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Formative Test English 6 Quarter 1

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Subject: ENGLISH

Grade Level: 6
Quarter: 1

Direction: Listen as the teacher reads the sentences. Analyze and select
the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. My brother likes to _________ his knuckles.
2. The kitten ________ softly.
3. The moth ________ in through the open window.
4. The speeding car ________ right past us.
5. The milkshake was too thick to _______ through a straw, so I asked for a

Direction: Listen as the teacher reads the sentences. Put a check mark (√)
if it shows alliteration and wrong mark (x) if not.
1. Tammy taught the teens to play table tennis.
2. Fred fainted from the frenzied excitement.
3. Steve doesn't eat nutritious food.
4. Wendy wished well thoughts on Wendell.
5. I dropped the locket in the mud.

Direction: Listen as the teacher reads the sentences. Put a check mark (√)
if it shows assonance and wrong mark (x) if not.
1. Men sell the wedding bell.
2. A lively puppy cries for help.
3. Many heads are better than one.
4. There was a fleet of sleeping geese.
5. The cat ran after the mouse.

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Direction: Identify the personification used in each sentence.
Ex. The sun danced across the sky on the hot summer day.
sun – danced
1. Rain gently kissed me on the cheek as I walked home.
2. The thunder clapped angrily in the distance.
3. The last slice of pizza was calling my name.
4. The toys slept on the floor after a long afternoon.
5. The swimming pool was inviting me to jump in.

Direction: Listen to each sentence. Draw a happy face if it shows irony

and sad face if it's not.
1. The name of America’s biggest dog was ‘’Tiny’’.
2. I cannot go to church because I have a theology test to study for.
3. I just posted about how useless facebook is on facebook.
4. I can’t wait to play basketball after school.
5. The chef won't eat his/her own cooking.

Direction: Analyze the sentences. Put a check mark (√) if the sentences a
hyperbole. And wrong mark (x) if it is not.

1. James is growing so fast, soon he’ll be taller than the trees

2. My backpack weighs a ton
3. It is raining extremely hard outside.
4. I am so tired. I could sleep for a year.
5. Megan is the best speaker in the class.

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Direction: Listen to the following sentences. Tell what figure of speech
does it signify .Choose from the word list.
1. Miss Reyes was given a lion-share of the work.
2. The tall grasses bow at me in unison
3. I don’t like to get wet, but I am so glad it has started raining.
4. I made my way to the lake.
5. Susie sells seashells in seashore.

Direction: Recall an unforgettable experience in your life. Share your story

in class and tell how the experience affected your life.

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Direction: Write a 3 line 4 stanza poem about nature using figurative

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Direction: Read each sentence and note the underlined phrase. Choose
from the list the most appropriate idiom. Copy the letter of your

1. As responsible stewards of the earth, we have to make use of our

resources wisely.
a. turn to good account c. turn turtle
b. turn the tables d. turn over a new leaf

2. We wish for luck as we launch our new project to control air pollution in
the metropolis.
a. keep the ball rolling c. keep an eye
b. keep our fingers crossed d. keep an open house

3. After the film viewing about the slash –and burn system, let us discuss
the matter seriously.
a. get nowhere c. get down to business
b. get down immediately d. get a grip

4. The ecological imbalance that we experience is something to think

a. a matter of life and death c. a matter of time
b. a matter of concern d. a matter of opinion

5. The speech of our principal about our active participation in the

cleanliness drive left us in a cheerful mood.
a. high places c. high time
b. high spirits d. high water

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Direction: Read the passage “What Happens When You Catch A Cold”
(Skill Builders p 37)

RUBRICS: Oral Reading

Direction: Write a sentence with a pronoun that agrees with the

antecedent. Underline the pronoun and its antecedent.
Example: man – The man brought his date to the movie.
1. actress –
2. beef or chicken –
3. students
4. Tsunami
5. male athlete

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Direction: Describe the forms and conventions about light of the film


Direction: The words in the word bank are all examples of onomatopoeia.
Select the correct word to complete each sentence being heard.
Zoomed Knock Slurp Purred Crack Fluttered

1. My brother likes to _________ his knuckles.

2. The Kitten ________ softly.
3. I was startled by the loud__________ at the door.

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4. The speeding car ________ right past us.

5. The milkshake was too thick to _______ through a straw, so I asked for a

Direction: Read the poem and enumerate at least 5 words having

alliteration in the poem.

" Betty Botter's Butter"

Betty Botter brought some butter
But she said " this butter's bitter
But a bit of better butter
Will but make my butter better
So she bought some better butter
Better than the bitter butter
And it made her butter better
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter

Direction: Read and analyze the following sentences with sound devices.
Identify the repeated vowel sound in each sentence.

Answer Key
1. The light of the fire is a sight (repetition of the long i sound)
2. Go slow over the road (repetition of the long o sound)
3.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ( repetition of the short e and
long i sounds)
4. Sally sells sea shells beside the seashore ( repetition of the short e and
long e sounds)
5. Try as I might the kite did not fly. ( repetition of the long i sound)

Direction: Read the poem then answer the questions that follow:

'Twas Later When The Summer Went

by: Emily Dickson
'Twas later when the summer went
Then when the cricket came,
And yet we knew that gentle clock
Meant naught but going home
"Twas sooner when the cricket went
Then when the winter came,
Yet that pathetic pendulum
Keeps esoteric term
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1. What consonant sound is being repeated in the poem?
2. On the first line, what word has the consonance ?
3. How many words with consonance in line 4?
4. In which line of the poem where there is no consonance?
5. Give the word with consonance in line 8.

Direction: In 3-4 sentences, answer the question: How will you observe
politeness at all times?

Direction: In 3-4 sentences, answer the question: How will you show
openness to criticism?

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Direction: In 3-4 sentences, answer the question: How will you show
tactfulness when communicating with others?

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Direction: Distinguish words that show personification.

