ScanlonsLatinGrammarComplete PDF
ScanlonsLatinGrammarComplete PDF
ScanlonsLatinGrammarComplete PDF
THE AIM and ~ope of Scanlon's Latin lessons, which are connected passages
Grammar are to prepare those with no from the two liturgical sources for
previous knowledge of Latin to read which the whole book is a preparation.
the Missal and Breviary. Unlike most
First Year Latin textbooks, it is not an A valuable part of the book is the
introduction to the reading of Caesar. Latin-English vocabulary. In it and
throughout the book, the accented
Its twenty lessons embrace Latin syllable is marked in all utin words of
grammar completely, from the first more than two syllables.
declension to the various uses of the
subjunctive. Special drill in forms and The one year course of study pro
vocabulary is provided by generous vided by this textbook should enable a
exercises. After the student has made a diligent student to read the Missal and
fair start, he will encounter reading Breviary with reasonable facility.
Ij 000000 01 OS85
Fourth Printing.
ISBN: 0-89555-002-4
relative pronoun; (b) gerundive with ad; (c) gerundive
Review Lesson II 70
Reading Lesson . 87
Reading Lesson 95
of ferre 106
Reading Lesson
when; (n) with certain prepositions; (0) after certain de
ponent verbs . 148
Irregular declensions 175
Numerals 17)
33 1
aqua, -ae, f., (vater
anima, -ae, £.,2 soul
terra, -ae, f., earth, land
tuba, -ae, f., trumpet
via, -ae, £., way, road
vita, -ae, f., life
Maria, -ae £., Mary
Lucia, -ae, f., Lucy
culpa, -ae, f., fault, guilt
et, and
a (ab) 3 (with abl.) , from, by
e (ex) 3 (with abl.) , out of, from
cum (with abl.), with
in (with abl.), in, on
in (with acc.), against, intoJunto
ad (with acc.), to, tOtvard, near
I. Declension. In English a noun changes its form only to indicate
possession (the possessive case) or to express plural number. In form
the nominative and objective cases are the same.
1 The genitive ending is given after the nominative to show the declension.
2 For the dative and ablative plural, besides the regular form in -is, the form
animabus is also used.
3 111e forms ab and ex must be used before a vowel or h; all four forms may be
used before consonan ts.
In Latin the noun usually changes its form for each case and
there are five of these: nominative (nom.), genitive (gen.), dative
(dat.), accusative (ace.), and ablative (ab!.). In addition, adjectives,
as \vell as nouns, in Latin change their forms to indicate their case,
gender, or number, for all adjectives must be made to agree in case,
gender, and number with the noun modified. To decline a noun or
adjective means to give its forms in the right order and all these
forms taken together constitute what is called a declension. There
are five declensions in Latin, that is, all nouns may be assembled
into five distinct classes or groups, \vhich are dislinguished from
one another by the ending of the genitive singular.
Singular Plural
Nom. -3
Gen. -ae -arum
Dat. -ae -is
Ace. -am
Abl. -3
The ablative may have various meanings: by, from, out of, with,
in, etc.
aqua (base, aqu-) , water
Singular Plural
Nom. aqua the water aquae the waters
Gen. aquae of the water aquarum of the waters
Dat. aquae for the water aquis for the waters
Ace. aquam the water aquas the waters
Abl. aqua in tIle water aquis in the wat~s
A. Make the adjective bona agree in case and number with each of
the following nouns.
I. terram 2. tubas 3. vitae 4. animarum .
5. terris 6. aquae 7. via...... 8. vitam 9. tu
barum. . . . .. 10. aq uas. . . . .. I I. viae...... 12. vita...... 13.
tubis 14. animabus 15. animas .
B. Decline terra and tuba. Then decline each of them \vith the ad
jective bona. (See the declension of aqua bona above.)
c. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in sections A and B of Unit One the words
that have the same derivation as the following:
I. terrenus (earthly). 2. vlvere (to live). 3. indulgere (to pardon).
4. scire (to know). 5. prudens (prudent). 6. bene (well). 7. vivus
(living). 8. terrena (earthly things). 9. dillgere (to love). 10. sequi
(to follow). II. stare (to stand). 12. Innocens (innocent). 13. vola
(I wish). 14. temperans (temperate). 15. arroganter (arrogantly).
b) Note the relation between the following Latin and English
Latin English
aqua aqueous
, .
anIma animation
vita vital
terra territory
via viaduct
terra terrestrial
aqua aquarium
Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Masculine Neuter
Nom. -us (-er, -ir) -urn -i -a
Gen. -i -i -orum -orum
Dat. -0 -0 -is -is
Acc. -urn -um -os -a
Abl. -0 -0 -is -is
Singular Plural
Nom. servus regnum servi regna
Gen. servi regni servorum regn6rum
Dat. servo regno servis regnis
Ace. servum regnum servos regna
Abl. servo regno serVIS regnis
Nom. servus bonus regnum bonum
Gen. servi boni regni boni
Dat. servo bono regno bono
Acc. servunl bonum regnum bonum
Abl. servo bono regno bono
Nom. servi boni regna bona
Gen. servorum bonorum regnorum bonorum
Dat. servis bonis regnis bonis
Acc. servos bonos regna bona
Abl. servis bonis regnis bonis
Note that the adjective has a different form for each gender: bonus
(masculine), bona (feminine), bonum (neuter). The feminine form
is declined according to the first declension; the masculine and neuter
are declined according to the second declension.
Present Indicative of
esse, to be posse, to be abl~
(ego) sum,l am possum, l am able, l can
(tu) es, thou art potes, thou art able, thou canst
(is, ea, id) est, he (she, it) is potest, he (she, it) is able, he can
(nos) sumus, we are possumus, eve are able, we can
(vos) estis, you are potestis, you are able} you can
(ei, m.} eae, I.}
ea, n.) sunt, they are possunt, they are able, they can
NOTE. Since in Latin the form of the verb changes for each person,
the subject pronouns are not necessary. They may be and usually are
A. Decline in the singular and plural.
I. regnum beatum. 2. fHius bonus. 3. sanctus ap6stolus. 4. servus
D. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in sections A and B of Unit One, words that
have the same derivation as the following:
I. fHia 1 (daughter). 2. aposto1icus (apostolic). 3. dea 2 (goddess).
4. serva (woman servant). 5. caelestis (heavenly). 6. rex (king). 7.
gloriosus (glorious). 8. regina (queen). 9. principalis (perfect). 10
1 Dative and ablative plural, filiabus.
caelestis caelum
anniversarius annus (year)
voluntarius vo}untas (will)
legionarius legio (legion)
homo, hominis, m., man
virgo, vIrginis, £., virgin, maiden
calix, calicis, m., cbalice
corpus, corporis, n., body
cor, cordis, n. (gen. pI., cardium), heart
auxllium, -ii, n., help
magnus, magna, magnum, big, great
acer, acris, acre, sharp, ardent, bitter
omnis (m. and £.), omne (n.), all, every, everyone; omnia,l all things
non, not
nunc, now
6. Third declension. All nouns and adjectives with the genitive sin
gular in -is belong to this declension.
homo (base, homin-), m., nlan corpus (base, corpor-), n., body
Singular Plural
Nom. homo corpus Nom. homines corpora
Gen. hominis corporis Gen. hominum c6rporum
Dat. homini corpori Dat. hominibus corporibus
Ace. hominem corpus Ace. homines corpora
Abl. homine corpore Abl. hominibus corporibus
1 Latin adjectives are frequently used as nouns, especiaIIy in the neuter: bonUllls
something good; bona, good things; caelestia, heal/enly tllings.
and those that have one form in the nominative singular for all three
masc., fern., and neuter, clemens
Almost all third declension adjectives (as well as some nouns) end
in ..i in the ablative singular, have -ium in the genitive plural, either
-is or -es in the accusative plural of the masculine and feminine, and
-ia in the nominative and accusative plural of the neuter.
hominum omnium, of all m~n
vrrgines clementes, merciful tlirgins
corpora omnia, all bodi~s
culpas omnes, all faults
cordium clementium, of m~ciful h~arts
corda clementia, m~rciful hearts
in omni corpore, in every body
A. Give the genitive singular and the nominative plural of the
Ramma magna homo bonus on1nis homo
bonum auxllium corpus omne sanctus angelus
vita aeterna virgo clemens corpus magnum
beata Marla calix magnus on1nis angelus
beatus sanctus sancta virgo aqua acer
monere, to warn, advise, teach
habere, to have, hold, consider
dare, to give
vocare, to call
salvare, to save
intrare, to enter
laudare, to praise
ponere, to set, put
ducere, to lead
ffilttere, to send
dicere, to say, speak, tell
audire, to hear
servIre, to serve (takes its personal obj ect in the dative)
implorare, to implore
convertere, to convert
excusare, to excuse
liberare, to free
passio, passionis, f., suffering
sancta sanctorum, n. pl., holy of holies
nomen, nominis, n., name
pater, patris, m., father
gens, gentis (-ium), f., nation
tristis (m. and f.), triste (n.), sad, sorrowful
omnlpotens (m., f., n.); gen. omnipotentis, almighty
de (prep. with abl.), from, down from, about, concerning
8. Verbs. In Latin all verbs, except a few that cannot be classified,
may be assembled into four distinct groups or conjugations that are
distinguished from each other by the ending of the infinitive. Verbs
ending in -are are said to belong to the first conjugation (laudare, to
praise). Those ending in -ere and stressed on the next to the last syl
Iable belong to the second conj ugation (monere, to warn). Those
having the infinitive ending in -ere and stressed on the third syllable
from the end belong to the third conj ugation (ducere, to lead). Those
that end in -ire are grouped together as a fourth conjugation (audire,
to hear).
The following are the forms of all four conjugations in the present
Active Voice
laudare, to praise monere, to warn
laudo [ praise moneo [ warn
laudas thou praisest mones thou warnest
laudat he (she, it) praises monet he (she, it) warns
laudamus we praise monemus we warn
laudatis you praise monetis you warn
laudant they praise monent they warn
dueere, to lead audire, to hear
dueo [lead audio [ hear
dueis thou leadest audis thou hearest
dueit he (she, it) leads audit he (she, it) hears
ducimus we lead audimus we hear
dueitis you lead audltis you hear
ducunt they lead audiunt they hear
Passive Voice
laudor I am praised moneor I am warned
laudaris 1 th ou art praised moneris thou art warned
laudatur he (she, it) is praised monetur he (she, it) is warned
laudamur we are praised monemur we are warned
laudamini you are praised monemini you are warned
laudantur they are praised monentur they are warned
c. Add the first person pIural endi ng to these verbs (first of the
active and then of the passive voice); give the meaning of each form.
I. pon 2. aud 3. observ----_
4. salv 5. mon 6. comprehendu- ____
7. mitt 8. expect 9. liber--_
E. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in sections A and B of Unit One, words that
have the same derivation as the following:
I. liber (free). 2. creatura (creature). 3. excusatio (excuse). 4. sup
plex (suppliant). 5. venerabilis (venerable). 6. lumen (light). 7. me
moria (remembrance). 8. opus (work). 9. libertas (liberty). 10. inter
cessio (intercession). II. honor (honor). 12. gloria (glory). 13. vivus
(living). 14. pax (peace). IS. justitia (justice). 16. monitum (pre
cept). 17. patriarcha (patriarch). 18. serva (woman servant). 19. ser
vitus (service). 20. audltio (hearing). 21. patria (fatherland). 22.laus
(praise). 23. salvus (safe). 24. dictum (word). 25. dux (leader). 26.
videre, to see (the passive voice also means to s~~m)
audere, to dare, to venture, to mal(e bold
clamare, to shout, to cry out
ire, to go
introire (like ire), to enter, to go within
lavare, to wash
manducare, to eat
acceptare, to receive, to accept
larnentare, to lament, to weep
venerari, to venerate
respondere, to answer, to respond
bibere, to drink
cadere, to fall
Dominus, -i, m., Lord; dominus, master, lord
oratio, orationis, £., prayer
juventus, juventutis, f., youth
pax, pacis, f., peace
do16sus, -a, ..urn, deceitful
iniquus, ..a, -urn, unjust
misericors (m., f., n.); gen., misericordis, merciful
quare? why?
pro (prep. with abl.), for, for tIle sal(e of, in behalf of
mecum, with me
vobiscum, with you
9. Personal pronouns.
First Person
Singular Plural
Nom. ego, I nos, W~
Gen. mei, of m~, of myself nostrum (nostri), of us, of our
Dat. mihi, to m~, to myself nobis, to us, to ourselv~s
Ace. me, me, myself nos, us, ourselves
Abl. me, by, with me, myself nobis, by, with us, ours~ltl~s
Second Person
Nom. tu, thou vos, you
Gen. tui, of the~, of thyself vestrum (vestri), of you, of your
Dat. tibi, to the~, to thyself vobis, to you, to yours~lv~s
Ace. te, thee, thyself vos, you, yourselves
Abl. te, by, with thee, thyself vobis, by, with you, yours~lv~s
Third Person
Nom. is 1 (ea, id), he (sh~, it) ei (eae, ea), they
Gen. ejus, of him (of her, of it) eorum (earum, eorum), of th~m
Dat. ei, to him (to her, to it) eis, to them
Ace. eum (eam, id), him eos (eas, ea), them
Abl. eo (ea, eo), by, with him eis, by, witll them
NOTE. The preposition cum is added to the forms me, te, se, nobis,
and vobis: mecum, tecum, secum, noblscum, vobiscum (with me,
non das? 26. Aquam blbere non audemus. 27. Quare non audetis in
fines inimicorum introlre? 28. Me lavo; se laudant; te vides; vos
salvatis. 29. Nunc aquam do tibi. 30. Quare mihi aquam non das?
A. Translate into English.
I. Marfa nos videt. 2. Ei clamant. 3. Aquam tibi do. 4. Nos Iavamus.
5. In earn caditis. 6. Eo vobfscum. 7. Implorant pro nobis. 8. Eunt me..
cum. 9. Nos ea preparamus. 10. Mihi non acceptabilis. II. Ea me
vfsitat. 12. Id nobis dant. 13. Eas mihi das. 14. Ego tibi dico. IS. Nos ea
manducanlus. 16. Ei earn bibunt. 17. Ego eum honoro. 18. Pacem do
vobis. 19. Marla et Lucia eis eas mittunt. 20. Earn audltis. 21. In aqua
id ponit. 22. Ea non habeo. 23. Eae te vocant. 24. Pater eum laudat.
25. Nos vos monemus.
1 There are two other cases in Latin besides those already given: the vocative and
the locative. The former is used in direct address and usually has the same form as the
nominative. Adjectives and nouns of the second declension, however, usually have
the ending -e instead of -us. The locative, used in expressions of place, is like either the
genitive or the ablative.
B. Give the meaning of these forms of ire.
ego eo. 2. is it. 3. vos itis. 4. ei eunt. 5. tu is. 6. nos imus.
I. 7. eae
eunt. 8. ea it. 9. id it.
F. Vocabulary building.
a) Find, in sections A and B of Unit One, the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. acclpio (to take, to accept). 2. venerari 1 (to venerate). 3. videre
. ,
omnis beginning nunc glory
£lamma way aeternus son
via enemy gloria now
virgo merciful culpa remedy
regnum blessed ' .
anIma to
posse vlrgLn ad fault
beatus to be able terra soul
clemens kingdom remedium land
Singular Plural
lauda-bam, I praised lauda-bamus, we praised
lauda-bas, thou praisedst lauda-batis, you praised
lauda-bat, he praised lauda-bant, they praised
lauda-bar, 1 was praised lauda-bamur, we were praised
lauda-baris, thou wast praised lauda-hamini, you were praIsed
lauda-batur, he was praised lauda-bantur, they were praised
For the other conjugations the imperfect tense is formed in a similar
n1anner. Thus we have:
mone-bam, I warned monebar, I was warned
duce-bam, lied cluce-har, I was led
audie-bam, I heard audie-bar, I was heard
NOTE. Since there are no progressive tenses in Latin, laudabam
means I praised or I was praising.
12. The imperative. The common imperative forms are two in
number: a singular form corresponding to the pronoun tu, and a
plural form corresponding to vos.
(laudare, to praise) (monere, to warn)
lauda, praise (thou) mone, warn (thou)
laudate, praise (ye, you) monete, warn (ye, you)
(dueere, to lead) (audire, to hear)
due, duee, lead (thou) audi, hear (thou)
dueite, lead (ye, you) audlte, hear (ye, you)
(esse, to be) (posse, to be able) (ire, to go)
eram, I was poteram, I was able ibam, I went
eras, th Ott wast poteras, thou wast able ibas, tllott wentest
erat, he was poterat, he was able ibat, Ile went
eramus, we were poteramus, we were able ibamus, we went
eratis, you were poteratis, you (,(Jere able ibatis, you went
erant, they were poterant, tlley were able ibant, tlley went
es,t be (thou) (posse has no imperative) i, go (thou)
este, 2 be (ye, you) ite, go (ye, you)
A. Cognates. 11any Latin words beconle English when the last let
ter or the last t\VO letters are dropped.
I. mortalis. 2. orthodcSxus. 3. patriarcha. 4. patronus. S. pontificalis.
6. propheta. 7. sacerdotalis. 8. sacramentum. 9. spiritus. 10. strictus.
1 The form esto is more usual.
II. temporalis. 12. testamentum. 13. apost6licus. 14. archangelus. IS.
firmamentum. 16. meritum. 17. Christus. 18. electus. 19. praeceptum.
20. singularis.
A. Conjugate in the imperfect tense, active voice: dare; habere;
dicere; servire.
Conj ugate in the inlperfect tense, passive voice: salvare, monere,
mittere, audire.
COlnu, us, n., horn
spiritus, us, m., spirit; Spiritus Sanctus, Holy Ghost
manus, us, f., /2and
domus,l us, £., 120US~
cIvitas, civitatis, f., city
ecclesia, ae, f., church
frater, fratris, m., broth~r
laus, landis, f., prais~
puer, pueri, m., boy, servant
pars, partis (-ium), f., part
crux, cnlcis, f., cross
liber, libri, m., book
lectio, lectionis, f., lesson
mater, matris, f., 11l0t/2er
fortis (m. and £.), forte (n.), strong, brave
miser, misera, mlserum, wretclzed
pauper (m., £., n.), gen., pauperis, poor
malus, -a, -urn, bad, evil, wicked
credere, to believ~
stare, to stand
venIre, to com~
movere, to mov~
1 See Appendix for irregular declensions.
nocere, to harm
judicare, to judge
dolosus, -a, -urn, deceitful
oratio, orationis, f., prayer
malitia, -ae, f., wickedness
sanctus, -i, m., a holy man
ergo, tllerefore
ideo, therefore
igitur, therefore
14. Fourth declension. All nouns having the genitive singular end..
ing -us belong to this declension. Most of them are masculine.
spiritus (base, spirit-), m., spirit
Singular Plural
N om. spiritus spiritus
Gen. spiritus spirituum
Dat. spirftui spiritibus
Acc. spiritum spIritus
Abl. spiritu spiritibus
15. The future tense. In the first and second conjugations this is
formed by adding the following personal endings:
Active Passive
Singular Plural Singular Plural
-bo . .bimus ..bor ..bimur
-bis . .bitis -bens ..bimini
-hit . .bunt ..bitur -buntur
Thus for the first conjugation we have the following:
Singular Plural
lauda-bo, I shall praise lauda-bimus, we sllall praise
lauda-his, thou wilt praise lauda-bitis, you will praise
lauda-bit, he will praise lauda-bunt, they will praise
lauda-bor, I shall be praised lauda-bimur, we .fhall be praised
lauda-beris, thou wilt be praised lauda-bimini, you will be praised
lauda-bitur, he will be praised lauda-buntur, they will be prais~d
Active Passive
Singular Plural Singular Plural
, ,
-am -emus -ar -emur
, . , . .
-es -etis -erls -emlll1
-et -ent -etur -entur
Singular Plural
due-am, I shall lead due-emus, we shall lead
due-es due-etis
due-et due-ent
due-ar, I shall be led due-emur, we shall be led
due-eris due-emini
due-etur due-entur
A. Cognates.
a) Many nouns ending in -ia in Latin end in -y in English. Pro
nounce and give the English for the following:
I. famIlia. 2. gloria. 3. memoria. 4. miseria. s. victoria. 6. ignomfnia.
7. custodia. 8. perfldia.
D. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in sections A and B of Unit One, words
that have the same derivation as the following:
auditus (hearing). 2. malum (evil). 3. dominatio (dominion).
4. civis (citizen). 5. laudabilis (praiseworthy). 6. particeps (partaker).
7. crucifixus (crucified). 8. fortitudo (strength). 9. miseria (wretched
ness). 10. dominus (lord, master). II. laudare (to praise). 12. malitia
(malice). 13. adventus (coming, advent). 14. credibilis (credible). 15.
circumstare (to stand around, to be present). 16. famulus (servant).
17. glorificare (to glorify). 18. memorare (to remember). 19. victus
(conquered). 20. ignorare (to be ignorant). 21. custos (guard). 22.
clementer (mercifully). 23. innocentia (innocence). 24. custodire (to
guard). 25. male (badly). 26. competere (to be capable of, to be fit
for). 27. nocens (harmful). 28. nocere (to harm). 29. conglorificare
(to glorify).
dies, diei, m. and f., day; in novlssimo die, on the last day
fides, fidei, f., faith
facies, faciei, £., fac~
missa, -ae, £., Jt.;1 ass,. missa est, the Mass is finish~d
panis, panis, m., bread
disclpulus, -i, m., pupil, disciple
tectum, -i, n., roof
flOX, noctis (-ium), £., night
mums, -i, m., wall
somnus, -i, m., Jleep
gratia, -ae, f., grace, tI2anl(fuln~ss
agere, to act, to put in motion; gratias agere, to give thanks
dormire, to sleep
scribere, to writ~
docere, to teach
peccare, to sin
novus, -a, -urn, new
aequ us, -a, -urn, right
dignus, -a, -urn, meet, worthy
potens (m., f., n.), gen., potentis, pown-Iul
ecce (lnterjecL), behold
sic (adv.), so, thus
hodie (adv.), today, this day
item (adv.), also, likewise
simul (adv.), together
sed (conj.), but; sed et, as also
17. Fifth declension. It comprises nouns with the genitive SID.gular
ending -ei. 1"hey are feminine in gender. 1
dies (base, di-), day res, f., thing
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nom. dies dies Nom. res res
Gen. diei dierum Gen. rei rerum
Dat. diei diebus Dat. rei rebus
Ace. diem dies Acc. rem res
Abl. die diebus Abl. re rebus
18. Participles. The participles of the fou r conjugations are the
Present (active) Past (passive)
laudans, praising laudatus, praised
monens, warning m6nitus, warned
ducens, leading ductus, led
audiens, hearing auditus, heard
Future (active) Gerundive (passive)
laudaturus, about to praise laudandus, must be prais~d
moniturus, about to warn monendus, must be warn~d
ducturus, about to lead ducendus, must be led
auditurus, about to hear audiendus, must be heard
NOTE. (a) A participle, like an adjective, agrees with the noun
modified or the noun referred to.
b) The present participle is declined according to the third de
clension: laudans (m., f., n.); gen., laudantis.
1 Exception: dies is sometimes masculine in the singular, always masculine in the
c) The rest are declined in the first and second declensions:
laudatus, laudata, laudatum.
(ire, to go)
Present: iens (euntis), going
Future: iturus, about to go
B. Verbs with the prefix, a.., ab-, or abs- convey the idea of from or
away froln.
I. abesse (to be away, to be absent). 2. abducere (to lead away, to
abduct). 3. avertere (to turn away, to avert). 4. abstinere (to hold
from, to abstain). s. abstrahere (to draw from, to abstract). 6. amittere
(to send away). 7. abire (to go away). 8. amovere (to move from).
9. avocare (to call away from). 10. abrumpere (to break away from).
II. abstergere (to wipe away). 12. absolvere (to loose from, to ab
C. Read and translate into English.
I. Domus muros et tecta habent. 2. Nox pars diei est. 3. Ad muros
civitatis veniebamus. 4. Dignum est nostris matribus bonis gratias
agere. S. In somno justorum dormiunt. 6. In manus tuas libros daturi
eramus. 7. Homo patens est, sed Deus omnlpotens est. 8. Omnes
disclpuli lectiones bonas hodie habebant. 9. Facies vlrginis bona et
clemens erat. 10. Sancta Fides nomen civitatis est. II. Panis mandu
candus est. 12. Pueri domum mittendi sunt. 13. Deo gratiae agendae
sunt. 14. Vobis item scribam de ecclesia nova. IS. Mater cum pueris
simul salvatur. 16. Audi, dicturus est. 17. Vlrgines nobis serviturae
erant. 18. Frater meus in domum clamans intrat. 19. Ab domino
laudati servi beati sunt. 20. Civitatem magna luce illuminatam vide
bant. 21. Credere non possumus in fidem gentium malarum. 22. Ae
quum est pro pace intercedere. 23. Calix a flammis salvandus est.
24. Eos in monte stantes videmus. 25. Eos docebit et non peeeahunt.
26. Ecce homo! 27. Omnes libros salvatos a flammis habemus. 28. In
monte stans eos judicat. 29. Crucem magnam a patre suo datam videt
puer. 30. Nobis erat dicturus nomen suum. 31. Fides patrum nostr6
rum fortis erat. 32. Virgines fratres suos vocantes audiebam. 33. Nos
monituri erant quia Rammas ascendentes de tecto domus videbant.
34. Homo pauper et miser erat, sed auxHium non implorabat. 35.
AuxHium ad civitatem mittendum est.
I. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam. 2. Et introlbo ad altare
A. Decline in the singular and plural: dies gloriosus; facies tristis.
B. Give the four participles of the following:
c. Vocabulary building.
repellere (repuli, repulsus), to cast from, to r~p~l
conturbare, to disturb
ostendere (ostendi, ostensus), to show
sedere (sedi, sessus), to sit
tollere (sustuli, sublatus), to take away
mundare, to cleanse
salutare, salutaris, n. (noun), health, salvation
salutaris, -e, adj., saving, salutary
vultus, vultus, m., countenance
cogitatio, cogitationis, f., thought
verbum, -i, n., uJord
opus, operis, n., deed~ work
indulgentia, -ae, £., pardon, forgitlen~ss
plebs, plebis, f., people
mens, mentis, f., mind
voluntas, voluntatis, f., will
adjutorium, adjutorii, D., help
agnus, -i, m., lamb
mundus, -i, m., world
deprecatio, deprecationis, f., pray~
spes, spei, f., hope
dexter, dextra (dextera), dextrum (dexterum), right, right hand
20. The perfect tense. In the active voice this tense is formed by the
following personal endings added to the perfect stem of the verb:
Singular Plural
-i -imus
-isti ..istis
-it -eront
Thus for the first conjugation we have the following:
Singular Plural
laudav-i, I have praised laudav-imus, we have praised
laudav-isti laudav-lstis
laudav-it lauda v -crun t
In the passive voice the perfect tense is formed by adding the pres
ent tense of the verb esse to the past participle. Thus we have:
Singular PI ural
laudatus sum, I have been praised laudati sumus, we have been
laudatus es laudati estis
laudatus est laudati sunt
In the other can j ugations the perfect tense is formed in a similar man
ner. Thus we have:
Active Passive
monu-i, I have tvarned monitus sum, I have been warned
dux-i, I have led ductus sum, I have been led
audiv-i, I have heard auditus sum, I have been heard
21. Perfect tense of esse, posse, and ire.
(esse, to be) (posse, to be able) (ire, to go)
fui, I IJave been p6tui, I have been able ivi (ii), I hav~ gone
NOTE. (a) All other perfect tenses (the pluperfect and future per
fect indicative and the perfect and pluperfect subj unctive) are formed
on the perfect stems as given above. Only the endings will differ. For
these tenses, see the Appendix.
b) Many verbs are irregular in the perfect. But, if the first person
singular of the perfect is known, all other forms of the perfect active
tenses can be formed on the sten1 of this one.
c) Past participles are frequently irregular. Hereafter, whenever
verbs are given in the vocabularies the first person singular of the per
fect and the past participle of all irregular verbs will be given also.
22. Prepositions.
a) The following prepositions govern the accusative:
ad, to, toward, near
ante, befor~
apud, to, with, in the presence 0/
circum, around
contra, against
inter, between, among
intra, within
ob, for, in consideration 0/
per, tlJrough, by
post, after
propter, for, because of
secundum, according to
snpra, over, above, upon
trans, through, across
b) The following prepositions govern the ablative:
a, ab, from
coram, in the presence of
cum, wit/~
de, from, down from
e, ex, out of
prae, before
pro, for, through, in behalf of
sine, without
c) In (in or into), sub (under), super (above), govern the accusa
tive when they indicate motion towards a place, but govern the abla
tive when they denote rest in a place.
B. Verbs having the prefix ad- convey the idea of at, toward, to, or
I. adesse (to be at, to be present). 2. adducere (to lead to). 3. adver
tere (to turn toward). 4. adire (to go to). 5. adorare (to pray to, to
adore). 6. admovere (to move to). 7. adjuvare (to help toward).
8. admonere (to warn against, to admonish). 9. addlcere (to assent
to). 10. advenlre (to come to).
c. Translate into English.
I. Inimlcus repellendus erato 2. Disclpuli nostri ab pueris clamanti
bus conturbati sunt. 3. Verba sua nobis ostenderunt fidem suam in
causam suam. 4. Virgo ad dexteram matris sola stabat. 5. Cogitatio
verbum praecedit. 6. Fortis fuit, quoniam spem et fidem in corde
habuit. 7. Hodie in ecclesia non fuerunt; absunt. 8. Hic sedimus ad
jutorium vestrum sperantes. 9. Virgo domum mundabat, dum mater
eius dormiebat. 10. Voluntas in mente est. II. Vultus hominis con
t urbatus est, quoniam spIritus ejus miser est. 12. Non dicimus durn
manducamus. 13. Pater filio suo agnum dabit. 14. Verba sua laetifi
caverunt omnes qui audiverunt. 15. Arrogantiam inimicorum 110S
trorum observavimus. 16. Dlcitur: voluntas plebis voluntas Dei est.
17. Eum monulsti, sed non audivit. 18. Quare eos ad montem ad
duxerunt? 19. Domus nostrae ab manibus hominum malorum lib
eratae sunt. 20. Omnes servi vocati sunt, sed non responderunt. 21.
Frater meus non dormlvit hodie. 22. Mater tua indulgentiam ostendit
tibi. 23. Eos niolis laudavimus, et nobis bene serviverunt. 24. Agnum
in altari immolaverunt. 25. Opera plebis innocentis Deum laetfficant.
26. Frater tuus non hic fuit. 27. Ea ad matris domum fuit. 28. Aux
Ilium nostrum imploraverunt. 29. Mater ej us introlvit dum hic era
mus. 30. Verba indulgentiae speravit. 31. Opera sua in terra magna
fuerunt. 32. Voluntas Dei voluntas sanctorum est. 33. Cogitationes
nostrae se ostendunt in vultu. 34. Hic sederunt dum domum munda
bamus. 35. Inimlcos suos repulerunt et nunc non conturbantur.
tatis. IS. Benedlcimus tee 16. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam
gloriam tuam. 17. Qui tollis peccata mundi. 18. Deprecationem nos
tram. 19. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris. 20. Quoniam tu solus sanctus.
21. Tu solus Dominus. 22. Munda cor meum. 23. Ante omnia saecula.
24. Qui propter nos homines. 25. Sub Pontio Pilato. 26. Secundum
Scripturas. 27. Sedet ad dexteram Patris. 28. Non erit. 29. Per prophe
tas. 30. In remissionem peccat6rum. 31. Pro innumerabHibus peccatis,
et offensionibus, et negligentiis meis et pro omnibus circumstantibus,
sed et pro omnibus fidelibus christianis. 32. Tecum. 33. In unitate
Spfritus sancti. 34. Benedic hoc sacriflci urn tuo sancto nomini prae- I
paratum. 35. Per intercessionem beati Michaelis Archangeli, stantis:
a dextrls. a1tarlS.
/ . I I
A. Learn the perfect indicative and the past participle (if irregu-I
lar) of these partly irregular verbs.
Infinitive Perfect Indicative Past Participle
dare dedi datus
mfttere mlsl missus
ponere posui positus
dicere dixi dictus
videre vidi VlSUS
blbere bibi bfbitus
cadere cecidi casus
affifgere affifxi afHfctus
/ /
eruere erUI erutus
• I • • I
incedere InceSSl Incessus
credere credidi creditus
stare steti status
venIre venl ventus
movere mOVI motus
agere egi actus
scrfbere scrIpSI scriptus
disponere; imponere
addlcere; benedlcere
d) of these verbs which are like ducere:
deducere; educere; inducere; perducere; adducere
t') of these verbs which are like incedere:
concedere; intercedere; praecedere; procedere; recedere (to go back) ;
secedere (to withdra w )
f) of these verbs which are like venIre:
advenIre; invenIre; pervenIre ; praevenlre; provenlre; subvenlre
g) of these verbs which are like convertere, descendere, and dare
respectivel y :
revertere (to go back), avertere; ascendere; circumdare
h) of these verbs which are like snrgere:
resurgere; consurgere (to rise up)
Per eumdem Christum Through the same Christ
Dominum nostrum. our Lord.
The boys come in order to see the Pueci veniunt qui agnum
lamb. vldeant.
b) Gerundive with the preposition ad.
He shouts in order to warn the Clamat ad homines monendos.
c) Gerundive with causa (abl., for the purpose of).
He comes to give thanks. Venit gratiamm agendarum causa.
d) With the infinitive.
He shall come again with glory Et Iterum venturus est cum
to judge both the living and the gloria judic are vivos et mortuos.
A. Many Latin words become English if the last letter or the last
two letters are changed to -e. Pronounce and give the English for the
I. Apocalypsis. 2. contrftus. 3. creatura. 4. causa. S. divInus. 6.
futurus. 7. immacuhltus. 8. incarnatus. 9. incensum. 10. ira. II. medi
cIna. 12. modus. 13. natura. 14. obscurus. IS. offensio.
et salutare, nos tibi semper gratias agere. 23. Ac beata Seraphim. 24.
Confessione dicentes. 25. Benedlctus qui venit in nomine Domini.
26. Hosanna in excelsis. 27. Uti accepta habeas, et benedlcas. 28. Qui
nos praecesserunt. 29. Ut indulgeas. 30. Creas, sancdficas, vivlficas,
benedlcis, et praestas nobis. 31. Praeceptis salutaribus moniti. 32.
Sanctificetur nomen tuum. 33. Adveniat regnum tuum. 34. Sed Hbera
nos a malo. 35. Da propltius pacem in diebus nostris. 36. Per omnia
saecula saeculorum. 37. Pax Domini sit semper voblscum. 38. Agnus
Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem. 39. Domine Jesu
Christe, qui dixlsti apostolis tuis. 40. Secundum voluntatem tuam.
troeat. 7. Ne ponas. 8. Stet. 9. Adsint. 10. Moneatur. II. Sit. 12. Prosit.
13. Ne cadamus. 14. Manducent. IS. Bibam. 16. Audeat. 17. Ne videar.
18. Ne dicatis. 19. Lavemus. 20. Ducatur.
F. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. What words in sections A, B, C, and D of Unit One
have the same derivation as the following?
G. Give
a) Four compounds of mittere with their meanings.
b) Three compounds of ducere with their meanings.
c) Four compounds of venIre with their meanings.
regnare, to reign
timere, to fear to be afraid
hie, this
Singul~r Plural
Nom. hie (haec, hoc) hi (hac, haec)
ille, tllat
Nom. HIe (ilIa, iIIud) illi (ilIae, illa)
Oat. isti
Gen. ipslus
Dat. ipsi
B. The prefix de- means tram or dOlvn tram and may also indicate
the cessation or removal of the usual idea of the word with which it
is compounded.
I. deducere (to lead from, to deduce). 2. deponere (to put down or
aside, to deposit). 3. denunthlre (to denounce). 4. detinere (to hold
from, to detain). s. desperare (to be \vithout hope, to despair). 6.
desplcere (to look down upon, to despise). 7. deesse (to be lacking).
8. depenclere (to hang from, to depend). 9. clemens (lack of mind,
demented). 10. deprimere (to press down, to depress).
B. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in Units One and Two, the words that
have the sanle derivation as the following:
I. regnum (kingdom). 2. timor (fear). 3. regere (to govern). 4.
andire (to hear). 5. animus (mind). 6. illuminare (to illuminate).
7. virtus (power). 8. altare (altar). 9. bonus (good). 10. dies (day).
