Instructions Section 03100 Concrete Formwork
Instructions Section 03100 Concrete Formwork
Instructions Section 03100 Concrete Formwork
1. General: This Section should be used only for projects involving major elements of
concrete structure. For projects of limited scope, Section 03300 shall suffice.
A. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork so that it will safely support
all vertical and lateral loads that might be applied until such loads can be
supported by the concrete structure. Carry vertical and lateral loads to the
ground by the formwork system and by the in-place construction that has
attained adequate strength for that purpose. Concrete work has been designed
to safely support construction loads, including reshoring loads. If the contractor is
uncertain about the design live loads, it shall be his responsibility to obtain these
from the Architect.
B. Design forms and falsework to include assumed values of live load, dead load,
weight of moving equipment operated of formwork, concrete mix, height of
concrete drop, vibrator frequency, ambient temperature, foundation pressures,
stresses, lateral stability, and other factors pertinent to safety of the structure
during construction.
C. Provide shores and struts with positive means of adjustment capable of taking
up all formwork settlement during concrete placing operations, using wedges or
jacks or combination thereof. Provide trussed supports when adequate
foundations for shores and struts cannot be secured.
03100-1 11/17
B. Exposed finished concrete shall be defined to mean any vertical surface or soffit
concrete exposed to sight; i.e., exterior grade beams, retaining walls, etc. Hand
rubbing of concrete surfaces is only required at locations indicated on the
A. Construct forms to the exact sizes, shapes, lines and dimensions shown, and as
required to obtain accurate alignment, locations, grades, level and plumb work in
the finished structures. Provide for openings, offsets, sinkage, keyways,
recesses, moldings, rustications, reglets, chamfers, blocking, screeds,
bulkheads, anchorages and inserts, and other features required on the work, and
shown in the architectural, structural, and any other pertinent parts of the
contract drawings. Use selected materials to obtain the required finishes.
03100-2 11/17
the loss of concrete mortar. Locate consistent with the requirements of the work,
and not in any exposed surface.
C. Chamfer exposed external corners and edges where shown, using chamfer
strips accurately fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge
joints. Provide chamfers of wood, metal, PVC, or rubber, to form the required
corner or edge shapes as shown.
D. Carefully form intersecting planes to provide true, clean-cut corners, with edge
grain of plywood not exposed as form for concrete. Back joints with extra studs
or girts as required to maintain true and square intersections.
F. Forms for Exposed Concrete: Drill forms to suit ties used and to prevent leakage
of concrete mortar around tie holes. Do not splinter forms by driving ties through
improperly prepared holes.
03100-3 11/17
B. Thin form-coating compounds only with the thinning agent of the type, and in
amount, and under the conditions of the form coating compound manufacturer's
C. Do not allow excess form coating material to accumulate in the forms or to come
into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed.
A. Formwork not supporting the weight of concrete, such as sides of beams, walls,
columns, and similar parts of the work, may be removed 24 hours after placing
the concrete, providing the concrete is sufficiently hard to not be damaged by the
form removal operations, and provided that curing and protection operations are
B. Formwork supporting the weight of concrete, such as beam soffits, joists, slabs
and other structural elements of work, shall not be removed in less than fourteen
(14) days or until the concrete has attained 70% of the design minimum
compressive strength for the applicable type of concrete. Determine potential
compressive strength of in-place concrete by testing of field-cured specimens
representative of the concrete location or members.
C. Form facing material may be removed four (4) days after placement, only if the
shores and other vertical supports have been arranged to permit removal of the
form facing material without loosening or disturbing the shores and supports.
D. Note: These periods indicated above represent the cumulative number of days
or fractions thereof, not necessarily consecutive, during which the temperature of
the concrete is above 50 degrees F.
A. Clean and repair the surfaces of forms that are to be re-used in the work, except
that split, frayed, delaminated or otherwise damaged form facing material will not
be acceptable. Apply new form coating compound material to all concrete
contact form surfaces as specified for new formwork.