1. The morning air bites our hands and faces.

2. The grasses bow in unison.
3. The headlights of the car knock on me several times.
4. The mango leaves look at me merrily.
5. The leaves whisper their secrets to one another.

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Direction: Relate your experiences during summer vacation for at least
three sentences.

Direction: Pick out the meaning of the idiomatic expressions used in the
_________ 1. Eva is in the pink of health. In fact, she stopped taking
(unhealthy, healthiness, illness)
_________ 2. Mandy has a heart of gold. He always helps the needy.
(helpful, greediness, unkind)
_________ 3. Please keep an eye on the baby. She might fall.
(careful, eyelet, observant )
_________ 4. People of the same feather enjoy each other’s company.

(featherless, similar, unlike).

_________ 5. The victim wants to save his face from the scandal.
(protective, harmful, exposure)

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Direction: Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:

"The Elephant Dance

In the jungle, one fine day,
An elephant went out to play.
A quiet little spot he found,
And there he danced and danced around.

He stomped and made the jungle shake;

He clumped and made the jungle quake.
Such fun it was to dance and grunt,
He called a second elephant.

In the jungle, one fine day.

Two elephants went out to play.
A quiet little spot they found,
And there they danced and danced around.

They stomped and made the jungle shake;

They clumped and made the jungle quake.
Such fun it was to dance and grunt,
They called another elephant.

1. How many pairs of rhyming words are there in the 1st stanza?
2. In the fourth stanza, give the three pairs of rhyming words.
3. Which word in the poem rhymes with the word quake?
Key Answers: 1. day- play, found-around 2. shake, quake, grunt, elephant
3. quake - shake

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Direction: Read the poem. Analyze and answer the questions that follow.

by: Amy LV
Once I dive into these pages.
I may not come out for ages.
Books have powers over me .
Inside a book I am not free.
I am a prisoner in a land.
Of print on paper in my hand.
But do not worry, do not fear.
I am a happy captive here.

1. Give the sound device used in each stanza.

2. What sound device is used in the second stanza? Identify the two
words with similar sound.
3. In the 3rd stanza, what are the two words having final

Direction: Read carefully the poem below. Sketch the image illustrated in
the poem.
City Jungle
by: Pie Corbett

Rain spinters
Lizard cars cruise by;
their radiators grin,
Thin headlights stare-.
Shop doorways keep
their mouths shut
At the roadside
Hundred houses cough.
Newspapers shuffle by,
Hands in their pockets,
The gutter gargles

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A motorbike snarls;
Dustbins flinch.
Streetlights bare
their yellow teeth
The motorway's
cat-black tongue
lashes across
the glistening back


5 - Illustrates poem analysis with clarity
4 - Illustrates poem analysis with considerable clarity
3 - Illustrates poem analysis with some clarity
2 - Illustrates poem analysis with limited clarity
1 - Attempts to illustrate but fail to connect the idea of the poem

Directions: Read carefully the poem below. Analyze the figurative

language used in each stanza then answer the following questions

by Christina Rosette
Does the road wind up-hill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the day's journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend.
But is there for the night a resting-place?
A roof for when the slow dark hours begin.
May not the darkness hide it from my face?
You cannot miss that inn.
Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?
Those who have gone before?
Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?
They will not keep you standing at that door.
Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?
Of labour you shall find the sum.
Will there be beds for me and all who seek?
Yea, beds for all who come
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1. What does the "journey from morn to night" mean in the first stanza?
2. If there are any places along the road, where one can rest?
3. What available resting-place in the inn?
4. What place where rest can be found?

Direction: Read the story below accurately.


Fr. Bel R. San Luis, SVD

In the quiet of the night, a poor elderly woman named Cecilia could be
heard often praying aloud by the man in the next apartment, a professed
atheist. It so happened that, because of a database error in the
computer, her pension check was eight weeks late. With no money to
replenish her cupboard, her food supply ran out, and after she had eaten
the last slice of bread, she knelt down and prayed in a loud voice, “Oh,
Lord, please let there be food for tomorrow, even if it’s just a loaf of

Hearing her prayer through the paper-thin wall, the man in the next
apartment decided to mock her faith. He took a loaf of bread, laid it at
her door, rang the bell, and hurried back to his apartment. He arrived just
in time to hear Cecilia’s prayer of thanksgiving: “Oh Lord, I thank You that
You didn’t fail me.” With a triumphant grin on his face, he went back to
Cecilia’s door, rang the bell, and said to her,“You, silly woman. You think
God answered your prayer, I’m the one who brought you the loaf of
bread.”Cecilia replied, “Praise the Lord! He always helps me in my need
… even if He has to send the devil to answer my prayers.”

5 - Speaks clearly and distinctly all (95-100%) the words are correctly read
4- Speaks clearly and distinctly but mispronounces one or more words
3- Speaks clearly & distinctly but mispronounces several words
2- Often rumbles or cannot be understood and mispronounces several
1- Never attempt to recite

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Directions: Compose a sentence using appropriate plural form of irregular

1. Scissors
2. Pants
3. Ox
4. Woman
5. Mouse

5 -Observes correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence
structure always.
4 - Observes correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence
structure often.
3 - Observes correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence
structure sometimes.
2- Observes correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence
structure rarely.
1- Never observes correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence

Write a 3 line 4 stanza poem about Environment.

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 -Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: Describe the forms and conventions about MOANA? (Blocking)

( Reference: https://m.yuptube.com>watch)

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

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Direction: Watch the video clip attentively and write at least 5
observations on how politeness was being shown. (Reference: " 7 Polite
Things We Wish People Still Di" d https://vimeo.com>tag:politeness)

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: Present a dialogue by group. Be sure to show tactfulness when

communicating with others.

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision"

Direction: Present a picture about looting. Example: Yolanda Tragedy. In

4-5 sentences organize your thought about the picture.

