Agbanlog Vs People 222 Scra 530

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Unaccounted collection

G.R. No. 105907 May 24, 1993 Total

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND A written demand to explain the shortage
SANDIGANBAYAN, respondents. and to pay the amount thereof was neither
answered nor acted upon by the accountable
officer. Consequently, a Report was made by
Michael P. Moralde for petitioner. Examining Auditors Marcelina P. Reyes,
Asuncion G. Tamondong and Margarita B.
Eugenio to the Provincial Auditor of Quirino,
manifesting their findings and recommending
QUIASON, J.: the institution of administrative and/or
criminal charges against Acting Municipal
Treasurer Feliciano Agbanlog.
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
Revised Rules of Court and Section 7 of P.D. No. 1606 as
amended, of the decision of the Sandiganbayan (First Division) At the outset, the Auditors found the accused
promulgated on June 28, 1992, which found petitioner guilty Agbanlog short in the amount of P32,950.34,
beyond reasonable doubt of Malversation of Public Funds, broken down in this manner:
penalized under paragraph 4, Article 217, of the Revised Penal
Code, and sentencing him to suffer, in the absence of Accountability:
mitigating and aggravating circumstances "the indeterminate Balance shown by your
penalty of, from ELEVEN (11) years and one (1) DAY cash book on May 31, 1986
of Prision Mayor, as minimum to SIXTEEN (16) YEARS, FIVE certified correct by you
(5) MONTHS and ELEVEN (11) DAYS of Reclusion Temporal, and verified by us P85,186.40
as maximum, with the accessory penalties of the law; to pay a
fine in the amount of P21,940.70; to suffer the penalty of Credits to Accountability:
perpetual special disqualification and to pay the costs." Cash and valid cash items
produced by you
The Sandiganbayan made the following findings of facts : and counted on us P52,236.06
Feliciano Agbanlog y Vinluan was the Shortage P32,950.34
Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the
Municipal Treasurer of Aglipay, Quirino, for Upon the finding that P11,009.64 of this
the period: March 24, 1986 to May 31, 1988. amount was chargeable to the account of
When audited by COA Auditing Examiner former Municipal Treasurer Carlos Pastor,
Marcelina P. Reyes of the Provincial predecessor of Municipal Treasurer Ruperto
Auditor's Office of Cobarroguis, Quirino, on Pallaya, the said amount of P11,009.64 was
August 4, 1986 for the aforesaid period of his deducted from the accountability of Feliciano
incumbency as Acting Municipal Treasurer, Agbanlog. The Acting Municipal Treasurer
Feliciano Agbanlog was found short in his was nevertheless made accountable for the
cash and accounts in the sum of shortage of P21,940.70, the amount for
P21,940.70. which he is not charged.

The shortage was broken down in the As regards the disbursement voucher billed
following manner : as a cash advance for various expenses in
the amount of P12,504.49, Exhibit "E", this
a. Disallowed cash item voucher was disallowed by the auditors
of Mr. Feliciano V. because there was no appropriation for this
Agbanlog disbursement. It is indicated in the voucher
May 31, 1986 worded as that the giving out of this money was in the
cash nature of a cash advance. The purpose for
advance to defray various which the cash advance was given out was,
expenses however, not clearly indicated. The
which was not approved particulars of payment merely states "to cash
by the Municipal Mayor advance to defray various expenditures".
P12,504.49 Only the signature of the accused Feliciano
Agbanlog may be found in the voucher. This
indicates that the amount of P12,504.49 was
b. Disallowed voucher No. given out to and received by the accused,
101-86-04-71 dated April Feliciano V. Agbanlog, from Roberto E.
18, 1986 Pallaya. Vouchers of this nature, in order to
due to under delivery of be valid, must bear the signature of the
printed forms P2,900.00 incumbent Municipal Mayor of Aglipay,
Quirino. The signature of the then Mayor, the
c. Disallowed voucher No. Hon. Deogracias L. Prego, Sr., does not
101-86-05-144 dated appear in the voucher. No invoice or receipt
May 31, 1986 due to was presented to support the disbursement.
under delivery of printed
forms P3,260.00 Thus, considering the fact that the accused,
Feliciano V. Agbanlog received the proceeds
of the voucher, this disbursement has,
indeed, become the accountability of the
accused, whose duty it was to liquidate the
same. The accused did not so liquidate. as acting treasurer. According to him, the audit of his funds
Accused's allegation that the amount of should have been made immediately upon his assumption as
money involved was given to him to the Officer-in-charge of the Office of the Treasurer in the last week
Municipal Mayor has not been backed up by of March, 1986, instead of in August, 1986. He further claims
sufficient evidence. If this amount of money that while there was a turn-over of the funds on June 2, 1986
were for the Mayor's account, the Mayor when Municipal Treasurer Ruperto Pallaya reported back for
should have been made to sign the voucher, work, there was no turnover of the funds when he temporarily
or else, there should have been took charge of the Office of the Treasurer. (Rollo, pp. 5-6)
accomplished some sort of evidence
payment for the Mayor. Re : Shortage of P12,504.49

