Production Flow Analysis (PFA) : Vandana Srivastava

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Vandana Srivastava

Production Flow Analysis (PFA)

 method of grouping part into families

 used to analyze the operation steps and machine routes for the parts produced

 groups parts with similar or identical routings together

 these groups can be used to form logical machine cells in a GT layout

 uses manufacturing data rather than design data to make groups, so takes care
of the problem of:
 parts whose basic geometry may differ but might take same or similar process routes
 parts whose basic geometry may be same or similar but require different process

 takes the route details the way they are, no check for optimal, consistent or logical


Production Flow Analysis: Procedure


-- most difficult and crucial

-- from the PFA chart, similar
PFA Chart groups are identified
Sorting of Process -- minimum data needed is
the part number and
Routings -- processes used routing sequence of each
for each pack are
Data Collection displayed
part (route sheets)
-- arrange the parts according graphically on a -- additional data as lot size,
to the similarity of their PFA chart annual production rate,
--define the population of can be used to
process routings -- plot of the process code
the parts to be analyzed design cells of the desired
-- sorting procedure is used numbers for all the productivity
-- study a sample or the
to arrange the parts into packs
whole population ?
“packs” that have been
-- minimum data needed is determined
the part number and -- “pack: is a group of parts
routing sequence of each with identical process
part (route sheets) routings
-- additional data as lot --each pack is given a pack
size, annual production identification number or
rate, can be used to letter
design cells of the
desired productivity

Example (Matrix Form)


Production Flow Analysis: Procedure

 there will be packs that do not fit into similar groupings

 these parts can be analyzed to determine if a revised process sequence can

be developed which fits into one of the groups

 if not possible, then these parts continue to be manufactured through a

conventional process-type plant layout

 weakness of PFA is that the data used in the analysis is derived from route
sheets, prepared by different process planners
=> routings may contain unnecessary and non-optimal steps
=> final groupings may be sub-optimal

 requires less time to perform than a complete parts classification and coding

Group Technology: Machine Cell Design

Composite Part Concept
• A Composite Part for a given family,
which includes all of the design and
manufacturing attributes of the

• an individual part in the family will

have some of the features that
characterize the family but not all
of them

• composite part possesses all of the



Machine Cell Designs: Types

 term “cellular manufacturing” is used to describe the operations of a
GT machine cell

 can be classified, based on number of machines and the degree to

which the material flow is mechanized between the machines:
 single machine cell
 group machine cell with manual handling
 group machine cell with semi-integrated handling
 flexible manufacturing system (FMS)

Machine Cell Designs: Type 1

Single machine cell

 consists of 1 machine plus

supporting fixtures and tooling
to make one or more part

 can be applied to work parts that

is made by one type of process,
such as turning or milling


Machine Cell Designs: Type 2

group machine cell with manual handling using a U-shaped layout
 consists of more than one machine used collectively to
make one or more part families

 no provision for mechanized part movement between


 human operators running cell, perform material

handling ; if size of the part is huge or arrangement of
machines in cell is large, regular handling crew may be

 often organized in a U-shape layout when there is

variation in work flow in parts; also useful in
movement of multi functional workers

 design is often achieved without rearranging the

process-type layout; simply include certain machines
in group and restrict their work to specified part

 saves cost of rearranging but many material handling

benefits of GT are not realized

Machine Cell Designs: Type 3

group machine cell with semi-integrated handling

 uses a mechanized handling system, such as a

conveyor, to move parts between machines in
the cell

 parts made in the cell have identical or similar

routing – in-line layout (a)
 machines are laid along a conveyor to
match the processing sequence

 process routings vary in parts – loop layout (b)

 allows parts to circulate in the handling
 permits different processing steps in the
different parts in the system


Machine Cell Designs: Type 4

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)

 highly automated machine cells in GT

 combines automated processing stations with a fully
integrated material handling system

Best Machine Arrangement

 depends on the work processing requirements
 important factors are:
 volume of the work to be done by the cell
includes the number of parts per year and the work required per part – influences
number of machines to be used in cell, cost of operating a cell, amount of money
to be spent in establishing a cell

• variations in process routings of the part

determines the work flow; for identical routings- in-line flow, significant
variation in routing – a U-shape or loop layout

• part size, shape, weight, and other physical attributes

determine the size and type of material handling and processing equipment that
can be used


Arrangement of Machines in GT – Hollier Method

Suppose that four machines, 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been identified as belonging in a GT
machine cell. An analysis of 50 parts processed on these machines has been
summarized in the From-To chart presented below. Additional information is that
50 parts enter the machine grouping at machine 3, 20 parts leave after processing at
machine 1, and 30 parts leave after machine 4. Determine a logical machine
arrangement using Hollier method.

