Stay-Tuff Installation Guide Final Oct 13

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fence

Planning & Installation Guide

Using Wood Braces

Copyright 2013 Stay-Tuff Fence | All Rights Reserved

High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

How to Use this Planning and Installation Guide

This guide will help you to understand and plan Planning Section
your Stay-Tuff® Fixed Knot High Tensile Fence, as In this section, we will use an Example Map to
well as provide you with step-by-step installation walk you through the process of Planning. What
guidelines. you learn here will help you plan and map your
own fence.
The guide is divided into two distinct sections:
Planning and Installation. There is also an Ap- Together, we will:
pendix with tools to help you plan and install
your fence. • Create a sample map of a completed fence line
• Determine the types and number of support
The Fixed Knot resists
elements that will be needed, including Braces
slipping vertically or
and Line Posts
horizontally. Solid vertical
Stay Wires resist bending • Create a Checklist of the Materials needed to
or folding. install the fence based on the map
Installation Section
Using a straight run of fence taken from the
An important and unique feature of the Stay-Tuff
Example Map, we will take you through the
high tensile fence that you should keep in mind
installation process:
as you read the Guide is that it is supported and
held under tension by braces at the beginning • Preparing the fence line
and end of each run. The Line Posts between the • Installing Braces and Line Posts
braces are intended only to hold the fence wire
• Attaching, tensioning, splicing and trimming
vertically in place.
out the fence
In this Guide, we will describe how to install the
high tensile fence with wooden braces.

Fixed Knot Fence Anatomy

Top Wire
End Wrap End Wrap
Stay Wire (Vertical Wire)
Line Wire (Horizontal Wire)

Tension Crimp

Fixed Knot

End Wrap
End Wrap

Bottom Wire

i To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

For Your Safety • Use the recommended tools suggested in the

Installation Section of this manual.
• Always wear protective gloves, boots • Always read and follow the instruction manuals
and clothing to prevent serious cuts and supplied by the manufacturers of the tools and
punctures when handling fence com- equipment you use.
ponents and tools.
• Inspect all tools and equipment before use to
• Protective eye wear is a must. Sharp edges and be sure that they are functioning properly and
ends on fencing wire, staples and other com- are safe to use.
ponents can cause serious eye injury. • Any tools or equipment that appear to be
damaged, worn, or not functioning correctly
• Coiled fence rolls are packaged under tension.
should be taken out of service immediately and
Be cautious and stay clear of the roll as releas-
should not be used.
ing the strapping to prevent injuries when the
tension is released. Be cautious—the release of • Know and respect local building codes where
tension can be sudden. applicable.
• Work with a partner to make the job easier
• Always use a Spinning Jenny Smooth Wire
and safer.
Payout when unreeling high tensile smooth
wire from coils. • Take your time and be cautious.

Need More Information?

Contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist at: Toll Free: 1-888-223-8322
Telephone: 1-830-608-9302
Stay-Tuff Fence Facsimile: 1-800-608-5114
1000 N. Walnut Ave., Suite #225
New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Email:
If you have any comments or ideas on how to
Website: improve this Guide, please let us know.

Basic Fence Anatomy

Wood High Tensile Fixed Knot Fence Above Ground Wood

Brace Brace
Below Ground

Boss Post T-Post

Line Posts

Straight Run

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences



1. PLAN & MAP YOUR FENCE ON PAPER 1 b. Line Posts: T-Posts & Bosses 7
A) Have a Total Plan 1 c. Gates 8
B) Getting Started 1 d. Large Water Gap Gates 8
C) Map Land-Use, Natural Features 2. HOW MUCH FENCE TO ORDER 10
& Fence Line 2 A) Length of Fence Line 10
D) Map Fence Support Elements 3 B) Livestock and Predator Fence Profiles 10
a. Braces 3 C) Calculate How Many Rolls of Fence
i. Brace Components 3 You Will Need 11
ii. How a Brace Works 4 3. COMPLETED EXAMPLE MAP 12
iii. Brace Configurations 5 4. COMPLETED MATERIALS CHECKLIST 13
iv. Brace Specifications 6













Graph Paper for Planning and Mapping How to Strip Fixed Knots from
the Fence Line 37 High-Tensile Wire Fences 39
Blank Checklist: Materials, Tools & Accessories 38 How to Tie a High-Tensile Wire Slip Knot 41

iii To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces


A) Have a Total Plan Soil Conservation Service (SCS). Find a
Thoroughly planning and mapping your fence is local service center at:
the easiest way to ensure that your fencing
project goes as smoothly and economically as • The local Agricultural Extension Office.

possible. Find your local Extension Office at
This is also your chance to plan for the long term
use of your property and future developments • Online sources such as Google Earth at
you would like to make.

Throughout the Planning section, we will discuss Property Lines: It is very important that
the steps involved in making a Map, and to yo
you know the location of all property
demonstrate the various steps, we will create an llines with absolute certainty BEFORE
Example Map. At the end of the section, you will you begin fence construction. Be sure
have a completed Example Map. By then, you tto consult
lt tthe most recent survey of the proper-
should have a very good idea as to how to make ty no matter how sure you are of property lines!
your own map for determining the following:
Underground Utilities & Easements: It is
• How to map of the fence line critical to know where any underground
utilities such as water, phone, electrical,
• The number, size and types of materials you
and gas lines are BEFORE you dig.
will need to construct the wood braces that
will support the fence at the beginning and In the United States, contact your state’s ‘Call
end of each straight run Before You Dig’ number by dialing 811. You will be
• The number and type of Line Posts you automatically connected to the 811 service for your
will need state. You can also visit for more
• Additional materials you will need such as information.
Guide Wires, Staples, etc.
If any underground utilities do exist, the appro-
• The number, size and type of Stay-Tuff fence
priate utility company will mark your property to
rolls you will need
show the locations and types of existing lines
B) Getting Started free of charge.

To begin, we suggest sketching a map of your Never fence across easements such as above–
property. ground gas pipelines and power lines without
notifying and getting approval from the neces-
Some helpful tools to use as a basis for your
sary authorities.
map are:
Use a scaled graph paper* to sketch a map of
• A copy of the current survey of the property
your property, especially the area to be fenced,
available from:
land use features and natural features.
- A survey company
- Your local Tax Assessor *You can also copy the sample graph paper in the Appendix
located in the back of this manual.
• Aerial photography available from:
- The Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS), formerly known as the

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

C) Map Land-Use, Natural Features Natural Features:

& Fence Line • Natural obstacles such as stream-beds or
Sketch a map of your property that includes: other dips
Land Use Features: • Rough terrain: Avoid if possible when adding
fence line
• Property lines (See previous page)
• Trees: Do not plan to use a tree as a post. If

• Underground utility lines, if any

the trees falls, your fence will fall with it.
(See previous page)
• Water gaps:
• Easements, if any (See previous page)
- Avoid if at all possible
• Grazing acreage, pens and stalls
- Run the fence parallel to streams, above the
• Cultivated fields and forage/breeding areas
flood line whenever possible
• Feeding and hunting areas
- For small, shallow water gaps, build a solid
• Roadways
fence over the top
• Turning radiuses and gate widths for equipment
- If you cannot avoid a large water gap,
• Be sure to consider changes in land use and
see Large Water Gap Solutions on page 8
facilities over the next 5, 10, 20+ years and plan
your fence installation accordingly





(floods during rain)












8’ 8’ 16’

ROAD SCALE 1/32” = 1’ 0”
For completed
Example Map,
see page 12

2 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

D) Map Fence Support Elements

Fence Support Elements

Line Posts

Brace Boss Post T-Post Brace

Fence elements are comprised of: Brace Anatomy
10” Cross Member 4”
• Braces (pages 3 - 6) that are designed to Brace Brace
anchor a high tensile fence and support its Pin Pin
weight Brace Inline
Wire Strainer
• T-Posts (page 7) which hold the fence vertical
• Bosses (page 7) which also hold the fence Fence Pull
vertical, but provide extra support along the
fence where there are severe dips, hips
(humps) and ledges in the fence line

i) Brace Components Brace End
Post Post
The Brace is designed to keep the fence ten-
sioned (tightened) and support its weight. For
Brace Pins (4" and 10") hold the Cross Member
this reason, Braces must be at the beginning and
in place on wood braces. Use 1/2" or larger
end of each straight run of fence. Braces are the
Galvanized Pins. Nails and screws are not recom-
key to a solidly built fence.
End Posts are the anchors of your fence. The
Brace Wires (aka Twitch Wire) are used on wood
fence wire is attached to these posts at the
Braces to transfer force between the posts of the
beginning and end of each straight run.
brace. Without a Brace Wire, the entire brace will
Brace Posts are used in conjunction with the lean in the direction of the pull of the fence.
Cross Member to hold the End Post in place and Typically, the Brace Wire is made from two
increase the amount of surface area of post that wraps of 12.5 gauge high tensile wire or 9 gauge
is in contact with the soil. low tensile wire. The 12.5 gauge high tensile wire
is recommended because it does not stretch.
Cross Members connect End and Brace Posts
to allow them to distribute the force of the fence. Inline Strainers tighten the Brace Wire on wood
Brace assemblies. These can be used to retight-
Important: Do not use T-Posts as cross en the Brace at any time should the Brace be-
members. come loose due to factors such as changes in
seasons or soil movement.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

D) Map Fence Support Elements (cont’d)

ii) How a Brace Works


Cross Member


Brace End Force Action:

Post Lowering the angle 5 Post
1 Fence Load (Pull)
between the Brace
The Load of the fence pulls against the top
Wire and the ground 2 of the End Post (Top)
results in more
3 Cross Member pushes against the Brace Post
horizontal force, thus
pulling the post The Brace Wire picks up the load and transfers it to
4 the base of the End Post
forward instead of up
and out of the ground. 5 The End Post (Base) transfers the load to the ground
6 Ground

The Brace distributes the load of the fence.

