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Absolute Encoders Measurement Volume

Referencing and warm-up time Size does matter: The ROMER FACTSHEET
is a thing of the past Absolute Arm is available in
– just switch the arm on and seven lengths between 1.2 m

RDS Certification
The ROMER proprietary All ROMER Absolute Arms including
software RDS features SMART scanning systems pass through B89.4.22
technology, allowing total certification. Additional certifications
HORIZONTAL ARM GANTRY AUTOMATED SOFTWARE management of checks in the according to VDI/VDE 2617-9 are also


field as well as temperature available. The ROMER Absolute Arm
and shock monitoring. Compact model is available with a choice
of ISO 10360-2 or B89.4.22 certification.

Laser Scanning SmartLock

The ROMER Absolute Arm is If the ROMER Absolute Arm
available with a completely is not in use it can be locked
integrated high-performance safely into its rest position.
laser scanner or the external SmartLock also allows the arm
Hexagon Metrology offers a comprehensive range HP-L-20.8 scanner, for to be fixed in any intermediate
of products and services for all industrial metrology complex scanning tasks. position.
applications in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, ROMER Absolute Arms are the
energy and medical. We support our customers with only scanning systems on the
actionable measurement information along the complete market to offer fully-verifiable
life cycle of a product – from development and design to scanning system accuracy.
production, assembly and final inspection.

With more than 20 production facilities and 70 Precision

Centers for service and demonstrations, and a network
Zero G
of over 100 distribution partners on five continents,
The Zero G counterbalance
we empower our customers to fully control their
minimises torque in the
manufacturing processes, enhancing the quality of
base of the arm. This
products and increasing efficiency in manufacturing
allows greater freedom
plants around the world.
in mounting options such
as lightweight tripods,
For more information, visit
Automatic and magnetic and vacuum
repeatable Probe bases making the ROMER
Hexagon is a leading global provider of information
Recognition Absolute Arm the most
technologies that drive productivity and quality across
Intelligent Quick Change portable available.
industrial and geospatial applications. Hexagon’s
Probes: Swap touch probes
solutions integrate sensors, software, domain knowledge
at any time without the need
and customer workflows into intelligent information Feature Packs
to recalibrate. The ROMER
ecosystems that deliver actionable information. Thanks to easily
Absolute Arm’s repeatable
They are used in a broad range of vital industries. interchangeable Feature
mount allows you to change
Packs, the functionality
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has more than probes on the fly, according to
of the ROMER Absolute
15,000 employees in 46 countries and net sales of your measurement needs.
Arm can always be
approximately 2.6bn EUR. enhanced. Feature Packs
Instant Feedback are available for wi-fi
Learn more at The ROMER Absolute Arm communication, wi-fi
provides immediate scanning capability and
acoustic and haptic feedback full battery operation.
to the operator, allowing
the system to be used in
even the harshest industrial
© 2015 Hexagon Metrology. Part of Hexagon
All rights reserved. Due to continuing product development,
Hexagon Metrology reserves the right to change product
specifications without prior notice.

Printed in Germany. June 2015

The Point Repeatability Test is the reference test to de-
Model Measuring range Point repeatability1 Volumetric accuracy2 Arm weights
termine measurement arm repeatability with ball probe.
WITH INTEGRATED LASER 7320 2.0 m / 6.6 ft. 0.030 mm / 0.0012 in. ± 0.042 mm / 0.0017 in. 7.4 kg / 16.3 lbs The cone is in front of the machine. Points are measured

73 series
The 6-axis ROMER Absolute Arm is 7325 2.5 m / 8.2 ft. 0.038 mm / 0.0015 in. ± 0.051 mm / 0.0020 in. 7.7 kg / 17.0 lbs from multiple approach directions. The average point and

designed for highly-accurate tactile

SCANNER the deviation of each point to the average center are cal-
7330 3.0 m / 9.8 ft. 0.059 mm / 0.0023 in. ± 0.075 mm / 0.0030 in. 8.0 kg / 17.6 lbs culated. The result is the maximum range divided by two.
measurements on countless types of
workpiece. It allows for reliable touch- Freedom of movement: with a fully 7335 3.5 m / 11.5 ft. 0.079 mm / 0.0031 in. ± 0.100 mm / 0.0039 in. 8.3 kg / 18.3 lbs 2
The Volumetric Accuracy Test most accurately
represents the reasonable expectations for machine
probe measurement and inspection of integrated and certified RS3 laser 7340 4.0 m / 13.1 ft. 0.099 mm / 0.0039 in. ± 0.125 mm / 0.0049 in. 8.6 kg / 19.0 lbs
performance in practical measuring applications since
almost anything including sheet metal scanner, this is an all-purpose it involves measuring a certified length standard many
7345 4.5 m / 14.8 ft. 0.120 mm / 0.0047 in. ± 0.150 mm / 0.0059 in. 8.9 kg / 19.6 lbs
parts, plastic components or carbon metrology system for almost any times in several locations and orientations and compares

fibre structures. If your measurement measurement need. Point cloud 7520 2.0 m / 6.6 ft. 0.016 mm / 0.0006 in. ± 0.023 mm / 0.0009 in. 7.7 kg / 17.0 lbs the resultant measurements to the actual length. The