B. When forms are extended for successive concrete placement, thoroughly clean
surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close all joints. Align
and secure all joints to avoid offsets. Do not use "patched" forms for exposed
concrete surfaces, except as acceptable to the Architect.
03100-4 11/17
A. ASTM A615 - Specifications for Deformed Billet Steel Bars for Concrete
03200-1 11/17
A. Submit Shop Drawings indicating sizes and dimensions for fabrication and
placing of reinforcing steel and bar supports.
A. Deliver reinforcement to project site in bundles marked with metal tags indicating
bar size and length.
B. Protect concrete reinforcement before, during and after installation and the
installed work and materials of other sections.
C. Store in a manner to prevent excessive rusting and fouling with dirt, grease, and
other bond-breaking coatings.
A. Concrete reinforcement materials: New, free from rust, and complying with the
1. Bars for reinforcement: A615, grade 60; stirrups and ties grade 60.
03200-2 11/17
D. Design:
2. Make bend for stirrups and ties in accordance with ACI 315.
B. Clearance: Clear space between bars and cover for bars shall conform to the
Requirements of ACI 318.
C. Splicing:
1. Horizontal bars:
2. Wire fabric:
03200-3 11/17
3. Other splices:
Steel reinforcement, at the time concrete is placed around it, shall be free from rust
scale, loose mill scale, oil, paint, and other coatings which will destroy bond between
steel and concrete.
Do not place any concrete until reinforcing steel has been inspected and approved.
03200-4 11/17
A. Perform cast-in-place concrete work in accordance with ACI 318 (latest edition),
unless specified otherwise in this Section.
1. The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to conduct tests and provide
test results.
B. Submit proposed mix design to inspection and testing firm for review prior to
commencement of work.
D. Cast the following number of test cylinders for each 150 C.Y. or 5,000 S. F. (not
less than one set of test cylinders for each days pour):
03300-1 11/17
E. One additional test cylinder will be taken and held in reserve as required for 56
day testing, and be cured on job site under same conditions as concrete it
F. One slump test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken.
A. Submit pour schedule and diagrams of floor slabs, sidewalks, and footings to
Architect for approval.
B. Submit concrete mix design, including material certificates for cement, aggregate
and admixtures. Certificates shall state compliance with the applicable
referenced ASTM standards.
C. Submit catalog data and written application instructions for all concrete
J. ASTM D994 - Pre-formed Asphalt Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving
and Structural Construction.
03300-2 11/17
A. ASTM C150, Type I/II or ASTM C595 Type IS. Use only one of these types of
cement for the entire project.
A. Coarse aggregate for stone concrete: ASTM C33, with maximum size 3/4 in. for
reinforced concrete and 1-1/2 in. for plain (unreinforced) concrete.
B. Fine aggregate: Clean, durable sand, uncoated, grains free from silt, loam, and
clay. Graded from fine to coarse with 95-100 percent by weight passing a No. 4
sieve and 3-8 percent passing a No. 100 sieve. ASTM C33 with following
maximum permissible limits for deleterious substances, measured in percentage
by weight: clay lumps 1.00; coal and lignite 0.25; materials finer than No. 200
sieve 3.00.
2.03 WATER
03300-3 11/17
2.05 FORMS
A. Formwork: Comply with Building Code and ACI 347. Design, erect, support and
maintain forms to safely carry all superimposed loads until such time as such
loads can be safely supported by the concrete work. Construct formwork to
shape, sizes and dimensions as shown on required to ensure accurate alignment
and elevation, and level and plumb finished concrete work.
B. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form with plywood, lumber, metal or
other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two (2) edges and
one side for tight fit.
C. Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete Column Wraps: Use two-piece fiberglass
forms to provide a smooth exposed surface. Joints shall be placed so as to be
parallel with the face of the radiused building.