Wood Braces are designed so that ultimately, Softwood posts used for Braces need to be
the End Posts will transfer the full force of the pressure treated with a preservative to resist
tension and weight of the fence to the ground. damage from termites or other insects and
This also applies to additional loads from animal decay. Chromate copper arsenate (CCA) is the
pressure and objects impacting the fence. most common preservative on the market and a
minimum treatment level of 0.40% is advised for
The tops of End Posts, pulled in the direction of most conditions. In wet or boggy soils 0.60% is
the fence, transfer the load via the Cross Mem- recommended.
ber to the Brace Posts. This, by way of the Brace
Wires, transfers the load to the base of the End Hardwood posts do not require treatment.
Posts and from there to the ground.
It is not recommended to use landscape timbers
For this transfer to work, the angle of the Brace or other sawn lumber for brace posts or cross
Wire to the ground must be 30 degrees or less. members. Landscape timbers typically have only
If the angle is too steep the Brace Wire will 0.28% CCA treatment, making them unsuitable
create an upward force pulling the End Post out for burying. Sawn lumber will warp and bend
of the ground. At a proper angle the force will be under the forces that exist in the Brace.
horizontal and transferred to the surrounding
Wood posts should be a minimum of 6” in
soil. The only way to decrease the angle is to
diameter for 4’ fences and 7” in diameter for
widen the Brace.
taller fences. See Chart in Wood Brace Configu-
ration (on the next page) for more information
on post sizes.

4 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

D) Map Fence Support Elements (cont’d) Double H Braces can be used where a wider
Brace is needed or where the forces of the fence
iii) Brace Configurations pulling on the Brace will be stronger than normal.
Use the Wood Braces in the configuration that is
appropriate for the fence you are building. Double-H Inline Brace Assembly
Use as anchor/tie off points where the fence

Single-H End Braces
changes directions 15 degrees or more, or where
8 Foot Fence - 16’ to 20’
the End Braces are more than 1,320’ apart.
6 Foot Fence - 12’ to 15’

Fence Pull Fence Pull

5 Foot Fence - 10’ to 12 1/2’ 4” Brace Pins

4 Foot Fence - 8’ to 10’ 10”

Cross Member Cross Member 10”
Brace Brace
Pin Pin
10” 4”
Bra e
Brace Cross Member Brace ce Wir
Wir ce
Pin Pin e Bra

4’6” 5’6” 7’ 8’6”

Fence Pull re

Brace End
Post Post
3’6” 4’6” 5’ 5’6” Brace End Brace
Post Post Post

The Impact of Soil Type on the Brace

Design You Choose
Soil type is the key aspect of determining which
Use Single-H End Braces at the ends of a brace design to use. The presence of sandy soils,
straight run. rocks or frost lines are a few of the factors in
Single-H End Braces can withstand a force of determining the type of brace (Double-H vs.
between 1,500 and 3,000 pounds, depending on Single-H) and the diameter and depth of the posts.
width, depth of posts, and soil type. Sandy and light soils require larger diameter
posts and deeper post depths. Double H End
Double-H End Brace
Braces (utilizing 3 posts driven into the ground)
Fence Pull
10” Brace Pin are often required in these cases.
Cross Member Cross Member 4”
Brace Brace
Pin Pin
In regions with severe freezing and thawing
Bra Bra
e cycles, it is often necessary to utilize deeper post
depths as well. In these instances, the posts
must be set below the frost line to prevent them
being heaved out of the ground.

If it is not possible to set posts to the desired

Post depth, an alternative is to use larger diameter
posts and/or make the brace wider. Both of
Double-H End Braces will support 40 to 50% these options will increase the strength of the
more force than a Single-H Brace. brace. Note that these options should only be
used when absolutely necessary and should not
be seen as a way to “cheat” on post depth.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

D) Map Fence Support Elements (cont’d) iv) Brace Specifications

Single-H Wood End Braces

Brace Placement Minimum Specifications
• A Brace is required every time a fence starts,
stops, or changes direction, regardless of the POSTS & CROSS MEMBERS: Single-H
Item Quantity 4’ Fence 5’ Fence 6’ Fence 8’ Fence
length of the run

End & Brace

2 8’ x 6” 10’ x 6” 12’ x 6” 14’ x 7”
• The ideal width of the Brace should be 2 1/2 Posts*
1 Wood* 10’ x 5” 12’ x 5” 16’ x 5” 16’ x 5”
times the height of the fence Cross
Members Or 1
10’ x 2 3/8” 12’ x 2 3/8” 16’ x 2 7/8” 16’ x 2 7/8”
• The spacing between Single-H Braces can be up Tubing**
* Hardwood or CCA Treated Softwood
to 1,320’ apart. Fence runs longer than 1,320’ will ** SS-40 H.T. Tubing
require an Inline Brace for additional support.
HARDWARE: Single-H Braces
• For curves, add an Inline Brace or Boss Post Item Quantity Description
depending on the size of the curve 1 4” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin
Brace Pins
1 10” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin
• On corners of 15 degrees or more, a full Corner
Double Wrap 12 1/2 Ga. Cl.3
Brace is required 1
Brace Wire Hi-Tensile Wire
or 1 Double Wrap 9 Ga. Cl. 3 Wire
• If there is a possibility that other fence lines Wire Strainer 1 Ratchet Type Inline Strainer
will connect to your new fence in the future, Staples 1 1 3/4” Cl. 3 Double Barbed
install the required End Posts for the future
fence while you lay out the fence you are Double-H Wood Braces
currently planning Minimum Specifications
Inline Brace
(Double-H) POSTS & CROSS MEMBERS: All Double-H
Corner Brace
(Double-H) Item Quantity 4’ Fence 5’ Fence 6’ Fence 8’ Fence
End Brace
End & Brace
3 8’ x 6” 10’ x 6” 12’ x 6” 14’ x 7”
2 Wood* 10’ x 5” 12’ x 5” 16’ x 5” 16’ x 5”
Members or 2
10’ x 2 3/8” 12’ x 2 3/8” 16’ x 2 7/8” 16’ x 2 7/8”
Corner Tubing**
* Hardwood or CCA Treated Wood Softwood
** SS-40 H.T. Tubing
Single-H Brace Gate Brace HARDWARE: Double-H End Braces
Double-H Brace
Item Quantity Description

1 4” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin

Brace Pins
2 10” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin
Angle Brace Double Wrap 12 1/2 Ga. Cl.3
Brace Wire Hi-Tensile Wire
Fence wire should be on the side from which the most or 2 Double Wrap 9 Ga. Cl. 3 Wire
pressure will come: facing in for livestock or facing out Wire Strainer 2 Ratchet Type Inline Strainer
for exclusion fencing. Staples 2 1 3/4” Cl. 3 Double Barbed

On curves, the fence wire should be on the outside

edge of curves as shown. This is so the fence is pulled HARDWARE: Inline, Corner & Angle Braces
against the Posts instead of away from them. Item Quantity Description

2 4” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin

Brace Pins
2 10” X 1/2” Galvanized Pin
Double Wrap 12 1/2 Ga. Cl.3
Hi-Tensile Wire
YOUR MAP Brace Wire
or 2 Double Wrap 9 Ga. Cl. 3 Wire
For a completed Example Map,

see page 12 SMALL DIP

Wire Strainer 2 Ratchet Type Inline Strainer
Staples 2 1 3/4” Cl. 3 Double Barbed

6 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

D) Map Fence Support Elements (cont’d) T-Post Sizes:

Fence Ht. Size
At minimum, use painted 1.33
4” 6’ 6”
b) LINE POSTS: T-POSTS & BOSSES lbs-per-foot weight T-Posts. 5’ 8’
Line Posts consist of T-Posts and Bosses. For a Galvanized T-Posts are more 6’ 8’
Stay-Tuff High Tensile Fixed Knot Fence, they are 8’ 10’ 4”
expensive, but provide longer
set using 20’ to 25’ spacing depending on: protection against rust and corrosion.