II. pure (purely). 12. replere (to fill). 13. purgare (to purify). 14.
scribere (to write). 15. docere (to teach). 16. discipulus (disciple).
17. sacer (sacred). 18. sacerdos (priest). 19. dux (leader). spes
(hope). 21. 19nitus (burning). 22. praesumere (to presume). 23.
deposltio (burial).
discutere (to disperse) discussio (dispersal)
Since they were not at home we Cum domi 1 non essent eos videre
Alt/lough tlley are poor they will Cum pauperes sint, auxilium non
W /zen tve had given him the Cum ei pancm dedissemus (plu
bread he sat down to eat it. perfect subj.), sedit ad eum man
WIlen Christ was born, Herod Cum Christus natus esset, Hero..
was I(ing. des rex erat.
LATiN GRi\lvl:;VfAR
If he (vas praIsIng them they Si cos laudaret, bani essent. (imp.
would be good. subj. in both clauses to express
an idea contrary to fact at the
present moment)
If he had them they Si eos laudavlsset, boni fulssent.
would 12ave been good. (pluperfect subj. in both clauses
to express an idea contrary to fact
in the past)
A. Translate the following:
I. Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli
et terrae, visibllium omnium et invisiblliunl. 2. Et in unum Domi
num Jesum Christum, FHium Dei unigenitum. 3. Deum de Deo,
lunlen de lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero. 4. Et resurrexit tertia
die secundum Scripturas. 5. Da nobis per hujus aquae et vini myste
rium. 6. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per
omnia saecula saeculorum. 7. Dt in conspectu divlnae majestatis tuae,
pro nostra, et tOtIUS mundi salute cum odore suavitatis ascendat. 8.
Veni, sanctificator omnlpotens, aeterne Deus, et benedic hoc sacrifl
cium tuo sancto nomini praeparatum. 9. Incensum istud a te bene
dIctum, ascendat ad te, Domine; et descendat super nos misericordia
tua. 10. Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea, sicut incensum in conspectu
tuo; elevatio manuum mearum sacriflcium vespertinum. I!. Accen
dat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amaris, et flammam aeternae cari
tatis. 12. Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas, et circumdabo altare
tuum, Domine, ut audiam vocem laudis. 13. Ne perdas cum Impiis,
Deus, animam meam, et cum viris sanguinurn vitam meam. 14. Dex
tera eorum repleta est muneribus. IS. Pes meus stetlt In directo;
in ecclesiis benedfcam te, Domine. 16. Sursum corda. Habemus ad
Dominum. 17. Gnltias agamus Domino Dea nostro. 18. Caeli, cae
lorumque virtutes, ac beata Seraphim exsultatione concelebrant. 19.
Hosanna in excclsis. 20. Uti accepta habeas, et benedlcas, haec dona,
haec munera, haec sancta sacriflcia. 21. Pro Ecclesia tua sancta catho
lica. 22. Hoc sacriflcium laudis. 23. Pacificare, custodlre, adunare, et
regere. 24. Pro spe salutis. 25. Ut in omnibus protectionis tuae mu
niamur auxllio. 26. In sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas. 27. Tibi
gratias agens. 28. Benedlxit, deditque disclpulis suis. 29. Manducate
ex hoc omnes. 30. Blbite ex eo omnes.
B. Fill the blanks with the correct ending for the imperfect sub
junctive active voice:
I. ego mitte---. 2. is veni---. 3. nos accende---. 4. tu
da---. 5. vas appare---. 6. ea sci---. 7. ei regna---. 8. ego
poss---. 9. nos i---. 10. id ess---.
C. Fill the blanks \vith the correct ending for the imperfect sub
junctive, passive voice:
I. tu muni---. 2. nos perde---. 3. ego libera---. 4. is
dirige---. S. vas tribue---. 6. ei munda--. 7. ea doce··--.
8. ego ostende---. 9. tu vide---. 10. nos muni---.
A. Learn from the Appendix how the future perfect indicative and
the perfect subj unctive are formed.
B. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in Units One and Two, the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. quaesere (to beseech). 2. vivus (living). 3. facere (to make). 4.
amare (to love). 5. vocare (to call). 6. vivificare (to bring to life). 7.
amator (one who loves). 8. multitudo (multitude). 9. mirabilis (won
derful). 10. genitus (begotten). I I. quotiescumque (as often as). 12.
mirabHia (wonders). 13. genitrix (mother). 14. quasi (as if, like).
IS. mirabiliter (wonderfully). IG. quotquot (however m iny). 17.
factum (deed). 18. socius (together, allied). 19. unus (one). 20.
sociare (to share in). 21. clarus (clear). 22. gravis (heavy, grave). 23.
difficilis (difficult). 24. praeclarus (excellent). 25. jacere (to throw).
b) Observe the relation between these Latin and English words.
Latin English Latin English
apparere apparition vlvere reVIve
quaerere question scire science
accendere incendiary amor amorous
vox vocal initium initiate
unigenitus generation tertius tertiary
vespertlnus vespers totus total
quantus quantity mirus admirable
factor benefactor sociare associa tion
c) Observe the relation of
these verbs to tlzese nouns
scire scientia (knowledge)
vlvere vita
facere (to make) factor
amare (to love) amor
vocare vox
d) Observe the force of the suffix -issimus when added to adjec
altus (high)
altIssimus (most high)
dilectus (beloved)
dilectissimus (most beloved)
purus (pure)
purlssimus (most pure)
clarus (clear)
clarIssimus (most clear)
novus (new)
novIssimus (newest, last)
justus (j ust)
justissimus (most just)
iianctus (holy)
sanctissimus (most holy)
Aegyptum, et esto ibi usque dum dicam tibi. Futurum est enim ut
Herodes quaerat puerum ad perdendum eum.
14. Qui consurgens accepit puerum, et matrem ejus nocte, et se
cessit in Aegyptum.
IS. Et erat ibi usque ad obitum Herodis; ut adimpleretur quod
dictum est a Domino per prophetam dicentem: Ex Aegypto vocavi
filium meum.
16. Tunc Herodes videns quoniam illusus esset a magis, iratus est
valde, et mittens, occidit omnes pueros qui erant in Bethlehem et in
omnibus finibus ejus a bimatu et infra, secundum tempus quod ex
quisierat a magis.
17. Tunc adimpletum est quod dictum est per Jeremiam prophetam
18. Vox in Rama audita est, ploratus et ululatus multus: Rachel
plorans filios suos, et noluit consolari, quia non sunt.
19. De£uncto autem Herode, ecce angelus Domini apparuit In
somnis Joseph in Aegypto,
20. Dicens: Surge et accipe puerum et matrem ejus, et vade In
terram Israel; defuncti sunt enim qui quaerebant animam pueri.
21. Qui consurgens, accepit puerum et matrem ejus, et venit in
terram Israel.
22. Audiens autem quod Archelaus regnaret in Judaea pro Herode
patre suo, timuit illo ire; et admonitus in somnis, accessit in partes
23. Et veniens habitavit in civitate quae vocatur Nazareth; ut adim
pleretur quod dictum est per prophetas: Quoniam N azaraeus voca
(Jesl' Christi Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum, caput II, 1-23.)
suavitas, suavitatis, f., sw~etn~ss
servitus, servitutis, f., sert/ic~, s~rt/itude
utHitas, utilitatis, f., benefit, usefuln~ss
farnulus (f., -a), -i, m., s~rtlant
ops, opis, f., help
mors, mortis, f., death
seeIus, seeleris, n., sin, crime
cunetus, -a, -urn, all
universus, -a, -urn, all
slmilis, m. and f., SImile, n., lik~; simili modo, in lik~ manner
praeehirus, -a, -urn, excellent
inferus, -a, -urn, low; as a noun, h~ll
quotidianus, -a, -urn, daily
praeteritus, -a, -urn, past
idem, eadem, idem (decline like is, adding ~em to each form), same
plaeere, to pl~as~, to be pleasing to
frangere (fregi, fractus), to br~ak
eoenare, to ~at supper
cffundcre (effudi, effusus), to sh~d, to pour out
respleere (respexi, respectus), (an -io verb), to look, look upo"
relinquere (reHqui, reHetus), to leat/~ behind
remanere (remattsi, remansus), to remain
tremere, to tremble
enim (adverbial conj.), for
postquam (conj.), after
quoque, also
The indicative and subjunctive forms are like those of fourth con
jugation verbs with two exceptions, namely: the second person singu
lar of the present indicative passive and all persons of the imperfect
subjunctive; these forms are those of the third conjugation. Thus:
faceris, facerem.
The ending of the present participle is -iens; of the gerundive,
For the complete conjugation of third conjugation -io verbs, see
The imperative has the forms of the third conjugation. (But the
imperative forms of facere are fac, facite.)
b) The commonest of these -io verbs are capio, facio, jacio, and
their compounds.
capere (cepi, captus), to take
A. I. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, qui fecit caelum et
terram. 2. Qui tollis peccata mundi, suseipe deprecationem nostram.
3. Inftium sancti Evangelii secundum Lucam. 4. Suscipe, sancte Pater
omnfpotens, aeterne Deus, hanc immaculatam hostiam, ut mihi et
iBis proHciat ad salutem in vitam aeternam. Pro on1nibus fidelibus
ehristianis vivis atgue defunctis. 6. Cum odore suavitatis. 7. In splritu
humilitatis, et in animo contrtto suscipiamur a te, Domine. 8. Ut
placeat tibi, Domine Deus. 9. Incensum istud a te benedictum, as
cendat ad te, Domine. 10. Suscipe, sancta Trlni~as, hanc oblationem.
I I. Ob memoriam passionis, resurrectionis et ascensionis Jesu Christi
Domini nostri. 12. Et in honorem beatae Marlae semper Vlrginis, et
beati Joannis Baptistae, et sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et
istorum, et omni urn sanctorum, ut iBis proficiat ad honorem, nobis
autem ad salutem. 13. Susclpiat Dominus sacriflcium de manibus
tuis, ad laudem, et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nos..
tram, totiusque Eeelesiae suae sanetae. 14. Sacrificium laudis. 15.
Beatorum Apostolorum ac Martyrum tuorum. 16. Per eumdem Chris..
tum Dominum nostrum. 17. Hane 19itur oblationem servitutis nos..
trae, sed et eunctae famHiae tuae, quaesumus, Domine, ut placatus
acclpias. 18. Accepit panem in sanctas, ac venerabiles manus suas.
19. Hoc est enim corpus meum. 20. Slmili modo postquam coenatum
est, acclpiens et hunc praeclarum calicem in sanctas, ac venerabiles
manus suas: item tibi gratias agens, benedixit, dedttque disclpulis
suis, dicens: Aeclpite, et bfuite ex eo omnes. 21. Hic est enim calix
Sanguinis mei, novi et aeterni testamenti, mysterium fidei, qui pro
vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum. 22. Haec
quotiescumque feceritis, in mei memoriam facietis. 23. Praeclarae
Majestati tuae. 24. Famulorum, famularumque tuarum. 25. Nobis
quoque peccatoribus famulis tuis, de multitudine miserationum tua
rum sperantibus. 26. Cum tuis sanctis Apostolis et Martyribus. 27. Per
ipsum et cum ipso et in ipso, est tibi Deo Patri omnipotenti, in unitate
SpIritus Sancti, omnis honor, et gloria, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Amen. 28. LIbera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, prae
teritis, praesentibus et futuris. 29. Ope misericordiae tuae. 30. A pec
cato simus semper llberi, et omni perturbatione securi. 31. Pacem
rellnquo vobis. 32. Ne resplcias peccata mea. 33. Per mortem tuam
mundum vivificasti. 34. Cum eadem Deo Patre. 35. Panem caelestem
acclpiam et nomen Domini invocabo.
C. Conjugate.
a) capere in the future indicative active.
b) facere in the present ind icative active.
e) jacere in the present subjunctive active.
d) conclpere in the imperfect indicative active.
t') accipere in the perfect subj unctive passive.
B. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find, in Units One and Two, the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
Agnus Dei, qui toUis peccata Lamb of God, who takest away the sinJ
mundi, miserere nobis. of the world, have mercy on us.
jubere (jussi, jussus), to command
confiteri (confessus sum), dep., to confess, to praise
consequi (consecutus sum), dep., to obtain, to secure
ulclsci (ultus sum), dep., to avenge
dignari, dep., to vouchsafe, to grant, to deign
precari, dep., to beseech, to pray
mori (mortuus sum) (-io verb), dep., to die
nasci (natus sum), dep., to be born
pati (passus sum) (-io verb), dep., to suDer, to permit
oblivlsci (obHtus sum), dep., to forget
perfrui (perfructus sum) (takes its dire obj. in the abl.) dep., to enjoy
mgredi (ingressus sum) (-io verb), dep., to walk
loqui (locutus sum), dep., to speak
misereri (misertus sum), dep., to have mercy
audere (ausus sum), semi-dep., to dare
fidere (fisus sum), semi-dep., to trust
gaudere (gavisus sum), semi-dep., to rejoice
solere (solitus sum), semi-dep., to be accustomed
nunquam, never
dominatio, dominationis, f., dominion
tutamentum, -i, D., safety, safeguard
mandatum, -i, D., commandment, command
caro, camis, f., flesh
33. Deponent verbs. These verbs have passive forms with active
meanings. They should b:~ translated by an active verb in English.
UN:T Two
A. I. Confitehor tibi. 2. Spera in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor
illi, saluulre vultus mei, et Deus meus. 3. Misereatur tui omnlpotells
Deus. 4. Conflteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae ~1ariae semper Virgini,
beato ]oanni I3apdstae, sanctis apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnihus
sanctis, et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi nimis cogitati6ne, verbo, et opere,
fT'~a culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. 5. Ideo precor beatam
Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelum Archangelum, bea
1 Verbs of remembering and forgetting take their direct object either in the aceuu
ti ve or in the genitive.
tum Joannem Baptlstam, sanctos apostolos Petrum et PauIum, omnes
sanctos, et te, Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. 6.
Misereatur vestri omnlpotens Deus. 7. Et plebs tua laetabitur in tee 8.
Gramus te, Domine, per merita sanctorum tuorum, ut indulgere dig
neris omnia peccata mea. 9. Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
10. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. I I. Ita me tua grata
miseratione dignare mundare, ut sanctum Evangelium tuum digne
valeam nuntiare. 12. Ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. 13. Sub
Pontio Pilato passus. 14. Qui locutus est per Prophetas. IS. Conflteor
unum baptfsma in remissionem peccatorum, et exspecto resurrec
tionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi saeculi. 16. Per intercessionem
beati Michaelis Archangeli, stantis a dextris altaris incensi, et omnium
electorum suorum, incensum istud dignetur Dominus benedlcere et in
odorem suavitatis acclpere. 17. Dextera eorum repleta est muneribus.
18. Ego autem in innocentia mea ingressus sum. 19. Miserere mei.
20. Et illi pro nobis intercedere dignentur in caelis. 21. Laudant An
geli, adorant Dominationes. 22. Caeli, caelorumque Virtutes, ac beata
Seraphim, socia exsultatione concelebrant. 23. Deprecamur. 24. Pleni
sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. 25. Ne resplcias peccata mea, sed fidem
Ecclesiae tuae; eamque secundum voluntatem tuam pacificare et co
adunare digneris. 26. Perceptio corporis tui, Domine Jesu Christe,
quod ego indignus sumere praesumo, non mihi proveniat in judicium
et condemnationem; sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad tutamentum
mentis et corporis, et ad medelam percipiendam. 27. Corpus tuum,
Domine, quod sumpsi. 28. Ite, Missa est. 29. Placeat tibi, sancta Trlni
tas, obsequium servitutis meae. 30. Inltium sancti Evangelii secundum
Joannem. 31. Plenum gratiae et veritatis. 32. Sancta ergo, et salubris
est cogitatio pro defunctis exorare, ut a peccatis solvantur. 33. Des
cendi de caelo, non ut faciam voluntatem meam, sed voluntatem ejus
qui misit me. 34. Haec est autem voluntas ejus, qui misit me, Patris:
ut omne, quod dedit mihi, non perdam ex eo, sed resuscitem illud in
novlssimo die. 35. Haec est autem voluntas Patris mei, qui misit me:
ut omnis, qui videt FHium, et credit in eum habeat vitam aeternam
B. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. sequi (to follow). 2. ultio (vengeance). 3. indlgnus (unworthy).
4. deprecari (to beseech). s. mortuus (dead). 6. sequentia (continua
tion). 7. passio (suffering). 8. frui (to enjoy). 9. miseratio (mercy).
10. fides (faith). II. fructus (fruit). 12. dominus (master). 13. tutus
(safe). 14. fidelis (faithful). 15. mandare (to command). 16. sociare
(to share in). 17. annus (year). 18. sempiternus (everlasting). 19.
inferus (below). 20. amICus (friend). 21. mater (mother). 22. corpus
(bod y). 23. pater (father). 24. frater (brother). 25. parare (to pre
pare). 26. sentire (to feel, to perceive). 27. inultus (unpunished). 28
jussus (command). 29. egredi (to come out).
Agnus Dei, qui toUis peccata Lamb of God, who takest away the sins
mundi, dona nobis pacem. of the world, grant us peace.
tempus, temporis, fl., time
tentatio, tentationis, £., temptation
debitum, -i, fl., debt, trespass
aer, aeris, m. (pl. aeres or aera), air
tabernaculum, -i, fl., tabernacle
obsequium, -ii, fl., homage
sapientia, -ae, £., wisdom
potestas, potestatis, £., power
lassus, -a, -urn, tired
primus, -a, -urn, first; in primis, in the first place
profundus, -a, -urn, deep
tradere (tradidi, traditus), to deliver up, to hand over
dillgere (dilexi, dilectus), to love
cognoscere (cognovi, cognitus), to learn 1
cessare, to cease
intendere (intendi, intentus or intensus), to be attentive
mutare, to change
petere (petivi or -ii, petitus), to beseech, to ask for
requiescere (requievi, requietus), to rest
sepeHre (sepeHvi or -ii, sepultus), to bury
tenere (tenui), to hold
sanare, to heal
ferre (tuB, latus), to bring
1 In the perfect tenses this verb means to know.
book is studious.
36. Quis. The interrogative pronouns who and what are quis and
quid in Latin.
Singular Plural
Nom. quis (n. quid) Like the relative qui
Gen. cujus
Oat. cui
Ace. quem (n. quid)
Abl. quo
Who drank the wine? Quis vinum bibit?
To whom did you write? Quibus scripslstis?
W hom did h~ 5e~? Quem vidit?
W hat did they have? Quid habebant?
aliqUi (aliqua, aliquod)
some alicujus
{ alicui, etc.
each quisque (quaeque, quodque)
certain quidam (quaedam, quoddam)
38. Ferre, to hring. This irregular verb (as also its compounds)
doubles the r in the infinitive, in the 2nd person sing. of the pres. ind.
pass., and throughout the imperfect subjunctive. Elsewhere the ..rr of
the infinitive is not retained.
Present Indicative
Active Passive
lero ferimus feror £erimur
fers fertis ferris (ferre) ferimini
fert ferunt fertur feruntur
Observe that the present tense is slightly irregular.
sepeliverunt, domus suas tristes redierunt. 19. Cum sanati sint, non
cessant clamare. 20. Neminem in via video. 21. Conditio mutata vita
rum suarum laetificabat eos. 22. Quid tenes tu in manu dextera?
Nihil. 23. Verba et opera ilHus sancti praechiri universis gentibus
cognita sunt. 24. Si modum vivendi ante mortem suam mutavisset,
delIcta sua indulta essent. 25. Potestas et sapientia regis nobilis nostri
terram nostram a malitia hominum impiorum salvabunt. 26. Aer in
illo monte suavis erat.
C. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
salvabatur moveatur
salvetur movebatur
salvatus est motus est
salvabitur movebitur
salvatur movetur
c. Give the Latin word that means the opposite of each of these
25. fac. 26. suscipientes. 27. suscipiat. 28. imponent. 29. acceptabis.
30. dona ei. 31. exaudi. 32. veniet. 33· speravit. 34. credidit. 35. dor
mientibus. 36. habent. 37. resurrexit. 38. dormierunt. 39. aclducet.
40. dicimus. 41. vlvimus. 42. praeveniemus. 43. descendet. 44. sunt.
45· rellnquimur. 46. erimus. 47· erit. 48. timebit. 49. absolve. So. est
H. Give the Latin verb that tells what each of the following does
or is intended for.
1. aqua. 2. via. 3. servus. 4· oratio. 5. lux. 6. manus. 7. domus. 8.
cIvitas. 9. crux. 10. liber. II. fides. 12. indulgentia. 13· mens. 14.
voluntas. IS. spes. 16. labia. 17. os. 18. ostium. 19. vinum. 20. rex.
21. auris. 22. pes. 23. caritas. 24. lumen. 25. oculus. 26. vox.
fnlngere safe
adhuc VOIce
vox to break
mors full
salvus ear
plenus death
quoque yet
auris also
calculus, -i, m., coal, pebble, stone
orbis, orbis (gen. pI., orbium), m., tlJorld orbit
Deus, qui labia Isalae prophetae calculo mundasti ignlto, ita me:
tua grata miseratione dignare mundare, ut sanctum Evangelium:
tuum digne valeam nuntiare. 4. Suscipe, sancte Pater omnipotens,:
aeterne Deus, hanc immaculatam hostiam, quam ego ,]'u l~
famulus tuus 6ffero tibi, Deo mea vivo et vero, pro innumerabHibus
peccatis, et offensi6nibus, et negligentiis meis, et pro 6mnibus cir
cumstantibus, sed et pro 6mnibus fidelibus christianis vivis atq ue
defunctis, ut mihi, et iBis pro£lciat ad salutem in vitam aeternam.
5. Deus, qui humanae substantiae dignitatem mirablliter condidlsti,
et mirablli us reformasti, da nobis per huj us aquae et vini mysterium,
ejus divinitatis esse consortes, qui humanitatis nostrae Heri dignatus
est particeps, Jesus Christus, Fllius tuus, D6minus noster. 6. In
splritu humllitatis, et in animo contrllo suscipianlur ate, D6mine,
et sic fiat sacri£lcium nostrum in conspectu tuo h6die, ut placeat
tibi, Domine Deus. 7. Lavabo inter innocentes, manus meas, et
circumdabo aluire tuum, D6mine, ut audiam vocem laudis, et enar
rem universa mirabllia tua. 8. Orate fratres, ut meum ac vestrum
sacriflcium acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipotentem. 9.
Te 19itur, clementlssime Pater, per Jesum Christum Fllium tuum
D6minum nostrum, supplices rogamus, ac petimus, uti accepta ha·
beas, et benedlcas, haec dona, haec munera, haec sancta sacriHcia
illibata. 10. In primis, quae tibi offerimus pro Ecclesia tua sancta
cath6lica, quam pacificare, custodlre, adunare, et regere digneris
toto orbe terrarum; una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro, et Antistite
nostro, et omnibus orthod6xis atque cath61icae, et apostolicae fidei
cultoribus. 11. Pro spe salutis~ et incolumitatis suae. 12. Tiblque red·
dunt vota sua aeterno Deo, vivo et vero. 13. Quam oblationem tu,
Deus, in omnibus, quaesumus, benedlctam, adscrlptam, ratam, ra
tionabilem, acceptabilemq ue ticere digneris, ut nobis Corpus, et
Sanguis fiat dilectissimi Fllii tui D6mini nostri Jesu Christi. 14. Supra
quae propltio ac sereno vultu resplcere digneris, et accepta habere,
slcuti accepta habere dignatus es munera pueri tui justi Abel, et sac
rificium Patriarchae nostri Abrahae, et quod tibi 6btulit summus
sacerdos tuus Meichisedech, sanctum sacriHcium, immacuhltam h6s
tiam. IS. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. 16. Haec com
mIxtio, et consecratio Corporis et Sanguinis Domini nostri Jesu
Christi, fiat accipientibus nobis in vitam aeternam. 17. Corpus tuum,
D6mine, quod sumpsi, et Sanguis quem potavi, adhaereat visceribus
c. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. c61ere (to cultivate). 2. incolumis (unharmed). 3. tenebrosus
(dark). 4. ratio (reckoning). 5. proprietas (peculiarity, distinction).
6. aestimator (one who esteems). 7. conditor (creator). 8. consortium
(company). 9.largitor (generous giver). 10. lux (light). II. meritum
(merit). 12. rogatio (request, question). 13. suscipere (to receive).
14. tenere (to hold). 15. emere (to buy). 16. jacere (to throw). 17.
invocare (to call upon). 18. novus (new). 19. offerre (to offer). 20.
nasci (to be born).
I. In diebus illis iterum cum turba multa esset, nec haberent, quod
manducarent, convocatis discipulis, ait illis:
2. Misereor super turbam: quia ecce jam triduo sustinent me, nee
nabent quod manducent:
3. Et si dimisero eos jejunos in domum suam, deficient in via:
quidam enim ex eis de lange venerunt.
4. Et responderunt ei diseipuli sui: Unde iUos quis poterit hie
saturare panibus in solitudine?
s. Et interrogavit eos: Quat panes habetis? Qui dixerunt: Septem.
6. Et praeeepit turbae diseumbere super terram. Et aecipiens sep
tern panes, gratias agens fregit, et dabat discipulis suis ut apponerent,
et apposuerunt turbae.
7. Et habebant piscieulos paueos: et ipsos benedixit, et jussit apponi.
8. Et manducaverunt, et saturati sunt, et sustulerunt quod supe
raverat de fragmentis, septem sportas.
9. Erant autem qui manducaverunt, quasi quattuor rnillia: et di
misit eos.
10. Et statim ascendens navim cum discipulis suis, venit in partes
II. Et exierunt Pharisaei, coeperunt conquirere cum eo, quaerentes
ab illa signum de caeIo, tentantes eum.
12. Et ingemiscens spiriuJ, ait: Quid generatio ista signum quaerit?
Amen dieo vobis, si dabituf generationi isti signum.
13. Et dimittens eos, ascendit iterum navim, et abiit trans fretum.
14. Et obliti sunt panes sumere: et nisi unum panem habebant
secum in navis.
IS. Et praecipiebat eis, dicens: Videte, et cavete a fermento Phari
saeorUffi, et fernlento Herodis.
39. Et dicebat iBis: Amen dico vobis, quia sunt quidam de hie
stantibus, qui non gustabunt mortem donee videant regnum Dei
veniens in virtute.
Oesu Christi Evangelium secundum Marcum, caput VIII, 1-39.)
Ecce Agnus Dei; ecce qui Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him
tollit peccata mundi. who taketh away the sins of the world.
aedificare, to build
apenre (aperui, apertus), to open
aspergere (aspersi, aspersus), to sprinkle
canere (cecini, cantus), to sing
cogere (coegi, coactus), to lead or bring togeth", to assemble
effulgere (effulsi), to shine
sentIre (sensi, sensus), to feel
deinde (adv.), then
ita (adv.), so, even
quasi (adv.), as if, like
tantum (adv.), but, only
argentum, -i, n., silver
cinis, cineris, m., ashes
episcopus, -i, m., bishop
epistola, -ae, f., epistle, letter
lingua, -ae, f., tongue
sinus, sinus, m., breast, bosom
semen, seminis, n., seed, descendant
leo, leonis, m., lion
militia, -ae, f., army
exercitus, exercitus, m., army, host
ovis,ovis (gen. pI., ovium), f., sheep
amarus, -a, -um, bitter
T hey say that their sons are com Dicunt f.aios SUDS venire (pres.
Ing. inf.).
T hey say that their sons 11ave Dicunt fBios SUDS venisse (perf.
come. inf.) .
They say that their sons will Dicunt fBios SUDS venturos esse
come. (fut. inf.).
T hey said that their sons were Dixerunt f1lios SUDS venIre (pres.
comIng. in£.) .
They said that their sons had Dixerunt fBios SUDS venisse (perf.
come. in£.) .
T hey said that tlleir sons would Dixerunt fllios SUDS venturos esse
come. (fur. in£.).
She knew that he was sleeping Sciebat eum dormire quod lassus
because he tvas tired. esset.
He said tIl at tlley had asked Dixit eos quaesivisse ubi futurus
where he would be. esset.
I. Supplices te rogamus, omnlpotens Deus, jube haec perferri
per manus sancti Angeli tui in sublIme altare tuum, in conspectu di
vlnae majestatis tuae, ut quotquot, ex hac altaris participatione sacro
sanctum FHii tui, Corpus et Sanguinem sumpserimus, omni bene
dictione caelesti et gratia repleamur. 2. Nobis quoque peccatoribus
famulis tuis, de muItitudine miserationum tuarum sperantibus, par
tern £liquam, et societatem donare digneris, cum tuis sanctis Aposto
lis, et Martyribus, et omnibus Sanctis tuis, intra quorum nos consor
tium, non aestimator meriti, sed veniae, quaesumus, largitor admltte.
3. Et dimftte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimlttimus debitoribus
nostris. 4. Quid retrIbuam Domino pro omnibus quae retrIbuit mihi?
S. Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum; sed tantum
dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea. 6. Et vIdimus gloriam ejus, gloriam
quasi Unigeniti a Patre, plenum gratiae et veritatis. 7. Asperges me
hyssopo, et mundabor. 8. LIbera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salu
tis meae, et exultabit llngua mea jusdtiam tuam. 9. Domine, labia mea
aperies. 10. BenIgne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion, ut
aedificentur muri Jerusalem. II. Exaudi orationem meam, ad te omnis
carD veniet. 12. Tuba coget omnes ante thronum. 13. Inter oves locum
praesta. 14. Scio quia resurget in resurrectione in novIssimo die. IS.
LIbera eas de ore leonis. 16. Quam Abrahae promisIsti, et semini ej us.
17. Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine. 18. LIbera me, Domine, de morte
aeterna, in die illa tremenda, quando caeIi movendi sunt et terra.
19. Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo. 20. Dies illa, dies irae, calamita
tis et miseriae, dies magna et amara. 21. Omnis qui vivit et credit in
me, non morietur in aeternum. 22. In diebus illis: Audfvi vocem de
caelo, dicentem mihi: Scribe, Beati mortui, qui in Domino moriuntur.
23. Libera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, praeteritis,
praesentibus et futuris. 24. In quo nobis spes beatae resurrectionis ef..
fulsit, ut quos contrIstat certa moriendi condItio, eosdem consoletur
futurae immortalitatis promlssio. 25. Et ideo cum Angelis et Arch..
angelis, cum Thronis et Dominationibus, cumque omni milItia caeles..
tis exercitus, hymnum gloriae tuae canimus, sine fine dicentes: Sane..
tus, sanctus, sanctus.
l-xlillus in verba ejus, qu6niam sciebamus ea vera non esse. 10. Pueri
laetantur, cum patres sui eos laudant.
B. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same cierivation as the following:
I. spargere (to scatter). 2. incertus (uncertain). 3. miles (soldier). 4.
benigne (favorably). 5. incertum (uncertainty). 6. aedificium (build
ing). 7. cantus (song). 8. seminare (to SO\v). 9. amator (lover). 10.
occurrere (to meet). I I. cantor (singer). 12. dolorosus (sorrowful).
13. currere (to run).
servent teo
I I. Et quia in manibus tollent te, ne forte ofIendas ad lapidem pe
clem tuum.
12. Et respondens Jesus, ait illi: Dictum est: Non tentabis Domi
num Deum tuum.
13. Et consummata omni tentatione, diabolus recessit ab ilIo usque
ad tempus.
14. Et regress us est Jesus in virtute Spiritus in Galilaeam, et fama
exiit per universam regionem de illo.
IS. Et ipse docebat in synagogis eorum, et magnificabatur ab om
16. Et venit Nazareth, ubi erat nutritus, et intravit secundum COD
suetudinem suam die sabbati in synagogam, et surrexit legere.
17. Et traditus est illi Liber Isaiae prophetae. Et ut revolvit librum,
invenit locum ubi scriptum erat:
18. Spiritus Domini super me: propter quod unxit me, evangelizare
pauperibus misit me, sanare contritos corde.
19. Praedicare captivis remissionem, et caecis visum, dimittere con
fractos in remissionem, praedicare annum Domini acceptum, et diem
20. Et cum plicuisset librum, reddidit ministro, et sedit. Et omnium
in synagoga oculi erant intendentes in eum.
21. Coepit autem dicere ad illos: Quia hodie impleta est haec scrip
tura in auribus vestris.
22. Et omnes testimonium illi dabant: et mirabantur in verbis gra
tiae, quae procedebant de ore ipsius, et dicebant: Nonne hic est filius
23. Et ait illis: Utique dicetis mihi hanc similitudinem: Medice,
cura teipsum: quanta audivimus facta in Capharnaum fac et hic in
patria tua.
24. Ait autem: Amen dico vobis, quia nemo propheta acceptus est
in patria sua.
25. In veritate dico vobis, multae viduae erant in diebus Eliae in
Israel, quando clausum est caelum annis tribus, et mensibus sex; cum
facta esset fames magna in omni terra.
26. Et ad nullam illarum missus est Elias, nisi in Sarepta Sidoniae,
ad mulierem viduam.
27. Et multi leprosi erant in Israel, sub Elisaeo propheta: et nemo
eorum mundatus est nisi Naaman Syrus.
28. Et repleti sunt omnes in synagoga ira, haec audientes.
29. Et surrexerunt, et ejecerunt inurn extra civitatem: et duxerunt
ilIum usque ad supercilium montis, super quem civitas illorum erat
aedificata, ut praecipitarent eum.
30. Ipse autem transiens per medium illorum, ibat.
31. Et descendit in Capharnaum civitatem Galilaeae, ibique dace
bat ilIos sabbatis.
32. Et stupebant in doctrina ejus, quia in potestate erat sermo ip
33. Et in synagoga erat homo habens daemonium immundum, et
exclamavit voce magna,
34. Dicens: Sine, quid nobis, et tibi Jesu Nazarene? venisti perdere
nos? scio te q uis sis, Sanctus Dei.
35. Et increpavit ilIum Jesus, dicens: Obmutesce, et exi ab eo. Et
cum projecisset illum daemonium in medium, exiit ab illa, nihilque
illurn nocuit.
36. Et factus est pavor in omnibus, et colloquebantur ad invicem,
dicentes: Quod est hoc verbum, quia in potestate et virtute imperat
immundis spiritibus, et exeunt?
37. Et divulgabatur fama de ilIo in omnem locum regionis.
(Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Lucam, caput IV, 1-37.)
Corpus Domini nostri Jesu May the body of our Lord !esuJ
Christi custodiat animam Christ preserve thy soul to life
tuam in vitam aeternam. everlasting.
vinculum, -i, n., bond, chain
Judaei, Judaeorum, m., /ellJS
poena, -ae, f., pain, punishnzent, penalty
tartarus, -i, rn., hell
praemium, -ii, n., gift, reward
ros, roris, m., dew
os, ossis, n., bone
umbra, -ae, f., shadow
vicis (gen.) (nom. missing), f., punishment} change
turma, -ae, f., squadron, troop, throng
tumulus, -i, fi., mound, grave
vanus, -a, -urn, elnpty, vain
perennis (m. and f.), perenne (n.), eternal
optare, to desire
litigare, to quarrel, to dispute, to strive
absorbere, to absorb, to SUJallOlU
repraesentare, to lead; to shofu, to represent
purgare, to cleanse
jurare, to swear
jungere (junxi, junctus), to join, to bind, to unz"te
parcere (peperci, parcitus), to spare
13 8
migrare, to depart
expedire, to delIver from
jam (adv.), now, already
invicem, one another, each other
ad invicen1, an20ng t/zemJelves, reciprocally
quomodo (interr. adv.), how
olim (adv.), formerly, once
foras (adv.), out of doors, outsid~
pariter (adv.), at the same time
illic (adv.), there
quondam (adv.), formerly, onc~
nisi, ni (conj.), if not, unless, except
b) With verbs compounded with ab, ad, ante, circum, COD, in, inter,
post, prae, pro, sub, super.
H~ was in command of th~ army. Exerettui praeerat.
Sh~ laidthe bread before us. Panem nobis anteposuit.
We promised him a reward. Munus ei proffiisimus.
They will help the boy. Puero subvenient.
f) To denote purpose.
T hey will send some men as an Homines aliquos civitati aux1lio
aid to the city. mittent. (Auxilio is dative of
A. Suffixes. The endings -io, -tio, and -tus are added to verb stems
to form verbal nouns which denote an act or the result of an act.
