Kolb Questionnaire
Kolb Questionnaire
Kolb Questionnaire
This questionnaire will probably take you about 10 minutes to complete. The accuracy of your
results depends on how honest you are. There are no right or wrong answers. If you agree more
than you disagree with a statement, place a tick (ü) in the box to the left of the question. If
you disagree more than you agree, leave the box blank. If you find yourself wondering which
situation to think of when answering a question, just think about how you are when you are working
with people. Go with your first gut reaction instead of over-thinking your response.
1. I have strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad.
I often find that actions based on feelings are as sound as those based on careful
thought and analysis.
7. I like the sort of work where I have time for thorough preparation and implementation.
When I hear about a new idea or approach, I immediately start working out how to
apply it in practice.
I am keen on self discipline such as watching my diet, taking regular exercise, sticking
to a fixed routine, etc.
I get on best with logical, analytical people and less well with spontaneous, ‘irrational’
18. I don’t like disorganised things and prefer to fit things into a coherent pattern.
I accept and stick to laid down procedures and policies so long as I regard them as an
efficient way of getting the job done.
22. I tend to have distant, rather formal relationships with people at work.
30. Flippant, superficial people who don’t take things seriously enough usually irritate me.
31. I listen to other people’s points of view before putting my own view forward.
33. In discussions, I enjoy watching the plotting and scheming of the other participants.
I prefer to respond to events in a spontaneous, flexible way rather than plan things out
in advance.
35. I tend to be attracted to techniques such as flow charts, contingency plans etc.
40. It is more important to enjoy the present moment than to think about he past or future.
I think that decisions based on a careful analysis of all the information are better than
those based on intuition.
46. I prefer to stand back from a situation and consider all the perspectives.
47. I can often see inconsistencies and weaknesses in other people’s arguments.
49. I can often see better, more practical ways to get things done.
51. I believe that rational, logical thinking should win the day.
52 I tend to discuss specific things with people rather than engaging in social discussion.
53. I like people who approach things realistically rather than theoretically.
If I have a report to write, I tend to produce lots of drafts before settling on the final
In discussions, I often find I am a realist, keeping people to the point and avoiding wild
61. In discussions with people I often find I am the most dispassionate and objective.
In discussions I’m more likely to adopt a ‘low profile’ than to take the lead and do most
of the talking.
63. I like to be able to relate current actions to the longer-term bigger picture.
64. When things go wrong, I am happy to shrug it off and ‘put it down to experience’.
68. I tend to be tough on people who find it difficult to adopt a logical approach.
70. I don’t mind hurting people’s feelings so long as the job gets done.
71. I find the formality of having specific objectives and plans stifling.
72. I’m usually one of the people who puts life into a party.
You score one point for each item you ticked. There are no points for items you crossed. Go
back over your responses and simply circle the question number in the table below for each
question you ticked. Then add up the number of circled responses in the Totals row.
2 7 1 5
4 13 3 9
6 15 8 11
10 16 12 19
17 25 14 21
23 28 18 27
24 29 20 35
32 31 22 37
34 33 26 44
38 36 30 49
40 39 42 50
43 41 47 53
45 46 51 54
48 52 57 56
58 55 61 59
64 60 63 65
71 62 68 69
72 66 75 70
74 67 77 73
79 76 78 80
Activist Reflector Theorist Pragmatist
Please cut/tear off this section and hand it to your team leader
Name: ___________________________________________________________
THEORISTS want handouts, something to take away and study. They learn best from activities
§ The learning forms a part of a conceptual whole, such as a model for a theory;
§ There is time to explore the interrelationship amongst elements;
§ They can explore the theory and methodology underlying the subject under investigation;
§ They are intellectually stretched;
§ There is a clear and obvious purpose to the activities;
§ There is a reliance on rationality and logic;
§ They can analyse situations and then generalise their findings;
§ They are asked to understand complex situations.
REFLECTORS want lots of breaks to go off and read and discuss. They learn best from activities
§ There are opportunities to observe and consider;
§ There is a strong element of passive involvement such as listening to a speaker or watching a
§ There is time to think before having to act or contribute;
§ There is opportunity for research and problems can be probed in some depth;
§ They can review what was happening;
§ They are asked to produce reports that carefully analyse a situation or issue;
§ There is interaction with others without any risks of strong feelings coming to the fore;
§ They can finalise a view without being put under pressure.
PRAGMATISTS want shortcuts and tips. They learn best from activities where;
§ There is a clear link back to some job-related problem;
§ Material is directed towards techniques that make their work easier;
§ They are able to practice what they have learned;
§ They can relate to a successful role model;
§ There are many opportunities to implement what has been learned;
§ The relevance is obvious and the learning is easily transferred to their jobs;
§ What is done is practical such as drawing up action plans or trialing techniques or procedures.
CONVERGERS (Abstract conceptualization/Active experimenter) think about things and then try
out their ideas to see if they work in practice. When they learn they will ask 'how', and will want to
learn by understanding how things work in practice. They like facts and will seek to make things
efficient by making small and careful changes. They prefer to work alone or independently.