The Educational Theory of Jean Paul Sartre
The Educational Theory of Jean Paul Sartre
The Educational Theory of Jean Paul Sartre
©2001 NewFoundations
edited 8/18/11
1. Theory of Value: What knowledge and skills are worthwhile learning? What are the goals of education?
Knowledge of the self as an autonomous individual as well as the skills to work through problems and conflict
that come in confronting the world (facticity) and people (others). Education is to help the human being come to
terms with his individual project, accept his freedom and facticity, and emerge as the unique human being that he
is. [Burstow, p. 180]
To learn authenticity and learn to live authentically (see Theory of Human Nature). To prepare the student to
create meaning (for self and facticity) and be able to act on and direct meaning toward a goal. [Being and
Nothingness]. To help students take responsibility for their own life, their own decisions, and help them
understand their role and responsibility vis-a-vis others (as a "being-for-others").
2. Theory of Knowledge: What is knowledge? How is it different from belief? What is a mistake? What is a lie?
Knowledge starts with awareness of self as an individual separate from all others, as being for-itself separate
from being in-itself.
Mistakes are made through "self-deception", when the individual attributes reason/causality to fate or
determinism rather than to individual will and the personal decision to act upon that will.
To make excuses for behavior is a mistake, by absolving self of responsibility. A lie is to assert any fact as pre-
determined, beyond the pale of human existence and control.
3. Theory of Human Nature: What is a human being? How does it differ from other species? What are the
limits of human potential?
Human existence precedes essence ... people first exist and confront themselves, emerge in the world, and then
define themselves, their essence. 1/3
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Human potential may be limited by others, who act in conflict and may limit the other individual's freedom. This
may be overcome through resistance and it is through this resistance, the act of assertion and the meaning it
creates, that one attains freedom.
Limits are what we choose to do/create for ourselves, we are responsible for our chosen limits.
4. Theory of Learning: What is learning? How are skills and knowledge acquired?
Learning is defining oneself as autonomous, being aware of this otherness, and defining meaning of the world
and the individual life. One learns by confronting the resistance that comes from other beings, whose existence
potentially limits individual freedom, and through reflection of this otherness together with facticity (experience
the world as it is).
Learning is construction meaning for the world that one experiences and constructing values for one's own life.
5. Theory of Transmission: Who is to teach? By what methods? What will the curriculum be?
Teacher is one who facilitates child through their initial project, to overcome their crucial event and provide
tools for their radical conversion to attain personal freedom. This is done by awakening the student to learn of
the potential of human behavior.
6. Theory of Society: What is society? What institutions are involved in the educational process?
Society is the convergence of external facticity (the world as it is) and each individual confronting both their
own internal facticity (their personal "world" history) as well as the desires of others. Society is where each
individual learns to emerge as autonomous as a "being-for-others" together with others with goal to attain
personal freedom vis-a-vis the others. [Being and Nothingness].
Society is the sum of social relations between individuals, reflected by the groups and institutions that comprise
society. Society and social conditions provide a context for, they influence our personal choices.
All must be educated to confront the world and prepare to construct their meaning and values.
All must learn (as being-for-others) to make decisions and take actions that take responsibility for self and for
relations to others in the world.
8. Theory of Consensus: Why do people disagree? How is consensus achieved? Whose opinion takes
Disagreement (conflict and resistance) is inherent in human existence and the world as the existence of others
creates natural possibility that one will limit the freedom of the other. Since one can only have control over
oneself (autonomy) conflict is an ongoing reality.
We reach consensus by taking responsibility to construct our individual lives and values in a way that is
responsible to the reality of the existence of others, and we decide/act as we would want others to as they take
responsibility for my existence. 2/3
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Sartre, Jean-Paul. Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology, edited by Hazel E. Barnes,
New York, 1956.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Critique of Dialectical Reason: a theory of practical ensembles, edited by Johnathan Red,
translated by Alain Sheridan Smith, London, 1976.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Search for a Method, edited by Hazel E. Barnes, New York, 1957.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Psychology of the Imagination, translated by Bernard Frechtman, New York, 1956.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Anti-Semite and Jew, translated by Berge J. Becker, New York, 1948.
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