E. Use plywood complying with U.S. Product Standard PS-1 “B-B (Concrete Form)
Plywood”, Class I, Exterior Grade or better, mill-oiled and edge-sealed, with each
piece bearing legible trademark of an approved inspection agency.
F. Form Ties: Steel Wire snap ties with positive breakbacks which will leave no
metal closer than 1” from formed surface of concrete, leave a cone-shaped
G. Form Coatings:
03300-4 11/17
C. Admixtures:
A. Ready-mixed ASTM C94, except addition of water for material with insufficient
slump shall not be permitted.
03300-5 11/17
2. Mix of concrete.
D. Not more than one hour shall elapse from time water is introduced into mixer
drum until drum is discharged. Do not use concrete that has stood outside the
mixer drum for more than 30 minutes. Do not add water to a mix that has
stiffened to increase workability. Retempering of partly set concrete is not
A. Vapor Retarder: “Moistop Ultra 10, Fortifiber Building Systems Group, Reno, NV
1-800-773-4777 (, 10 mil polyolefin film, or Stego Wrap 10
mil Class A Vapor Retarder, San Clemente, CA 1-877-464-7834
( or Pre-bid approved equal. Barrier shall resist
deterioration when tested in accordance with ASTM E154, and shall meet or
exceed ASTM E1745 for Class A.
B. Porous Fill: Clean, water-worn tailings free from clay, dirt, wood and debris,
graded from 2 in. to 3/4 in.
C. Expansion Joint Material: 1/2 inch (12.7mm) asphalt expansion joint filler
complying with the following:
1. ASTM D994
03300-6 11/17
D. Curing and Sealing Compound (for concrete floors scheduled to remain exposed
only): Acrylic, water based curing compound, VOC compliant, non-yellowing,
ASTM C-309/C1315, Type 1.
F. Perimeter "Zip Strip": Provide a removable bond break "zip strip" capable of
producing a clean 1/2" x 1/2" joint to be used for sealing all joints where walls
penetrate and abut floor slab. "Sealtight Snap-Cap," W. R. Meadows, 1/2"
(12.7mm), or comparable.
3.01 FORMS
B. Coat forms with form release agent prior to each use of form.
D. Do not use pinch bars or other metal tools in exposed work to pry forms loose.
E. Use form ties to prevent form deflection, and to prevent spalling of concrete
surfaces upon removal of forms.
03300-7 11/17
C. Grout and fill with concrete as required throughout the project, except as
otherwise specified, and including column base plates, door saddles, frames in
concrete walls, and openings after pipes are in place.
D. Minimum 1-inch concrete cover is required over conduits and pipes embedded in
concrete. Do not place pipes or conduits having an outside diameter larger than
1/3 slab thickness in slabs.
E. Place conduits and pipes as indicated. Place conduits and pipes to avoid
changing location of reinforcing steel.
B. Reinforcement, forms and earth in contact with concrete shall be free from frost.
Do not place concrete during rainfall without adequate protection. Make
preparation to protect newly placed concrete from rainfall until concrete has
hardened sufficiently to preclude rainfall damage.
C. Place expansion joint material as indicated for slab isolation at perimeter walls
and columns. Depress joint material 1/2 in. below finish slab for installation of
“Zip Strip” specified in this section and sealant specified in Section 07900.
C. Place concrete for columns and walls through canvas, wood, rubber or metal
elephant trunks, 6 inches in diameter minimum, to avoid segregation of concrete
in free fall. Do not allow concrete to ricochet against forms for exposed
surfaces. Deposit concrete directly to center of forms. Space drop chutes on
10-foot centers, maximum. Do not use drop chutes longer than 12 feet. Provide
illumination to permit inspection of the interior of forms.
D. Vibration:
03300-8 11/17
B. Forms supporting the weight of concrete shall not be removed in less than 14
days or until the concrete has attained at least 70% of the design strength.