I. conjuratio, conspiracy (from conjurare, to conspire). 2. oratio,
prayer (from orare, to pray). 3. suspicio, sllspicion (from suspicere,
to suspect). 4. dubitatio, doubt (from dubitare, to doubt). 5. offensio,
offense (from offendere, to offend). 6. deditio, surrender (from de..
clerc, to surrender). 7. conspectus, sight (from conspicere, to look at).
8. fructus, fruit (from frui, to enjoy). 9. luctus, mourning (from lu
gere, to mourn). 10. £Ictus, weeping (from Here, to ,veep). 1 I. cantus,
song (from canere, to sing). 12. conatus, an attempt (from conari, to
relax are, to loos~n
annuere (annui), to assent, to nod to, to hear
constituere (constltui, constitutus), to constitut~1 to decr~~
contrahere (contraxi, contractus), to contract
coronare, to crown
dealbare, to make whit~
delectare, to be delighted
discutere (-io verb) (discussi, discussus), to disp~rs~1 to iudg~
gerere (gessi, gestus), to carry, to manag~
ignorare, to b~ ignorant of, not to know
sequestrare, to separat~
latere, to li~ hidden
utique, indeed, c~rtainly
certarnen, certarninis, D., .ttrif~
cithara, -ae, f., harp
cura, -ae, f.~ car~
favHla, -ae, f., ash~s
haedus, -i, m., goat
nix, Divis, £., snow
reus, rei, m., criminal, sinner; as adj., guilty
incolatus, incolatus, m., sojourn, residence
cassus, -a, -urn, vain, worthless
contribulatus, -a, -urn, troubled
horrendus, -a, -urn, dreadful
lacrimosus, -a, -um, tearful
quisquis (decline both parts like quis), who~tI~
n) Certain prepositions, ab, de, cum, ex, sine, pro, and prae regu
larly govern the ablative.
U' ~ cannot do this without help. Non possumus hoc facere sine
T hey will speak in our behalf. Loquentur pro nobis.
T he men walked ah~ad of the Viri prae pueris ingressi sunt.
0) The deponent verbs uti (to use), frui (to en joy), fungi (to
perform), potlri (to take possession of), vesci (to ~at) and their com
pounds take their direct objective in the ablative case.
He will us~ our books. Nostris libris utetur.
Th~y ar~ enjoying their new free- Nova libertate sua frunntur.
He has performed his tasks well. Operibus suis bene functus est.
The army got possession of all MilItia potfta est omnibus monti
A. Read and translate into English.
I. In nomine Patris, et Fflii et Spiritus Sancti. 2. Discerne causam
meam de gente non sancta. 3. Ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
4. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus. 5. Sicut erat in prln
c. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. corona (wreath). 2. albus (white). 3. discussio (dispersal). 4.
certare (to contend). 5. latro (robber). 6. nivosus (snowy). 7. reatus
(criminal condition). 8. lacrima (tear). 9. curare (to care for). 10.
testis (witness). I I. laetari (to rejoice). 12. monstruosus (monstrous).
I. Haec cum dixisset Jesus, egressus est cum discipulis suis trans
Torrentem Cedron, ubi erat hortus in quem introivit ipse, et discipuli
2. Sciebat autem et Judas, qui tradebat eum, locum: quia frequenter
Jesus convenerat iUuc cunl discipulis suis.
3. Judas ergo cum accepisset cohortem, et a pontificibus et pharisaeis
ministros, venit illuc cum laternis et facibus, et armis.
4. Jesus itaque sciens omnia quae ventura erant super eum, pro
cessit, et dixit eis: Quem quaeritis?
S. Responderuntei: Jesum Nazarenum. Dicit eis Jesus: Ego sum.
Stabat autem et Judas qui tradebat eum, cum ipsis.
6. Ut ergo dixit eis, Ego sum, abierunt retrorsum et ceciderunt in
7. Iterum ergo interrogavit eos: Quem quaeritis? lUi autem di
xerunt: Jesum Nazarenum.
8. Respondit Jesus: Dixi vobis quia ego sum: si ergo me quaeritis,
sinite hos abire.
9. Ut impleretur sermo quem dixit: Quia quos dedisti mihi, non
perdidi ex eis quemquam.
10. Simon ergo Petrus habens glaJium eduxit eum: et percussit
pontificis servum: et abscidit auriculam ejus dexteram. Erat autem
nomen servo Malchus.
II. Dixit ergo Jesus Petro: Mitte gladium tuum in vaginam. Cali
cern quem dedit mihi Pater, non bibam illum?
12. Cohors ergo, et tribunus, et ministri Judaeorum comprehen
derunt Jesum, et ligaverunt eum:
13. Et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primum; erat enim socer Cai
phae, qui erat pontifex anni illius.
14. Erat autem Caiphas, qui consilium dederat Judaeis: Quia ex
pedit, unum hominem mori pro populo.
IS. Sequebatur autem Jesum Simon Petrus, et alius discipulus.
Discipulus auteln ille erat notus pontifici, et introivit cum Jesu in
atri urn pontificis.
16. Petrus autem stabat ad ostium foris. Exivit ergo discipulus alius
qui erat notus pontifici, et dixit ostiariae: et introduxit Petrum.
17. Dicit ergo Petro ancilla ostiaria: Numquid et tu ex discipulis
es hominis istius? Dicit ille: Non sum.
18. Stabant autem servi et ministri ad prunas, quia frigus erat, et
calefaciebant se: erat autem cum eis et Petrus stans, et calefaciens see
19. Pontifex ergo interrogavit Jesum de discipulis suis, et de doc
trina ejus.
20. Respondit ei Jesus: Ego palam locutus sum mundo: ego semper
docui in synagoga, et in templo, quo omnes Judaei conveniunt: et in
occulto locutus sum nihil.
21. Quid me interrogas? Interroga eos qui audierunt quid locutus
Benedlcat vos ommpotens Deus, May almighty God bl~ss you, th~
Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Father, th~ Son, and th~ Holy
exsultare, to ~xult
vigere, to thriv~, to b~ activ~
ingemiscere (ingemui), to sigh, to groan
obsecrare, to implore
possidere (possedi, possessus), to poss~ss
premere (pressi, pressus), to press (upon)
rapere (rapui, raptus) (-io verb), to snatch, to s~;%e
recordari, dep., to rememb~
respirare, to br~athe
revelare, to rev~al, to unv~il
rubere, to be r~d, to blush
stupCre, to b~ amaz~d
pOscere (poposci), to d~mand
unde (adv.), thaefor~, thence, whence
usque (adv.), all th~ way; ad usque, even until
valde (adv.), ~xc~~dingly
vix (adv.), scarcely, with difficulty
neque (adv. and conj.), and not, neither, nor
nee non (adv.), and also, nor less
obviam (adv.), on th~ way
tamquam (adv.), like
49- Questions.
a) A question that may be answered by ((yes" or Uno" may merely
be a matter of vocal inflection.
Y ou believe tIl is. Credis hoc.
Do you belIeve this? Credis hoc?
e) Latin has no single word that is equivalent to our word " yes,"
although various adverbs, such as etiam, even so, are used as a substi
tute or the important part of the question is repeated as a statement.
liN 0" may be expressed by the simple word non or the verb of the
question may be repeated with non.
50. Defective verbs. These are verbs that have lost certain of their
a) coeplsse, to have begun; odisse, to hate,. meminisse, to relneln
ber. These verbs occur anI y in the perfect tenses.
nisse, to renlenlber.
b) Other verbs have lost their perfect tenses and are partly defec
ti ve in other tenses.
aio, I say. The commonest forms of this verb are the third person
singular and plural of the present indicative: ait, h~ says (saith), aiunt,
they say.
1 Also, sometimes, T hat~d.
51. Uses of the accusative.
a) As the direct obj ect of a verb.
We saw your brother. Vidimus fratrem tuum.
Give four uses of the accusative case and illustrate each with a
short sentence in Latin.
D. Vocabulary building.
a) Derivations. Find in Units One and Two the words that have
the same derivation as the following:
I. occultum (hidden thing). 2. singularitas (oneness). 3. velum
(curtain, veil). 4. ruber (red). s.
stupidus (stupid). 6. via (road). 7.
nubilus (cloudy). 8. £rigidus (cold). 9. occulte (secretly). 10. prope
(near). II. memorari (to remember). 12. horribilis (horrible).
Pes pars vultus est. 4. Homo patens, sed Deus olnnipotens est. s.
clcsia catholica semper crucem habet. 6. FIlii boni non credunt id
quod dicunt patres sui. 7. Opera sanctorUl1l olirabllia erant. 8. Quando
ego sum cum fratre mea, non salus surn. 9. Pueri diligentes laboren1
dlligunt. ro. In patria nostra multae civitates sunt. 11. Oves pastorem
sequuntur. 12. Nacte mundus in tenebris est. 13. Quando lassi sumus,
dormimus. 14. Honlo qui multum pauperibus dat, laud is dignus est.
IS. Inimici nostri semper repelli possunt. 16. In novIssima die inno
centes recIpient munus suum in regno caelorum. 17. Multae veritates
tam difTlciles sunt, ut non comprehendantur ab ornnibus. 18. f\1iquae
nationes magnos excrcitus sustinent. 19. Omnes pueri canunt bene.
20. Per ostium in domum introlmus.
amarus. 13. avis. 14. exercitus. IS. conspectus. 16. didgere. 17. nimis.
18. dexter. 19. spes. 20. adjut6rium. 21. vultus. 22. verbum. 23. opus.
24. ostendere. 25· novus. 26. docere. 27. somnus. 28. tectum. 29. panis.
30. missa. 31. fides. 32 • ergo. 33. credere. 34· pauper. 35· misereri. 36.
gaudcre. 37. tutamentum. 38. caro. 39. apedre. 40. lngredi. 41. loqui.
42. lassus. 43. q uaerere. 44· cinis. 45· argentum. 46. ef1ulgere. 47. tene..
brae. 48. mereri. 49. antlstes. 50. diligere.
mitto vos.
22. Haec cum dixisset, insuffiavit, et dixit eis: Accipite Spiritum
23. Quorum remiseritis peccata, remittuntur eis: et quorum retinu
eritis, retenta sunt.
24. Thomas autem unus ex duodecim, qui dicitur Didymus, non
erat cum eis quando venit Jesus.
25. Dixerunt ergo ei alii discipuli: Vidimus Dominum. Ille autem
dixit eis: Nisi videro in manibus ejus fixuram clavorum, et mittam
digitum meum in locum clavorum, et mittam manum meam in latus
ej us, non credam.
26. Et post dies octo, iterum erant discipuli ejus intus: et Thomas
cum eis. Venit Jesus, januis clausis, et stetit in medio, et dixit: Pax
27. Deinde dicit Thomae: Infer digitum tuum huc, et affer manum
tuam, et mitte in latus meum: et noli esse incredulus, sed fidelis.
28. Respondit Thomas, et dixitei: Dominus meus et Deus meus.
29. Dixit ei Jesus: Quia vidisti me, Thoma, credidisti: beati qui
non viderunt et crediderunt.
30. Multa quidem et alia signa fecit Jesus in conspectu discipulorum
suorum, quae non sunt scripta in libro hoc.
31. Haec autem scripta sunt ut credatis quia Jesus est Christus
Filius Dei: et ut credentes, vitam habeatis in nomine ej us.
(Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Joannem, caput XX, 1-31.)
Nom. dei, dii, di deae domus vires
Gen. deorum, deum dearum domuum, -orum virium
Dat. deis, diis, dis deabus domibus viribus
Ace. deos deas domus, -os vms, -es
r\bl. deis, diis, dis deabus domibus vuibus
53. Numerals.
Cardinal Ordinal
I. nnus, -a, -urn primus, -a, -um
2. duo, duae, duo secundus
3. tres, tria tertius
4. quattuor quartus
5. quinque quintus
6. sex sextus
7. septem septimus
8. octo octavus
9. novem nonus
10. decem decimus
II. undecim undecimus
12. du6decim duodecimus
13. tredecim tertius decimus
14. quattu6rdecim quartus decimus
15. qUlndecim quintus decimus
16. sedecim sextus decimus
17. septendecim septimus decimus
18. duodeviglnti duodevicesimus
19. undeviglnti undevicesimus
20. viglnti
21. viglnti unus vicesimus primus
(unus et viglnti)
29. undetriglnta undetricesimus
30. triglnta tricesimus
40. quadragfnta quadragesimus
50. quinquaglnta quinquagesimus
60. sexaglnta sexagesimus
70. septuaginta septuagesimus
80. octoglnta
go. nonagmta
100. centum centesimus
200. ducenti,, -a ducentesimus
300. trecenti trecentesimus
400. quadringenti quadringentesimUi
500. quingenti quingentesimus
600. sescenti sescentesimus
700. septingenti septingentesimus
800. octingenti octingentesimus
900. nongenti nongentesimus
1000. mille millesimus
2000. duo nulia his millesimus
5+ First conjugation
laudare, to praise
Active Voice Passive Voice
lando laudamus laudor laudamur
laudas laudatis laudaris 1 laudamini
Iaudat laudant laudatur laudantur
laudabam laudabamus laudabar laudabamur
laudabas laudabatis laudabaris laudabamini
laudabat laudabant laudabatur laudabantur
laudabo laudabimus laudabor laudabimur
laudabis laud£bitis laudaberis laudabimini
laudabit laud£bunt laudabitur laudabUntur
laudavi laudavimus laudatus sum laudati sumus
laudavlsti laudavlstis laudatus es laudati estis
Iaudavit laudaverunt laudatus est laudati sunt
laudaveram laudaveramus laudatus eram laudati eramus
laudaveris laudaveratis laudatus eras laudati eratis
laudaverat laudaverant laudatus erat laudati erant
1 In the present, imperfect, and future of the passive voice, the second person singular
has also a form in -re. Thus laudarc, laudabare, lauwbere.
Future Perfect
laudavero laudaverimus laudatus ero laudati erimus
laudaveris laudaveritis laudatus eris laudati critis
laudaverit laudaverint laudatus erit laudati erunt
laudarem laudaremus laudarer laudaremur
laudares laudaretis laudareris laudaremini
laudaret laudarent laudaretur laudarentur
laudaverim laudaverimus laudatus sim laudati simus
laudaveris laudaveritis laudatus sis laudati sitis
laudaverit laudaverint laudatus sit laudati sint
laudavlssem laudavissemus laudatus essem laudati essemus
laudavlsses lauclavissetis laudatus esses laudati essetis
laudavlsset laudavlssent laudatus esset laudati essent
Sing., lauda Plur., laudate Sing.,laudare Plur., Iaudamini
Pres. laudare, to prais~ laudari, to be praised
Perf. laudavlsse, to have praised laudatus esse, to hav~ be~n
Fut. laudaturus esse, to be about Iaudatum iri, to be about to be
to prais~ praised
Pres. laudans, -antis, praising Perf. laudatus, -a, -urn, having
Fut. laudaturus, -a, -urn, about been praised
to praise
Gerund Gerundive
Gen. :~audandi, of praising laudandus, -a, -urn, to be praised,
Dat. laudando, for praising elC.
Acc. laudandum, praising
Abl. laudando, by praising
, .
Gerund Gerundive
Gen. monendi, of advising monendus, -a, -urn, to be advised
Dat. monendo, for advising
Acc. monendum, advising
Abl. monendo, by advising
Acc. monitum, to advise
Abl. monitu, to advise
56. Third conjugation.
ducere, to lead
Active Voice Passive Voice
duco ducimus ducor ducimur
ducis ducitis duceris duclmini
ducit ducunt ducitur ducuntur
ducebam ducebamus ducebar ducebamur
ducebas ducebatis ducebaris ducebamini
ducebat ducebant ducebatur ducebantur
ducam ducemus ducar ducemur
duces ducetis duceris ducemini
ducet ducent ducetur ducentur
duxeram duxeramus ductus eram ducti eramus
duxeras duxeratis ductus eras dueti cratis
duxerat duxerant ductus erat ducti erant
Future Perfect
duxero duxerimus ductus ero ducti erimus
duxeris duxeritis ductus eris ducti eritis
duxerit dtixerint ductus erit ducti erunt
Active Voice Passive Voice
audio audImus audior audlmur
audis audltis audfris audfmini
audit audiunt audltur audiuntur
audiebam audiebamus audiebar audiebamnr
audiebas audiebatis audiebaris audiebamini
audiebat audiebant audiebatur audiebantur
audiam audiemus audiar audiemur
audies audietis audieris audiemini
audiet audient audietur audientur
aumvi audfvimus audftus sum audfti sumus
audivlsti audivlstis audftus es audfti estis
aumvit audiverunt auwtus est audlti sunt
audlveram audiveramus audftus eram auwti eramus
audiveras audiveratis audltus eras audfti eratis
audlverat audlverant audftus erat audlti erant
Future Perfect
audivero audiverimus auditus era auditi crimm
audiveris audiveritis auditus eris audlti eritis
audiverit audlverint audltus erit auditi aunt
audiam audiamus audiar audi3mur
audias audiatis audiaris audiamini
audiat audiant audiatur audiantur
audIrem audiremus audirer audiremur
audIres audiretis audireris audiremini
audiret audirent audiretur audirentur
audiverim audiverimus auditus sim auditi simus
audiveris audiveritis auditus sis auditi sitis
audiverit audlverint audltus sit audlti sint
audivlssem audivissemus auditus essem auditi essemus
audivisses audivissetis auditus esses audlti essetis
audivisset audivlssent auditus esset audlti essent
Sing. audi Plur. audite Sing. audire Plur. audlmini
Pres. audire, to h~ar audlri, to b~ h~ard
Perf. audivisse, to hatl~ h~ard auditus esse, to hatl~ b~~n h~ard
Fut. auditurus esse, to b~ about auditum iri, to be about to be
to h~ar h~ard
Pres. 3udiens, -cntis, hearing auditus, -a, -urn, heard having
Future Perfect
, .
caplam caphimns capiar capiamur
capias capiatis capiaris capiamini
capiat capiant capiatur capiantur
Pres. capere, to take capi, to be tak~n
Perf. cepisse, to have tak~n captus esse, to have been taken
Fut. captuTUs esse, to be about to captum iri, to be about to be
take taken
Pres. capiens, -ientis, taking I)erf. captus, -a, -urn, taken, hal!-
Fut. capturus, -a, -urn, about to ing been taken
Gerund Gerundive
Gen. capiendi, of taking capiendus, -a, -urn, to be taken
Dat. capiendo, for taking
Acc. capiendum, taking
Abl. capiendo, by taking
Ace. captum, to take
Abl. captu, to take
sum ,umu! possum possumus
es estis potes potestis
est ,unt potest possunt
eram eramus p6teram poteramus
eras eratis p6teras poteratis
erat erant poterat pOterant
erlmus potero poterimus
eris eritis p6teris poteritis
erit erunt poterit p6terunt
fui fUimus potui potuimus
fulsti fuistis potuisti potulstis
fuit fuerunt p6tuit potuerunt
roeram fueramus potueram potueclmus
meras fuecitis potueras potueratis
fuerat merant potuerat potuerant
Future Perfect
roero fuerimus potuero potuerimus
meris fueritis potueris potueritis
merit merint potuerit potuerint
sim simns possim posstmUJ
sis sitis possis possftis
sit sint possit possint
, ,
essem essemus possem possemus
esses essetis posses possetis
esset csscnt posset possent
fUerim fuerimus potuerim potuerimus
meris fueritis potueris potueritis
merit merint potuerit potuerint
fulssem fuissemus potufssem potuissemns
fulsses fuissetis potufsses potuissetis
fulsset fulssent potufsset potufssent
Sing. es Plur. este
Future Present
volebam nolebam malebam
volam nolam malam
v61ui no lui malui
volueram nolueram maIueram
Future Perfect
voluero noluero maIuero
Subj unctive
veIim vel1rnus nollmus malim mallrnus
yetis veHtis nolis nolltis malis rna11tis
velit velint nolit nolint malit malint
vellem noll em mallem
voluerim noluerinl maluerim
volulssem nolulssem malufssem
Sing. noli Plur. noIlte
Infini tive
Pres. velIe nolle malle
Perf. voluisse nolulsse malufs5e
Pres. volens nolens
Future Perfect
feram fcrar
ferrem ferrer
tUlerim latussim
Gerund Gerundive
Gen. ferendi ferendus
Dat. ferendo
Acc. ferendum
Abl. ferendo
Ace. latum
Abl. lam
62. ire, to go
Present Imperfect Future Perfect Pluperfect
eo irons ibam ibo ii ieram
is itis
it cunt
Future Perfect
Subj unctive
Pres. ire
Perf. isse (iisse)
Fut. itums esse
Partici pIes
"_'s. iens, euntis
I·'LL iturus
Gen. eundi
J1at. eundo
Acc. eundum
Abl. eundo
Acc. itum
Abl. itu
Present Imperfect Perfect Pluperfect
fiam nerem factus sim factus essem
Sing. fi Plur. fite
Pres. fieri
Pres. -
Perf. factus
I. ....t\ll proper nouns that are the same in both languages have been omitted
from this vocabulary.
2. Numbers following verbs refer to conjugations.
3. After SaIne verbs, eo is added to indicate that the verb is a compound
of ire.
4. A.fter some verbs, io is added to indicate that the verb is an -io verb
of the third conjugation.
5. The following abbreviations are used:
c., common gender
defect., defective
I., feminine
impers., impersonal
m., masculine
n., neuter
VOC., vocative
Abias, -ae, m., Abia
abiegnus, -a, -urn, of fir, of the fir tree
a, by, from abies, -etis, t., fir tree
a (interj.), ah abigere, -egi, -actus, to rid, banish,
ab, by, frum drive away
abalienari, dep., to be estranged, go abire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to go
away away
abba, abba, Father abjectio, -onis, t.} outcast
abbas, -atis, m ... abbot abjicere, -jeci, -jectus, to cast off or
abbatia, -ae, f., abbacy, abbey a\vay, refuse
abbreviare, to shorten abjuratio, -onis, t.} abjuration
cibdere, -didi, -ditus, to secrete, hide ablactare, to wean
abdicare, to abandon, give up abluere, -lui, -lutus, to wash away
cibditum, -i, n.} hidden place, secret ablutio, -onis, t.} a washing away
abernire, to go astray abnegare, to den y
abesse, abfui or afui, afutUrus, to be abolere, -evi, -itus, to abolish, destroy
away; absit, God forbid! Far from abominabilis, -e, hateful
it I abominari, dep., to abhor
abhorrere, to shrink a wa y from abominatio, -onis, t.} abomination
abortivus, -2, -urn, born prematurely abundare, to abound
abra, -ae, f., maid abunde, abundantly
Abraharnus, -i, m., Abraham abusio, -oms, t., scorn, contempt
abrenunticire, to renounce abuti, -usus sum, d~p. 3, to destroy
abripere, -ripui, -reptus, to drag away abyssus, -i, f., the deep, depths, abyss
abs, prep., from, by ac, and
Absalomus, -i, m., Absalom academia, -ae, f., academy
abscedere, -cessi, -cessus, to depart Accaronitae, -arum, Tn., Accaronites;
abscindere, -scidi, -scissus, to cut off, people of Accaron or Ekron
take away accedere, -cessi, -cessus, to come, ap
abscondere, -condi, -conditus, to hide, proach
shield accelerare, to hasten
abscondite, secretly acceleratio, -onis, t., hastening
absconditurn, -i, n., hidden thing; in accendere, -cendi, -census, to kindle
abscondito, in secret, in the secret acceptabilis, -e, acceptable
part acceptare, to accept, receive with
absconsio, -onis, f., shelter pleasure
absconsus, -a, -urn, hidden, secret acceptio, -onis, '., respect
absis, -idis, t., apse acceptus, -a, -urn, agreeable, welcom~
absistere, -stiti, -stitus, to be banished, worthy
cease accersere, -ivi, -itus, to send for, sum
absolute, absolutely, completely, alone mon
absolutio, -onis, t., absolution accessus, -us, m., 2ccess
absolvere, -solvi, -solutus, to absolve, accidentia, -orum, n., accidents, a~
conlplete pearances
absorbere, to swallow up accidere, -cidi, to happen
absque, without, except, besides accingere, -cinxi, -cinctus, to gird about
abstemius, -a, -urn, tern pera te accipere, -cepi, -ceptus, to take, re
abstergere, -tersi, -tersus, to wipe ceive, accept
away, blot out acclinis, -e, leaning, bowing
abstinentia, -ae, f., abstinence accola, -ae, c., sojourner
abstinere, -tinui, -tentus, to refrain, accomodare, to adjust, incline
abstain accrescere, -crevi, -cretus, to grow
abstrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw accubare, to lie down
away, bring forth accubitus, -us, m., repose; seat
absUmere, -sumpsi, -surnptus, to COD accumbere, -cubui, -cubitus, to sit at
sun1e, take away table
absurde, absurdly accurate, accurately
absynthiurn, -ii, n., wormwood accuratus, -a, -urn, careful, accurate
AbuJa, -ae, f., Avila accw-rere, -curri and -cucw-ri, -cursus,
abundanter, abundantly, fully to run to
abundantia, -ae, f., abundance, pros accusare, to accuse
perity accusatio, -onis, f., accusation
abundantius, more frequently accusator, -oris, m., accuser
acer, acris, acre, sharp, bitter, ardent adducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring,
acerbitas, -atis, '., bitterness, evil, wick provoke
edness adeo, even, so much, to that point
acerbus, -a, -urn, sour adeps, -ipis, m. and '., fat, marrow, the
acerra, -ae, ,., casket for incense best, finest
acervus, -i, m., heap adesse, affui (adfui), to attend, be
acetum, -i, n., vinegar present, relieve, be mindful of
Achillas, -ae, nl., Achilles adhaerere, -haesi, -haesus, to adhere
acies, ~i, ,., edge, keenness; line of to, cleave to
battle; pupil of the eye or the eye adhihere, to add to, apply, take
itself adhuc, yet, still, now, as
acinus, -i, m., berry, grape adimplere, -p!evi, -pletus, to fill
acolythus, -i, mo, acolyte adinvenire, -veni, -ventus, to find
acquiescere, -quievi, -quietus, to fol adinventio, -onis, I., plan, device, deed,
low, agree work
acquirere, -quisivi, -quisitus, to ac adipisd, adeptus sum, d~p. 3, to gain,
quire, procure obtain
acquisitio, -onis, ,., purchase, acquisi adire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to ap
tion proach
actio, -onis, 10' action, deed; gratiarum aditus, -us, mo, approach, gate
actio, thanksgiving adjicere, -jed, -jectus, (io), to add,
actor, -oris, n2 governor
o , grant, to direct one's thoughts
actuosus, -a, -urn, active toward
actus, -us, n1., act, office, work, celebra adjudicare, to give sentence
tion, deed adjumentum, -i, n., hel p
acuere, -ui, -utus, to sharpen adjungere, -junxi, -junctus, to join
aculeus, -i, m., sting, sharp point, adjurare, to adjure
prick adjutor, -oris, n1., helper, coadjutor
acus, -us, I., pin adjutorium, -ii, no, help
acutus, -a, -urn, sharp; his acutus, two adjutrix, -ids, /., helper
edged adjuvare, -juvi, jutus, to help
ad, to, toward, unto, at, against, near adlaborare, to toil
adamantinus, -a, -urn, adaman tine, un adlectus, -i, lno, nlember elected into a
conquered collegium
adamare, to love adminiculum, -i, n., support, prop
adamas, -antis, m., adamant administer, -tri, mo, assistant
Adamiti, -orum, nl., Auamites administrare, to minister, auminster
Adarnus, -i, nl., Adarn administratorius, -a, -urn, ministering
adCiperire, -pcrui, -pertus, to open admirabilis, -e, vvonderful, adrnirable
adaquare, to water, to give to drink admirari, depo, to wonder, be in ad
adaugere, -auxi, -auctus, to increase miration
addere, -didi, -ditus, to give, to add adrnittere, -misi, -missus, to join, ad
addicere, -dixi, -dictus, to doom, ad rnit
judge, condernn admixtio, -onis, I.~ mixture
admoner~, to warn
adversa, -orum, no, adverse things, ad
adni~ -nisus or -nixus sum, d~p. 3,
to strive adversari, dep.} to oppose, resist
adnotare, to note adversarius, -ii, m., aJversary, foe
adoh~re, to burn, smell advcrsitas, -atis,t., adversity, harm
adolescens, -entis, m., young man adversum, -i, 11., harm
adolesccntia, -ae, t..youth adversum, against; ex adverso, oppo
adolescentior, -oris, younger; as a site, over against, in the front
nOUN, young nlan adversus, against, in cOIl1parison with
adolescentula, -ae, t.,young nlaiden advertere, -verti, -versus, to perceive,
adolescentulus, -i, m., young man remark
adoptio, -onis, t., adoption advespcrascit, -3vit, imperson. 3, to
ador~indus, -a, -urn, adorable be toward evening
adorare, to adore, worship advocare, to call to
adorator, -oris, m., adorer, worshiper advocltus, -i, n2., advocate
adoriri, -ortus sum, dep. 4J to under advolare, to fly, hasten
take advolvere, -volvi, -volutus, to roll
adornare, to adorn aedes, -is, tOJ tern pIe
adsc1scere, -scivi, -scitus, to admit, re aedieula, -ae, I., little house or build-
ceIve Ing
adscrlptus, -a, -urn, approved aedificans, -antis, m builder
ing), f., gray, old age captio, -onis, I., prey; net, trap
canon, -onis, 171., canon captivitas, -atis, f., captivity
canonicatus, -us, m., office of a canon, captivus, -a, -urn, captive
canonry captura, -ae, f., catch (of fish)
canonicus, -i, m., canon captus, -us, m., catching, capture
canonizatio, -onis, I., canonization Capucdni, -orum, 112., Capuchins
canor, -oris, nl., song Capucdnus, -a, -urn, Capuchin
canorus, -a, -urn, nlelodious caput, -itis, n.} head; chapter
cantabilis, -e, wort hy of song carbasinus, -a, -urn, green
Cantabrigia, -ae, I., Cambridge carbo, -onis, m., coal
cant~lre, to sing; cro\v carbunculus, -i, m., carbuncle
cantatio, -onis, I., song Carcasona, -ae, I., Carcassonne
canticum, -i, n., canticle, song carcer, -eris, tn., prison
cantio, -onis, I., song cardinahitus, -us, 112., office of cardi
Cantium, -ii, n., Kent nal
Gntius, -ii, m., Kenty or Kanty (St. cardinalis, -is, m., cardinal
John), Cantius cardo, -in is, m., pole of the earth;
Cantuaria, -ae, t., Canterbury hinge; door
Cantuariensis, -c, of Canterbury carduus, -i, n1., thistle
cantus, -us, m., crowing caritas, -atis, I., charity, love
Canutus, -i, 112., Canute Carmelltae, -arwn, m. and I., Carmel
capax, -acis, capable, fit for ites
capella, -ae, I., chapel; sancta - , Sainte Carmelus, -i, m., Carmel
Chapelle carmen, -mis, n., song, lay, canticle
capellanus, -i, 112., chaplain carnalis, -c, bodily, carnal
capere, cepi, captus, (io), to receive, carnalitas, -atis, I., carnality, sensuality
take, obtain; to hold, contain; to un carnaliter, carnally
derstand carneus, -a, -urn, of flesh, fleshly
clrnifex, -icis, m., executioner Castrum noVutn, -i, n., Castelnuovo
carnHicus, -a, -urn, of the flesh, COf castus, -a, -urn, chaste
poral cisula, -ae, t., cottage
caro, carnis, t., flesh, meat casus, -us, m., case; peril, misfortune
Carolus Borromaeus, -i, -i, m., Charles cacibulum, -i, n., menagerie
Borron1eo catacUmba, -ae, t., catacomb
Carolus, -i, m., Charles Catahiunia, -ae, f., Catalonia
Carolus Martellus, -i, -i, m., Charles catalogus, -i, m., list, catalogue
~1artel C~itana, -ae, f., Catania
carpere, -psi, -ptus, to pluck, seize Catanensis, -e, of Catania; Catanenses,
cartallus, -i, m., basket people of Catania
Carthaginiensis, -e, of Carthage cataracta, -ae, f., cataract, floodgate
Carthago, -inis, t., Carthage; Nova catasta, -ae, f., block, scaffold, rack
- , Cartagena t.,
catastrophe, -es, disaster, catastrophe
Carthusiani, -0 rum, m., Carthusians, catechesis, -is, t., catachesis; oral in.