Disbursement Voucher No. 101-8604-71, Petitioner admits that he was the one who prepared the
dated April 18, 1986, Exhibit "F", in the voucher, (Exh. "E"), and who received the amount of
amount of P3,500.00, was partially P12,504.49 mentioned therein. He does not deny the
disallowed because printed forms for which authenticity of his signatures appearing thereon. No other
the voucher was made out was not actually person, other than petitioner, was involved in the preparation of
delivered but yet paid for. The accused was the said voucher and the receipt of the amount of P12,504.49.
able to present proof of delivery only of He only claims that the money was given to the Municipal
accounting forms valued at P600.00. Mayor, who allegedly refused to sign the voucher.
Consequently, the accused was credited
with the amount of P600.00. The remaining
balance of P2,900.00 was nevertheless Petitioner, having worked as a bookkeeper in the Treasurer's
disallowed. Office of Cobarroguis, Quirino, since 1979 and as Assistant
Municipal Treasurer since 1982, should know that vouchers
must be signed by the claimants. If he acknowledged receipt of
Disbursement Voucher No. 101-8605-144, the money knowing that the claimant was the Municipal Mayor,
dated May 31, 1986, Exhibit "G" in the he became a party to the fraud and assumed responsibility for
amount of P4,110.00 was likewise partially the consequences of his acts. The defense did not call the
disallowed. The accused was able to show Municipal Mayor to testify that he was the real claimant and
proof of a legitimate disbursement in the that he received the money from the petitioner.
amount of P850.00. Consequently, the
accused was credited with this amount and
only the sum of P3,260.00 was disallowed. Re : Shortage of P2,900.00

