Processing: Fig. 16. Mature Luffa Gourd Fruits

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For ‘wet seeds’ such as cucumber, wax

gourd, bitter gourd and melons, cut the fruit
lengthwise and scrape seeds out with a
spoon (Fig. 18). Allow seeds and the jelly-
like surrounding liquid to sit in a container
at room temperature for 1–2 days (Fig. 19).
Fungus may start to form on top. Stir daily.
The jelly will dissolve and good seeds will
sink to bottom while remaining debris and
immature seeds can be rinsed away. Spread
Fig. 16. Mature luffa gourd fruits seeds on a paper towel or screen until dry.

brownish color (Fig. 17). Bitter gourd fruits For ‘dry seeds’ such as luffa and bottle
will turn orange. Some wax gourds will be gourd, keep the seeds in the fruit until they
covered with a pale-white powdery wax on naturally separate from the flesh. This can
the surface of the fruit. After harvest, the be identified when you shake the fruit, the
fruits can be kept in a shed for a couple of sound of seeds moving inside is heard. Cut
weeks to allow the seed to further ripen. off the bottom of the fruit and shake the
seeds out, winnow to clean the remaining
chaff, then place the seed on a screen for
further drying before storage.

Figs. 17–19. Wet seed extraction: mature cucumber (left), seed extraction (center), and ferment-
ing seed (right)

10 | Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds

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