charterhouse monks struction to catachumens
carns, -a, -urn, dear, beloved; carissimi, catechisrnus, -i, m., catechism
dearly beloved catechizare, to instruct, teach
caseum, -i, n., cheese catechUmena, -ae, f., catechumen
cisia, -ae, f., cassia catechUmenus, -i, Tn., catechumen
Casimirus, -i, m., Casimir catellus, -i, m., whelp
Cassia, -ae, t., Cascia catena, -ae, f., chain
Cassianus, -i, m., Cassian catenula, -ae, t., chain
Cassinas, -atis, of Monte Cassino caterva, -ae, t., crowd, congregation
Cassinensis, ~, of Monte Cassino catervatim, adv., in troops
Cassinurn, -i, n., Cassino Catharina, -ae, f. (Senensis), Catharine
cassis, -idis, t., helmet (of Siena)
cassus, -a, -urn, vain, useless Catharina Flisca, -ae, -ae, t., Caterina
Castella, -ae, t., Castile; - Nova, New Fieschi
Castile cathedra, -ae, f., chair; professorship
Castellatiurn, -ii, n., Castellazzo cathedralis, -e, cathedral
Castellio, -onis, t., Chatillon Catholicus, -a, -urn, Catholic
Castellio Stivorurn, -onis, t., Castig catinum, -i, n., and catinus, -i, m., dish
lione delle Sliviere catulus, -i, m., cub, whelp
castellum, -i, n., town, village cauda, -ae, t., tail
castigare, to chastise, punish, chasten caula, -ae, t., fold, sheepfold
castigatio, -onis, f., chastisement causa, -ae, t., cause; means; matter;
castimonia, -ae, /., chastity sine - , in vain
castitas, -atis, t., chastity caute, carefully, circumspectly
castrarnentari, dep., to pitch camp, en cautio, -onis, t., caution, warning;
camp guilt; bill
castrare, to castrate cavea, -ae, t., cage
castrum, -i, n., fortress, castle; castra, cavere, cavi, cautus, to take heed, be
n. pl., camp, army ware
caverna, -ae, f., hollow place, cave ceterus, -3, -urn, the other; de cetero,
cedere, cessi, cessus, to yield finally
cedrinus, -a, -urn, of cedar Cethaetus, -3, ..urn, Cethite
cedrus, -i, f., cedar cetus, ..i, m. (pl., cete, n.), whale
cehire, to hide ceu, as, like, as when
celeber, -bris, -bre, solemn Chaballicensis, -e, of Chablais
celebrare, to celebrate Chalcedonensis, -e, of Chalcedon
celebritas, -atis, f., celebration, feast chalcedonius, ..ii, f., chalcedony
cella, -ae, f., cellar Chaldaei, ..orum, m., Chaldees
cellarium, ..ii, n., chamber Chaldaeus, ..a, -urn, Chaldean
cellula,, f., hut Chaldaicus, -a, -urn, Chaldaic
celsitudo, ..inis, f., height, exaltation chameunia, -ae, f., sleeping on the
celsus, ..a, ..wn, high, sublime floor or ground
celtis,, m., instrument, tool, chisel Chananaeus, ..a, -urn, Canaanite
cenodoxia, -ae, f., vainglory chaos, n., chaos, the lower world
censere, -sui, -sum, to call; approve character, -eris, m., character
census, -us, m., tribute; cost, expense charisma, -ae, m., spiritual gift
centenarius, -a, ..urn, hundredfold charta, -ae, f., paper
centesimus, -a, ..urn, hundredth chartula, -ae, f., a small piece of paper
centrum, ..i, n., center Chazari, -orum, m., Khazars
centwn, one hundred Chersona, -ae, f., Cherson, Gallipoli
Centum Cellae, ..arum, f'l Civita Vec cherub (indecl.) , pl.1 cherubim, m.,
chia cherub
centuplum, a hundredfold Chieagiensis, -e, of Chicago
centurio, -onis, m., captain over a hun chirographurn, -i, n., handwriting
dred men, centurion chlamys, -ydis, f., cloak
cera, -ae, f., wax Chloes, Chloe
cerebrum, ..i, n., brain chorda, -ae, f., string, stringed instru
ceremonia, -ae, f., ceremony ment
cereus, -i, m., wax taper, candle chorea, -ae, f.1 choir
cernere, crevi, cretus, to see, discern chorus, ..i, m., choir; dancing
cernuus, -3, -urn, falling down, pros chrisma, -atis, n., chrisnl
trate Christiades, -urn, m., Christians
certamen, -inis, n., strife, fight Christiadum, -i, n., Christendom
certare, to fight Christianitas, -atis, f., Christianity
cercitim, eagerly Christianus, -a, -urn, Christian
certe, surely Christifer, -fera, -ferum, Christ-bearing
certus, -3, -urn, certain, fixed, deter Christifidelis, -e, faithful to Christ,
mined; certior fieri, to be informed Christian
cervix, -icis, f., neck Christophorus, -i, m., Christopher
cervus, -i, m., deer, stag, hart Christus, -i, m., Christ
Cervus Frigidus, -i, -i, m., Cerfroid christus, -3, -urn, anointed
cespes, ..itis, m., turf, grassy sward chrysolithus, -i, m. and f., chrysolite,
cessare, to cease topaz
chrysoprasus, -i, t., chrysoprasus circumferre, -tuli, -latus, to carry about
Chrysostomus, -i, m., Chrysostom circumfodere, -fodi, -fossus, (io), to
cibare, to feed, to give to eat dig a ditch around
cibaria, -orunl, 11. pl., food, victuals circumfulgere, -fulsi, -fnisus, to shine
cibus, -i, 1n., food, Il1eat; fuel round about
cicatrix, -icis, I., scar, wound circumligare, to bind up
ciconia, -ae, f., stork, crane circumornatus, -a, -urn, adorned
cicuta, -ae, I., hern lock round about
clere, civi, citus, to call by name, in circumplecti, -plexus sum, dep. 3, to
voke compass about
cilicium, -ii, 11., sackcloth, haircloth, circumponere, -posui, -positus, to put
hair shirt upon
cimeliufil, -ii, 111., treasure circumquaque, adv., all around
Cinaeus, -i, m., Cinite circumseptus, -a, -urn, covered on all
Cincinnatensis, -e, of Cincinnati sides
cinctorium, -ii, n., girdle circumspector, -oris, m.} one who sees
cinctus, -us, 111., girding, girdle all
cingulum, .i, n., girdle circumspieere, -spexi, -spectus, to look
cingulus, -i, m., girdle about
cinifes, -urn, tn.} gnats circumstantia, -ae, f., fortification; de
cinis, -eris, 112., ashes, embers; Feria IV tails, circunlstances
Cinerum, Ash Wednesday circumstare, -steti, to stand around, to
cinnamomum, -i, n., cinnarnon be present
cinyrum, -i, n., lute circumtectus, -a, -unI, covered about
circa, adv., about; prep.} with circumvenire, -veni, -ventus, to cir
cuciter, adv., about cunlvent, overreach
circuire, -ivi and -ii, -hus, (eo), to go circunlventio, -onis, I., a surrounding
about; compass circumvoLire, to fly about
circuitus, -us, m., circuit; in circwtu, Cisterciensis, -e, of Citeaux, Cistercian
round about cisterna, -ae, t., pit
circulus, -i, m., circle citatus, -a, -urn, swift
circumamictus, -~, -urn, clothed about cherior, -ius, hither
circumddere, -cidi, -cisus, to circunl- cithara, -ae, t., harp
Clze citharaedus, -i, m.} harper
circumcingere, -cinxi, -cinctus, to gird citharizare, to play on a harp
about cito, adv., speedily, easily
circurnclsio, -onis, t., circumcision citra, prep., beyond
circumcursatio, -onis, I., attention dtrinus, ·a, -urn, citrous; malum cltri
circumdare, -dedi, -datus, to encom· num, lime
pass clvicus, -a, -urn, civic
circumdohire, to hew about with an civis, -is, m. and I., citizen
axe t.,
civitas, -atis, city
circumducere, -duxi, -ductus, to lead clades, -is, I., disaster, defeat
about clam, privately
clamare, to cry out, proclaim coadjutor, -oris, m., coadjutor
clamitare, to shout loudly coadunare, to unite
clamor, -oris, m., cry coaedificare, to build together
clangor, -oris, m., sound coaequalis, -e, coequal
Clara, -ae, f., Clare coaequare, to rank with, make equal;
Claravallt~nsis, -e, of Clairvaux fill up
clarescere, chirui, to shine forth coaetaneus, -a, -urn, equal
clarificare, to glorify coaeternus, -a, -urn, coeternal
clarificatio, -onis, f., glorification coaevus, -i, 1n., one equal in age
claritas, -atis, f., light, clarity, bright coagitare, to shake together
ness; renown, glory coagmentare, to join together
clarus, -a, -urn, clear; well-known coagulare, to curdle
classis, -is, f., class; navy, fleet coagulatus, -a, -urn, curdled; craggy
claudere, clausi, clausus, to shut, close coalescere, -alui, -alitus, to grow to
claudicare, to limp gether, take firm root
cIaudus, -a, -urn, lame coangustare, to straiten, hem in
claustralis, -e, of the cloister, cloistral coapostolus, -i, m., fellow apostle
clava, -ae, f., cudgel, maul coarctare, to straiten
clavicuhirius, -ii, m., key bearer coccineus, -a, -urn, scarlet
cIavis, -is, f., key coccinum, -i, n., scarlet
clavus, -i, m., nail cocus, -i, m., cook
Clemens, -entis, m., Clement codex, -icis, m., document, scroll;
clemens, -en tis, merciful book
clementer, mercifully, graciously Coelesyria, -ae, f., Celesyria
clementia, -ae, /., clemency coelibatus, -us, m., celibacy
clericalis, ~, priestly coelum, -i, n., heaven
clericus, -i, nl., cleric, clerk, priest coemeterium, -ii, n., cemetery
clerus, -i, m., clergy; something as coena, -ae, f., supper, dinner, feast
signed by lot, spoil coenaculum, -i, n., dining room
cubanus, -i, m., oven coenare, to sup, have supper
ClippClcum, -i, n., Clichy coenobita, -ae, m., monk
clivus, -i, m., hill coenobiticus, -a, -urn, monastic
cloaca, -ae, f., sewer coenobium, -ii, n., convent
Clodoaldus, -i, m., Clodoald, (St.) coenomyia, -ae, f., dog fly
Cloud coepiscopus, -i, m., fellow bishop
Clodoveus, -i, m., Clovis coepisse, coeptus (defect.), to begin
Clonardiensis, -e, of Clonard coercere, -cui, -citus, to restrain
Clonfertensis, -e, of Clonfert coetus, -us, m., assembly, host
Cluniacensis, ~, of Cluny cogere, coegi, coactus, to lead, bring,
Cluniacum, -i, n., Cluny assemble; constrain
clusor, -oris, m., smith cogitare, to think; purpose; take coun
clypeus, -i, m., buckler sel together
coacervare, to heap up cogitatio, -onis, f., thought
coacte, adv., by constraint cogitatum, -i, n., care
cogitams, -us, m., counsel collis,, m., hill
cognata, -ae, f., cousin collocare, to place
cognatio, -onis, t., kindred colloqui, -tutus or -quutus sum, dep.
cognatus, -i, m., kinsman ], to converse together
cognitor, -oris, m., knower, witness collucere, to shine, burn
cognomentum, -i, n., name colluctatio, -onis, f., wrestling
cognominare, to na me collum, -i, n., neck
cognominari, dep., to be surnamed collustrare, to illuminate
cognoscere, -novi, -nitus, to know collyrium, -i, n., salve
cognoscibiliter, recognizably colonia, -ae, f., city
cohaerere, -haesi, -haesus, to cleave to Colonia Agrippina, -ae, -ae, '., Cologne
coheres, -edis, In., coheir Colonienses, -e, of Cologne
cohibere, to hinder, restrain colonus, -i, m., inhabitant, dweller
cohors, -tis, ,., band, guard, cohort color, -oris, m., color
cohortatio, -onis, ,., exhortation Colossenses, -ium, m., Colossians
coinquinare, (0 den Ie columba, -ae, ,., dove, pigeon
colaphizare, to box one's ears Columbensis, -e, of Columbus
colaphus, -i, nl., a box on the ear columen, -inis, n., pillar, support
colare, to ren ne columna, -ae, ,., pillar
colere, colui, cultus, to tilJ; worship, coma, -ae, ,., hair, lock of hair; comam
adore, revere; celebrate nutrire, to allow hair or beard to
coHabi, -Iapsus sum, dep. 3, to fall, grow freely
collapse conlburere, -bussi, -bustus, to burn
collactaneus, -i, m., foster brother cornbustio, -onis, '., burnin~
collaetari, dcp., to rejoice together comedere, -edi, -esus or -estus, to eat,
collatio, -onis, , .. gathering, meeting devour; comedetis vescentes, you
collaudare, to praise together shall eat in plenty
collaudatio, -onis, /., praise comes, -itis, m., companion; count,
collecta, -ae, '., collection or contribu earl
tion in money; collect comessatio, -onis, f., revel, feasting,
collectus, -a, -urn, shu t riotous feasting
collega, -ae, nl., companion, fellow comestio, -onis, f., eating
collegium, -ii, n., conlpany, society; cominus, adv., in close combat
school comitari, d~p., to accolnpany, follow,
collidere, -lisi, -lisus, to dash together, be together
bruise, crush; cast down comitatus, -us, m., company, train
colligare, to bind coI1111"Urtyr, -is, c., fellow nlartyr
colligatio, -onis, f., band commemorare, to commemorate
colligere, -legi, -lectus, to gather up, commemoratio, -onis, f., commemora
take in tion
coHineare, to direct in a straight line commendare, to commend
colliquefacere, -feci, ..factus, (io), to commendatio, -onis, f., recommenda
melt tion
colliquescere, to melt conunensaIis, -is, m., table companion
copia, -ae, f., abundance, store corruere, -rui, to fa II (to the ground)
Emigdius (Emygdius), -ii, m.} Emidius Epiphania, -ae, /., Epiphany, appear
emigrare, to depart ance
eminens, -entis, excellent episcopalis, ~, episcopal
eminere, -nunui, to be above, stand epiSLopatus, -us, n1., episcopacy, bish
out, project opric; of1lce of bishop
eminus, adcl.; at a distance eplscopus, -i, m., bishop ~ patriarch
cDussio, -onis, t., perfun1e cpistola, -ae, /., epistle, lelter
emittere, -misi. -missus, to s,end out, epistolium, -ii, n., letter
emit; yield up; cast out cpithahimium, -ii, n., rnarriage song
enlporium, -ii, n., nlarket epulac, -arum, f. pl., fea5,t, feasts
~nlptio, -onis, f., bu ying, purchase cpulari ((/{'p.), to fcast
~mundare, to cleanse eques, -itis, m., horseman
emundatio, -onis, f., cleansing equester, -tris, -tre, equestrian
elnolunH~ntuln, -i, n., gain, ad vantage equidem, adv., truly
en, interj., 10, behold equuleus, -i, m., rack
enarrare, to te II, reI ate, show forth equus, -i, m., horse
enavigare, to sail a\vay; swim eradere, -rasi, -rasus, to strike or cut
Encacnia, -arum, n. pl., Feast of the ofT, destroy
I)edication eradicare, to root up
encaeniare, to put on sonlething new, Ercus, -i, rn. Ere
factiosllS, -a, -urn, q uarre lsome fastigium, -ii, n., summit, height; dig
Mons Oliveti, -tis, m., Mount of Olives Moyses, -i, m., Moses
l\1ons Regalis in Subalpinis, -tis, -is, m., mucro, -onis, m., sharp edge or point
Mondovi mugire, to low
monstnlre, to show; cOlnn1and mula, -ae, f., mule
montana, -orum, n. pl., hill country mu1cere, mulsi, mulsus, to charm
Montanlsta, -ae, tn., ~10ntanist mu1cta, -ae, /., fine
~tontereyensis, -e, of lYfonterey mulgere, mulsi, mulctus, to milk
Montilia, -ae, f., Montilla (out); to pour out as nlilk
monumellturn, -i, n., monument; sep muliebris, -e, fenlinine
ulcher, grave mulier, -eris, f., woman
mora, -ae, f., delay; hindrance muliercula, -ae, f., a disgraceful
moralis, -e, moral \,voman
morari, dep., to delay; abide mulsum, -i, n., sweet wine
Morasthites, -is, m., Morasthite multitiriarn, adv., at sundry times
Moravi, -orunl, nl. pl., Moravians multif6rrnis, -e, multiform, nlanifold
morbidus, -a, -urn, diseased, depraved multiformiter, adv., in divers ways
morbus, -i, m., disease multiplex, -ids, manifold
mordax, -acis, stinging, piercing multiplicare, to multiply
mordere, momordi, morsus, to bite; multiplicatio, -onis, f., multiplicity
take hold upon Inultipliciter, greatly; in many \vays
mori, mortuus sum, dep. 3, (io), to die multisonus, -a, -urn, many sounding,
morigerus, -a, -urn, compliant, accom loud
modating multitudo, -inis, f., multitude
mors, mortis, f., death multo, adv., many
morsus, -us, m., bite, eating multum, adv., much; long; very
mortalis, -e, mortal multus, -a, -urn, much, many; boun
mortariolum, -i, m., little Inortar tiful
morticinum, -i, n., corpse mulus, -i, m., mule
mortifer, -a, -urn, deadly mundanus, -a, -urn, of the \\"orld
mortificare, to mortify; kill mundare, to cleanse
mortuus, -a, -urn, dead; (as a noun) munditia, -ae, f., cleanliness
the dead mundus, -i, m., world; ornament
morns, -i, f., mulberry tree mundus, -a, -urn, clean, pure, clear
mos, moris, m., custorn, manner; ac munerare, to bestow a gift upon
tion munerari, dep., to present
Mosaicus, -a, -urn, Mosaic munia, -iuIn, n. pl., services, gifts
Moscovia, -ae, f., Moscow munificens, -entis, munificent
motabilis, -e, moving mUnlnlen, -inis, n., protection
motio, -onis, f., movement, nlotion munire, to defend, strengthen, pre
motus, -us, ,n.} motion, moving; emo serve, fortify
tion; tempest; tumult munitio, -onis, f., fort
movere, movi, motus, to move; affect, munitiuncula, -ae, f.} little fortress
influence; quake munus, -eris, n.} gift, offering, bounty;
moveri, motus sum, dep. 2, to move office; bribe
munUsculum, -i, n., little gift Narniensis, ~, of Narni
murenula, -ae, f., necklace narnire, to tell, relate
murmur, -uris, n., murmuring narrator, -oris, m., narrator
murmunire, to n1urmur nasci, natus sum, dep. 3, to be born;
munnuratio, -onis, f., murmur spring up
~1urtia, -ae, f., Murcia natalis, -c, natal
murus, -i, nl., \vall natalis, -is, m., birthday
mus, illJ Tis, C., n10use natalltium, -ii, n., feast, birthday; nata
musica., -ae, f., music litia, n. pl., birthday festival
musica, -orum, n. pl., music natatoria, -orum, n. pl., pool
musicus, -i, m., musician natio, -onis, f., nation ~ nationes,
musivum, -i, n., n10saic heathen
mustum, -i, n., new wine nativitas, -atis, f., birth, nativity
mutabilitas, -atis, f., change natura, -ae, f., nature
mutare, to change naturaliter, adv., according to nature
mutatio, -onis, f., change natus, -i, m., son
mutatorium, -ii, n., change natus, -us, m., birth; majores natu,
mutuari, dep., to borrow elders, ancients
mutuo, adv., mutually, to one another naufragium, -ii, 17., shipwreck
mutus, -a, -urn, dunlb rulufragus, -a, -urn, shipwrecked
m utuus, -a, -urn, mutual naulum, -i, n., fare
Myrensis, -c, of Myra nausea, -ae, f., nausea, squeamishness
myrica, -ae, f., tanlaric nauseare, to vomit
myrrha, -ae, f., myrrh nauta, -ae, m., sailor, mariner
myrrhats, -a, -urn, n1ingled with myrrh nauticus, -a, -unl, of a ship, nautical
myrrheus, -3, -urn, of myrrh navare, to do an ythi ng zealously
myrtetum, -i, n., a grove or thicket of navicula, -ae, f., boat
nlyrtle trees navigare, to sail, be at sea
mysteriurn, -ii, n., mystery, secret navigium, -ii, n., ship
mystice, adv., mystically navis, -is, f., ship
mysticus, -3, -urn, of deep meaning, Naxus, -i, f., Naxos
mystical Nazara, -ae, f., Nazareth
Nazaraeus, -i, nl., Nazarene, Nazarite
N Nazarenus, -a, -urn, of Nazareth, Naz
N. (nomen), name Nazarethanus, -3, -urn, of Nazareth
Nabuthaei, -orum, m. pl., Nabutheans Nazianzenus, -a, -urn, of Nazianzus
nam, conj., for ne, adv. and con;., and not; neither,
nancisci, nactus or nanctus sum, d~p. nor; that not; lest
3, to get, obtain Neapolis, -is, f., Naples
Narbonensis, -c, of Narbonne nebula, -ae, f., cloud, mist
nardus, -i, f., and nardum, -i, n., spike nec, neither; - nOll, and also, nor less
nard; - spicatum, spikenard necire, to kill, slay
nares, -ium, f. pl., nostrils, nose necessario, adt'., necessarily
necessarius, -3, -urn, needful nere, nevi, netus, to spin
necesse, adjo and no, necessary N eritonensis, -e, of Nardo
necessitas, -atis, to, necessity; distress nervus, -i, mo, nerve, sinew
nectar, -aris, no, nectar nescire, not to know, not to take no
nectere, nexui and nexi, nexus, to tice
weave Nestorius, -ii, mo, Nestor, Nestorius
nedum, advo, to say nothing of, much neuter, -tra, -trum, neither
less nex, necis, to, violent death
nefarius, -3, -urn, shameful nexus, -us, mo, bond
negare, to deny ni, conjo, if not, unless
negatio, -onis, to, denial Nicaenus, -a, -urn, of Nicaea, Nicene
neglegere, -lexi, -lectus, to neglect Nicolaus, -i, mo, Nicholas
negligentia, -ae, to, negligence Nicol£itae, -orum, m. pl., Nicolaites
negotiari, depo, to trade Nicomediensis, -e, of Nicomedia
negotiatio, -onis, to, traffic; merchan nidificare, to build a nest
dise nidulus, -i, mo, little nest
negotiator, -oris, mo, merchant nidus, -i, m 0' nest
negotium, -ii, no, business; pestilence nigrita, -ae, m. and f., negro
nemo, -inis, mo and to, no one, nobody Nigritae, -arum, mo pl., Negroes
nemorensis, -e, of a grove or wood nihil (nil), no, indecl., nothing
nempe, advo, namely; truly nihilonlinus, adv., yet, nevertheless
nemus, -oris, no, wood, forest, grove nihilum, -i, no, nothing
Neocaesaraca, -ae, to, Neocaesarea n.im1etas, -atis, to, excess, superfluity,
N eocaesariensis, -e, of N eocaesarea redundancy
neomenia, -ae, to, new moon nimirum, advo, certainly, truly
neophytus, -i, mo, novice, neophyte nimis, advo, beyond measure, exceed
N epcsinus, -a, -urn, of N epi ingly; most diligently
Nepomucenus, -a, -urn, of Nepomuk nimius, -a, -urn, excessive
Nepomucurn, -i, no, Nepomuk Ninivita, -ae, t., Ninive
Nepouanus, -i, mo, Nepotian Ninivitae, -arum, m. pl., Ninivites
neptis, -is, to, granddaughter Niniviti, -orum, mo pl., Ninivites
nepos, -otis, m o and to, grandchild; nisi, conjo, if not, unless, except, but
nephew, niece, posterity NisibCnus, -a, -urn, of Nisibis
nequam, indeclo adjo, wicked, evil nisus, -us, m., striving, strength
nequando, conj., lest, lest at any time nitens, -entis, shining
nequaquam, advo, no, not, by no niti, nisus or nixus sum, d~p. 3, to
means strive, endeavor
neque, advo and conjo, and not, neither, nitidus, -a, -urn, smooth
nor nitor, -oris, mo, brightness, splendor.
nequior, -ius, more wicked shining light
nequire, -ivi and -ii, -tus, (eo), to be nitrum, -i, no, natural soda; niter
unable niveus, -a, -urn, snowy white
nequlssmus, -i, m 0' most wicked one nix, nivis, to, snow
nequitia, -ae, to, evil, malice nobilis, -e, noble
nobilitare, to ennoble, make known notarius, ..ii, m., scribe
or illustrious, glorify notitia, -ae, f., know ledge; news
nocere, to hurt notus, -a, ..urn, known; nota facere, to
nocturnus, -a, -urn, of the night, noc show
turnal notus, -i, m., friend, acquaintance
nodosus, -a, -urn, knotted novacula, -3e, t., razor
Nolanus, -a, -urn, of Nola Novatianus, -3, -urn, Novatian
Nolascus, -i, m., Nolasco novella, -orum, n. pl., young shoots
nolle, nolui, to be un willing, refuse novellus, -a, -urn, young, new
nomen, -inis, n., name novem, nine
Nomentanus, -a, -urn, of Nomenturn novendialis, -e, lasting nine days; nine
nominare, to name days' funeral rites
nominatim, adv' by name
J novies, nine times
nominatus, -a, -urn, renowned novennis, at the age of nine
non, adv' not; no
J novissirne, adv., last of all
nona, -ae, f., none novissirnus, -a, -urn, latest, last; most
nonagenarius, -a, -urn, being ninety abject; novissirna, n. pl., last state;
years of age in novlssirno die, at the last day
nonagesirnus, -a, -urn, ninetieth noviter, adv., newly
nonagesirnus quintus, -a, -a, -urn, ..urn, novitas, -atis, t., newness, freshness;
ninety-fifth new thing, work, condition, or life
nonagintanovem, ninety-nine Novocomum, -i, n., Como
nondum, adv., not yet novus, -a, -urn, new
nongentesimus, -3, ..urn, nine hun nox, noctis, t., night
dredth noxa, -ae, t., crime, sin; harm, offense
Nonnatus, -i, m., Nonnatus (not born) noxialis, -e, ev il
nonne, interrog. adv., introduces a noxius, -a, -urn, harmful, hurtful; sin
question to \vhich an affirmative ful, guilty
answer is expected nubere, nupsi, nuptus, to marry
nonnullus, -a, -urn, some nubes, -is, t.J cloud
nonnumquam, adv., sometimes nubila, -orum, n. pl., clouds
nonus, -a, -urn, ninth Nuceria Paganorum, -ae, f., Nocera
Norbertus, -i, m' Norbert
J dei Pagani
norma, -ae, t., rule, way of life nucleus, -i, m., kernel
Normannia, -ae, t., Normandy nudare, to lay bare, uncover
Northmannus, -i, m., Norman nudipes, -pedis, barefooted
noscere, novi, notus, to know (how) nuditas, -atis, t., nakedness
nosoc6mium, -ii, n., hospital nudiustertius, adv., day before yester
nosse, con traction of novlsse, perfect day
infinitive of noscere nudus, -3, -urn, naked, bare
noster, -tra, -trum, our, ours nugacitas, -atis, f., trifling, frivolity,
nota, -ae, f., note, sign vanity
notamen, -inis, n., sign, token nullatenus, adv., not at all
notare, to mark; denote; prepare nUllibi, adv., nowhere, in no part
nullus, -a, -urn, not any nutare, to waver, fail; wander
num, interr. adv., used when a nega nutrire, to nourish, sustain
tive answer is expected nutrttius (nutrieius), -ii, m., foster fa
nurnelIa, -ae, f., a kind of torture rack ther; guardian
nurnen, -inis, n., divine power nutrix, -icis, f., nurse
numerare, to number nutus, -us, m., nod; command; will
numerositas, -a tis, f., number, num nux, nucis, /., nut
bers nyctieorax, -acis, m., a night raven
numerus, -i, m., number Nymphe, -es, f., Santa Ninfa
nUnllsma, -atis, n., coin, medal Nyssenus, -a, -urn, of Nyssa
nummularius, -ii, m., money changer
nlimmulus, -i, tn., small coin; paltry o
nummus, -i, m., coin ob, pr~p., for, on account of, In con
numquid, interrog. adv., used when sideration of
a negative answer is expected obarrnatus, -a, -urn, armed
nun, the fourteenth letter of the He obaudire, to make or cause to be heard
brew alphabet, corresponding to obcaecitio, -onis, f., blindness
English n obcaecatus, -a, -urn, blinded
nunc, adv., now obdormire, to sleep, fall asleep
nuncupare, to name, call obducere, -duxi, -ductus, to produce
Duncupatio, -onis, f., public offering obductio, -onis, f., covering; cloudi
or pronouncing of a vow ness; doubt
nuncupative, adv., in nan1e, nominally obdurare, to harden
Dundinae, -arum, f. pl., market day obduratio, -onis, f., stubbornness
or place obedientia, -ae, f., obedience
nunquam (numquam), adv., never obedire, to obey
Dtintia, -ae, f., herald obeditio, "'Onis, f., obedience
nuntiare, to proclaim, announce, de oberrare, to wander about
clare obesse, -lui, to inl pede; be prej udicial
Du.ntium, -ii, n., message, news to; injure
Duntius, -ii, m., messenger, herald; obferre, -tuli, -latus, to pu t to
nunelO obire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to die
Duper, adv., recently, newly 6bitus, -us, m., death
Duptiae, -arum, f. pl., marriage, mar objectus, -us, m., obstacle
riage feast objieere, -jeci, -jectus, (io), to drive
nuptialis, -e, wedding, nuptial away; charge against, lay to the
nuptus, -us, m., marriage, wedlock charge of
Duptus, -i, m., married person, hus objurgatio, -onis, f., injury
band Oblatae, -arum, m. pl., Oblates
nurus, -us, f., daughter-in-law oblatio, -onis, f., oblation, offering
Dusquam, adv., nowhere; in nothing; oblectamentum, -i, n., pleasure, arnuse
on no occasion ment, allurement
nutans, -antis, feeble, inconstant oblectatio, -onis, f., pleasure
obligare, to entangle obsidio, -onis, f., siege
obligatio, -onis, f., binding, entangling obsignare, to seal
oblittenire, to blot out obsistere, -stiti, to resist
oblivio, -onis, f., forgetfulness; oblivion obsoletus, -a, -urn, worn out, cast off
obliviosus, -a, -urn, forgetful obsonium, -ii, n., that which is eaten
oblivisci, -litus sum, dep. 3, to forget with bread; relish, sweetrrleats
oblongus, -a, -UIn, long obstringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to be in
obloqui, -locutus sum, dep. 3, to re debted ta
vile obstruere, -struxi, -stnlctes, to close,
obmutescere, -mutui, to be dumb stop up
obnixe, adv., earnestly obstrusus, -a, -urn, covered, concealed
obnoxius, -a, -urn, subject to obstupefacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to
obnubilare, to darken astonish
6bolus, -i, m., a coin worth about four obstupescere, -stupui and -stipui, to
cents be astonished; to be set on edge (of
obrepere, -repsi, -reptus, to crawl to; teeth)
take by surprise obtemperare, to obey
obrigescere, -rigui, to become stiff obtenebrari, dep., to be obscured
obrizus, -a, -urn, finest (referring to obtentus, -us, nL, pleading, prayer
gold) obtestari, dep., to entreat, irnplore,
obruere, -rui, -rutus, to bury; drown; supplicate; call to witness
overwhelm obtinere, -tinui, -tentus, to obtain; pre
obscoenus, -a, -urn, foul vail
obscunire, to darken, obscure obtingere, -tigi, to fall to the lot of
obscure, adv., obscurely obtrectatio, -onis, f., detraction
obscUrus, -a, -urn, dark; in obscUrum, obtundere, -tudi, -tusus, ta make blunt,
in to darkness dull; weaken
obsecrare, to inlplore, beseech obturare, to stop up, close
obsecratio, -onis, f., entreaty, supplica obumbrare, to overshadow
tion, prayer obumbratio, -onis, f., shadow; over
obsecundare, to comply with shadowing
6bsequens, ~ntis, dutiful obviam, adv., on the way
obsequi, -secutus sum, dep. 3, to obey obviare, to meet, go forth to meet
obsequinm, -ii, n., homage, warship, obvius, -a, -urn, in the way, meeting;
servIce obvia venire, to come to meet
obserere, -sevi, -situs, to sow obvolvere, -volvi, -volutus, to wrap
Observans, -antis, m., Observant occasio, -onis, f., occasion
observantia, -ae, f., observance; absti occisus, -us, m., setting (of the sun)
nence occidens, -entis, deathly
observare, to observe; mark; watch accidens, -entis, m., the west; evening
observatio, -onis, f., observance occidentalis, -e, western
obses, -idis, c., hostage ocddere, -cidi, -casus, to set, go down
obsidere, -sedi, -sessus, to beset, in (of the sun)
close occidere, -cidi, -Osus, to put to death
occlsio, -onis,t., slaughter odorari, dep., to smell
occisor, -oris, m., killer, murderer odoratus, -us, m., smell; smelling
occubitus, -us, m., setting oecurnenicus, -3, -urn, ecumenical
occulere, -cului, -cuhus, to conceal offendere, -fendi, -fensus, to dash
occultare, to hide against; stumble; offend
occulte, adv., privately offendiculum, -i, n., stumbling block
occwtum, -i, n., hidden thing; secret offensio, -onis, f., offense
or hidden sin offerre, obtuli, oblatus, to offer
occultus, -a, -urn, hidden offertorium, -ii, n., offertory
occumberc, -cubui, -cubitus, to fall, officium, -ii, n., favor, kindness; office;
fall down duty; fulfillment
occupare, to occupy; reach unto; cum offusus, -a, -urn, spread around, con
ber cealing
occupatio, -onis, f., occupation o'ea, -ae, t., olive tree
occu.rrens, -cntis, of the day, current oleaster, -tri, m., wild olive tree
occu.rrere, -curri, -cursus, to Ineet, go oIera, -orum, n. pl., herbs
to nlee t, come to; occur oleum, -i, n., oil
occUrsus, -us, m., meeting; course; olfacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to smell
occurrence; vadere in occUrsurn, to olim, adv., formerly, once
go to n1.eet oliva, -ae, f., olive tree
ocius, adv., quickly Olivetus, -i, n1., Olivet
ocrea, -ae, f., greave olla, -ae, f., pot; caldron; ollas car
octava, -ae, f., octa ve nium, flesh pots
octavus, -a, -urn, eighth olus, -eds, n., herb, pot herb
octennis, at the age of eight omega, omega, the last letter of the
octingentesimus, -a, -urn, eight hun Greek alphabet
dredth omnimodus, -a, -urn, entire, complete
octo, eight omnino, adv., at all
octodecim, eigh teen omnipotens, -entis, almighty, omnipo
octogenarius, -ii, m., octogenarian tent
octogesirnus quintus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn, omnipotentia, -ae, f., might
eigh ty-fifth omnis, -e, all, every
octoginta, eighty; four score omophorion (Greek), bishop's pal
ocularis, -e, ocu lar, eye lium
oculatus, -a, -urn, sharp-eyed; many onager (onagrus), -i, m., wild ass
eyed oneratus, -a, -urn, burdened
oculus, -i, m., eye; ex oculis eorum, onerus, -a, -urn, bu rdensorne
fronl their sight onus, -eris, n., burden
odibilis, -e, hateful onustatus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden
odisse, defect. verb, to hate onustus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden
odium, -ii, n., hatred operari, dep., to work; comInit; trade
odor, -oris, m., smell, odor; savor operarius, -ii, m., laborer
odoramenturn, -i, n., odor operatio, -onis, f., operation; work;
odonire, to smell working; virtue
operator, -oris, m., worker orare, to pray, beseech
operatorius, -a, -urn, conducive to ac oratio, -onis, f., prayer; discourse
tion, nlightily working oratorium, -ii, n., oratory
operimenturn, -i, n., covering oratus, -us, m., entreaty
operire, -perui, -pertus, to cover; over orbatus, -a, -urn, bereaved
whelm orbis, -is, m., world, earth
operosus, -a, -urn, hard, laborious orcus, -i, m., infernal regions
opertorium, -ii, n., cover, vesture ordinare, to ordain; set in array or in
opifex, -£leis, C., worker order; set up
opiflciurn, -ii, n., aid ordinariurn, -ii, n., ord inary
opinio, -onis, f., rumor ordinatio, -onis, f., ordination; ordi
opitulare (-ari), to help nance
opitulatio, -onis, t., help, assistance ordinatus, -a, -urn, orderly
oportere, imperson. verb, 2, to be ordiri, orsus sum, dep. 4, to begin
proper, behoove; ought; must ordo, -inis, m., order, rank
oppetere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to meet, organum, -i, n., organ
meet with, encounter oriens, -entis, m.} the orient; east;
oppidanus, -i, m., townsman, citizen da\vn
oppidulum, -i, n., little town, village oriencilis, -e, oriental, east
oppidum, -i, n., to\vn originalis, -e, original
oppignorare, to pa wn; pledge; give origo, -inis, f., beginning, origin
oppilare, to close up Orionas, -ae, m., Orion
opportune, adv.} conveniently; in sea Oriones, -unl, m. pl., Orion
son oriri, ortus sum, dep. 4, to spring up,
opportunitas, -atis, f., due time; want, come forth, appear, rise
need ornamentum, -i, n., ornament
opportunus, -a, -urn, due ornare, to adorn, garnish
opprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to oppress; ornatus, -us, m., adornment; furniture
lie upon; overlie; overwhelm orphanus, -i, m., orphan
opprobrium, -ii, n., reproach orphanotrophium, -ii, n., orphanage
ops, opis, f., help orthodoxus, -a, -urn, onh odox
optabilis, -e, desirable, desired ortus, -us, m.} rising (of the sun); the
optare, to desire east
optimas, -atis, m., chief, best or most os, oris, n., mouth; edge
important man, aristocrat os, ossis, n., bone
optime, adv., very well Osca, -ae, f., I-I uesca
optimus, -a, -urn, best, perfect oscicire, to gape
optio, -onis, f., choice osculari, dep., to kiss
opus, -eris, n., deed; work; wages; osculum, -i, n., kiss
image; - esse, to need, be neces Osea, -ae, f., Osee
sary; - habere, to have need ostendere, -tendi, -tensus or tentus, to
opusculum, -i, n., little work show, display, expose
ora, -ae, f... coast; border ostensio, -onis, f., show, showing, dis.
oraculum, -i, n., oracle, revelation play; evidence
ostiaria, -ae, t., portress palla, -ae, t., n1antle; curtain
ostiarius, -ii, m., porter pallere, -ui, to grow pale, fade
ostia tim, adv., from door to door palliare, to soften, relieve
Ostia Tiberina, -0 rum, m. pl., Ostia pallium, -ii, n., cloth; garment;
Ostiensis, -e, of Os tia mantle; palliuITI
ostium, -ii, n., door, gate pallor, -oris, m., paleness, pallor
Otho, -onis, m., Otto palma, -ae, t., palm tree; palm of the
otiosus, -3, -urn, idle hand
otium, -ii, n., sloth palmes, -itis, m., branch
ovare, to rejoice palmus, -i, m., span
Ovetensis, -e, of Oviedo palpare, to handle, feel
ovile, -is, n., fold, sheepfold palpebra, -ae, t., eyelid
ovinus, -a, -urn, of a sheep palpitare, to trenlble; blink
ovis, -is, t., sheep palus, -i, m., stake, post
ovum, -i, n., egg Pampelonensis, -e, of Pamplona
Oxomensis, -e, of Osma Pancratius, -ii, n1., Pancras
pandere, pandi, pansus and passus, to
p lay bare, tell, announce
pangere, panxi, panctus and pegi or
pabulum, -i, n., food pepigi, pactus, to make; compose;
pacitrix, -icis, t., peacemaker sing
pacatus, -a, -urn, peaceful panifica, -ae, t., baker
pacifer, -a, -urn, peace-bringing panis, -is, m., bread; loaf
pacificare, to pacify, grant peace Pannonii, -orum, n1. pl., Pannonians
pacifice, adv., peaceably pannus, -i, nl., cloth; pannis, in swad
pacificum, -i, n., peace offering dling clothes
pacificus, -a, -urn, of peace, peaceful Panormitani, -orum, m. pl., people of
pacisci, pactus sum, dep. 3, to cove- Palermo
nan t, make a bargain Papa, -ae, m., Pope
pactum, -i, n., covenant Paphus, -i, t., Paphos
Padus, -i, m., Po River Papia, -ac,t., Pavia
paean, -anis, n., paean, hymn papilio, -onis, m., tent
paedagogus, -i, m., instructor papilla, -ae,t./ nipple; breast
paganus, -i, m., heathen, pagan par, paris, equal, like
pagina, -ae, t., page par, paris, m., t., n., pair, couple
pagus, -i, m., village parabola, -ae, t., parable; byword
Palaestina, -ae, t., Palestine Paraclitus, -i, m., defender, comforter,
Palaestini, -orum, m. pl., Philistines Paraclete, Holy Ghost
palaestra, -ae, t., school, gymnasium paradigma, -atis, n., model, example
palam, adv., openly paradisus, -i, m., paradise
palatium, -ii, n., palace paralyticus, -a, -urn, paralyzed
palatum, -i, n., palate, taste parare, to prepare, provide
palea, -ae, t., straw Parasceve, -es, t., day of preparation;
Palentia, -ae, t., Palencia Parasceve; Good Friday
parce, adv., moderately, sparingly Pascha, -ae, n., Pasch, Passover; Easter
parcere, peperci, parcitus, to spare; paschalis, -e, paschal
forbear; keep Paschalis, -is, m., Paschal
parcimonia, -ae, t., self-denial pascua, -ae, t., pasture
parcitas, -atis, t., frugality; temper· pascualis, -e, of the pasture
ance, sparing use pascuum, -i, n., pasture; pascua, n. pl.,
pardus, -i, m., leopard pasture, pastures
parens, -entis, m. and /., parent pascuus, -a, -urn, relating to a pasture,
parere, to appear; obey grazing
parere, peperi, partus, (io), to bear, passer, -eris, m., sparrow
bring forth, be delivered of a child passibilis, -e, susceptible to pain
paries, -etis, m., wall passim, adv., up and down, here and
Parisiensis, -e, of Paris there, far and wide
Parisii, -orum, m. pl., Paris Passinianum, -i, n., Passignano
pariter, adv., at the same time, to passio, -onis, f., passion, suffering,
gether, with one accord martyrdom.