• Terrain: In rough terrain, place Line Posts closer • T-Post center spacing should be on 20’ to 25’
and use line bosses in dips and on humps centers for most applications
• Soil: In light or sandy soils, place Line Posts • A combination of Line Bosses and T-Posts will
closer give the best results. When using a combina-
• Turns in fence line: Place Line Posts closer and tion of T-Posts and Line Bosses, use a 4:1 ratio,
use line bosses so that you have 4 T-Posts to every 1 Line Boss.
• Animal pressure: place Line Posts closer in Bosses/Strength Posts
high animal pressure applications
• Bosses are larger than T-Posts and can be
Stud made of one of the following materials:
o Hardwood
T-Post X-Section o CCA treated softwood
o Structural tubing
o Galvanized pipe
• Bosses are used for additional strength in the
T-Post fence line
• Place at the lowest point in a dip and at the
crown of a hump to hold the fence up or down
as required. HINT: Standing on a guide wire in
a dip will show you where to place the Boss.
Steel T-Posts are commonly used as Line Posts.
T-Posts are so named because they have Boss Sizes:
cross-sections in the shape of the letter T.
Wood Steel

Fence Ht. Size H x Dia Size H x Dia

Typically, T-Posts have raised Studs on the flat
4’ 8’ x 6” 7’ x 2 3/8”
side to help hold fence wire in place and a
5’ 10’ x 6” 8’ x 2 3/8”
spade at the bottom to help hold the post in
6’ 12’ x 6” 9’ x 2 3/8”
the ground.
8’ 14’ x 7” 12’ x 2 3/8”

T-Posts are an economical alternative to heavier

wood or steel Line Bosses.
T-Posts are available in a range of heights and BOSSES TO YOUR MAP
weights. Be sure to purchase heights appropri- For a completed Example Map, STREAM

ate for the fence you are building. see page 12 SMALL DIP

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

D) Map Fence Support Elements (cont’d)

• For optimum Gate placement, take into account
livestock and equipment access and traffic. Slam-latches (self-locking latches) are
• Try not to set gates perpendicular to the fence advisable for working stock

line. If a gate must be perpendicular, use a gate

• Gates must have close tolerances ADD GATES TO FUTURE END

• Set gates so that they swing back against the




fence, not through For a completed Example Map,


• Plan for equipment height in facilities if you see page 12

use an overhead gate

8’ 8’


d) LARGE WATER GAP GATES Before consulting with a professional fencing

Large water gaps in fence lines usually require a company, have the following ready:
more complex fence solution from a fence • Digital photos from upstream and downstream
professional or engineer. and from both sides of the gap
In a typical water gap fence solution, a Water • The type of fence you plan on using up to the
Gate (aka Flood Gate or Swing Gate) is suspend- gap
ed from a firm support and its shape conforms • The dimensions of the gap
to the shape of the channel into which it is
• Purpose of the fence: What are you keeping in
suspended. The Water Gate swings or pivots on
or out?
the support when under pressure from high
water, without impeding water flow. It returns to • Nature of the water: river, constantly
vertical when the water subsides. The wider the flowing stream or stagnant water, frequent
gap and deeper the channel, the more complex flooding, etc.
the Gate will have to be. Very wide gaps may
Stay-Tuff does not engineer or build large water
require multiple Water Gates.
gap fences, but we can guide you to reputable
professionals who do. For more information,
please contact Stay-Tuff at 1 888 223-8322 or

8 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Examples of Water Gate Construction


Typical Single Water Crossing Gate.


Typical Double Water Crossing Gate


Typical Large Water Crossing Gate



For a completed Example Map,
see page 12 DITCH
(floods during rain)

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

2) HOW MUCH FENCE TO ORDER B) Livestock & Predator Profiles

Stay-Tuff Fixed Knot Fencing comes with varying
A) Length of Fence Line
wire spacings to help in predator control as per
There are a number of ways to determine the the illustration below. Select the one appropriate
length of fence you need. for your needs.

• Count off your paces the old fashion way Predator Proof
3” x 3” at bottom of fence
• Track your walk with a smartphone GPS app
which are free on iPhones and Android OS
phones (Samsung, LG, HTC, etc.)
Predator Control 7”
• Use a measuring wheel or tape measure 3” x 6” at bottom of fence
• Use measurements from an aerial map or 3.5”
graph paper that has been created to scale 3.5” 7”

7” 7”

Livestock 7” 7”
no predator control

7” 6”

7” 6”

6” 4”
4” 4”
3” 3”

6” 3” 3”
3” 3”
GPS apps are available Measuring wheel 5” 3” 3”
free on smartphones. 5”
3” 3”
3” 3”

12” Spacing* 6” Spacing 3” Spacing

* Spacing between Vertical Wire (stays) is nominal and may vary slightly
from the examples shown.

ADD MEASUREMENTS For additional predator control consider a high-

TO YOUR MAP tensile Class 3 Galvanized Barbed Wire with
For a completed Example Map, STREAM

4-point barbs every 3” as a bottom and/or top

see page 12
strand to your fence. This will discourage preda-

tors from digging under the fence or climbing

over the top.

Predator Control High-Tensile Barbed Wire

10 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

C) Calculate the Number of Fence Rolls You will Need

Total Fence Length Needed/Roll

Length Feet* = Number of Rolls
Rounded Up

Any extra fence can be used for repairs in the

*For roll lengths, see table below.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

3. EXAMPLE MAP COMPLETED - 4’ Fence with Predator Control




116’ Fence
Splice 3

Splice 2
45’ Fence

Splice 1 DITCH
(floods during rain)

100’ Fence
144’ Fence
Example for Installation Section
Splice 4

(install now)
T-POSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)

BOSSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
SINGLE-H END BRACE . . . . . . . . . (2) BUILDING

CORNER BRACES . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)

(install now)


E Splice 5
Splice 8


112’ Fence

16’ GATE
44’ Fence
Splice 7

128’ Fence

Splice 6
8’ 8’ 16’

ROAD SCALE 1/32” = 1’ 0”

12 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Now that you have completed the plan map, it is For a blank checklist that you can copy,
a good idea to summarize the materials you see page 38.
need such as in the Checklist below, that is
based on the Example Map on page 12.

Stay-Tuff Fixed Knot Fence Qty. Page(s)

Fence Product Num. Height x Length, ft. Stay Wire Spacing Num. of Line Wires Feet/Roll Rolls

1348-6 4’ X 795’ ✓
❏ 24” ❏ 12” ❏ 6” ❏ 3” 13 _____ 200’ _____ 330’ _____ 660’
3 10-11

Length, ft. Dia., in. Ea.
End & Brace Posts (wood)
8’ 6” 27 6

Sgl. H End (1 ea.) + Dbl. H End (1 ea.) + Corner/Angle (2 ea.) + Inline (2 ea.) Ea.
Brace Pins, 4” X 1/2” 2
____ X 1 = ____2 ____ X 1 = ____ 7
____ X 2 = ____ 14 ____ X 2 = ____ 16 24
Sgl. H End (1 ea.) + Dbl. H End (2 ea.) + Corner/Angle (2 ea.) + Inline (2 ea.) Ea.
Brace Pins, 10” X 1/2”
____ X 1 = ____2 ____ X 2 = ____ 7
____ X 2 = ____ 14 ____ X 2 = ____ 16
Cross Members Length, ft. Dia., in. Ea.

❏ Wood ❏ Steel Tubing 10’ 2 3/8” 16 6

Brace Wire Length/Brace = 4 x Distance A to B ( ) plus ❏ 12” or ❏ 18”


❏ Smooth 9 Ga. Cl. 3

❏ Smooth HT 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 * 48’ x Num. of Strainers ____
Total Brace Wire = Length/Brace ________ 16 = ________
768 ft. BELOW
Ratcheted Inline Strainer One Strainer Per Brace Wire Installed
Ratcheted Inline Ea.
One Handle minimum.
Strainer Handle More for crews working on multiple Braces at the same time 2
Guide Wire
Length, ft. + ✓
❏ Brace Wire ❏ 10 lb. Coil = 440’ Coils

❏ Smooth HT 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 *
_______ + 768 = _________
_______ 1,563 ft. ✓
❏ 50 lb. Coil = 2,200’ 1 18
Length, ft. 1,320’/Roll Rolls
❏ Predator Control
HT Barbed Wire

Inline Posts, Splicing & Affixing Fence

Post Centers Length Weight Ea.
T-Posts T-Post

25’ 6’ 6” 1.33 18 7

❏ Wood ❏ Steel Length Dia. Ea.
Boss/Strength Posts
8’ 6” 1
Long Crimp Sleeves 13 8 Ea.

12 to 16 Ga.
Num. of Sleeves = Num. Line Wires _________ x Num. Splices _________
104 31

Use: Num. of Clips = Num. of Clips/T-Post _________ 6 Ea.

T-Post Clips ✓
❏ Normal x Num. of T-Posts _________ 18 108
❏ Heavy Size Ea.
Num. of Clips = Num. of Clips/Steel Post _________
Steel Pipe/Tubing Clips ❏ Feral Hog X Num. of Steel Posts _________ 34-36
Num. of Staples = Num. of Staples/Wood Post ______ X Num. Size Ea.
Staples, Double Barbed,
19 114
8 Ga. Cl.3
of Wood Line & Brace Posts (optional) ______ = ______
9 x 3 = ______
Add Num. End/Corner Posts ______ 27 1 ¾” 141
* If you are using Smooth HT Wire 12.5 Ga. Cl.3 for both Guide Wire and Brace Wire, add those two lengths together to
determine the total number of Coils you will need for both.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences


In this section, you will learn how to install your Stay-Tuff High Tensile
Wire Fence.

Before you begin this section, you must review the Planning section first.

Is Your Map of the Fence Line Competed?

Your fence plan map should be completed before you begin the installa-
tion of the fence. It is an important tool for the installation. Your map
should show the fence line and indicate where Braces, Line Posts and
Gates are to be placed. See page 12 for an example of a Completed Map.

