2001 - Introducing Motion in A Circle - Roche
2001 - Introducing Motion in A Circle - Roche
2001 - Introducing Motion in A Circle - Roche
Motion in a circle troubled Newton and his contemporaries and troubles
students today. This article attempts to give a clear presentation of certain
aspects, particularly centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force.
a knowledge of Newton’s laws of motion and his 1 radian will be swept out in 1/ω seconds, and
law of gravity. I have encountered difficulties of 2π radians will be swept out in 2π/ω seconds,
understanding in each of these areas—both on my which is just T , the period of revolution.
part and on the part of my students—and I shall
deal one by one with those that are relevant. Defining acceleration
I find that students often have a very unclear
The geometry of the circle understanding of the concept of acceleration in its
I introduce angular measure by asking students to full generality. I do not believe it is helpful to
explain each of the units found on their calculators, launch it immediately with a measuring definition
usually abbreviated to D R G. I ask how many and even less so with a mathematical formula, nor
‘radians’ there are in a right angle, approximately, is it particularly helpful at this point simply to say,
and often receive no response. I then say there are generally, that a body is accelerating if its velocity
about 1 21 radians in a right angle, or about 6 in a is changing in magnitude or direction. When I ask
circle, and sketch a radian. It is most important that students how acceleration is measured I usually
students can imagine the radian approximately, get the reply ‘metres per second squared’. When
and not simply know it as a concept associated I ask them what they mean by ‘second squared’
with a formula. (Again and again, I encounter the class usually falls silent. In fact, as I have
students who somehow confuse the symbol 2π attempted to show elsewhere, ‘second squared’
with 360.) Finally, I say that the ‘grade’ divides the has no meaning and this notation is the result of
right angle into 100 units, and that it was invented an incoherent merging of Fourier’s dimensional
during the French Revolution when all units were analysis with Gauss’s quantity calculus in the late
being decimalized [8]. nineteenth century [10].
What motivated the invention of the radian? I have found that the most successful
This requires more careful explanation. I say that explanatory definition of acceleration is the
6.283. . . (2π) of them are required to sweep out a ‘addition of velocity to a body’ since this applies
complete circle. I ask why such an inconveniently to all kinds of acceleration and is rigorous. (This
large unit is used, worse: one that does not even is the definition used by Galileo: see [11].) I
fit into a circle a whole number of times. I then also state that the direction of acceleration is the
turn to the circle and show that, if the degree is direction in which velocity is being added. The
used as an angular unit, the equation relating arc class will already be familiar with the straight
(s), radius (r) of a circular arc and angle (θ) has line acceleration of a car. This works them into
the clumsy form s = (2π/360)rθ. If the radian a concrete mode of thinking. I then ask how
[9] is used I show that this relationship becomes the acceleration of a car is measured. Primed
the far more convenient expression s = rθ. It is a by the earlier definition I may get the answer
considerable problem for some students to know ‘velocity added per second’. I then apply this to
when to use degrees and when to use radians. In free fall under gravity and persuade them to tell
the theory of motion in a circle angles are always me that a velocity of about 10 metres per second
measured in radians. is added every second to a falling body. After
I usually introduce angular velocity in terms 1 second this gives 10 metres per second, it adds
of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. I up to 20 metres per second after 2 seconds, and
define it as the angle swept out per second by so on. Clearly, the measuring definition of the
the imaginary line running from the Earth to acceleration of gravity is 10 metres per second
the Moon1 . I find students generally have little added every second, or 10 metres per second, per
difficulty with the derivation of the formula v = second, for short. I discourage them from writing
ωr once they know s = rθ . It is also important to 10 metres per second squared and, instead, ask
derive for them the period formulas, T = 2π r/v them to write 10 m/s/s [12]. Once this concept
and T = 2π/ω. The latter they find rather abstract is clearly expressed more accurate values can be
but it can be made more intuitive by pointing out introduced.
that if ω radians are swept out in one second, The example of a projectile helps the class to
understand that velocity can be added to a body
1 About 2.5 microradian per second. in a direction that is perpendicular to the actual
velocity of the body, or indeed in any direction velocity is so directed that it reduces the velocity
whatever. This means, of course, that acceleration a little in the tangential direction, but increases
can be in any direction, irrespective of the present it in a perpendicular direction, by just the right
direction of velocity. A vector graph or animation amounts so that the resultant velocity has the same
showing velocities added during the motion of the magnitude as before—and is turned through the
projectile is essential here. At this stage I find appropriate angle.