Arrangement of Machines in GT - Hollier Method

First iteration


Arrangement of Machines in GT – Hollier Method

 to/from ratios can be calculated:

Machine To: from: To/From ratio

1 50 30 1.67
2 45 45 1.00
3 0 50 0.00
4 40 10 4.00

based on the relative values, the machines in the cell should be arranged:
3 2 1 4
(value of to/from ratio in ascending order)

Arrangement of Machines in GT - Hollier Method

flow diagram of machine layout


Parts Classification and Coding

 most time consuming of the three methods
 must be customized for a given company or industry
 some benefits of using a coding scheme:
 helps in formation of part families and machine cells
 quick retrieval of designs, drawings and process plans
 reduces design duplication by providing work piece statistics
 allows improvement in tool design, production panning and
scheduling procedures

 Reasons for using a coding scheme:

 design retrieval: access to a part that already exists

Types of Classification and Coding Systems

 falls into 3 categories, based Design and Manufacturing Attributes Typically Included
on: in a GT Classification System

Part Design Attributes

 part design attributes Major dimensions Part function
Basic external shape Tolerances
 part manufacturing Basic internal shape Surface finish
attributes Length/diameter ratio Material type
Minor dimensions

 both design and Part Manufacturing Attributes

manufacturing attributes Major process Major dimensions
Operation sequence Length/diameter ratio
Batch size Surface finish
 certain overlapping in design
Annual production Production time
and manufacturing
Machine tools Fixtures needed
Cutting tools Minor operations


Coding Scheme Structures

 consists of sequence of numerical digits, designed to identify part’s design
and manufacturing attributes
advantage: more info is contained in the
 2 basic structures:
 Hierarchical structure (monocode)
interpretation of each successive digit depends on the value of the
preceding digit
 Chain-type structure (polycode)
interpretation of each symbol is fixed and no dependence on previous digits

 example: 2 digit part code 15 or 25

First digit is general part shape, say, 1 for round work part and 2 for flat
rectangular geometry
Hierarchical structure: preceded by 1, 5 might indicate some length/diameter
ratio and if
preceded by 2, 5 might be interpreted to specify overall length
Chain-type structure : whether preceded by 1 or 2, 5 might indicate overall part

Coding Scheme Structures

 sometimes combination of hierarchical and chain-type
structures are used

 required number of digits vary from 6 to 30

 coding requiring design characteristics need fewer


 modern classification and coding systems incorporate

both design and manufacturing data -> code numbers
with 20-30 digits may be needed


Opitz Classification System

 one of the first published and best known classification and
coding schemes for mechanical parts

 uses the following digit sequence

12345 6789 ABCD

 basic code consists of 9 digits

 digits 1 through 5 (12345) -> form code – primary shape and
design attributes (hierarchical structure)
 digits 6 through 9 -> supplementary code – attributes that are
useful in manufacturing (e.g., dimensions, starting material)
 digits 10 through 13 (ABCD) ->secondary code – identify
production operation type and sequence

 very complex system

Opitz Classification System

Basic structure of Opitz System


Opitz Classification System

form code (digits 1 to 5) for rotational parts. Part classes 0, 1, 2

Opitz Classification System - example

 Example 1: A part coded 20801
2 - Parts has L/D ratio >= 3
0 - No shape element (external shape
8 - Operating thread
0 - No surface machining
1 - Part is axial

 Example 2: given the part design shown define

the "form code" using the Opitz system
 Step 1: The total length of the part is 1.75,
overall diameter 1.25 -> L/D = 1.4 (code 1)
 Step 2: External shape - a rotational part that is
stepped on both with one thread (code 5)
 Step 3: Internal shape - a through hole (code 1)
 Step 4: By examining the drawing of the part
(code 0)
 Step 5: No auxiliary holes and gear teeth (code
 Code: 15100


Benefits of Group Technology

 Product design
 derived from coding and classification
 if new part design is required -> code of the required part is
figured out -> matched with the existing part designs
 design standardization
 material handling is reduced
 parts are moved within a machine cell rather than the entire
 process planning and production scheduling are simplified
 Work-in-process and manufacturing lead time are reduced
 improved worker satisfaction in a GT cell
 higher quality work

Important Announcements!
 Syllabus for Minor 1 exam:
 All the work done till August 24


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