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: Write the sentence number that expresses a hyperbole.

Listening texts: (to be recorded)

1. One day, while Josie who is an overseas worker was washing a

mountain of plates, the phone rang. It was a long distance call from her
town Marilao, Bulacan.
2. In International politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands
so deeply inserted in each other’s pocket that they cannot separately
plunder a third.
3. I am laughing to think that risks you take to try to find money in a desk
by night where the legal owner can never find any by day.
4. The students are noisy that their voices reached halfway around the

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5. Benz received a sack of medals and a bundle of certificates of
recognition during the Awarding Ceremony.

Direction: Listen very carefully, specify which phrase shows ironical


1," Today was a very cold and bitter day,as cold and bitter as a cup of
hot chocolate, if the cup of hot chocolate had vinegar added to it and
were placed in a refrigerator for several hours."
2. " What a pleasant day! It's raining heavily."
3. A man looked out of the window to see the storm intensity. He turned to
his friend and said " wonderful weather we're having!"
4. In Star Wars, the audience know that Darth Vader is Luke's father, but
Luke does not know until episode V.
5. A pilot with a fear of heights.

Direction: Choose one topic listed below and relate an experience

appropriate to the chosen occasion.

1. Fiesta celebration
2. Christmas vacation
3. Your birthday celebration

1.Self-confident Performed 4 criteria = 5
2.Good communicator Performed 2-3 criteria = 4
3.Relate emotionally Performed 0-1 criterion = 3
4.Gives related idea and

Direction: Infer the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions. Write

the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. After a series of achievement tests, Cheska needs a breathing spell.

A. a time to remember C. an ample amount of money

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B. a period of rest D. a room to stay
2. Painting is a labor of love.
A. a poem of love C. a creation for someone
B. a nice picture D. done with inspiration
3. I don’t like fair weather friends.
A. pretty friends C. show great concern
B. only on happy days D. helpful to one in need
4. Our secret is under lock and key.
A. don’t tell anybody C. lock in the cabinet
B. kept inside the box D. allow one to speak
5. Chris has nest egg for his college education.
A. a bird’s egg C. money saved for future
B. collection of eggs D. a book used to study

Direction: Read each selection and determine the tone of the author.
1. The School
by: Donald Barthelme

And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don't know why
they died. They just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe
the stuff we got from the nursery wasn't the best. We complained about
it. So, we got thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to
plant and we've got these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these
little brown sticks, it was depressing.
A. joyful B. unhappy C. humorous D. arrogant

2. A River Runs Through It

by: Anonymous
This was the last fish we were ever to see Paul catch. My father and I
talked about this moment several times later, and whatever our other
feelings, we always felt it fitting that, when we saw him catch his last fish,
we never saw the fish but only the artistry of the fisherman.
A. nervous B. wistful C. admiring D.confused

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3. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
by: Hemingway's

It was very late and everyone had left the café except an old man
who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric
light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the
dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at
night it was quiet and he felt the difference.
A. peaceful B. threatening C. joyful D. disappointed

4. A Tale of Two Cities

by: Charles Dickens
There was a steaming mist in all the hollows, and it had roamed in its
forlornness up the hill like an evil spirit, seeking rest and finding none. A
Clammy and intensely cold mist, it mae it slow way through the air in
ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another, as the
waves of an unwholesome sea might do. It was dense enough to shut
out everything from the light of the coach-lamps but these its own
workings, and a few yards of road: and reck of the labouring houses
steamed into it, as if they had made it all.

A. calm B. guilty C. forceful D. mysterious

5. Charlotte's Web
by: Anonymous
But I feel peaceful. Your success in the rain this morning was to a
small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and
safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. This autumn days will shorten
and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall.
Christmas will come and the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the
beauty of the frozen world, for humane a great deal to Zuckerman and
he will not harm you, ever. Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice
will melt in the pasture pond. The song sparrow will return and sing, the
frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and
sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, Wilbur. This lovely world, these
precious days.

A. happiness B. acceptance C. mysterious D. proud

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Direction: Read each selection. Determine the mood of the author. Write
the letter of the mood that is best expressed in the selection.

1. " What kind of concert? Altos sounding like frogs on a rainy day,
sopranos shrill with impatience. All the money wasted!"
A. disappointed B. guilt C. curiosity D. sadness
2. The crowd stoo in silence, their eyes downcast. A woman broke
the stillness as she spoke.
A. tiredness B. hunger C. fear D. anger
3. "Oh dear, who can it be, I haven't finished my project and it's
already late in the afternoon.
A. lazy B. desperate C. irritated D. lonely
4." Mary failed in all the tests," she cried bitterly. "Mother does not
know what to do."
A. hatred B. fairness C. indifference D. sorrow
5. My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.
A. joy B. fear C. sadness D. sympathy

Direction: Read the following situations and determine the purpose of the
author. Choose your answer from the list in the box.
to inform to explain to entertain to instruct to criticize

1. Typhoon Yolanda hit Tacloban City and left destruction of properties.

2. Don’t throw away these bits of soap remaining in your soap dish
especially if you are living on a shoestring budget. Boil them and put the
hot liquid into a small container and you’ve got a new bar of soap.

3. Rice cakes parties can be funny sometimes. One girl who went to a rice
cake party said, “I burnt every rice bibingka that I baked. “She brought a
package of “bibingka” home and bought cakes with her.

4. The idea of a bus and jeepney stop is a good one. Yellow lines were
marked especially for these areas free years back .But bus and jeepney
drivers still stop where they please and never mind if another driver
mumbles out incentives against him.

5. Filipinos are always ready to entertain people, even strangers. They are
noted for their hospitality.

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Direction: Read aloud and accurately the selection below.