that students appear able to grasp the directional Since velocity is being added to the body, it
independence of velocity and acceleration without is accelerating. Acceleration in a technical sense
too much difficulty. may not, therefore, mean an actual increase in
speed. It is best to point out to the class here
Explaining centripetal acceleration that some of them may experience a conflict with
their pre-scientific understanding of acceleration,
Consider the Moon M (figure 1(a)), travelling for
which might lead them to assume that whenever
a moment parallel to the tangent to its orbit. If
a body accelerates its speed must increase.
velocity were not being added to the Moon in an
However, all that is required scientifically for
inwards direction, it would continue moving off
acceleration is that velocity is being added—
inertially along its tangent. If just the right total
whether or not it results in an increase, decrease
amount of velocity, in the right direction, is added
or no change in speed is unimportant. In this case
in each short period of time, the Moon will end
velocity is being added in a direction that always
up after each such period having the same velocity
points towards the centre of the circle. This means
magnitude as before, but it will be travelling along
that the acceleration is centripetal—towards the
the tangent to the orbit in its new position. The
angle in the diagram is greatly exaggerated to help
Bodies do not accelerate spontaneously. If a
visualize the explanation.
body is accelerating there must be another body or
It may be difficult for beginners to grasp that
agency exerting a force upon it. For a stone whirled
adding a velocity can mean that the body ends
around by a string the body directly acting on the
up with the same velocity magnitude as before,
stone is the string, and the force is the tension of
and a velocity vector construction (known as a
the string pulling the stone inwards. For a planet
hodograph) helps to make this clear (figure 1(b)).
orbiting the Sun it is the gravitational field of the
The figure can be used to show that the added
Sun, acting directly on the planet, that causes it
to accelerate centripetally towards the Sun. The
Sun does not make the planet move, but it does
impress a circular form on the existing motion
of the planet2 . Without the attraction of the Sun
the planet would fly off at a tangent, following its
natural inertial motion.
I find it very important not to tell the students
at this point that a centripetal acceleration is caused
by a ‘centripetal force’ because they will surely
come to believe that centripetal force is a new
kind of force along with gravity, contact forces
and electromagnetic forces. Furthermore, they
may even think of centripetal force as something
abstract, and not link in their minds to any agency
which exerts it. There is, of course, no such
special category of force as ‘centripetal force’. I
state that any force which truly causes centripetal
Figure 1. (a) Adding velocity to the Moon. The
direction in which velocity is being added, δ v , is the 2 Although the Moon and many planets have nearly circular
mean direction of acceleration. The angle θ is greatly orbits, all planetary orbits are, of course, more precisely
exaggerated for convenience. (b) The hodograph described as elliptical. In such orbits the Sun does modify
(velocity vector diagram) of (a). the actual speed of the planet, in a periodic manner.
Calculating the centripetal acceleration really make sense to say that this equation ‘is’
I will conclude with the derivation of an expression the centripetal acceleration. Like all equations
for centripetal acceleration. My goal here is to in physics it represents a relationship between
provide the simplest and most intuitive proof. The distinct physical quantities, for example between
following version is standard, but not perhaps the lunar centripetal acceleration and the quantities
nuances, so I will give it in full. upon which it depends—tangential velocity and
In figure 1(b) δ v is the small velocity added angular velocity.
Since v = ωr, there are two other versions of
during the short time δt. The mean acceleration in
this equation,
magnitude, therefore, is given by
a = v 2 /r and a = ω2 r.
a = δv/δt
The version to choose depends, of course, on the
where δv is the scalar magnitude of the vector problem in hand, and it should be selected to
δ v . A scalar derivation is easier for beginners. simplify the calculations as much as possible.
(Later, this can be generalized to a = dv /dt.)
Received 29 January 2001, in final form 14 March 2001
The direction of acceleration is, of course, that of PII: S0031-9120(01)21457-9
δ v , the added velocity.