A. Curing:
03300-9 11/17
4. If forms cannot remain in place for seven days, cover concrete with
fabrics that have moisture-retaining properties. Examine fabrics to detect
elements that might discolor concrete finish. Keep fabric moist
continuously to ensure a film of water on concrete surface.
1. Protection of concrete during cold weather shall comply with ACI 306;
heating of concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM C94-78. Cold
weather techniques shall be used where the mean daily temperature falls
below 40 degrees F for at least two (2) consecutive days.
1. Protection of concrete during hot weather shall comply with ACI 301 and
ACI 305. Hot weather protection procedures shall be used when the
temperature of the concrete mix exceeds 85 degrees F.
2. Temperature of the concrete mix may exceed 85 degrees F only if water
reducing and retarding compound complying with ASTM C494 is used.
03300-10 11/17
B. Sawcut joints in grade slabs immediately after finishing, and after curing
compound has been applied so that the slab surface is not damaged by
equipment and sawcutting does not dislodge aggregate. In general, sawcutting
of joints shall take place within a period of 7 to 14 hours after concrete is placed,
depending on actual project conditions. Sawcutting shall be scheduled to occur
within this timeframe to minimize the risk of shrinkage cracking. Work shall not
be postponed until the following work day.
C. Contraction joints shall be 1/8 inch wide by a depth equal to 25% of slab
A. After removal of forms, remove fins and forms marks by grinding on exposed
interior and exterior surfaces scheduled to receive paint or membrane
waterproofing. Patch voids and honeycombs.
B. Interior and exterior exposed concrete surfaces: "Rubbed Finish." Apply grout,
clean-down after the patching, grinding, and cleaning operations are complete.
The grout wash shall follow the patching operation as soon as possible and the
procedure shall be as follows:
1. Mix one part portland cement and 1-1/2 parts fine sand with sufficient
water to produce a grout having the consistency of thick paint. Use white
portland cement for cement in grout. Wet the surface of the concrete
sufficiently to prevent absorption of water from grout and apply grout with
a brush or burlap completely filling air bubbles and holes. Immediately
after applying grout, float surface with a cork or other suitable float,
scouring vigorously. While the grout is still plastic, finish surface with a
sponge rubber float, removing excess grout.
2. Finishing shall be done at time when grout will not pull from holes of
depressions. Next, allow surface to dry until surface takes on a powdery
appearance, then rub vigorously with dry burlap to remove completely
dried grout. No visible film or grout shall remain after rubbing. Complete
entire cleaning operation for an area the day it is started. Do not leave
grout on overnight.
C. In foundation walls below grade and both sides of pit walls, cut back ties and
spreaders to a depth of approximately 1-1/2 in. Cut back honeycombed
concrete and voids to sound concrete. Cuts shall be to depth of at least 1-1/2 in.
with edges perpendicular to surface.
03300-11 11/17
D. Concrete surfaces not exposed to view may be left "as is." Fill holes resulting
from cutting back of scale pockets, honeycomb, surface voids and the removal
of form wires or spreaders with cement mortar.
A. Measure floor finish tolerances in accordance with ASTM E1155. Individual floor
sections shall be bounded by construction joints, contraction (control) joints, or
column lines that form the smallest sections.
B. Floor Slab Tolerance: After final troweling operation slab shall have a surface
place tolerance not exceeding 1/4 inch in 10 feet when tested with a loft
straightedge, but 1/4 inch shall not be cumulative.
D. Finishes:
A. Concrete shall be sampled and tested for quality control during the placement of
concrete as follows:
03300-12 11/17
2. Slump: ASTM C143; one test for each concrete load at point of
discharge, and one for each set of compressive strength test specimens.
The testing laboratory or Owner's Representative shall have the authority
to reject any concrete that does not have the specified slump.
3. Air Content: ASTM C231, pressure method; one for each set of
compressive strength test specimens.