The Carabao and the Cow

Once upon a time the cow and the carabao were very good
friends. They went together on the pasture. One day, they agreed
to go the river to swim. They decided to go early so that they will not be
troubled by the people who go to the river to swim and to wash clothes.
They took off their hides and laid them carefully on the grass. Then, they
jumped into a cool water and enjoyed themselves. They were having fun
swimming that they did not notice the passing of time. Soon, several
women arrived carrying basin and bundles of clothes to wash. With them
were some little boys ready to jump into the water. The carabao and the
cow saw the women so they ran and snatched their hides. In their hurry,
the carabao and the cow exchanged their hides.

5 - Discipline
4 - Articulation and confidence
3 - Variation of Voice
2 - Fluency and accuracy
1 - Facial expression and enunciation

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Direction: Describe the forms and conventions about the moving pictures
“How to draw ?” ( Reference: https://m.youtube.com)

Direction: Watch the video clip carefully and role play the situation where
politeness is observed.(Reference: Video Clip

Rubrics for Pantomime Points

Facial expression Performed the 5 criteria =5
Creativity Performed 3-4 criteria =4
Message Performed 1-2 critera =3
Performed none of the criteria = 2

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Direction: Watch the video clip carefully and role play a dialogue where
tactfulness is shown. (Reference:https://www.mindtools.com>
article >tac…)

Show highest sense of tactfulness = 5 points
Show higher sense of tactfulness = 4 points
Show a high sense of tactfulness = 3 points
Show a little sense of tactfulness = 2 points
Show no sense of tactfulness = 1 point

Direction: Express your reaction from the given situation below.

Situation: Your friend who is pretends to be sick is seen in a disco bar.

Show highest sense of tactfulness = 5 points
Show higher sense of tactfulness = 4 points
Show a high sense of tactfulness = 3 points
Show a little sense of tactfulness = 2 points
Show no sense of tactfulness = 1 point

Direction: Use the following list of verbs to form into a sentence.

1. drank
2. think
3. will stay
4. teaches
5. drive

Direction: Listen and infer the tone of the speaker. Choose your answer
from the list below.
fear sadness merriment boastful revenge astonishment
1. The listeners held their breath as Beethoven played a beautiful piece
on the piano. When the playing stopped, they cried," You are the
master himself. You are Beethoven."

2. The hungry dog circled the master who was too weak to defend
himself. He heard the dog's growl and felt its hot breath against his

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neck. He said, "I better shut my eyes and pray that the attack might be

3. "Grab me? Who? That soft skinned two-legged creature? He doesn't

even have a proper shell to protect himself. All I need to do is stab him
with my sword and that will be the end of him."

4. "The city is different today. Bands are playing here and there. People
are dressed in fancy costumes. There are toy balloons and ice cream
in cups."

5. "Yesterday, the school bus arrived late, so I was not able to attend the
flag ceremony."

Direction: Direction: Infer the mood expected on the following lines.

Choose your answer from the list in the box.
Hatred Anger Revenge Pity Repent Appreciation Proud
(Recorded text)
___1. “Surely no one can be greater than I am, on earth or in heaven”
___2. “I gave him all he has and this is how he repays me, I will punish him
when I sit on my throne”
___3. “Here, beat this fellow and drive him away from the gate”
___4. “It is not safe to have such man free. Give him some straw to lie on
and some breed and water.”
___5. "You have saved many lives my son", he said gravely. “I worked for
the railroad too, what can I offer you as a reward?”

Direction: Listen carefully and infer the speaker's purpose. Choose the
letter of the correct answer from the list below:
A .to inform D. to convince
B. to entertain E. to instruct
C. to criticize F. to explain
1. A healthy change is taking place in today's working world. The
change involves new careers for men and women. More women are
taking jobs that used to be only for men. Also more men are now cooking,
sewing and doing other household chores. People are enjoying their new

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2. Today, women have been winning fame in sports that were formerly
limited to men. Women joggers and marathon runners are now a familiar
sight on roads throughout the country.
3. Rice cakes parties can be funny sometimes. One girl who went to a rice
cake party said, “I burnt every rice bibingka that I baked. “She brought a
package of “bibingka” home and bought cakes with her.
4. The idea of a bus and jeepney stop is a good one. Yellow lines were
marked especially for these areas free years back .But bus and jeepney
drivers still stop where they please and never mind if another driver
mumbles out incentives against him.
5. Puffo bread is the only bread made with peanut butter. Sink your teeth
into a slice of Puffo. Taste that chewy goodness. Get ready to enter a
whole new world of flavor.

Direction: Relate your experience appropriate to a Beach Party.

1.Self-confident Performed 4 criteria = 5
2.Good communicator Performed 2-3 criteria = 4
3.Relate emotionally Performed 0-1 criterion = 3
4.Gives related idea and

Direction: Infer the meaning of some figurative language. Match column

A with Column B. Write the letter only.
A. B.
___1.My mother has a big heart. A. Selfish
___2. He has a heart of stone. B. Commitment
___3. She sings with a heart. C. Jealous
___4. My uncle is a sleeping snake. D. Helpful
___5. My enemy shows crocodile tears. E. Pretend
F. Traitor

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Direction: Infer the meaning of the figurative language in each sentence.
Choose your answer from the parenthesis.

1. My friend loves to play with his frisky kittens.

(careful, boastful, playful )
2. Welda has a heart of gold. He always helps the needy.
(helpful, greediness, unkind)
3. She dreamt of having a maid, a car and a house.
(ambitious, thankful , observant )
4. The snake is a whisper in the grass as it passed us.
(featherless, soundless, movement).
5. The victim wants to save his face from the scandal.
(protective, harmful, exposure)

Direction: Infer the meaning of figurative language with roots in each


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Her hair is as black as the night. The word black in the sentence
A. nice B. dark C. long D. light

2. Tall trees bow in unison. The word unison refers to____.

A. hurriedly B. orderly C. carefully D. simultaneously

3. My flowers were begging for water. What does "begging of water"

A. unwatered B. not bad C. good condition D.healthier

4. Time is money. The word money in the sentence suggests ____.

A. precious B. useless C. spent D. source

5. He swims like a flash. Flash refers to ____.

A. so slow B. quite slower C. a bit faster D. very fast

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Analyze each sentence and choose its meaning. Match A with
B. Write the letter only.

