I. Objectives
I. Objectives
I. Objectives
Science 4
I. Objectives
III. Procedure
A. Activity
Before we start our lesson for today’s meeting, let’s have a
recap of what we had discuss last meeting.
Who can give a recap or insight (realization) of last meeting (the student will raise their hands to
discussion? volunteer in giving the recap)
Before we start our lesson for today’s meeting I have here Yes sir (the students will watch the video)
with me a video presentation. You are going watch the
video, reminder: listen carefully, understand what the video
is all about and later I will ask you questions about the
B. Analysis
In what way does the force can affect object? -Force can change the shape of an object
-Force can affects the motion of an object
That is absolutely correct! Other answer! Yes! - Force can change the direction of an
-Force can stop an object from moving
Bravo! All your answers are correct. Last meeting we had Force is push or pull applied in an object.
already discuss force, again who can give me the meaning It can move a stationary object or stop a
of force. moving object.
Thank you!
C. Lesson proper
Effects on motion
Does anyone can make the task of pulling the book without No one!
moving the object about it?
Let us go on the effects of force on direction of an object. An object moving at the same speed and
Who can read? direction will continue moving at the
same speed and direction unless acted
upon by another force.
Thank you! Look at the diagram. What do you observed?
Who can explain the diagram? Who can try? (students will try to explain the diagram)
Well, all your answers are correct! Are you familiar with this No, none.
sign “N”? Who knows what it is?
Understand? yes
10N 2N
Force exerted direction of moving object object
8N 8N
direction of the object object opposite force exerted
Look at the diagram. What is being lustrated? There are two force is of the opposite
direction and different force
4N 18N
Good observation! What do you think will happen if there It will return
are two force is of the opposite direction and different
force. Do you think it will stop, change in direction or
It will return why? Because the other side has a greater force
Effect on shape:
Look at the diagram. What will happen if two opposing -Change its shape
force applied into a malleable object, what do you think will -destroyed
happen to the object?
5N malleable 5N
Force exerted object force exerted.
Exactly! There are two possible things to happen it will
change its shape or it might be destroyed/ deformed.
D. Application
Please open your book on page 244 and do activity 7.5: (the student will answer the activity)
how force affects the shape of an object. Answer what have
you found out?
What happens to an object if you put opposing forces on it?
IV. Evaluation
1. If the forces from opposite directions are applied on an object and object is malleable, it will
change its________
2. An object moving at the same speed and direction will continue moving at the same speed and
direction unless________ upon by another force
3. A ________ is a place where there is none air; an example is outer space
4. Objects that are at ________will remain at ________ unless acted upon by a force
5. The object will________ if the force applied is of the opposite direction and is more than
enough to stop it.
1. Change its shapes
2. Acted
3. Vacuum
4. Rest & rest
5. Return
Using an arrow, identify which direction the ball goes or stops. Write your answer in the blank
provided. We use N=Newton as the unit of measurement for amount of for applied.
1. .
10 N __________ 15N
3. .
Identify whether the following objects will stop, change direction, or accelerate
________4. A walking boy was suddenly pushed by another boy from his behind
1. Change direction
2. Stop
3. Accelerate
4. Change direction
5. Accelerate
V. Assignment
Advance reading about the safety measures in physical activities. (Page 249)