- The patient presented with difficulty breathing and productive cough. Nursing assessment found pale appearance, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles for breathing, and respiratory rate of 41 cycles per minute.
- The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to secretions in the bronchi. The pathophysiology involved irritant inhalation causing inflammatory response and increased secretions.
- The short term goal was to maintain airway patency and reduce congestion through various nursing interventions over 4 hours. The long term goal was to decrease the respiratory rate to 12-20 cycles per minute over 2 days.
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- The patient presented with difficulty breathing and productive cough. Nursing assessment found pale appearance, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles for breathing, and respiratory rate of 41 cycles per minute.
- The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to secretions in the bronchi. The pathophysiology involved irritant inhalation causing inflammatory response and increased secretions.
- The short term goal was to maintain airway patency and reduce congestion through various nursing interventions over 4 hours. The long term goal was to decrease the respiratory rate to 12-20 cycles per minute over 2 days.
- The patient presented with difficulty breathing and productive cough. Nursing assessment found pale appearance, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles for breathing, and respiratory rate of 41 cycles per minute.
- The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to secretions in the bronchi. The pathophysiology involved irritant inhalation causing inflammatory response and increased secretions.
- The short term goal was to maintain airway patency and reduce congestion through various nursing interventions over 4 hours. The long term goal was to decrease the respiratory rate to 12-20 cycles per minute over 2 days.
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- The patient presented with difficulty breathing and productive cough. Nursing assessment found pale appearance, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles for breathing, and respiratory rate of 41 cycles per minute.
- The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to secretions in the bronchi. The pathophysiology involved irritant inhalation causing inflammatory response and increased secretions.
- The short term goal was to maintain airway patency and reduce congestion through various nursing interventions over 4 hours. The long term goal was to decrease the respiratory rate to 12-20 cycles per minute over 2 days.
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Subjective Irritant Dx Short Term Goal - After 4 hours of - “Hindi ko mailabas ung (inhalation) - Vital signs monitored > for baseline comparison nursing - After 4 hours of intervention, the ibang plegma,” as Nursing intervention, and recorded. goal is met through inflammatory airway patency will maintenance of verbalized. be - Assisted in semi- > proper positioning helps in airway patency and response maintained, draining secretions reduction in Objective secretions will be Fowler’s position. congestion. readily expectorated - pale in appearance - Encouraged deep > This will promote proper increase production of and there will be Long Term Goal lung expansion - dyspnea signs of reduction in breathing exercise secretions - After 2 days of nursing congestion. intervention, the goal is - uses accessory muscles Tx Long Term Goal met through decreased in - Bedside care done > For Proper hygiene when breathing respiratory rate of 14 airway constriction - After two days the cylces per minute. - Established rapport > For patient nurse - productive cough clients respiratory interaction rate will be 12 – 20 - RR=41 cycles per minute dyspnea cycles per minute. - Administered prescribed >Prescribed meds such as medications bronchodilators helps in Nursing Diagnosis: aiding effective airway -Ineffective airway clearance clearance related to - Provided supplemental > Nebulization helps in secretions in the bronchi humidification via use of liquefy secretions for faster nebulizer expectorating of secretions Ex
- Encouraged client to > to liquefy the secretions for