1. Her piercing eyes were as blue A. calm and relaxed
as the deepest ocean B. completely blue
2. The water in the Mediterranean sea C. sharp edged
is as clear as crystal D. slender
3. The old man's beard is as thorny E. completely dead
as a rose bush F. soft and gentle
4. As he never ate much, his arms G. easy to see
were as thin as a rake
5. During the awful, horrifying accident,
he remained as cool as a cucumber.

Direction: Analyze the sentence and choose its meaning .Write the letter

1. Success is a sense of achievement.

. A. a credit for something C.a reinforcement of task
B. a moment of truth D.a responsibility to ignore
2. Time is a thief.
A. A person steals time. C. Time passes quickly
B. A thief preserves his time. D. Golden time is precious.
3. You are the light of my life.
A. gives wisdom C. shines brightly
B. indicates light D. brings joy
4. My friend is in rollercoaster of emotions.
A. experiencing lots of problems C. facing many good deeds
B. feeling so relaxed D. challenging other people
5. Love is a lemon.
A. always nice C. good and right
B. either bitter or sweet D. tasty and yummy

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Direction: Read a story orally with accuracy.


Performed the 5 criteria =5

Facial expressions and
Performed 3-4 criteria =4
Performed 1-2 critera =3
Fluency, accuracy and
automaticity Performed none of the criteria = 2
Variation of Voice
Articulation and

Kyla is happy to be in Grade 5 now. She has so many plans this

school year. She promised to be the best pupil that she could ever be.
She knows that he has to improve her habits if she wants to be better in
school. She plans to manage her time wisely so she can do all the tasks
and responsibilities of a diligent pupil. She also has to be physically fit to
perform different school activities.

One of Kyla's plan is to never sleep late at night. She believes that if
she lacks sleep, she will not be able to focus well on the lessons taught by
the teachers. She will also feel weak and will not be able to participate
actively in class discussions. She promises to study well, read a lot and
always do her assignments. With these in mind, Kyla believes that she is
ready to the new school year.

Direction: Choose the verb that makes the sentence correct. Write the
letter only.

1. Mother _____ vegetables in the market every afternoon.

A. bought B. buy C. buys D. buying

2. Father ______sweet corn in the farm last week.
A. plants B. planted C. planting D. plant
3. Children had _____ much food.
A. eats B. eat C. eaten D. ate

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
4. We____ to Cebu last year.
A. go B. goes C. went D. gone
5. She must be _____ for the report of the committee.
A. prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. prepare

Direction: Describe the forms and conventions about the moving pictures
" How to draw "? EN6VC-Id-5.1.4 (characterization)
( Reference: https://m.youtube.com)

Direction: Watch the video clip carefully and then act politely through a
dialogue . (Reference: Video Clip carlilecommunication
Please refer to the RUBRICS in EN6A-Ic-16

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Watch the video clip carefully and then show tactfulness when
communicating with others.
(Reference:https://www.mindtools.com> article >tac…)

Show highest sense of tactfulness = 5 points

Show higher sense of tactfulness = 4 points
Show a high sense of tactfulness = 3 points
Show a little sense of tactfulness = 2 points
Show no sense of tactfulness = 1 point
Direction: Present a dialogue by group. Be open to criticisms. EN6VC-Id-18
Topic: Your Classmate failed in English Summative Test
5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: Listen carefully. Infer the tone of the speaker in the following
1. "Yes! My aunt has a big gift for my birthday.

2. "Please help me, it's hard for me to take a breath."

3. "At last, I can go home now. The test is over

4. "The city is different today. Bands are playing here and there. People
are dressed in fancy costumes. There are toy balloons and ice cream
in cups."

5. "Yesterday, the school bus arrived late, so I was not able to attend the
flag ceremony."

Direction: Listen carefully. Infer the mood of the speaker in the following
1. Peter had always wanted to have a guitar. When he suddenly
received the finest guitar he had ever seen, what do you think did he
(displeased, happy, sorry )

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
2. Ellen had been poor all her life. How would she feel if somebody told
her that she won the lotto?
(angry, envy , excited)
3. “What a place, “cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs and dust thick
enough to plant potatoes in!
(love, disgust, appreciation)
4. ”Only one peso?” What can I buy with it for three days?
(honest, discontented, curious)
5. ”I’m not ready for this test. Do you think it will be hard?”
( excited, happy, sad)"

Direction: Infer the purpose of the author. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the box.

A..to inform C. to entertain E. to persuade

B. to instruct D. to explain F. to criticize

Direction: Listen to the selection and infer the speaker's purpose

1. Just as we got back to the tree, the sky turned black. We saw a flash of
bright light and then a clap of thunder. We turned to see that a bolt of
lightning found and struck our bikes.

2. Today, women have been winning fame in sports that were formerly
limited to men. Women joggers and marathon runners are now a
familiar sight on roads throughout the country

3. "No Smoking" policy is strictly implemented in the city in order to keep

the people healthy. But, sad to note that there are still those who
smoke in public such as in the park and mall.

4. Mr. Pulido watched smoky dust rise from the entry of the crack on
earth. A volcano was forming right before his eyes. Within just 24 hours,
material from the chamber's interior had created a cone 164 feet high!

5. To understand everything from cells to outer space requires math. It is

math that enables us to measure, compute and identify patterns. You
need math skills to use money, follow sports and even read music!
Learning math is an important skill you will need the rest of your life.
Don't you agree?

