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Jurnal Diges
Elroy Patrick Weledji, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Health remains an important problem in endemic areas of the
Sciences, University of Buea, PO Box 63, Buea, Cameroon developing world. The aim of the review was to elucidate
the natural history and characteristics of abdominal TB
Benjamin Thumamo Pokam, Department of Biomedical Sci and ascertain the indications for surgery. TB can affect
ences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, PO Box
the intestine as well as the peritoneum and the most
63, Buea, Cameroon
important aspect of abdominal TB is to bear in mind the
Author contributions: Weledji EP was the main author who diagnosis and obtain histological evidence. Abdominal TB
contributed to conception, design and drafting of the article; is generally responsive to medical treatment, and early
Pokam BT contributed to literature search. diagnosis and management can prevent unnecessary
surgical intervention. Due to the challenges of early
Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare no conflict diagnosis, patients should be managed in collaboration
of interests. with a physician familiar with anti-tuberculous therapy.
An international expert consensus should determine
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was an algorithm for the diagnosis and multidisciplinary
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external management of abdominal TB.
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
Key words: Tuberculosis; Peritoneal; Intestinal; Surgery;
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on Anti-tuberculous therapy
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and
the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/ © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Manuscript source: Invited manuscript Core tip: It is important to bear in mind the non-specific
manifestations of abdominal tuberculosis. There is no
Correspondence to: Elroy Patrick Weledji, BSc (Lond), gold standard for the diagnosis and high clinical suspicion
MSc (Lond), MBBChBAO (Ireland), FRCS (Edinburgh), is required. Diagnostic laparoscopy is increasingly useful
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
but joint decision making with physician familiar with anti-
Buea, PO Box 63, Buea, Cameroon. nfo@ubuea.cm
Telephone: +237-69-9922144 tuberculous therapy is important. Surgery is reserved for
abdominal complications.
Received: December 21, 2016
Peer-review started: December 25, 2016
First decision: January 16, 2017 Weledji EP, Pokam BT. Abdominal tuberculosis: Is there a role
Revised: May 22, 2017 for surgery? World J Gastrointest Surg 2017; 9(8): 174-181
Accepted: June 30, 2017 Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/1948-9366/full/
Article in press: July 3, 2017 v9/i8/174.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4240/wjgs.v9.i8.174
Published online: August 27, 2017
It is important that surgeons are familiar with the various Abdominal tuberculosis (TB) continues to represent a
manifestations of tuberculosis (TB). Although TB has diagnostic challenge to clinicians . The abdomen is
been declining in incidence in the developed world, it involved in 10%-30% of patients with pulmonary TB and
findings suggestive of abdominal TB were mesenteric/ albeit uncommon include intestinal perforation, bleeding
omental stranding (50%), ascites (37%), and retro and infection. Thus, for this to be safe, the patient
peritoneal lymphadenopathy (31%). Seventeen of 18 must have clinically detectable ascites. The diagnostic
patients required operative intervention, and one patient yield can be increased if the peritoneum is exposed by
[20] [11]
underwent CT-guided drainage of a psoas abscess . dissection under local anaesthesia . Some patients
Mantoux test was positive in 33% and ascitic fluid was with abdominal TB without ascites have the diagnosis
diagnostic for TB in 29%. Thus, a positive tuberculin confirmed indirectly by culture and histology of per
skin test (e.g., Mantoux) may be helpful, though some cutaneously biopsied liver tissue with hepatic TB .
series have found less than 50% of the cases of proven Diagnostic laparotomy may be resorted to where
abdominal TB to be tuberculin positive . Chest X-ray endoscopic procedures are not available or when they
showed abnormal findings in 25% of the patients fail to give a definite histopathological diagnosis or for
suggesting past or present pulmonary TB and sputum an undiagnosed abdominal mass . While laparotomy
was positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in 14.3% . A will reveal the diagnosis in patients with abdominal TB
high index of suspicion is, required for the diagnosis who present with an acute abdomen, the procedure
of peritoneal TB as the analysis of peritoneal fluid for may be hazardous in sick, emaciated patients with
tuberculous bacilli is often ineffective and may cause malabsorptive syndrome. It is also not always accurate
mortality due to delayed diagnosis. Examination of for the “cold” cases and laparotomy should, thus,
the ascitic fluid usually reveals an exudate (protein > essentially be performed only when complications of
25 g/L) and a raised white blood cell count (WBC) > abdominal TB develop . The suspicion of genitourinary
0.1 × 10 /L consisting principally of lymphocytes. A TB in a woman from an endemic area with bilateral
direct stain for acid-fast bacilli is positive in less than tubal calcification from chronic infection seen on abdo
5% of cases, though up to 40% will be positive if the minal X-ray or radiographic evidence of pulmonary
ascitic fluid is cultured. By centrifuging large volumes of TB should be confirmed if possible, by positive culture
ascitic fluid and culturing the sediment, the diagnostic of the organisms in endometrial tissue obtained from
[23,24] [13-15]
yield may be increased to up to 80% . However, biopsy or dilatation and curettage . Endometrial
tuberculous peritonitis-associated mortality is high biopsy does not have 100% sensitivity but the detection
among patients waiting for the results of mycobacterial rate is greatest towards the end of the menstrual cycle.