The Materials Checklist

In the Appendix on page 38 is a Materials Checklist form that you can
copy and use to make sure you have all the fence elements that you will
need before you begin the installation. See page 13 for an example of a
completed Materials Checklist

Quick Overview
Using a single straight run of fence taken from the Example Map, we will

take you through the installation process:

For instructional
purposes, we will • Preparing the fence line • Attaching, Tensioning, Splicing
construct this single • Installing Braces and Line Posts and Trimming out the fence
section of fence
(above) taken from
the Example Map In practice when building a fence line with multiple Braces, it is usually
on page 12. best to:
See below for how the 1) First install all of the End/Corner Posts and Guide Wires
finished example fence
will look for this section 2) Then lay out and install all the Brace Posts and Line Posts for the
of fence line. entire fence
3) Then assemble all of your Braces
4) Finally install, tension and affix the fence wire to Brace Posts and
Line Posts

Tools Checklist
Make sure you first read through the entire Installation section. In part,
this is so you will know what tools you will need. Each Installation step
begins with a recommended tool list.

This will be To help you with your own tool list, see the Appendix on page 38 for a
the finished
fence example. Tools Checklist that you can copy and use.

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces


Prepare the Fence Line Area
The fence line area as determined by your plan should be cleared and
cleaned before starting the fence installation.

The optimum width for your cleared fence line path should be wide
enough to drive along.

Remove all deadfall, brush or other obstacles along the path of the

Fill, level, and tamp any holes along the path of the fence to minimize
predator incursions.

For Your Safety

• Always wear protective gloves, boots and clothing to prevent serious
cuts and punctures when handling fence components and tools.
• Protective eyewear is a must. Sharp edges and ends on fencing wire,
staples and other components can cause serious eye injury.
• Coiled fence rolls are packaged under tension. Be cautious and stay
clear of the roll when releasing the strapping to prevent injuries as the
tension is released. Be cautious—the release of tension can be sudden.
• Always use a Spinning Jenny Smooth Wire Payout to payout coils of
High Tensile Smooth Wire.
• Use the recommended tools suggested in the Installation Section of
this manual.
• Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by the
manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.
• Inspect all tools and equipment before use to
be sure that they are functioning properly and are safe to use.
• Any tools or equipment that appear to be damaged, worn, or not
functioning correctly should be taken out of service immediately
and should not be used.
• Know and respect local building codes where applicable.
• Work with a partner to make the job easier and safer.
• Take your time and be cautious.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences


Components Needed:
End Posts (2)
Post Depths in Concrete (optional)
Firm Soils
Map of Fence Line
Depending on the post setting method you plan to use:
• Post Driver/Pounder
• Post Hole Driller
• Portable Self-Powered Auger
End Post

Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied

Fence Post Setting by the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.
Height Size Depths

4’ 8’ x 6” (dia.) 3’ 6”
5’ 10’ x 6” (dia.) 4’ 6”
6’ 12’ x 6” (dia.) 5’ 0” End Posts mark the beginning and end of a straight fence run.
8’ 14’ x 7” (dia.) 5’ 6”
Spacing between End Posts of a straight, uninterrupted run can be
For sandy soils and
consistently wet up to 1,320’ without the need for additional Inline Braces.
soils, you need
additional depth. Wood posts in firm soils should be driven into the soil 3 1/2’ to 5 1/2’
depending on soil type and fence height.

Wood posts can be pounded into place or set in pre-drilled holes.

Driven Posts: In most cases, a driven post is the best option as it can
withstand greater force than one placed in a pre-drilled hole. The undis-
turbed soil around a driven post enables the post to handle higher loads.
Slope soil
down and away Slope ground soil down and away from post for drainage.
from post for
Drilled Holes: If you dig the post holes with a portable auger or drill,
tamp small amounts of dirt at a time. For best results, be sure to return
all of the excavated soil back into the hole and tamp it down firmly.

Setting Post in Firm Soil

16 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Mark the depth you need to dig the hole on your auger so you
know when you have reached the right depth.
Slope concrete
above ground
down and away
from post for Concrete Setting
drainage. Using concrete to set End Posts has the effect of making the post larger
in diameter. This will create more surface area for interaction with the
Width = surrounding soils. Even with concrete, the posts must be placed deep
3x post size
Slight bell minimum enough or movement will still occur. When using concrete it is suggest-
shape for
greater ed to have the bottom of the hole belled-out to anchor the concrete
hold in soil
under undisturbed soil.

6” of Gravel or Concrete The top of the concrete footer should be sloped so that water can
at bottom of hole
runoff away from the post.
Setting Post in Concrete
Allow two days for cement to cure before pulling on any posts set
in concrete.


Do not notch wooden posts – this weakens the post and
can expose untreated wood in a treated post.

Do not cut the tops of wood posts. The ends of the post are fully treated
during the pressure treatment process and cutting them off leaves an
opening in the protection.

Post Setting Methods

Portable Post Hole Driller Post Driver/Pounder

Self-Powered Auger

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Guide Wire
End Post End Post


Components Needed:
Coil Wt./
Code No. Type Description Approx. Length
GW 398 10 lb./440’
Smooth Wire 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 HT
GW-399 50 lb./2,200’
Predator Control 15.5 Ga. Cl .3 HT with
STDW-573 1,320’
Barbed Wire 4-Point Barbs every 3”

Use a Spinning Jenny to Hammer
payout smooth high tensile
Guide Wire. Spinning Jenny Smooth Wire Payout (SAFC-100)
High Tensile Wire Cutter (KN-570)
Smooth Wire Puller (RE-560)

High Tensile Wire Cutter Safety Note: Always use a Spinning Jenny to payout High

Tensile Smooth Wire from coils.

Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied
by the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.
Smooth Wire Puller and

Run the Guide Wire

Although optional, a Guide Wire pulled between the two End Posts
makes setting the Line Posts and Brace Posts much easier. The Guide
For extra predator Wire can be temporary or permanent.
control consider using
a High-Tensile 15.5 Ga. Use a High-Tensile Wire for best results.
Class 3 Galvanized Tie-off the Guide Wire on one of the End Posts using a High Tensile Wire
Barbed Wire with Slip Knot. (See page 41 of the Appendix: “How to Tie a High-Tensile
4-point barbs every Wire Slip Knot”.)
3”, which will discour-
age predators from Position the knot on the side of the End Post where the fence will be.
digging under the Do not position the knot in the center of the End Post. (See page 19
fence. Position this Illustration: Guide Wire Installed)
wire very near or on Run the Guide Wire to the second End Post where it will be tightened
the ground. first before tying off.

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Tightening the Guide Wire with a Smooth Wire Puller

Guide Wire Using a Smooth Wire Puller is the easiest way to tighten the Guide Wire.*
on same side of
End Post that 1) Wrap the Smooth Wire Puller chain around the second End Post and
fence will be on then back through the clamping jaws on the end of the chain.

2) Place the end of the chain into the chain walking jaws of the Puller.

3) Manually pull the Guide Wire until it is relatively tight and then place
the wire into the clamping jaws on the handle of the Smooth Wire
Puller. These jaws lock onto the wire as tension is applied.

4) Tighten the Guide Wire by cranking the handle to walk the jaws up
the chain.

5) Once the Guide Wire is tight, wrap it around the End Post and cut it
with High-Tensile Wire Cutters, leaving roughly 2’ of extra wire to
make a knot.

6) We recommend using a special high-tensile slip knot to tie-off the

Smooth Wire Puller: Guide Wire. (See Appendix page 41 for “How to Tie a High-Tensile
Jaws clamping wire
Wire Slip Knot”.)

7) Once the Guide Wire is tied off, release the tension on the Guide Wire
by walking the jaws of the Smooth Wire Puller back down the chain.

8) Pick up the Guide Wire and drop it. This snaps the guide wire to its
natural position between the two End Posts, giving you a straight
Smooth Wire Puller: fence line to use for accurate post placement.
ready for action
*Alternatively, you can use a conventional Come-along or Line Puller.

Guide Wire Installed

High Tensile Guide Wire High Tensile

Wire Slip Knot Wire Slip Knot
Cut the Guide Wire with
2 feet available to tie off Inside the Fence
Outside the Fence

End Post End Post

Overhead view of the two End Posts with Guide Wire

on same side of End Posts

Guide wire tied off with

High Tensile Wire Slip Knot
on the side of the End Post

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

End Post End Post

Brace T-Post Boss* T-Post T-Post T-Post Brace

Post Post
20’-25’ 20’-25’ 20’-25’ 20’-25’ 20’-25’ 20’-25’

Position (but do not set) the 4) POSITION BRACE POSTS AND LINE POSTS
Brace Posts and Inline Posts
according to the plan for
Components Needed: Fence Brace Post to
this section of fence.
Two wood Brace Posts Height End Post Spacing
* Note small dip T-Posts 4’ 8’ - 10’
needing a Boss. 5’ 10’ - 12 1/2’
Bosses 6’ 12’ - 15’
8’ 16’ - 20’
Map of Fence Line
Measuring device:
• Measuring Wheel or Tape Measure
• Smartphone Walking App


Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied

SMALL DIP by the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

We recommend laying out all fence support elements – Brace Posts,

T-Posts and Bosses - along the Guide Wire for correct spacing before
you set them into the ground.
We will construct this
section of fence taken For the two End Posts you will of course need two Brace Posts, one for
from the Example Map
on page 12.
each Brace.

From your Map of the Fence Line done during Planning stage (see page
12), you will have a very good idea of how many T-Posts and Bosses you
Brace Post Spacing will need.
Post End Brace Posts: Ideal width between an End Post and the Brace Post of a
Post Brace should be a minimum 2 times the height of the fence to about
Guide Wire
2 1/2 times (preferable) the height of the fence (e.g. for a 6’ fence,
spacing should be between 12’ to 15’).