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Select the meaning of the underlined figurative language. Write
the letter of the correct answer.
1. The scarlet flowers were a bush fire covering the hillside.

a. very hot
b. destructive
c. bright and colorful
d. burning
2. My mother is a cradle of the family.
a. swings to and from
b. loving and caring
c. cooks and washes
d. works everyday
3. The dark cave entrance is ready to swallow up.
a. is a round opening
b. small and pointed
c. has teeth
d. can talk
4. Clouds are white sheep grazing on a blue hill.
a. Clouds are white animal that look like sheep.
b. Clouds are white and skies are blue.
c. Some clouds in the sky look wooly.
d. Clouds can be made into sheep.
5. The freight train was a rumble of thunder as it roared by us.
a. very long
b. making loud noise
c. flashing light
d. reigning

Direction: Infer the meaning of the underlined figurative language in each

sentence. Choose your answer from the parenthesis.

1. Sofia has a heart of gold. He always helps the needy.

(helpful, greediness, unkind)
2. My aunt left the house with heavy heart.
( happy, sad , fear)
3. A reptile is a whisper in the grass as it passed us.

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
(featherless, soundless, graceful).
4. The victim wants to save his face from the scandal.
(protective, harmful, exposure)
5. Kim Chiu is as slim as a beanpole.
(beautiful , very slender, kind )

Direction: Infer the meaning of figurative language. Choose your answer

from the list in the box.
1. Feel blue
2. Go with the flow flexible original sleepy
3. Fade off to bed sadness flowery cheerful
4. Bubbly personality
5. Fresh as a daisy

Direction: Analyze the following statement and choose its meaning from
list in the box.

1. Her eyes were fireflies. I saw a fish drowning.

2. Your suitcase weighs a ton.
3. My grandmother will continue dancing till the world ends.
4. I ate the whole cow.
5. The show made the audience for miles.
entertaining dancer heavy
voracious twinkling

Direction: Analyze the underlying meaning of the following ironies and

choose your answer from the box.
1. I saw a fish drowning.
2. The perfume is as pleasant as a tooth canal.
3. This steel is as tender as a cotton.
4. The waether her is as sunny as a winter day in Alaska.
5. Luisa exclaimed, ""Oh great!"", She failed in her exam.
metal is hard failures make us sad
tooth canal is unpleasant fish lives in water
winter day is not sunny

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Read the story “The Tale of the White Squash” (Refer to English
For All Times Reading 6, pp.48-50).Read the story with
automaticity and facial expression, accuracy and fluency.


Performed the 5 criteria =5

1. Facial expressions
Performed 3-4 criteria =4
and enunciations
Performed 1-2 critera =3
2. Fluency, accuracy
and automaticity Performed none of the criteria = 2
3. Variation of Voice
4. Articulation and
5. Discipline

Direction: Compose/ Write clear and coherent sentences using the

following modals
1. can
2. might
3. be able to
4. could
5. used to

Direction: Show a video clip then interpret the message through Role
playing. "Inspirational video for students:wmv (Reference:
Rubrics for Role Play
1 2 3 4 5
Relevance to the
given topic
The role of each
character is well-
Total Score
… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Listen carefully. Infer the tone of the speaker in the following
statements. Choose the correct answer inside the box.
sadness relief begging
amazement sadness

1. My aunt has a big gift for my birthday.

2. " Please help me, it's hard for me to take a breath."
3." At last, I can go home now. The test is over.
4. "The city is different today. Bands are playing here and there. People
are dressed in fancy costumes. There are toy balloons and ice cream in
5. " Yesterday, the school bus arrived late, so I was not able to attend the
flag ceremony."

Direction: Listen to the selection and identify the speaker's mode.

1. The crowd stood in silence, their eyes downcast. A woman’s voice

broke the stillness as the evil Wang San started to talk.
a. anger b. weariness c. fear d. peace
2. “Only one peso?” What can I buy with it these days!
a. honestly b. discontent c. curiosity d. appreciation
3. The boys savagely attacked the wood before him. The last piece was
big and hard. In a last tremendous swing, he put every ounce of
energy in his arms and brought down the ax. The blade cut through
the middle of the wood and sank into the soft earth beneath it.
a. satisfaction b. helplessness c. disappoint d. alarm
4. “Away, away” the rider was shouting. Do your peasants think that the
whole w world belongs to you?
a. courtesy b. hope c. scorn d. joy
5. When I was yet a boy without a father, you took me in and gave me
food and happiness. In my eyes and by custom, you are now my
mother. It is for me to obey you always.
a. vengeance b. affection c. passion d. cruelty

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a euphemism for a bathroom?

a. little girl’s room c. restroom
c. washroom d. powder room

2. Which of the following word is a euphemism?

a. passed away
b. jail
c. disabled
d. gercocide

3. Consider the ff. quote from Lago in William Shakespeare Othelllo I am

one Sir that comes to tell you, your daughter and the moor are now
making the beast with two backs. What do you think ‘’making beast
with two backs’’ is a euphemism for?
a. Cooking a pig roast c. Walking their two dogs
b. Having sexual intercourse d. Finding a safe place

4. Choose the correct euphemism definition from the following

a. An offensive in language
b. A vulgar term that is meant to offend the audience
c. Using direct speech that describes something literally
d. A blood or inoffensive way of talking about something taboo.

5. “Passed away’’ no longer with us, and ‘kick the bucket ‘are all
euphemism for?
a. going to the bathroom
b. death
c. profanity
d. killing

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Read the passage then answer the questions.

Direction: Write clear and coherent sentences with a pronoun that agrees
with the number using the following antecedents.
1. a lawyer –
2. doctors
3. several people
4. You and your friend
5. three babies

Example: man – The man brought his date to the movie.

1. actress –
2. beef –

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
3. students
4. Tsunami
5. male athlete

Direction: Write clear and coherent sentences using subjective,

objective and possessive pronouns listed below.

1. mine
2. it
3. they
4. ourselves
5. I

Direction: Write a sentence with a pronoun that agrees with the

antecedent. Underline the pronoun and its antecedent.