Since all three velocity scales are equal on
the diagram, the numbers measuring velocity in
[1] Huygens C 1888–1967 Oeuvres complètes vol 16
each case can equally well be interpreted as (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff) pp 28–30
numbers measuring the lengths of the sides of [2] Dugas R 1958 Mechanics in the Seventeenth
the isosceles triangle MAB. For the second part Century (Neuchâtel: Editions du Griffon)
of the proof, therefore, we will think of the pp 294–6, 353–73
numbers representing v, v and δv simply as ad Westfall R 1971 Force in Newton’s Physics
(London: Macdonald) pp 167–77, 352, 426,
hoc numerical measures of the lengths of the sides. 432
This sudden transition to a purely geometrical [3] Dugas R 1958 Mechanics in the Seventeenth
interpretation here of δv and the two v’s needs Century (Neuchâtel: Editions du Griffon)
to be pointed out, otherwise the explanatory jump p 296
may perplex many students. [4] Westfall R 1971 Force in Newton’s Physics
(London: Macdonald) p 433
If AB is very small it can be regarded to a good [5] Warren J W 1979 Understanding Force (London:
approximation as representing the magnitude of John Murray) pp 20–21
the circular arc AB linking the radii MA and MB. Duncan T 1994 Advanced Physics (London:
It follows that John Murray) pp 170–1
[6] Warren J W 1979 Understanding Force (London:
AB = MA δθ John Murray) p 9
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δθ in figure 1(b) should be measured in radians. Eur. J. Phys. 18 68–74
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of δv and v. From its measuring definition, the
[7] Roche J 1997 Introducing vectors Phys. Educ. 32
acceleration 339–45
[8] Roche J 1998 The Mathematics of Measurement:
a = δv/δt = vδθ/δt = vω. a critical history (London: Athlone, Springer)
pp 146–7
This is perfectly accurate only when δθ is [9] Roche J 1998 The Mathematics of Measurement:
idealized to an infinitesimal size4 . It does not a critical history (London: Athlone, Springer)
p 134
4 Infinitesimals are still commonly used in physics as interim [10] Roche J 1998 The Mathematics of Measurement:
idealizations or useful fictions which immediately lead on to a critical history (London: Athlone, Springer)
the formal sense of derivatives [23]. pp 202–7
[11] Galileo G 1952 Dialogues Concerning the Two [21] This analysis has a long history behind it, in both
New Sciences transl. H Crew and A de Silvio science and engineering:
Great Books of the Western World vol 28 Keill J 1745 An Introduction to Natural
(Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica; Philosophy (London) pp 285–6
1st Italian edn, 1638) p 200 Rankine W J M 1877 A Manual of Applied
[12] Roche J 1998 The Mathematics of Measurement: Mechanics (London: Griffin) pp 491–2
a critical history (London: Athlone, Springer) Jamieson A 1903 A Text-book of Applied
pp 227, 239, 281 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
[13] For an excellent explanation see Young H D and (London: Griffin) pp 88–96
Freedman R A 2000 University Physics Bevan T 1958 The Theory of Machines (London:
(San Francisco: Addison-Wesley) pp 140–1 Longmans) pp 226–7
[14] Westfall R 1971 Force in Newton’s Physics Mabie H M and Reinholtz C F 1987 Mechanisms
(London: Macdonald) p 429 and Dynamics of Machinery (New York: John
[15] Website http://observe.ivv.nasa.gov/nasa/space/ Wiley) pp 396–9
centrifugal/centrifugal1.html [22] Lorentz H A 1935–9 Collected Papers vol 5
[16] Goldstein H 1980 Classical Mechanics (Reading, (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff) p 28
MA: Addison-Wesley) pp 16–18 [23] Roche J 1998 The Mathematics of Measurement:
[17] Kreyszig E 1999 Advanced Engineering a critical history (London: Athlone, Springer)
Mathematics (New York: John Wiley) p 436 pp 84–5
[18] For an excellent analysis of several of these
issues see Warren J W 1979 Understanding John Roche teaches courses in the
Force (London: John Murray) 17–19 history of physics at Linacre College,
Oxford, and courses in physics and
[19] Goldstein H 1980 Classical Mechanics (Reading, applied mathematics at Oxford Brookes
MA: Addison-Wesley) pp 178–9 University. His chief research interest
[20] Mabie H M and Reinholtz C F 1987 Mechanisms lies in the use of history and forensic
and Dynamics of Machinery (New York: John analysis to try to clarify some of the more
Wiley) pp 396–9 refractory concepts of classical physics.