Posts: T-Post center spacing should be 20’ to 25’.

Using all Line Bosses or Strength Posts will make a stronger but more
Position (but do not set)
the Brace Posts according costly fence.
to the plan for this section
of fence from the map. When using a combination of T-Posts and Bosses, use a 4:1 ratio, so that
you have 4 T-Posts to every 1 Boss.

Instead of T-Posts, use Bosses in all dips, hips (bumps), and ledges for
extra support.

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Boss Important
Do not notch the wood Brace Posts or wood Line Bosses
Guide Wire – this opens up the protection from the preservative and
weakens the post.

Do not cut the tops of wood posts— the ends of the post are full treated
during the pressure treatment process and cutting them off leaves an
opening in the protection. Set them deeper instead.

Place a Boss in any Small

Other Brace Types
Inline Brace
Corner Brace
Boss End Brace

Guide Wire

Single-H Brace Gate Brace
Double-H Brace

Place a Boss on top of any
Small Humps Angle Brace

Fence wire should be on the side from which the most pressure will come: facing
in for livestock or facing out for exclusion fencing.

On curves, the fence wire should be on the outside edge of curves as shown.
This is so the fence is pulled against the Posts instead of away from them.

Once you are satisfied with the spacing of the fence supports, you can
set the Brace Posts.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

20-25 ft 20-25 ft 20-25 ft 20-25 ft 20-25 ft 20-25 ft

End Brace T-Post Boss* T-Post T-Post T-Post Brace End

Post Post Post Post


Set all Brace Posts, End Posts, T-Posts and Bosses on the same side of
Post the Guide Wire. (See illustration below)

Set Brace Posts

Post Set Brace Posts in the same way you set the End Posts.
Set Line Posts
1) Be sure to set the T-Posts with the Studs facing the Guide Wire. The
Studs prevent the fence from sliding up or down the post once the
fence is Trimmed Out.
Wire 2) A Boss should be set on the top of every hump and in the bottom of
all dips, regardless of spacing. This will help anchor the fence at all
high and low points.

Brace Post is set on same

side of Guide Wire as the

End Post Boss Boss

Guide Wire

Set Boss in Small Dip Boss set on Small Hump

Inside the Fence

High Tensile Guide Wire High Tensile

Wire Knot Wire Knot

End Brace T-Post Boss T-Post Brace End

Post Post Post Post

Outside the Fence

Overhead view of the two Braces with Guide Wire and Line Posts.
Note that all Posts are on the same side as the Guide Wire.

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

End Post End Post

Cross Member Cross Member
Brace Post Brace Post


Components Needed for two Single-H End Braces
Post Cross Members of either:
• Hardwood or CCA Treated Softwood
Post • SS-40 Tubing
Cross Brace Pins of two sizes:
Member • 4” X 1/2” Galvanized Pins for End Posts (HS-203)
• 10” X 1/2” Galvanized Pins for Brace Posts (HS-204)

Guide Tape measure, Marker, Hammer
Drill and 1/2” Wood Drill Bit long enough to drill through the Brace Post

SS-40 Tubing Cross Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied
Member measured and by the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

cut, ready for installation

In this section, we will position how high off the ground we want the
Cross Members to be between the End Posts and Brace Posts and cut
them to fit. Then, we will install the Brace Pins that will hold the Cross
Members in place and finally, install the Cross Members themselves.

bottom top Positioning Cross Members

We will measure and cut the Cross Members so they fit between the
tops of the End Posts and Brace Posts.
3 2 1 To do this, measure the fence wire from the bottom wire up to midway
Figure 1 between the 2nd and 3rd wire from the top. (Figure 1)
If you are not setting the bottom wire of the fence at ground level
and want the fence raised, add the extra height off the ground to
the measurement.

Record this measurement and mark it on the center of the inside

(facing) surfaces of the Brace Post and End Post. (Figure 2)
These two marks are where the Brace Pin holes will be drilled and where
the Cross Members will be positioned.
This measurement places the Cross Member between the 2nd and 3rd
Figure 2 line wire of the fence, making it easier to tie off.

Measure the distance between the two marks and cut the Cross Member
to fit.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Brace Post Install Brace Pins

10” Pin Installation
The Brace Pins support the Cross Member between the End Post and
Brace Post.

Use a drill bit that is the same diameter as the Pins and long enough to
drill through the Brace Post.


1) Drill the hole for the 10” Brace Pin completely through the Brace Post.

2) 2) Drive the 10” x 1/2” Brace Pin into the Brace Post from the outside of
the Brace until it is flush with the inside surface of the Brace Post.


1) Mark a 2” depth on the bit and drill a 2” deep hole at the mark on End
Brace Pin is flush on inside
2) Drive the 4” Brace Pin into the End Post, leaving 2” exposed.
face of Post

End Post If you are using a wood Cross Member, drill pilot holes in the center of
4” Pin Installation both end faces into which to set the Brace Pins during installation.

The End Post may not always require a single 4” Brace Pin. See the table
below where the End Post needs two 4” Brace Pins depending on the
Brace configuration.

Brace Pin in End Post Brace Pin Use

with 2" exposed Brace 4” 10”
Brace Config. Overhead Pin View Pins Pins
Cross Member
Installation Single-H End Brace 1 1
Double-H End Brace 1 2
Inline Brace 2 2

Corner/Angle Braces 2 2
1) Place Cross Member on the
4” Brace Pin in End Post 4” Pin 10” Pin Fence Pull
before final positioning
Cross Member Installation
1) Place one end of the Cross Member over the 4” Pin on the End Post.
Then move the other end of the Cross Member into position over the
flush 10” Brace Post Pin.

2) Tap the 10” Pin into the 2) Using your hammer, drive the 10” Brace Post Pin into the Cross Mem-
Cross Member. Leave 1"
exposed. ber, leaving 1” exposed on the outside of the Brace. The protruding
end of the Brace Pin will hold the Brace Wire in place.
NOTE: Never use milled The Cross Member should fit snuggly between the End Post and Brace
lumber for a Cross
Post. A small gap between the Cross Member and Posts is okay. The
Member, as it will warp.
Brace will tighten up when the Brace Wire is installed and tensioned.

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Brace Wire Calculation 10”

The Brace Wire is Looped Twice Pin Cross Member 4”
A Brace
Length = 4 X Distance Between (A) and (B) plus 12” to 18” for Pin

Brace Inline
tying off and take-up on the Inline Strainer Wire Strainer
Total Wire for all Braces = Num. of Strainers X Length from above B
Brace End
Post Post


Components Needed for Single H-Brace:
Brace Wire of either:
Code No. Type Description Coil Wt. / Length
GW-402 10 lb./170’
9 Ga. Cl. 3
GW-403 50 lb./850’
Smooth Wire
Use a Spinning Jenny to pay GW 398 10 lb./440’
out high tensile Guide Wire. 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 HT
GW-399 50 lb./2,200’
See also
Ratcheted Inline Strainer and Handle

Staples 1 3/4" Double Barbed 8 Ga. Cl. 3 5 3 1

Long Crimp Sleeves 12 - 16 Ga. (JM-593)
X-section Tools:
Spinning Jenny Smooth Wire (RE-562)
Payout (SAFC-100)

High Tensile Wire Cutters (KN-570) (RE-563)
Crimp Sleeve 1) Frame
Ratcheted Inline Strainer (RE-563) 2) Frame Hole (for first end of
and Handle (RE-562) the Brace Wire)
3) Ratchet Spindle (spool)
Multi-Crimp Tool (JM-592) 4) Spindle Hole (for second end
of the Brace Wire)
Hammer 5) Handle
Multi-Crimp Tool

Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by

the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

Install the Brace Wire

1) Drive a Double Barbed Staple into the outside of the End Post on a
downward angle about 2" above the ground. Leave about 3/8" of the
staple exposed so the Brace Wire can be passed under the staple.
Staples at outside bottom
of End Post. Brace wire is 2) Hang two buffer staples from the Staple (Step 1) and position the
double wrapped.
Brace Wire over them. These staples will stop the wire from digging
into the post and allow the wire to slide freely when it is tightened.
3) Measure off enough High Tensile Wire to loop twice UNDER the
staple at the bottom of the End Post and OVER the protruding Brace
Post Pin on the Brace Post. Add 12” to 18” for tying off and take-up on
Brace Wire the Inline Strainer (see illustration above).
wrapped twice
around Brace 4) Loop the cut Brace Wire UNDER the staple at the bottom of the End
Post Pin
Post and OVER the protruding Brace Post Pin on the Brace Post.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Install the Inline Strainer

Crimp Position the Strainer about two-thirds up the Brace and on the opposite
side from that of the fence fabric. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to
access the Strainer after the fence is installed. See image (6) below.

1) Place a 12.5 Ga. Long Crimp Sleeve on the Brace Wire before looping
Wire End it through the hole in the Strainer Frame.

1) Put the Crimp Sleeve on 2) Loop the Wire through the hole in the Strainer Frame, and then loop
the Brace Wire before
looping the wire through
the Wire back into the Crimp Sleeve. Crimp the Crimp Sleeve to hold
the hole in the Strainer one end of the Brace Wire and Strainer together.
3) Feed the other end of the Brace Wire through the hole in the center
Strainer of the Spindle.

Make sure that the Wire is not crossed at the Pin or the Staple before
tightening the Brace Wire completely.