Example: man – The man brought his date to the movie.

1. actress –
2. alumna –
3. students
4. waiters-
5. male athlete

Direction: Read the story “Thumbelina”

5- Communicates information and ideas with clarity
4- Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity
3- Communicates information and ideas with some clarity
2- Communicates information and ideas with limited clarity
1-Presents orally using correct pronunciation and intonation and body
language and other non-verbal clues, to clarify and enhance a message

Direction: Write a sentence with a pronoun that agrees with the

antecedent. Underline the pronoun and its antecedent.

Example: The actress delivers her script very well.

1. Pupils
2. House

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
3. Rizal Park
4. Father
5. Basketball female player

Direction: Watch the video ""Frozen"". Describe the setting of the movie.

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: In 3-4 sentences, Create a dialogue showing politeness at

5 - Organize ideas logically and precisely
4 - Organize ideas somewhat logically and precisely
3 - Organize ideas a little logically lacking in precision
2 - Organize ideas very little logically and lacking in precision
1 - Organize ideas with no logic nor precision

Direction: Read the selection very carefully. Evaluate and write the
elements of a plot.
The Fox in the Well

One day, a wise fox slipped accidentally into a well and he could not get
out of it. By and by, a goat came by and wondered why the fox was in
the well. The fox answered, “I am drinking some water. It tastes good.
Would you like some?”

The goat felt thirsty, so without thinking, he jumped into the well and
drank. Then he asked how they could get out of the well. The fox said,
“Simple, I’ll climb on your back and jump out. Then I’ll be able to help you

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
The goat did as the fox suggested. The fox was also able to get out
of the well. Sensing the fox was about to leave, the goat shouted, “Hey
you promised to get me out of here!” But the fox merely laughed and
said, “You foolish goat. You should have used your head! Look before you

Rising Falling
Action Action

Expositio Resolutio
n n

Direction: Read the text fluently and correctly.

Rubrics for Oral Reading Fluency Points
1. Have read 126- 135 correct words in a minute. 5
2. Have read 101-125 correct words in a minute. 4
3. Have read 60-100 correct words in a minute. 3
4.Have read 59- below correct words in a minute. 2

“Nature’s Gift: WATER”

(Oral Reading Text)
Water is essential to human life. Man uses water for drinking and for
cleaning himself, his food, and the things he uses. With water, man is able
to keep his home safe and clean.
Water is important to plants. In fact, it is their livelihood. It is present
in all of their parts, from the roots to the tops of the leaves. Water
combines with carbon dioxide from the air to make food for plants. To
grow, plant tissues require the right amount of moisture at the right time.
Without enough water, plants wither and die. This usually happens during
hot weather. Water also serves as the food carrier to the various parts of
the plant. In their green state, common plant cells contain approximately
from 70% to 80% water. Soil on the other hand, may have only 20% water.
Farmers use water for their farms. As a general rule, the amount of
the effects of either inadequate or excessive water is poor harvest poor
yield also means less profit. Seedlings and crops will die without adequate
water supply. Farmers also suffer from loss when there is an oversupply of
water such as during floods. If a farmer can have just enough water for his
… where empowered school heads produce great schools
farm, neither too much nor too little, he can be sure to have the
highest possible yield.
Another important use of water is the production of electronic
power needed by factories and homes. To generate electricity, man uses
water to turn a turbine. Turbine is a kind of water well upon which water
falls.Faaling water exerts a force and used to run electric power plants.

Source: Sample Lesson Plans in English 6, page 123 ( jm OLARIO


Direction: Use appropriate verb to compose clear and coherent

sentences. Choose your answer from the list. EN6G-Ih-3.9

1. Strong typhoon____the whole region VI.

dissolve dissolves 2. He ____ a quite long speech.
3. Bees ____ in fertilizing flowers.
affect affects
4. Rain ____ some salt on the land.
5. The barrio folks ____delicious meal
deliver delivers
for the visitors.
help helps

prepare prepares

Direction: Describe the different forms and conventions of film and

moving pictures. (Present a movie/video)

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Use correct words and Accomplished the 5 components = 5

Grammatically Correct
Accomplished 3-4 components = 4
Shares and gives exact
Accomplished 1-2 components = 3
Express with self confidence

No accomplishment at all = 2
Gives a brief description

Direction: Watch the video clip, then identify expressions that shows



1 mistake to perfect performance = 5 points

2 - 3 mistakes in performance = 4 points

4 -5 mistakes in performance = 3 points

More than 5 mistakes = 2 points

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Complete the table for the story “The Emperor’s Seed”.




Plot Middle



Direction: Read a story orally and correctly. (Provide the story)

Rubrics for Oral Reading Fluency Points

1. Have read 126- 135 correct words in a minute. 5
2. Have read 101-125 correct words in a minute. 4
3. Have read 60-100 correct words in a minute. 3
4.Have read 59- below correct words in a minute. 2

Direction: Compose a sentence using the following subject and verb.

1. plants - need
2. raindrops - keep
3. an infant - cries
4. athletes - wear
5. cellphone – costs

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: List five situations showing politeness to others.

Direction: Read a "Parable of the Prodigal Son" with correct pronunciation

of words. Set timer to identify the speed of reading Refer to
Grade 5 LM p 121)

Rubrics for Oral Reading Fluency

Number of words read per
135 and above 5
120 - 134 4
110 - 119 3
100 - 109 2
99 below 1

Direction: Formulate a sentence using the following subjects and verbs.

1. checks
2. accepts
3. waters
4. cleans
5. works

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Watch the video clips carefully then analyze the age and
gender of the main character in the video. "Inspirational video
for students:wmv (Reference: https://m.youtube.com ) (RUBRICS
will be utilized in rating )

Direction: Watch the video clips carefully then analyze the race and
nationality of the main character in the video. "Inspirational
video for students:wmv (Reference: https://m.youtube.com )
(RUBRICS will be utilized in rating)

Direction: Select one video clip shown and analyze the character by
making a character portfolio.