parochia, -ae, t., parish passus, -us, m., step, pace
parochus, -i, m., parish priest; benefice pastophorium, -ii, n., chamber adjoin
paroecia, -ae, t., parish ing the temple
paropsis, -idis, t., dish pastor, -oris, m., shepherd; pastor
parricida, -ae, C., nlurderer, murderer pastoralis, -e, of a shepherd, shep
of one's own parent, parricide herd's; pastoral; watchful
pars, partis, t., part, portion; partes, pastus, -us, m., food, sustenance
quarters; ex parte, in part Pataviurn, -ii, n., Padua
Parthi, -orum, m. pl., Parthians patena, -ae, f., paten
particeps, -ipis, m. and t., partaker; pater, -tris, m., father
fellow, friend patere, -ui, to be open or extended
participatio, -onis, f., participation; a paterfamilias, patrisfamilias, m., good
being compact man of the house, householder,
particula, -ae, t., part; particle master of the house
partim, adv., partly paternitas, -atis, t., paternity
partiri, dep. 4, to divide, part paternus, -a, -urn, paternal
parturire, to travail patescere, -ui, to lie open or extended
panus, -us, m., bringing forth, birth, pati, passus sum, d~p. 3 (io), to suf
childbirth fer, to end ure
parum, adv., little patibulum, -i, n., gibbet; yoke; ig.
parvipendere, -pependi, -pensus, to nomIny
esteen1 lightly patiens, -entis, patient, long-suffering
parvitas, -atis, t., small quantity patientia, -ae, t., patience
parvulus, -a, -urn, little; (as a noun) Patrae, -arum, t. pl., Patras
child patrare, to perform, accomplish; com
parvus, -a, -urn, li ttle, small mit
pascere, pavi, pastus, to feed, pasture; patria, -ae, t., country, fatherland;
nourish home
patriarcha, -ae, m., patriarch peculium, -ii, n., property
patriarchalis, -e, patriarchal pecunia, -ae, I., money
Patricius; see vicus Patrici pecus, -oris, n., ca ttIe, sheep
patricius, -a, -urn, pa trician pecus, -udis, I., cattle (a single head)
Patricius, -ii, nl., Patrick pedaneus, -a, -urn, pertaining to the
patrius, -a, -urn, pertaining to a father, foot; lignum pedaneurn, allar step
father's pedes, -itis, m., foot solJier, infantry
patrocinium, -ii, n., protection, patron man
age Pedrosum, -i, n., Pedroso
patrona, -ae, ,., patroness, protectress pejor, pejus, worse
patronus, -i, m., defender, advocate, Pelagiani, -orum, m. pl., Pelagians
patron pelagus, -i, n., sea
patruelis, -is, m., cousin Peligni, -orum, n2. pl., Abruzzo Citeri
patmus, -i, m., father's brother, uncle are
patulus, -a, -urn, open) extended pellere, pepuli, pulsus, to cast out
paucitas, -atis, I., fewness pellicanus, -i, nl., pelican
paucus, -a, -urn, few, litt Ie pellicere, -lexi, -lectus, (io), to seduce
paulatim, aliv., little by little pelliceus, -a, -urn, of leather
paullsper, aliv., a little pellicula, -ae, I., little skin
paulo minus, adv., almost pellis, -is, I., ski n, hide; tent cloth, tent
paululum, adv., a very little pelvis, -is, I., basin
Paulus, -i, m., Paul pendere, pependi, to ha ng; depend
pauper, -eris, poor; pauperes, m. pl., pendulus, -a, -urn, ha ngi ng
the poor pene, adv., almost, well-nigh
pauperculus, -a, -urn, poor penes, prep., with; before
panperies, -ei, I., poverty penetrabilis, -e, sharp, piercing
paupertas, -atis, '., poverty, wretched penetralia, -orUffi, n. pl., inmost re
ness cesses; inner chambers, closets; m
pausa, -ae, f., pause most self, spiri t
pavere, pavi, to fear penetrare, to penetrate
pavidus, -a, -urn, fearful, terrified penitus, -a, -um, inward
pavimentum, -i, n., Roor; ground, dust penitus, adv., wholly
pavire, to beat down penna, -ae, I., feather; wing
pavor, -oris, m., fear, terror pennatus, -a, -urn, fea thered, winged
pax, pacis, f., peace; prosperity pensitare, to weigh; pay
paxillus, -i, m., pin pentacontarchus, -i, m., captain over
peccare, to sin fifty men
peccator, -oris, m., sinner Pentecoste, -es, /., Pentecost
peccatrix, -icis, sinful per, through, by
peccatrix, -icis, f., sinner pera, -ae, f., bag, wallet
peccatum, -i, n., sin penigere, -egi, -actus, to finish, accom
pecten, -inis, m., comb plish; attain to; celebrate
pectus, -oris, n., breast peragrare, to travel, wander or pass
peculiaris, -e, peculiar through; visit
perarnanter, adv., very lovingly perfecte, adv., perfectly
perambulare, to walk about perfectio, -onis, /., perfection
percellere, -culi, -culsus, to daunt, re perfectus, -a, -urn, perfect
pel perferre, -tuli, -latus, to bring, bear,
perceptio, -onis, t., partaking carry through, carry up
perdpere, -cepi, -ceptus, (io), to take, perfieere, -feci, -fectus, (io), to fi nish;
partake, receive; attain; seize; ex perform; nlake perfect, perfect; ac
perience; gi ve ea r to cornplish; render; win
percitus, -a, -urn, aroused, driven perfldia, -ae, t., faithlessness
percoLire, -c6Iui, -cultus, to honor, rev perfidus, -a, -urn, faithless
erence perf6dere, -fodi, -fossus, (io), to dig
percontari, dep., to inquire through, break open
percrebrescere, -crebrui, to spread perforare, to pierce
abroad, be well known perfrieatio, -onis, /., rubbing
percrescere, -crevi, -cretus, to increase perfrui, -fractus sum, dep. 3, to enjoy
greatly perfuga, -ae, n1., deserter, fugitive
perculsus, -a, -urn, struck, smitten perfunctio, -onis, /., perfornlance
percupidus, -a, -urn, very c.lesirous perfundere, -fudi, -fusus, to pour forth
percurrere, -curri, and -cucurri, -cur or over; overwhelnl
sus, to ru n through; persevere to pergere, perrexi, perrectus, to go, go
the end forward, continue
percussio, -onis, f., stroke, a beating, Pergis, -is, /., Perga
a striking perhibere, to report, bear witness
percussor, -on is, m., striker; execu periclitari, dep., to be in danger, be
tioner, headsnlan inlperiled
perCl.'ttere, -cussi, -cussus, (io), to strike, periculosus, -a, -urn, dangerous
strike down, snlite; kill perieulum, -i, n., danger, peril
perdere, -didi, -ditus, to lose; destroy perillustris, -c, shin ing
perditio, -onis, f., waste; perdition; perimere, -emi, -emtus (-emptus), to
ruin, destruction slay, destroy
perdolens, -cntis, sorrowing perinde, adv., in a like manner
perducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring to, peripsema, -atis, n., oftscou ring
lead to or through perire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to fail,
peregre, adv., abroad, into a strange be lost, perish
country peritia, -ae, t., skill
peregrinans, -antis, m., traveler, pil periturus, -a, -urn, perishable
gnm perizoma, -atis, n., apron
peregrinatio, -onis, /., travel, pilgrim perjurare, to swear falsely
age perliminaria, -orum, n. pl., lintels
peregrinus, -a, -urn, stra nge perlinere, -livi and -levi, -litus, to be
peregrinus, -i, m., stranger smear, anoint
peremptor, -oris, m., slayer, destroyer perlucidus, -a, -urn, transparent
perennis, -c, eternal permanere, -mansi, -mansus, to rer.
perennitas, -atis, f., eternity main, continue
perm.1ttere, -misi, -missus, to suffer, persona, -ae, to, person
permit personare, -s6nui, -sonitus, to pro
permixtus, -a, -urn, mingled claim, shout; resound; sing; ring
permovere, -movi, -motus, to arouse, again
agitate personatus, -a, -urn, masked, provided
permwtus, -a, -urn, very much or with a mask
many perspicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to
permutare, to change completely ha ve regard to; look in to
pemicies, -ei, to, disaster perspicuitas, -atis, t.} clearness
pernoctare, to spend the night perspicuus, -a, -urn, evident
penlsus, -a, -urn, ha ting persuadere, -suasi, -suasus, to persuade
perperam, advo, perversely persuasibilis, -e, persuasi ve
perpes, -etis, perpetual persuasio, -onis, to, doctrine
perpessio, -onis, to, suffering, endur perstringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to lay
ance hold upon
perpeti, -passus sum, depo 3 (io), to pertaesus, -a, -urn, thoroughly wearied
suffer, endure, undergo pertentare, to put to the test
perpetrare, to do perterrefactus, -a, -urn, exceedingly
perpetim, advo, continually terrified
perpetuare, to make perpetual, con perterritus, -a, -urn, terrified
tinue pertimescere, -timui, to fear greatly
perpetwtas, -atis, to, perpetuity, eter pertinax, -acis, obstinate
nity pertinere, -tinui, to pertai n to
perpetuo, advo, permanently pertlngere, to come to, extend to
perpetuus, -a, -urn, perpetual, everlast pertractare, to busy oneself with;
ing, unfailing study; celebrate
perphires, -ium, very many pertranslre, to go away; pierce; pass
perpwcher, -chra, -chrum, very beau through
tiful perturbatio, -onis, f., disturbance
perquirere, -sivi, -situs, to seek pertusus, -a, -urn, with holes
Persa, -ae, m 0' Persian Peruanus, -a, -urn, Peruvian
perscribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to write pertingere, -unxi, -unctus, to anoint
down pernrere, -ussi, -ustus, to burn up,
perscrucitio, -onis, fo, scrutiny parch
persecutio, -onis, to, persecution perurgere, -ursi, to urge forward
persecutor, -oris, mo, persecutor Penlsia, -ae, f., Perugia
persequi, -secutus sum, depo 3, to penitilis, -e, very useful
persecute; pursue pervagare, to wander through
perseverare, to continue perverure, -veni, -ventus, to come to,
Persi, -orum, mo plo, Persians attain
Persis, -idis, to} Persia perventio, -onis, to, coming, arrival
perslstere, to resist perventor, -oris, mo, one who comes or
persolvere, -solvi, -sohltus, to offer, arnves
render; discharge perverse, advo, perversely
lJerversitas, -a tis, t.} perverse inclina Philippus Benitius, -i, -ii, m., Philip
tion Benizi
pervertere, -verti, -versus, to pervert Philippus Nerius, -i, -ii, m., Philip
pervetustus, -a, -urn, very old Neri
pervicacia, -ae, t.} stubbornness Philisthaeus, -i, m.} Philistine
pervigil, -ilis, ever watchful Philisthini, -orum, m. pl.} Philistines
pervigihire, to \-va tch Phillstiim, Philistia
pervigilium, -ii, n.} \vatch; eve; vigil Philogonius, -ii, m.} Philogonius
pervincere, -vici, -victus, to OVerCOll1e philosophari, dep.} to philosophize
pervius, -a, -urn, accessible philosophia, -ae, f.} philosophy
pervulgare, to make publicly known philosophicus, -a, -urn, philosophical
pes, pedis, n1.} foot philosophus, -i, m., philosopher
pessirnare, to oppress Phoenice, -es and -is, f.} Phoenicia
pessimus, -a, -urn, \vorst; wicked, evil phreneticus, -a, -urn, fran tic
pestifer, -a, -urn, pestilen tial phthisicus, -a, -urn, consumptive
pestilens, -entis, pestilential phur, Purim, Jewish Feast of Lots that
pestilentia, -ae, f.} pestilence, plague celebrates the deliverance of the
petere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to ask, re Jews from the machinations of
quest, entreat, beseech Arnan
petitio, -onis, f., petition, request phylactcrium, -ii, n.} phylactery
petra, -ae, f., rock piacularis, -e, ex pia tory, purifying
Petra Pertusa, -a, -ae, t.} Pietra Pertusa piaculurn, -i, n.} sin, critne
Petrus, -i, m., Peter Picardia, -ae, f.} Picardy
Petrus Canisius, -i, -ii, m., Peter Cani. Pictavi, -orum, In. pl., Poitiers
SIUS Pictavicnsis, -e, of Poitiers
petuJanter, adv.} wantonly, boldly Picti, -orum, In. pl., Picts
phahinga, -ae, f., band pictor, -oris, m.} painter
phJlerare, to adorn (with medals) pictura, -ae, t.} picture
phantasia, -ae, f.} delusion pie, adv., n1ercifuIly, piously
phantasma, -atis, n.} apparition, phan pientissimus, -a, -urn, most dutiful
tom pietas, -atis, f.} goodness, godliness;
pharetra, -ae, f., quiver pity; loving kindness
Pharisaeus, -i, n1.} Pharisee piger, -gra, -grum, lazy, slothful
pharmacum, -i, n., remedy pigere, in2pers. verb, 2, to cause annoy
phase, -es, f.} phase; rite ance, weary, disgust
Phase, z"lJdecl.} Phase, Passover pignus, -oris and -eris, n.} pledge
Pl:erezaeus, -i, 171., Pherezite pigrare, to be slothful
phiala, -ae, f., vial, phial pigritari, dep., to be slow or slothful
Philadelphii, -orum, 1n. pl.} Phila Pilatus, -i, m., Pilate
delphians pileatus, -a, -urn, wearing a felt cap
Phi!ippenses, -ium, m. pl., Philippians pilosus, -a, -urn, hairy
Philippensis, -e, of Ph iIi ppi pincel-na, -ae, 1n., cupbearer
Philippinae, -arum, f. pl.} Philippines pingere, pinxi, pictus, to paint; adorn
Phillppus, -i" m.} Philip; Philippian pinguedo, -inis, t.} fatness; richness
pinguescere, to grow fat; grow fertile plantariurn, -ii, n., sale of the footl
pinguis, -c, fat; strong; pmguia, n. pI.1 foot
fat meats plantatio, -onis, f., plant; - rosae, rose
pinruiculurn, -i, n., pinnacle plant
Pipmus, -i, m., Pepin planum, -i, n., plain
pinita, -ae, m., pirate planus, -a, -urn, plain, flat
Pisae, -arum, f. pl., Pisa plasma, -atis, n., anything formed;
piscari, dep., to fish creation
piscator, -oris, nl., fisherman plasrnare, to form, fashion
pisciculus, -i, m., little fish plastes, -is, m., maker
piscina, -ae, I., tank for bathing; pool, platanus, -i, /., plane tree
pond; fish market platea, -ae, I., street
piscis, -is, nl., fish plaudere, plausi, plausus, to strike,
Pisis, -C, of Pisa clap
pisticus, -a, -urn, pure, genuine (of plaustrurn, -i, n., cart
nard) plausus, -us, m., applause
pius, -a, -urn, pious, holy; just; pity plebejus, -a, -urn, of the people, ple
ing; merciful, tender, loving beian
pix, picis, I., pitch plebs, -is, f., people
placabilis, -c, appeased plectere, to punish; capite plecti, to be
placare, to appease beheaded
placatio, -onis, I., a soothin~, appeas plectere, plexi and plexui, plexus, to
ing, propitiating, propitiation; ran braid, plait
som pleniter, adv., fully, completely
Placentia, -ae, f., Piacenza plenitudo, -inis, /., fullness; fulfilling;
placere, -ui or placatus sum, to please; full assembly
placet, inlpers., it is pleasing plenius, adv., rnore fully
placide, adv., peacefu tJy plenus, -a, -urn, full; plentiful
phicidus, -a, -urn, favorable plorare, to bewail, lanlent, weep
Placidus, -i, m., Placid plonitus, -us, n2., larnentation
placitus, -a, -urn, acceptable pluere, plui or pluvi, to rain
plaga, -ae, I., blow, stripe, scourge, pluITlbatum, -i, n., whip weighted
stroke; wound; plague with lead, plummet
plaga, -ae, I., flat surface, tract of land, plumbum, -i, n., leao
district, zone, plain, desert pluralis, -e, plural
plagare, to wou nd pluraliter, adv., in the plural
plagatus, -a, -urn, sore, wounded pluries, adv., frequently
planare, to make plain plurimus, -a, -urn, very many; very
planctus, -us, n'l.,' mourning great
plane, adv., surely plus, adj. and adv., more; - quam,
plangere, planxi, planctus, to bewail more than
planities, -ei, f., plain plusculus, -a, -urn, many
planta, -ae, I., sole of the foot pluvia, -ae, f., rain
plancire, to plant; set in place; create p6culurn, -i, n., goblet; drink
Podium, -ii, n., Le Puy pontificiJis, -c, pontifical
poena, -ae, f., pain pontificatus, -us, m., pontificate, reign
poenitens, -entis, penitent pontificium, -ii, n., pontifical power
poenitentia, -ae, f., repentance; pen pontificus, -a, -urn, pontifical, papal
ance Pontiniaeensis, -c, of Pan tigni
poenitentiarius, -ii, m., penitentiary Pontiniacum, -i, n., Pontigni
poenitere (paenitere), to repent; poe Pontius Pilatus, -ii. -i, m., Pontius
nitet, inlpers., one repents or is dis Pilate
pleased pontus, -i, m., the deep, the sea
poesis, -is or -eos, f., poetry popina, -ae, f., food, fare
poeta, -ae, m., poet populares, -ium, m. pl., the people
politus, -a, -urn, polite, polished populus, -i, m., people; in populis,
pollere, to be strong among the nations
polliceri, dep. 2, to promise poreinus, -a, -urn, of swine
pollicitatio, -onis, f., promise poreus, -i, m., pig
polhlere, -ui, -utus, to pollute, defile, porosus, -a, -urn, porous
profane Porphyrius, -ii, m., Porphyry
polltitio, -onis, f., defilement porreetus, -a, -urn, stretched out
Polocensis, -e, of Polotsk porrigere, -rexi, -rectus, to stretch
Polonia, -ae, I., Poland forth
Polonus, -a, -urn, Pol ish porrigo, -inis, f., dandruff; itch; lice
polus, -i, TrI., sky, heaven porro, adv., but
Polycarpus, -i, m., Pol ycarp porta, -ae, f., gate; - aquarum, water
Polychronis, -is, nl., Polychron gate
polymitus, -a, -urn, of divers colors portire, to carry; uphold
pomarium, -ii, n., orchard Portellus, -i, nl., Portello
pOmifer, -a, -urn, fruit, fruit-bearing portendere t -tendi, -tentus, to portend,
pompa, -ae, I., pomp presage
Pompejus, -i, m., Pompey portentum, -i, n., wonder, portent
Pomposianus, -a, -urn, of Pomposia porticus, -i, n1., porch
pomum, -i, n., apple portio, -onis, f., portion
porn us, -i, f., fruit Lree portitor.. -oris, m., bearer, carrier
ponderare, to weigh Portuensis, -c, of Porto
pondenitor, -oris, m., weigher portus, -us, m., port, harbor
pondus, -eris, n., load, weight, burden pOscere, poposci, to ask, beseech
ponere, posui, positus, to put, set; lay posse, potui, to be able, can
down or aside; make possessio, -onis, f., possession
Pontia, -ae, I., Ponza, Isola di Panza possessor, -ris, m., possessor
Pontianis (de), de' Pontiani poss:ibilis, -e, possible
Pontianus, -i, m., Pontian possibilitas, -atis, f., possibility; power
Ponticus, -a, -urn, Pontic; mare Ponti post, prep., after
cum, Black Sea posteommtinio, -onis, f., postcommun
pOntifex, -icis, m., pan tiff; bishop; Ion
high priest; - maximus, pope postea, adv., afterward, hereafter
possidere, -sedi, -sessus, to possess, get praeceptum, -i, n., precept, command
possession of praecessor, -oris, n2., leader
posteri, -0 rum, m. pl., descendants, praecidere, -cidi, -cisus, to cut, cut
posterity down or off
posterior, -ius, later, p0sterior; poste praecinere, -cecini and -cinui, -<:entus,
riora, n. pl., hinder parts to sing; sing or play before
posterius, adv., after\vard, ber praecingere, -cinxi, -cinctus, to gird
posthabere, to esteem less praecipere, -cepi, -ceptus, (io), to
posticum, -i, n., back door teach, instruct; cornn1and
postis, -is, m., door post, side 5t praecipitare, to cast head long
postlinlinium, -ii, n., a return 1", ,rne praecipitatio, -onis, t., ruin
postmodum, adv., after, after\\!;rd praecipitium, -ii, f/., precipice
postponere, -posui, -positus, tu put praecipuus, -a, -urn, special
after praec};ire, adv., excellently, with dis
postquam, conj., after, as soon as tinction
postrcmo, adv., lastly praec1arus, -a, -urn, excellent, glori
postulare, to ask, pray for; require ous; goodly; in praec1aris, in goodly
postulatio, -onis, t., entreaty, prayer; places
hope praeco, -onis, m., crier, herald
potibilis, -e, fit to drink praecognitus, -a, -urn, known before
potare, to drink, give to drink hand
potatio, -onis,t., drink; drinking praeconium, -ii, n., praise; excellence
potens, -entis, n1ighty, powerful praecordia, -orum, n.p/., hearts
potentatus, -us, m., power, n11ght praecurrere, -curri and -cucurri, -cur
potenter, adv., powerfully sus, to run before; take precedence
potentia, -ae, t., power over
potestas, -atis, t., power, authority, praecursor, -oris, m., one who runs be
jurisdiction fore; precursor
potior, -ius, better, greater, more ex praeda, -ae, t., spoils of war, booty;
cellent; preferable prey
potiri, d~p. 4, to get possession of, ob praedari, dep., to plunder
tain praedatio, -onis, t., taking of spoils,
potissimus, adv., chiefly, especially robbery
potius, adv., rather praedecessor, -oris, m., predecessor
potus, -us, m., drink praedestinare, to ordain
prae, prep., before; because of praedestinatio, -onis, t., predestination
praeambulus, -a, -urn, going before praedestinatus, -a, -urn, predestinated
praebere, to grant, offer, furnish, af praedicabilis, -e, worthy of being spok
ford en of
praecedere, -cessi, -cessus, to go before, praedicans, -antis, m., preacher
precede praedicare, to shout, proclaim; de
praecellere, to excel clare; preach
praeceps, -ipitis, headlong praedicatio, -onis, t., preaching;
praeceptor, -oris, m., master praise
praedicator, -oris, m., preacher praemeditare (-ari), to meditate be
praedicere, -dixi, -dictus, to say be fore, premeditate
fore; foretell praemium, -ii, 11., gift, reward, prize
praedictus, -a, -urn, aforesaid praemonstrare, to mark out, point out,
praeditus, -a, -urn, endowed indicate
praedium, -ii, 11., farm, estate Praemonstratensis, -e, Premonstraten-
praedocere, -docui, -doctus, to teach SIan
beforehand Praemonstratus, -i, m., Premontre
praedulcis, -e, very sweet Praeneste, -is, n. and t., Palestrind
praeellgere, -legi, -lectus, to choose be Praenestinus, -a, -urn, of Palestrina
fore, forechoose praenobilis, -e, distinguished
praeeminere, to excel, be remarkable praenoscere, -novi, -notus, to know
praeesse, -fui, to rule beforehand, foreknow
praefatio, -onis, t., preface praenotare, to indicate, mark
praefatus, -a, -urn, aforesaid, above praenuntiare, to sho\v before
mentioned praenuntius, -ii, m., forerunner
praefectus, -i, m., prefect; overseer; praeoccupare, to come before; over
governor take; take by surprise
praeferox, -ocis, very cruel praeordinatus, -a, -urn, preordained
praefigurare, to prefigure praeparare, to prepare
praefinire, to appoin t praeparatio, -onis, t., preparation
praefinitio, -onis,t., purpose praepedire, to fetter, shackle, obstruct
praefocare, to su f10ca te; drown praepinguis, -e, very rich
praegnans, -antis, being with child praeponere, -posui, -positus, to prefer
praegrandis, -e, very great praepositura, -ae, /., archdeaconry
praegravare, to weigh upon, op praepositus, -i, m., overseer, head, gov
press ernor; prelate; Praepositus Genera
praegustare, to taste beforehand lis, general
praeintonatio, -onis, /., intoning be praeposterus, -3, -urn, inverted, re
forehand versed
praeire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to go praepotens, -entis, mighty
before praeproperus, -a, -urn, overhasty
praelatio, -onis, /., bearing forward, praeputium, -ii, n., prepuce, foreskin,
guidance; preferment; dignity un circumcision
praeliare, to fight praeripere, ...ripui, -reptus, (io), to
praeliator, -oris, warring; (as a noun) carry off
warnor praerogativa, -3e, /., privilege, preroga
praelibatio, -onis, /., oblation tive
praelium (proelium), -ii, n., battle; praesagire, to foretell
war praesagus, -3, -urn, predicting
praelucere, -luxi, to ou tshine, surpass praescientia, -3e, /., foreknowledge
praeludium, -ii, n., eve praescire, -scivi, -scitus, to foresee
praematurus, -a, "UID, premature; praescius, -3, -urn, having a forebod
eager ing
praeseferre (prae ~ ferre), -tuli, -latus, praetorium, -ii, n., governor's hall;
to display; praeseferente, bearing hall; palace
before himself, displaying praetorius, -a, -urn, pretorian
praesens, -entis, present praevalere, to prevail
praesentare, to present praevaricari, d~p., to rebel, transgress;
praesentia, -ae, f.1 presence be guilty of collusion; prevaricate
praesepe, -is, n manger
01 praevaricatio, -onis, f., transgression;
praesepium, -ii, nO stall; manger
I prevarication
praesertim, alivo especially
l praevaricator, -oris, mOl transgressor
praeses, -idis, m. and f., president; praeveniens, -entis, prevenien t, preced
governor; abbess ing
praesidere, -sedi, to aid, protect praevenire, -veni, -ventus, to prevent,
praesidium, .ii, nO defenseI anticipate; guide; direct; look for
praesignare, to foreshadow, represent ward to; precede, go before
praestabilis, -e, remarkable, pre-emi praevidere, -vidi, -visus, to foresee
nen t, powerfu I praevius, -a, -urn, going before, pre
praestans, -antis, gracious ceding
praestantia, -ae, f., superiority, excel Praga, -ae, f., Prague
lence Pragensis, -e, of Prague
praestare, -stiti, -stitus, to give, grant, prandere, prandi, pransus, 2, to eat
bestow; accomplish pnindium, -ii, n., dinner
praestigiator, -oris, m., juggler; de pratum, -i, n., meadow
ceIver pravitas, -atis, f., evil, wickedness,
praesto, adv. here; ready
1 guilt
praestolari, dep.. to wait for; perform pravus, -a, -urn, crooked; perverse,
praestringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to bind evil
up precari, d~p., to pray, beseech
praesul, -is, c., protector precitio, -onis, f., prayer
praesUmere, -sumpsi, -sumptus, to take precator, -oris, m., one who prays or
before; presume entreats
praetendere, -tendi, -tentus, to stretch precatus, -us, m., prayer, entreaty
out before, extend; present to, grant predicator, -oris, m. preacher
praeter, prep.1 besides, except, but premere, pressi, pressus, to press, press
praeterea, adv., besides, further, and upon; oppress
praetergredi, -gressus sum, dep. 3 (io), prendere, prendi and prendidi, pren
to go beyond, transgress; pass by sus, to catch
praeterire, -ivi and -itus, (eo), to pass presbyter, -i, m., priest
by or away; transgress presbyteratus, -us, m. priesthood
rumor, -oris, m., fame saeculum, -i, n., time, period, age;
rumpere, rupi, ruptus, to break world; in saecula saeculorum, world
rupes, -is, f., stony hill, sharp cliff, rock without end; a saecu]o, fron1 the be
mptio, -onis, f., breaking open, an in ginning, from everlasting; a saeculo
juring et in saeculum, from eternity to
rurlco]a, -ae, c., peasant eternity
rursum, adv., again, anew saepe, adv., often
rus, ruris, n., the country saeviens, -cntis, fierce
Rutheni, -orum, m. pl., Ruthenians saevire, to rage
rutilare, to glow saevitia, -ae,t., fury, cruelty
saevus, -a, -urn, cruel
sagena, -ae, f., net
s saginare, to feed
Sabacus, -3, -urn, Sabaean saginatus, -3, -urn, fatted
Sabaoth (Hebrew), armies, hosts sagitta, -ae, f., arrow
Sabaudia, -ae, /., Savoy sagittare, to shoot with arrows
sabbatismus, -i, m., a day of rest; keep sagittarius, -ii, m., archer
ing of the Sabbath Sahagilnum, -i, n., Sahagun
sabbatum, -i, n., Sabbath; Saturday; sal, -is, m. and n., salt
week; sabbata, n. pl., Sabbath; una Salarius, -a, -urn, Salarian
sabbatorum (sabbati), the first day Salernitanus, -3, -urn, of Salerno
of the week Salernum, -i, n., Salerno
sabulum, -i, n., sand Salesium, -ii, n., Sales
sacculus, -i, m., purse Salesius, -a, -urn, of Sales
saccus, -i, m., sackcloth Salicus, -a, -urn, Sa Iic
saccllum, -i, n., chapel sal1nae, -arum, /. pl., salt pits
sacer, -era, -crum, sacred salire, salui, saItus, to spring up, leap
saccrdos, -otis, m., priest; prmcipes saliva, -ae, /., spi ttIe, saliva
sacerdotum, chief priests salix, -icis, t., willow
sacerdotalis, -e, sacerdotal, priestly Sallustianus, -a, -urn, of Sal1ust
sacerdotium, -ii, n., priestly function, Salmantica, -ae, f., Salamanca
priesthood Salmanticensis, -e, of Salamanca
sacramentalis, -e, sacramental Salomon, -onis, m., Solomon
sacramentum, -i, n., sacrament, sacra salsugo, -inis,t., saltness; salt desert
mental grace salure, to dance
saltatio, -onis, f., dancing, dance sanctifkium, -ii, n., shrine, sanctuary
salcitrix, -ids, I., dancing girl sanctimonia, -ae, f., holiness
saltern, adv., at least sanctimonialis, -e, pious
saltu~, -us, m., forest sanctimonialis, -is, I., nun
salubris, -e, or sahiber, -bris, -bre, sanctio, -onis, t., sanction, rule
strong; good, wholesome; useful sanctitas, -atis, f., sanctity
salubritas, -atis, I., health sanctitudo, -inis, t., holiness
salubriter, adv., wholesomely; prof sanctuarium, -ii, n., sanctuary
itably sanctum, -i, n., holy place; sanctuary
salus, -utis, f., salvation, deliverance; sanctus, -a, -urn, holy, godly, saintly;
health; greeting sancta sanctorum, holy of holies
salutare, to greet, salute sanctus, -i, m., saint
salutare, -is, n., hea Ith; salvation Sanctus Facundus, -i, -i, m., San Fa
salutaris, -e, wholesome, saving, salu condo
tary Sanctus Nicolaus de Portu, -i, -i, m.,
salutariter, adv., beneficially San Nicola del Porto
salucitio, -onis, f., salutation sanguineus, -a, -urn, of blood
salutifer, -a, -urn, of salvation, saving sanguis, -inis, m., blood
salvare, to save sanies, -ei, t., matter, pus
salvatio, -onis, t., salvation sanitas, -atis, t., health
salvator, -oris, m., savior sanus, -a, -urn, whole, healthy
salve! (salvete, salveto), hail I sapere, -ii, (io), to understand; be
salvere, to be well wise; idipswn sapere, to be of one
salvificare, to save mind
Salvius, -ii, m., Salvi sapiens, -entis, wise
salvus, -a, -urn, saved, safe; whole sapientia, -ae, t., wisdom
Samaritanus, -a, -urn, Samaritan sapor, -oris, m., taste
Samaritanus, -i, m., Samaritan sapphirus, -i, f., sapphire
sambuca, -ae, t., sackbut, a kind of Saraceni, -orum, nl. pl., Saracens
musical instrument sarcina, -ae, t., pack, burden
samech, the fifteenth letter of the He sarcire, sarsi, sartus, to repair, restore
brew alphabet, corresponding to sarculurn, -i, n., hoe, spade
English s Sardicensis, -e, of Sardis
sanare, to heal sardinis, -e: lapis sardinis, sardine:
Sancianus, -i, m., Sancian (a Chinese stone
island) sardius, -ii, t., sard
sanctre, samd, sanctus, to make sacred; Sardus, -a, -urn, Sardinian
forbid sardonychus, -a, -urn, sardonyx
sancta, -ae, t., saint sardonyx, -nychis, t., sardonyx
Sancta Fides, -ae, -ei, t., Santa Fe Sarepta (Sarephta), Sarephta
sanctificire, to sanctify, hallow sartago, -inis, t., frying pan
sanctificatio, -onis,t., holiness; sacred sartatecta, -orum, n. pl., repairs
mystery; blessing; sanctuary sartus, -a, -wn, repaired
S3Jlctificator, -oris, m., sanctifier Sasimi, -orum, m. pl., people of Sasima
sat, adv., enough scenofactorius, "'3, -urn, tent making
satagere, to be very busy; be in trouble Scenopcgia, -ae, f., Feast of Taber
satagitare, to be very busy or diligent nacles
satan, indccl' satan, adversary
j sceptriger, -a, -urn, scepter bearing
Saunas, -ae, m., Satan sceptrum, -i, n., scepter
satelles. -itis, c., guard; companion; schema, -atis, n., £orn1, scheme
servant; officer of justice schisma, -atis, n., schism
satiare, to nourish, satisfy, fill, sate, schismaticus, -a, -urn, schismatic
feed schinus, -i, f., 111astic tree
satis, adv., enough, sufficiently; greatly, schola, -ae, I., school
exceedingly sciens, -entis, ex pert
satisfacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to sat scienter, adv' wisely
seabellum, -i, n., small stool, footstool scoria, -ae, f., dross
scala, -ae, f'J ladder scorpio, -onis, n1., scorpion; whip
scalprum, -i, n., chisel loaded with metal
scandalizare, to scandalize scortari, dep., to commit uncleanness
scandalum, -i, n., scandal; trap, stum scortum, -i, n., uncleanness, ilnnloral
bling block ity
scandere, scandi, scansus, to climb, rise Scoti, -orum, 111. pl., Scots
scapulae, -arum, f. pl., shoulders; Scotia, -ae, f., Scot land
wings scriba, -ae, tn., scribe, scri vener, writer
seapularis, -e, scapular scribere, scripsi, scriptus, to write
scatere, to gush, gush forth; swarm; scriptio, -onis, t.,
abound scriptor, -oris, m., writer
scaturire, to gush forth scriptum -i, n., \vriting, publication
seeleratus, -a, -urn, wicked scriptura, -ae, f., Scripture; writing
scelestus, -3, -urn, \vicked, shameless serutare (-ari), to search
seelus, -eris, n., sin, crime serutatio, -onis, f., discerning
scrutator, -oris, n2., searcher sedare, to soothe, still, calm, appease,
scruti.nium, -ii, n., search settle, assuage
sculptile. -is, n., gr~n'en thing, idol sedere, sedi, sessus, to sit
sClllptura, -ae, f., graven work, grav sedes, -is, I., place, seat; throne; habi
lJ1g tation; see
sculptus. -.a~ -urn, graven sedile, -is, no, seat; station
scurriiitb. -atis, r, scurrility seditio, -onis, f., sedition
scutaril':-, -ii. n1., shield-bearer
l seditiosus, -a, -urn, seditious
sCUtuh:'lil, -I, n., escutcheon seditiosus. -i, m., conspirator
scutun1, -i, 11., shield seducere, -duxi, -ductus, to deceive,
scyphus, -i, n1., goblet, cup seduce
Scythia, -ae, f., Scythia, southern Rus seductor, -oris, m., deceiver
sIa sedule, adv., diligently
Scythopolis, -is, t., Beth-shean sedulitas, -atis, to, watchfulness
se, third person of the reflexive pro sedulo, adv., industriously
noun, hinlself, herself, etc. sedulus, -a, -urn, diligent, earnest
Sebastian us, -i, 712., Sebastian Sedt'ini, -orum, 711. plo, Seduni (Helve
seclre, secui, sectus, to cu t; me tian people near modern Sian in
dium, to cut in two; destroy, upset; S\vitzerland)
terra non secta, untilled earth seges, -etis, I., harvest; corn
secedere, -cessi, -cessus, to retire segmentum, -i, n., piece, shaving
secessus, -us, m., pri vy; retreat segnis, -e, s!O\V, sluggish
sechidere, -clusi, -c1usus, to exclude segnities, -ei, f., slothfulness
secretalis, -e, h idd en segregare, to separate
secretariUffi, -ii, n., place of retirement, Seguntinus, -a, -urn, of Sigiienza
secret place, solitude; private chapel sejungere, -junxi, -junctus, to separate
secreto, adv., apart; silently from
secrctuIll, -i, n., secret sellgere, -legi, -lectus, to choose
secretus, -a, -urn, secret, separate, apart Sellmus, -i, m., Solyman
seCla, -ae, f., sect sella, -ae, t., stool, chair
sectari, dep., to follow, pursue semel, adv.• once
sectator, -oris, 712., follower, pursuer semen, -inis, n., seed; descendant
secundare, to direct favorably sementis, -is, to, seed
secundo, adv., a second time sen1estris, -e, of six months
secundum, prep., according to semetipsum, himself
secundus. -a, -urn, next, second semianimis, -e, half-dead
securis, -is, t.} axe semiduplex, -icis, senli-doubIe
securitas, -atis, t., safety, security semimortuus, -a, -urn, half-dead
securus, -a, -urn, secure; steadfast; seminare, to sow
quiet seminariun1, -ii, no, sowing; stock.