As regards the shortage in the amount of Petitioner admits that he was the one who prepared the
P3,276.21, representing the accused voucher dated April 18, 1986 for the payment of various forms
unaccounted collections, per Collector's in the amount of P3,500.00 (Exh. "F"). He was the one who
Daily Statement of Collections for the period: acknowledged receipt of the supplies mentioned in the voucher
April to May, 1986, Exhibits "H" to "M", We and who received the amount of P3,500.00 in payment thereof.
find evidence showing that this amount, He even certified to the necessity and legality of the expense.
while turned over to the accused Feliciano
Agbanlog in his capacity as Acting Municipal When audited, petitioner was able to show the delivery of
Treasurer by Collectors Jane G. Domingo, forms valued at only P600.00. The burden was on petitioner to
Marilyn Villarta, Danilo de Guzman, explain satisfactorily the discrepancy between the voucher and
Guadalupe M. Quimpayag and Rolando the receipt of the delivery.
Domingo, has not been accounted for, the
accused claiming that cash collections of the Re : Shortage of P3,260.00
aforesaid collectors were never remitted to
him. There is ample proof, therefore, of the
fact that the accused received these cash Out of the amount of P4,100.00 disbursed under the voucher
collections. His signatures on various marked as Exhibit "G", petitioner admits having been able to
documents, Exhibits "H" to "M", "H-1", "I-1", support payment of only P850.00; hence the amount of
"J-1", "K-1", "L-1" and "M-1", virtually indicate P3,260.00 was disallowed.
that the accused had actually received the
amounts indicated in these exhibits. We Re :Shortage of P3,276.21
cannot believe that the accused would sign
these documents if he did not receive the
As to the shortage in the amount of P3,276.21 representing the
amount of money corresponding thereto.
unaccounted collections of petitioner for the month of April and
The accused's allegation, made as an
May 1986, petitioner claims that the said amount was never
afterthought, that the collectors who were
turned over to him. If this was true, he should not have signed
supposed to turnover their collections to him
the documents marked Exhibits "H" to "M", "A-1", "Y-7", "5-1",
did not actually turnover their collections
"K-1", "L-1" and "M-1", all acknowledging receipt of the cash
cannot be believed. The contention that the
collections of the various collectors.
collectors had instead made out vales or
cash advances covering the amount of their
collections, is not supported by proof. The In all the foregoing cases of shortage, petitioner admits having
vale slips or cash advance papers allegedly prepared and collected the amounts stated in the vouchers
given to the accused in lieu of cash could not (Exhs. "E", "F", "G") and having signed the collectors' daily
be produced by the accused. statement of collection, which evidence his receipt of the
amounts stated therein (Exhs. "H" to "M"). With such
admissions, how can petitioner now attribute the shortage of
The accused was supposed to return these
his accountable funds to his predecessor?
vale slips to the collectors only after they
made good the borrowed amount. This lapse
in evidence does not speak well of the It is also difficult to comprehend how an earlier audit of
defense herein put up by the accused. petitioner's accountability or an audit made upon assumption of
(Rollo, pp. 30-34) office of the Municipal Treasurer could possible explain the
shortages unearthed by the government auditor and assist him
in his defense.
Petitioner admits the shortage of the accountable funds
charged by the prosecution but claims that the prosecution
failed to show that the shortage accrued during his short stint
The elements of malversation of public funds or property
punishable under Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code are :

a) That the offender is a public officer;.

b) That he had the custody or control of funds or property by

reason of the duties of his office;.

c) That those funds or property were public funds or property

for which he was accountable;.

d) That he appropriated, took, misappropriated or consented

or, through abandonment or negligence permitted another
person to take them. (II Reyes, The Revised Penal Code, p.
391 [1981 ed.])

The prosecution has established (a) that appellant received in

his possession public funds; (b) that he could not account for
them and did not have them in his possession when audited;
and (c) that he could not give a satisfactory explanation or
reasonable excuse for the disappearance of said funds.
(Cabello v. Sandiganbayan, 197 SCRA 94 [1991]) The
prosecution is not required to present direct evidence of the
misappropriation, which may be impossible to do. (Villanueva
v. Sandiganbayan, 200 SCRA 722 [1991]).

The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any

public funds or property with which he is chargeable, upon
demand by any duly authorized officer, is a prima
facie evidence that he has put such funds or property to
personal use. (Art. 217, last paragraph, Revised Penal Code
as amended by R.A. 1060).

Petitioner questions as oppressive and unconstitutional the

penalty imposed on him — that of eleven years and one day
of prision mayor, as minimum, to sixteen years, five months
and eleven days of reclusion temporal, as maximum.

He argues that considering the value of the peso in 1932 when

the Revised Penal Code was enacted and the value of peso
today, the penalty for malversation of P21,000.00 should only
be an imprisonment of one or two years. (Rollo, pp. 10-11)

Assuming arguendo that inflation has in effect made more

severe the penalty for malversing P21,000.00, the remedy
cannot come from this Court but from the Congress. The Court
can intervene and strike down a penalty as cruel, degrading or
inhuman only when it has become so flagrantly oppressive and
so wholly disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to
shock the moral senses. (People v. Dionisio, 22 SCRA 1299
[1968]; People v. Estoista, 93 Phil. 647 [1953]; U.S. v.
Borromeo, 23 Phil. 279 [1912]) Considering that malversation
of public funds by a public officer is a betrayal of the public
trust, We are not prepared to say that the penalty imposed on
petitioner is so disproportionate to the crime committed as to
shock the moral sense.

WHEREFORE, the petition for review is DISMISSED and the

decision appealed from is AFFIRMED in toto, with costs
against petitioner.


Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino,

Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Nocon, Bellosillo and Melo,
JJ., concur.

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