5. Report test results in writing to the Architect and the Contractor on the
same day that tests are made. Reports of compressive strength tests
shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete
placement, name of Contractor, name of concrete supplier and truck
number, name of concrete testing service, concrete type and class,
location of concrete batch in the structure, design compressive strength
at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive
breaking strength and type of break for both 7-day and 28-day tests.
Furnish copy of each test to local building inspections office at same time
other submittals are made.
03300-13 11/17
03300-14 11/17
B. Related Sections:
B. ASTM International:
03350-1 11/17
B. Design Requirements:
1. New concrete shall be cured for minimum seven days before polishing
shall begin
A. Quality Assurance:
2. Certificates:
physical requirements.
B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit operation and maintenance data for
installed products to include:
2. Protocols and product specifications for joint filing, crack repair and/or
surface repair.
A. Qualifications:
B. Regulatory Requirements.
1. NFSI Test Method 101-A Phase Two Level High Traction Material.
C. Mock-Ups:
1. Environmental requirements.
5. Surface preparation.
7. Cleaning.
B. Delivery:
03350-5 11/17
B. Products/Systems:
03350-6 11/17
A. Ensure surfaces are clean and free of dirt and other foreign matter harmful to
performance of concrete finishing materials.
7. Finish edges of floor finish adjoining other materials in a clean and sharp
A. Polish to higher gloss those areas not meeting specified gloss levels per mock-
A. Mechanically scrub treated floors for seven days with soft to medium pads with
approved cleaning solution.
03350-8 11/17
03350-9 11/17
The contractor shall submit information verifying that the grout exhibits the following:
C. Setting Time: A minimum set time of 60 minutes when tested in accordance with
ASTM C-191.
E. Composition: For column base plates, grout containing metallic particles such as
aluminum powders or iron fillings may be used. For any other applications, the
grout shall not contain metallic particles or expansive cement.
03600-1 11/17
2.03 WATER
A. Drinkable water shall be used in mixing grout. Use the minimum water
necessary for proper installation in accordance with flowability requirements and
manufacturers recommendations for specific applications.
A. Placing: The Contractor shall perform all mixing, grouting, and curing in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Temperature: The temperature of the grouting surfaces and the grout shall be
maintained between 50 degrees F and 90 degrees F during grouting and for a
minimum of 24 hours thereafter.
C. Elimination of Voids: Grout placement shall proceed in a manner that will assure
the filling of all spaces and intimate contact of the grout with contact surfaces.
Grout holes shall be used; location to be approved by Architect/Engineer if not
otherwise detailed.
A. Concrete Surfaces:
1. The concrete on which the grout will bear shall have attained its design
strength before grouting.
2. Concrete shall be sound and all surfaces to be in contact with the grout
shall be entirely free of oil, grease, laitance, curing compounds, and other
deleterious substances.
4. Concrete surfaces shall be washed clean, then saturated with water for
24 hours prior to placement of cement-based grout. Excess water must
be removed prior to grouting.
B. Metal Surfaces: All metal surfaces, which are to be in direct contact with the
grout, shall be thoroughly cleaned to bare metal immediately before grouting.
A. Treat adjacent surfaces and formwork with a bond breaking material to prevent
bonding of excess grout.
03600-2 11/17
B. Mixing equipment, tools and other accessories shall be types approved by the
underlayment manufacturer.
03650-1 11/17
A. Approved Manufacturers:
B. Product Characteristics
6. Flexural Strength per ASTM C348: 770 psi after 1 day, 900 psi after 28
03650-2 11/17
2. Non-porous surfaces such as ceramic tile and quarry tile shall be clean
and free of all wax and sealers.
03650-3 11/17
D. Allow underlayment to dry (per manufacturers tech data sheets) for at least two
(2) hours at 70oF before accepting foot traffic.
E. Do not apply finished floor until underlayment has been in place for at least 16
G. Once application is complete, remove all excess materials, tools, trash and other
debris associated with the work of this Section from the premises and dispose of
legally. Clean adjacent surfaces in order to remove excess material or splatters.
03650-4 11/17