secus, prep., by, beside, along, near, seminator, -oris, m., sower
on, at semita, -ae, to, path
secus, adv., otherwise semitum, geno pl., seed
sed, conj., but, yet semiustus, -a, -urn, half-burnt
semivivus, -a, -urn, half-alive, half septennis, at the age of seven
dead septentrionalis, -e, north
scmovere, -movi, -matus, to separate; septies, adv., seven times
renounce septiformis, -e, sevenfold
semper, adtl., ever, always septimus, -a, -urn, seventh
sempiternus, -3, -urn, eternal, everlast septuagenarius, -3, -urn, of seventy
ing years of age
Seruinus, -i, m., the River Shannon Septuagesima: dominica in -, Septu
Senarius, -ii, m., Senario agesima Sunday
senator, -oris, m., senator septuagies, adv., seventy times
senatorius, -3, -urn, senatorial septuaginta, seventy
senatus, -i or -us, m., senate; parlia Septuaginta, -ae, t., Septuagint
ment; college septuplum, adv., sevenfold
senecta, -ae, t., old age sepulchrum (sepulcrum), -i, n., sepul
senectus, -utis, t., old age cher
Senensis, -e, of Siena sepultura, -3e, t., burial; burying place
senere, to be old sequela, -ae, m., follower
senescere, -ui, to grow old sequentia, -3e, t., continuation
senex, senis, old; (as a noun) old man, sequestrare, to separate
ancient sequi, secutus sum, dep. 3, to follow
senilis, -e, aged &equior, -ius, worse; lesser; ad sequioris
senior, -oris, nl., elder, ancient sexus educationem, for the training
senium, -ii, n., old age of school teachers (lit., for the edu
sensatus, -a, -urn, wise cation of the lesser sex)
sensus, -us, m., sense, feeling; under sera, -ae, t., bolt
stilla, -ae, I., drop stultus, -a, -urn, foolish; stulta, n. pl.,
EstoU, 34
Ir~: future, 41; imperatives of, 34; imper
Etiam, 163
fect of, 34, 8 I; participles of, 48; per
Ex, 56, 15 1, 15 2
fect of, 55; present of, 25, 63
Fac~~, 90
Irregular verbs, 188-92
conjugations, 40
Jvfagno!,er~, comparison of, IS0
Gender, 2, 47
Geni ti ve case, 3
A1 cm 1121SS~, 163
Hic, 75
Ill~, 75
N~u/er, 140
7, 11,4 0 ,47
Indefinite pronouns and adjectives, 108
Nul/us, 140
Indirect quc:,tion, 82
In tensi ve pronoun, 75
Odisse, 163
Intra, 55
clension of, 47
Passive periphrastic, 48: agent with, 140
Quisque, 108
9 8
Reflexive pronouns, 24
Per, 55, 16 4
Result, subjunctive in clauses of, 81
16 3
Space, expre~sion of extent of, 164
Position of adjectives, 3
Specification, how cxpres\ccl, 152
participle of, 48
Subject pronouns, 8, 23, 24
16 4
TOltiS, 140
Propter, 55
Vt (uti): introducing purpose clauses, 64;
Qui, 107
result, 81
Quid, 107
Utrum, 162
Quis, 107
VdIe, present indicative of, 150
Verbs: complete conjugations of regular Verbs (continued)
and irregular, 177-92; compounded 47; perfect indicative of, 54, 55; present
with prepositions, 140; defective, 163; tense of, 8, 16, 17; progressive and em
deponents, 98; esse, posse, ire, 8, 25, phatic forms of, 18; regular, 177-88;
34. 41, 4 8; ferre, 108; fieri, 120; future semideponents, 98; velie and nolle, 150
tense of, 40, 47; imperfect of, 33, 81; Vesci, governing ablative, 152
ilnpersonal, 139; intransitive, 140; in
-;0, 90; irregular, 8, 188-92; participles, Word order, 8
second Latin
THIS SECOND-YEAR Latin course sages have been selected with this
supposes the previous study of Latin practical purpose in mind.
Gramma/", by the same authors.
The first half of the book is based on
It is intended for students who can philosophical texts; the second half is
devote only two years to the study of drawn from works of theology and
Latin and who must be prepared to from the Code of Canon Law. At the
read intelligently Latin textbooks of end of the volume is a vocabulary of
philosophy, theology, and canon law. 3,000 words, which may serve the
Therefore the vocabularies, word purpose of a concise dictionary.
studies, exercises, and connected pas
0 000000 013271
This second-year Latin course supposes the previous study of our
Latin Grammar. It is intended for students who can devote only
two years to the study of Latin and who must be prepared to read
intelligently Latin textbooks of philosophy, theology, and canon
law. Therefore the vocabularies, word studies, exercises, and con
nected passages have been selected with this practical purpose in
mind. The first half of the book is based on philosophical texts; the
second half is drawn from ~10rks of theology and from the Code
of Canon Law. At the end of the volume is a vocabulary of 3,000
words, which may serve the purpose of a concise dictionary.
ISBN: 0-89555-003-2
Fourth Printing
I. Passive Voice .
II. Adverbs
III. Gerund 8
IV. Conjunctions 12
v. Conjunctions 16
XXII. Locative Case; .A.dverbs of Time · 100
Vocabulary · 233
I. Realis, realiter, realitas refer to the existence of something existing
independent of the action of the created mind. Thus a dot is an ens
reale, realiter existens. But a point is not an ens reale.
2. Substantia is an ens reale that is suited to exist by itself (e.g., an
apple). Substantia is contrasted with accidens. An accidens (plur.,
accidentia) inheres in a substantia (e.g., redness, roundness).
3. Carentia, privatio. Carentia, the generic term, means the absence
of some quality. Privatio (adj., privativus) is an absence of a quality
from a being that is aptum to have that quality. Thus a man's blind
ness is a privatio.
4. Subjectum, objectum. Subjectum is that in \vhich something ex
ists. Thus the intellect is the subjectum of ideas; a man is the subjectum
of health. Objectum is that toward which sOll1et.hing is directed. Thus
color is the objectum of the power of sight.
I. Idea posltlva est ea, quae aliq uam realiratem exh~bet, ut idea
vitae~ Idea negativa est ea, quae exhibet carentiam realitatis~ ut idea
nihili, mortis, tenebrarum. Prout cxhibet carentiam perfectionis in
subjecto apto, vel non apto, dici solet privativa, vel mere negativa.
2. Idea distincta dividitur in cornplctam et incOlllpletam. Idea com
pleta est ea, quae omnes notas essentiaI.-:s distincte exhibet; si non
omnes huiusmodi notas exprilnit, dicitur incornpleta. Completa est
idea quae honlinerrl exhibet ut substantiam corpOrCalTI, viventen1,
sensitivarIl, rationalem.
alienus, -a, -urn, of another, another's
attingere, -tigi, -tactus, to arrive at, to attain
circa, about, in respect to
cognitio, f., knowledge, idea
colligere, -legi, -lectus, to assemble, to collect
debere (2), to owe, ought, must
detegere, -texi, -tectus, to uncover) to detect
diligenter, carefully
iterum, again
naturaliter, naturally
operarn dare, to work hard at, to devote oneself to
ops, opis, f., power, support; ope, with the help
patere (2), to be visible) to be obvious
porro, next
primo (adv.), first
processus,, m., course, process
latio, f., account, reason
ratiocinium, n., reasoning
redigere, -egi, ..actus, to make, to reduce
reflectere, -flexi, -flexus, to reflect
regula, f., rule
seipsum, himself; sibiipsi, to himself
systema, -atis, n., system
vitium, n., defect
vulgo, commonly) generally
a) Adverbs are formed from adjectives of the first and second
declensions by adding e to the stem: clarus, clare; distinctus, distincte;
merus, mere.
b) Adverbs are formed from adjectives of the third declension by
adding iter to the stem (stems in -nt lose the -it) : fortis, fortiter; pro
dens, prudenter; naturalis, naturaliter.
c) The ablative singular neuter or feminine of adjectives, pronouns,
and nouns may be used adverbially: falso, falJely; recta, straightway;
vulgo, commonly; crebro, frequently.
d) The words of a phrase or short sentence have sometimes united
to form an adverb: postmodo, presently; videlicet, to wit; nihilominus,
nevertheless; scilicet (usually abbreviated to scil.) , that is to say.
e) A common adverbial ending in Latin is -tim: partim, partly;
statim, on the spot; saltim (or saltern), at least; separatim, separately,·
generatim, in general; divisim, separately, individually; vicissim, in
turn; singillatim, singly; gradatim, step by step, gradually, by degrees.
id quod jam dixie 22. Nimis de legibus discutitur. 23. Sine exercitio
congruo corpus nurnquam roborari potest. 24. Sic probari non solet.
25. De carentia perfectionis in IlIa re non agendun1 est. 26. Silbjec
tum nunc probatulTI est. 27. Olim leges ratiocinii non comprehende
bantur. 28. Exercitus Roman1 pridie intravit. 29. In hoc subjecto duae
ideae pariter expressae sunt. 30. Quando lex rnosaica abrogabatur?
31. Quare haec idea privativa dicitur? 32. Idea quoque negativa dici
tUT. 3.3. QuondaJn dornus in illa regione sine tectis erant. 34. Corpora
sua exercitio roborare quotidie solent. 35. Non rcete exhibent notas
realitatis. 36. Homo sicut apostolus dixit. 37. Duas ideas simul ex
pressit. 38. Prirno, sibiipsi subjecturn probat; porro, omnibus homini
bus id probabit. 39. Realitatern facile et sine errore probare possunt.
40. Igitur veritas non vulgo patet. 4r. Quare vitia ratiocinii ejus
detegere non possumus? 420 I-lis processibus natura liter veritatem
attingimus. 43. Tamen regulas ilEus systematis non clare percipimus.
44. Homo, huic scientiae operam dans, vitia ratiocinii sui observat.
45. Conclusiones tam remotae erant, ut vulgo non paterent. 46. Gloria
virtutem tamquam umbra sequitur. 47. Comprehendemus tunc pro
cessus ratiocinii nostri. 48. Discipuli Christi ubique aliis rationern
reddere de fide sua debent. 49. Unde non opus est id a~.iis probare.
50. Si admittuntur ideae universales, debent quoque admitti res
aliq uo modo universales. 51. Nunc experientia habetur ope observa
tionis et experimenti. 52. Cognitio nostra est essentialiter relativa.
53. Studium logicae mentem gradatim roborat. 54. Homo partim spi
ritus, partim corpus est. 55. Prout huic subjecto operam damus, id
actus, m., act
communiter, commonly
conserere, -semi, -sertus, to connea
definire, to define
facultas, f., faculty
hine, hence
intellectus, m., intellect
necessario, necessarily
non modo, not only
notio, f., notion
notitia, f., knowledge, acquaintance
res, f., thing
scll. (abbrev. for scilicet), that is to say, namely
sensibilis, perceptible, apprehensible, sensible
seu, or
significare, to mean to signify
simplex, simple
sonare, to sound, to indicate
terminus, m., term
tractare, to treat
ullus, -a, -urn, any
verum etiam, but also
I. Essentia: that by which a thing is what it is; the intrinsic nature
of a thing. Thus the essentia of man consists in his being a rational
animal; the essentia of a triangle consists in its being a three-sided
plane figure. Further details do not belong to the essentia.
2. Facultas: used here in the sense of power or ability.
3- Sensibilis: perceptible to the mind through the senses of sight,
hearing, touch, and the like. Capable of being apprehended by the
bodily senses.
Gerund and gerundive participle. These verb parts are formed sim
ilarly, that is, by adding -nd- plus the inflectional endings to the basic
root. For example:
capiendus, -a, -um capiendi, -ae, -a
capiendi, -ae, -i capiendorum, -arum, -arum
capiendo, -ae, -0 capiendis, -is, -is
capiendum, -am, -urn capiendos, -as, -a
capiendo, -a, -0 capiendis, -is, -is
a) The gerund is used in the singular only, and only in the oblique
cases (i.e., all cases except the nominative and the vocative).
b) The gerund combines the functions of both the verb and the
noun. For example: ars scribendi, the art of writing. Potestas res
cognoscendi, the power of recognizing things.
c) The gerund is always active in meaning and in grammatical
d) The gerundive participle is used in all cases and both numbers.
e) The gerundive participle is used as an adj ective or with some
form of esse as a predicate verb with the idea of must or ought. This
last construction is sometimes called the Second Periphrastic.
f) The gerundive participle is always passive in meaning and in
grammatical relationship. The agent, when expressed, is put in the
dative case.
As adjective: Magna et conservanda civitas, a great city worthy of
Second Periphrastic: Hine cum iisdem traetanda snnt. Hence th~y
must be treated with the same. Quaedam res aggregandae erant. Cer
tain things had to be added.
complexio, f., combination
duplex, double
e.g. (exempli gratia), for example
ens, n., being
expers, devoid of, without
formalis, formal, essential
i.e. (id est), that is
immaterialis, im material
imprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to impress
materialis, material
objectum, n., object
omnino, altogether) entirely
organismus, m., organism
Plato, m., Plato (Greek philosopher, 427-347 B.C.)
praecisive, precisely
praeterquam, beyond) besides
sensitivus, perceptive by tlz e senses
sen ... vel, whet/Jer .•. or
spectare, to look at
tan tum, only
uterlibet, whichever of the two
v.g. (verbi gratia), for example
I. Ens (plur. entia). Strictly speaking, this most general of all terms
cannot be defined. But we can say that it means id quod est. Whatever
is, is an ens. Existence is not requisite for something to be an ens.
Whatever can be the object of thought is an ens. Thus a mile-high tree
is an ens (possible) ; but a square circle is not an ens.
2. Formalis. An object of thought or study may be twofold: as the
thing is in itself and as it is from a special point of view. As the former
it is the objectum materiale; as the latter it is the objectum formale.
The objectum materiale of chemistry is matter; the objectum formale
is likewise matter, but considered as consisting of ultimate elements
and their mutual relations.
teriale et formale: Materiale est res spectata ut est in se, sci!', cum
omnibus suis notis, e.g., Plato; formale est eadem res, prout a mente
apprehenditur, v.g., Plato ut sapiens; seu est nota vel notarurn corTI
plexio, quae hie et nunc repraesentatur, e.g., sapientia vel virtus
alter, the other
contemplatio, £., contem plation
diversitas, f., difference
dividere, -visi, -visus, to dz:vide
excitare, to excite, to arouse
exsurgere (3), to arise
extra, outside of
factitius, artificial
inquirere, -quisivi, -quisitus, to seek
intuitivus, intuitive
nominare, to call, to name, to nominate
operatio, f., action
ordinare, to arrange, to ordain
oriri, ortus.. to rise
partitio, fo, division
philosophia, fo, philosophy
posterior, the latter
practicus, practical
praesentia, fo, presence
praxis, mo, practitte, exercise
prior, the former
realis, real
reBexus, reflex
respectus, m., respect
scopus, m., ai1n, object
sistere, stiti, status, to stand
sol, m., sun
speculativus, speculative
supremus, ultimate, highest
vero, but, whereas
I. Present participle. Used only in the active voice, the present par
ticiple has the force of both a verb and an adjective. As adjective it
shows agreement; as a verb it may take an object. Objectum extra
cognoscentem est. The object is outside the person recognizing it.
2. Conjunctions that require special notice.
a) et (and) simply connects words or clauses. Ideae dividuntur in
intuitivas et factitias. Ideas are divided into intuitive and factitious.
b) ·que (and) combines more closely into a connected whole.
-que is added as an enclitic to the word connected. Aqua ignique
deleta sunt. They have been destroyed by {ire and water (combined).
c) Atque, ac (and) lays more emphasis on the added word. It may
be translated and so, and yet, and besides, and then. Omnia bona atque
mala. Everything good and everything bad besides.
d) Sed, verum, vero (but), the last two being more emphatic. These
words are used to introduce something in opposition to what precedes.
e) At introduces a new point in an argument and is more emphatic
than sed.
f) At enim introduces a supposed objection which is presently to
be refuted.
g) Autem marks a mere transition and is best translated however
or now.
h) Quod si (but if, and if) continues a line of reasoning.
i) Aut, vel (or). The usual difference is that aut excludes the al
ternative, whereas vel gives a choice between two alternatives. This
distinction is not always observed.
Philosophia aut speculativa aut practica est. Philosophy IS either
spectulative or practical.
Bibat vel manducat. Let him eat or drink (whichever he wishes).
j) Nam, namque (for) introduce a reason for some statement al
ready expressed.
k) Enim (for) introduces a statement of lesser importance, some
what parenthetically.
1) Etenim has the force of for, you see; for, you know.
m) Ergo (therefore) is used of things as formally proved.
n) 19itur (therefore, accordingly) is weaker than ergo. It is used
to mark a transition from one idea to another.
0) Itaque (therefore, accordingly, and so) is less formal than ergo.
p) Autem, enim, vero never stand first in their clause, but are al
ways preceded by some other word or words.
I. Ex parte. This phrase is used in the sense of upon or from one side
only, from the standpoint of. Thus we may consider education ex
parte magistri or ex parte discipuli; psychology studies man ex parte
animae, biology considers man ex parte corporis.
2. Virtus means not only virtue in the sense of a moral habit, but
an act of love.
Illud erat inimicis caritatem exhibere. That was showing charity to th~
d) With the subj ect in the accusative case after verbs of knowing,
thinking, telling, and the like (indirect discourse).
m. f. n.
quidam quaedam quidclam or quoddam
qU1V1S quaevls quid vis or quodvis
quilibet quaelibet quidlibet or quodlibet
accidens, m., accident
aliter, otherwise
alius, other, another
animal, fi., animal
attribuere, -ui, -utus, to attribltt~
brutus, brute, irrational
completus, com plet~
dupliciter, doubly, in a double sense
excludere, -clusi, -clusus, to exclude
forma, fo, form
genus, no, class, kind
imperfectio, fo, imperfection
inhaerentia, fo, inherent q ttL/lity
intelligere, -lexi, -lectus, to perceive, to understand
materia, fo, matter
obstaculum, no, hindrance
opinio, f., opinion
palpare, to feel (by touch)
praemittere, -misi, -missus, to set forth as a premis~
proprie, properly
sententia, fo, opinion
species, f., kind, species
substantia, f., substance
vetus, old
Deponent verbs.
antiquus, ancient
color, m., color
convenire, -veni, -ventus, to agree, to be appropriate
distinctio, f., distinction
distinguere, -stinxi, -stinctus, to distInguIsh
exercere, -ui, -itus, to exercise, to operate
falsus, false
felicitas, f., happiness} bliss
ignorantia, f., ignorance lacl( of !(nowledge
quodcumque, whatever
sensus, m., sense, feeling
subjicere, -jeci, -jectus, to subject
transmutare, to transform~ to change
uterque, both
absolute, absolutely, fully} completely
absolutus, absolute, complete
carere (2), to lack, to be devoid of
communis, common
compositio, f., composition
individualis, individual
individuatio, f., individuation
infinitus, infinite
inquantum, inasmuch as
intellectivus, intellective, intelligent} rational
lapis, m., stone
manifestus, manifest
probare, to prove
putare, to consider, to suppose, to i1nagine
quidem, indeed
singulare, singly, separately, one by one
specialiter, specially
pity on me.
b) Verbs taking their object in the dative:
I. Verbs meaning to favor, help, please, persuade, believe, and the
like take the dative. Such verbs are: parcere, to spare, subvenire, to
assist, placere, to please, servire, to serve, confiteri, to praise, credere, to
believe, indulgere, to forgive, miserere, to have pity on.
2. Verbs compounded with satis, bene, and nlale govern the dative.
For example, satisfacere, benefacere, benedicere, maledicere.
3. Many verbs COlTIpounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post,
prac, pro, sub, super admit the object in the dative. Such verbs are
inhaerere, to adhere to, convenire, to agree, to be suitable, indulgere,
to pardon, confiteri, to praise, subvenire, to assist.
4. The dative is used with esse to denote possession. Ei tuba est. He
has a trumpet.
c) Verbs taking their object in the ablative:
1. Verbs denoting plenty or want require the ablative: carere, to
lack, egere, to want, to feel the need of, opus esse, to need, usus esse,
to be necessary.
2. Certain verbs of use or enjoyment take the obj ect in the ablative:
frui, to enjoy, fungi, to perform, potiri, to get pOJsession ofJ uti, to USC J
vesci, to feed on.
I. lIla quae non habent materiam, non habent causam sui esse. Sed
anima habet causan1 sui esse, quia creatur a Dea. Ergo anima habet
materiam. Praeterea, quod non habet materiam, sed est farma tantum~
est actus purus et infinitus. Hoc autem solius Dei est. Ergo anima
habet materiam. Sed contra est quod Augustinus probat, quod anima
non est facta nec ex materia corporali, nec ex materia spirituali.
Respondetur quod anima non habet materiam, et hoc patest con
siderari dupliciter. Primo quidem ex ratione animae in communi.
Aut est forma secundum se totam, aut secundum aliquam partem
sui. Secundo, specialiter ex ratione humanae animae, inquantum est
2. Manifestum est enim quod omne quod recipitur in aliquo, recipi
tur in eo per modum recipientis. Sic autem cognoscitur unumquod
que, sicut forma ejus est in cognoscente. Anima autem intellectiva
cognoscit rem aliquam in sua natura absoluta, puta lapidem, inquan
tum est lapis absolute. Est igitur forma lapidis absolute secundum
propriam rationem formalem in anima intellectiva. Anima igitur
intellectiva est forma absoluta, non autem aliquid compositum ex
materia et forma. Si enim anima intellectiva est composita ex materia
et forma, formae rerum recipientur in ea ut individuales; et sic non
potest cognoscere nisi singulare, sicut accidit in potentiis sensitivis
quae recipiunt formas rerum in organo corporali. Materia enim est
principium individuationis formarum. Relinquitur ergo quod anima
intellectiva et omnis intellectualis substantia cognoscens formas ab
solute, caret compositione formae et materiae.
actualitas, f., reality, existence
aptitudo, f., aptitude, ability
atvero, however
complecti, -plexus (dep. 3), to embrace
concludere, -clusi, -clusus, to conclude
corruptibilis, corruptible
exemplum, fi., example
existentia, f., existence
existere, -stiti, -stitus, to exist
extensio, f., extension, extent
generatio, f., generation, reproduction
grammatice, grammatically
ibidem, in the same place
importare, to convey
indoles, f., nature
instar, fi. (indecl.), likeness, equivalent; ad instar (followed by geni
tive), like to
interitus, m., destruction, annihilation
jumentum, D., beast (of burden)
legere, legi, lectus, to read
nomen, fi., noun, name
participium, D., participle
possibilis, possible
praescindere, -scidi, -scissus, to prescind
se habet, is regarded
similis, similar
similiter, similarly
spirare, to breathe
talis, such; talis ••• qualls, such • .• as
tamquam, as if
vertibllis, contlertible, liable to be turned back
adaequatus, adequat~
a) Quod and quia take the indicative when the reason is given on
Sua mater tristis est quia non redierit. His mother is sad because he
-ior(neuter -ius), the superlative by adding -issimus(-a, -um), to the
stem of the positive.
Positive Comparative Superlative
e) The comparative degree of the adverb is the same as the neuter
comparative of the adjective. The superlative is formed by changing
the ending -us of the superlative of the adjective to e.
clare (clearly) darius darissime
nobiliter (nobly) nobilius nobilissime
acriter (keenly) acrius acerrime
facile ( easily) facilius facillime
abstractio, fo, d~tachment, removal, abstraction
actu (abl. of actus), actually, in reality
actualis, actual
additio, fo, addition
alioquin, otherwise
cognoscitivus, cognizant, aware
comprehensio, fo, comprehensiveness
determinare, to determine
determinatus, definite, determined
dunltaxat, only
exclusio, fo, exclusion
illimitatus, unlimited
includere, -clusi, -clusus, to include
mediante, by means of
multiplicare, to rnultiply
multiplicatio, f., multiplication
ne ••• quidem, not even
octo, eight
praecisio, f., preciseness, precision, definiteness
proportio, f., proportion
qualis, what kind
quum (cum), since (takes subjo)
repugnare, to be inconsistent ur incompatible; to deny, to disagree
requirere, -sivi, -situs, to require
revera, indeed, truly
separatus, separate
simplicitas, fo, simplicity
talis, such,. qua tale, as such
ubi, where, when
unire, to unite
utrum, whether
Octo res incIusae sunt ab eis. Eight things have been included by
b) E, ex. Their general meaning is from the midst of, out of. Ex
must be used before vowel sounds. Either e or ex may be used before
consonants. They govern the ablative.
Ex montibus egressi sunt. They came out of the mountains.
e) Propter: used in the literal rneaning of near or next to) and with
the figurative meaning of on account of, because of. It governs the
Propter me sedent. They sit near me.
Propter diei calorem dormiebant. Because of the heat of the day they
I. Per tales actus nobis probavit qualis est simplicitas sua. 2. In
clusimus dumtaxat tres ex regulis praeter communes. 3. Per diem et
per noctem plenius investigabant qualis esset gentium voluntas. 4. Si
effectum calefactioni attribuamus, causa clara sit. 5. Si logice de meta
physica disseret, nobis docebit multas ex veritatibus quas volumus
cognoscere. 6. Si rex leges bonas abroget, gens patiatur. 7. Si alteruter
carpentarius opus suum bene faciat, serra non fracta sit. 8. Actio ex
agente, motus ex motore oritur. 9. Mens hominis praeter realitatem
attingere potest. 10. Si individuum hoc juxta merita ejus judicemus,
poenas accipiat potius quam munera. II. Quum octo colores diversi
inclusi sint, effectus multipliciter repugnat. 12. Si non logice discri
minabit inter malum et bonum, philosophus nunquam erit. 13. Quaeri
tur utrum ontologia scientia sit, quae de ente tractat. 14. Subjectum
investigabimus logicae juxta regulas. IS. 1°, leges intelligemus; 2°,
gentibus docebimus eas; 3°, observabimus eas. 16. Si carpentarius
domum forte aedificet, non cadat. 17. Si per civitatem illam incedamus,
philosophum verum inveniamus. 18. Solebant adjuvari a gentium
fortiorum militiis. 19. Si plures ex notis ejus exhibeantur, objectum
clare distinguatur. 20. Propter caloris effectus multi ex viris mortui
sunt. 21. Domus sacerdotis praeter ecclesiam stat. 22. Si homines per
multos dies misericordiam Dei rogent, ipse calamitates eorum avertat.
23. Servos in lacum ejiciebant praeter regis oculos. 24. Tres e pueris
elegit ad auferendas epistolas in terram inimicam. 25. Per opera bona
virginum fidelium, pueri custoditi sunt et curati veteres. 26. Si re
frigerium aliquod nobis des, in via procedamus. 27. Si operatio ex
talibus causis oriatur, naturam ejus determinare simplex sit. 28. Si
nos spectent, lapides ad eos mittamus. 29. Si panis nimis calidus sit,
non eum manducetis. 30. Si unum ex his jumentis accipiat, non ei
opus sit Romam incedere.
absens, absent
affirmare, to affirm
affirmatio, fo, affirmation
aliquando, formerly
amabilis, lovable
causare, to cause
circulus, mo, circle
dominare, to dominate
efformare, to for1n, to shape
elementaris, elementary
excedere, -cessi, -cessus, to exceed, to excel
explicare, to explain
facile, easily
immergere, -mersi, -mersus, to imnlerse, to merge
magis, more
metalIum, no, metal
minus, less
mixtus, mingled, tnixed
negare, to deny
nobilitas, £., nobility
prius, previously
quadratus, squared
qualitas, £., quality
quanto sanior ••• tanto fortior, the healthier . .. the stronger
relativus, relative
remotus, remote
sortire, to select
terminare, to limit
transcendere, -scendi, -scensus, to transcend
vegetabilis, vegetable
accidentalis, ac,·idental
amare, to love
bonitas, f., goodnesJ'
caput, fl., head; chapter
coarctare, to confine
consistere, -stiti, -stitus, to consist
deprehendere, ..prehendi, -prehensus, to find
divisio, f., division
elucescere, to shine forth, to stand out clearly
figura, f., shape
indivisibilis, indivisible
indivisio, f., oneness
indivisus, undivided
intendere, -tendi, ..tentus, to stretch out, to extend, to intend
jamvero, indeed
late, broadly, widely
opponere, -posui, -positus, to oppose
praedictus, aforementioned
quantitas, f., quantity
quoties, as often as, whenever
referre, ..tuli, ..latus, to relate, to refer
remittere, -misi, -missus, to slacken, to relax
respectus, m., respect, consideration
substantialis, substantial
transcendentalis, transcendental
triplex, threefold, triple
L Indivisio: oneness; the state of being a unit that cannot be diTided.
2. Transcendentalis: relating to a reality beyond the senses, and
underlying the objects of experience.
3. Forma substantialis: that internal constitution which makes an
existing thing to be \vhat it is.
+ Forma accidentalis: not of the essence or substance of a thing.
Matrern. ejus vidit heri. He saw his (not his own, someone else's)
mother yesterday.
2. Some prepositions.
c) De governs the ablative and may mean from, down from, of,
concernin g, about, out of.
speak to him.
In famulis nostris puer salvus est. The child is safe among OUT S~tI
with the king's commands, the disciples were driven from the city.
Ossa sancti sub altari sunt. T he bones of a saint are under the altar.
Impersonal verbs.
a) Many verbs appear only in the third person singular, infinitive,
and gerund, having as a subject the impersonal it. Still other verbs may
be used impersonally in the passive.
constat, it is plain evident
J licet, it is allowed
accidit, it happens libet, it pleases
placet, it pleases videtur, it seems
decet, it is becoming, proper oportet, it is fitting, ought
necesse est, it is needlui interest, it concerns
refert, it concerns restat, it remains
reIinquitur, it remains
b) These verbs are regularly followed by a quod or quia clause with
the subjunctive (sometimes the indicative).
aequalitas, fo, equality, sameneSJ
affinis, allied, related
albus, white
appetere, -ivi or -ii, -itus, to long for} to desire
appetitivus, having appetite or desire for
convenientia, £., agreement, fitness} propriety
diversificare, to nlake different, to diversify
dubitare, to doubt
extrinsecus, outward, external
fere, al1nost
gustus, mo, taste
identicus, identical
identitas, fo, identity
impedire, to prevent
logicus, logical
maxime, chiefly, to the greatest extent
niger, black
non ••• nisi, only
obliquum, Do, that which is indirect; in obliquo, indirectly
penes, with, within
plane, plainly, clearly
plures, more, several
princeps, m., prince
prohibere 2, to prohibit
quidquid, whatever
quin, except that, unless
realiter, really, outside the mind
recte, correctly, properly
rectum, n., that which is right, straight, or direct; in recto, directly
removere 2, -movi, -motus, to remove
sapiens, wise, discern ing
semel, once
sibimetipsi, to itself (himself, herseln
similiter, sirnilarly
similitudo, f., resemblance
visivus, visual
visus, m., sight
I. Quin with the meaning of but that, except that, unless, that not,
that, after negative verbs of hindering, prohibiting, doubting, or sim
ilar ideas, requires the suhjunctive.
Unum nequit affirmari in recto de altero, quin sint idem. One thing
Puer eandem vim habet atque pater ejus. T he boy has the same
adaequare, to be equal to, to be adequate
artifex, m., artificer, nlal(er, author
atqui, however, but, nevertheless
attamen, nevertheless
attribuere, -ui, -utus, to bestow, to grant
centrum, n., center
conformis, conformable, in conformity with
congruere, -grui, to fit, to conform to
conjunctus, connected, united with
contrarietas, f., opposite
differe, distuli, dilatus, to difJer
duo, two
exemplar, n., pattern, model, original
fundamentaliter, basically, essentially
frigidus, cold
haurire (4), hausi, haustus, to draw out, to take
humidus, wet
immutare, to change, to alter
inconvenienter, im properly
instituere, -stitui, -stitutus, to institute, to establish
magnitudo, f., size
medium, n., means, middle
passivus, passive
pauci, few
perfecte, perfectly
praenoscere, -novi, -notus, to know beforehand
primario, primarily
quinque, five
relate, in relation to
reponere, -posui, -positus, to set} to place
satis, enough
siccus, dry
summe, in the highest degree
tactus, m., touch
tamquam, just as} as it were
tum ••• tum, both ... and
utpote, as being, inas1nuch as
absque, without, except
amicus, m., friend
ars, f., art, skill
aurichalcum, n., brass
aurum, n., gold
coloratus, colored
commotio, f., stirring, movement, agitation
deficere, -feci, -feetus, to fail, to forsake, to depart from
deviare, to deviate, to depart from
diametro: e - - , diametrically
difformitas, f., lack of conformity, disagreement
discedere, -cessi, -cessus, to depart from, to swerve from, to leave
elucere (2), -luxi, to shine forth, to be apparent
extrinsece, extrinsically, externally
humectare (umectare), to moisten
humiditas, f., moisture
intrinsece, intrinsically, inwardly
maxime, especially, in the highest degree
mendacium, n., lie
motus, m., motion, movement
oIfactus, m., sense of smell
pactum, n., agreement
percussio, f., striking, percussion
pertingere, to reach, to extend
post (adv.), aftertvards, later
praescriptus, prescribed, commanded
rhetorica, f., rhetoric
sapor, m., Javor, flavor
spirare, to breathe, to exhale
subdere, -didi, -ditus, to place under, to Jubj~ct
tangere, tetigi, tactus, to touch
transmutatio, £., change, alteration
ut qUUffi, as uJhen
vendere, to sell
virtuosus, virtuous, of virtue
I. Dum and quoad, until, take the present or imperfect subj unctive
in clauses irnplying intention or expectancy.