2) Loop the end of the 4) Apply tension to the Brace Wire using the Strainer Handle.
Wire into the Sleeve
and Crimp 5) Continue to tighten the Strainer and periodically equalize the Brace
Wire by pulling it sideways a couple of times.

Use only a Ratchet Handle specifically designed for the Inline
Strainer you are using.
6) Tighten the Brace Wire until the Brace Post is pulled about a quar-
3) Inline Strainer fully wired ter-inch toward the End Post. At that point, the Wire will be very
and ready for the Handle
tight, and your Brace is now ready to use.

NOTE: You can also tension the Brace Wire with the RE-560 Smooth
Wire Puller (see pages 18 and 19). Once you have tightened the Wire,
splice it with one long or three short Crimp Sleeves to hold it fast. The
disadvantage of this method is that, if the Brace Posts move slightly
4) Use the Strainer Handle at any time after the fence is installed, you won’t be able to re-tighten
to ratchet the Inline the Brace as easily as you could using the Inline Strainer.
Strainer Spindle

5) Pull the Wire sideways to

6) Tighten until the Brace Post has moved
equalize the tension 1/4” in the soil toward the End Post

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Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Line Wire
(Horizontal Wires)

Stay Wires
(Vertical Wires)

Fixed Knot


Components Needed:
Fence Rolls
Double Barbed Fencing Staples 8 Ga. Gal. Cl. 3 (staples will also be used
to trim the fence out. See pages 34 and 35.)
Number of Staples by Weight and Code No.
Staple Size 2 lb. 10 lb. 40 lb.
2” 94 (STS-460) 470 (STS-490) 1880 (STS-484)
1 3/4” 112 (STS-461) 560 (STS-491) 2240 (STS-485)
High Tensile Wire Cutter
1 1/2 “ 126 (STS-462) 630 (STS-492) 2520 (STS-486)
1 1/4” 144 (STS-463) 720 (STS-493) 2880 (STS-487)

High-Tensile Wire Cutter (KN-570)

Tape measure

Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by

the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

Coiled fence rolls are under tension. Be cautious and
stay clear of the roll to prevent wire from hitting
and injuring you when the tension is released. The
release of tension can be sudden.

1) Roll out the Fence

Position the roll of fence wire near one of the End Posts. Roll out about
50’ of fence.

Put something heavy on the free end of the wire as you roll it out to
Roll out 50’ of wire keep it from rolling back up from that end.
beginning at an End Post

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

2) Strip off the Stay Wires

With Stay-Tuff High-Tensile Fixed Knot Fence, you can skip this step,
because all of our fencing is made with our patent-pending Redi-Roll
feature. We pre-strip the last 18” of the stay wires, giving you plenty of
clear wire to tie off around the End Brace. Cut off the End Stay to get to
the stripped portion of the fencing.

If for any reason you need more than 18” of stripped wire, see
Redi-Roll: Cut off the end
Stay to get to the 18” of “How to Strip Fixed Knots From High-Tensile Fixed Knot Wire Fence”
pre-stripped wire. Need on page 39.
more stripped wire? See
page 39.
3) Align the Fence
a) Lift the rolled-out portion of the fence up toward the End Post.
b) While holding the fence roughly in the position where it will ulti-
mately be tied off, partially hammer a Fence Staple into the knot
one Horizontal Wire down from the top.
c) This temporary staple helps hold the fence in position as you tie
the wire off.
d) Now align the fence to the End Post, squaring the vertical stay

wires with the post.

4) Tie the Fence to the End Brace

We recommend that you first tie-off several of the Horizontal Wires in
Hammer a temporary
staple to hold the wire the middle of the Fence to the End Post. Once this is done, remove
loosely in position while the temporary staple. This will allow you to move the Fence Wire up
you align it or down the End Post to the desired height off the ground before
tying off the remaining wires.

A High-Tensile Wire Slip Knot is

the best way to tie off High-
Tensile Stay-Tuff Fencing. See
instructions in the Appendix
(page 41) on “How to Tie a
High-Tensile Wire Slip Knot”.

Now roll-out the fence to the second End Post and attach the Fence to
it. When you have finished, the fence so far should look like this:

The fence correctly tied

around the End Post

28 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Line Wire
(Horizontal Wires)

Stay Wires
(Vertical Wires)

Fixed Knot

9) TENSION THE FENCE Stretcher Bars

Stretcher For
Pull Lug Code No. Bar Fences
Wedges FW-553 52" Up to 4’
Stretcher Bars (2)
Retainers FW-552 66" Up to 5'
(empty) Stretcher Bar Pullers (RE-561)
FW-551 84" 5' - 6'
2 for fences up to 5’ FW-550 102" 6', 7' & 8'
3 for fences 6’ and higher FW-549 124" 8' - 10'
Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by
the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

Stretcher Bar In this section, we will tension the fence by stretching it using Stretcher
Bars and Stretcher Bar Pullers with Chains. A minimum of two workers
are needed for fences under 8’ and three workers for fences 8’ to 10’ high.
First, determine where you will place the Stretcher Bars. Typically, they
are placed at a location around the middle of the fence run as in the

illustration above.
Stretcher Bar Puller and Chain
Install the Stretcher Bars
1) Position two Stretcher Bars under the fence between 10’ to 19’ apart,
depending on the length of the pull. The longer the pull, the further
apart you will need to space the stretcher bars. On a 1,320’ pull you
1) Position the Stretcher Bars can expect to pull out around 15’ of slack fence, so you will need to
under the Fence space the stretcher bars about 18’-19’ apart. The Stretcher Bar Pullers
2a) Align Stay and come with 19’ of chain to accommodate for this.
2b) Line Wires in both bars 2) a) Align the Stretcher Bars so that they are parallel with and centered
between the Stay wires.
b) Position the Line Wires between the wedge retainers. Ensure that
each Line Wire is held firmly by a wedge so that they will not slip
and lose tension.
3) Insert the wedges into the Wedge Retainers on top of the wires
3) Hammer Wedges into and drive each wedge home firmly to lock the fence fabric on the
Retainers to lock Fence Stretcher Bar.
4) Cut the Line Wires in the middle between the Stretcher Bars.

Fold the two end pieces out of the space between

the two Stretcher Bars and secure them temporarily
Fold cut ends and with wire ties to the remaining fence. This prevents
4) Cut the Line Wires
Between the Stretcher secure to Fence Wire them from falling back and causing possible injury.

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 29
High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Install the Chains

5) Attach two Stretcher Bar Puller Chains to one of the Stretcher Bars
by clipping the snap clips on the end of the Chains to the top and
bottom Pull Lugs on the Stretcher Bar.

When stretching a 5’ fence or shorter, 2 Bar Pullers should be used:

5) Clip Stretcher Bar Puller one on the top and one on the bottom.
Chains to Lugs on one Bar
When stretching a 6’ fence or taller, 3 Bar Pullers should be used: one
on the top, one in the middle and one on the bottom.

6) Extend the Chains in parallel to the second Stretcher Bar.

Install the Puller

6) Extend the Chains to the 7) Clip the snap clip on the Stretcher Bar Puller to the corresponding
Second Stretcher Bar
Pull Lugs on the second Stretcher Bar. Place the Chain Links closest
to the Pullers into the jaws of the Puller.

It is extremely important that the chain links are straight

and aligned when placing them into the Stretcher Bar
Puller jaws. If the chain links are twisted, the jaws will not

be able to grip the links properly and the jaws could slip
out, potentially causing injury.

8) When the Handle of the Stretcher Bar Puller is cranked, the Puller
jaws will “walk” up the chain links, tightening the fence.
7) Clip the Stretcher Bar
Pullers to the Second
Stretcher Bars. Insert Tension the Fence
Chain Links into Bar
Puller jaws, ensuring that 9) As you continue to tension the fence, it will be slowly pulled upright.
chain links are aligned.
Continue tensioning until approximately 50% of the crimp in the line is
removed. Tension can be adjusted to loosen or tighten the fence de-
pending on the needs of your particular application.

8) Crank the Puller Handle

to Tighten the Fence
Crimp 100% Crimp 50%
Crimp 100%

Finally, stand the fence up completely and tie or staple to Line Posts as
needed to temporarily hold it in place.

Next we will splice the cut portions of the fence together with the
9) As you tension, the fence Stretcher Bars still in place.
will rise

30 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces


Long Crimp Sleeves 12 Ga. – 16 Ga. (JM-593)
Multi-Crimp Tool (JM-592) or Ultra-Crimp Tool (JM-578)
High Tensile Wire Cutters (KN-570)
A minimum of two workers are needed to splice the fence when using
crimp sleeves.

Crimp Sleeve Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by
the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

At this point, the fence is tensioned and standing upright with tempo-
Multi-Crimp Tool rary help from T-Posts or Bosses. The two pieces of fence are being held
together by the two Stretcher Bars, Pullers and Chains.

The Stretcher Bars should be 3’ or 4’ apart (down from 10’ to 19’ at the
beginning of the stretching process).
Ultra-Crimp Tool
The two fence ends need to be trimmed, cut and spliced before the
Stretcher Bars are released.

After splicing the fence, the Stretcher Bars will be released.

Splicing a high tensile fence is best done with Crimp Sleeves. We

recommend using the long Crimp Sleeves and the Multi-Crimp Tool or
Ultra-Crimp Tool to splice your Stay-Tuff fence.

