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The following is sample of Super and Subclass:

public class GenericItem {

protected String itemName;
protected int itemQuantity;

public void setName(String newName) {

itemName = newName;

public void setQuantity(int newQty) {

itemQuantity = newQty;

public void printItem() {

System.out.println(itemName + " " + itemQuantity);

public class ProduceItem extends GenericItem { // ProduceItem

derived from GenericItem
public void setExpiration(String newDate) {
expirationDate = newDate;

public String getExpiration() {

return expirationDate;

private String expirationDate;

public void printItem() {
System.out.println(itemName + " " + itemQuantity
+ " (Expires: " +
expirationDate + ")");

public class ClassDerivationEx {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GenericItem miscItem = new GenericItem();
ProduceItem perishItem = new ProduceItem();

miscItem.setName("Smith Cereal");

perishItem.setExpiration("May 5, 2012");

System.out.println(" (Expires: " +

perishItem.getExpiration() + ")");


Smith Cereal 9
Apples 40
(Expires: May 5, 2012)

A class named GenericItem is defined as normal. In main(), a GenericItem reference

variable miscItem is initialized, the item's data fields set to "Smith Cereal" and "9", and
the item's printItem() member method called. A class named ProduceItem is also
defined, that class was derived from the GenericItem class by appending extends
GenericItem after the name ProduceItem, i.e., class ProduceItem extends
GenericItem {. As such, initializing the ProduceItem variable perishItem creates an
object with data members itemName and itemQuantity (from GenericItem) plus
expirationDate (from ProduceItem). Also, ProduceItem has member method setName(),
setQuantity(), and printItem() (from GenericItem) plus setExpiration() and
getExpiration() (from ProduceItem). So in main(), perishItem 's object has its data fields
set to "Apples", "40", and "May 5, 2012", and the item is printed using the printItem()
member method and using the getExpiration() member method. (Note: We have written
the code unusually concisely to help focus attention on the derivation concepts being

The term derived class (or subclass) refers to a class that is derived from another class
that is known as a base class (or superclass). Any class may serve as a base class; no
changes to the definition of that class are required. The derived class is said to inherit
the properties of its base class, a concept commonly called inheritance. An object
declared of a derived class type has access to all the public members of the derived
class as well as the public members of the base class. The following animation
illustrates the relationship between a derived class and a base class.

public static void main(String[] args) {

GenericItem miscItem = new GenericItem();
ProduceItem perishItem = new ProduceItem();

Various class derivation variations are possible:

 A derived class can itself serve as a base class for another class. In the earlier
example, class FruitItem extends ProduceItem {...} could be
 A class can serve as a base class for multiple derived classes. In the earlier
example, class FrozenFoodItem extends GenericItem {...} could be
 A class can only be derived from one base class directly. For example, inheriting
from two classes as in class House extends Dwelling, Property
{...} results in a compiler error.


Assign courseStudent's name with Smith, age with 20, and ID with 9999. Use the print
member method and a separate println statement to output courseStudents's data.
Sample output from the given program:

Name: Smith, Age: 20, ID: 9999


// ===== Code from file =====

public class PersonData {

private int ageYears;

private String lastName;

public void setName(String userName) {

lastName = userName;


public void setAge(int numYears) {

ageYears = numYears;


// Other parts omitted

public void printAll() {

System.out.print("Name: " + lastName);

System.out.print(", Age: " + ageYears);


// ===== end =====

// ===== Code from file =====

public class StudentData extends PersonData {

private int idNum;

public void setID(int studentId) {

idNum = studentId;


public int getID() {

return idNum;

// ===== end =====

// ===== Code from file =====

public class StudentDerivationFromPerson {

public static void main (String [] args) {

StudentData courseStudent = new StudentData();

/* Your solution goes here */


// ===== end =====

courseStudent.setAge (20);

courseStudent.setID (9999);


System.out.println(", ID: " + courseStudent.getID());


Code contains intended errors to demonstrate protected accesses.
public class BaseClass {
public void printMembers() { // Member accessible by anyone
// Print information ...

protected String baseName; // Member accessible by self and

derived classes
private int baseCount; // Member accessible only by
public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass {
public void someOperation() {
// Attempted accesses
printMembers(); // OK
baseName = "Mike"; // OK ("protected"
above made this possible)
baseCount = 1; // ERROR

// Other class members ...

public class InheritanceAccessEx {
public static void main (String[] args) {
BaseClass baseObj = new BaseClass();
DerivedClass derivedObj = new DerivedClass();

// Attempted accesses
baseObj.printMembers(); // OK
baseObj.baseName = "Mike"; // OK (protected also
applies to other classes in the same package)
baseObj.baseCount = 1; // ERROR

derivedObj.printMembers(); // OK
derivedObj.baseName = "Mike"; // OK (protected also
applies to other classes in the same package)
derivedObj.baseCount = 1; // ERROR

// Other instructions ...


Being specified as protected, the member called baseName is accessible anywhere in

the derived class. Note that the baseName member is also accessible in main()—the
protected specifier also allows access to classes in the same package; protected
members are private to everyone else.

To make ProduceItems displayProduceItem() method work, we merely need to change

the private members to protected members in class GenericItem. GenericItem's class
members itemName and itemQuantity thus become accessible to a derived class like
ProduceItem. A programmer may often want to make some members protected in a
base class to allow access by derived classes, while making other members private to
the base class.

The following table summarizes access specifiers.

Specifier Description
private Accessible by self.
protected Accessible by self, derived classes, and other classes in the same package.
public Accessible by self, derived classes, and everyone else.
no specifier Accessible by self and other classes in the same package

Separately, the keyword "public" in a class definition like public class

DerivedClass {...} specifies a class's visibility in other classes in the program:

 public : A class can be used by every class in the program regardless of the
package in which either is defined.
 no specifier : A class can be used only in other classes within the same package,
known as package private.

Most beginning programmers define classes as public when learning to program

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