Exercitus exercebatur, quoad fortis esset. The army was trained until
it was Jtron g.
addere, -didi, -ditus, to add
adhibere (2), to apply, to employ, to use
adnexus (annexus), connected
augere (2), auxi, auctus, to increase
beneficium, no, benefice
canon, £., canon; ecclesiastical rule or edict
capax, capable
comedere, -edi, -esus, to eat
comestio, £., eating
condonare, to condone, to pardon
construere, -uxi, -uctus, to construct
consuetudo, fo, custom
conventio, £., agreem ent
declarare, to make clear, to show, to demonstrate
dubius, doubtful
eleemosyna, fo, alms
emere (3), emi, emptus, to buy
emptio, fo, buying
etsi, although
ex. gr. (e.g.), abbro for exempli gratia, for example
exponere, -posui, -positus, to expound, to set forth, to explain
ex parte, in part} from the viewpoint of
ex toto, wholly
fraus, fo, fraud, deceit
fructus, mo, fruit, profit} benefit
fundamentum, n., foundation
fuse, at length} in much detail
horologium, n., clock
imprimis, first of all, chiefly
indicare, to indicate
inscius, not knowing, unaware ..
inservire (4), -servivi, -servitus, to serve
iterare, to repeat
jus, n., law, right
lucrum, n., profit, money
ministrare, to administer, to wait upon, to Jerve
mixtus, mixed
nec ••• nec, neither . . . nor
niti (dep. 3), nisus (nixus), to endeavor
obstare, -stiti, -status, to hinder, to prevent, to be in the way
operans, m., worker, agent
opportune, fittingly
paucis, in a few words
periculum, n., danger
permutatio, f., exchange
praecipuus, special, extraordinary
pretium, n., price
prohibere (2), to prohibit, to forbid
provisus, m., provision, precaution
recognoscere, -cognovi, -cognitus, to recognize
recolere, -colui, -cultus, to survey, to sum up
rejicere, -jeci, -jectus, to reject, to abandon
satisfacere (io), -feci, -factus, to satisfy
simoniacus, simoniacal
statuere, statui, statutus, to decide, to ordain, to appoint
studiosus, zealous, eager, assiduous
sublevare, to support, to assist
tacitus, tacit, assumed
tendere, tetendi, tentus (tensus), to tend, to strive, to bend one's course
titulus, m., title
totidem, just so many
venditio, f., setling
vetare, vetui, vetitus, to forbid
victus, m., a living~ nourishment
voluptas, f., pleasure
Concessive clauses.
I. Cum, although, requires the subjunctive. Cum propositionem
iteraret, non audiebamus eam. Although he repeated the proposition,
we did not hear it.
2. Quamvis, ut, although, even if, take the subjunctive.
Quamvis horologium spectaret, horae non meminerat. Although he
looked at the clock, he did not remember the time.
Ut neminem aIium rogasset, non satisfacti fuissent. Even if he had
besought no one else, they would not have been satisfied.
3. Licet, although, takes the present or perfect subjunctive. Licet
conventio prudens sit, non nobis omnino satisfacit. Although the
agreement is a wise one, it does not altogether satisfy us.
4. Etsi, etiam si, even if, follow the general construction of si clauses.
Etsi pretium magnum est, non id vetabimus. Although the pric~ is
great, we shall not forbid it.
Etiam si eum sublevarent, semetipsum salvare non niteretur· Even
if they should aid him he would make no effort to save himself.
Cun1 pretia serrarum augeat, jus non prohibebit quin vendat eas.
2. Quamvis circumstantiae magis propitiabiles fuissent, pater meus
lucrum non adhibuisset ad domum novam construendalTI. 3. Dt cau
sas scire numquam possimus, quae miseriis pauperum subsint, spem
perdere non debemus, sed sperare ut paucum, quod uni damus, in
aliquo modo, multiplicetur ad plurium beneficium. 4. Licet corneda
mus ad vitae conservationen'1, Deus non nobis voluptatem in comes
tione vetat. S. Etsi periculum praecipuum sit, non nitatur ut id evadat.
6. Etiam si princeps jus diligenter administraret, aliqui essent qui ob
starent quin ageretur. 7. Quamquam nos operibus nostris non suble
vavit tam studiose quam speraveramus, artamen omnes actus ejus
subsequentes firmi ac propitiabiles fuerunt. 8. Cum et prudentiam et
provisum in permutatione sua observavissent, fraus ex parte sociorum
tandem declarabatur. 9. Quamvis provisiones emptionis atque vendi
tionis fuse exposuerit, non dubium est quin multi non eum intellexe
rint. 10. Dt dominis suis restitutionem lucri facerent, opera alia poeni
tentiae ex eis requirebantur. I I. Licet prudentia et bonitas virtutes
praeclarae virgini sint, ista debet etiam actibus positivis amoris cari
tatisque fungi. 12. Etsi error magnus ac haereticus erit, non rejicient
eum. 13. Etiam si nec eleemosynas nec munera episcopo suo praestent,
non deficiantur in curis et poenis suis. 14. Quamquam omnia media
rationalia recoluit ut motivum lucri maximi ex toto deleret, a certis
principiis fu.ndamentalibus non deviabit. IS. Cum Deo suo profunda
reverentia interna inserviat, mundus hujus devotionis forsitan inscius
est. 16. Tametsi opus carpentarii non est ad horologia facienda, atqui
saepe volui ut omnes viri docerentur ad res plures bene agendas.
17. Quamvis filii consuetudines patrum rej ecissent, futuri erant crea
tores capaces legum novarum quae conditiones societatis meliores
facerent, in qua vivebant. 18. Dt pro victu suo dependeat de iUo con
tractu, fraudem adnexam ad eum administrandum non condonavit.
19. Cum nimis comedere poena propria sit, quanto magis comedimus,
tanto maj or poena est nostra. 20. Etiam si lucra ann ua pauca sint,
nobis domos construere velint.
2. Can. 726
Res de quibus in hoc libro agitur quaeque totidem media sunt ad
Ecclesiae finenl consequendum, aliae sunt spirituales, aliae temporales,
aliae mixtae.
Can. 727
Studiosa voluntas emendi vel vendendi pro pretio temporali rem
intrinsece spiritualem, ex. gr., Sacramenta, ecclesiasticam iurisdic
tionem, consecrationem, indulgentias, etc., vel rem temporalem rei
spirituali adnexam ita ut res temporalis sine spirituali nullo modo esse
possit, ex. gr., beneficium ecclesiasticum, etc., aut res spiritualis sit
obiectum, etsi partiale, contractus, ex. gr., consecratio in calicis conse
crati venditione, est simonia iuris divini.
Dare vero res temporales spirituali adnexas pro temporalibus spiri
tuali adnexis, vel res spirituales pro spiritualibus, vel etiam ternporales
pro temporalibus, si id ob periculum irreverentiae erga res spirituales
ab Ecclesia prohibeatur, est simonia iuris ecclesiastici.
Can. 728
Can. 729
Firmis poenis in simoniacos iure statutis, contractus ipse simoniacus
et, si simonia committatur circa beneficia, officia, dignitates, subse
quens provisio omni vi caret, licet simonia a tertia persona commissa
fuerit, etiam inscio proviso, dummodo hoc non fiat in fraudem eius
dem provisi aut eo contradicente. Quare:
1°. Ante quamlibet iudicis sententiam res simoniace data et accepta,
si restitutionis sit capax nee obstet reverentia rei spirituali debita,
restitui debet, et beneficium, officium, dignitas dimitti.
2°. Simoniace provisus non facit fructus suos; quod si eos bona fide
perceperit, prudentiae iudicis vel Ordinarii permittitur fructus per
ceptos ex toto vel ex parte eidem condonare.
Can. 730
Non habetur simonia, cum tern porale datur non pro re spirituali,
sed eius occasione ex iusto titulo a sacris canonibus vel a legitima
consuetudine recognito; item cum datur res temporalis pro re tem
porali, quae tanquam subiectum habeat adnexum aliquid 3pirituale,
ex. gr., calix consecratus, dummodo pretium non augeatur propter
adnexam renl spiritualenl.
Can. 731
Cum omnia Sacramenta Novae Legis, a Christo Domino Nostro
instituta, sint praecipua sanctificationis et salutis media, summa in iis
opportune riteque administrandis ac suscipiendis diligentia et reveren
tia adhibenda est.
Vetitum est Sacramenta Ecclesiae rnin lstrare haereticis aut schis
maticis, etiam bona fide errantibus eaque petentibus, nisi prius, error i
bus reiectis, Ecclesiae reconciliati fuerint.
Can. 732
Sacranlenta baptismi, confirmationis et ordinis, quae characterem
imprimunt, iterari nequeunt.
Si vera prudens dubium exsistat num revera vel num valide coHata
fuerint, sub conditione iterun1 conferantur.
ablutio, f., ablution} washing
accedere, -cessi, -cessus, to accede} to approve
adjicere, -jeci, -jectus, to add
appellare, to call
assequi (dep.), assecutus, to obtain
asservare, to preserve" to guard) to protect
casus, m., case
chirurgus, m., surgeon
clavis, f., key
elericus, ill., cleric} clerk
eoena, f., supper
collatio, f., can ferrin g
comitari (dep.), to attend} to accompany
commode, conveniently
eomplures, several
concurrere, -curri, -cursus, to concur} to agree
eonficere, -feci, -feetus, to effect) to produce
consentaneus, suited} proper
continere (2), -tinui, -tentus, to contain
copia, f., quantity} amount} supply
cras, tomorrow
debitus, due
decens, suitable} proper
deferre, -tuli, -latus, to submit} to bring} to bear
destinare, to destine
diaconus, n1., deacon
ediscere, -didici, to learn
I. ab hac parte, on this side
2. ad tempus, at the ti1ne, on time
3. ad hunc moduln, in this uJay
Probat si media consentanea adhibita sint, eos jura sua civilia saltern
retenturos. 1-/e proves that if proper 1neans are employed} they will
2. Can. 733
In Sacramentis conficiendis, administrandis ac suscipiendis accurate
serventur ritus et caeremoniae quae in libris ritualibus ab Ecclesia
probatis praecipiuntur.
Unusquisque autem ritum suum sequatur, salvo praescripto can.
85 1, § 2, 866.
Can. 734
Sacra olea quae quibusdam Sacrarnentis administrandis inserviunt,
debent esse ab Episcopo benedicta feria V in Coena Domini proxime
superiore; neque adhibeantur vetera, nisi necessitas urgeat.
Mox deficienti oleo benedicto aliud oleum de olivis non benedictum
adjiciatur, etiam iterato, minore tamen copia.
Can. 735
Parochus olea sacra a suo Ordinario petere debet et in ecclesia in
tuta ac decenti custodia sub clavi dil igentur asservare; nee ea domi
retineat, nisi propter necessitatem aliamve rationabilem causam, acce
dente Ordinarii licentia.
Can. 736
Pro administratione Sacralnentorum minister nihil quavis de causa
vel occasione sive directe sive indirecte exigat aut petat, praeter obla
tiones de quibus in can. 1507, § I.
Can. 737
Baptismus, Sacramentorum janua ac fundamentum, omnibus in re
vel saltern in vota necessarius ad salutem, valide non confertur, nisi
per ablutionem aquae verae et naturalis cum praescripta verborum
Cum ministratur servatis ornn ibus ritibus et caeremoniis quae in
ritualibus libris praecipiuntur, appellatur sollemnis; secus, non sollern
nis seu privatus.
Can. 738
Minister ordinarius baptismi sollemnis est sacerdos; sed ejus colla
tio reservatur paracha vel alii sacerdoti de ej usdem parochi vel Or
dinarii loci licentia, quae in casu necessitatis legitime praesumitur.
Etiam peregrinus a paracha proprio in sua paroecia sollemniter
baptizetur, si id facile et sine mora fieri potest; secus peregrinum
quilibet parochus in suo territorio potest solemniter baptizare..
Can. 739
In alieno territorio nemini licet, sine debita licentia, baptismum
sollemnem conferre ne sui q uiden1 loci incolis.
Can. 740
Ubi paroeciae aut quasi-paroeciae nondum sunt constitutae, statu
torum peculiarium et receptarum consuetudinum ratio habenda est,
ut constet cuinam sacerdoti praeter Ordinarium, in universo territorio
vel in ejus parte jus insit baptizandi.
Can. 741
Extraordinarius baptismi sollemnis minister est diaconus; qui ta
men sua potestate ne utatur sine loci Ordinarii vel parochi licentia,
justa de causa concedenda, quae, ubi necessitas urgeat, legitime prae
Can. 742
Baptismus non sollemnis, de quo in can. 759, § I, potest a quovis
n1inistrari, servata debita materia, forma et intentione; quatenus vero
fieri potest, adhibeantur duo testes vel saltern unus, quibus baptismi
collatio probari possit.
Si tamen adsit sacerdos, diacono praeferatur, diaconus subdiacono,
clericus laico et vir feminae, nisi pudoris gratia deceat feminam po
tius quam virum baptizare, vel nisi fen1ina noverit melius forrnam et
modum baptizandi.
Patri aut matri suam prolem baptizare non licet, praeterquam in
mortis periculo, quando alius praesto non est, qui baptizet.
Can. 743
Curet parochus ut fideles, praesertim obstetrices, medici et chirurgi,
rectum baptizandi modum pro casu necessitatis probe ediscant.
Can. 744
Adultorum baptismus, ubi commode fieri possit, ad loci Ordinarium
deferatur, ut, si voluerit, ab eo vel ab ej us delegato sollemnius con
I. in dies, daily
2. qua tale, of any sort
3. in genere, in general7 generally speaking
4. sub conditione, conditionally
s. contra haec, in answer to this
6. haec contra, this in reply
7. contra autem, but on the other hand
8. nullo pacto, in no way
the adults had shown concern for the children, the latter would not
have been lost.
2. Can. 745
Subjectum capax baptismi est omnis et solus homo viator, nondum
Cum agitur de baptismo:
Parvulorum seu infantium nomine veniunt, ad normam can. 88,
§ 3, qui nondum rationis usum adepti sunt, eisdemque accensentur
amentes ad infantia, in quavis aetate constitutL
Adulti autem censentur, qui rationis usu fruuntur; idque satis est
ut suo quisque animi motu baptismum petat et ad illum admittatur.
Can. 746
Nemo in utero matris clausus baptizetur, donee probabilis spes sit
ut rite editus baptizari possit.
Si infans caput emiserit et periculum mortis immineat, baptizetur
in capite; nec postea, si vivus evaserit, est iterum sub conditione bapti
Si aliud membrum emiserit, in ilIa, si periculum immineat, baptize
tur sub conditione; at tunc, si natus vixerit, est rursus sub conditione
Si mater praegnans mortua fuerit, fetus ab iis ad quos spectat
extractus, si certo vivat, baptizetur absolute; si dubie, sub conditione.
Fetus, in utero baptizatus, post ortum denuo sub conditione bap
tizari debet.
Can. 747
Curandum ut omnes fetus abortivi, quovis tenlpore editi, si certo
vivant, baptizentur absolute; si dubie, sub conditione.
Can. 748
Monstra et ostenta semper baptizentur saltern sub conditione; in
dubio autem unusne an plures sint homines, unus absolute baptizetur,
ceteri sub conditione.
Can. 749
Infantes expositi et inventi nisi, re diligenter investigata, de eorum
baptismo constet, sub conditione baptizentur.
Can. 750
Infans infidelium, etiam invitis parentibus, licite baptizatur, cum
in eo versatur vitae discrimine, ut prudenter praevideatur moriturus,
antequam usum rationis attingat.
Extra mortis periculum, dummodo catholicae ejus educationi cau
tum sit, licite baptizatur:
1°. Si parentes vel tutores, aut saltern unus eorum, consentiant.
2°. Si parentes, idest pater, mater, avus, avia, vel tutores desint, aut
jus in eunl amiserint, vel illud exercere nullo pacta queant.
Can. 751
Circa baptismum infantium duorum haereticorum aut schismatico
rum, aut duorum catholicorum qui in apostasiam vel haeresim vel
schisma prolapsi sint, generatim serventur normae in superiore canone
Can. 752
Adultus, nisi sciens et volens probeque instructus, ne baptizetur;
insuper admonendus ut de peccatis suis doleat.
In mortis autem periculo, si nequeat in praecipuis fidei mysteriis
diligentius instrui, satis est, ad baptismum conferendum, ut aliquo
modo ostendat se eisdem assentire serioque promittat se christianae
religionis mandata servaturum.
Quod si baptismum ne petere quidem queat, sed vel antea vel in
praesenti statu manifestaverit aliquo probabili modo intentionem
inum suscipiendi, baptizandus est sub conditione; si deinde conva
luerit et dubium de valore baptismi collati permaneat, sub conditione
baptismus rursus conferatur.
adjunctum, n., condition, limitation
admiscere (2), -miscui, -mixtus, to mix
affectus, m., affection
aspersio, f., sprinkling
assistere, -stiti, to attend
assuetudo, £., custom, habit
compos mentis (or compos animi) sane, sound
debilitare, to t~eaken
deficere, -feci, -fectus, to be wanting, to be lacking
detneritum, n., defect, demerit
desiderium, n., desire
diIucidus, lucid, sane
diu, long, for a long time
efficere, -feci, -fectus, to make, to bring about
efHuere, -fluxi, to flow out
exercitium, n., exercise
expedite, readily, prornptly
expendere, -pendi, -pensus, to weigh, to ponder
furiosus, m., mad man
hinc, hence
imminuere, -minui, -minutus, to lessen, to diminish
impendere (2), to threaten, to impend
imputabilitas, f., responsibility
incommodum, n., inconvenience, discomfort
inculpabilis, innocent) guiltless
inde, thence
influxus, m., influence
infusio, £., pouring
insanire, to be insane
invaleseere, -valui, to become strong
jejunus, fasting
languere (2), langui, to faint, to be feeble
lethargus, m., lethargy, coma
liber, free
maneus, defective} imperfect} infirm, maimed
minuere, minui, minutus, to lessen, to diminish
momentum, n., element} essential point, motion
nitidus, clean
nutrimentum, n., food
obnubilare, to becloud} to dim
perscribere, -seripsi, -seriptus, to write down
phrensis, f., delirium
plene, fully
praeter, beyond} bej"ides
praetermittere, -misi, -missus, to neglect} to omit
progenies, fe, lineage, family
proponere, -posni, -positus, to propose, to expose} to display
quamprimum, as soon as possible
quivis, any ulhatever
quominus (introduces clauses after verbs of hindering), so as not, from
repetere, -petivi, -petitus, to repeat
reprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to check, to repress
respuere, to reject
sanus, in good health
semita, f., path
sin, but if, if however
statim, immediately
subito, suddenly
suflleere, -feci, -feetus, to suffice
supplere (2), -plevi, -pletus, to supply
temperies, f., temperature, climate
tenuis, slight
transigere, -egi, -actus, to pass, to spend
uterque, either one, either of two, both
vehemens, strong, violent
vicissim, on the contrary, on the other hand, in turn
vigilare, to watch
vitiosus, vicious
I. plus minusve, more or less
2. eo ••• quo, the . . . the
3. tam ••• quam, both ... and; as well as
4. alter ••• alter, one . . . the other
s. multis de causis, for many reasons
6. qua de causa, therefore
7. de industria, on purpose, by labor
Ex his libris duobus retinebo unum; tibi dabo alterum. Of these two
b) Alter ••• alter and alius ••• alius may be used in pairs to
denote either division of a group or reciprocal action.
Alterae semitam quaerunt, alterae ingemiscentes juxta viam sedent.
One group seeks the path, the others sit tnoaning by the roadside.
Alii activitatem diligunt, alii apparent energia carere. Some love ac
tivity, others seem to lack energy.
Pater alterum puerum alteri auxilio esse admonuerat. The father had
Alius aliud respuit. One man rejects one thing, another another.
Alii in alia parte dies transigunt. Some spend the days in one part,
others in anol/zer.
affectus ejus pro illecebris hujus mundi tam vehementes erant, multis
de causis dubium erat an semitam virtutis diu quaereret. 8. Medicus
plene convaluit a phrenesi qua laborabat, quia amicus fidelis multos
dies transigebat seipsun1 tradendo ad ej us curam. 9. Alii aliis resistunt.
10. Posteaquam illi nationi suppleveramus omnia quae proposuerat,
vidimus nos res nostras tum sociales tum politicas praetermisisse.
II. Urget ut alter alterum constringat. 12. Quando cognovit periculum
mortis impendere, virum statim baptizavit. 13. Quoniam avus diu
jejunus fuit, nunc in statu lethargi est. 14. Ubi malae assuetudines
inveteratae fiunt, voluntas languet. IS. Simul atque avia manca facta
erat, domi permanebat libros liturgicos legens. 16. Alius aliud elegit.
17. De peccatis nosmetipsos retinemus, quod noscimus ea sensum mo
ralem obnubilare. 18. Ut primum habitus imprudentcs et irrationales
rejiciunt, vita moralis invalescit, qua de causa e multis incommo
dis, difficultatibus, impedimentis erroribusque prioribus vindicantur.
19. Scio alios aliis nutrimentunl supplevisse ubi deficeret. 20. Nobis
dixerunt, simul multam aquam veram et naturalem biberent, inter
valla poenae nimis minuere.
2. Can. 753
Tam sacerdotem qui adultos baptizaturus est, quam ipsos adultos
qui sani sint, decet esse jejunos.
Nisi graves urgentesque causae obsint, adultus baptizatus statim
Missae sacrificio assistat et sacram communionem percipiat.
Can. 754
Amentes et furiosi ne baptizentur, nisi tales a nativitate vel ante
adeptum rationis usum fuerint; et tunc baptizandi sunt ut infantes.
Si autem dilucida habeant intervalla, dum mentis compotes sunt,
baptizentur, si velint.
Baptizentur quoque, imminente periculo mortis, si, antequam in
sanirent, suscipiendi baptismi desiderium ostenderint.
Qui lethargo aut phrenesi laborat, vigilans tantum et volens bapti
zetur; at si periculum mortis impendeat, servetur praescriptum § 3.
Can. 755
Baptismus sollemniter conferatur, salvo praescripto can. 759.
Loci Ordinarius potest gravi et rationabili de causa indulgere ut
caeremoniae praescriptae pro baptismo infantium adhibeantur in
baptismo adultorum.
Can. 756
Proles ritu parentum baptizari debet.
Si alter parentum pertineat ad ritum latinum, alter ad orientalem,
proles ritu patris baptizetur, nisi aliud jure speciali cautum sit.
Si unus tantum sit catholicus, proles hujus ritu baptizanda est.
Can. 757
In baptismo sollemni adhibenda est aqua ad hoc benedicta.
Si aqua benedicta in baptisterio adeo sit imminuta, ut minus vi
deatur sufhcere, alia non benedicta admisceatur, etiam iterato, minore
tamen copia.
Si vero corrupta fuerit, aut efHuxerit, aut quovis modo defecerit,
parochus in fontem, bene mundatum ac nitidum, recentem aquam
infundat ac proprio ritu in suis liturgicis Ebris praescripto benedicat.
Can. 758
Licet baptismus conferri valide possit aut per infusionem, aut per
immersionem, aut per aspersionem, primus tamen vel secundus mo
dus, aut mixtus ex utroque, qui magis sit in usu, retineatur, secundum
probatos diversarum Ecclesiarum rituales libros.
Can. 759
In mortis periculo baptismum privatim conferre licet; et, si con
feratur a ministro qui nee sacerdos sit nee diaconus, ea tantum po
nantur, quae sunt ad baptismi validitatem necessaria; si a sacerdote
vel diacono, serventur quoque, si tempus adsit, caeremoniae quae
baptismum sequuntur.
Extra mortis periculum baptismum privatum loci Ordinarius per
mittere nequit, nisi agatur de haereticis qui in adulta aetate sub con
ditione baptizentur.
Caeremoniae autem quae in baptismi collatione praetermissae qua
vis ratione fuerint, quamprimum in ecclesia suppleantur, nisi in casu
de quo in § 2.
Can. 760
Cum baptismus sub conditione iteratur, caeremoniae, si quidem in
priore baptismo omissae fuerunt, suppleantur, salvo praescripto can.
759, § 3; sin autem in priore baptismo adhibitae sunt, repeti in altero
aut omitti possunt.
Can. 761
Curent parochi ut ei qui baptizatur, christianum imponatur nomen;
quod si id consequi non poterunt, nomini a parentibus imposito ad
dant nomen alicujus Sancti et in libro baptizatorum utrumque nomen
alias, otherwise
citare, to quote, to cite
clericus, m., cleric, clergyman
cognatio, f., relationship
conditionatus, conditional
conducere, -duxi, -ductus, to lead
conjux, m. and f., husband, wife, spouse
connaturaliter, in a natural way
consulere, -ui, -tus, to consult
contrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to contract
criminosus, crim inal
degradatus, deprived of office or dignity
depositus, divested
dimanare, to emanate, to flow from
factum, 11., deed, fact
forte, perchance
infamis, infamous, dl:sreputable
inserere, -semi, -sertus, to implant, to embody, to insert
interdictus, interdicted
interesse, -fui, to take part in, to be present
juvare, to aid
levare, to lilt
mos, ffi. custom
novitius, m. novice
patrinus, m., sponsor
perire (eo), -ii or -ivi, -itus, to perish
praehere (2), -hui, -hitus, to show, to exhibit
12 5
praevius, previous
procurator, m., proxy
promanare, to emanate, to derive from
quapropter, wherefore, on which account
recuperare, to recover
spondere (2), spopondi, sponsus, to pledge, to sponsor
suppetere, -petivi, -petitus, to be sufficient
susceptio, f., reception
tangere, tetigi, tactus, to touch
tridentinus, of Trent
vetustissimus, very ancient
I. ad summum, at the most
2. necne, or not
3. ex aequo, justly, on a par
4. ex improviso, unexpectedly
s. magna ex parte, in a great degree
6. ex usu, expedient
7. in perpetuum, forever
8. hunc in modum, in this u/ay
9. est ei in animo, he has in nlind, he intends
2. Can. 762
Ex vetustissimo Ecclesiae more nema sollemniter baptizetur, nisi
suum habeat, quatenus fieri possit, patrinum.
EtialTI in baptismo privata patrinus, si facile haberi queat, adhi
beatur; si non interfllcrit, adhibeatur in supplendis baptismi caeremo
niis, sed hoc in i;itSU nullam contrahit spiritualenl cognationem.
Can. 763
Cum baptismus iteratur sub conditione, idem patrinus, quatenus
fieri possit, adhibeatur, qui in priore baptismo forte adfuit; extra hunc
casum in baptismo conditionato patrinus non est necessarius.
Iterato baptismo sub conditione, neque patrinus qui priori baptismo
adfuit, neque qui posteriori, cognationem spiritualem contrahit, nisi
idem patrinus in utroq ue baptismo adhibitus fuerit.
Can. 764
Patrinus unus tantum, licet diversi sexus a baptizando, vel ad sum
mum unus et una adhibeantur.
Can. 765
{]t quis sit patrinus, oportet:
1°. Sit baptizatus, rationis usum assecutus et intentionem habeat
id In unus gerendi.
2°. Ad n ullam pertineat haereticatTI aut schismaticam sectam, nec
sententia condemnatoria vel declaratoria sit excommunicatus aut in
famis infamia juris aut exclusus ab actibus legjtimis, nee sit elerieus
depositus vel degradatus.
3°. Nee sit pater vel nlater vel eonjux b;lptizandi.
4°. Ab ipso baptizando ej usve parentibus vel tutaribus aut, his
deficientibus, a ITlinistro sit designatus.
5°. Baptizandum in aetu baptistni rer se vel per procuratarem
physiee teneat aut tangat vel statim levet seu suseipiat de sacra fonte
aut de manibus baptizantis.
Can. 766
Ut autem quis licite patrinus admittatur, oportet:
1°. Decimum quartum suae aetatis annum attigerit, nisi aliud
justa de causa ministro videatur.
2°. Non sit propter notorium delictum excommunicatus vel ex..
clusus ab actibus legitimis vel infamis infamia juris, quin tamen sen
tentia intercesserit, nee sit interdictus aut alias publice crirninosus vel
infamis infamia facti.
3°. Fidei rudimenta noverit.
4°. In nulla religione sit novitius vel professus, nisi necessitas urgeat
et expressa habeatur venia Superioris saltern localis.
So. In sacris ordinibus non sit constitutus, nisi accedat expressa
Ordinarii proprii licentia.
Can. 767
In dubio utrum quis valide vellicite admitti possit, necne, ad patrini
munus, parochus, si ternpus suppetat, consulat Ordinarium.
Can. 768
Ex baptismo spiritualem cognationem contrahunt tantun1 cum bap
tizato baptizans et patrinus.
Can. 769
!)atrinorum est, ex suscepto munere, spiritualem filium perpetuo
sibi commendatum habere, atque in iis quae ad christianae vitae in
stitutionem spectant, curare diligenter ut ille taleln in tota vita se prae..
beat, qualem futurum esse sollemni caeremonia spoponderunt.
acquisitus, acquired
arbitrium, no, judgment} will
cardinalis, cardinal, principal} chief
collatus, mo, conferring
comitatus, mo, company
commoditas, fo, convenience
commonere (2), -monui, -monitus, to warn, to admonish
comprobare, to prove} to establish
concionator, mo, preacher
conscientia, f., conscience} consciousness, au'areness
cumulativus, accruing
destruere, -struxi, -structus, to destroy
divinitus, divinely
effective, efficaciously
evanescere, -vanui, to t!anish, to disappear
excellere, -celui, -celsus, to excel
exceptio, £., exception
gaudere (semidep. 2), gavisus, to rejoice, to enjoy
ignotus, unknown
impudicus, shameless
inscribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to inscribe
liberum arbitrium, free will
major, greater
memoratus, mentioned
meritorie, meritoriously
nepos, m. and fo, grandchild} nephew, descendant
non-usus, mo, disuse
I. puneto temporis, in an instant
2. sponte sua, of one's Of-un free will
3. nee ••• nec, neither . . . nor
4. certiorem reddere, to in jorrn
5. per se, in and of itself
6. pro hac vice, for tlzis once
7. supra Inorem, n10re than usual
8. supra quod, besides
I. Enclitics. -ce, -ne, -ci, -nam, -pte, -pse, -que, -ve, added to the end
of a word, give the word special force or significance.
a) -ce is frequently attached to the demonstrative pronouns and to
some adverbs for emphasis.
now, at this time; sicce, thus, so; hincce, hence; hucce, hither; illicce,
I. Nobis revelat nihil sponte sua nec verbo nec scripto. 2. Nepotes
certiores reddere debemus, quia avus haec fecit tantum per see 3. Quan
doque puncto temporis cogitamus id quod in vitam nostram influxum
perpetuum habeat. 4. Populus suapte culpa multa privilegia naturalia
perdit, quonian1 pro justitia pugnare nolit. 5. Theologus revera scotista
praeclarus est, et ideo multas doctrinas haereticas rejicit, quae in dies
augent inter nos. 6. Quanam invenitur quis actus pravos reprobet pro
virtutibus praecelsis? 7. Siccine nepotes avi arbitrium complent, cum
bona penitus destruunt quae ille diligenter per vitam praelongam
acquisivit? 8. Quisnam mihi dicet sive ei in animo sit honestatem suam
cornprobare, necne? 9. Con1itatus uterque ibi praesens est, ut cum
concionatore vetustissimo gaudeat, quod electus est ad regis filium
baptizandum. 10. Pueri educatio supra morem curata est, ut, cum
vigesimum primum aetatis annum attigerit, penitus comparatus sit
ad munera principatus supremi suscipienda. II. Romani sane age..
bant, ubi leges pravas revocaverunt quae prohibebant quin christiani
primitivi doctrinas fidei suae exercerent. 12. Si non aviae commoditati
sit ex loco tam remoto venire, nepotes pro hac vice aeroplano eant ad
earn videndanl antequam moriretur. 13. Hicce habemus omnes com..
moditates atque libertates omnes, e contrario, illicce videmus dumtaxat
incommoda, sacrificia praegravia, adeo scelera vitiosa; ergo diligamus
et foveamus hanc terram nostram. 14. Supra quod, populi nixi sunt, ut
sacellum transferrent ad locum quo juxta baptisterium staret, sed non
satis fortes sunt. IS. Tandem in reipsum errorem cecidit ob quem diu
arnicos suos reprehenderat. 16. Me repug-nat cogitatio in illam re..
gionem intrandi, ubi aeris temperies praecalida est, et ubi mihi tam
novum et inauditum videtur nutrimentum. 17. Eccistuln sacelluml
Stetit per duo millia annorum in istoce loco eodem. 18. Quianam
haecce accipis, quando scis omnes socios tuos ea rejecisse? 19. Quo
modo determinare possent ecquis immunitatem a tentatione attigisset,
necne? 20. Haeccine omnia discipuli bene intellexerunt? Si non,
semetipsos sedulo immergant in ea, quoad omne planum fiat.
2. Can. 770
Infantes quamprimum baptizentur; et parochi ac concionatores
frequenter fideles de hac gravi eorum obligatione commoneant.
Can. 771
Baptismus privatus, urgente necessitate, quovis tempore et loco
administrandus est.
Can. 772
Etiam sollemnis baptismus qualibet die administrari potest; decet
tamen adultorum baptismum, secundum antiquissimum Ecclesiae ri
tum, conferri, si fieri commode queat, in pervigilio Paschatis et Pen
tecostes, praecipue in metropolitanis aut cathedralibus ecclesiis.
Can. 773
Proprius baptismi sollemnis administrandi locus est baptisterium in
ecclesia vel oratorio publico.
Can. 774
Quaelibet paroecialis ecclesia, revocato ac reprobato quovis contrario
statuto vel privilegio vel consuetudine, baptismalem habeat fontem,
salvo legititTIo jure cumulativo aliis ecclesiis jam quaesito.
Loci Ordinarius potest pro fidelium commoditate permittere vel
j ubere ut fons baptismalis ponatur etiam in alia ecclesia vel publico
oratorio intra paroeciae fines.
Si ad ecclesiam paroecialem, aut ad aliam quae jure fontis gaudeat,
baptizandus, propter locorum distantiam aliave adj uncta, sine gravi
incommodo aut periculo, accedere aut transferri nequeat, baptismus
sollemnis a parocho conferri potest et debet in proxima ecclesia aut
oratorio publico intra paroeciae fines, licet haec baptismali fonte ca
Can. 776
In domibus autem privatis baptismus sollemnis administrari non
debet, nisi h isce in adj unctis :
I. Si baptizandi sint filii aut nepotes eorum qui supremum actu
tenent populorum principatum vel jus habent succedendi in thronum,
quoties isti id rite poposcerint.
2. Si loci Ordinarius, pro suo prudenti arbitrio et conscientia, justa
ac rationabili de causa, in casu aliquo extraordinario id concedendum
In memoratis casibus baptismus conferendus est in sacello domus
aut saltem in alio decenti loco, et aqua baptismali de more benedicta.
Can. 777
Parochi debent nomina baptizatorum, mentione facta de ministro,
parentibus ac patrinis, de loco ac die collati baptismi, in baptismali
libro sedulo et sine ulla mora referre.
Ubi vero de illegitimis filiis agatur, matris nomen est inserendum,
si publice ej us maternitas constet, vel ipsa sponte sua scripto vel coram
duobus testibus id petat; item nomen patris, dummodo ipse sponte
sua a parocho vel scripto vel coram duobus testibus id requirat, vel
ex publico authentico documento sit notus; in ceteris casibus inscri
batur natus tanquam filius patris ignoti vel ignotorum parentum.
Can. 778
Si baptismus nee a proprio parocho nee eo praesente administratus
fuerit, minister de ipso collato quamprimum proprium ratione do
micilii paroehum baptizati certiorem reddat.
