Socrates Theory of Philosophy
Socrates Theory of Philosophy
Socrates Theory of Philosophy
The philosophy is the study of the
fundamental assumptions, methods and goals of something, which could be
science, mathematics, physics, psychology, biology and could be also be
philosophy. From the Geek words philosophy is meaning the love of wisdom. It is
the possibility to understand what is true, by judgmental analysis. And it is gaining
deeper knowledge of field that what study.
Metaphysics - This philosophy study deals with the question concerning ultimate
reality and strives to explain it in its most general terms through its first and most
universal principle. Metaphysics is the investigation of a wide range of themes,
however the themes are waiting without exactly defined answers for center
question of what we are and what our motivation is. The core questions of
metaphysics are Existence and Reality, Empirical and Conceptual Objects and
mind and matter.
Ethics is an entire branch of study, the study of right conduct and moral behavior.
And also it is a code of qualities to guide man's decisions and activities—the
decisions and activities that decide the reason and the course of his life. Ethical
philosophy which applies ethical theories to real life situations and to answer for
problems, which called applied ethics.
Aesthetics - This philosophy study sets forth several theories concerning beauty
and good taste. And aesthetics is both the study of aesthetics objects and of the
particular and subjective responses of perceivers, readers, or gatherings of people
to do artistic creations.
Logic - This philosophy study is concerned with the structure and principles of
correct thinking and right reasoning. And logic seeks to distinguish good
arguments from poor ones.
There are some reasons to study philosophy that will help to increase self-
development and improve the social factors. The reasons can be mention in brief
as, it makes a better thinker and reasoner, it evinces what your values are, and
why you believe what you believe, it guides for prospective.
2. What is psychology?
The psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior in a scientific
manner. The Greek words Psyche and Logos combined into the term psychology.
The psyche means soul and loges sciences. This means the science of soul. The
mind is the center of the soul, and the core of the spiritual body. Therefore
psychology led to meaning of science of mind. And also psychology is defined as
the science of behavior. Behaviors are everything that we do that can be
straightforwardly observed. Mental processes directly to the thoughts, feelings,
and motives that are not straightforwardly observable. Since psychology is a
science, it uses efficient techniques to observe, describe, predict, and explain
Psychology represents the field that deals with the study of the ‘mind’ and
how acquired experiences get expressed within and without the emotional
and physical body. In the analogy of psychology, he defined the dissimilarity
between the fields of psychology and the prior invented philosophy. Wundt
provided a more readable authorization of the mind in a systematic
measurement and organized control. In Wundt's own view, what made his
theories specifically psychological in character, and not physiological or
psychophysical, was their invocation of a psychological form of causality.
He has mentioned that psychology was a part of philosophy. Psychology
was a perspective on consciousness that could be tested through
Consciousness supplies us the aggregate of its quick experience. The more
particular prompt encounters required, to name just the most essential, are
sensations, feelings, thoughts, volitions and, perceptions. None of these are
given in an uncompounded state; they should be preoccupied from the
compound by reflective investigation. The majority of our encounters is
intricate and must be broken down thoughtfully. The best analogy of the
human mind that Wundt gave was that of introspection while describing
reductions. A person’s conscience could be fragmented down to its very
constituents, which would then be built up to a synergy form influencing
The primary goals of psychology are to describe behavior, understand and explain
behavior, predict behavior, control behavior. Psychologists try to understand the
role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the
physiological and neurological processes.
As an example the family organization is the base and the smallest part of
society. Thus it is not amaze that humans could not live devoid of
interaction with each other. And family is an essential condition for human
life to persevere. Family as a society which learn to establish relationships,
both reverent of the authority and respectful the each other as equal the
tolerance of differences in taste, the morals which are necessary for the
enjoyment of placed liberty, the ethics which are essential for morality and
freedom to develop as a community.
A society can be organized as a political structure. All together of expanding
the size and multiplicity, there are parties, tribes, chiefdoms, and state
social orders. These structures may have changing degrees of political
power, contingent upon the social, geological, and recorded conditions that
these social orders must fight with. In this manner, a more disconnected
society with an indistinguishable level of innovation and culture from
different social orders will probably make due than one in nearer nearness
to others that may infringe on their assets. A general public that can't offer
a viable reaction to different social orders it contends with will for the most
part be subsumed into the way of life of the contending society.
Before the comparison we have to know what natural science and social
science are in individually. The natural science might be specified as
scientific ways that deal with the physical universe, the sciences as
physics, chemistry, or biology. Those are studied by performing
observations experiments and predictions.
The social science is academic discipline concerned with the study of the
social life of human being groups, and individuals and human interaction.
Social science on other hand is most interested with those essential
components of culture that decide the general examples of human
conduct. The humanities manage uncommon parts of human culture and
are basically interested with our endeavors to express spiritual and esthetic
values and to find the importance of life. Whereas the social sciences imply
issues in a deliberate, scientific, the concentrate of the humanities is more
on the feelings and emotions themselves than on the framework utilized to
motivate that concentrate. Economics, political science, history,
psychology, law and geography can be viewed as social sciences.
Postmodern society came up after the period of modern era. Modern era is
known as the time period of after the recuperation of World War 2. Which time
period was leading to the globalization. Globalization influenced not only the field
of economy and business but also it has focused on social systems. And Post-
modern society is frequently connected with distinction, division, textuality, and
doubtfulness. Then again, in the event that one partners modernity with the
globalization of capitalism, and acknowledges that this wonder is itself a type of
social and financial government, then post-innovation can be spoken to as having
radical potential in the endeavor to define a defense of distinction.
Solving the answers-less question
Personal idea of reality
Poioumenon technique
Discussion between reality and imagination
The distinction between life and art
Endless deferral of truths
Postmodernism trusts the view that there is no total truth and truth is relative.
Postmodernism attests that truth is not reflected in human comprehension of it,
but rather will be somewhat developed as the mind tries to comprehend its very
own existence. Along these lines, realities and misrepresentation are tradable. For
instance, in traditional work, for example, King Oedipus there is just a single truth
that is "obey your fate". As opposed to traditional work in postmodern work, and
there is no such thing as absolute truth. Everything is relative here. Though
Modernism places confidence in the thoughts, values, convictions, culture, and
standards of the West, Postmodernism rejects Western qualities and convictions
as just a little piece of the human experience and regularly rejects such thoughts,
convictions, culture, and standards. Though Modernism endeavors to uncover
significant truths of experience and life, Postmodernism is suspicious of being
"significant" in light of the fact that such thoughts depend on one specific
Western esteem frameworks. Though Modernism endeavors to discover
profundity and inside importance underneath the surface of items and occasions,
Postmodernism likes to harp on the outside picture and abstains from reaching
determinations or proposing fundamental implications related with the inside of
articles and occasions. Though Modernism concentrated on focal subjects and an
assembled vision in a specific bit of writing, Postmodernism sees human
experience as shaky, inside conflicting, questionable, uncertain, vague,
incomplete, divided, spasmodic, with nobody particular reality conceivable. Along
these lines, it concentrates on a dream of an opposing, divided, questionable,
vague, incomplete world.
there are both pros and cons when it comes to postmodernism. But there are many cons, and it is
important not merely to follow trends among academics or in popular culture.
Some postmodernists do not seem to take logical reasoning seriously, and instead of listening to
reason and arguments, they may tend to focus on relativism and constructivism