75 series
Volumetric Length Accuracy Test is the most appropriate
jobs require laser scanning later, an inspection, product benchmarking, 7525 2.5 m / 8.2 ft. 0.020 mm / 0.0008 in. ± 0.029 mm / 0.0011 in. 8.0 kg / 17.6 lbs test for determining machine accuracy and repeatability.
upgrade is possible at any time. reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, The result is the maximum deviation of the measuring
7530 3.0 m / 9.8 ft. 0.030 mm / 0.0012 in. ± 0.044 mm / 0.0017 in. 8.3 kg / 18.3 lbs
virtual assembly or CNC milling are distance less the theoretical length.
7535 3.5 m / 11.5 ft. 0.040 mm / 0.0016 in. ± 0.057 mm / 0.0022 in. 8.6 kg / 19.0 lbs
just some of the typical laser scanning Ambient conditions
applications that can be added to 7540 4.0 m / 13.1 ft. 0.055 mm / 0.0022 in. ± 0.069 mm / 0.0027 in. 8.9 kg / 19.6 lbs Working temperature: 0˚C – 50˚C (32°F – 122°F)
the rich portfolio of touch-probe 7545 4.5 m / 14.8 ft. 0.070 mm / 0.0028 in. ± 0.082 mm / 0.0032 in. 9.2 kg / 20.3 lbs
Storage temperature: -30˚ – 70˚ C (-22°F – 158°F)
Relative humidity: 10% – 90% non-condensing
measurement applications. The
All specifications according to B89.4.22. Certification is also available to VDI/VDE 2617-9. Operational elevation: 0 – 2000 m (0 – 6600 ft)
integrated laser scanner is designed
Marks of conformity
to capture data from almost any object CE Compliance: Yes
surface. It does not need warm-up time 7-AXIS PROBING AND SCANNING SPECIFICATIONS Power requirement
or additional cables and controllers. Universal worldwide voltage: 110V – 240V
Probing point Probing
Scanning system Scanning system Arm Arm

Scanner and probe measurements range repeatability volumetric accuracy SI accuracy SE 1 4 4

weights weights
accuracy 2
(with RS3) (with HP-L-20.8) SI SE 3
SI designates the ROMER Absolute Arm with integrated
are combined in the same software
scanner, SE designates the ROMER Absolute Arm with
session. 7320SI/SE 2.0 m / 6.6 ft.
0.044 mm ± 0.061 mm 0.079 mm 0.075 mm 8.3 kg 7.9 kg external scanner.

73 series
0.0017 in. 0.0024 in. 0.0031 in. 0.0030 in. 18.3 lbs 17.4 lbs
The Scanning System Accuracy Test most accurately
0.049 mm ± 0.069 mm 0.084 mm 0.080 mm 8.6 kg 8.2 kg represents the reasonable expectations for machine
7325SI/SE 2.5 m / 8.2 ft.
ROMER ABSOLUTE ARM ROMER TUBE INSPECTION 0.0019 in. 0.0027 in. 0.0033 in. 0.0031 in. 19.0 lbs 18.1 lbs performance in practical measuring applications while
using the laser scanning method. The test consists of
0.079 mm
0.0031 in.
± 0.100 mm
0.0039 in.
0.119 mm
0.0047 in.
0.113 mm
0.0044 in.
8.9 kg
19.6 lbs
8.5 kg
18.7 lbs
measuring a matte grey sphere with 5 different arm ar-
ticulations. In each articulation of the arm the sphere is
SCANNER scanned from 5 different directions such that the major-
The ROMER Tube Inspection 7335SI/SE 3.5 m / 11.5 ft.
0.099 mm ± 0.125 mm 0.147 mm 0.140 mm 9.2 kg 8.8 kg ity of the sphere is scanned. The result is the maximum
0.0039 in. 0.0049 in. 0.0058 in. 0.0055 in. 20.3 lbs 19.4 lbs
The ROMER Absolute Arm with external Solution covers all 3 main tasks of 3D center to center distance of the 5 spheres.

scanner is the high-end laser scanning tube measurement in a single non- 0.115 mm ± 0.151 mm 0.181 mm 0.172 mm 9.5 kg 9.1 kg All probing specifications are achieved with a ROMER
7340SI/SE 4.0 m / 13.1 ft.
platform designed for the HP-L-20.8 laser contact product: tube inspection and 0.0045 in. 0.0059 in. 0.0071 in. 0.0068 in. 20.9 lbs 20.1 lbs Absolute Arm mounted on a ROMER base plate or
definition, geometry measurement and magnetic base and using a 15 mm steel ball probe with a
scanner from Hexagon Metrology. With 0.141 mm ± 0.179 mm 0.214 mm 0.203 mm 9.8 kg 9.4 kg length of 50 mm under stable environmental conditions.
even interfacing to CNC tube bending 7345SI/SE 4.5 m / 14.8 ft.
HP-L-20.8, the ROMER Absolute Arm 0.0056 in. 0.0070 in. 0.0084 in. 0.0080 in. 21.6 lbs 20.7 lbs

offers first-class performance on the machines is possible, via bending

most complex surface types. Automatic program correction. The ROMER 7520SI/SE 2.0 m / 6.6 ft.
0.023 mm ± 0.033 mm 0.058 mm 0.053 mm 8.6 kg 8.2 kg

