Generic Name: Classification: Indication: General disorders and administration Observe 14 rights of medication
Acetaminophen Central Nervous System the management of mild site conditions: fatigue, infusion site
Assessment & Drug Effects
injection Agent; Nonnarcotic to moderate pain pain, edema peripheral Monitor for S&S of:
Analgesic, Antipyretic the management of hepatotoxicity, even with
moderate to severe pain Investigations: aspartate moderate acetaminophen doses,
Brand Name: Mechanism of Action: with adjunctive opioid aminotransferase increased, breath especially in individuals with poor
OFIRMEV The precise mechanism of nutrition or who have ingested
analgesics sounds abnormal
the analgesic and alcohol over prolonged periods;
the reduction of fever. poisoning, usually from accidental
antipyretic properties of Metabolism and nutrition disorders:
Dosage: ingestion or suicide attempts;
300mg IV acetaminophen is not hypokalemia potential abuse from psychological
established but is thought Contraindication: dependence (withdrawal has been
to primarily involve Acetaminophen is associated with restless and
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue excited responses).
central actions. contraindicated:
disorders: muscle spasms, trismus
Acetaminophen is thought • in patients with known
Route: Patient & Family Education
to produce analgesia by hypersensitivity to Do not take other medications
IV acetaminophen or to any of Psychiatric disorders: anxiety
elevation of the pain (e.g., cold preparations) containing
threshold and antipyresis the excipients in the acetaminophen without medical
intravenous formulation. Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal advice; overdosing and chronic
Frequency: through action on the
disorders: dyspnea use can cause liver damage and
Q4H for T> 37.80c hypothalamic heat-
other toxic effects.
regulating center. Do not self-medicate adults for
Acetaminophen is equal to Vascular disorders: hypertension,
pain more than 10 d (5 d in
aspirin in analgesic and hypotension children) without consulting a
Timing: antipyretic effectiveness physician.
8, 12, 4, 8, 12 Do not use this medication without
and it is unlikely to
medical direction for: fever
produce many of the side persisting longer than 3 d, fever
effects associated with over 39.5° C (103° F), or recurrent
aspirin and aspirin- fever.
containing products. .