1) Untie and fold the excess The Stay-Tuff Long Crimp Sleeve is designed to work specifically with
fence back between the
high-tensile fence, and have a holding capacity of up to 1500 lb.
Stretcher Bars

Trim Off the Excess Wire

1) Detach the excess fence wire that you folded back and tied to the
wire during Tensioning.

Tighten the top and/or bottom Stretcher Bar as needed to square-up

the Stays in the fence.

2) Trim the excess wire from the stretching process, leaving enough
length to overlap the two complete Stays on each end of the fence.
This will be used for splicing.
2) Overlap a couple of the
Stays for splicing. See
page 32.

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High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Long Wire Cut the Line Wires

1) Short Line Wires
Overlap both Ends of the Cut 1 1/2” away
from Stay Wire
fence between the Stretch-
er Bars to determine where

Rest of Fence

End 1 of cut Fence

to cut the Line Wires for


Short Wire 1) Cut all the Line Wires on

Line Wire
one of the Cut Ends
Cut the line wire
approximately 1 1/2” from
the Stay Wire. These are Stay Wire

called Short Line Wires

2) Cut all the Line Wires on
the second End against 2) Long Line Wires
the knots on all the Stay Cut Against Knots

Wires. These are called

Rest of Fence
Long Line Wires.

End 2 of cut Fence

You will use the Long Line
Wires as a measure for even

alignment as you crimp.

Line Wire
Long Wires should just
touch the knots on the
Stay Wire
Short Wire side.

Crimp Sleeves Placed

Insert Line Wires into Crimp Sleeves
on all Short Line Wires

Insert each Short Line Insert the matching The Long Wire should
Wire into a Crimp Sleeve Long Wire into the almost touch the
second hole of the Knot on the Short Line
Crimp Sleeve Wire side

The tail ends of wire should overlap through the Crimp Sleeve
completely, but only need to stick out 1/8” to 1/4”. Any excess can be
trimmed off later.

Work your way down (or up) the fence fabric, inserting Short Line
All cut Line
Wires positioned in
Wires and their respective Long Line Wires into Crimp Sleeves.
Crimp Sleeves

32 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

All Short and Long Line Wires should be positioned correctly in Crimp
Sleeves before you start crimping the sleeves.
Ultra-Crimp Tool
Use either the Multi-Crimp Tool or the Ultra-Crimp Tool to crimp the sleeves.

Use the notch on each tool appropriate for the Crimp Sleeve and gauge
of wire you are using. Each tool has two Crimp notches, one for 12.5 Ga.
wire sleeves, and one for larger gauge wire and barbed wire sleeves.

To splice, squeeze the Crimp Tool along the full length of each Crimp
Ultra-Crimp Tool crimping Sleeve 4 to 6 times. The finished Sleeve should be crimped across the
entire length of the Sleeve.

Splice the Long and Carefully trim off any wire overhanging the Crimp Sleeve.
Short Wires with your
choice of Crimping Tool. When done correctly, this splice will hold to 1500 lb. The wire will break
Squeeze 4 to 6 times
along the full length of before the crimp gives way. When joined evenly, from a distance the
the Crimp Sleeve. splice will not be easily noticed.

Correct vs. Incorrect Crimp Sleeve Crimping

Multi-Crimp Tool Line
1 2 3 4 5

Crimp Sleeve is flattened all the Crimp Sleeve is
way across by crimping 4-6 times crimped only twice

Multi-Crimp Tool crimping

It is easiest to do this job with two people, one person

holding the wire and the crimp sleeve while the other
does the splicing.

Release the Stretcher Bar Pullers

Once all your splices are complete, loosen the Stretcher Bar Pullers by
using the handle to “walk” the jaws of the Bar Puller backwards down
the chain.

Once the tension is released, remove the Stretcher Bar Pullers, Chains
and Stretcher Bars (in that order) from the fence by knocking the
Wedges out of each Retainer. Take special care when knocking out the
Stretcher Bar Wedges and releasing the Stretcher Bars.
The Completed Spliced

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 33
High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Staple Anatomy
Faces (2)

Legs Legs
(2) Barbs (2)

Left Hand Staple Right Hand Staple


Components Needed:
Double Barbed Fencing Staples 8 Ga., Gal. Cl. 3 (see table below)
Number of Staples by Weight and Code Number
Staple Size 2 lb. 10 lb. 40 lb.
2” 94 (STS-460) 470 (STS-490) 1880 (STS-484)
Top Staple: Right Hand
Staple; Bottom Staple: Left 1 3/4” 112 (STS-461) 560 (STS-491) 2240 (STS-485)
Hand Staple 1 1/2 “ 126 (STS-462) 630 (STS-492) 2520 (STS-486)
1 1/4” 144 (STS-463) 720 (STS-493) 2880 (STS-487)

T-Post Clips Cl. 3 Gal. (STC-589 pack of 600)

Steel Post Clips Cl. 3 Gal.
Code No. Size Ga. Pack
STC-585 1 5/8” 11 400
STC-584 1 7/8” 11 400
T-Post Clips STC-583 2 3/8” 11 400

STC-582 3” 11 350
STC-586 3 1/2” 11 200
Also see

11 Ga. Clip Tightening Chuck (LC-580)

Steel Post Clips

Always read and follow the instruction manuals supplied by
the manufacturers of the tools and equipment you use.

At this stage in the fence building process the fence is spliced and
tensioned from one Brace to the next. Now, it is time to attach the fence
to the Line Posts.

Remember that with a high tensile fence system the purpose of the Line
Posts and Brace Posts is to hold the fence upright and NOT to hold it
11 Ga. Clip Tightening Chuck rigidly in place. The fence must have some “wiggle room” under the
Staples and Clips to allow the fence Line Wire (horizontal wires) to slide
back and forth:
• To respond to tension adjustments
• To absorb animal impact
• To respond to changes in temperature.

34 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

Stapling to Wood Posts

When Staples are driven into wood correctly, the Legs will curve out,
resulting in maximum holding strength for the Staple. This also helps to
reduce any potential splitting of the wood.

Rotate the staple to the vertical (about 45 degrees) before you drive it
in. Rotate Right Hand staples to the right and Left Hand Staples to the
Right Hand Staple:
Rotate to the right
NOTE: Rotating the staples in the opposite direction from that de-
scribed above can cause the Legs to cross. This can result in the wood
grain splitting, compromising the holding strength of the staple. See
“Correct vs. Incorrect Stapling” illustration below.

Do not hammer the staples completely into the wood. Instead, leave
enough “wiggle room” to allow the wire fence fabric to slide freely
under the Staple.

Left Hand Staples: Staple only Line wires and not too close to a Knot. Stagger them verti-
Rotate to the left cally up and down the post. Driving them all in a perfectly vertical line
can split the wood.

Do not staple Stay Wires.

Correct vs. Incorrect Stapling

Allow some “wiggle room”

so the fence fabric can
slide freely
Line Wire

Correct Incorrect
Driven into the wood Staple angled incorrectly.
properly the legs Legs will cross each other and
will curve out reduce the holding strength
of the staple.
Wire How many Staples Per Post?
See page 36 for stapling and Post clipping 2
patterns and the recommended number of 4
Staples or Clips per Post in the fence line, 6
depending on the pressure on the fence. 8
Staples are set at an angle 9
to the wood grain. Stagger 11
staples vertically. 13

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 35
High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

Clipping to Line Posts

We recommend using our LC-580 Clip Tightening Chuck attached to
your drill for fastening fence wire to Line Posts. It works with T-Posts,
Steel Pipe and Tubing Posts.

(1) Clipping to T-Posts

1) Applying clip to steel Be sure to use only Class-3 Galvanized T-Post Clips to fasten our
T-Post with Clip Tightening High-Tensile Wire to steel T-Posts.
To fasten the Clips on the Post, slide the Clip around the Post and over
the Fence Wire. Then slide the tails of the Clip into the hole at the tip of
Position the clips so that
the tail ends run parallel the special Clip Tightening Chuck.
to the fence. Allowing
clips to stick out can Make sure both tail ends of the clip seat into the bottom of the
cause injuries to live-
stock or people walking
drill chuck.
close to the fence.
Use your drill to twist the ends of the clip tightly around the post.

Hold down the drill’s trigger completely until the clips are fully tight-

ened. This will cause the tips of tail ends to break off and the drill will
spin freely.

(2) Clipping to Steel Pipe and Tubing Posts

If you use Structural Tubing or Galvanized Pipe for Bosses/Strength
Posts, attach the fence to them using Class-3 Galvanized Steel Post
2) Clip applied to Steel Clips. Use the Clip Tightening Chuck as described above to fasten the
Tubing Post
Steel Post Clips to the Steel Posts.
Staples or Post Clips
Per Post Stapling and Post Clipping Patterns
# Line Normal Heavy Feral Staples or clips are applied to top and bottom line (horizontal) wires on
Wires Duty Duty Hog
wood posts or T-Posts respectively. On internal line wires, they are applied
7 4 5 5
to every second or third line wire depending on the expected use of the
8 4 5 6
fence. The example below is for a 4’ fence with 13 Line Wires.
9 5 6 6
13 6 8 7 1
16 7 9 8 3
17 7 10 9 5
20 8 11 10 7
23 9 13 11 9
25 10 11 11 11
13 13 13

Never staple or clip Fence to

End or Corner Posts. Normal Duty Applications Heavy Duty Applications Feral Hog Resistant
Additional staples or clips Additional staples or clips Additional clips are
It is optional to staple or clip
are applied on every third are applied on every applied to two more
wire to Brace Posts.
internal line wire. second internal line wire. bottom wires (3 total) and
In your Staples count include Pattern repeats after Pattern repeats after every third internal line
3 Staples/End or Corner Post every third post. every second post. wire. Pattern repeats after
for the Brace Wire. every third post.