culture of ascitic fluid samples . Direct stains and A Mantoux or Heaf test should be reactive in a woman
culture of stool specimens may sometimes be positive, with active TB unless she is immunosuppressed. The
but the yield is generally low . Barium studies may enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) us
show some abnormality in about 50% of patients ing mycobacteria saline-extracted antigen for the
with intestinal TB but are not diagnostic . To confirm serodiagnosis of abdominal TB gives a diagnostic
the diagnosis, it is important to try to obtain material accuracy of 84% . Another test for early diagnosis of
for culture and histology. As culture may take up to tuberculous peritonitis is the determination of adenosine
6 wk, the histological evidence is important. There deaminase activity (ADA) in the peritoneal fluid .
are a variety of ways of obtaining tissue for histology. New diagnostic procedures, and especially molecular
Colonoscopy may be useful. Biopsy specimens obtained biology-polymerase chain reaction (PCR), may help
during colonoscopy of the terminal ileum and ileocaecal diagnose unusual clinical presentations of TB . As
valve may show active chronic ileocolitis with ulceration abdominal TB should be considered in all cases with
and granuloma formation . Invasive procedures are ascites. PCR of ascitic fluid obtained by ultrasound-
frequently necessary to obtain samples but also for guided fine needle aspiration is a reliable method for its
the treatment of digestive involvement . In light of diagnosis and should at least be attempted before more
new evidence, peritoneal biopsy through laparoscopy invasive interventions .
has emerged as the gold standard for diagnosis and
both lymphoma and carcinomatosis can be excluded
by this means . Laparoscopy is most reliable as it DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
is minimally-invasive effective modality for diagnosis Abdominal TB, with its vague symptoms and signs and
of peritoneal TB, and can be performed under local non-specific laboratory investigations, can mimic many
anaesthesia. It is rapid, safe, greater than 75% accuracy other diseases (Table 1). The main differential diagnosis
in diagnosis and spares the patient the discomfort of to consider with intestinal TB is Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s
a laparotomy . It allows the biopsy of the typical disease is uncommon in the immigrant population at risk
studded tubercles of the peritoneum and other organs for TB, and in Caucasians its peak incidence occurs in the
which are sent for culture and histology. However, 20-40 age group, while that of intestinal TB is in the older
laparoscopy is costly and is not available in many of age group (50-70 years) . Although perianal disease and
the poorer areas of the world. Blind percutaneous enteric fistulas can be due to TB, this is uncommon in
peritoneal biopsy with an Abrams or Cope needle comparison with Crohn’s disease. Distinguishing between
biopsy usually in the left lower quadrant just lateral to these two entities is a challenge because there is marked
the rectus muscle is diagnostic in up to 75% of cases overlap in the clinical presentation and the radiographic,
of peritoneal TB . The complications of the procedure laboratory, and endoscopic findings, as well as in the
involvement of the ileocaecal area and a patulous Intravenous anti-TB therapy in combination with surgery
ileocecal valve is seen in patients with intestinal TB (ileo- may be needed for severe forms of TB with extensive
caecal TB). In patients with Crohn’s disease, mucosal gastrointestinal involvement .
using the findings of sigmoid colon involvement, blood About 20%-40% of patients with abdominal TB present
in stools, weight loss and focally enhanced colitis. Other with an acute abdomen and need surgical mana
differential diagnoses are carcinoma, lymphoma, Yersinia [44]
gement . Chronic patients with subacute obstruction
infections and, in some parts of the world, amoeboma . are managed conservatively and surgery is planned after
Peritoneal TB must be differentiated from carcinomatosis, suitable work-up . Being a systemic disease surgical
talc peritonitis, bacterial peritonitis, and from ascites due resection should be conservative. Multiple small bowel
to heart failure or liver disease (Table 1). Although ascites strictures may be treated by strictureplasty to avoid
due to cardiac failure is usually easy to distinguish, it is major resection . An alternative is colonoscopic
important to realize that there is an increased incidence balloon dilatation of readily accessible, short and fibrous
of abdominal TB in alcoholics, and that liver disease with tuberculous ileal strictures causing subacute obstructive
ascites may coexist with peritoneal TB and the ascites symptoms. Although the experience is very limited, this
may not have the characteristics of an exudate . technique appears safe and may obviate the need for
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