Can. 779
Ad collatum baptismum comprobandum, si nemini fiat praejudi
cium, satis est unus testis omni exceptione major, vel ipsius baptizati
jusjurandum, si ipse in adulta aetate baptismum receperit.
abbas, mo, abbot
abluere, -lui, -lutus, to wash
administratio, fo, administering
appropriatio, fo, appropriation
auctor, mo, author
bacuIus, mo, staff, crozier
chrisma, no, chrism, consecrated oil
circiter, about
consilium, no, advice
durante, during
erga, towards
excipere, -cepi, -ceptus, to receive
expedire, to expedite, to hasten
explere (2), -plevi, -pletus, to fulfill, to complete
extraneus, mo, outsider
frons, fo, fore head
fnlctuose, fruitfully, beneficially
graviter, seriously, gravely
illustrare, to ilIumine
illustratio, fo, illumination
imo (immo), by all means
impulsivus, impelling
indultum, no, dispensation, indult
inspiratio, fo, inspiration
instinctus, mo, instinct
mitra, fo, miter
nefas, unlawful
negligere, -lexi, -lectus, to neglect
nihilominus, nevertheless
oboedire, to obey
pollere (2), -lui, to be strong, to be efficacious
praelatus, m., prelate
presbyter, m., priest
providere (2), -vidi, -visus, to provid~
quanquam (quamquam), although
quinquennium, n., period of five years
rationabiliter, reasonably
septem, seven
septenarius, m., septenary} seven
septiformis, seven fold
subditus, m., subject
unctio, £., anointing
vicarius, m., vicar, assistant
I. aeque ac, as well as
2. haud minus ac, just as
3. quamprimum, as soon as possible
4. ultra fidem, incredible
5. ultra modum, immoderate
6. minime vero, by no n2eans
7. ad id quod, besides that
8. ad verbum, literally; word for word
I. Some prepositions.
a) Adversus (-urn), against, governs the accusative.
adversus legem, against the laws
It sometimes follows a pronoun.
hanc adversum, against this
b) Ante, in front of, before) takes the accusative.
ante sacellum, in front of the chapel
ante bellum, before the war
It may be used in the sense of ago.
ante quinquennium, fitle years ago
c) Apud governs the accusative and may signify before, among, at
the house of.
apud gentes, before the nations
apud Romanos, among the RonJans
apud Petrum, at Peter's house
d) Circa, about, around, governs the accusative and may indicate
either time or place.
circa bapisterium, near the baptistery
circa horam nonam, about the ninth hour
It may also be used figuratively.
circa quae loquitur, about whic.h he speaks
e) Circum, about, around, likewise governs the accusative, but re
fers only to place.
circum ecclesiam, around the church
circum subditos, to his subjects round about
f) Circiter means about, speaking of time or number.
circiter mediam noctem, about midnight
circiter trecentos homines, about three hundred men
2. 1~he optative subjunctive.
a) This subjunctive is used to express a wish. The present indicates
the wish as possible; the in1perfect, as unaccomplished at the present
nloment; the pluperfect, as unaccomplished in the past. The negative
is nee
Mox veniant. May they come soon.
c) The present and imperfect subj unctives of velIe, nolle, and malle
are often equivalent to an optative subjunctive~
Nollem nobis consilium talem dedisset! Would that he had not given
us such advice!
Mellem manus suas abluissent. I had rat/ler that they had u'ashed
their hands.
2. Can. 780
Can. 781
Chrisma, in sacramento confirmationis adhibendum, debet esse ab
Episcopo consecratum, etian1si sacramentum a presbytero, ex jure vel
ex apostolico indulto, ministretur.
Unctio autem ne fiat aliquo instrumento, sed ipsa ministri manu
capiti confirmandi rite imposita.
Can. 782
Ordinarius confirmationis minister est solus Episcopus.
Extraordinarius minister est presbyter, cui vel jure communi vel
peculiari Sedis Apostolicae indulto ea facultas concessa sit.
Hac facuItate ipso jure gaudent, Abbas vel Praelatus nullius, Vi
carius et Praefectus Apostolicus, qui tamen ea valide uti nequeunt,
nisi intra fines sui territorii et durante IT1Unere tantum.
Presbyter latini ritus cui, vi induIti, haec facultas competat, con
firmationem valide confert solis fidelibus sui ritus, nisi in indulto
aliud expresse cautum fuerit.
N efas est presbyteris ritus orientalis, qui facuItate vel privilegio
gaudent confirmationem una cum baptismo infantibus sui ritus
con£erendi, eandem ministrare infantibus latini ritus.
Can. 783
Episcopus in sua dioecesi hoc sacramentum etiam extraneis legitime
ministrat, nisi obstet expressa proprii eorum Ordinarii prohibitio.
In aliena dioecesi indiget licentia Ordinarii loci saltern rationabiliter
praeSulnpta, nisi agatur de propriis subditis quibus confirmationem
conferat privatim ac sine baculo et mitra.
Can. 784
Presbytero quoque licet, si apostolico locali privilegio sit munitus,
in designato sibi territorio confirnlare etiam extraneos, nisi id ipsorum
Ordinarii expresse vetuerint.
Can. 785
Episcopus obligatione tenetur sacralnentum hoc subditis rite et
rationabiliter petentibus conferendi, praesertim tempore visitatjonis
Eadem obligatione tenetur presbyter, privilegio apostolico donatus,
erga illos quorum in favorem est concessa facultas.
Ordinarius, legitima causa impeditus aut potestate confirmandi
earens, debet, quoad fieri possit, saltem intra quodlibet quinquennium
providere ut suis subditis hoc sacramentum administretur.
Si graviter neglexerit sacramentum confirmationis suis subditis
per se vel per alium ministrare, servetur praescriptum can. 274, n. 4.
Can. 786
Aquis baptismi non ablutus valjde confirmari nequit; praeterea, ut
quis Iicite et fructuose confirmetur, debet esse in statu gratiae constitu
tus et, si usu ration is polleat, sufficienter instructus.
Can. 787
Quamquam hoc sacramentum non est de necessitate n1edii ad sa
lutem, nemini tamen licet, oblata occasione, illud negligere; imo
parochi curent ut fideles ad illud opportuno tempore accedant.
Can. 788
Licet sacramenti confirmationis administratio convenienter in Ec
clesia Latina differatur ad septimun1 circiter aetatis annum, nihilomi
nus etian1 antea conferri potest, si infans in mortis periculo sit
constitutus, vel ministro id expedire ob j ustas et graves causas videatur.
Can. 789
Confirmandi, si plures sint, adsint primae manuum impositioni seu
extensioni, nee nisi expleto ritu discedant.
adnotatio, £., conzment) annotation
adscribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to enroll
applicare, -avi or -ui, -atus, to apply
assistentia, f., assistance
cernere, crevi, cretus, to discern
colere, colui, cultus, to worship
conjunctus, m., kinsman) relative
delectatio, f., delight
etsi, although
excedere, -cessi, -cessus, to exceed
fiducia, f., confidence, trust
hebdomada, f., tveek
impellere, -puli, -pulsus, to im pel~ to urge
inchoare, to begin
licet, although
mensura, f., measure
modo, provided that
mundanus, mundane, of the uJorld
nexus, m., relationship) connection
obsecundare, to obey
omnimodus, of every sort) complete
perspicere, -spexi, -spectus, to perceive
praesentare, to present
procidere, -cidi, to fall prostrate
progredi (dep. 3, io), -gressus, to progress, to advance
propterea, on that account
pulchritudo, f., beauty, excellence
refugere, -fugi, -fugitus, to flee from, to escape
renuere, -nui, to refuse} to decline
reverentialis, ret/erent
stultus, foolish
suadere (2), suasi, suasus, to recommend, to persuade
superare, to overcome} to surmount
tennerarius, rash
I. eo quod, to the extent that
2. ad summum, on the whole} in general
3. ad extremum, finally
4. ad postremum, lastly
s. ad ultimum, to tIle last degree, utterly
6. usque ad, up to, as far as
7. multis post annis, after 1nany years
I. Some prepositions.
a) Cis, citra, this side of, within governs the accusative and may
so strong an enemy?
2. Can. 790
Hoc sacramentum quovis tempore conferri potest; maxime autem
decet illud administrari in hebdomada Pentecostes.
Can. 791
Licet proprius confirmationis administrandae locus ecclesia sit, ex
causa tamen quam minister justam ac rationabilem judicaverit, potest
hoc sacramentum in quolibet alio decenti loco conferri.
Can. 792
Episcopo jus est intra fines suae dioecesis confirmationem adminis
trandi in locis quoque exemptis.
Can. 793
Ex vetustissirno Ecclesiae more, ut in baptisrno, ita etiam in con
firmatione adhibendus est patrinus, si haberi possit.
Can. 794
Patrinus unum tantum confirmandum aut duos praesentet, nISi
aliud justa de causa ministro videatur.
Dnus quoque pro singulis confirmandis sit patrinus.
Can. 795
Dt quis sit patrinus, oportet:
1°. Sit ipse quoque confirmatus, rationis usum assecutus et inten
tionem habeat id munus gerendi.
2°. Nulli haereticae aut schismaticae sectae sit adscriptus, nee ulla
ex poenis de quibus in can. 765, n. 2 per sententiam declaratoriam aut
condemnatoriam notatus.
3°. Non sit pater, mater, conjux confirmandi.
4°. A confirmando ejusve parentibus vel tutoribus vel, hi si desint
aut renuant, a ministro vel a parocho sit designatus.
5°. Confirmandum in ipso confirmationis actu per se vel per pro
curatorem physice tangat.
Can. 796
Ut quis licite ad patrini munus admittatur, oportet:
1°. Sit alius a patrino baptismi, nisi rationabilis causa, judicio mi
nistri, aliud suadeat, aut statim post baptismum legitime confirmatio
2°. Sit ejusdern sexus ac confirmandus, nisi aliud ministro in casibus
particularibus ex rationabili causa videatur.
3°. Serventur praeterea praescripta can. 766.
Can. 797
Etiam ex valida confirmatione oritur inter confirmatum et patrinum
cognatio spiritualis, ex qua patrinus obligatione tenetur confirmatum
perpetuo sibi comn1cndatum habendi ej usq ue christianam educa
tionem curandi.
Can. 798
Nomina ministri, confirmatorum, parentum et patrinorum, diem
ac locum confirmationis parochus inscribat in peculiari libro, praeter
adnotationen1 in libro baptizatorum de qua in can. 470, § 2.
Can. 799
Si proprius confirmati parochus praesens non fuerit, de coHata
confirmatione minister vel per se ipse vel per alium quamprimum eun
dem certiorem faciat.
Can. 800
Ad collatam confirmationem probandam, modo nemini fiat praeju
dicium, satis est unus testis omni exceptione major, vel ipsius con
firmati jusjurandurn, nisi confirmatus fuerit in infantili aetate.
I. Some prepositions.
a) Ob, towards, on account of, takes the accusative, and may be
either literal or figurative in usage.
ob Romam, towards Rome
ob rem, for gain
ob earn causam, for that reason
quam ob rem, wherefore
b) Penes, in the power of, governs the accusative.
penes inimicos suos, in the potver of his enemies
penes aliquem esse, to be in the possession of one's faculties
c) Pone, behind, governs the accusative.
Pone altare, behind the altar
d) Post, after, behind, governs the accusative and rnay indicate
place or time.
post agnos, after the lambs
post carcerem, behind the jail
post meridiem, after noon
e) Prope, near, takes the accusative and refers to time or place. It
may be literal or figurative.
prope lucem, towards daybreak
prope ecclesiam, near the church
prope peccatum mortale, close to a mortal sin
f) Supra, above, over, beyond, before, governs the accusative, refers
to time, place, or number, and is used in a literal or a figurative senser
supra memoriam meam, beyond my recollection
supra caelos, beyond the heavens
supra millia hominum, above a thousand men
supra intelligentiam, beyond understanding
bonum exhiberes. 19. Forte domina non postulet cur litteras ejus non
agnoveritis ante hanc hebdomadam. 20. F orsitan vestes non induere
soliti essent quae ad talos pertingerent.
2. Can. 801
Can. 802
Can. 803
Non licet pluribus sacerdotibus concelebrare, praeterquam in Missa
ordination is presbyterorum et in Missa consecrar.ionis Episcoporum
secundum Pontificale RonJ.anum.
Can. 804
Sacerdos extraneus ecclesiae in qua celebrare postulat, exhibens
authenticas et adhuc validas litteras commend3titias sui Ordinarii, si
sit saecularis, vel sui Superioris, si religiosus, vel Sacrae Congregationis
pro Ecclesia Orientali, si sit ritus orientalis, ad Missae celebrationem
3dmittatur, nisi interim aliquid eum comtnisisse constet, cur a 1Yfissae
,,~c lebratione repelli debeat.
Si iis litteris careat, sed rectori ecclesiae de ejus probitate apprime
constet, poterit admitti; si vero rectori sit ignotus, adrnitti adhuc patest
semel vel bis, dummodo, ecclesiastica veste indutus, nihil ex celebra
tione ab ecclesia in qua litat, quovis titulo, percipiat, et nonIen, offici urn
suan1que dioecesim in peculiari libro signet.
Peculiares hac de re normae, salvls huj us canonis praescriptis, ab
Ordinaria loci datae, servandae sunt ab ornnibus, etiam religiosis
exelnptis, nisi agatur de admittendis ad celebrand~m religiosis in
ecclesia suae religionis.
Can. 805
Sacerdotes ornnes obligatione tenentur Sacrum litandi pluries per
annum; curet autelTI Episcopus vel Superior religiosus ut iidem saltern
singulis diebus dom inicis aliisque festis de praecepto divinis operentur.
Can. 806
Excepto die Nativitatis Domini et die Commemorationis omnium
fidelium defunctorum, quibus facultas est ter offerendi Eucharisticum
Sacrificium, non licet sacerdoti plures in die celebrare Missas, ni~i ex
apostolico indulto aut potestate facta a loci Ordinario.
Hanc tarrlen facultatern impertiri nequit Ordinarius, nisl cum,
prudenti ipsius judicio: propter penuriam sacerdotum die festa de
praecepto notabilis fidelium pars Missae adstare non possit; non est
auten1 in ejus potestate plures quanl duas ~v1issas eidem sacerdoti
Can. 807
Sacerdos sibi conscius peccati nl0rtalis, quantumvis se contritum
existimet, sine praemissa sacran1entali confessione Missarn celebrare
ne audeat; quod si, deficiente copia confessarii et urgente necessitate,
elicito tamen perfectae contritionis actu, celebraverit, quamprirnurn
Can. 808
Sacerdoti celebrare ne liceat, nisi j ej unio naturali a media nocte
Can. 809
Integrum est Missam applicare pro quibusvis tum vivis, tum etiam
defunctis purgatorio igne admissa expiantibus, salvo praescripto can.
2262, § 2, n. 2.
Can. 810
Sacerdos ne omittat ad Eucharistici Sacrificii oblationem sese piis
precibus disponere, eoque expleto, gratias Deo pro tanto beneficio
Can. SII
Can. 812
Nulli sacerdoti celebranti, praeter Episcopos aliosque praelatos usu
pontificalium fruentes, licet, sola honoris aut sollemnitatis causa, ha
bere presbyterum assistentem.
Can. 813
Sacerdos Missam ne celebret sine ministro qui eidem inserviat et
Minister Missae inserviens ne sit mulier, nisi, deficiente viro, justa
de causa, eaque lege ut mulier ex longinquo respondeat nec ullo pacta
ad altare accedat.
I. quam pJurimi, as rnany as possible
2. quam maxime, as much as possible
3. sera nacte, multa nocte, late at night
4. surnmus mons, the top of the hill
S. id ipsum, that very thing
6. quod ipsum, which of itself alone
7. per modum actus, by tlJay of specific instances, not habitually
I. Some prepositions.
a) Trans governs the accusative and means across, through,
trans lacum, across the lake
trans media varia, through various means
trans vitam longam, throughout a long life
b) Ultra governs the accusative, means beyond, further, on the
other side, and may express time, place, or measure.
ultra annos infantiles, beyond the years of childhood
ultra Tiberim, on the other side of the Tiber
ultra mensuram, beyond measure
c) Versus, towards, takes the accusative and may be used literally
or figuratively to denote place.
versus Galliam, toward France
versus vitam meliorem, touJard a better life
d) Absque, without, but for, except for, governs the ablative.
Absque me (te, etc.) is sometimes used with the imperfect subjunctive
to introduce a contrary to fact condition.
absque normis, without rules
absque paucis casibus, except for a few cases
absque nobis esset, if it were not for us
e) Coram, in the presence or before the eyes of, takes the ablative.
coram rege, in the presence of the king
f) Cum governs the ablative and may mean with, together with, at.
It is always attached to personal obj ect pronouns and often to relatives..
cum sacerdote, with the priest
prima cum luce, at daybreak
niecum, with me,· tecum, with you; quibuscum, with which
2. The gerundive in an ablative absolute. A clause may be com
pactly expressed by using an ablative absolute made up of the gerun
dive and the past participle of the sanle verb
servatis servandis, after having observed the things that are to be ob
served (literally, the-to-be-observed having-been-observed)
2. Can. 814
Sacrosanctum Missae sacrificium offerri debet ex pane et vino, cui
modicissima aqua miscenda est.
Can. 8IS
Panis debet esse mere triticeus et recenter confectus, ita ut nullum
sit periculum corruptionis.
Vinum debet esse naturale de genimine vitis et non corruptum.
Can. 816
Missae celebratione sacerdos, secundum proprium ritum, debet
panem azymum vel fermentatum adhibere ubicunque Sacrum litet.
Can. 817
Nefas est, urgente etiam extrema necessitate, alteram materiam
sine altera, aut etiam utramque, extra Missae celebrationem, conse
Can. 818
Reprobata q uavis contraria consuetudine, sacerdos celebrans accu
l"ate ac devote servet rubricas SHorum ritualium librorum, caveatque
ne alias caerenl0nias aut preces proprio arbitrio adjungat.
Can. 819
Missae sacrificium celebrandum est lingua liturgica sui cuiusque
ritus ab Ecclesia probati.
Can. 820
Missae sacrificium omnibus diebus celebrari potest, exceptis iis qui
proprio sacerdotis ritu excluduntur.
Can. 821
Missae celebrandae initium ne fiat CItIUS quam una hora ante
auroram vel serins quam una hora post meridiem.
In nocte Nativitatis Domini inchoari media nocte potest sola Missa
conventualis vel paroecialis, non autem alia sine apostolico induIto.
In omnibus tamen religiosis seu piis domibus oratoriun1 habentibus
cum facuItate sanctissimam Eucharistiam habitualiter asservandi,
nocte Nativjtati~ Domini, unus sacerdos tres rituales Missas vel, ser
vatis servandis, unam tantum quae adstantibus omnibus ad praecepti
quoque satisfactionem valeat, celebrare potest et sacram communio
nem petentibus ministrare.
Can. 822
Missa celebranda est super altare consecratum et in ecclesia vel
oratorio consecrato aut benedicto ad normam juris, salvo praescripto
can. 1196.
Privilegium altaris portatilis vel jure vel indulto Sedis tantum Apos
tolicae conceditur.
Hoc privilegium ita intelligendum est, ut secumferat facultatem
ubique celebrandi, honesto tan1en ac decenti loco et super petram
sacram, non autem in mari.
Loci Ordinarius aut, si agatur de domo religionis exemptae, Su
perior major, licentiam celebrandi extra ecclesiam et oratorium super
petram sacram et decenti loco, nunquam autem in cubiculo, concedere
potest justa tantum ac rationabili de causa, in aliquo extraordinario
casu et per modum actus.
Can. 823
Non Hcet Missam celebrare in templo haereticorum vel schismati
corum, etsi olim rite consecrato aut benedicto.
Deficiente altari proprii ritus, sacerdoti fas est ritu proprio celebrare
in altari consecrato alius ritus catholici, non autem super Graecorum
In altaribus papalibus nemo celebret sine apostolico indulto.
accessus, In., access
adversari (dep.), to be opposed
aliunde, hence
ailoqui (dep. 3), -locutus, to address
antiquatus, archaic, out-dated
arcanus, secret, sacred
aspicere, -spexi, -spectus, to look toward
blandiri (dep.), to flatter
bravium, n., prize
castigare, to chastise, to punish
cohortari (dep. I), to encourage, to exhort
compati (dep. 3, io), -passus, to suffer lvith
deserere, -semi, -sertus, to desert, to forsal(e
discere, didici, to learn
haeres, m., heir
insinuare, to hint at, to suggest
interpres, In., expounder, translator
intueri (ciep. 2), -tuitus, to behold} to have in view
jugum, n., yoke
levis, light, slight
obtemperare, to obey
onus, n., burden
peritus, s,killed, expert
plerique, most, very many
praedicare, to preach
praefatus, aforesaid
pronus, prone, inclined
protoparens, m., first parent
quamdiu, as long as
redigere, -egi, -actus, to bring bac k, to reduce
reprobus, cast 00, rejected
resipiscentia, f., repentance
siquidem, inasmuch as
sobrie, soberly
stadium, n., racecourse, race
testari (dep.), to testify
theophania, f., manifestation of God in human form
verax, true
verberare, to beat
versiculus, m., verse
V. Test. (abbr.), Old Testalnent
vocabulum, n., name
I. de hac re hactenus, so much for that
2. ire obviam, to go to 1n eet
3. jam non, no longer
4. jam diu, for a long time
5. jam dudum, long, a long tim~
6. jam jamque, now at this very moment
I. Some prepositions.
a) Prae, before, in comparison with, takes the ablative.
Crucem prae se fert. He bears the cross before him.
Prae templo id parvum est. 1"1his is small in comparison tvith the
b) Pro, in front of, for the sake of, in behalf of, instead of, takes the
pro sacello, in front of the chapel
pro avo, in behalf of the grandfather
pro consule, instead of the consul (proconsul)
c) Sine, tvithaut} governs the ablative.
sine consensu, without the consent
d) Tenus, as far as} up to} governs the ablative. It follows its object
and is frequently attached to the feminine of an adjective pronoun to
form an adverb.
Sinis tenus, as far as China
tecto tenus, up to the roof
hactenus, hitherto
quatenus, so far as
e) Sub, under} governs the accusative when motion is indicated,
but the ablative when it denotes rest in a place.
Ea sub sedem posuit. He put them under the chair.
Aqua sub terra est. There is tvater under the ground.
f) Subter, beneath} below} usually governs the accusative, but may
take the ablative.
subter montem, below the hill
subter lacu, below tile lake
g) Super, over} above} governs the accusative to indicate place.
With the meaning of concerning or about} it takes the ablative.
super capita nostra, over our heads
super socordia, concerning sloth
2. In Latin the present indicative with expressions of duration
of time is used where English requires the present perfect. The im
perfect, therefore, is replaced in English by the pluperfect.
Jam diu credit quoniam filius suus adhuc vivit. He has long believed
that his son is still living.
Jam dudum loquebantur. They had been talking for a long time.
I. nihil aliud, nothing else
Scito jugum non leve esse. K'now that the yoke is not light.
I. aliqua ex parte, in some respect
2. fiat, so be it, very good
3. ut fit, as is commonly the cas~
4. quanto opere, how greatly, how much
s. quin etiam, yea indeed
6. quin immo, yea rather
aequaliter, equally
auctoritas, f., authority
brevis, short
consuetus, accustomed
contemnere, -tempsi, -temptus, to despise
diserte, distinctly} clearly} expressly
insuper, moreover
libitum, n., pleasure} liking
nutrire, to nourish
obex, m. and f., hindrance} obstacle
par, equal
poenitentia, f., penance
praedicatio, f., sermon} preaching
signare, to mark, to stamp
singuli (rarely in singular), separate} individual
ungere, unxi, unctus, to anoint
I. ex professo, avowedly} openly
2. pro libito, at pleasure
3. summo opere, in the highest degree
4. satis superque, enough and more than enough
5. immo maxime, tnost certainly not
6. non modo, not only
7. ne ••• quidem, not even
8. ex opere operato. A sacrament that is administered validly and
19 2
received by a person who is capax has its effect; it works ex opere
operato. If the effect of a good work (e.g., use of the sacranlentals)
depends on a person's spiritual disposition, it works ex opere operantis.
I. The supine.
a) The supine in -um is used after verbs of motion to express pur
Venit remotum obicem. He came to remove the obstacle.
b) The supine in -u is used with a few adjectives and with the nouns
fas, nefas, and opus.
Res factu prava est. It is a wicked thing to do.
2. So-called relative clauses of characteristic require the subj unctive.
These may be identified as follows.
a) The antecedent of the relative pronoun may be indefinite. Res
quasdam fecit, quas non explicare possim. He has done certain things
that I cannot explain.
b) The antecedent filay be negative.
Nihil habent quod velimus videre. They have nothing that we wish
to see.
c) Unus or solus may be the antecedent or modify the antecedent
of the relative pronoun.
Immutatio est sola quae effecta sit. That is the only change that has
Hie casus non dignus est quem consideremus. This case is not worth
collsiderin g.
adolescentia, f., adolescence
adolescere -levi, to grow up
arcere (2), -cui, to prevent, to exclude
articulus, m., point, moment
attenuare, to weaken, to diminish
caput, n., chapter
catechesis, f., oral instruction
classicus, classic
computare, to number
conservator, m., preserver
creatrix, creative
desumere, -sumpsi, to choose, to select
detorquere (2), -torsi, -tortus, to tUJist
detrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to detract
emollire, to soften, to render mild
injurius, unjust, insulting
inspicere, -spexi, -spectus, to examine
irritus, void, null
lapidare, to throw stones at
multifariam, in many places
otiosus, idle, useless, empty
polliceri (dep. 2), -Hcitus, to promise
rebaptizare, to rebaptize
recordatio, f., remembrance
resipiscere, -ivi, to repent
sequens, following
sinus, m., bosom
I. ratum habere, to ratify, .to approve
2. nihil est quod, there is no reason why
3. unus solusque, the sale and only
4. quod sciam, so far as 1 knoUI
5. hoc est, that is
6. nescio quis, some sort of, certain
7. a fortiori, with the greater force, the more so
8. sicut et, just as
I. Suadent ut ipse non modo diem fest urn ratum habeat, sed etiam
annuam ejus observantiam. 2. Monebimus ne SerlTIOneS ejus ad meta
phoras otiosas detorqueant. 3. Nonne persuasisti ut magistra servos
suos doctrinam christianam doceret eorum durante adolescentia?
4. Quando denique admonebitis ut omnes obices positos in viam
suan1 superent? S. Petivi ut semetipsum ab actibus omnibus arceret
qui furorem apud indulti auctorem excitarent. 6. Rogabamini ut as
sumeretis nescio quae onera levia dum pastor Romae esset. 7. Christus
obsecravit ut peccator unusquisque resipisceret. 8. Quis poposcit ut
catechesis pueris daretur priusquam adolescerent? 9. Quod scian1, non
monebunt ne illa vinum nec aquam cum oleo misceat. 10. Dixit eum
medicum unum solumque esse quem tu in civitate ista invenias.
II. Nihil est quod non fiat; quaerent igitur ut nomina sua in libris
paroechialibus inscribantur. 12. Poscit ut artifex capax norlllis ac
materiis novis fiat, antequam eas exponere carpentariis nitatur.
13. Postlllabisne ut quasdam res polliceantur, quas non servare pos
sint? 14. Suadebo ut ante meridiem veniant, ne aviam contristemus,
quae jam dudum nos expectat. 15. Petebat ne emptionem et vendi
tionem colerent eo quod nullum tempus haberent ad ultimum hominis
finem contemplandum.
2. Alius locus vere classicus ille est ubi Christus ipse suam divinita
tern aperte declarat; cum enim Judaei ab eo inquirerent quis esset,
utrum Messias vel non, respondit: "Ego et Pater unum sumus." Jam
vera illa verba intelligenda sunt de unitate naturae, non autem de
unitate morali tantum; nam ita intellecta sunt a Judaeis ipsis, qui
sustulerunt lapides ut Christum lapidarent "quia tu, homo cum sis,
facis teipsum Deum." Nec dicatur postea Christum sua verba emolli
visse, citando textum Scripturae, in quo etiam homines dicuntur dii;
hoc enim, inspecto contextu, est argumenturn a minori ad majus, quasi
diceret: si homines, quibus Deus locutus est, possunt aliquo sensu
vocari filii Dei, nonne a fortiori vocari possum Filius Dei, et quidem
in sensu proprio? N am, addit: "si non facio opera Patris mei, nolite
credere mihi; si autem facio, operibus credite, ut cognoscatis et cre
datis, quia Pater in me est et ego in Patre"; quae quidem verba im
portant Christum vere Filium Dei esse, aequalem Patri, cum faciat
ipsa opera Patris, et in Patre, i.e. in sinu Patris habitet., ex dictis supra;
argumentum enim Christi ad hoc reduci potest: Quorunl eadem sunt
opera, ii idem unumque sunt; atqui mea et Patris mei opera eadem
sunt; ergo ego et Pater meus unum sumus. Quod Judaei ipsi inrel
lexerunt; nam "quaerebant ergo eum apprehendere, et exivit de man i
bus eorum."
Objiciunt quidem Unitarii vocem I{unum" interpretari posse de
unitate morali, nam Christus ipse in ultima coena dixit: "Sint unum
sieut et nos unum sumus." Respondetur autem hoc ultimo loco vim
nativam voeis "unum" attenuari per particulam sicut, eadem fere
modo ac in sequenti phrasi Seripturae: "Estate igitur perfecti sicut
et Pater vester eoelestis perfeetus est"; sed quando vox I{unum}}
non eorrigitur per aliud vocabulum, unitatem naturae signifieat:
aliunde eontextus id postulat; vult enim Dominus probare in hoc loco
neminem posse de manu sua aves eripere, quia, ipse ait, "Ego et Pater
unum sunlus," i.e. ejusdem potentiae, ac proinde ejusdem naturae.
Nee minus validunl est argumentum ex epistola ad Hebraeos de
sumptum: "Multifariam multisque modis olim Deus loquens patribus
in prophetis, novissime diebus istis locu t us est nobis in F ilio quem con
stituit haeredem universorum, per quem fecit et saecula .. e" hie enim
S. Paulus loquitur de Verba Incarnato et ejus divinitatem probat as
serendo: (a) ipsum esse haeredem universorum" i.e~ ea omnia pos
sidere quae Deus ipse habet, nec simplicem esse prophetam, sed Filium
Dei; (b) eumdem habere tlim creatricem "per quem fecit et saecula";
(c) eum esse perfectam et substantialetn imaginem Patris "qui cum sit
splendor gloriae, et hgura substantiae ejus"; (d) eumdem esse con
servatorem omnium "portansque omnia verbo virtutis suae"; (e) ip
sum esse Angelis superiorem, quia est Filius Dei, dum .A . ngeli sunt
tantum ministri ei us, etc; hinc Angeli eum adorare jubentur: "et
adorent eum omnes Angeli Dei." Atqui haec omnia veram divinita
tern important et perfectam cum Patre aequalitatem; ergo.
afferre, attuli, allatus, to bring, to apply
alioqui, in other respects, otherwise
almus, august, benign
aperte, openly
apertissime, most openly
assidere (2), -sedi, -sessus, to sit
brachium, no, arm
circumincessio, f., coexistence
columna, fo, pillar
commentum, no, falsehood
conjungere, -junxi, -junctus, to join together
constantissime, most firmly
convellere, -velli, -vulsus, to pluck, to tear up
cultus, m., u10rship
cupire, to uJish
defluere, -fluxi, -fluxus, to flow from
desiderare, to desire
digitus, mo, finger
disertus, fluent, clear
divus, m., saint
ductus, mo, leadership
eruditus, informed, instructed
exagitare, to harass, to disturb
excogitare, to devise, to invent
flagitium, n., shameful thing
gubernatio, fo, government
interdicere, -dixi, -dictus, to forbid
majores, m., forefathers, elders
misere, wretchedly
nuncius, m., nuncio
perspicuus, clear, definite
praesidere (2), -sedi, -sessus, to preside
praestantissimus, most excellent
processio, f., source, origin, procession
profiteri (2), to profess
quoad, up to, as far as, as many as, as to
Salvator, m., Savior
sane, truly, indeed, very
scindere, scidi, scissus, to split, to rend
similiter, simiIarly
stirpitus, utterly, by the roots
suggerere, -gessi, -gestus, to suggest, to bring to mind
superseminare, to sow, to oversow
symbolum, n., syn1bol, creed
testari (dep.), to testify
tropus, m., trope, figure of speech
zizania, n. pI., cockle, weeds
I. absit, far from it, God forbid
2. mirum quam, 1narvelously
3. mirum quantum, tre1nendously
4. imnlane quantum, monstrously
S. sane quam, enormously
6. valde quam, immensely
7. ad extra, external, outward, outwardly
I. nisi vero, unless indeed
2. nisi forte, unless to be sure
3. nuper admodum, very recently
4. nihil admodum, nothing at all
5. nullus admodum, none at all
6. annos admodum octo, fully eight years
7. operam dare, to take pains
8. successu temporis, in the course of time
made an agreement to meet in that same place each and every year.
Rex lucra ad caritatem afferre statuit. The king resolved to apply th~
profits to charity.
2. Verbs of caution and effort take the subj unctive with ut or uti.
However, the verb conari, to trYJ is usually followed by the infinitive.
Providit uti nihil eis desit. He has seen to it that they lack nothing.
Conabimur venire. We shall try to come.
adorator, m., adorer
aptissime, most aptly
ascribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to ascribe, to apply, to attribute
assererc, -serui, -sertus, to assert
cedere, cessi, cessus, to grant, to yield, to allow
celebritas, f., solemnity
circumgestare, to carry around
clarificare, to glorify
festivus, fe stive~ feast
gravare, to burden~ to oppress
idololatra, m., idolater
imperare, to command
indigne, unworthily
influxus, m., a fiowing in, inpouring
laudabilis, laudable
mandare, to order
manere (2), mansi, mansurus, to remain
particula, f., particle~ small part or bit, phrase
pertinaciter, obstinately
proponere, -posui, -positus, to set before, to propose
quantumcumque, hotvever much
realiter, really
sacramentaliter, sacram entally
sacrarium, n., sacred place, sacrarium
superesse, -£Oi, to remain) to be left over
tantummodo, only
I. una cum, together with, conjointly f>vith
2. in usu, at the moment of usage, in the act of using
3. eo ipso, because of this very thing
4. quam diu, as long as
s. numquam non, always
6. nostrum omnes, all of us
7. unusquisque vestrum, each one of you
affectatus, tloluntary, choice, select
annumerare, to number
anteponere, -posui, -positus, to place before, to prefer
apertius, more openly, more plainly
coelibatus, m., celibacy
connubium, n., marriage
crudelis, cruel
damnare, to condemn
decernere, -crevi, -cretus, to decree
diflundere, -fudi, -fusus, to spr~ad
dirimere, -emi, -emptus, to dissoltle
dispar, unlike, different
ethnicus, m., heathen
exterminare, to destroy
firmitas, f., firmness
flatus, m., blowing, breath
gradus, m., degree
innuere, -nui, -nutus, to intimate
insignior, principal, more outstanding
intelleetio, f., intellect, understanding
jactura, f., loss, harm
merito, justly, with good reason
molestus, irksome
nuptiae, f. pI., marriage
perfector, m., perfecter
pernitiosus, pernicious
perperam, falsely
praecognitus, known beforehand
praedictus, aforesaid
proficisei (dep. 3), -fectus, to set out, to arise
spirans, that which breathes
spirare, to breathe, to exhale
spirativus, breathing
subjungere, -junxi, -junetus, to add
temeritas, f., boldness
trahere, traxi, tractus, to draw, to attract
uxor, f., wife
vereri (dep. 2), veritus, to fear
volitus, wished, wanted
Timent ut judex eligatur. They fear that the judge will not be elected.
nister Patrem adjuvans in processione Spiritus, sed quia Filius est ori
gine medius inter Patrem et Spiritum, et a Patre habet quod possit
spirare Spiritum.
animadvertere, -verti, -versus, to notice, to recognize
annullare, to annul
arbor, f., tree
attentare, to attem pt
clam, secretly
clandestinus, clandestine
cohabitare, to live together
consiliare, to advise
consiliarius, ro., counselor
consilium, n., advice
corruptela, f., corruption
denunciatio, f., prohibition, publication
efl1cax, efficacious
egressio, f., egress, departu~e
flos, ill., flower
hortari (dep.), to exhor't
immemorabilis, immemorial
imperium, ro., command
impulsio, f., force, impulsion
inhabilis, incapable
inobedientia, f., disobedience
malitie, maliciously
mansio, f., home, house
minoratio, f., lessening, diminishing
missio, f., act of sending, emission
palam, openly, publicly
pcrpendere, -pendi, -pensus, to weigh, to conslder
punire, -ivi, -itus, to punish
radius, m., ray
rohnr, 11., strength, eCect, force
sponsus, m., betrothed
suspendere, -pendi, -pensus, to Juspend
vestigium, n., footstep
I. in postenlffi, in the future
2. non obstante, notttJithstandin g
3. tamdiu ... quamdiu, till such time aJ, until
4. robur habere, to take effect
5. ex illo, since then
6. illud quidem ... sed autem, to be sure . .. but Jtill