36 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Make a rough drawing of your fence plan. Indicate all Brace Posts, Gates, and Line Posts. After com-
pleting the drawing, transfer material needs to the Materials Check List (page 38).

Use the Brace Drawings (pages 3 to 6) to design your Braces. Remember, the Braces are the
foundation of your fence. Bad Braces = a bad fence!
All Stay-Tuff fence and wire products, accessories and tools can be purchased from our authorized
dealers. You can also order Stay-Tuff tools and fence accessories from
Stay-Tuff Fixed Knot Fence Qty. Page(s)
Fence Product Num. Height x Length, ft. Stay Wire Spacing Num. of Line Wires Feet/Roll Rolls
❏ 24” ❏ 12” ❏ 6” ❏ 3” _____ 200’ _____ 330’ _____ 660’ 10-11

Length, ft. Dia., in. Ea.
End & Brace Posts (wood) 6

Sgl. H End (1 ea.) + Dbl. H End (1 ea.) + Corner/Angle (2 ea.) + Inline (2 ea.) Ea.
Brace Pins, 4” X 1/2”
____ X 1 = ____ ____ X 1 = ____ ____ X 2 = ____ ____ X 2 = ____
Sgl. H End (1 ea.) + Dbl. H End (2 ea.) + Corner/Angle (2 ea.) + Inline (2 ea.) Ea.
Brace Pins, 10” X 1/2”
____ X 1 = ____ ____ X 2 = ____ ____ X 2 = ____ ____ X 2 = ____

Cross Members Length, ft. Dia., in. Ea.

❏ Wood ❏ Steel Tubing
Brace Wire Length/Brace = 4 x Distance A to B (

) plus ❏ 12” or ❏ 18” Coils

❏ Smooth 9 Ga. Cl. 3

❏ Smooth HT 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 * Total Brace Wire = Length/Brace ________ x Num. of Strainers ____ = ________ ft.

Ratcheted Inline Strainer One Strainer Per Brace Wire Installed

Ratcheted Inline Ea.

One Handle minimum.
Strainer Handle More for crews working on multiple Braces at the same time

Guide Wire
Length, ft. + ❏ Brace Wire ❏ 10 lb. Coil = 440’ Coils
❏ Smooth HT 12.5 Ga. Cl. 3 *
_______ + _______ = _________ ft. ❏ 50 lb. Coil = 2,200’
Length, ft. 1,320’/Roll Rolls
❏ Predator Control
HT Barbed Wire

Inline Posts, Splicing & Affixing Fence

Post Centers Length Weight Ea.
T-Posts T-Post

❏ Wood ❏ Steel Length Dia. Ea.
Boss/Strength Posts

Long Crimp Sleeves Ea.

Num. of Sleeves = Num. Line Wires _________ x Num. Splices _________ 31
12 to 16 Ga.
Use: Num. of Clips = Num. of Clips/T-Post _________ Ea.
T-Post Clips ❏ Normal x Num. of T-Posts _________
❏ Heavy Size Ea.
Num. of Clips = Num. of Clips/Steel Post _________
Steel Pipe/Tubing Clips ❏ Feral Hog X Num. of Steel Posts _________ 34-36
Num. of Staples = Num. of Staples/Wood Post ______ X Num. Size Ea.
Staples, Double Barbed,
of Wood Line & Brace Posts (optional) ______ = ______
8 Ga. Cl.3
Add Num. End/Corner Posts ______ x 3 = ______
* If you are using Smooth HT Wire 12.5 Ga. Cl.3 for both Guide Wire and Brace Wire, add those two lengths together to determine the total number of
Coils you will need for both.

High Tensile Wire Cutters (KN-570) Drill Pencil/Marker/Pen
Spinning Jenny Smooth Wire Payout (SAFC-100) Hammer Measuring Tape
Smooth Wire Puller (RE-560) Map of Fence Line
Multi-Crimp Tool (JM-592)
Ultra-Crimp Tool (JM-578) FOR YOUR SAFETY Qty. Qty.
Stretcher Bar Pullers (RE-561) Safety Gloves Knee Pads
Stretcher Bars (see page 29) Safety Glasses First Aid Kit
Drill Chuck for 11 Ga. Wire Post Clips (LC-580) Work Boots
Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces


When tying off your High Tensile Wire Fence to End Posts or Corner Posts during fence installation,
you sometimes need to strip knots off the Line Wires to have enough loose wire to tie.

Follow the steps outlined in the illustrations below. You may also access our video on the subject by
scanning the QR code on this page.

For a Cut the Stay Wire Open the Knot with

Linesman Pliers (1 - below) OR
video on How to Flat Nose Screw Driver (2 - next page)
Strip Fixed Line
Knots from Wire 1) Using a Linesman Pliers
a High-Tensile (Horizontal Wire)
wire Fence, scan:

(Vertical Wire)

Hold the Stay Wire so

that it runs IN FRONT of
the Line Wire.

Use a High Tensile Wire

Cutter to cut ONLY the Stay
Wire inside the Knot JUST
BELOW the Line Wire


Using Linesman Pliers, grip the top part of the

knot. With the palm of your hand pushing on the
twisted tail ends of the knot, close your hand and
Pull Out the cut piece of pliers together. This will rotate the top twists on
Stay Wire and Repeat for the knot and release the knot from the Line wire.
All Knots on the Stay Wire. Repeat this step for every knot on the Stay Wire.

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 39
High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

2) Using a Flat Nose Screw Driver Slide Knots off Line Wire

For a
video on How to
Strip Fixed
Knots from a
wire Fence, scan:

Slide the knot and attached portion of

Stay Wire off the Line Wire by twisting
them back and forth to slide them off.

Twist off End Wraps


If you are using a screw driver,

place the tip of the screw driver Twist and slide
into the top of the knot. Push on End Wraps off.
the bottom of the knot and Stay
Wire with your palm and rotate
to open up the knot.

40 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

How to Tie a High Tensile Wire Slip Knot

Below are instructions for tying a High-Tensile Wire Slip Knot. This is the preferred way to tie-off
High-Tensile Wire for End Posts and corners as well as tying off Guide Wires.

For Use ‘Z’ Bend to create a loop

step-by-step Point Where Wire crosses
videos on 1 2 over itself
How to Tie a
High-Tensile Wire End Post
Slip Knot, scan:

Line Wire

12” to 18”

Tying off High Wrap the horizontal wire around the End 1) First Bend
Tensile Wire Brace Post and mark where it crosses itself Bend the wire twice to create a ‘Z’
(Perspective 1)
3 45 degree 4
angle bend

Tying Off High

Tensile Wire
(Perspective 2)
45 degree angle bend 2) Second Bend

5 6

Three finger
lengths (2”)

7 8

Place first bend of the ‘Z’

over the top of the horizontal wire

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 41
High Tensile Fixed-Knot Fences

How to Tie a High Tensile Wire Knot (continued)

9 10

videos on
How to Tie a
High-Tensile Wire
Slip Knot, scan:
11 12

Tying off High Push the second bend of the ‘Z’ in between Wire and Post
Tensile Wire
(Perspective 1)
13 14

Tying Off High

Tensile Wire
Bring end through and up over the top of the Horizontal Wire and straighten
(Perspective 2)

15 16

Bend the wire over itself… and down behind the Horizontal Wire

Use a ‘Handle’ to create the Wraps


17 18

4” to 6”
90 degrees

Pull the Wire down and bend Using the bend in the handle for leverage, push
90 degrees to form a handle the tail end up and over the Horizontal Wire.

42 To contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or email

Planning & Installation Guide Using Wood Braces

19 20

videos on 1 Wrap
How to Tie a
High-Tensile Wire Pull the Wire down and up towards Make 2 or 3 tight wraps around
Slip Knot, scan: you to complete one wrap the Horizontal Wire

Complete the Knot 1-2-3

21 2 Wraps 22

Tying off High

Tensile Wire
(Perspective 1)

Stop at
After 2 to 3 tight wraps, 1) make another wrap about half way around the wire…

23 24
Tying Off High 2
Tensile Wire
(Perspective 2)

2) Pull it back around (reverse rotation) 3) Crank the Handle in a circle parallel
to the horizontal Wire several times to
break it off. If the handle does not break
off, clip with the High Tensile Wire Cutters.


Finished Knot

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you, call us at 1-888-223-8322 or visit 43

You can order all Stay-Tuff fence and wire products,

accessories and tools from our authorized dealers.

For an authorized Stay-Tuff dealer nearest you,

contact us or visit

You can also order Stay-Tuff tools and fence

accessories directly from Stay-Tuff.

To order, call us at 1-888-223-8322

or visit


Contact a Stay-Tuff Fence Specialist at:

Stay-Tuff Fence
1000 N. Walnut Ave., Suite #225
New Braunfels, Texas 78130

Toll Free: 1-888-223-8322

Telephone: 1-830-608-9302
Facsimile: 1-800-608-5114


If you have any comments or ideas on

how to improve this Guide, please let us know.

Stay-Tuff is a registered trademark of Stay-Tuff Fence

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