Character Profile:
Story Title:
Name of Character:
Race/ Nationality:
What I like about him/her:
What I dislike about him/her:

Direction: Watch the video clips carefully then analyze the setting used in
the video. "Inspirational video for students: wmv (Reference:
https://m.youtube.com) (RUBRICS will be utilized in rating)

Direction: Watch the video carefully then observe the behavior of the
pupils. List down at least 5 observations of pupils’ politeness.

Reference https://vimeo.com>tag:politeness)

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Direction: Using the story "The Parable of the Prodigal Son", show your
tactfulness in communicating others through role playing.

Show highest sense of tactfulness = 5 points
Show higher sense of tactfulness = 4 points
Show a sense of tactfullness = 3 points

Direction: Based on the story "The Parable of the Prodigal Son", show your
openness to criticism through role playing.

Show highest sense of openness to criticism = 5 points
Show higher sense of openness to criticism = 4 points
Show a sense of openness to criticism = 3 points

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
KEY ANSWERS Grade 6 Quarter 1

Analyze sound devices (onomatopoeia) EN6LC-1a-2.3.1

1. knock 2. purred 3. fluttered 4. zoomed 5. Slurp

Analyze sound devices (alliteration) EN6LC-1a-2.3.3

1. √ 2. √ 3. x 4. √ 5. X

Analyze sound devices(assonance) EN6LC-1a-2.3.2

1. √ 2. x 3. x 4. √ 5. √

Analyze sound devices (personification) EN6LC-1a-2.3.6

1. rain-kissed 2. thunder-clapped 3. pizza-was calling 4. toys-slept
5. swimming pool-was inviting

Analyze sound devices (irony) EN6LC-1a-2.3.8

Key Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Analyze sound devices (hyperbole) EN6LC-1a-2.3.7

1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. X

Analyze sound devices (Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance,Irony

and Hyperbole) EN6LC-1a-2.3.1,2.3.3, 2.3.2 , 2.3.6,2.3.8, 2.3.7
1. hyperbole 2. personification 3. irony 4. assonance 5. personification

Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using context clues EN6V-1a-

Key Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. B

Analyze sound devices (Onomatopoeia) EN6RC-Ia--2.3.1

Key Answers: 1. crack 2. purred 3. knock 4. zoomed
5. slurp

Analyze sound devices (Personification) in a text heard EN6LC-1b-2.3.6

Key Answers: 1. morning air bites 2. grasses bow 3. headlights of car
knock 4. mango leaves look at me 5. leaves whisper

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using affixes EN6V-1b-
Key Answers: 1. healthiness 2. helpful 3. observant 4. similar
5. Protective

Analyze poem with 4 or more stanzas in terms of its elements (rhymes)

EN6RC-1b-6.1 -
Key Answers: 1. 2, ( day- play, found-around 2. shake, quake,
grunt, elephant 3. quake – shake

Analyze poem with 4 or more stanzas in terms of its elements

(figurative language) EN6RC-1b-6.4
Key Answers: 1. it takes too long 2. up hill 3. a roof 4. a 5. Bed

Analyze sound devices (hyperbole) EN6LC-Ic-2.3.7

Key Answers: 1, 4, 5

Determine the tone of the author EN6RC-Ic-6.5

Key Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. a

Determine the mood of the author EN6RC- Ic 6.6

Key Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. A

Determine the purpose of the author. EN6RC-Ic 6.7

Key Answers: 1. to inform 2. to instruct 3. to entertain 4. to
criticize 5. to explain

Infer the speakers tone EN6LC-1d-2.11.1

Key Answers: 1. astonished 2. revenge 3. boastful
4. meriment 5. Sadness

Infer the speakers mood EN6LC-1d-2.11.2

Key Answers: 1. proud 2. revenge 3. anger
4. pity 5. Appreciation

Infer meaning of figurative language using: -

Context clues EN6V-1d-12.3.2
Key Answers: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. f 5. E

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Infer meaning of figurative language using:
- Affixes EN6V-1d-
Key Answers: 1. playful 2. helpful 3. ambitious 4. soundless
5. protective

Infer meaning of figurative language using:

- Roots EN6V-Id-
Key Answers: 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. D

Analyze figure of speech (Simile) EN 6RC- Id-6.8

Key Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. F

Analyze figure of speech. ( Metaphor) EN6RC-1d-6.9

Key Answers: 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B

Compose clean and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical

structures : - Aspects of Verb EN6G-1d-3.3
Key Answers: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

Infer the speaker’s tone ENGLC-Ie-2.11.1

Key Answers: 1. joy 2. surviving for life 3. contented 4. feastive
5. disappointment

Infer the speaker’s mood ENGLC-Ie-2.11.2

Key Answers: 1. happy 2. excited 3. disgust 4. discontented 5. Sad

Infer the speaker’s purpose. ENGLC-Ie-2.11.3

Key Answers: 1. A 2. C 3. F 4. D 5. B

Infer the meaning of figurative language using:

-context clues -affixes and roots -other strategies
Key Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. B

Infer the meaning of figurative language using:

-other strategies EN6V-Ie-
Key Answers: 1. sadness 2. flexible 3. sleepy 4. cheerful 5. Original

… where empowered school heads produce great schools
Analyze figures of speech (hyperbole) ENGRC-Ie-6.10
Key Answers: 1. twinkling 2. heavy 3. dancer 4. voracious
5. entertaining

Infer the speaker's tone EN6LC-If-2.11.1

Key Answers: 1. happiness 2. begging 3. relief 4. amazement
5. sadness

Infer the speaker’s mood EN6LC-1f -2.11.2

Key Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. B

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical

structures: -
Subject-verb agreement EN6G-Ih-3.9
Key Answers: 1. affects 2. delivers 3. help 4. dissolves
5. prepare

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