75 series
0.0009 in. 0.0013 in. 0.0023 in. 0.0021 in. 19.0 lbs 18.1 lbs
laser control means that multiple surface Tube Inspection Solution is the only
colours can be scanned in a single pass. portable true tube inspection solution 0.027 mm ± 0.038 mm 0.063 mm 0.058 mm 8.9 kg 8.5 kg
7525SI/SE 2.5 m / 8.2 ft.
Thanks to the HP-L-20.8’s unique flying on the market. It can be taken to the 0.0011 in. 0.0015 in. 0.0025 in. 0.0023 in. 19.6 lbs 18.7 lbs

dot technology, the scan width and point workpiece to measure pipes, lines,
0.042 mm ± 0.058 mm 0.083 mm 0.078 mm 9.2 kg 8.8 kg
density are entirely variable, allowing the hoses and tubes in situ, thereby saving 7530SI/SE 3.0 m / 9.8 ft.
0.0017 in. 0.0023 in. 0.0033 in. 0.0031 in. 20.3 lbs 19.4 lbs

user to guarantee maximum scan detail time and effort. Reverse engineering
of tubes and hoses is also unbelievably 0.055 mm ± 0.081 mm 0.101 mm 0.096 mm 9.5 kg 9.1 kg
where it’s needed most. 7535SI/SE 3.5 m / 11.5 ft.
0.0022 in. 0.0032 in. 0.0040 in. 0.0038 in. 20.9 lbs 20.1 lbs
fast, and without any need for complex
laser scanning. 0.067 mm ± 0.098 mm 0.119 mm 0.114 mm 9.8 kg 9.4 kg
7540SI/SE 4.0 m / 13.1 ft.
0.0026 in. 0.0039 in. 0.0047 in. 0.0045 in. 21.6 lbs 20.7 lbs

0.084 mm ± 0.119 mm 0.138 mm 0.133 mm 10.1 kg 9.7 kg

7545SI/SE 4.5 m / 14.8 ft.
0.0033 in. 0.0047 in. 0.0054 in. 0.0052 in. 22.3 lbs 21.4 lbs

All specifications in relation to B89.4.22.


Integrated scanner RS3 External scanner HP-L-20.8

ROMER ABSOLUTE ARM COMPACT Max. point acquisition rate 460 000 Points/s 150 000 Points/s

Scanning sensor specification

Points per Line 4600 max. 4000
The ROMER Absolute Arm Compact is a high-accuracy portable coordinate measuring machine (CMM) that brings total Line rate 100 Hz max. 100 Hz
mobility to high-tolerance 3D measurement applications on the shop floor. It is the only portable CMM on the market today
Line width range min. 46 mm 176 mm / 104 mm / 51 mm / 40 mm / 20 mm
with full ISO 10360-2 certification, making it the perfect portable compliment to stationary CMM’s. Featuring industry-
proven technology from the ROMER Absolute Arm range, the ROMER Absolute Arm Compact is perfect for measuring mid. 65 mm 220 mm / 130 mm / 63 mm / 51 mm / 25 mm

small to medium parts, and ideal for GD&T measurement. With a measurement volume of up to 1.2 metres and a choice max. 85 mm 231 mm / 148 mm / 75 mm / 60 mm / 30 mm
of certifications available, the ROMER Absolute Arm Compact has been designed to give reliable results in tight spaces, Stand off (mid range) 150 mm ± 50 mm 180 mm ± 40 mm
Minimum point spacing (mid range) 0.014 mm 0.013 mm

ROMER ABSOLUTE ARM COMPACT PROBING SPECIFICATIONS Laser power control Fully automatic – per line Fully automatic – per point

Accuracy 2 sigma / 30 μm Probing Form error 1 sigma / 9 μm

B89.4.22 ISO 10360-2
Probing Dispersion value*
Model Measuring range Point repeatability Volumetric accuracy MPEp MPEe Arm weight n.a. 36 μm
7312 1.2 m / 3.9 ft. 0.014 mm / 0.0006 in. ± 0.025 mm / 0.0010 in. 8 µm 5+L/40≤18 µm 10.2 kg / 22.5 lbs Weight 340 g 410 g

7512 1.2 m / 3.9 ft. 0.010 mm / 0.0004 in. ± 0.020 mm / 0.0008 in. 6 µm 5+L/65≤15 µm 10.8 kg / 23.8 lbs Controller No No

Point repeatability and volumetric accuracy values according to B89.4.22. MPEp is the Maximum Permissible Probing Error according to the Laser safety Class 2M Class 2
ISO 10360-2 standard. MPEe is the Volumetric Length Measuring Error according to the ISO 10360-2 standard. Generally, the MPEe value is the most
appropriate for determining the arm accuracy. Working temperature 5°C – 40°C (41°F – 104°F) 10°C – 42°C (50°F – 108°F)



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