pp. 123–148.
Gandy, Robin (1994). Herken, Rolf, ed. The universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey. New York: Wien
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Kleene, Stephen Cole (1936). "Lambda-Definability and Recursiveness".
Duke Mathematical Journal. 2: 340–353.
Kleene, Stephen Cole (1943). "Recursive Predicates and Quantifiers".American Mathematical Society Transactions.
54 (1): 41–73. doi:10.2307/1990131. JSTOR 1990131. Reprinted in The Undecidable, p. 255ff. Kleene refined his
definition of "general recursion" and proceeded in his chapter "12. Algorithmic theories" to posit "Thesis I" (p. 274);
he would later repeat this thesis (inKleene 1952:300) and name it "Church's Thesis" K ( leene 1952:317) (i.e., the
Church thesis).
Kleene, Stephen Cole (1952).Introduction to Metamathematics. North-Holland. OCLC 523942.
Knuth, Donald (1973). The Art of Computer Programming. 1/Fundamental Algorithms (2nd ed.). Addison–W
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Markov, A.A. (1960) [1954]. "The Theory of Algorithms".American Mathematical Society Translations. 2 (15): 1–14.
Olszewski, Adam; Woleński, Jan; Janusz, Robert, eds. (2006). Church's Thesis After 70 Years. Frankfurt: Ontos.
ISBN 3-938793-09-0. OCLC 909679288.
Pour-El, M.B.; Richards, J.I. (1989).Computability in Analysis and Physics. Springer Verlag.
Rosser, J. B. (1939). "An Informal Exposition of Proofs of Godel's Theorem and Church's Theorem".
The Journal of
Symbolic Logic. 4 (2): 53–60. doi:10.2307/2269059. JSTOR 2269059.
Sieg, Wilfried; Sommer, Richard; Talcott, Carolyn, eds. (2002).Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics:
Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman. Lecture Notes in Logic.15. A K Peters, Ltd. ISBN 1-56881-169-1.
Syropoulos, Apostolos (2008). "Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Church–T
uring Barrier". Springer.
ISBN 978-0-387-30886-9.
Turing, A. M. (1937) [Delivered to the Society November 1936],"On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the
Entscheidungsproblem"(PDF), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society , 2, 42, pp. 230–65,
doi:10.1112/plms/s2-42.1.230and Turing, A.M. (1938). "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the
Entscheidungsproblem: A correction".Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society . 2. 43 (published 1937).
pp. 544–6. doi:10.1112/plms/s2-43.6.544. (See also: Davis 1965:115ff)

External links
The Church–Turing Thesis entry by B. Jack Copeland in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Computation in Physical Systemsentry by Gualtiero Piccinini in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy—a
comprehensive philosophical treatment of relevant issues.
Kaznatcheev, Artem (September 11, 2014)."Transcendental idealism and Post's variant of the Church-Turing
thesis". Theory, Evolution, and Games Group.

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